Answered Prayers from The Pentecost Novena – 2015

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Holy Spirit ebookThank you for joining us in praying the Pentecost Novena!

We hope it was fruitful for you!

If any of your prayers were answered during or following this novena, please share them with us all below!

God bless you!


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  1. God is truly a God of “overflow”!! I ask for prosperity and I have been blessed with 2 job offers. I pray for my brother’s health and once again another modern day miracle. All of my prayers have not been answered but I am patient and I am certain that with the power of faith!! God will provide me with answers!! In Jesus name; Amen!!

  2. All my family members are happy and peaceful by the grace of our Lord. I passed in my driving test. Our jobs are being protected by our Lord.

    Thank you Holy Trinity.

  3. I prayed to sell my house and it sold! I continue to pray for a settlement in the legal fight with my ex-husband!

  4. My love for my wife and family has been reinforced through the struggles that I have had as Jesus Christ had endured endured and suffered for our sins. This is helping me with the spiritual reflection of my life through prayer.

    Prayer with god as our savior is important in the preparation for me for my final calling when the time comes as life as I have know it is very short, sometimes unforgiving and with patience is rewarding.

    My blessing go to those in need and confidence with prayer.

  5. While my son did not seem to turn around at the start of the novena he seems to more and more especially these past few says be more obedient, loving and mature. He is also reading more. Thank you for this novena. I’m so grateful it is here.

  6. i have to take a colonsopy and a cat scan of my stomach and pelvic area please pray for me i need some strong prayers i am going on wed for colonospy and thurs the 28 for cat scan I thank you in praying for me I thank God for all he has done for me I need all the prayers I can get I hope I make it through the prep for the colonospy on tuesday thank you once again

    loveand prayers

  7. We have been praying for 2 years for a building in which to move our Ozanam Charitable Pharmacy. Our hopes have been raised and dashed for 2 years and today, the building that we most desired was made available to us. Glory be to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit!

  8. Walmart has announced breakthrough new more humane principals in regards to farm animals they grow and kill and sell for food. And they are the nation’s largest retailer of groceries! I can’t believe this didn’t happen when the movie, “Babe” came out, but I thank God that it has finally come! Thank you God for helping these defenseless animals! Now, if we could do something drastic about the dogs being tortured…skinned alive…cooked alive…in Asia! Please pray for them, all of you! Please! And donate to a legit fund to help, if you can, like the Soi Dog Foundation which brought this all to light via John Dalley, who I believe was an Olympian and saw this abuse and brought home one dog and has rescued many others since then. God bless him and all the dogs! It’s just unimaginable! Amen!

  9. God is answering prayer all the time. Maybe not how we imagine.
    After about a one year two months wait, I finally got a payment for a contract. It is a small amount but I need it right now to make a return visit to the cardiologist. I was humbled when I bumped into a blind gentleman. He was selling snacks. I had meet him before and assisted him to make a “deposit” yes you read right “DEPOSIT” to his account. It was a small amount, given that in Jamaica huge sums are taken by banks. It is important to learn whatever our plight in life and God still expects us to do something about the situation. My “blind Professor” had created a snack counter and could sell me the exact popcorn flavour I desired. We really do need to keep going no matter what! This is how the Holy Spirit speaks to us just when we get feeling sorry for ourselves. I also saw a young student who had lived in my mother’s house the year she died. it brought tears to my eyes but he was one who had shared my sorrow and it was like “She”my mother was there. I think too that the Blessed Mother Mary understands the importance of the presence of the Mother.

  10. This is a small thing, but I usually do a modified fast on Wednesdays and Fridays. Today Satan was really working on me not to do this. I was so hungry and really craving certain things. I didn’t give in, and it was no big deal. I have to credit prayer for that because I’m weak.

  11. Have been praying for an answer as to weather this was the right time to do the Concsecration to Mary. Have received a very strong YES! every day. Thank you Holy Spirit.

