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Here’s Day 1 of the St. Jude Novena!
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For my boyfriend to be open to listening to my letter. That he really reads it and understands and want to try to make things work. And that he will return to church.
Healing of my sister-in-law of brain cancer, friend with breast cancer, grandsons allergies.
St Jude
I pray for my son and his court situation that he is victorious and his case is dismissed without hurting anyone . He is a blessed child and I hope this is seen through everyone’s eyes. I pray that his life can move forward fruitful productive and healthy with his daughter
Thank you St Jude
Dear saint jude I am asking for prayers tht me an my wife to make the out marriage work out! An that my wife am Daniel to drift apart so me an my wife to make our marriage work out. In Jesus name here my prayrs
Please pray for my niece to heal????????????..That his brain tumor will disappear..He is just 5 yrs.old..Please Dear Lord????????????give him a chance to live longer..Im begging????????????
St. Jude, please pray to Our Lord to help my brother, Dan, to get and stay sober and to receive the right medical care and medications to improve his bipolar and ADHD disorders. Also, please ask Our Lord to keep him in good physical as well. All is possible with God.
Please pray for all my situations at this moment that sometimes worry me to me to keep peace in my mind and heart and home and work.keep me healthy in body mind and spirit.pray for all thoses praying this jude patron of hopeless cases intersede for me as i place all my trust in you..amen
Dearest St. Jude,
With your help and those of all Saints, I pray that my son Sean comes back to live with me an that he spends time with me. My heart is full of love for him, I have patience. However, he goes off to college in September 2018 and I would like to have some time before he goes to school. Sean is the last of my 3 sons. I pray that he makes good choices, without my presence. He is loved help him to love God more. I pray that he returns to the church, I pray that he seeks God to help guide him.
St. Jude, hear my intentions and prayers. These are the desires of my heart. Amen
Dear Lord
I pray that my daughter will be free from the disobedience, disrespectful toward me and my mother, pray she will be fill with the holy ghost and be save. I also will be free from diabetes and neutrophy that’s in my fingers and toes, and that my legs stop hurting.
Lord Jesus I pray for clarity and a deeper awareness of your will for me. I am so lost.
Guide me.
Dear lord i pray for those thing has beeb holing my life back to be removed
I am in love and its impossible and I am miserable.
For Shirley, to accept recovery in her life. For financial guidance. And for a stronger faith for our family.
St. Jude please pray for me that I come out triumphant in my current dealings with the IRS.
Please pray for the Family Estate that it will be released as soon as possible to my Husband and his Family from the attorneys. This has been going on for many years.
Also please pray for my health to improve. Thank you.
Pray for my son that he forgives me for past transgresssion, truly forgives and not remind me of these things and ways when he is angered. Help him with his temper and words. Help him to turn to God for guidance. Help him to use common sense and not to succumb to peer pressure. Help him to gain an officers slot in the Marine Corps if it is Gods will. He has always wanted to serve his country and doing so as a JAG would mean everything to him. Help him also forgive IN and repair their friendship. Amen!
I am offering prayers of Thanksgiving for Sandy, her stage 4 cancer is in remission.
I am asking for prayers for some special intentions:
* Gold-star parents who will be participating in a weekend grief workshop
* Mary Yohn, 99, her health is declining that she may be made comfortable in this final stage of her life. For her family as they prepare to say goodbye.
* Mike Brennan, dear family friend, for a speedy recovery from open heart surgery
Thank you. God Bless you.
Three special intentions. Praying for healing of A.C.’s father, Jozef. Kazimiera, for health, faith, and strength while assisting Jozef. Also asking for God’s grace for REFLECT, team members, and support for our secret pals.
St jude heal me as I am suffering from a allergic right now pray for me.
I pray that I see complete healing of my beloveds from everything and my financial situation be improved I get a permanent school teaching job nearby my location in St James School and I get my love Sumit Kumar Mandal’s heart and mind back into me and he loves me again Amen.
I pray that I get a good paying job soon. I have been unemployed for several months now. I want to be able to support my elderly mother and myself with a good job. Amen
Please pray for the grace of healing for our son. Please pray his diagnosis be stopped and reversed. May he turn to our Lord .
Please Pray for my mother’s upcoming surgery. For my spouse’s boards and mine as well. For three special intentions.
Thank you
I pray for my family to be surrounded with holy Christian friends & eventually spouses. I pray to be healed mentally, physically & spiritually. That I can offer up my depression & anxiety.
