Answered Prayers from the Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena – 2015

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Sacred Heart Novena PrayersThank you for joining us in praying the Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena!

We hope it was fruitful for you!

If any of your prayers were answered while praying this novena with us, please share that below — all for the glory of God!

It is always inspiring to hear bout answered prayers & how God is working through these novenas.

It is such an incredible reminder of the power of prayer — that God is listening and He is working in our lives!

You can read through hundreds of answered prayers from past novenas here:


Answered Prayers from the Pentecost Novena – 2015

Answered Prayers from the Mary, Undoer of Knots Novena – 2015

Answered Prayers from the Divine Mercy Novena – 2015

However, for every answered prayer we share, we know there are at least as many unanswered prayers — if not more; and we know that unanswered prayers can be discouraging.

But we don’t want you to lose hope, or to stop praying.

In fact, many of the Saints that we ask for intercession are great examples that we should persist in our prayers, and keep our faith strong. St. Monica, for example, prayed for nearly two decades before her prayers were completely answered.

Now, if you have had some prayers go seemingly unanswered (you’re not alone), and you’ve been asking yourself, “Should I just stop praying?” — here’s a post I wrote that may be able to help:

Unanswered Prayers

Thank you for joining us in prayer!

We are praying for you.

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  1. My prayers to pass an interview were answered. Thank you sacre heart of Jesus. I thank God for unanswered prayers as well.

  2. I prayed that my son with severe disabilities would be able to receive his first Holy Communion reverently (and not choke and yell) and he did receive beautifully at age 12 last Thursday at daily Mass. He was radiant!
    I also prayed for a short and easy labor for my daughter in law’s planned home birth and a healthy baby. Baby was born on the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus peacefully in less than 5 hours at home and is beautiful and healthy. Praise be Jesus Christ, now and forever!

  3. Until now I’m still waiting for the God’s grace, but I don’t want to give up. Thank you for your prayers.

  4. I had been praying this novena for job . now I got one job offer, but still I want to get a good offer, which I am looking for, so I requesting to u all please pray for me,

  5. My business has been on the downward spiral for almost a year. I was not receiving new business and the current business was increasingly difficult to service as I was distracted by the growing financial issues. Since I started praying the novenas with you (this is my 4th) and especially the Undoer of Knots Rosary novena, I started receiving renewed interest in my services. I had not experienced this for almost a year! When I was almost finishing the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus – this week is just amazing. Every day for the last 4 working days I receive urgent request for my services! I think I have 6 proposals lined up. And they want to pay immediately! My full year debts are going to be paid off by these offers! I will certainly repeat this novena on my own, and eagerly await the next novena. May God bless you all.

  6. Peace be with you; Thank you to God, Jesus, Holy Spirit, Mary, Michael, Angels and Saints and prayer partners, for grace of knowing, ability to make novena, graces of prayer and tithing and other things known and unknown; have not had the effect or affect that I hope for yet but expect mine and your miracle’s will come. thanks praise glory to God, God bless you…in name of Jesus Christ, amen.

  7. My husband started his own business over a year ago, as he didn’t want to work in the corporate world anymore. The business was off to a very slow start, and we were struggling financially. Before we even finished the Novena to the Sacred Heart, things started to pick up. Now, they seem to be getting better as each day passes. As we were saying the Novena, there was a sense of His presence and a calmness came over us! Thank you, Jesus, for your blessings!

  8. Thank you Sacred Heart of Jesus for answering one of my prayers. My husband got a job. Thank you also everyone that prayed for me . I will continue to keep you all in prayer and daily rosary. I will continue to pray that our home does not get foreclosed upon. Thank you Lord for my daily blessings.

  9. 1 of my prayers was answered, Prayed that my husband would get a job and the Lord heard me. Thank you God for the blessing of a job for my husband. !!! Thank you everyone for praying with me. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers. Will continue to pray that we don’t go into home foreclosure.

  10. While praying the Novena I asked for my daughter to have a safe delivery and a healthy baby. Before the Novena was over she delivered a beautiful healthy baby girl . Most Sacred Heart of Jesus….Pray for us !!

