Prayer Intentions for the St. Michael the Archangel Novena, 2023

We start praying the St. Michael the Archangel Novena on Thursday, January 26th. You can share your prayer intentions with us all below! We’re praying for you!

Answered Prayers from the St. Peregrine Novena, 2023

Thank you for praying the St. Peregrine Novena with us!

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered throughout this novena, you can share those with us all below.

We’re praying for you!

Prayer Intentions for the St. Peregrine Novena

We start praying the St. Peregrine Novena for Cancer Patients on Monday, January 9th. You can share your prayer intentions with us all below! We’re praying for you!

Patron Saints of Healing

No problem is too big or too small to bring to the Lord in prayer. He wants to bring you wholeness and healing, and He tenderly receives the prayers of the faithful and His holy saints.

From sore throats to cancer to mental illness, there’s a saint for that. 

These ten saints will pray for your healing from many common ailments. 

Saint Dymphna

Saint Dymphna was born in Ireland to a pagan father and devout Christian mother. Her father’s mental stability declined rapidly after her mother’s death and demanded that Dymphna marry him. 

Saint Dymphna fled to what is now Belgium where she started a hospital for the poor but was later discovered by her father who killed her. Because of her care for the sick and the events leading up to martyrdom, Dymphna is considered the patron saint of those suffering nervous and mental afflictions. 

The intercession of Saint Dymphna has brought comfort to people struggling with anxiety, depression, and other mental and emotional distress. 

Saint Peregrine

Saint Peregrine, an Italian Servite priest, known for his ability as a confessor and his miraculous healing. 

When Peregrine became afflicted with cancer in the leg, amputation seemed to be the only solution; however, after spending the night before his surgery in prayer, the doctor found that Peregrine had been completely healed. For this reason, Saint Peregrine is a wonderful intercessor for people battling cancer.

Saint Maximillian Kolbe

Saint Maximillian Kolbe is arguably the most well-known saint to come out of the Nazi Concentration Camps. Kolbe, a Polish Francsican priest, became a martyr when imprisoned in Auschwitz. He courageously offered his life in place of another man sentenced to die by starvation. 

However, Kolbe didn’t die by starvation; rather, after 14 days without food or water, the SS guards killed him by lethal injection. 

Because of the process of his martyrdom, the Church entrusts him with those struggling with eating disorders and drug addiction.

Saint Lucy

Saint Lucy was an Early Christian Virgin and Martyr. She was persecuted for her faith and for dedicating her virginity to the Lord. Before her death, her eyes were plucked out but legend holds that her eyes were miraculously restored when her body was being prepared for burial. 

For centuries, people have turned to Saint Lucy for healing from blindness or other eye afflictions. 

Saint Agatha

Similarly to Saint Lucy, Saint Agatha is another Early Christian Virgin Martyr. Saint Agatha upheld her vow of virginity despite persecution, torture, and the threat of death. She endured each act against her with joy and trust in the Lord. 

Saint Agatha is the patroness for those suffering from breast cancer. 

Saint Blaise

The Church knows very little about Saint Blaise. It is believed that he worked as a physician before becoming a priest and bishop, where he continued his work of healing–both of the body and the soul. 

He is the patron saint of throat illnesses and on the feast of Saint Blaise, you can participate in a special blessing of the throats. 

Saint Teresa of Avila 

Saint Teresa of Avila, Carmelite mystic and one of the four female Doctors of the Church. For many years, Teresa experienced frequent and intense headaches and chronic migraines.  She offered up her suffering to God. 

Today, people who suffer headaches and migraines can ask Saint Teresa for prayers of healing. 

Saint Stanislaus Kostka

When Saint Stanislaus Kostka was 14 years old, he went to study with his brother at the Jesuit College in Vienna. His brother, spurred by jealousy, beat Stanislaus, breaking his bones. The Blessed Mother healed him and told him to become a Jesuit. 

The story about this holy young man is why many call upon Saint Stanislaus Kostka for healing when they’ve broken a bone. 

Saint Timothy

Saint Timothy was a disciple and close friend of St. Paul. He traveled with Paul spreading the Good News and was later martyred for his witness to the faith. 

During his travels, Timothy probably experienced regular bouts of illness for which Saint Paul recommends wine: “Stop drinking only water, but have a little wine for the sake of your stomach and your frequent illnesses” (1 Tim 5:23). 

For this reason, the Church considers him the patron saint of stomach and intestinal disorders, so if you or someone you know suffers from a stomach ailment, call on Saint Timothy for prayers. 

