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Our next novena is to a saint who does the impossible.
In fact, that’s what he’s known for… answering impossible prayers!
He’s the patron of hopeless, lost and impossible causes…
He is Saint Jude!
We will start praying the St. Jude Novena on Thursday, October 19th!
You can sign up to join us in prayer here here:
We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you!
God bless you!
John-Paul & Annie –
St. Jude I pray to you and my heavenly mother and father for my nephew that he changes his mind and comes live with me. His stepmother is mentally and physically abusive to him. I pray that his father let’s him come live with me without any hassles. I pray that my niece passes her driving exam, i pray that I pass my nationals exam, i pray for financial blessings. I pray for everyone in need of prayer. Amen
St Jude ~
Please pray that God hear my many thanks for all he has done and all he continues to do for my family. Even when I don’t see it with my earthly eyes. Thank you for being our rock of support. Please continue to bless us with your grace and favor.
In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Please pray that my children are successful in the courses they wish to pursue, that they make the right choices. please pray that my daughter gets a good job in her field of study and makes the right choice in what she wants to study further. Please pray that my son is motivated and focused,does well in his entrance exam and gets into a good college or he gets a good placement in the field he is passionate about if it’s Gods will.
Please also pray for my niece – she is going through a hard time right now and is a victim of circumstances. Pray for healing of her hurts and betrayals and may she find a good loving husband who will give her the family she never had and her relationship with her mother will be restored.
I also pray for their safety and protection.
Thank you
St. Jude, pray for my broken relationship with my partner to work out.
Everything seems to be not working, and seems his mind is made up to walk out of the relationship.
But I believe that with God nothing is impossible.
Intercede for me to God to save my dead relationship.
Dear St. Jude,
Please pray for an open heart, conversion and forgiveness for my daughter Erin who is dabbling in the dark arts and demonic spiritual world. Please help her to get back on the right path that she knows yet resists. Pray for strength and protection for her husband and their three children.
Pray for my son Ryan who has been drifting from the faith but is not hostile. Please pour out the gifts of God’s Holy Spirit on him so that he may become strong in his faith and resist temptation.
Pray for me for an outpouring of the gifts of your Holy Spirit. Help me with healthier habits and strengthen my determination. I pray that a good Catholic man will come into my life for love and companionship. I pray for miraculous help with my future and finances so that I will have stability and peace.
Please pray for peace in South Korea and in the whole world and for improved sincere, faithful, leadership in the US. St. Michael, cast out the evil spirits in Jesus’ holy and precious name. Save us Oh Lord! Thank you for the devout and disciplined prayer of the Korean people. Thank you for the Holy Shrine at Mirinae.
Thank you St. Jude for all the prayers you have answered throughout my lifetime. I also thank our Lady, St. Joseph, St. Anthony, St. Francis de Sales, St. Bernadette, St. Therese, St. Anne, St. Patrick, St. Michael, St. Raphael, St. Gabriel and all the angels and saints. Thank you Father, Jesus and Holy Spirit. I abandon myself and surrender to you. Amen.
The best thing you can do for your family -especially your daughter is to have Mass held for them. And often. The Mass IS the best gift anyone can give.
Get St. Benedict Crucifixes or medals (go on St. Paul’s street evangelization dot com as they sell a ton for affordable pricing) and go to your parish priest, have him do the St. Benedict exorcism blessing over the St. Benedict Crosses/medals. Oh… buy salt and have him do the exorcism blessing as well. Somehow sprinkle the salt by her bed. Under. And also get it into get salt shaker so she is consuming the salt.
Have the kids/husband wear the St. Benedict Cross/medal if possible. If not, have the medal/cross above their doors. Have hubby keep his in wallet/car etc.
Also- somehow have him spray Holy Water throughout the house, under the bed (evil lurks everywhere) and on themselves daily. I suggest buying bottled water and get them blessed and “casually” keep them close for her to drink……
Get the Warrior prayer booklet online for free and start praying the binding prayers for your kids. But most importantly, is have Mass. you have to have the Mass.
Seven Sorrows Rosary is a great prayer with many promises from Our Lady. YouTube it and start praying.
It’s our duty as mothers to pray/intercede for our babies. A great deal of pressure I know. However, we cannot let Satan take them. We must fight until the very end of our last breathe.
“I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me.” (Ph 4:13)
Thank you so much Victoria! I’ve been doing some of these things. I’m visiting them in South Korea for 2 more weeks. I need to start having Mass said for her and her family. I will contact a priest tonight about that.
I’ve been sprinkling holy water at every opportunity, dripping it into her water bottle and drinks, in the refrigerator, etc. I also sprinkled blessed salt everywhere. Right now her bed is on the floor, but we are waiting for a new one to arrive. I put some of the salt into the shaker and the salt container. I got some chalk blessed and have subtley written JMJ and made a cross in every room. The chalk is now there for the children to use.
I’ve been offering the family every day during the petitions at Mass. I’ve been praying deliverance prayers quite a bit, daily rosary and frequent Chaplet of Divine Mercy. I’ll have to send the St. Benedict medals after I get back home unless I have a miraculous opportunity to find them here.
Every night, I listen to the entire rosary and Marian songs while I sleep so it is permeating the house. I also open a Perpetual Adoration site online so it is always on my iPad and phone. I definitely notice the difference in the atmosphere of the house compared with when I arrived. She is also changing in subtle ways, becoming slightly more open. So horrible to have one’s child in the grips of the devil. He is losing his edge though. I can see things happening.
She is allowing me to bring the children to Mass with me. They have a beautiful Korean children’s Mass here. Early on, I baptized two of the three children who had not been baptized at birth.
I bought and had blessed prayer cards and rosary bracelets for each child with an affiliated Saint, but I’m afraid they may already be lost. Not sure what she will do with the Saint Benedict medals if I mail them to her. I will try. My grandson has been reading bible stories on my iPad and I will leave the apps on his father’s phone. I cannot enlist the father’s help directly,
If possible, can you leave your email address on this site for me. Or maybe John Paul or Annie can connect us. I would appreciate your mentoring from someone who completely understands my problem.
This all started because she has always read fantasy and magic books and it has gotten carried away. I’ve been sprinkling holy water on the bookshelf and on problematic books. The other night, she was reading one of the fantasy books but Pratcher, and I was sitting nearby reading one deliverance prayer after another. After about 10 minutes, she closed the book and stared off into space for awhile. Then she stopped reading the book and went out for a jog. God is so powerful!
God bless you abundantly and thanks for your help!
St. Jude please help me with my family. I pray that my husband comes back to my daughter and I. I want our family back. My job is in jeopardy. Please St. Jude help me get my life back. I pray this in the name of God AMEN
Please Dear St Jude, please help me to get out of debt.. I lost my job last year and just now got a job for 1/4 of what I used to make. My husband does not work. This past year without income has really been difficult and I have slid farther and farther into debt. Please help me..
Thank you,