Answered Prayers from the St. Monica Novena – 2015

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Thank you for joining us in praying the St. Monica Novena!

If you had any prayers answered during this novena, please share them with us all below!

If your prayers were seemingly unanswered, please do not give up hope or faith. St. Monica‘s prayers weren’t completely answered for nearly 20 years — so if there’s anything to take away from this novena at all, it is that we must persevere in prayer and continue to grow stronger in our faith and hope in Jesus.

Don’t stop praying and don’t stop believing in God’s mercy and love for you. If you’re struggling with your unanswered prayers, you’re not alone. Here’s a post I wrote that I hope can help:

Unanswered Prayers

Thank you for joining us in prayer.

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  1. Thank you Dear Lord and to St. Ann, Philomena and St. Jude you always pray for me and I’m so greatful. My son’s Final exams were a succss, I’m over the top, just 1 more year, Oh please keep playing for him.
    Thank You, CW

  2. I have been praying for healing for several people. They are all getting better. I have been praying for increased business for 4 different companies. Three are doing better and have not yet heard about the fourth. Thanks be to God for your goodness and love.

  3. Our gracious God has mercifully answered my prayers for my daughter’s struggles. We have also been blessed with the quick sale of our house and the finding of a new home where we can all begin a much-needed fresh start. Thanks to St. Monica and the Blessed Virgin Mary for their intersession on our behalf. The power of the rosary cannot be denied.

  4. Thank you all for praying for my intentions and requests. My prayer was answered for my son to get a full-time job and he will start on Monday. He had very little notice and was able to rent and pack a truck and just arrived this a.m. at his new location. Prayer does work and it is important to know that others are joining with you for everyone’s needs and requests. Thank you God and St. Monica for interceding for me in my requests, and all the angels and saints.

  5. Thank you St Monica for answering my intentions was my marriage off 25 yrs to be Restored…my daughter looking for a Job and a break through for Finance at home ..our Saintservice never let’s us down on the 11 my daughter had two interviews and both are looking Positive.god is good one has been answered. I strongly believe my other two will be Granted in his Holy name Amen….thank you for praying for me God bless. .thank you Jesus for everything. ……….Restore in my marriage want my husband coming home and a Finance break through…..Amen…

  6. I prayed for my daughter to pass her exam and she did. Thank you dear Heavenly Father for your love and St Monica for prayer intercession with me . Praying for my daughter healing and her family what God put together let no man separate. My son to make good choices and to remove all the negative influences from his life. I pry for myself to keep my job and my boss to always find favor with my work and leadership.

  7. I thank you for all the prayers that my ordeal with false allegations of MP has been resolved and her lies came out to open. I thank the Lord that through your prayers to the intercessions of St Monica, the Lord enlightened our minds and keeps me healed with the stress that this ordeal has brought me and my family. I thank you O Lord! Amen.

  8. It was wonderful to have answered prayer from both of my favorite saints…Monica and Ann. My mother use to pray and made pilgrimage to St Ann’s church in Canada so that she would get pregnant. Well…soon after they got a call from Catholic Charities that I was available for adoption. They picked my up when I was 18 days old….and were thrilled. They named me Maryanne in honor of St Ann and the Blessed Mother.
    I prayed to St. Anne and Monica for my adopted son, Joe. He is 42 and has struggled all his life. Drugs and more drugs. He now has moved into a group home and has a new job.
    He and his mom are both happy and thankful. I pray that my favorite saints continue to bless us.

  9. I prayed for the last couple of months that my daughters health would get better, she suffers from migrines and depression, I’m happy to say that my prayers have been answered and she is doing much better. I’ve always believed in God but since I have started these prayers with you all I can see, feel and know that God is with me at all times. Thank you Lord.

  10. I prayed to St Monica for me to get a good accommodation in a good environment near good transport system with affordable price and spacious. I thank God for her intercession. I got what I desired St Monica pray for us Thank you Lord.