  12. My brothers and sisters in Christ, I want you all to join me and thank God for all his favours. I have been praying for God to make a headway for me in my career and on Tuesday the 19th of May, I had an interview for further studies. Today being 22nd of May, I was told that I’m successful; the Lord has finally answered me. The Lord does answer prayer, all we need is faith in God and patience and never give up. He will do it for you just like he did for me. May the name of God be praised now and forever, Amen

  13. I asked the Holy Spirit to help me find a way to overcome a financial disaster and He came through for me. I am truly blessed and I will do my very best to follow the path that has been given to me. Praise to the Holy Spirit ! Praise God the Son! Praise God the Father! Amen.

  14. Thank you
    I look forward to doing the novenas
    God bless you both
    Thanks again

    Sister in Christ
    S A LL

  15. O my Holy Spirit. You have answered one of my prayers and it was a complete surprise! I was expecting only a partial discount from my dental discount plan to cover the $106 exam fee that I was to be charged before they could address the issue of fixing my cracked crown which happened only two months after having being done. But I found out yesterday that the total exam fee is now totally covered! I am so very grateful because I am disabled from brain surgery that I had 14 months ago and am still not able to get back to work. I am only existing on my Social Security and my budget is very tight. Every little bit helps. God bless You Holy Spirit for hearing my prayers and answering them. I am now praying for the question as to whether or not the dental company will accept the responsibility and absorb the cost of covering the replacement of the crown. I hold that up in prayer to You O blessed and Holy Spirit. Amen.

  16. Thank You Holy Spirit for giving my son Michael the opportunity to graduate today successfuly. Thank You for being with us today for guiding and helping us to celebrate the 2015 seniors graduate from Lewis Palmer High School.Please continue to Bless my son and all of the graduates where ever they go. Please guide , light and show them to the right path of their life . Please help my son Michael to be successful and all your child who graduate today and the years to come look upon them. Please show them the light and shine upon them.We Pray.Amen

  17. Thank you everyone for praying with me. I have been praying to for a job and received a job offer last night. I am so grateful for the opportunity, my friends for supporting me and for my faith. Thank you God for everything.

  18. I want to thank every one for praying with me. I have been praying for approval of my residency since January . Thank God it has been approved.

  19. I prayed to be called for an interview and on day 5 I was called to attend an interview 2 days later. Let’s thank our advocate n give glory to God

  20. I am more than grateful that I was finally called up for a summer job I applied for. I thank God emmersly. Not being ungrateful, I live in a country where English is not their first language and language is a requirement to enable me keep this job. I beg God to loosen my tongue and open my ears and help me deliver beyond expectation. All Glory and praise be unto the father, son and Holy Spirit. Amen

  21. We moved 1200.miles away. I had prayed to find a peace within me and to accept this new parish and city to be my own. This happened on day two as I was at perpetual adoration. Thanks be to God.

  22. The symptoms of my disease has disappeared. God be praised forever more. He will perfect what He has started, this I believe.

  23. I prayed for financial blessings – and monetary blessings happened through my husband’s job. ❤️

  24. My prayers for perseverance and strengthening of my faith thru some hardships have been answered. I am learning to let go of things I have no control over and to focus more on my faith to get me thru my tough times

  25. help me to have self control over my emotions and desires. I pray for this fervently to the holy spirit.

  26. My prayers were answered

    I prayed with other friends that an evil serpent to be kept away from me and my children. The court ruled in my favour however the final hearing would be in August and I will continue to pray to prevail there too.

    God Bless You All

  27. Peace Greetings to you
    The Holy Spirit Novena came at a time when I was going through a terrible break up. I cried most of the times as a result of the betrayal. I was full of anger and vengeful thoughts. I cried out for peace in my heart and life.
    After six days of prayer, I found peace. On the 7th day, I learnt that apart from the information i had on my partner, He was seeing another woman close to our house. To my amazement, I didn’t feel the pain I had expected.
    I want to that God for sending the Holy Spirit our comforter. For when I thought my life was over, He picked up the pieces and gently prodded me into life again.
    Thank you John-Paul and Annie.
    May God grow your ministry to greater heights.