  11. My prayers were answered jut about the fourth day of the Novena, I continued on giving thanks until the end of the Novena. I prayers for a financial victory or financial breakthrough and what I got came as a miracle for me, I signed on the dotted lines today and got a loan with payments that I can manage and still be able to save a little, thank you Jesus

  12. I was facing such vindictiveness from my bosses at work who decided to ostracize me because I would not condone to certain untoward practices. They began to isolate me and work with my subordinates. Suddenly everything that could go wrong for them and the organization started to go wrong. Now the roles have reversed and they want me to be in on everything. I can only say God is a Magnificent God – All Powerful, Omniscient and Omnipotent! Thank you Jesus who through Your Most Sacred Heart shows us love beyond comprehension! Thank you Mother Mary for your holy intercession through the Immaculate Heart! Thanks to you all for your timely prayers.

  13. Thank you O Sacred Heart of Jesus & Mary & Joseph, and all the praying community. Just before Novena began my dad took a mild stroke & was hospitalised. He kept getting better all thru Novena and by the finish he is now making a good recovery. O thank you Sacret Heart of Jesus, I always place all my trust in you. God bless you all with special mention to JohnPaul & Annie. Prayers ARE heard!! Alleluia.

  14. Thank the Lord for my new job. I have been unemployed for almost two months. I prayed this novena and the Lord answered my prayer

  15. I prayed that my niece would get a good full time job and she did.
    She starts on July 1st. God is great. I thank him every day.

  16. been praying for a potpourri of things and we have successfully sold a property we have been trying to sell. also for peace which beats my understanding. thanking God for all answered prayers and for those yet to be answered for us all in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the HOLY SPIRIT AMEN. thank you all.

  17. I prayed for my son to be healed of addiction. He returned home yesterday from 80 days of treatment. He is much happier and God has blessed him with money he need for registration fees. God also blessed him with cheaper fees. God is so good. A family friend has found a job for him close to his home.

  18. My intentions for the last novena to the Sacred Heart were for three sick (or potentially sick) people. I have not heard of the status of one of these individuals yet, but the dear Lord answered my prayers on behalf of the other two: a relative came through surgery with NO signs of cancer (a possibility we had been urged to strongly prepare for) and a coworker received an “all clear” from test results for cancer. These are significant blessings and I am so grateful to our good God.

  19. Prayers for daughter and family (health & healing of marriage) answered in myriad ways! Sacred Heart of Jesus & Mary undoer of knots! Wow! St. Anthony & St. Joseph also very powerful!!! Thanks be to God! & all in this family of prayer warriors….thanks to all!

  20. After a year and a half my brother-in-law finally got a job after my sister and I prayed this novena for him. Thank You Sacred Heart of Jesus!

  21. My prayer intention was for a special outcome for my son who
    is in prison. Everyone told me it was impossible to have what
    I was praying for. Jesus granted my request and I treat this as
    my miracle. Many people were also praying for this outcome.
    Praise be the name of Jesus. Amen.

  22. Praying that the CAT scan would show cancer has not spread. Just got the word that all is clear! Thank you, my God!

  23. I prayed for my sister – who is far away – and I just found out she is coming to visit me..

    I know Jesus did this — I know it was through the Novena…

    Thank you Lord – for all you do for us, help us to be grateful every day for your great Love and forgive us for our incredible selfishness in this hedonistic, relativistic, consumeristic world.

    Protect us and our families.. and bless John Paul and Annie
    for beginning this wonderful on line prayer Ministry to honor your most Holy Name …

  24. My prayer answered
    3 years ago i was diagnose with Arthritis on my right leg and on 09.06.15 i went to see my doctor and all the X ray pictures where showing no arthritis am healed and its one week now since i last took my medicine. and am feeling so good….
    Thank you to every member of this group for praying with me these novenas. They are very helpful.
    God Bless you all

  25. I prayed the Sacred Heart Novena, Pentecost Novena and the Divine Mercy Novena for the sale of our House. On Day 5 of the Sacred Heart Novena we received an offer for our house which we accepted. So far, the sale is going through ! Thank You Jesus and Our Lady and all the Saints, Thank You. Persistent prayer works. Last year I prayed Novenas for my husband that he would find a job, after 11 months of praying, he got a job two days before Christmas. Our Lord will never let you down , keep believing in His Goodness. Keep praying.