  11. Thanks and praise to be god. My husband had redundancy from his formal job and I had a stroke. We had financial issue. My husband could not find another job for 1 an half years. After saying novena with this group. Recently he got interview and had a new job last month. He is starting job in next month. Amen and thank you lord . God is always good and love his children who trust and approach him alluvial amen x

  12. I thank God and all the saints for answered prayers.My daughter got into the Special School of our choice and I just got a job that fits into my family structure.Praise be to Jesus,honour to Mary forever and ever.

  13. Hello fellow Christian family,

    At the end of St. Monica’s novena, we received word that my daughter’s fiance was granted his annulment. (After one year of waiting) Their wedding is scheduled to take place on September 26th and it was exactly one month before the big day!
    Now we can move forward and have the beautiful Catholic Mass we had hoped for. God is Good!!
    We have been truly blessed as my daughter’s fiance completed the RCIA program and became Catholic this past Easter. Now, the annulment allows them to be blessed with a Catholic ceremony and receive the sacrament together! Thank you St. Monica and thank you God!!

  14. I have been at odds with my daughter for about two years. I am not sure if she is bi polar or not, but our relationship has really been tough. we are not speaking and being cordial toward each other. it isn’t as well as it should be but thanks to the novena to St. Monica things have come a long way. I was almost giving up, but now things are so much better.

    Thanks St. Monica

  15. My granddaughter underwent an eye surgery and I prayed for the intercession of St. Monica. Everything went well and she is on her way to total recovery. I also prayed for the health of my sister and praise God the examination results are all good. Thank you Jesus. Thank you St. Monica.

  16. Thank you Blessed St.Monica for interceding for me. I prayed for my son, Nick to obtain a job and he has been successful. He starts work next Monday. I also prayed for my daughter Jenna to be healed of a physical ailment and she has just received a perfect bill of health. Thank you John Paul and Annie for taking the time to bless us with these wonderful Novenas. May God reward your faithfulness. Thanks to all who helped me pray. May the Lord answer each and every pray. PRAISE BE TO YOU OUR PRECIOUS JESUS.

  17. I prayed the St Monica novena for I often turn to her for intercession for a deeper conversion of my son’s faith. A week or so before this novena started I gave a priest several different mass intentions for masses to be said for different family members , mass of thanksgiving etc probably ten masses in all and I didnt specify a date for what mass intention I wanted for when . Back to the novena I said the novena to st Monica devoutly each day , on her feast day I thanked her for hearing my intentions and assisting me , on Wednesday the following day I went to mass and it was st Augustine’s feast day. The priest announced at the start of mass that the mass intention for today was for …my son! I was shocked how beautiful ! What a gift to have his mass intention on St Augustine’s feast day a sign that they are interceeding for me in my son’s deeper conversion to live in God’s divine will
    Thanks for allowing me to pray with you and for you

  18. I love this last novena for Marriage and Family. I prayed for my family, friends and especially for my children that their family will always be a Family with love, peace and joy in the Name of Jesus. I pray that with the intercession of our Dear Holy Mother Mary, my prayers are heard by HIM. THANK YOU LORD in Jesus Name AMEN.

  19. Please help me in thanking God for loving me and my family. He is always there for us. More especially for answering my Novena prayers. I joined almost all the Novenas last year/this year. I asked God to grant me success in my post graduate exams which i sat for last year/this year. By the special intercession of the Novena prayers, i passed all the papers except one that is yet to be released which i know that by the special grace of God, it will be released.

    I also prayed for my relative that got missing sometimes this year and by His special grace, he has been found.

    I pray that God will keep John Paul & Annie and grant them their heart desires. Amen

  20. My so finally has a diagnosis. Now we are praying that he will be healed completely of this arthritis he is only 14 years old. I know that the novenas have helped us get to the right doctors it has taken over 6 months. Please pray with me that he gets the right medication and that the side effects will be minimal to none Nd that he will be healed completely. Thank you Jesus!