  28. I thank the Pentecost prayers and all of the prayers ever since I did the novena it made me a better person I thank you and I thank lord jesus

  29. Hello,
    My husband and I have been looking to buy a house. We looked at a lot of place and liked a good amount of them, but for some reason or another, they never worked out. Through it all, I kept praying the novena to our Lady of Knots, the Holy Spirit novena, Infant Jesus novena and continued reciting the rosary with my husband every evening.
    Praise God, we found a house we loved – way better than anything else we had ever seen. We knew that there was a reason none of those other houses ever worked out for us – Jesus truly was making sure we were getting the best place for our family and future. We would like to thank our Lady and the Holy Spirit, for being our intercessors and advocate through this huge decision.

    With much prayers and love,

  30. I believe through prayer you receive awareness and your answers become more vivid. Keep praying God bless you.

  31. Thank you for blessing my family abundantly!

    Medication that has changed my son’s life. A girlfriend that’s better than the long awaited medicine. Oldest and wife are having their first child. People that are very difficult in my life have become easier, Amazing. My daughter’s future looks ever so hopeful.

    Blessed and double blessed.
    Trusting isn’t easy but necessary!
    Thank you for your Novena

  32. Self control is truly something I could work on. Whether it is related to food, decision making and spending. My sister can use self control with her emotions and thinking before she speaks.


  33. My prayers were answer yesterday, my husband received his heart stress test and other testing results. According to cardialogist every “looks good” . We are extremely grateful ,our pentecost novena answered our prayers.

  34. My prayer was answered with the novena of Mary undoer of knots.. I was in a long job search and immediately after that novena I was called for a job

  35. I continue to pray for my grandson who is suffering from depressions and anxieties… I pray that the Holy Spirit with come into his heart and help him heal from this disease..
    I pray that his father heal from his addictions so that he is able to help his son and understand his illness…
    I pray for all my family’s health…
    I pray that my children accept and love God in their hearts
    Thank you

  36. I started this novena to the Holy Spirit in prayers of 2 things. 1) Clarity on my broken relationship with my ex boyfriend 2) Wisdom of what God is calling me to do for a career path.
    Today, thank you Holy Spirit for giving me the clarity that I wasn’t wanting my ex boyfriend; I was wanting the gift God gave us before sin ruined it. Two more days, and I hope for the wisdom of what to go back to College for! I believe Holy Spirit, please Jesus help me in my unbelief.

    Thank you Holy Spirit for this opportunity to draw near to you, to be lead by you, and to release my concerns to God’s hands.

  37. Miraculously my husband was able to catch up on work and make all his clients happy. He is also now hiring someone to help and opening an office.

  38. My daughter had an interview on the 20th after (graduating from nursing school on may8) she was offered the job at a wonderful hospital on the 21.. Thank you Holy Spirit and everyone else who prayed

  39. Thanks holy spirit, my grandson have schedule for baptism for sept. My kids start walk back to our faith. Baby steps. I wait in you to complete your promise.

    • I am praying for a grandson to be baptized also. I will pray for your family and ask that you pray for mine. God bless all of you. I am waiting for baby steps to begin.

  40. My intentions of this novena have been answered. My prayers for a productive business travel week and safety have been blessed.
    I also had the blessing of meeting with an individual who wanted to share our faith and openly pray together. We discovered that we both are concerned about our Country’s challenges in protecting our values and rights to openly pray and give praise to our God and maker.
    The power of community is what we need most to remain hopeful that we are not alone in our Christian and Catholic beliefs and the power of communal prayer.

  41. Christ is Risen, Alleluia!
    A homeless person was staying with me for a few days as he could not be staying at his regular (nothing regular about it) place (not a home). All the shelters were full. I am supposed to leave for a retreat today, so he had to relocate (he is not capable of preparing the simplest meal for himself) and street somehow was not an option. I made all phone calls I could in the morning praying to the guardian angel to intervene with guardian angels of persons I would talk to. There was some hope, but nothing tangible.
    Half way through the afternoon it hit me like a thunder to pick up the phone and call “this” number. I did. The person I spoke to made another attempt at a shelter, where one spot just became available.
    Today (after a very long day yesterday – deadlines, health issues, etc) I had a knock at the door that woke me up just in time. I spoke to 2 people who needed to access my backyard. Nobody came to my backyard, nobody was at the front door. I can tell you exactly how they looked like and they did wake me up just in time…to go my daily Mass. Got to run! Thank you Guardian Angel. Praise the Holy Spirit!