Saint Luke

Before writing his Gospel and the Acts of the Apostles, Saint Luke was a physician so it is fitting that he serves as a patron to doctors and surgeons. 

If you are preparing for a major medical procedure or surgery of any kind, you can ask Saint Luke for the hands of those who will work to bring you healing. 

Novenas to Pray in January

Kick the New Year off right by praying a novena! 

January brings with it the celebration of several holy men and women who can pray for all of the intentions you bring into this new year. 

Ask for their prayers with one or more of these novenas. And don’t forget to sign up for the daily prayers sent straight to your email so you never miss a day. 

Saint Hilary Novena

Saint Hilary, a Bishop of Poitiers, courageously defended the faith during the spread of the Arain hersey. The Church named him a Doctor of the Church for the contributions he made to theology and Church doctrine through his writings. 

Begin the novena to Saint Hilary on January 5th.

Day of Prayer for Unborn

In the United States, January 22 marks the Day of Prayer for the Unborn, as we remember specifically all of the lives lost by abortion. 

While Roe v. Wade was recently overturned by the Supreme Court, the evil of Abortion still exists both in America and in the world. Pray for an end to abortion and/or for all those who will attend the March for Life. Begin these novenas on January 14. 

Saint Timothy Novena

Saint Timothy was a companion of Saint Paul in the early Church. He traveled with Paul and Silas to help spread the Gospel and eventually remained in Ephesus as the Bishop. Not much is known about his death, but tradition holds he died a martyr. 

Many believe he suffered from stomach ailments and for this reason, people often call on his prayers for healing. Whether you need healing or prayers from a courageous saint, you can pray the Saint Timothy Novena, which begins on January 18th. 

Saint Angela Merici Novena

Saint Angela Merici founded the Ursuline religious order, the first teaching order of women in the Church; she and her sisters devoted themselves to the religious education of young girls. This order still serves in over 30 countries. 

The novena to Saint Angela Merici begins January 19th. 

Saint Thomas Aquinas Novena

Saint Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican priest and Doctor of the Church, wrote prolifically on philosophy, theology, and Church doctrine. His writings have played a major role in the development of Catholic teaching.

Because Aquinas is one of the greatest teachers of the Catholic faith, he is the patron saint of Catholic schools, colleges, and universities, as well as theologians, philosophers, students, and booksellers.

Begin the novena to Saint Thomas Aquinas on January 20th.

Saint Blaise Novena

The tradition of praying to Saint Blaise to help heal throat ailments goes back to the 6th Century. While not much is known about Blaise, many believe he was a physician who eventually became a bishop–dedicating his life to healing, both body and soul. 

Today, many churches around the world offer a special blessing of the throats on the feast of Saint Blaise. Pray this novena to Saint Blaise on January 26th.

Saint Agatha Novena

Saint Agatha is one of the seven women saints named in the Canon of the Mass. Early in her life, Saint Agatha dedicated herself to God and desired to remain a virgin. Although she faced torture and even death. Saint Agatha did not abandon her promise to God. She died a martyr. 

Because of the abuse she faced, she is the patroness of rape victims and survivors, and those who suffer from breast cancer. 

The novena to Saint Agatha begins January 28th.

Saint Paul Miki Novena

We remember Saint Paul Miki, a Japanese Jesuit, and his companions for their courageous proclamations of the faith even in the face of persecution. Saint Paul Miki became a martyr alongside his companions, becoming the first martyrs of Japan. 

Ask for this holy man’s intercession with the Saint Paul Miki Novena beginning January 29.

Saint Josephine Bakhita Novena

Saint Josephine Bakhita suffered many injustices during the years she was enslaved. Her owner brought her to Italy where she worked as a babysitter for his children and it was there that she encountered the Canossian Sisters.

From these sisters, Josephine came to the Church and gained her freedom. She then joined the Canossian Sisters and served God through her work. Pray to Saint Josephine Bakhita with this novena beginning January 31st.

Merry Christmas & A Happy New Year

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

We would really love to mail a Christmas card out to you and everyone else who is praying with us — you mean so much to us, but with so many people, it’s just not possible. Instead, we’re sharing our card with you here!

We hope that the Lord will bless you and keep you in this new year.

Here’s our card :)

We hope you’ve had a very Merry Christmas and that you feel God’s loving presence close to you — He is always near and you are never alone.

We are looking forward to praying the next novena with you. Thank you for joining us in prayer and praying for the other members of Pray More Novenas. We are so grateful for you!

God Bless you!
John-Paul & Annie

If Pray More Novenas is a blessing to you, you can make a small donation to support our efforts here:

Answered Prayers from the Christmas Novena, 2022

Thank you for praying the Christmas Novena with us! If you had any of your prayers answered throughout this novena, you can share those with us all below!

