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Kick the New Year off right by praying a novena!
January brings with it the celebration of several holy men and women who can pray for all of the intentions you bring into this new year.
Ask for their prayers with one or more of these novenas. And don’t forget to sign up for the daily prayers sent straight to your email so you never miss a day.
Saint Hilary, a Bishop of Poitiers, courageously defended the faith during the spread of the Arain hersey. The Church named him a Doctor of the Church for the contributions he made to theology and Church doctrine through his writings.
Begin the novena to Saint Hilary on January 5th.
In the United States, January 22 marks the Day of Prayer for the Unborn, as we remember specifically all of the lives lost by abortion.
While Roe v. Wade was recently overturned by the Supreme Court, the evil of Abortion still exists both in America and in the world. Pray for an end to abortion and/or for all those who will attend the March for Life. Begin these novenas on January 14.
Saint Timothy was a companion of Saint Paul in the early Church. He traveled with Paul and Silas to help spread the Gospel and eventually remained in Ephesus as the Bishop. Not much is known about his death, but tradition holds he died a martyr.
Many believe he suffered from stomach ailments and for this reason, people often call on his prayers for healing. Whether you need healing or prayers from a courageous saint, you can pray the Saint Timothy Novena, which begins on January 18th.
Saint Angela Merici founded the Ursuline religious order, the first teaching order of women in the Church; she and her sisters devoted themselves to the religious education of young girls. This order still serves in over 30 countries.
The novena to Saint Angela Merici begins January 19th.
Saint Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican priest and Doctor of the Church, wrote prolifically on philosophy, theology, and Church doctrine. His writings have played a major role in the development of Catholic teaching.
Because Aquinas is one of the greatest teachers of the Catholic faith, he is the patron saint of Catholic schools, colleges, and universities, as well as theologians, philosophers, students, and booksellers.
Begin the novena to Saint Thomas Aquinas on January 20th.
The tradition of praying to Saint Blaise to help heal throat ailments goes back to the 6th Century. While not much is known about Blaise, many believe he was a physician who eventually became a bishop–dedicating his life to healing, both body and soul.
Today, many churches around the world offer a special blessing of the throats on the feast of Saint Blaise. Pray this novena to Saint Blaise on January 26th.
Saint Agatha is one of the seven women saints named in the Canon of the Mass. Early in her life, Saint Agatha dedicated herself to God and desired to remain a virgin. Although she faced torture and even death. Saint Agatha did not abandon her promise to God. She died a martyr.
Because of the abuse she faced, she is the patroness of rape victims and survivors, and those who suffer from breast cancer.
The novena to Saint Agatha begins January 28th.
We remember Saint Paul Miki, a Japanese Jesuit, and his companions for their courageous proclamations of the faith even in the face of persecution. Saint Paul Miki became a martyr alongside his companions, becoming the first martyrs of Japan.
Ask for this holy man’s intercession with the Saint Paul Miki Novena beginning January 29.
Saint Josephine Bakhita Novena
Saint Josephine Bakhita suffered many injustices during the years she was enslaved. Her owner brought her to Italy where she worked as a babysitter for his children and it was there that she encountered the Canossian Sisters.
From these sisters, Josephine came to the Church and gained her freedom. She then joined the Canossian Sisters and served God through her work. Pray to Saint Josephine Bakhita with this novena beginning January 31st.
Thank you for format of these novenas. They come to us every day making it so easy to pray. God Bless you for your work.