This next novena is to the Guardian of the Redeemer…

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st. joseph novena

The next novena we will pray is to a powerful patron. Saint John Paul II called this saint the Guardian of the Redeemer. 

The next novena we will pray together is the Novena to Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary!

We will start praying on Sunday, March 10th. 

St. Joseph humbly accepted his role as guardian, husband and father in the Holy Family. Therefore, St. Joseph’s intercession has been sought for centuries.

St. Joseph was clearly very close to our Lord and so we come to him with this novena with a sense of humility because of his great humility.

You can sign up to join us in praying here.

We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you!

God bless you!

Annie & John-Paul –

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  1. that my son will have success in his job and be able to make a living wage and give him strength to persevere and not give up hope. He does not believe in Jesus Christ and is living with his girl friend so please pray for his conversion too.

  2. I pray to St. Anne and St. Mary that my daughter find lasting love in a spouse, a husband who will care for her all of her days.
    In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit

  3. Pray for souls in purgatory;prayers for
    Catherine, Rita Steve Jill Sarah Blaine Trenton Aurora Eric Alicia Brooklynn Gretchen Isaac James Brett Catherine Tyler Jim Karen Doug Joyce Jean Jay Hunter Robert Deb Mary Jamie Nick Wyatt Reagan Payton Bud Cinda Cody Sara Zach Sam terry jan Marcus Dan Lois and families
    Peace and love for All

  4. financial breakthrough so that i can be debt free. And also bring back my spiritual being so that i can work for you at any given. Bless and protect my family

  5. That my sister and mom will forgive one another and support one another in love, patience, and mercy.

  6. I’m struggling with my health (at age 78) since my chemo/radiation treatments last year for lung cancer. I think that, along with radiation from the CT scans and PT scans, plus the couple general anesthetics I experienced, have weakened my immune system, and destroyed my memory. So I’m still relearning old familiar ways I did things, along with the ‘setback’ (counterintuitively) of continuing to live without having died in the six months I expected, which had prompted me to give everything I owned away. That’s one road I’m struggling down. The other is that I really need, St. Joseph, your foster-Son’s intercession of showing me how to treat the Diabetes 2, to which I never paid attention until now when it is reacting in me in a full-blown condition. And I’m really sick and scared. I have a new doctor’s appointment on the 20th and I pray she will know how to treat it, and the rest of me, which is possibly emphysema and/or COPD, et al. Thank you for anything your foster Son, Jesus, can do, at your behest. And if I’m dying, or when I do, let it be peaceful in Jesus’ and your wife, Mary’s, arms. Thank you. I love you.

  7. Repose of my father’s soul. For my son to make more time for my grand daughter. For my desperate financial situation. George and Andy and their families, for my parish and all of the father’s.

  8. I pray for the difficult time I am having with the loss of my husband. And I pray for my daughter with her health problems. Thank you

  9. For Charlie… that he will return to a strong belief in God and get the help he needs as he strggles with addiction. For Sara his wife and their children. I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen

  10. Good and gracious St Joseph,
    I ask for your intercession for my husband and family. For my beloved husband who is my Joseph in my life. Continue to pray for him to be guided by the Spirit in all things and to bring healing where it is needed. Please pray for my beloved daughters and their future spouses. May these men be strong Joseph’s in their lives. Please pray for purity and holiness in my son’s lives and bring guidance to them as they choose their vocation in life. Bring good and holy women to them if marriage is their vocation. Please intercede on my behalf to continue to try to walk in holiness keeping our Blessed Mother as my role model of faith. Bless all those who are praying this novena. May we be united in our prayers as the Body of Christ.
    St Joseph pray for us!

  11. Please pray for a grandson who suffers from PTSD and alcoholism. He has a young son and we pray that he may get the help he needs to be a good father. And that he and his girlfriend may be able to mend their differences. Thank you

  12. Please join me to pray for my sons to be responsible men with God’s continuous favor and mercy always with them in Jesus Name, Amen!