We’re praying for you this Christmas!

The Christmas Novena, 2022

We’ll begin our next novena in just a few days now — which is, of course, The Christmas Novena!

This was the very first novena we ever prayed through Pray More Novenas — and that was twelve years ago! We thank God for you and for this community of prayer, and we pray for you every day. You are never forgotten. Thank you for praying with us.

You can share your prayer intentions with us below.

And you can sign up here to join us in praying The Christmas Novena.

God bless you!

Answered Prayers from the Immaculate Conception Novena, 2022

Thank you for joining us in praying the Immaculate Conception Novena!

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered throughout this novena, you can share those with us all below. To God be the glory!

We’re praying for you and your intentions.

The Immaculate Conception Novena: Share your prayer intentions below.

Immaculate Conception Novena

The next novena is a special one for us — it’s the novena that first inspired John-Paul to create twelve years ago! :) We’re so grateful to join together in prayer and to pray with and for you. Thank you for praying with us.

So that next novena is: The Immaculate Conception Novena.

The Feast of the Immaculate Conception is an important day for us to reflect on the Blessed Virgin Mary’s life. Her life is the ideal example of the Christian life lived for God. So we will strive during this novena to imitate Mary, and especially her profound love of God. 

We’ll start praying on November 29th.

You can sign up to join us here:

And you can share your prayer intentions with us all below. We’re praying for you.

God bless you!

Novenas to Pray in December

As you continue to prepare your heart for the coming of the Christ Child on Christmas, ask for the intercession of these holy men and women with one or more of these December novenas.

Immaculate Conception Novena

As we prepare for the birth of Christ, the Church invites us to meditate on Christ’s saving work by pondering the mystery of Mary’s Immaculate Conception throughout the month of December. 

So while the Immaculate Conception Novena begins in November to end on the December 8th feast day, you can pray this Immaculate Conception novena any time during this month dedicated to the Immaculate Conception. 

Saint Juan Diego Novena

On December 9, 1591, the Blessed Mother appeared to Juan Diego and asked him to build a chapel in her honor. Our Lady arranged roses in Juan Diego’s tilma and sent him to the Bishop to prove the legitimacy of the request. When Juan Diego opened his cloak, the roses fell out and an image of Our Lady of Guadalupe was left behind. 

The tilma with the miraculous image is on display in Mexico City and has brought about the conversion of many hearts. 

Begin the Saint Juan Diego Novena on December 1st. 

Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena

Just a few days after the feast of Saint Juan Diego, the Church celebrates Our Lady of Guadalupe. During her visit, she spoke these comforting words to Juan Diego (and to us): 

“Am I not here who am your Mother? Are you not under my shadow and protection? Am I not your fountain of life? Are you not in the folds of my mantle? In the crossing of my arms? Is there anything else you need?”

This Marian apparition reminds of the motherly love and tender care she has for each one of us. She is considered the patron of the Americas, as well as the unborn. 

The novena to Our Lady of Guadalupe begins on December 4th. 

Saint Lucy Novena

Each December 13th, the feast of Saint Lucy is celebrated around the world with special devotion and traditions. At each mass, the Church calls on her intercession during the Eucharistic prayers.

This early Christian Virgin and Martyr suffered violence and a brutal death after refusing to break her vow of virginity. Traditionally it is believed that her eyes were gouged out during her torture and were miraculously restored after her death. 

The Saint Lucy novena begins on December 5th. 

Saint John of the Cross Novena

Saint John of the Cross, Carmelite mystic and Doctor of the Church, played an important role in Spain’s Counter-Reformation. He founded several monasteries in Spain and wrote extensively on suffering and the soul’s journey to God. 

His writings, particularly his most famous work The Dark Night of the Soul, are still considered to be a poetic and spiritual masterpiece. 

Begin the novena to this holy saint on December 6.

Saint Stephen Novena

In the Acts of the Apostles, the Apostles, needing help to serve the poor, ordained seven righteous men to the deaconate among them Saint Stephen. As a man of great faith and filled with the Holy Spirit, Stephen worked many miracles and won debates against those who opposed him. 

He went on to become the first Christian martyr, begging God to receive his spirit as his enemies stoned him to death. Invoke the intercession of this courageous saint with this novena, beginning December 18th. 

Holy Family Novena 

The Church celebrates the feast of the Holy Family on the First Sunday after Christmas. 

