This next novena is to the Guardian of the Redeemer…

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st. joseph novena

The next novena we will pray is to a powerful patron. Saint John Paul II called this saint the Guardian of the Redeemer. 

The next novena we will pray together is the Novena to Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary!

We will start praying on Sunday, March 10th. 

St. Joseph humbly accepted his role as guardian, husband and father in the Holy Family. Therefore, St. Joseph’s intercession has been sought for centuries.

St. Joseph was clearly very close to our Lord and so we come to him with this novena with a sense of humility because of his great humility.

You can sign up to join us in praying here.

We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you!

God bless you!

Annie & John-Paul –

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  1. Please pray with me to save my marriage. My husband is giving me hard times always. He is being crazy and cursing, breaking things at home all the times. does not show me respect and love any more. we have been married for the last 35 years and have 3 children. please pray with me and ask St. Joseph to plead baby Jesus to calm my husband and make him more loving and caring towards me to be a good husband and a good father and good son and brother and a good person all together, please and to save our marriage to each other. I do not want to get divorce but I can’t handle him any more either. I am going through a lot of heartache and emotional problems . Please and Thanks.

  2. Saint Joseph,

    Please Pray for my husband to receive a better job that will be less demanding upon his physical body yet will receive a matching of salary and benefits to help continue to support our family.


  3. I pray Heavenly Father that D and my love can grow each and every day to a Beutiful relationship! And maybe your will my future spouse, as I gave never imagined love could be this beautiful! My second request for the job I interviewed for transportation! Dear Heavenly Father this is my dream job! I really want to better myself! If it is your will for me to have this blessed job I would love to have the job! I love you and give you my thanks Heavenly Father for everything you have given me! I love you so much! Thanks for being my Father! T

  4. Pls help us not to get sick. Help us to have a long live for our love one. Help mu daughter to get in high tech of los angeles. We pray you Lord. Amen

  5. Please pray for those with mental issues, pray for TJ,Sue, Becca, Fran, Electa, Vic, Tony, LJ, Gil, Jerry, Jackie, poor souls and those who have no one to pray for them, the dying, all those facing cancer, all those trying to conceive, stop abortion, for our government leaders, all holy priests and more vocations, intentions of the rosary family, addictions, angry hearts, and nonbelievers, Thanking God for all gifts from above, especially Blessed Mother.

  6. St. Joseph, I pray for the sale of my home. I pray that my family can find a good new home for us to grow in. I pray for a successful sale and that a new family or person finds our home to be a good fit.

  7. I am praying especially for the fruitfulness of a talk I am giving soon at a college retreat on Genuine Masculinity. I am also praying to become a better more virtuous man like St. Joseph.

  8. Please let my brother find suitable companionship and stability. Please let my husband find a supportive and stable job he enjoys. Break my husband’s addictions. Help our health and intimacy to improve. Help us to beat our financial hardships and resist temptations. Help me to appreciate and have more gratitude. Help.

  9. Help me dear Lord through the intercession of St Joseph, to abandon the sin of pride and give up the hoarding of material items. Help me to let go of the clutter in my life. InJesus name I pray. Amen Denise J

  10. Mental health for my son so he will be able to hold a job,and to find a new one. Also healing for my husband,and a better job for my daughter-in law

  11. That all my children, my in-laws, and grandchildren embrace the church with all their hearts.

    That my husband make it back to church in spite of his physical handicaps.

  12. I pray this novena that Saint Joseph will open the doors for a good job for my husband . I also pray that my son will be a good father to his children and I pray that all pains in my pelvic area and knees will disappear Amen

  13. St Joseph
    I pray that Brian finds the love and patience in his heart. I pray that he finally wants to get married so that we can have a good foundation in our home. I pray that you help Mark stay clean and become a better father to his girls. Please help me to help them with patience and love also.