  13. Saint Joseph
    Pray I may attain the grace of patience, love, and peace with my family in these turbulent times.

  14. Healing for mom, Doris Parker, from ovarian cancer that has metastasized. For less pain and stop all the bad symptoms.

    Healing for BILL FERGUSON, my husband, from leukemia and heart blockages and side effects from chemo pills. For his pain to stop. For better health.

    Both of these people are in pain and suffering.

    • Pray for my brother in law that he will be cured of his AML.🙏🏻
      For my friends daughter to be cured of her ALL.🙏🏻
      For our daughter and son in law to be able to conceive a healthy, happy, smart baby. 🙏🏻 And, for their condo to sell.🙏🏻
      For a blessed and happy 2019.🙏🏻

  15. My family is safe and grows in faith, generosity and welcoming and heals physically, mentally, sociallly. Our house situation works out and is private and our finances take a turn upwards so we can meet our obligations.

  16. Pray for Patrick, for a complete cure from his colon cancer, to handle the chemo treatment well, and for his wife terry to have an increase in faith, trust, hope, and courage.

  17. I pray for complete healing for my husband.
    I pray for wisdom for my daughter and for safety and protection for her.
    I pray for my grandkids to excel in school and to be well behaved always.
    I pray for a happy and stable marriage for my other daughter and that her family go to Church.
    I pray for Peace in the country and in the World.

  18. I’m praying for the blessing of a husband and children. For my brother Greg health to improve and for him to build a relationship with his children and family. For my sister Chantel. For E&Z to have children. For my cousin Frieda to find employment. For healing and reconciliation in my family. For PS to find a husband. For me to grow spiritually during the Lenten season. To guide me in the right career path. For my nephew Phon to stop smoking what he’s smoking and turn his life in a positive direction. for conversion of my family.

  19. Please help me secure a fair and just position at the university. I need to pay my debts and live reasonably. Thank you for hearing a widow’s plea

  20. I am praying for God’s grace upon my daughter and her husband, especially as they are expecting their first baby. I pray for journey mercies. I pray also for God’s intervention in my son’s visa application and for grace to keep our faith strong in Him alone, trusting in His promises. Amen

  21. Lord Jesus I pray for this illness I am suffering from and for my family. Give me strength. Help me to be a better person and trust in you completely and know everything will be ok. Thank you sweet Jesus. I love you Jesus. Amen.

  22. I pray that St. Joseph, who is my husband’s patron saint, will intercede on his behalf and help him to overcome his addictions to cigarettes and beer and bring more intimacy into our marriage.

  23. Prayers in Jesus name for grown children to come back to their faith! Full recovery from knee surgery! Peace in the world! And prayers for the leaders in our country to make decisions that are best for our country!

  24. Praying for my husband to find a job close to home so our family will no longer have to be separated.

  25. Dear St Joseph:
    Thank you for protecting our families, our parishes, our communities, and everyone in Canada and the world. Please take to the throne room of God, everyone in Canada, our Prime Minister and all Government officials and families. Please ask the Lord to bring the peace of Christ to our land and to every soul. For God’s protection for all his children. Please take to the throne room, Our Catholic School here and everywhere and all schools. For all the children, for protection of mind, soul and spirit, for the teachers, the aids, all the staff and for all their families. Please take to the Lord the people we struggle with. Ask the Father to bless them and to take away everything that separates us from Him and each other. How I thank you St. Joseph, our Blessed Mother and everyone who makes this novena possible.

  26. For all fathers & husbands in my family……
    also an aleviation of a spiritual struggle that’s been
    with me for nearing 5 years now, a release NOW.