  26. I don’t usually believe God works fast. I prayed for my marriage. We have had issues since 2003. First few days I prayed I didn’t see anything different, suddenly I was fed up and decided to file for divorce. I was very serious, I had all the motives in the world. I found out my husband is a sex addict, all the infidelities were due to this. For years this has been the root of our problems and for years he had not done anything about it. In my mind this was abuse I simply wouldn’t take anymore. We had our first couples therapy during this novena, I lashed out at him. I was going to file for divorce yesterday. I even thought God was on my side, all last weeks Gospels comforted me. Until Sunday came! A priests homily touched my heart. The right thing was to reconcile. On Saturday I had one of the best confessions of my life, I had decided to forgive my husband and move on. God has healed me and somehow my husband is not the same at all, what he went through changed him. Our reconciliation has been by far the most intense we have ever experienced. I have no words to explain this. Mary undid this knot. Jesus’ love mended it. We will continue couples therapy. I put my trust in Jesus, I believe He loves me in everything. Once you believe, great things happen. I don’t know why.
    Now I have to tell my family the divorce is off!
    Gods grace is enough.
    Thank you all for your prayers. I believe in novenas now!

  27. My marriage cannot be better! my family have great jobs everybody is in peace and healthy! Praise the Sacred Heart of Jesus!
    I trust in you!!!

  28. I’ve been praying that my son would find a job that he has dreamed of and he found out during the novena that he got it and starts on June 29th. I’ve prayed that my daughter would find an internship in Houston and she did and is living there this Summer and enjoying it. I prayed that my dad would continue winning his battle with cancer and he is receiving positive results from the chemo. My last prayer was for my husband and that he find happiness in his work and would learn how to be more prayerful and rely on God instead of stressing so much. I see an improvement in him but he is not yet there so prayers are still needed for him.
    Thank you for sharing the Sacred Heart of Jesus novena. It has helped me on my journey to finding peace with Jesus as a part of my life.

  29. God is good all the time I’ve been trusting him for more hours for , I’ve been doing part time (24 hours) during this novena God answered my prayers I’ve been blessed with more hours. Thanks to everyone who helped me to pray.

  30. My nephew had appeared for an important exam and it was very difficult for him. I prayed that he would pass and he did! I wish to thank the Sacred Heart of Jesus for granting us this favour

    My other prayer has remained unanswered for many years. I hope to get a favourable answer soon.

    Thank you Jesus!

  31. I prayed this novena for my daughter-in-law to find a job. She has been looking for a job for the past 8 months and on Wednesday she had a job interview, on Thursday a 2nd interview and on Friday, Feast Day of the Sacred Heart, she was offered the job and starts tomorrow! Thanks be to God!

  32. I have been praying for my son, daughter and son in law to obtain job, my son was called for an interview on the feast of Sacred Heart of Jesus and is awaiting for the offer, my daughter was offered a much better job on the day of the feast. My son in law also awaiting for the offer. Thanks be to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We praise you and glorify you Lord for all the graces you have showered on my family.

  33. Hello everyone

    I am kind of very private so testimonies has not really been my thing.
    But today as I was reading others I felt the Holy Spirit asking me to share.
    I have been out of job for a while now 3years precisely. After this novena I got a confirmation that I am starting a job in July and I am on the road back with my finance. Thank You master Jesus

  34. During the course of this novena, I was offered d job I prayed about! And I was even posted to the exact establishment I prayed about!! I bless God for answered prayers and ask him to bless John-Paul and Annie beyond their expectations!! Amen!!

  35. My dad, a cancer survivor, had received news that they saw something on his yearly scan and needed to do further testing to see if the cancer was back.