  21. I have had two novenas answered in succession. I prayed the novena to St. Anne for my niece to pass her NCLEX exam to become a registered nurse, and she took and passed the exam on August 3. I then prayed to St. Monica for my niece to find a job, and her interview for a job that she really wanted was on the feast of St. Monica, which I took as a sign that it would be successful. On September 3 she got a phone call telling her that she has been hired. Thanks be to God and his saints!

  22. God answered my prayer,he granted me success in my exam,he made it simple for me,may his name be praised forever and ever,Amen!

  23. I am so grateful to God for answered prayers for my son Derrick;
    1/ He got his admission letter to university
    2/ He has taken a 4month break from smoking; my continued prayer is that he stops forever.

    All praise & Glory be to our Saviour & Lord Jesus Christ. Amen & Amen.

  24. i thank for st.monicah novena.since i started praying ths novena.i have got the favour of getting clients.i thank God

  25. I pray that my daughter that is 12 to stop bedwetting. Through out d prayers she did not wet her bed. St. Monica is a great intercessor. I know my prayers are been answered, Thank God for His Mercies in our life’s always.

  26. Thank you st Monica for answering my prayers that my son will get his dream job. I have been praying along with you all for a very long time for thia. I hope that this new job will focus his energies and take him away from the bad influence of his friends and that he will now be able to stop smoking cigarettes and weed and drinking. Thank you St Monica and you all for your prayers. I will never stop praying with you and following pray more novenas.

  27. Praise God! After posting my intention and praying this novena, my potential employer commented about hiring me at a table full of people at church. I start on Oct. 1.
    Thanks to all who joined me in prayer.

  28. Answered prayers! My husband did get paid for doing more contracts this past month- a salary/ commission raise.

  29. Thank you all for your prayers! We have been waiting for my fiance’s annulment to be granted for more than a year. He got the letter today that it has been approved!!! I am so happy that I am in tears. He is a wonderful man, and I can’t wait to be his wife. Praise be to God and thank you St. Monica (which just happens to be my sister’s name).

  30. I dedicated the St. Monica Novena to a peaceful agreement with my ex fiancé for the business we had started together. We finally spoke on the last day of the novena and started to negotiate settlement numbers on a cordial conversation. There’s still a huge gap! but I believe we will get to settle before our trial date.
    Thank you Heavenly Father for listening to my prayers. Thank you St. Monica for your holy intersession and thank you, everyone who prayed this novena with me. May God continue to bless you all.

  31. My prayers, novenas have been answered on the 3rd day praying St Monica novena I was told that my son had broken up with his girlfriend.
    She’s not Catholic and for past 2 years she was pulling him and his Lil son into her non denomination congregation.
    I have been praying for 3 years for Our Lord to bless her and send her away.
    Thank you St Monica intercepting praying with me.
    Oh my husband, son and I all went to confession.

  32. I thank the Lord God and each and every member of this group for praying with me. I was praying for peace in my marriage and family and I am continually finding peace these days in both areas. The other requests are still work in progress and I know the Good Lord will answer me and return with a positive outcome one of these fine days. :)

    God Bless all of you.

    Lots of love


  33. I have been praying for my husband’s conversion each novena offered through this website for the last 5 months. After finishing the novena of St. Monica, My husband of 22 years announced that he was going to go to confession! His last confession was about 6 years ago. I am so grateful to St. Monica for this grand favor through our Lord Jesus Christ. Please pray for my husband that he may open his heart fully to our Lord, to let go and let God. Amen!

  34. Thank you to St. Monica and all who prayed for my son. He has been struggling with something and finally has had a breakthrough! Praising and thanking God for His goodness!

  35. have been praying for a job. When I started the novena a friend contacted me about an openning. I had my interviews by the last day of the novena and I am expecting my appointment letter today. Thanks st Monica

  36. That my daughter turns back to God and the church. That my husband can find employment here so he can move back home with his family

  37. I prayed hard and completed Novenas for my intentions, Today I received an answered prayer. Thank you St. Monica, Thank you Lord Jesus for granting my request and listening to St. Monica’s prayer for us. Thank you Mother Mary for helping St. Monica to bring our prayers to Lord Jesus. I love you!