    Thank you for your prayers

  27. Asking prayers for:
    My daughter as she will be traveling to Europe on Thursday and be gone for 2 weeks her and her friends safety while traveling

    My wife to get control of her drinking alcohol

  28. Please pray for the repose of the souls of my fil, Arthur S, my dad, Manuel G, my husband, AS, and for all the living and deceased fathers, cousins, uncles, grandfathers and all their descendants. God bless and thank you

  29. Please pray for Pope’s daily intentions, his health & world peace, peace in my family, in each family, peace in my marriage, in each marriage. For Pope Benedict Emeritus The XVI.
    For thanksgiving for all blessings and graces received and prayers answered .
    For all holy souls Of Faithful Departed (Maria Hoi Ha & Peter Tao Nguyen, Mr Don Fritschie, Rose Halbert , Derek Dietz, Mr & Mrs Ed Gast, Mr William Bierbaum, Mr & Mrs Carr, Mr & Mrs Gene Mense , FR Tu, FR Huy, FR Can, Dr Anthony Huy Trần, Joseph Maria Le Thanh Minh, Holy Souls At Resurrection Cemetery, St John, Lenexa Cemetery, Antioch Pioneer Cemetery, St Joseph, Evergreen Cemetery), Poor Souls In Purgatory, Unborn Babies, Forgotten Souls and Holy Innocents. For all sick : especially Dolly , Claudia , Angelo Mino, Marilyn, Hoa , Jim, Blake , John, Khoi , Thanh, Mrs Betty Mattas , Joel Sydzyik, Sam Branson, sick in the hospital, in the hospice, in the nursing home . For the dying, unemployed, the poor, the elderly, and the homeless. For all teachers, students and staff at HTS, Creighton and St James . For all priests, deacons and seminarians and all religious orders. For first responders, firefighters and policemen, especially Officer Pierce and Chavez . For my family: John, Thanh, Anna, Fancy & Judy : Faith, Health, Peace , Peace Of mind , good Children ( Faith, school, Godly children, good husbands), for always safe travels in my family, no evils can harm us in anyway, business, employees and patients and all my intentions, if God wills it and his will be done.
    For Hoa & JIm: health , Jobs And marriage, especially for their surgeries next week yield good results. For people on my prayer list: Claudia , Martyna, Lorreta, Ngoc, Andy, Hạnh , Hieu Thoa , Khoi’s health & Peace Of mind , Milan & Joe , Mrs Biggs , Mrs Wichman, Berni, Mrs Peterson, Mrs Jasperson, Michael Bierbaum, and all husbands and fathers And many many more . Thank you for praying with me . For our safe return home today , especially for my daughter Always safe travels and her school is smooth and no hiccups. Please God hear my prayers and intentions, if God wills it and his will be done.

  30. Dearest St. Joseph,
    In the name of Jesus and by the merits of his most sacred wounds and blood, I ask for your intercession to your son. I pray for David to have good test results tomorrow. I pray for a desire for conversion and return back to the church and sacraments for my son and all my family and friends. I pray for healing (spiritual, physical, financial, mental, and emotional ) for Jim, Matt, myself, Margaret, Steve, David, Norma, Carol, Ron, Father C, Peter, Gerrye, Barb, Claudia, and all our relatives and friends that we promised to pray for. Give us peace and loving and forgiving hearts. Guide and direct us daily in our lives and decisions. Thank you for your love and help.

  31. I pray for my husband to have the strength and guidance to make decisions for our family according to God’s will and not the way of the world. I pray that we may have help and guidance in finding the right place to live soon.

  32. Dear St. Joseph, please pray for physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual healing for my son Daniel and myself. Please also pray that I can find a way to solve the financial debt I am currently experiencing in trying to support my son and my husband and I. I thank you in advance for listening to me and praying for me and I ask you to intercede with your spouse Mary and with Jesus asking them to answer my prayers.

  33. For the divine supernatural intervention, Damascus road encounter, throne-room intervention of Jesus Christ & God the Father through the Holy Spirit for my husband Brad to be freed from demonic possession, obsessions, vexation, idols of magic/money/possessions/control, & to. Have his big ego & false self crushed, his heart of stone replaced with the sacred Heart of Jesus & a new Holy Spirit placed within him. For the resurrection of our dead marriage from the dead & healing for our entire family. Amen.

  34. For my husband and my sons maythey stay faithful to the faith. Also for my daughter and baby that the delivery be without problems.