    My husband and I, and friends/family received this news the day before the novena began. I posted our intention on this wall. We then began praying for him during the novena. A couple of days later, we were informed that the office had scheduled his further imaging for… the Feast Day itself! ….He found out today it is NEGATIVE for cancer.

    Prayers of thanksgiving for this!!!

  36. My lord and our lady saved me and my household from fire incidence during the sacred heart novena .All praises be to him. Amen!!

  37. As a part of the novena, I asked for a way for my grandchildren to stay in the Catholic school they were attending. During the novena, they received a very large voucher which will enable all 3 of them to stay in their nurturing, religious environment. They were so happy. I feel so blessed with the outcome because I really could not help them financially.

  38. Our daughter is going thru a divorce after 20 years of verbal and emotional abuse. She had been working part time so she was available to run the two grandkids to their sports and activities. She and I had prayed this together , long distance , and she was offered a full time job. Praise God and thank you Mother Mary for your constant intercession.

  39. My disability income was approved. As well as my health insurance. Thank you Jesus for answered prayers.

  40. I have been praying for a better relationship with our son & family & more communication. During the 9 day novena I received a text with a picture of our 2 grandchildren during their beach vacation.God is good. I continue to pray that this will be the start of more calls, texts or emails.

  41. We have had our home & other building for sale for a while now. There is someone that is interested, he says, but he is waiting for the closing of his house, I guess. At least that’s more than what other people have said. Now, Dearest Holy Ones, please allow their closing to happen. Amen

  42. I was praying for my brother who was admitted in the hospital for an operation. By grace of Sacred heart of JESUS listen my prayers and blessed him. He now OK.
    Praise the Lord

  43. I prayed that my husband would find employment. During the novena a former co-worker from years ago called him to see if he would be interested in working for his new company. He interviewed on Thursday and was hired on Saturday. Prayers answered!

  44. I was praying for a couple of different petitions, one of them was for my son who was without a job for a couple of months and they have four children. He had applied for several jobs. About 10 minutes after I finished the last day of the novena, my son texted me and said, “Good news, I got the job I really wanted!” THANK YOU JESUS!

  45. Thank You, praying to Sacred Heart Novena my daughter difficult pregnancy with Fibroid she been feeling better Thanks to GOD.

  46. Me and my wife has been trying and praying for a baby. It was our major prayer request during this last novena to The Sacred Heart of Jesus. Today our pregnancy test came back positive . we thank Sacred Heart of Jesus for answered prayer.

  47. At the start of this Novena my mother was diagnosed with colon cancer. The tumor was removed and we waited for the pathology report. Every morning I went straight to my email and prayed. Last night the doctor called, my mom’s cancer was successfully removed, it did not spread. God is good!

  48. I religiously pray the Novena to the Sacred Heart dailyfor many of my family and friends, especially for my husband who recently had double by-pass surgery — struggling with high blood pressure, continued chest pain and swelling of his lower legs and ankles. Through the Sacred Heart of Jesus and many, many prayers through the intercession of His Holy and Blessed angels and saints, my husband’s blood pressure is much better and his swelling is down. Jesus helped me through my uterine cancer treatment and with His many, many blessings I am now in remission. All praise to Jesus, His Blessed Mother Mary and all His Holy and Blessed Angels and Saints. Thank you Lord Jesus — God is So Good:)

  49. My son was recently diagnosed with ADHD and dyslexia after several years of struggle in school. Prior to the diagnosis, we had decided to send him to sports camp last week. There were huge sections about behavior and what would be grounds for dismissal. We were very concerned about his hyperactivity, but this was a huge opportunity for him to learn and practice his favorite sport. I prayed the Novena leading in to the week and through the week of camp. He had a GREAT week! We have never seen him so focused. I almost hated to start medication on Saturday as the doctor prescribed. We did, however, and noted that it didn’t help. Currently re evaluating our plan with the meds, which we struggled with giving him to begin with. I’m glad camp went so great, but maybe we are being led to another path away from meds. Praying for a resolution, as his problems have been a huge roadblock to many other things for our family.