  38. I have done several novenas recently and several of my request have been answered. I thank God and all the saints, angels and for my answered prayers. My husband is having eye surgery and on 9/2/15 and pray that it will be successful.

  39. I continue to be amazed by the blessings coming forth from these novenas. I have been praying with this group for about two years and I have seen wonderful changes in my life and the lives of my loved ones because God’s will has become my priority. I share my faith and love for God more freely. I am more aware of impactful my words and deeds 88can be on others. Lord give me grace to turn more people to you.

    During the St. Monica novena, I prayed for my son to be more serious about his school work this year and when I picked him after his first day on Friday, he couldn’t stop talking about how much he loves his teachers and the kids in his classes this year!

    I have also prayed continuously for my friend’s mom who has cancer that God will give their family the strength and grace they will need to support eachother during this difficult time. The cancer is progressing but yesterday Mom was well enough to enjoy a “half-birthday” celebration with her entire family and many friends. Her voice is weak which means you need to sit very close to her to hear her speak. It was the most loving and beautiful sight I have ever witnessed as every person patiently took a turn to sit with her and hold her hand and tell her how much she is loved. She is woman of tremendous faith and she completely trusts in the God’s plan Thank you God and St. Monica for answering my prayer and for giving me the gift of having this extraordinary role model in my life for the past 40 years.

  40. I prayed for a good result to be able to continue in the course of study I enrolled in and thanks to your prayers and God’s grace and Mercy and his listening ears and merciful heart, my prayers were answered. Thank you friends, Thank you Jesus

  41. Thanks for all the prayers form all the Saints over the past year, especially St. Monica. I was just approved to begin my New job… Praise be to our Lord Jesus Christ!!!

  42. I made the novena to St. Monica for my son, who had a mass on his colon. His surgery was Aug. 27th. Today I was told it was not cancer. God is so good. Praise God. He will have a long recovery, but the worse is over. Thank you St. Monica.

  43. St. Monica, thank you for your intercession. I have a meeting next week that *could* lead to a job interview. I’m very grateful for even this small morsel of hope.

    Thank you for your continued intercession that the meeting goes well and God will give me favor, as well as peace that if I don’t get this job, He has a better plan.

    Hold us close in your heart, dear St. Monica, as a mother would.

    Thank you, Amen.

  44. My 26 year old brother was suffering from opiate addiction. I believe St. Monica implored God to take him to His loving care as Greg died this week, ending his suffering.

  45. My 26 year old brother was suffering from opiate addiction. I believe St. Monica implored God to take him to His living care as Greg died this week, ending his suffering.

  46. Thank you for the kindling of old friendships, showing me I need to be patient, for the financial help that was needed and for my husband to start seeing God and the Holy Spirit working in our family and I am realizing there is still hope for him. Thank you ☺

  47. What a wonderful answer to the prayer for Ontario teachers and government to come to a tentative agreement! So grateful.

  48. I have been praying for my friend Spencer, that he might find God. For a while, he had not been responding/talking to me because he has been dealing with a lot, but last night, the feast day of St. Monica, he finally said something. This was not my direct prayer, but I believe it is the beginning of the answer.

  49. Thank you St Monica for taking all my prayers to Jesus, spoken & unspoken. Thank you for your intercession in our family. I pray for conversion of my husband & family, for binding the spirits of addiction, pride,self-harm, self-control issues, eating disorders. Help me to be a peaceful & loving mother/wife despite all the anger & selfishness in our home, I join these painful encounters to you Lord & join it to your sacred heart for their conversion

    • After adoration on the feast of St. Monica, I was graced with the gentle reassuring touch of our blessed saint and was ecstatic that Our Lord loved me so deeply. I have been praying to her throughout my children’s’ lives!

      THANK YOU, ST. MONICA!????????????

  50. Thank you for your intercession to our Heavenly Father,Dear St. Monica. After two and a half years, and after finishing the St.Monica Novena, on your feast day, I received the news I have been so fervently praying. Praise and thanksgiving!!!!????