  42. We have just come through a difficult point on a project. I prayed to the Holy Spirit for competence in our duties and our work was successful! Thank You Holy Spirit and Thank You Lord!

  43. My prayer for my dear friend Deb hasn’t been answered. However; she has liver cancer she is stage 4.
    Please please keep her in your forever Novena Prayers. Deb is a devoted Catholic and really needs everyone to pull together and pray.

  44. I joined in the novena of St. Joseph praying to God to bless my family with the fruit of the womb. To God be the glory; I’m pregrant.

    Thank you Lord

  45. Yes they have. I feel more positive and calm and just feel better.
    Mornings when I am not so good I read the novena and in no time at all I’m feeling so much better and my day is so good. I’m so glad you had this novena of the Holy Spirit, I’ve wanted to pray to the Holy Spirit but wasn’t sure how, but I know and thank you for this novena and all the rest I have done with you.
    God Bless you and all the work you have put into this web site.
    It has been a blessing for me and my family.

  46. i was praying for my son to get a job and yesterday he received a call that he was hired at the company he most wanted to work for. my prayers are now in thanksgiving

  47. Holy Spirit, thank you for guiding my son in his quest for a better job. He was given a new position which will give him needed job satisfaction and will allow him to better support his family.

  48. Thank you most Blessed Trinity for the Holy Spirit’s gift of my Soul Mate! Praised be Jesus Christ, in the. Love of the Father and the power of the Holy Spirit now and forever! Amen , Alleluia, Mater Dei Ora Pro Nobis!!!

  49. I started this Novena while I was jobless and about to be evicted. On the 7th day I was offered a job and on the same day I found a decent apartment that was very close to my new work place. Thank you very much Holy Spirit. This is the first time I have prayed a novena to the Holy Spirit. I will forever be grateful to the Holy Spirit. Come Holy Spirit come.

  50. I asked The holy spirit for four signs from four different people regarding a decision i was to make on whether to accept a marriage proposal from an ex boyfriend. I want to testify that i got all in the first 4 days of the novena, in the same order i asked for and that i am going ahead with no objection to the proposal. The holy spirit is really God of wonders!

  51. Thank You Holy Spirit for your prayers that my son has come along way with his depression and anxiety. He seems happy and is moving along in school and his new job. I will pray that it continues! May the Holy Spirit be there for all!

  52. dear john paul and annie this novena i am praying for my daughter
    that her monthly period come regular and she get a job Mr tony sir call her and give her work and pay her nice salary please get a miracle she gets a job give her good health and happy life and success in her carreer that is my mother wish and blessing of my husband

  53. After much praying to God and asking if it be his will, he has united my two sons to be once again bothers.

  54. I am praying for multiple intentions. I know the powerful Spirit of God will come to my aid in all my requests. Amen.
    I thank the Holy Spirit for peace in my family.
    I am praying for:
    1. Stable job for my husband
    2. success in my business so in can support the family welfare
    3. Academic excellence for my son
    4. A miracle for the fruit of the womb for with God all things are possible. humanly, I know I may not conceive again cos of age. I still believe God for another child cos I love to have it. Dear Holy spirit I beg of you come to my aid.
    5. God health for all my family members for health is wealth.
    6. Where I work, we were retrenched without paying our severance allowance up till now. Also where my husband is working right now, he is being owed 8 months salary. Life is becoming difficult for us if not for my business God is using to assist us.
    7. For peace in my country and the whole world.