  50. My husband and I just found out about our pregnancy immediately after the Sacred Heart Novena and we are convinced that this baby will be free from sickle cell disease or any other chromosomal pro lems.
    Glory to Jesus and Honour to Mary.

  51. I was praying to get a visa to go and visit my niece in the US. On Thursday last week I was issued a visa and I am waiting to pick my passport. Glory be to God.

  52. I am eternally grateful to God for answered prayers, bringing my sister, Prisca , out of the hospital after 2 months and for the healing work He’s doing in her life even when all hope was lost. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You!

  53. Hello,
    I love praying to this Novena. I was fired about 3 weeks ago. From there I prayed this Novena everyday. God answer my prayers with a job. My pay was cut it do not matter as long as I have a job. Thank U Jesus.. Thank U Jesus.. People always have faith and pray daily.

  54. I prayed for my sister in law; who had terminal stomach cancer in hospice, to be at peace. She is now at peace with Jesus

  55. I have suffered from anxiety and panic attacks for 2 years and feel now that I am cured after the novena. I feel peace and know that Jesus walks with me daily . God is good and I praise his holy name.

  56. I prayed the Sacred Heart Novena for healing for headache and for success for my son and his Classmates in thier Board examination. It’s been more than 1 week no headache. My son passed his board and most of his Classmates. Thanks be to God for answering prayers.

  57. I asked God to help my daughter to be successful in track and God performed His miracles. I prayed that my ratings at work should be high and God did that also. To God be all the glory

  58. For months my husband has suffered from double vision. During four visits the doctor has tried different methods to help him and to no avail. I prayed the novena to the Sacred Heart as I do have a devotion to Him. On Friday we had yet another appointment and the doctor put in a prism that works. He can see perfectly during the day. At night he still has problems but so much better. Finally. Thank you Sacred Heart.

  59. I prayed for my daughter and her family. All is very well now after several months of very stressful situations with their daughter and school problems. I continue to pray for strength and patience for all involved and I pray my husband and I can be of assistance financially when necessary. I also prayed for healing of a back problem that has lasted over a year which has been greatly helped. I prayed for my sons with their family and job concerns and both have shown remarkable turns in their situations as well. I have great faith that these prayers have been heard and continue to be answered . The Sacred Heart of Jesus was a vision my mother saw on her death bed and described to me. I believe with all my heart…..

  60. Thank you for this wonderful ministry! I have participated for a long while, appreciating the daily reminders immensely. This most recent novena to the Sacred Heart resulted in a clearer path about some schooling decisions and what we consider to be a miracle of funding for a much-desired pilgrimage. I am still awaiting God’s timing for my sister and Godfather and their families to return to Jesus and His Sacraments, but I have every reason to believe these answers will be miraculous as well!

  61. Praise and thanks be to God! During the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus my husband was offered a job. Thank you Lord Jesus, Mother Mary and St Joseph.

  62. Thanks to the Sacred Heart of Jesus I have been confirmed to remain in my summer role for the entire season! I was very anxious after experiencing extreme financial problems and being put on a 1 month trial. My love and I are happily on the path to marriage and I finally took a stand for my faith. Thank you Sweet Heart of Jesus.

  63. Blessed be God…I noticed that after the novena to the sacred heart, I have felt some joy in my heart…for past couple of months I have been missing that joy….also, my dizziness and the spacey feeling I get in my head has lessen some….will continue to thank God for the relief I have been experiencing.. and continue to pray for healing…thank you and God bless.

  64. My husband got a job after 4 years on my birthday. New opportunities are lining up. Our debts have started being paid all to the glory of God. A big Thanksgiving I give to our God.

  65. I received a miracle -and it was far more than I asked for during this novena! God always – ALWAYS – comes through giving us not only more than we ask, but in ways we could not possibly imagine. God is good always – and always God is good! Thank you God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit!

  66. I asked during this novena to get a house that will be our residence during our seniors years of life, and we found a house on the third day of the novena. The Sacred Heart of Jesus give me this request that warm my heart with his infinity love. What a blessing!