Still need prayer for my broken family. My husband left for years ago after 40 years of marriage. One of our sons does not talk to me or his siblings. The other siblings do not talk to him. It is also sad. That is not God’s will. Please pray. I believe all things are possible.
Pray for my children to return to the faith. Find a good catholic girlfriend or boyfriend. For my siblings to return to the faith and and their spouses. For deceased members of our family. Pray for the Catholic Church to grow.
Peace be with all of you. Saint Jude patron saint of the impossible. I ask for peace in my family, my mom Sara, my daughter Jill, may she find peace in Jesus Christ and the blessed Mother Mary and the heavenly father, may she find another job, a gentleman suitable for her that’s a Catholic who will bring her back to our Lord Jesus, a Yankee fan. My friends, annie, fidela, ercilia, David, peace in the work place, a career move for me, where I would have serenity, tranquility, peace, I also ask for concentration, focus. I have been to Dr’s but they can’t diagnose me correctly. But I have a lot of faith my through saint Jude intercession I will soon know exactly what’s wrong. I don’t have faith in my doctors but I have faith that the Lord will show me and get the necessary help I need. I thank u saint Jude for your intercession, amen. I also thank you for Mrs Annie for the novenas.
Dear Lord please keep Dave healthy. No growth in his lungs. His back and legs pain go away so he can be active and loose weight. Amen
I pray JN’s wounds are healed mentally, physically, and spiritually with her parents. There are deep rooted problems and dysfunction with their relationship. Help them to come together and start to fix the damage that has been done. Please let JN know that she can go to her parents and tell them anything without being judged. Help her to love and trust!
Thank you for all my blessings.
I pray for Strive to be successful.
I pray for Seth and for marriage.
thank you
I pray to you St Jude to unite me with JN, IN, and SN. Our relationship is strained and distant and seems hopeless. I pray that they see the good in me and forgive me. I pray that they reach out to me so we once again can be a family.
Please pray for my son for he has a eating disorder and he has to loose 100lbs before they can do surgery.
In Jesus’s name
Please pray to help me find a boyfriend and eventually husband, for my sister to come back to her faith, to keep my family safe and healthy, and for my parents to be happy.
Please join me in praying for husband to stop drinking alcohol which has brought financial difficulties and serious debts. He is now alcohol dependable and drinks secretly.
Also to pray for son to come back to the family.
In Jesus Name
Please pray that mt brother and his wife Janet are healed physically and mentally.
Grandma Aggie to have a return to good health. Rick to be healed of cancer along with Jane and Nicholas Hamel
Please pray for me to have good health, get a husband who believes in God and marriage institution and have a family of my own.
I also pray that i make the right decisions both at my work place and at home so as to better myself.
Thanks St Jude for all your prayers.
I pray to you St Jude for the unity of my daughter and granddaughter. Everyone is saying that there relationship is hopeless. I pray that they see the good in each other and that they forgive and love each other.
Mentally ill and anxiety.
St Jude,
Please pray and ask our Blessed Mother to intercede to comfort my wife of her pain from my transgressions and to heal our marriage. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Dear St Jude pray for me have prayed for a second child for seven years kindly pray for me. Also pray for my bro I and M so that God can make them the men he created them to be. Amen
Pls pray for My daughter’s health and marriage. For peace and love and understanding.
For break through in business for my Son. For God’s healing on my client.
Oh holy apostle St. Jude please heal my dearest friend JA wounds, mentally, physically, and spiritually. Please help to stop the path of dysfunction that she is on. the lies, dishonesty, and deceit need to stop! Help her to turn to our Lord and savior for help and know God’s love. Help her to stop dating JR. She will not find peace and healing in this relationship but only more dysfunction and lies. He will say and do the right things for the wrong reasons!! Help her set a great example for her daughters who need her now more than ever. I miss her and love her! Please let her know that I am here for her and she can believe in me. Please let her know to come to me and that she can work through things! Help her and her daughters know our lord and savior as theirs! No more running and no more hiding! Help her to tell the truth and be her true authentic self!
Peace be with her and her girls!
Please pray that my daughter comes back to church and takes my grandsons to church every week even though they go to Catholic school and have a weekly school Mass. And I pray that one day her husband would turn Catholic and join her in going to Saturday or Sunday Mass every week with their boys.
In Jesus’s name and St. Jude, please hear me.
