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A little while ago, we created our second eBook called St. Anne, Pray for Us! 9 Days of Prayer (and more!) to the Mother of Mary and Grandmother of Jesus. We made an advance copy available to our Special Membership, but we had not published it publicly until now.
The e-book is now published on Amazon and we have made it free for you to download from today until October 12th. On October 12th, the price will go up to $0.99.
You do not need a kindle to read this book!
Anyone can download and read this book, even though it is in Kindle format because Amazon provides readers for any computer. So, don’t worry if you don’t have a Kindle, I’ll show you how to read it without one below :)
Here’s what you need to do to get the book for Free:
1 – Click HERE to go to the Amazon page before October 12th.
(Note: You can also go to and search for “St. Anne, Pray for Us! 9 Days of Prayer (and more!) to the Mother of Mary and Grandmother of Jesus” it will be the first one. This might be necessary if you are not in the US.)
2 – Click the Orange button that says “Buy now with 1-CLick” (You’ll see the price is currently $0.00)
3 – At this point, you’ll need to either login to your Amazon account or create a new amazon account if you don’t already have one.
4 – Finish the Checkout and select how to receive the ebook.
This is where you can either read it right in your web browser now, by clicking “Read now in Kindle Cloud Reader” or you can have it delivered to your phone, tablet or kindle by selecting a device to deliver it to.
5 – After you download it, please write an honest review on Amazon.
Want the Kindle app on a different device so you can read the ebook on your phone, tablet or computer? Click here.
We hope that this ebook is a blessing to you!
Note: If you are not from the US you might need to use the amazon website for your country:
Hi Sister Annie, I will pray the Saint Anne Novena Prayer. Please pray for me as I will go to this journey with prayer and meditation. Now, I thank Jesus in advance for answered prayers. Thank you for being a blessing to me. Thank you for being part of my spiritual journey. Saint Anne, pray for us. In Jesus name, Amen.
I was in FL at the time I recieved this email helping a friend prepare for her Dad’s burial and Memorial Service and to help her clean her home for out of town family to staynwith her. Please resend the link to download my free book.
Looking forward to next Novena. Got your second e-book, thanks. What’s the title of your first one? I’d like to get it too. Thanks so much for what you do.
Thank you John-Paul and Anne. Much blessings always.
Feeling sad for not receiving the
e-book. Can you please send on my email. Thanks
Thanks so much for all the wonderful novenas …they’re awesome!
Just to thank you for the gift. It is so helpful for me and hope that Saint Anne my grandmother will continue to intercede for us all through the help of Mother Mary whom we are celebrating today at the closing ceremony of centenary of Our Lady of Fatima.
Thank you so much, God Bless All .
… I would you send the book to me email to read… I have no account under Amazon… thanks in advance… Love All…
I dont have an amazon account plz sent it to my email
Please answer my prayer for the above ppl. for me .
Thank you so much.
Good evening;i really appreciate this beautiful work. My God continue to fill you with His wisdom. For people that are not special members and also n resident in the United States;but in Nigeria,please how do we access the book?
Always Awesome to read religious works#!#
Thank-you for the St. Anne Pray for Us! E-Book. I have downloaded it onto my kindle and started to read it. I can’t wait to really sit down and enjoy it! Also, thank-you for making the Novenas so easy to participate in. John-Paul, I have had a hard time remembering to do a Novena each day – as you once did. Now it’s not a problem! I really appreciate getting the emails on my phone and finishing the Novena in the original nine days! Your inspiration and hard work to make the Novenas readily available has been a real blessing to me.
Thank-you again and God Bless you both.
Hi thanks you so much for the second ebook free of charge .its a great gift from God thank you.
I don’t have an Amazon account and I can’t get your book on my phone can you please send it to my email thank you and God bless you
Annie Thanks alot for the inspirational work you do on this web. Thank you so much for the ebook. It has taken back to why I treasure my faith as a Catholic and why in my everyday life I should keep the banner high. Thank you once again. I’m sure to take the St Anne Novena more seriously. Thank you once again and GOD Bless you!
I wouldlove to receive my free copy of St anne’s novena book.
she has helped me several times and also answere my last novena to her.
thank you
I don’t have an Amazon account so if you can send it through to my email it would be better. Thank you and God bless you.
Can’t download, please send to my e-mail thank you God Bless you for your kindness
God Bless u all.
Please send to my email. Cannot download it
Annie. My comment didn’t register yesterday. Was successful today so my 5star review should appear soon
Thank you so much John-Paul and Annie for the gift,
Can you please send it to me to my email as I cannot download it. Thanks.
I am unable to download it as I am from india. Can it be mailed.
Hello, thanks for the e-book. But am from Nigeria and can’t seem to download. Can it be sent to my email pls .
Dear John-Paul & Annie,
You are a wonderful couple & I Thank GOD for you. You taught me how to pray Novena. Thanks so so much!
I received the e-book and its amazing. I really appreciate.
Please remember to pray for my country Kenya.
Kind Regards,
Can’t wait to read it
Dear Annie
Thanks for making the e-book available. I am from Nigeria and I can’t seem to download a copy. Thanks
Hi, pls I can’t get the book from amazon because of my country. Pls I will really appreciate it if you send it to my email. Thank you
Hi. God bless you for the good work you’re doing. May God’s grace and mercy be with you always. I’m from Kenya and I tried to access the gift from Amazon in vain. I’d be happy to receive it via email. God bless you.
Dear Annie,
Thank you for being there for us, I would like to receive this e-book through my email. I am from Zimbabwe and cant access Amazon. May the Almighty bless you abundantly. Love you guys
Can’t wait.
Thank you for book but am having problems of the amazon ,please need your help .am from Kenya
Thank you very much for the offer. But cant reach it. I am having difficulties with the Amazon sit.