  14. I ask St. Joseph for his prayers. Through his intercession To help me to find a job. That my financial situation will improve, to assist me in these difficult financial hardships I am facing. Praying for all intentions, husbands, fathers. Praying for my daughters, their families, and my grandchildren, bless and protect them always. Amen

  15. I pray to saint Joseph as my patron saint to intercede for me so that I can have holy marriage with mark. Through saint Joseph I pray that I also bear children of my own womb. I was operated at 26years old and was told that my uterus was removed but I still have faith that a new uterus can be created in me. I am longing to be mother. That is why I asked all members of this to pray for me through my patron saint Joseph. Amen

  16. For my long time bf ssg that if its will of God ,that he will keep his promises of marriage.and For the successful transaction of my real estate materialize now visayas and mindanao and luzon. Thank you Lord Jesus,Mother Mary and St. Joseph.God bless u all…

  17. Thank God for all the blessings bestowed upon my family.
    Pray for all the religious and lay that God may grant them with the desires of their hearts.
    Pray for God’s guidance and Wisdom as I lead my Parish.
    Pray for good health upon Cecilia, Raphael, Brenda, Mama Dolrose, Rosa, Domitila, Grace, Wayne, Philomena, Carol and all those who are in hospital.
    Pray for all the needy and less fortunate.
    Pray for peace and blessings in our organisation.
    Pray for the deliverance of the souls in purgatory and conversion of hard hearted sinners.

  18. St Joseph please for me to find a great middle school for my son, please pray for me raise him on the fear of Hod and for his father to be a better example. Please pray for my own’s father’s
    Sobriety and salvation. Please for my business to grow and excel beyond my wildest dream and
    let me be a vessel to teach those in need and those lost to return to God. In Jesus name, I pray – Amen

  19. I need prayers for my husband and myself. Married for almost 41 years, but still struggling. Anger that comes up out of nowhere, never know when. We pray together, and most of the time it is good. But then the anger he holds from childhood, and up through the years comes surging in. For perceived criticisms. He has it in his heart. I prayer everyday that he will let go of the anger, perceived criticisms. For him to empty his heart of this anger, feelings of persecution, for him to be free! Innocent remarks, requests set him off. He feels that the world is out to get him, that sometimes I am. We had difficult childhoods, both with alcoholic fathers, not much money, had to fight to keep our families together. But at age 62, going on 63, he has not been able to let go of the emotions and learned anger in response to what he perceives as criticism. He is not able to give to others. We need your prayers for God to empty his heart of anger and fill it with LOVE for all, including himself. Thank you for your prayers.

  20. for my son David and my grandson Tyler, that they will come to the Lord to love and to serve Him, and that they will find good jobs so that they may prosper financially and spiritually.

  21. Please pray my wife comes back to the marriage and has renewal of heart and life and healed of all the devil has attacked us with.and she comes back to God and surrounds herself with God fearing and good people again. And that I remain faithful to my oath in marriage and my oath to our children even though I suffer greatly at this time and trying to remian surrendering everything to Gods will be done and not try and do things to mess it all up.

  22. For all our intentions. For John Paul and Annie that they be blessed for the wonderful deeds they do in His name. For Tommy, Joey, Antonyo and Jetto. In Jesus’ holy name we pray.Amen.

  23. Please watch over all trackers going to my son’s wedding and bless my son and his new wife and bring them to jesus

  24. For the grace to secure a new job that will allow me to better provide for my family, provide greater financial stability, and to continue grow professionally. Thank you and God Bless.

  25. Oh St. Joseph to whom I turn to with this special request. Please petition for me to God, that my husband gets a good job that fulfils his financial obligations and helps resolve our financial debts. You know the needs of our family and you know how because of this we cannot actively try for a child. Please help my husband get a well paying job and that can fully utilise his talents that God has blessed him with.

  26. St. Joseph pray for me and my fiance that all hurdles would be removed from us receiving the sacrament of marriage in the Catholic Church.


  27. Please pray that he makes better choices that he does not trust everybody that he can forgive himself for the mistakes he has made.That he knows his family and God are those who really care and love him.That he is more patient and understanding..

  28. My husband and I have been struggling with infertility for five years. We are praying that we can start a family together.

  29. Please pray for the conversion of David. Soften his heart and fill it full of love, kindness, and generosity for his neighbors. Amen!

  30. I pray to Saint Joseph that he might help me make the right decisions regarding my future employment and also my retirement investment strategy . I would also ask St. Joseph to assist me to always listen to and obey God’s holy and divine will for my life and for the lived of my family members amen

  31. Lord you are so generous to us when we pray. Holy is your name. You said ask anything in my name and you will help us. Help us now with my husband’s health issues. Vision, hearing, aches, insomnia especially his ED which is taking a toll on him. Help us regain the intimacy granted to us by Yourself.
    Help me with my thyroid, and liver problems. Bless this program of living lectin free to help with leaky gut syndrome.
    Help us understand how to handle this age in our life. Help us to retire .
    Please help my children find Godly spouses.
    My daughter needs a new job, confirmation about this surgery and peace about loving herself.
    Matt needs a full time job with career potential and he really needs discipline to change his habits if he is to be successful in business or in his personal life. He wants to be accepted without trying to look or smell pleasing. He doesn’t think like the rest of us. Help him to process all information correctly.
    You know how our house needs leveling and how much that costs. Help us find the right contractor that will fix it once and for all.
    Help Mike find a good and holy woman and help him manage his debts.
    Help Cody temper his words and discern the right girl for him. In Jesus name amen.