St jude please. I pray for my brother to be set free and protect him from all evil. All his enemy’s and help me to stay strong for him and my family thank you in jesus name amen
Open E’s heart to seek the change he needs for spiritual wholeness and that I may be freed from my spiritual bond to him.
Please pray for our son Willie that is in jail he is mentally ill have been in and out of jail for several times the police said to me that they do not take the word of and mental person please let him come home get help stay away from people that is no good for his life please help all those from the hurricane please help us get out business turning down please help us rebuild something with donations thank you God
So many things on my mind that needs desperate solutions.
St. Jude, whatever I asked for in this Novena, please answer them according to your will. Grant them, not on my terms but on yours…. in your time.
Please pray that my son finds a nice practicing Catholic girl close to his age and he may start to enjoy a relationship with that would lead into marriage in the Catholic church and raising a faithful. My daughter reaches her dream becoming an actress but staying to herself. And that she can earn enough money to take care of herself. And that her boyfriend finds a full-time job in his career with medical benefits and being able to support him and their family.
st Jude i pray for a divine intervention into this sickness which is trying to take hold of me. i ask for your healing powers upon my body and that this autoimmune blood disease that is showing up in my blood you may vanish it away and that i may be healed in your mighty name St Jude.
Saint Jude, please pray for the healing of my father and for all the intentions posted here.
I pray that I would be able to pay for my products when they get here. I lift that up in Jesus’s name Amen
All of us have so many trials to pray for. My list is long too. Please heal my illness. I thank God for my doctors and meds. Please show us where to move. It may come to us that we will have to move. At our age we just would like to own a place as nice as this and pay taxes . To take care of each other. God knows the road for us we ask for Father God almighty’ s way for us, let us know what to do. Unity in our family our adult children don’t speak to each other. Heal their lives, let the unforgiveness go among them. Seems impossible. Turn their lives to God. Live Godly lives. We pray unceasingly and with thanksgiving. In Jesus’ name
Healing my concussion.
Saint Jude, please pray for my children and grandchildren’s conversion back to the Church. Pray also for the Terry D that her cancer will be cured. Pray for all intentions here. In Jesus’ Holy Name! Amen
Dear St Jude….
You watch over me at my highest and at my lowest…today I come at my lowest. Please help me to resist my addiction. Please help my boyfriend to speak to me…I miss him horribly.. Please help me to work just get through today. Please be by my side as I sit here quietly. Please give me strength to get up and out of bed.
In Jesus name,
Please pray for my son to come back to the Church. For my husband’s health and my own.
Please pray for protection of my family , for my son to get a good job, for a financial breakthrough, for X to quit using drugs and that we give him support that he needs to conquer this sickness ,for my work situation to be resolved soon and return to work and to do well in my exams in Jesus Name , Amen
St.Jude help me to have concentration while I’m studying in preparation of my nurse licensure me to have all the one I’m studying must retain in my memory I can ans my exam collectly..ST.Jude help me to be the topnochers of the nurse licensure exam to fulfilled my parents dream..I love u ..St Jude…
St Jude ~
Please continue to pray for our country and our world. We are in need of a very strong positive turn.
Please pray for my family. Please pray that we all be together very soon. We are also in need of grace and favor.
Dear St. Jude my son has been unemployed for over a year and a half and I am praying he will be offered a permanent job so that he can continue to provide for his family and their needs. We have been blessed in so many other ways and I thank God everyday for the blessings He has bestowed on our family.
Please St. Jude, help my son stay on the right track, help be continue to loose weight, help my sister find her ring, help me with my private intention.
thank you
I pray this Novena for our President and Vice President, that the Wisdom of God will fall upon them. That the Wisdom of God will fall upon me, my husband, daughter, son in law and soon to be grandchild. The we may always ‘listen’ to the still small voice of the Holy Spirit and St. Jude, Saint of the impossible causes, lead us all to much joy and happiness. Please St. Jude, I pray for a healthy, happy and joy filled baby born to my daughter and son in law. You know the desires of my heart. May their lives be blessed abundantly. St. Jude, take our petitions to Jesus the Most High. In Jesus’ name I pray.