  55. Thank you Holy Spirit for directing our family. I asked for our house application to be approved before the start of novena and today we have been advised of the approval, thank you. Its a new beginning for me and my family. Please continue to watch over us and that our decision will always be according to your will. Keep the people i love be in your constant protection.Never let us get separated from you as we through this life’s journey.

  56. My husband is now listening to the daily readings with me. An opportunity For my husband at his work seems to be taking shape. He was told previously that this opportunity was no way going to happen. Thanks be to God!!

  57. I have been struggling with my husband’s illness and recent death.
    Accepting it was most difficult. I had forgotten how important the Holy Spirit has always been in my life. These prayers have brought me comfort and peace.

  58. novena infant jesus and mary this novena i am praying for my daughter that she sits in her regular monthly period and Mr tony sir call her for work and phone her and give my daughter good life and success in her carrier that is her mother wish

  59. This is the most effort Ive put in a Novena in along time. Praying for exwife to come back to God, kids, and me. Amen. Thank you God. Prayers to everyone.

  60. Our Heavenly Father, with his Son, our Savior Jesus Christ, and our Blessed Mother answered our prayers for full disclosure of our Dad’s trust. Our prayers have been answered because we placed ALL our trust in God and our Savior Jesus Christ and our Blessed Mother and the Holy Spirit. Faithfulness to God will NEVER fail us!

    In God’s Holy Name and Faithfulness to Him as He commanded!

  61. Prayers for my cousin Mat that he be cured of bells policy and prostate cancer
    Prayers continued for my brother Jim that he continues to heel, and in thanksgiving for hearing my prayers and healing
    Prayers for my daughter and her job and her finances and that she makes the right decision on church council
    I ask this in your name your will be done

  62. May God be praised! Midway through the novena, God in His infinite goodness granted me a perfect success in my 3rd MBBS exams. The Long journey is finally over. Thank You holy Spirit! Thank You my lord. Amen!

  63. Through this novena and my recent Consecration to Mary, I truly feel the Holy Spirit working within me and my life. Prayers answered include: a new job offer and our daughter being sober for 40 days. God is truly great! Thank you for this ministry. It has made a huge difference in my life.

  64. My prayers to St Joseph were answered. My home was sold after a divorce. Thanks to St Joseph , Jesus and the Holy Mother.

  65. Praise God for all the blessings and answered prayers. I still have some the was not yet answered, but I believe that God is in control, and he will answer my petitions in His own time. Thank you for the opportionity to be able to pray novenas for you. I can not contribute in cash, but always praying for your intentions. Thank you so much.

  66. Yes my prayers were answered. I did the Holy Spirit Novena combined with the 54 day Rosary Novena. What a powerful time. Thank you!

  67. Thank you Holy Spirit for returning the Gift of Joy in my heart after 10 long months of cancer treatment and tests for my husband. Praise to the Blessed Trinity.

  68. I prayed for internal peace. And all the sudden, a turn around in my life happened yesterday. I woke up and…..felt peaceful. Thank you God for never giving up on me.

  69. Thank you most Holy Trinity and Our blessed Mother for touching the heart of my Brother-in -law. We have prayed for many years for my sister’s freedom and for a change of heart of her husband. On her Birthday 2 days ago she was told that she can come and visit us in England with the 2 children. We are filled with Joy and Love in our hearts for God and His wonderful gifts for us. A miracle indeed. Please pray that all goes well and the whole family will be here in July. Also, my nephew and his wife are together again after one year. Praise God. Now I pray for my own healing of kidney disease. Please God in your Mercy hear my humble prayer. Amen.

  70. Thank you because I know no prayer goes unanswered. How you manifest my hearts desire for my children will not be abrupt but a transition according to your will. I see some changes, and smile because I know they are in your hands.

  71. i would like to thank god for this novenas it came at a time when I really needed it. He has shown me his great wisdom and understanding thank you father God.

  72. Praise God! Wow this novena has been amazing. I started it before my college graduation hoping that I would get a job offer and on Tuesday, I did!

  73. Thank for your prayers. This week I was called for a job interview and got the position. I’ve been trying to work out my finances since last year and my new job will be put me in a much better situation. Thank you for this wonderful novena.