  32. For a good start and transition for my husband with his new job, for a quick and smooth sale of our home, and for a joyful transition for our whole family to a new state. May we find a new spiritual church and school for all of us. For my 13 year old daughter to accept this move with a joyful heart and with great hope and faith during the whole process.

  33. I prayed for my sons,daughter and granddaughter who have lost a father and need an active father figure in their lives. Also for a family who have lost their father and now recently their mother passed away also .May all find comfort and may parental type people come into their lives.

  34. For the health of my husband and son as they prepare to be donor and recipient, respectively, in a kidney transplantation procedure. May it be successful!

  35. I pray for my continued health after a battle with cancer. I pray for a long and healthy life to take care of my daughter.

    I pray for my daughter’s health and battle with anxiety. She is a strong and happy child who loves to experience new things but anxiety takes a hold of her sometimes and doesn’t let go. I pray that her constant stomach aches go away. I pray that Jesus, Mary and Joseph help her overcome these issues.

    I pray that my husband’s narcolepsy is taken away as he has suffered for over 20 years with this health issue.
    Most of all, I pray that my family remain happy, peaceful and health and always together.

  36. I’m praying this novena for President Trump and First lady and his entire family. Also praying this novena for my family.

  37. Please St Joseph, I pray for your holy intercession, provision & protection to open up opportunity for gainful employment that will maximize & utilize all the healing & creative gifts & talents God has bestowed on me to serve his children & kingdom come. I pray St Joseph that this novena & Lent will prepare my heart, mind, body soul & spirit to become a better version of myself, to heal & know my worth as Jesus, the King of Kong’s most beloved daughter. To be debt free and to be free from the bondage of underemployment. To find employment with people who are just, kind with healthy work ethic & environment with health insurance coverage. Please st Joseph I also need secured employment so I can anchor & provide for for secure comfortable affordable & blessed housing/home to pray, rest & share with others, begin next chapter.

    Thank you St Joseph for what you are about to do, for your love for us, for giving your YES to the angel & getting Mother Mary and baby Jesus to safety. For providing for your family & guiding Jesus with your carpentry gifts. For home, health, employment & husband! Thank you St Joseph, please pray for us all.

  38. Please bless, protect, unite my husband, our son, our family, and our marriage.

    Through Christ our Lord.


  39. St. Joseph, please intercede for our family and beg Jesus that T will have a safe delivery and a healthy baby. Not my will but God’s Will be done.

    Thank You, Jesus, for granting our request.

  40. Please pray for Alexander and Gianna for a miracle that he is completely healed whole and healthy and there families for the Holy souls in purgatory for special intentions for George to get a breakthrough for Rita for special intentions Healing for Gabriella and Antonio for world peace thank you

  41. St Joseph intercede for us. That my husband will return home and be a faithful husband and devoted father.

  42. I am out of work and have been unable to find employment to support my large family. I ask for prayers to help me in my struggle to provide for my wife and children, and for God to guide me in my job search.

  43. Dear St. Joseph, As you were a foster father to our Lord Jesus Christ, please intercede for our son, Travis, to have his son,Oscar, baptized.

  44. Dear St Joseph I pray for all who are unemployed and seeking work with dignity and worth to serve God. I pray for myself . I have hope to earn $ to haves the resources to pay my bills. I pray for Danny and Kathi
    Who are in despair and becoming very sick that they would turn to God and stop trying to do this all alone. it is not working. Please let them have grace to surrender and ask god for His will and help. Me, too

  45. Prayer for thanksgiving, forgiveness for our sins, prayer for peace, guidance and wisdom in knowing your will. Miracle prayer for sponsors and employment. for me and my wife. Prayer for strength, patience, memory,knowledge, focus and confidence to me and my daughter so we could ace our subjects. Prayer for Carol Nañoz Angeles family for healing , Prayer for financial miracles,employment, health, protection to my cousin Gerald and our families. Amidst our daily struggles may we represent you to others.Amen

  46. St. Joseph,
    I pray for my marriage. Help us restore our marriage. Please help my husband be the father and husband he should be. Please help us increase and strengthen the communication and love we need to save our marriage. Thank you, St Joseph.