  35. Let my son get the job with chock want to thank everyone for the prayers so good get the job he have now ask for prayers for myself and husband and daughter that my bill to be payment health for all have us

  36. Praying to St Joseph for the opportunity to be the best husband to her and father to her children I am capable of becoming. After 3 years, my girl and I are on a break. For 2.5 years I was “the best person she ever met” and we were ready for marriage. I let career pressures change me and I lost her. I’ve made improvements and am prepared to be a better husband than I could’ve been before this pain. I pray for the opportunity to give my all to my love daily for eternity. Thank you for the community and prayers. Bless all

  37. St Joseph through your intercession I pray for the following to God. My daughter Arella have a quick and full recovery from her sickness, that she will change her ways in school and at an early age learn the virtues of patience, kindness, generosity and gentleness towards others. Guide both my children as they grow. Grant my husband and I the wisdom to raise our kids to be good people and disciples of yours. That our debts to my in laws be paid.
    I ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

  38. Please pray to heal a marriage damaged by infildity
    Dear Jesus bring my husband of 43 yrs back to his family. Allow for all of us to have peace and trust in Jesus timing

    Praise the Lord

  39. For my husband.
    After 30 years we are still finding fault with each other. We don’t spend quality time together, using work as his excuse.
    Pray for him that he will find the grace of God to guide him and he will come to see how real God is in our lives.

  40. Please help my husband whose work is very stressful,and help my family with aging parents that are putting a divide in my extended family. thank you.

  41. St Joseph our Foster Father through your intercession:

    Peace and forgiveness in the World
    Forgiveness of my transgressions
    Healing of Body, Mind and Spirit of my Family Members
    Peace and Love in Venezuela and and an End to their Unrest and by Extension the whole World
    Undoing of the Knots that have been placed in my Financial Situation.

  42. For the spiritual, temporal, emotional & healing needs of my children, grandchildren, Ken, myself & all family, relatives & friends, esp. healing of hernia in my belly button, epiretinal membrane in my left eye & pain, swelling numbness, gout, edema, neuropathy & arthritis in my toes, feet & ankles.
    For the salvation of the souls of my children, grandchildren, Ken, myself, all living & deceased family, relatives, friends, those who touched my life and prayed for me, esp. Patti, Mom, Dad, Steve & Harry.
    For our Church, our country, peace in the world, our hearts, homes & families.
    In thanksgiving for St. Joseph & graces received.

  43. Prayers for the fast and profitable sale of our house . We pray that this will help us retire from work soon and be financially stable. we also lift up to you the birthday of Noel and thank you for his life . May you bless him with long land healthy life with his family and to enjoy his retirement . may he be able to fulfill his dreams to travel more and enjoy a healthy and long life. Amen

  44. Pray for healing for my daughter who is suffering from depression.
    Pray that I sell my house this year. It has been on the market for over a year.

  45. Please pray for pain relief and quick recovery for my husband, who has herniated the L5 disk of his spine. Please give him courage and strength and patience, and give the doctors wisdom and skill!


  46. For my husband to succeed in his new job. I pray that this new opportunity ends up being where he needs to be and God’s blessing be all over it. We are also considering buying a new house. I pray that God helps us decide if this is something we should do. Thank you!

  47. Please pray for my son Jack to be cured from his aggressive cancer and that his body and life be restored to perfect health. Also pray for cures and breakthroughs in advanced pediatric cancer treatments to be made quickly. In Jesus name

  48. Please pray for all the people with behavioral problems. Let them all have normal mind and normal behaviors. Thank you for praying.

  49. Dear St Joseph please pray for my son that he will soon meet a good Christian wife. His soulmate. Someone to share his life with.

  50. Please pray for daughter Gabriella that she may be safe and protected from anaphylactic shock from her food allergies and for my daughter Giana that all her health issues get solved and she can get and stay healthy. Please pray for my parents health as well!

  51. Prayers for my father who is battling stage 4 Lung Cancer. For my entire family to be given faith and strength during this journey and for all cancer patients and their caregivers. Thank you.

  52. St Joseph, please find a nice , holy girl for my son Stephen to marry.
    Please help my husband and I forgive and come together in love , come closer to one another. Help us decide where to live and find a nice place to live.
    Help me to put my life in Gods hands and not to worry about others in envy or worry and to know and be happy with who I am.
    This prayer is new. Please pray with me.