  74. Prayer almost answered . My son has The big interview next Wednesday for a job that will allow him to stay with his family. Please keep praying that he gets the job. Bless you

  75. Not to be cutesy, 1 answered prayer was this novena itself. I’m prone to too much self-reliance & can forget to specifically ask for & rely on the Holy Spirit. I’ve prayed repeatedly for help to remember to ask. So this novena itself has helped me to do that.

  76. Thank you Most Holy Spirit for guding us and inspiring us during the recently concluded International Missionary Conference here in Nairobi Kenya. Tomorrow 23rd May, 2015 we will celebrate the beatification of Blessed Sr Irene “Nyaatha” IMC in Nyeri, 8o miles out of Nairobi. There will be a throng of catholic men, women and children celebrating her life in Christ! Thanks and Praise be to You Most Holy Spirit for in you we live and move and have our being!

  77. At last some family peace! After almost 5 years we are moving in the direction of peace. I am VERY grateful and thankful. I know with God by my side all things are possible. I continue to pray for continuous peace as we move forward living in harmony! I am so happy and less stressed!

  78. i pray to the holyspirit that you may give me self control.
    i pray to the holyspirit that i may be able to shift to my own house.

  79. I’m sadden to say not one of my prayers have been answered. I don’t understand.. I’m losing faith. All I want is my husband and I to get back together. For some reason. He’s not My heart is so heavy with hurt and pain. Maybe I can ask for help paying off my debts so I can move on without him. I’m so confused. I need lots of prayers.

    • Kimberly I feel your pain! Don’t loose faith. God has his plan. You may not see or believe it now but I’m sure you will soon. Put all your trust in him.

    • Do not be discouraged. Sometimes God requires a long time of prayer from us. Some of the saints prayed for decades before their prayers were heard. Also, God may be giving you what you need in life to protect you and your estranged husband’s salvation. Hard to hear, but always remember, God loves you more than you can comprehend, so He will allow nothing that will harm your eternal salvation. In heaven, you will look back and say, ” O Lord, You were so good and juste and right!”

    • My intention for this Novena was for victory in a court battle with my Ex. A claim was put on for an undeserving share of my property. Thanks and praise to the power of the Holy Spirit this claim was dismissed. Support owing was used to reconcile contributions he had made but was far below what he was claiming for on my home.
      Thank you Lord!

    • Ive been praying for the samething for almost 5 years. Im not giving up. I would like to have my exwife back for God, kids and myself. Prayers your way Kim.

  80. I need prayers to storm heaven for a pregnant mom scheduled to have an abortion on Saturday! Pray every obstacle will be placed in her way to not make the appointment! Pray she will reconsider an ultrasound at our PRC to reconsider other options for her and her baby. Come Holy Spirit Come!



  82. Thanks to God and all of you praying with me, I chose a Christian college, made the gymnastics team, and am graduating high school today! Lots of stress is relieved and I’m confident that I’m following Gods path for me right now!

  83. I’d started 2get misunderstandings with my wife which had resulted to domestic violence. 3rd day into novena, something got revealed 2me. I’d sinned against her. Some inner voice tild me that i should confess to her bt i got scared that if i did, she would file for a divorce but the voice became more intense that i broke open my darkest secret. She became violent… O knew my marriage was finished and gone but somehow she forgave me and we both broke to tears for hours. I felt so weak, the kind i’d never felt before but my cinscious became clear. It was all miraculous.

    • God is with you Ronald. Keep working on youre relationship with God and your wife. I hope to have your faith one day. Amen brother!!!

  84. On day three, Our Lord granted a miracle. A substantial gift was given, without strings attached, that has lifted much stress and is allowing me to financially take care of some major issues. By doing so, I can focus on securing a new job and I know Our Lord is directing me there. I am in awe of Our Lord’s blessings, love and miracles in my life. I give glory and thanks to Him. I pray that the others who have been praying this novena have received or will soon receive an answer to their prayers. AMEN!