  47. That the relationship between my son and I will become what God wants it to be. That God himself will grant me graced understanding of how to be a mother to these adult sons at this time and for the rest of our lives.

  48. They you JESUS. May this lenten period bring i and my family close to God the more, amen.

  49. Praying for my husband, for strength in his faith and for healing of his depression and stomach issues. And for adoption of a baby. Thank you St Joseph. Amen

  50. Dear St Joseph, I pray that my sons and sons-in law can be model fathers as you were. I pray that they can love and protect ehir children, to love their wives and to show them how to be good followers in Christ. Help them to make good choices and to show their children how to make good choices too. Thank you Amen

  51. I pray that all souls turn our hearts, minds, & souls, with all our strength, to the Love of You Lord Jesus Christ through Mary; and overturn the abominations of abortion & same-sex ‘marriage’.

  52. For the conversion of my wife and my daughter back to the Faith. That St Joseph will intercede on their behalf to his beloved Son, to send the Holy Spirit to move their hearts. To understand that through Jesus only will they find peace and comfort that our future is with God, if we only were to live our lives as he shows us.

    Please pray for them.

  53. Please pray for my 6 yr old son Marty Brogan that he will be completely cured of cancer and restored to perfect health. Please pray that he will live a very long, healthy and happy life.

  54. Good day Sir/Ma, I happy to be part of this Novena group. It had indeed changed my life for good. Please I want to use this medium to pray for my husband and through the intercession of St Joseph …to love Christ with all his entire heart and to love me his wife and our kids the way Christ loves the church. Amen! I also pray for my sister praying and searching for the ribs of her bone to meet a Christ filled man and be happily married together by Gods grace.

    Thank you and God bless.

  55. Dear St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus on earth, we thank you for your answer to our prayer. Our son has successfully sold his house. We now pray for his healing in this very difficult time of his life. He is a good father, please continue to Bless him in all things. Keep him faithful to your son and to continue with all prayers we have prayed with him.
    We also pray for the conversion of his wife to be kinder, loving, understanding for the sake of their lovely very young daughters. We also pray for our son in law to be healthy . He is a good father and husband.
    We pray for their good health and all your Blessings. Thank you dear St. Joseph for your intercession.

  56. Please pray for my husband NRM to cone back to the church and lead our children in a healthy and positive direction.

    For my daughter Brittany for peace and guidance in planning of her wedding.

  57. For my son who is a goid father but has many trying moments. For patience and understanding, calm and guidance. For another son who is not married and has not found the right woman in his life yet. For his dream to come true to be a dad. For a nephew whose wife cannot have children and for a friend in the same situation. For my husband to endure coming trials and harder times.

  58. I ask God for all of the graces everyone needs in our lives to live out His Will. I pray for particularly for all my family and our individual situations . Please grant all of us your blessings. Thank you. Amen

  59. Full time starting job position at my office to open up

    Future husband

    Financial needs and housing to be found



  60. I pray that my health issues will clear up and anxieties will lessen so I can fully enjoy each day.

    Thank you St. Joseph

  61. Please join me in prayer to Saint Joseph to find a new home. This is an urgent request to find a home. And we also pray for the resources and helping hands and to have a safe move. We need a location where we live in peace and safety. We thank St. Joseph and all those who pray with us. Amen

  62. May God guide us with Holy spirit, protect us, and bless our plan to meet again. May God also bless people around us with Holy spirit that they may help facilitate our meeting. Eventually, I pray that God may bless us in a holy matrimony, so we may raise our family accordance with God’s plan and will.

    Thank you :)

  63. I am praying for my fiance, Wesley, and I as we prepare for marriage in June! I am praying that we have a holy and happy marriage and life together.

  64. I ask the intersession of St. Joseph for my son, Andrew, who is depressed and not doing well emotionally, that God will have mercy on him, help him, and give the motivation he needs. And that Our Lord Jesus in His time will restore Andrew’s faith in God.

  65. I pray for God’s continuous favor upon my life, my family and for forgiveness of all our sins and shortcomings, in Jesus Name, Amen!