  51. Dear Lord
    I want to thank You for answering my prayer for getting called for the job I applied for. Please help that the references will come through and
    I will get confirmation . I ask to remember my children .Thank you for your continual blessings.

  52. All glory be given to Jesus. My testimonies are bountiful…. Through this pray novena site I have found myself saying every novena being posted…this was something I never did before. Also after this St Monica Novena I got an email from a lady I don’t even know stating the availability of a job in her company… This was the same lady I emailed my resume to when I was in school looking for an internship….and I never got any response. Now two years later through the intercession of St Monica and our mother Mary God has by passed all protocols and favoured me. Am still waiting to progress to the next stages, but am confident that the Lord I served has favoured me.

    And just generally through praying this novena I have an understanding of perseverance… Even when I feel I am not worthy or that God is not answering me…I just have to remind myself that his ways are not the ways of man. He will beautify my life at his perfect timing. Amen

  53. Praise Jesus… Praise Jesus Again.. St Monica Has done this for Me and She will do it for You.. I did an Interview last Year in September for the Kisumu County Jobs.. I have been waiting patiently and doing Novena but today at Seven am. I got a call to go and pick my appointment letter Next Week.. I Thank God.. Thenkyou Jesus praise you Jesus

  54. I thank God. The Little girl we were praying for has started eating and is improving nicely. I ask you all to continue praying for this girls miraculous healing. Also tge mothers safe delivery. Thank you Lord, thank you st Monica.

  55. We are a group of friends(teachers)
    We pray all the novenas sent to me.
    I post each day’s novena without fail in my whatsapp group. All of us pray the novena. We have been blessed and grow in faith with each novena.
    Our heartfelt thanks to you for keeping us posted.
    God bless you

  56. Dear Saint Monica,
    I pray for continuous work I pray for a financial breakthrough and I pray that I find an apartment for myself and my kids, I pray that God bless me and guide and protect me. I pray for my son that he may walk the straight and narrow path and for him to choose his friends wisely I pray for my daughter for health and strength and for long life and for a miracle for her with her diabetes. ..I pray for my family, my friends and even my enemies and all those I’ve forgotten in jesus name I pray Amen. ..

  57. there are some beginning signs of hope regarding healing and redemption for my son, Phil, who is reaching out and asking for help, even spiritual help…Praise the Lord and thank you all so much for your prayers, and I thank St. Monica for her powerful intercession.

    • Thanks St. Monica,

      My son finally got a seat in Master of Occupational program in University of Western Ontario. Please continue to bless him for finishing the program.

  58. St Monica on your feast day and it is also my birthday the only gift that I am asking you to grant me is for me to past my last test that I took on the 15th of this month and I am waiting for the result. Please grant me a passing score. I beleive in you And your love for me. I promise I will never forget you. In Juses name. Amen

  59. The entire Novena my intention was to find a job (I have been unemployed since graduation in May and was getting desperate). On the last day of the Novena, I got a job offer. The next day, I got another one! Thanks to Saint Monica for helping me find my dream job!

  60. Prayers were answered for me an our family. I had a follow up cat scan after having a cancerous kidney removed last july and my cat scan came back good. Thanks to all who prayed for me. I am so grateful. God Bless you all. I pray that you get the healings you are praying for too.

  61. It’s been over a year since I started looking for a job. While praying I asked that I be given an offer before the end of the month. I got a call regarding a job offer August 25. Praise God! Thank you St. Monica for your intercession!

  62. I was torn by a decision I had to make which would have separated our family, as after much and immeasurable suffering it seemed like the only solution. I asked in the St Monica novena that the Holy Spirit would help me to make the choice God thought was correct and not sinful. I prayed that God tell me in no uncertain terms. A very pious elderly couple prayed for me, they put me in touch with a very prayerful elderly woman who spoke to me with references that I knew with no doubt what God’s will was. His will was to keep our family together. On the feast of St Monica today I found myself, by chance, not realising it was her feast day, praying the Rosary with the elderly wife.