  53. I pray for my teen to gain employment. Her confidence is very low. I pray for a job that would be suitable to her qualities. She is in a very sad and depressed state. Help us St. Joseph.

  54. I’ve prayed for several years now that my oldest son would return to the Catholic faith and get his young sons in PSR, raising them in the faith. I pray somehow he’s led back and I pray that God may guide me or someone close to him to influence him in that direction.

  55. St Joseph, please find a nice , holy girl for my son Stephen to marry.
    Please help my husband and I forgive and come together in love , come closer to one another. Help us decide where to live and find a nice place to live.
    Help me to put my life in Gods hands and not to worry about others in envy or worry and to know and be happy with who I am.

  56. Please pray for my children and I.
    My husband filed for divorce and has turned his back on us. We are devastated, shocked and beyond heartbroken.💔🥺 Please pray that my family isn’t destroyed; torn to bits or left with a legacy of divorce and brokenness.
    Gods will be done.

  57. Please pray for all those on this novena that their prayers be answered. I pray for my sons father who passed away yesterday. I pray for my son who is heartbroken for strength love and finding peace through our savior Jesus. I pray for my daughter who has been in an unhealthy relationship. That she too find her way back to the lord and he guides her back to her path. I pray my hisbwill be healed from all of his pain. I thank God for the many blessings he has given u and pray that I may be a better wife mother friend and sister to those in need. May God bless you all

  58. Pray for my son to be blessed with a Catholic spouse. For the Lord to heal my daughter from her health issue. For patience. For my husband’s conversion.

  59. Pray for my husband ‘s (Charles) compulsive sex behavior. I am on day 7 of the Mary untied of the not novena and would make the same request in this novena. Pleas join me to pray for him. I love him and want to see him clean again.

  60. Continued prayers for my husband who has left the faith and filed for divorce, that he may one day return to church, be healed mind, body and spirit, overcome addiction and be a good father to our young children.

  61. I am praying for all my family’s men so that they can have the grace and courage to lead their families in the right direction seeking wisdom from God including my husband.

  62. St Joseph, please I’m asking that you find my daughter a great job and that she find a good spouse, I pray that my brother and his family come back to the faith and my sister let go of all the anger she has in her heart. I pray for financial stability and pray for all those doing this novena.

  63. Prayers are needed for my grandson Patrick John who was born prematurely on March 7. He is in the NICU with lung and breathing problems.

  64. For Jeff that he will be a good dad and be strong for his family and doctors will find the right way to help his medical condition
    Conversion of M. And all of my children

  65. Hi all,please pray with me for a safe pregnancy.May God sustain it to see to full term,and may all the procedures and medications im to take this entire time nourish my unborn and i.May i always have an attitude of gratitude.Amen

  66. I would like to pray for my husband Serge. That he may heal and I may heal and God brings us closer to each other for reconciliation and not apart through love, patience and understanding.

  67. Please pray that my son Carl will win case. All he wants is to get his life in order and be able to support his children. Pls also pray that Carl will get closer to God and appreciate his blessings. Thank you.

  68. I ask St Joseph that he may intercede for my family as we try to find college options for our eldest daughter . May he open doors and obtain from our father the best instituion and career chosen for her by our loving God.
    I pray for my son who s always moody
    I ask st Joseph to obtain protection and success for our businesses

  69. I pray that St. Joseph intercede for us to the Almighty Father for the conception and birth of a child for my daughter, for my sister and others suffering with cancer, for those struggling in their jobs, for the sale of our house, for all of those on my prayer list and all of the intentions of those praying this Novena.

  70. Lord make my husband Mr Ejike a good husband, that will care for his family. Make him take the things of God special.

  71. For my Dad who passed away one year ago this month. That St Joseph protect and support him at his time of death, and for the Grace to embrace God’s loving Mercy.

  72. Special intentions for son, financial, spiritual and others. Continued prayers for friends in remission from cancer. Other intentions for family.