  66. I pray for employment. I seek a fulfilling job where I will use my skills, expertise and God-given talents to serve humanity to the Glory of God.
    Thank you St. Joseph

  67. Financial needs to be met.

    Provision of a full time job for our son.

    Healing from panic attacks and anxiety for myself, my mother, and my son.

    Comfort for those grieving the loss of loved ones.

    To find a lost item that has great sentimental value.

    For family members battling addictions.

  68. Please St Joseph be with my father & 3 older brothers in a special way. Please heal my heart & lead them/us all through generational healing. Pleasest joseph help me to forgive them for not properly protecting me and loving me as sister/daughter & for not protecting my mom. St Joseph please watchover all the men in my life and please surround me with men who love the Trinitarian God as father, son & Holy Spirit. Please St Joseph be a role model of protection & provision, unconditional love & obedience to God’s will for the man that may seek my hand in marriage. st Joseph, I pray The men in my life to have charachter like you . Please be my foster father along with Jesus & my Heavenly Father…please intercede for all families, marriages, husbands, fathers, brothers, sons, uncles & granfathers. Please help them all to heal, love, provide & protect those in their care, to become the men of God they are meant to be to defend our faith, the family, the church, do what is right, just, holy, beautiful & true. Please protect them & provide for them the courage to be the leaders they are meant to be.

    In a special way, St Joseph please help me to hold up the standard for a kind, safe, loving, generous, wise man of God who will treasure, love, protect & provide for me as true helpmate, cover me in prayer & blessing and help me get to heaven. For good health & a happy peaceful death in the arms of Jesus, Our Lady , St Joseph, the Holy Spirit and holy guardian angels. Amen

  69. Dear St. Joseph
    Please pray that I will be given the patience to care for my husband and that I will be granted all the assistance that I need to do so. Also that his condition will not deteriorate make so that I can no longer take care of him. Thank you St. Joseph.

  70. For my husband. May Our Lord give him the strength to bear his pain and at the end of Lent elevate his pain from him for good.

  71. For all intentions for everyone. For my upcoming surgery and for my son looking for better employment to not be discouraged and somebody see the potential and the gifts he had to give him opportunity. God Bless

  72. Praying for divine healing. Praying for admission and scholarship for my daughter’s. Praying for a God fearing life partner. For God’s provisions and protection for my family and for unity in my extended family.

  73. Pray for my brother in law that he will be cured of his AML.🙏🏻
    For my friends daughter to be cured of her ALL.🙏🏻
    For our daughter and son in law to be able to conceive a healthy, happy, smart baby. 🙏🏻 And, for their condo to sell.🙏🏻
    For a blessed and happy 2019.🙏🏻

  74. Dear St. Joseph,
    Thank you for your intersection 4 years ago. I pray that you continue to bless us and protect us.
    I pray that we are financially successful and able to help family and friends.
    I am thankful that we open the beautiful house to family and friends recently.
    I thank you everyday for our blessings and ask you to protect and heal our son J from the brain malfunction so he can be happy everyday.
    I pray for me and my peace and serenity. I pray that I work because I want to not because I have to.
    I pray I can love what I do without excessive stress and that I don’t have to commute anymore. Help me decide what my best path will be in the next 2 months.
    Thank you St. Joseph
    Amen Amen

  75. I need prayers for my husband to be strong, for God’s favor and wisdom upon our life in Jesus Name, Amen!

  76. for Brian,
    Thank you for helping me become a better man.
    May Christ send grace & mercy to you and your family.
    St. Joseph, pray for us.

    • Dear St. Joseph,
      So yesterday on March 13th, the Lord chose to take Brian to heaven. His battle here will never be forgotten.
      He was a good friend to so many. He was a fine husband and a dedicated father to his children.
      He was an intelligent, humble and gracious soul. Please pray for him and his family. Please give them peace and help guide each of them through the journey. Mercy.

  77. For my husband who suffers from depression. He has never managed it-found the right treatment, practiced his Faith, and managed his physical well being. I ask St Joseph for his prayers to intercede for my husbands healing.

  78. For my daughter; to have inner peace; to see her errors versus wanting to blame everyone else; for the light of Christ to envelop her.

  79. To receive my husband’s full pension to take care of my mother and all my finances to live as my Jim wanted. I pray in Jesus’s Holy Name..Amen and AMEN