  67. Thank you, praise and adore You Jesus. I prayed that my son going through chemo would have the courage and strength with his treatments and not have bad effects. Outside of being tired but not for long he is doing great. Thank You, praise and adoreYou- yes God is so good and wonderful.

  68. I prayed the Sacred Heart of Jesus Novena and my prayers were answered. I prayed that my daughter’s marriage would work out and they are back together. I prayed that I would sell my parent’s house and it sold. I prayed for my own health and I have not gotten worse. My doctor doesn’t know why I have not had a lung transplant and he has no answers. I told him that I have a doctor in the sky that is healing me. I do love my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ so much. Thank you Lord for all you have done for me. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen

  69. God is so good. I had to undergo a complete hysterectomy a few weeks ago and prayed that God would bless my surgeon and things would be ok. As it turned out, I did have stage 1 ovarian cancer but it was contained and there was no need for further treatment. I am so relieved and the novena to the Sacred Heart was such a comfort. Thank You

  70. I prayed for the success of my recurrent course and I was the only one who got a perfect score in my class. It was truly an answered prayer. Thank you so much Sacred Heart of Jesus! I believe that God is with me as I work on with my other goals in life. I live it up to Him and will continue to praise Him and live in the essence of my prayers.

  71. Thank you dear God for an answered prayer! I already have communication with my brother. You’re so good Lord… Thank you in advance Papa Jesus for another answered prayers.

  72. I need a lot of prayers, for I am very lonely inside. I am 41 years old, and I am so lonely inside and desire to find true love. I haven’t dated many guys because of health problems as a child/teenager. However, I do like this guy, for whom I do think he does like me. However, I wanted to communicate with him, and due to his occupation its hard for him to always do this. I NOW understand. So, I am hoping it’s not to late to change his heart. And to give me ONE MORE CHANCE. I do believe he wants the chance to get to know me, I just ask for prayers that JESUS WILL INTERCEDE ON MY BEHALF AND SHOW THIS GENTLEMAN HOW LOVING AND DEVOTED I WOULD BE TO HIM.
    This I pray dear Jesus, Amen.

  73. God is ever so amazing and so is Mary and Joseph! I’ve been praying for more business to pay off our taxes and all our debts so we can buy a house next year and have another baby. I went from 3 clients at the beginning of the Novena to an additional 5!
    We’ve also been praying for our son to have a better daycare -today I received a call and now we may have 2 options! Today I prayed and gave Thanks. AMEN

  74. My daughter decided to take a semester off from college, we argued a lot in the last few weeks. I offered this novena for her, I asked God to change her heart and mind about that decision. Yesterday, we had a conversation and she indicated that she is willing to return to school in the fall! With one condition: buy her air fare to visit her grandparents in the summer. Thank God for taking the time to listen to my request! Blessed be your name.


  75. Praise be! my little one with cystic fibrosis was told last winter that she had more problems in her lungs. At her tests last week, her lungs are now back to the condition they were in last summer! Thanks be to God, Jesus and Mother Mary and God bless you all for your prayers. When is the next Novena ….


  76. Thank you my Lord and Saviour that we saw the Dr for my dad’s pathology results that the colon cancer is stage 2 and not aggressive we see oncologist soon to hopefully confirm that no further treatment is needed and that the two liaisons on his liver is nothing serious Jesus I place all my trust in you

  77. I was praying this past novena for my son to get excepted into a free private charter school. We received an email Monday after the novena stating that we were excepted! I was also praying that my husband and I could finally sell our home in North Carolina, after putting the house on the market for a third time we were successful in finding a cash buyer. We are scheduled to close on the house in 8 days. I will be continuing to pray that all works out.
    I believe in the power of prayer!