Thank you for the wonderful work you are doing. Am from Zimbabwe but cant access the Amazon. Kindly send it direct to my email address. Thank you and may God bless you abundantly.
Thank you so much for enhancing my prayer life and for your generosity. God bless you abundantly
thank you for you gift. God bless you and increase your wisdom to do more of his work
Can’t wait, thank you for your gift.
Can not get via Amazon can you mail it to mt?
I have the same problem and same request.
Thank you I have now managed to get a copy . I look forward to reading it. Bless you
Thank you for the opportunity of your book! I can’t wait to read it. I hope you have a blessed day!
Thank you I received the second e book from Amazon may God bless you both .its a blessing for me with this book.
Looking forward to reading this book
Thank you for this book
Looking forward to reading this book
This is verily wonderful. May the Lord that gave you two this initiative, inspiration and courage never let you down in Jesus name, Amen.
Thank you I have already down loaded the free e book from Amazon. Thank you very much I am enjoying reading the book.god bless you as this book has kept me a blessing.
This e book is certainly a blessing. St. Anne Is my favourite Saint of miracles. Through her intercession great things have happened to me and the people around us. Thanks for your wonderful work
Thank you for the Novena and thank you for the free E Book…May God bless you abundantly ????????????
Thank you very much may God Almighty bless you abundantly for you generosity and dedication
Thank you for your devotion to St. Anne and the website. Thank you for the ebook. I read all of it and said all the prayers at once. The book is written in an easy to understand and follow manner. I appreciated your openness and vulnerability throughout. Some of the meditations caused me to tear up a little, hitting hidden places in my heart which I had forgotten. Some of the most difficult parts are to have faith and lean on the Lord, knowing He is with us always. We find we often need folks to help us through things by sharing, but then we find ourselves forgetting to lean on the Lord the most. Seeing His good works in my life would help, though I think it really is up to us here on earth, with only some spiritual help from the Lord on an irregular basis. “Because you have seen me, you believe; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.” John 20:29 Thank you for being a blessing in my life.
Thank you for this book! I just downloaded it.
As a grandmother, I have a special affinity for St. Ann, as well as being a member of St. Ann Parish. I also like the convenience of having some of my daily prayers available on my Kindle.
I try not to miss your novenas–so many things in our lives today need prayer, and you are a blessing for making these novenas available to prayer warriors!
Thanks so much for the commitment. may the good lord reward you people greatly.
Thank you Guys for you give your time , to let us know the God Word, you are doing awesome job.
May God Bless you .
Thanks for novena.
Second thanks for the gift of E-Book.
Thank you
Thank you for the gift of your book. May God bless you richly for this work.
Thanks to both of you for all the Novena, l believed God is answering my prayers, l want Saint Anne to bless my daughter Ufua- Mary with fruit of the womb she has been married for 5years now. I live in Nigeria just came back from Canada. I really want the e book l could not get it on my email, l would appreciate if l can get it to read, you guys had actually inspired me to read the Novena when ever there is prayer. Thanks so much.
Thank you so much for the gift! I’m looking forward to reading it and keeping it close by! God be with you!!
sale or removal of camper shell owned by vagrant son.
Thank you for the book
Thank you so much. Stay blessed!.
Thank You for your prayers and for the book.
Thank you for your generosity. The prayer novena and the stories of the saints helped me see how to respond with spiritual maturity to every trials and challenges in life through their examples.
I am from Canada, and had no problems downloading the e-book following the author’s instructions.
God Bless you all !!!
I would be delighted receive your book St. Anne, Pray for us. Blessings to you both
Thank you for such a lovely gift! I am sure it will bring me grear peace!
Thank you for the book.
Thank you both for the free e-book. I have had not yet answers from novena but won’t give up.
Very encouraging! I am grateful.
Thank you Ann
Prayers help me a lot it enlightens me and give me a broader meaning of love that God have given us.
Please pray the my son’s medical school applications are blessed and that he receives interviews this week and sooner and that he gets selected and is awarded a seat to do medicine in a good medical school to attend and become a medical doctor soon to serve people. I have been praying for this for more than 5 years and thank you god for bringing him this far for your word says you will never leave nor forsake us, I believe and trust that you will bless with this favor for my son soon this year . Bless me with an opportunity to give our testimony here to all brothers and sisters in Christ. Amen
I live in the U.K. And have tried to get a copy but it says I am unable to buy it on my device even though I have a kindle app. I would be happy to pay for it.
Thank you for Novenas look forward to each day.
Amazon only allows you to choose a Kindle version. How can you obtain a non-Kindle copy?
We thank God for you. Be blessed
I searched and searched but can’t find the book. I live in Nigeria. If we can get the e-book on PDF, It will be highly appreciated. Thanks for the good work.
I’ve tried through Amazon..its not working. When I search (cos I’m not in the US), it returns as search result not found. Can it be resolved soonest? I follow you both and will love to read the e-book
Thanks very much to both of you and the team for accepting me and praying for me. I am grateful for the new book and will try take the opportunity offered me through the book to draw closer to God.
Click “Read Now In Kindle Cloud Reader” then the ebook will appear!
Please can we get a PDF format. This Amazon thing is just not working
Thank you.
I would have really love to get the free e-book of St. Anne’s 9 day of prayer (and more!) to the Mother of Mary and Grandmother of Jesus but I can’t, so sad. What do I do?
Unable to receive free prayer book as I live in Canada and amazon .ca is not showing it .what can I do .thankx
Thank you very much for this second book! Praying novenas with you has enriched my life very much,as I am sure this book will too. May God continue to bless you both in abundance.
I tried to get a copy of your book, but after logging in, Amazon said the book is not available for me to purchase. I live in Australia, and I dont know if Amazon has restrictions regarding this. Any suggestions?