Archive for pope benedict

84,000 Novenas for Pope Benedict’s 84th Birthday

[This Novena Starts April 8th, Don’t forget to pray each day *Click here to get Pope novena reminders by Email! * — No spam, just prayers…]

Will you join me in saying ‘Thank You!’ to our Holy Father in a special way on his birthday?

A Papal Prayer Present

Pope Benedict XVI Novena
We are going to give ‘Il Papa’ a HUGE birthday present!

Pope Benedict XVI’s birthday is coming up on April 16th. He’s turning 84 years old and I’m sure he can use all the prayers he can get while shepherding the Universal Church!

We are going to give the Pope the gift of prayer. We are going to lift him up in prayer for nine days straight. That’s right, we’re going to pray a birthday novena for the Pope. Read More →