Please include the following intentions in your prayers:
That my spouse may be enlightened and guided back to the Lord and His Mother
That my spouse may be guided towards being a true head of our family
For financial assistance and stability
For my daughter’s success in all her endeavors – personal and professional; that she may remain a true daughter of theFather, sister of theSon, and child of the Holy Spirit
That Michelle may be guided in the right path at all time, and for her success – personal and professional
For Joe, that our Lord always keep in in His care and for his caregivers
For my entire family – all my siblings and their children – that we may remain peaceful, united, and in good health
That in all things God may be glorified!
st jude please reach down from heaven and take hold of my hand – lord jesus you put in my heart the want of a child – then closed the door – psalm 113.9 – i needed and prayed for healing – my god you have forsaken me – your child – diane/nj/usa
Oh bless heavenly Father please take my husband out of sin and bless us with a restored 40 yr marriage. We praise and thank you for answering this desperate plea.
Lord I place nlcbt into your hands. Lord I pray for money to finance my son throughout medical school. I pray. I pray that my son become a doctor. Lord please continue to bless my finances
St. Jude , accept the prayers of Aj who is asking for blessings for son. Jesus provide the finances needed for him to complete medical school and that he gets his MD degree and becomes doctor. Provide and bless to accomplish this goal which you have birthed in their life. Bless him in studies, bless with finances, courage, strength and health. God, our father we ask , pray and receive. Amen
St Jude I am so in need of getting a mortgage to repay my parents back for the money they have leant me be I have such a horrendous Credit Score. I need a miracle.
That St Jude give me a permanent position in St James School as a school teacher complete healing for my mother from everything and to change transform my love Sumit Kumar Mandal’s heart and mind into my old Sumit again and I get my peace joy and happiness ahead
St. Jude here my prayer. That Jesus help my son’s and husband learn to forgive them self so that we can become a family again. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen
That God may grant my son and I a legal status to live here peacefully. Reunite my husband with us.
Thank you Lord , my help in ages past and my hope for years to come. I commit my family with all its care and burdens unto you. Foster in my sons a deep and abiding love for the faith. Help my family get out of debt and also acquire suitable housing. Enlarge my husband’s coast professionally. St Jude, pray for me.
Oh Lord hear my prayers. Cover us with Your love. Amen
I have been praying the novenas for a while now. I just want to thank God and all the saint interventions on my behalf. I have been carrying a very heavy cross for quit a long time. At times I wanted to give up. And at times it was very heard to keep praying. But my lord and saint and angles never left me along. Even though I thought they had. Here is what my cross was. I have a son that is a drug addict. We have tried helping him to the point. where we lost everything and ended up homeless. My son got lost in the streets. One day I get a phone call from him. Where he need help because his was badly heard. We were being housed by a family member. And the didn’t wanted him coming over. We had no money are place to stay. I told my son i couldn’t help him. The only thing i had left was my prayers and my love. I have been praying for 2 1/2 years. Hadn’t heard from him didn’t know if he was alive. I felt i had fell as a mother. I kept texting to him on is old number, that’s all i had. 2weeks ago i got a text. And it was my son. Telling me that he was on a recovery center and the he was getting good help there. And that he loved me. I just want to tell all my family in Christ thank you for all your prayers. And if there is anyone that feels there cross is to much for you. Please don’t stop praying. God will never live us. And even when we give up he still right there by our side. Thank you my lord God and all the saint. Many Blessing to everyone that reads this. Amen
May God continue to bless you greatly and your son. Amen. Whatsoever you do to the least of thy brothers that you do unto me.
Hello Ch,
Concerning your son, what a blessing for your son contacting
you while in rehab. God is so good.
Please pray for a friend of mine whose son is addicted to
drugs as well. At the age of 14 as a first string high school
football player, one of the older players handed him an
mood altering (I think heroin) drug and he has been an addict ever since. He is now 29 and is still addicted. Like you, the family is destitute trying to help him and he has resorted to
breaking into the house, stealing, and selling his family’s
possessions in order to purchase drugs.
I ask all of our Pray More Novena family to pray for this family.
Ch, I will pray for your son and family.
Blessings ~ Molly
Thank you for sharing Ch may God’s blessings be upon you and your son and may you reunite soon. Thank you for your words of encouragement that even when our cross is too much to carry we keep praying.
May God bless us all.
St. Jude
Please hear My Prayers, for continued good test results
on all of my PSA and cancer testing ….
Thank You, with all of My Heart ????
Please Lord I pray for families ,
Pray to keep families healthy happy and together and that they put the Lord first in their lives.
Please heal our families and my family.
Please heal all relationships, and please bring Stephan and I and our families back together and heal us.
Praying for peace , Amen
God bless you