  63. God is my true employer. I’ve been struggling with my boss. St. Monica’s intercession has brought me earth angels to be my voice and bring me relief and help on the job. Today I was selected as a passionate teacher through district and Writing Project researchers. I am blessed with God’s favor. This novena has reminded me of Jesus’ promises to me, if I remain faithful. St. Monica, thank you for helping me to remain steadfast!

  64. My husband and I have been praying for this business opportunity for years, and it has just opened up to us during this novena. He had to resign from his job due to a disability, and has been without income for the last 10 months – so this is a very thankful time for us and we know that St. Monica, all your prayers (those praying the novena with us ) made it all happen. Thank you Lord!

  65. I was torn by a decision I had to make which would have separated our family, as after much and immeasurable suffering it seemed like the only solution. I asked in the St Monica novena that the Holy Spirit would help me to make the choice God thought was correct and not sinful. I prayed that God tell me in no uncertain terms. A very pious elderly couple prayed for me, they put me in touch with a very prayerful elderly woman who spoke to me with references that I knew with no doubt what God’s will was. On the feast of St Monica today I found myself, by chance, not realising it was her feast day, praying the Rosary with the elderly wife.

  66. Today is the Feast of St. Monica, and I just concluded praying her novena with you, for the reversion of my son, and the conversion of my daughter in law and baby granddaughter. This afternoon, I had a call from my dear daughter in law (lives in a different state, and had no idea about my novena) to tell me that she has scheduled our granddaughter’s baptism, as well as an appointment for herself to begin entry in to the Church! Praise be to God, and than you St. Monica for your prayers!

    I had one other intention during this novena and am confident that God will answer in His perfect timing. +JMJ+

  67. I thank St Monica for restoring my period and granting my husband successful presentation. I also thank her for the speedy recovery of my Dad.

  68. I prayed to St. Monica to intercede on my behalf to find a home and my prayers were answered. I hope to close on 25Sep! Thank you Jesus for answering my prayers! Amen.

  69. My intentions for this novena were purely for my husband. He is an amazing father and husband but has been out of work for a long time. My hope is for him to find a job. He had an interview today that went really well, thank the Lord! And while this is not a fully answered prayer, I am truly thankful for the hope that has been given to us. Thank you so much for these novenas and thanks to St. Monica for her intercession!

  70. I praise and thank God for his mercy and kindness through the powerful intercession of St. Monica whom I prayed to during these 9 days.

    After I did my routine Mammogram check, I was called again to do an intensive test which worried me a bit. I put my faith and trust in our Lord and prayed to St. Monica to intercede that all the checks will go well and there will be nothing to be concerned about. I have just returned from hospital and am writing straight away that all the tests came clear and there was no concern, giving me and my family the peace of mind. Thank you St. Monica for your powerful intercession.

    I continue to pray for my job situation to ease out and get respite from the work overload. I also pray that in our search for a house / property, we will get the right advise, help and guidance.

    Thank you for your prayers John-Paul and Annie. May God continue to bless you and your team for your works of mercy. Praise you Jesus.

  71. Heavenly father I give thanks and praise to you for your many bless you have given me please continue guiding and protecting my family I pray Amen
    Dearest St Monica I thank you for interceding on behalf of me I pray that the holy spirit will hear all my prayers and that of everyone whom you prayed on behalf of in Jesus name I pray Amen

  72. Dear John Paul & Annie,

    I just wanted to say thank you for all you do for souls. I appreciate the prayer more novena emails and reminders.
    Praying for you.

    To Christ thru Mary,


  73. I have been praying for our friend’s son to get out of the trouble he created and now it seems we have made big progress though we are still praying for his conversion and his complete release from his trouble. We are very thankful for St. Monica’s intercession.

  74. Thank you for this beautiful novena. my prayer was for my daughter to continue having a position in her co. Because they were laying off some employees. Thank god and at. Monica she just recived a call that she still have job ???????? the power of prayers Thanks every on for praying.