  78. My mind is so cluttered with everything I have going on that every novena I start, I always end up missing a day and falling off track. So, I stopped trying because I felt so guilty for not completing them. I felt moved to do the Sacred Heart of Jesus novena, and after around the third day, I fell off again. I realized that my commitment to God was so weak, that if I could truly envision him as my friend and family, I would never have missed a meeting time like that. So, I started over with the intention to increase my love and commitment to my Lord and another private intention. About halfway through the novena, I was getting so many miraculous signs that He was working on my private intention that I was overwhelmed. On the 8th day, I couldn’t think about God too long, because every time I did for more than a few minutes, I would break down in tears from understanding his love for me. Tear came down my face as I wrote the last sentence. We have no idea how much God loves us. Although I asked to increase in commitment, God gave me a deeper understanding of his love instead, which naturally increased my love back. There is no way I could ever love as great as God can, but I can keep trying to be better. First, I need to learn to control these tears. Thank you, God, for giving us the sacred heart of Jesus, which is your Love incarnate.

  79. During the novena I asked Jesus to grant my daughter a US student visa; today He has done it – 3 days after the novena. Praise to Him.

  80. Last week, we were told that our entire department will be layed off on October 30th. This type of news usually makes me worry and I will cry, not eating and have a sleepless night. But I didn’t feel any of these because I know that I am in this group and we are praying for Secred Heart of Jesus. Thanks you every one for praying with me. I am stronger in Spirit since I have joined this group. I believe better job is in my future.

    God bless.

  81. Glory to God, honour to our Mother Mary. I prayed for God to grant us the grace to pay our rent, HE did just hours before we were going to be embarrassed by the Landlord. I prayed for employment that I have been searching for for over 2 years now, I got a beautiful offer an hour ago. All praises to God from whom all blessings flow.

    I am eternally grateful for my testimonies and those of you my brothers and sisters.

  82. Thank you Sacred Heart of Jesus my son & husband got back home safely & in good health from high adventure summer camp. A true blessing for my husband to be with our son after 4-bypass heart surgery .

  83. I had asked the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary to please preserve the life of a dear friend from whom I did not hear again after once calling me to inform me that he was involved in a ghastly accident. I had thought the worst. However, by the conclusion of the Novena, he called me to say that he had reasonably recovered. Glory to Jesus, honour to Mother Mary.

  84. I had asked the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary to please preserve the life of a dear friend from whom I did not hear again after once calling me to inform me that he was involved in a ghastly accident. At the conclusion of the Novena, he called me to say that he had reasonably recovered. Glory to Jesus, honour to Mother Mary.

  85. For many years my family has delt with the effects of addiction. We have walked thru many difficult times and have seen the miracle of recovery. Currently my brother and his family as well as our extended family have been going thru more hurtful times. My brother has been unable to see his part in any of the problems. His relationship with his wife, children and siblings has been strained and almost broken. We offered the novena for his recovery and for his family. On the last day of the novena he made a big step in admitting he has done some hurtful things. He has expressed a desire to get his life back on track with his family. I thank God for this grace and ask prayers that he may continue on this path.

  86. My husband had a problem at work, he just called me and the problem has been resolved.
    Thank you Jesus, thank you for novenas

  87. I thank God for prayers answered in this novena to d Sacred Heart Of Jesus. Thank everyone who joined in this prayer.I prayed for God’s favour and loan for my business trip and God answered me.

  88. I participated in the Novena to the Scared Heart of Jesus. I now experience inner peace. Am no more worried and fearful. Thank God for prayer answered. He is a faithful God. C.U.I.

  89. I have been praying with you and my challenge has been that for the last one year and six months i had been removed from my job, but i was recalled recently and will be resuming on 25 June 2015. I am very grateful for the intercesion and will continue to pray the novena’s until all other challenges are resolved.

  90. Our children (Twins) were admited to study for Bachelor degrees at the University. We thank God and all of you for your prayers.

  91. I had been praying the novenas for my significant other to start going to mass again. Just over the past few months, he has not refused my invitation to go to Sunday mass and sometimes even goes on his own! I hope this is the start of his full acceptance of and participation in the Church. Thank you God for all of your blessings!

  92. Praise be to God the Father Almighty. Through this Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I have prayed that it be God’s will for me to work at my local Cathedral and today I received the news of a job offer. I will continue to pray that our move goes smoothly and I will give thanks to Our Lord for placing me in this wonderful praying community. God Bless.
    J E S U S I S L O R D
    T R U S T I N H I M