God chose to be made man through a human family, giving each Christian family an model of how to put Christ at the center of our own homes and families. We look to the example of Jesus, Mary, and Joseph and see the self-sacrificial love that we should pursue. 

Ask the holiest of families, the Holy Family, to intercede for your family, that through their help, you may follow in their footsteps. 

Holy Innocents Novena

Just a few days after Christmas on December 28, we remember the lives lost in Herod’s crusade to kill the Christ Child. 

After hearing about the birth of the newborn “King of the Jews,” Herod, fearing the loss of his power, ordered his soldiers to kill every male child under the age of two in Bethlehem and the surrounding areas. 

These young children were truly the first martyrs, as they were killed in place of Jesus. Pray to these young saints, especially for babies and the prolife movement with the Holy Innocents Novena starting December 16th. 

Mary, Mother of God Novena

On the first day of the new year, we celebrate the Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God which remembers both the circumcision of Christ and one of the four Marian dogmas. 

The title “Theotokos” or “God-bearer” went uncontested for several centuries in the early church; the Council at Ephesus proclaimed this title as dogma in response to the Nestorian Heresy. This title of Our Lady plays an integral part in christological dogma  as it affirms Jesus’ dual nature as both God and man.

Bring your petitions to the Mother of God and the Mother of the Church through this novena. Begin Christmas Eve to finish on this important feast. 

Saint Basil the Great Novena

Many refer to Saint Basil the Great as the “Father of Eastern Monasticism” since he founded one of the first monasteries in Asia Minor. The influence of Basil, a Theologian and Bishop, spread far and wide, even inspiring Saint Benedict’s monastic rule.

He helped to combat the Arian heresy running rampant during his time and contributed to the doctrine on the trinity. His contributions to the Church has led him to be named a

Doctor of the Church.

Begin the novena to Saint Basil the Great on December 25th. 

Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton Novena

Not only did Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton faithfully live her vocation as a wife and a mother, but she also established the first Catholic school in America.

After the death of her husband, she founded the first women’s religious order in the United States–the Sisters of Charity of St. Joseph’s–which started Catholic schools and orphanages. 

Seton became the first canonized United States citizen and is considered the patroness of widows, orphans, and Catholic schools. The novena to the holy woman begins on December 27th. 

Novenas for Our Priests

Priest during a wedding ceremony/nuptial mass

Priests play an indispensable role in the Catholic Church. Through the priest, the faithful can participate in the sacramental life of the Church and receive necessary graces to obtain heaven.  

But a role this significant doesn’t come without its challenges. 

Priests need our prayers to live out their vocation to the best of their ability. Offer these novenas to encourage and support the priests in your life. 

Novena for Vocations to the Priesthood 

Our Church has a desperate need for more men to hear and follow the call to the priesthood. 

This shortage not only presents challenges for the people in the pews, but for our priests as well; many parishes only have one priest carrying the weight and responsibilities of serving the faithful. 

Pray this novena for an increase of vocations to the priesthood, helping to renew your parish, your diocese, and the Church throughout the world. 

Novena for Parish Renewal

Many parishes have seen a decrease in members or in zeal among their members. They may suffer from a lack of funds or support that keeps their doors open and the priests may not feel capable of effectively serving their flock.

When a parish suffers, the priest suffers. 

Pray this novena for God to help bring new life and renewal to your parish.  Ask your priest if he has any specific intentions for the parish you could pray for during this novena.

Novena for the Anniversary of Priestly Ordination

This novena is a beautiful way to celebrate the vocation of your favorite priest by remembering the anniversary of his ordination. You can even include this in a spiritual bouquet for your priest. 

Sign up to receive the daily novena prayers sent straight to your inbox and pray along with some friends or fellow parishioners; let him know you’re praying for him and thankful for his ‘yes’ to God. 

Saint John Vianney Novena

Because he faced many difficulties in his studies, Saint John Vianney was sent to the remote French village of Ars after his ordination. Despite seeming like a man of few gifts, John Vianney served his people with great dedication and love. 

His profound love of God and extraordinary ability as a confessor renewed not only his small parish, but also the lives of people who traveled from afar to meet him. 

As the patron saint of the clergy, Saint John Vianney is a wonderful intercessor for priests.

Novena for Bishops

Bishops play a major role in the life of the Church. As the leader of their diocese, a bishop is responsible for teaching doctrine, governing the Catholics in his jurisdiction, and sanctifying the faithful–both laypeople and clergy alike. 

Our Bishops in particular need our prayers to courageously defend truth, shepherd their flock, and faithfully carry out the duties assigned to them. 

Offer this novena for the bishop in your diocese, those in your country, and those throughout the whole world.