  75. I have been praying this Novena for many but in particular my older son Matt. He has turned his back on GOD his family and is a drug addict. Just got news today he was at his lowest and called a suicide hotline and he has gotten some help. He called my Mom and told her he sees a light at the end of his tunnel. He has a long road ahead but praise GOD. I feel like my prayers have been answered.

  76. My grand sons heart has been closed to me for sometime although I raised him since infancy. In fact most of his life he has called me mom.I see the difference in him these last few days.I can talk to him without him being angry .Its so refreshing to feel love and respect again.I was speaking to one of his friends and they told me he said he was thankful that I raised him in the church although he doesn’t attend church or agree with some my Catholic beliefs ,he says he prays and converses with God.(its a start)When he calls me mom again I will truly be happy.He stopped calling me anything to my face around the time he started to show anger towards me years ago.I will continue to pray for his soul and my children and grandchildren and loved ones until they remember their ten commandments and start to embrace them.I’m burrying my daughter in law today and her mother didn’t baptize her as far as I know.I can only hope the Lord granted her baptism of desire and had mercy on her when she went to judgment as I hope He does with all of us.But its hard to find comfort wandering if she had found salvation.I don’t want to go through this again with any of my family members or loved ones. If I can make a difference by continual prayer and sacrifice and novenas I’m going to pray.I’m thankful for the Lords encouragement by allowing me to feel my grandsons love once again.

  77. I had been suffering from eating disorders for the past four years.I started praying St.monica novena with confidence of complete healing.Now with the grace of St.Monica ,I am feeling far better.Thanks lord for pouring your blessings on me.

  78. Dear God through the prayers of st Monica and her devoted faith let this business idea be in motion,excel and make a difference both in my life and in the lives of others.

  79. I prayed this novena for my dad’s return to the Church. As far as I know, he has not attended Mass in a long time. Last weekend we had plans to meet for lunch, but he ended up showing up to morning Mass with us! Just the fact that he showed up is a huge step for him.
    Thank you, St. Monica!

  80. I have been praying this wonderful novena for my two sons and all young men and women everywhere who may have fallen away from the church

    On Tuesday the 8th day of the novena my son rang to say he would like to start coming to mass with me once a month. How wonderful is that. Please help me to pray for my younger son who needs a little more assistance. I know the Holy Spirit will not leave him for too long. Thank you St Monica and St Augustine. Thanks be to God +++++

  81. I asked for help with six of my grandchildren who are in fostercare that they would be returned to their parents. Today it looks as if this may be about to happen. Thankyou St Monica and all those who prayed with us.

  82. From the depths of my soul, thank you, thank you, St. Monica for your prayers for my son. He received notice of a very good job he so sorely needed. Hopefully this will put him on the right path. We found out the last day of the novena.

  83. Please pray for me to get a hubby.

    Am 26 years no one has ever approached me to be his girlfriend. Am really praying and trusting that by the end of the year to meet a guy whom shall love me and will be the perfect match for me.

    I really need to get married to my a loving partner.

  84. I prayed for a dear young couple who have a young son, nearly two, but have experienced health issues and three miscarriages since his birth. During the novena I got news that she was pregnant, but worried. On the last day of the novena they went in for an ultrasound and saw the baby inside the womb, heart beating at 6 weeks and one day from conception! Praise God!! Thank you, St. Monica, for your intercession!!!

  85. Thank you St. Monica for answering my prayer. My daughter just
    Got word that she was hired for a job that totally fits with her talents
    And abilities. I feel she will be brought closer to the Blessed Mother
    Through the people she will meet and work with and in return she will touch others who need the Blessed Mother’s healing. God is good!

  86. My husband has called our priest about enrolling in RCIA classes this fall.
    Been praying for this as long as I can remember.
    I think this Novena and St. Monica pushed him over to the next level.
    Thank you St. Monica and Pray More Novenas.
    We aren’t there yet though so please keep my husband in your prayers!