This is a first! The Next Novena…

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We’re really excited to share with you that the next novena we’re going to pray together is a novena to the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux, both of whom are also saints!

It’s the Saints Louis and Zelie Martin Novena!

Saints Louis and Zelie were the first married couple to ever be canonized together.

They’re great saints to ask for prayers for:

+ help in marriage or family life

+ in finding a holy spouse

+ in discerning religious life

+ for help in faithfully raising children or carrying out your everyday duties

+ if you’ve lost a child

+ for help with anxiety, depression or mental disorders

+ for healing

You can read more about Saints Louis and Zelie Martin here. This is also where you can sign up to join us in prayer :)

We’ll start praying on July 3rd!

We’re praying for you & your intentions. You can share those intentions below.

God bless you!

Annie & John-Paul —

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  1. Thank you God for all the Graces and Mercies received in the past. I pray for my son Alex, that he should get a job as he lost his job in March this year and yet he has a 1 year old beautiful baby girl that needs his support. I also pray that he should be directed in how to handle his current situation as he has separated with his wife in may. But emotionally, he also needs a lot of healing. God have mercy on him

  2. Lord please return the house to mame and Ann without any expense.
    Please heal my grandson of any disease.
    Please my daughters marriages.
    Remove the financial burden from my two younger daughters.

  3. I pray that the Lord will bring my children and my grandchildren back to Him the Church and the Sacraments and my two granddaughters will come to know Him want to learn more about Him and want to follow their Faith. I pray this with all my heart.

  4. Pray for my son to get healing from depression and get a job.

    Pray for my sister’s healing.
    Pray for financial breakthrough and continuation of construction project stalled.
    Restoration of our business which is run down by greedy directors.

  5. First I want to give thanks and praise for requests and prayers granted and answers.
    Dear Sts Louis and Zelie Martin please intercede for our daughter in law Lubna to carry her baby full term and have a safe delivery of a health baby. Bless them and keep them safe. Please also pray for our daughter Anita to conceive and give birth to a health baby.
    Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers.
    Amen Amen Amen

  6. For my marriage and all marriages, that we remain open to God’s love and allow the Holy Spirit to guide us to a deeper relationship with God and each other. And for peace in our family.

  7. “Know therefore that the Lord Yahweh your God is God; He is the faithful God, keeping his covenant of love to a thousand generations of those who love him and keep his commandments.” (Deuteronomy 7:9)
    “‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh.’ This is a profound mystery—but I am talking about Christ and the church.” (Ephesians 5:31-32)

    1. To Have and to Hold

    Your Majesty, 
    We thank you for uniting us in marriage today. The joy of our love is a priceless gift from your hand. Just as you keep your covenant of love to us, may we keep our vows to one another and to you. Make us like Jesus, who “is trustworthy in all he promises and faithful in all he does.” (Psalm 145:13) 
    Give us strength to hold fast to each other all the days of our life. Sustain an unshakeable resolve to overcome doubt, temptation, and fear when our bond is tested. Use our marriage to testify to the world that your love never fails. Amen

    2. In Sickness and in Health

    As we begin our journey of marriage, we commit our physical, emotional, and spiritual selves to you. Fill us with strength to work hard and build a home together. Protect us from illness and injury. Give us wisdom and self-control to honor our bodies as temples of your Spirit. Teach us to love by nourishing, nurturing, and shielding each other from harm.
    Humble our hearts to depend on you when we face trials of weakness and pain. Bring encouragement when we’re sick at heart and low in spirit. Sustain us with energy in times of fatigue and stress. Show us how to care for one another patiently, serving as your hands of healing and help. May we praise your name in both sickness and in health, trusting you’re in control. Amen.

    3. For Richer or for Poorer

    O Lord,
    You’re the source of all we have. Teach us to depend on you, believing, “the eyes of all look to you, and you give them their food at the proper time. You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.” (Psalm 145:15-16) Let us hold on to childlike faith as we trust you—our Father–to provide for all our needs.
    Let us be content with your gifts, free from worry, greed, and jealousy. Guard our hearts from craving more and more so we’re grateful and joyful all the time. In times of difficulty or want, grow our faith in you as our Father, Giver, and Friend. Be the strength of our heart and our portion forever. (Psalm 73:26) Amen.

    4. For Better, for Worse

    As we begin our new life together, the future looks bright. Thank you for all the joys and adventures you have in store. Let us take hold of the abundant life you promise, savoring every blessing and praising your name through it all. 
    Even as we rejoice in your gifts, prepare us to meet the challenges we’ll face. Give us courage to tackle hardship and struggles without giving up. Teach us to work as a team so we can overcome every difficulty side by side. Fill us with mercy and compassion when we suffer grief and loss. Let us find greater strength in life together—and with you—than we could know alone. Amen.

    5. Two are Better than One

    In your great wisdom you created marriage for our good. “Two are better than one, because we will have a good return for our labor. If either of us falls down, one can help the other up. If the two of us lie down together, we’ll find warmth and comfort we could never find alone. When we’re threatened by trouble or enemies, the two of us can find strength and power side by side. As you knit our lives together in Christ, our cord of three strands will remain unbroken.”(Ecclesiastes 4:9-12)
    Make us one in every way. Let us share our work to build a life that lasts. When one of us stumbles over sorrow and trouble, may we offer reassurance and a helping hand. Make our marriage a place of joy and intimacy in a cold and lonely world. Give us strength no matter what we face. Amen.

    6. To Love and to Cherish

    No matter what we achieve in our lives, we have nothing without love. We pray for the Spirit’s fruit of love in our hearts. Give us patience that shows mercy when we fail. Teach us gentleness and self-control to speak with kindness and respect at all times. Guard us from pride that demands our own way. Purify our hearts from selfishness so we will help, serve, and give with cheerful hearts.
    Enable us to forgive one another as you have forgiven us. (Colossians 3:13) Keep us from anger and bitterness that will bring division and pain to our marriage. Let us continually face forward, leaving the hurts and mistakes of the past behind. Fill our home with truth and integrity as we live by your Word. Make us worthy of trust and honor, persevering in our love until the end. Amen.

    7. Where You Go, I Will Go

    This wedding day marks the beginning of a journey you planned for each of us before time. Our lives are in your hands, and we commit to follow wherever you lead. “Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith.” (Hebrews 12:1-2) Knit our hearts together so we follow you as one. 
    Keep us from turning aside to go our own way. Make us like-minded, with shared hopes, dreams, and resolve for the future. May we never urge one another to turn back from you. But where one of us is called to go, the other will go, and where one is led to stay, the other will gladly stay. Let us embrace one another’s friends and family as our own. Fill us with a deep faith in you that abides for all time. (Ruth 1:16-17) Unite us on the same path until we see you face to face. Amen.

    8. Forsaking All Others

    “Your love, Lord, reaches to the heavens, your faithfulness to the skies.” (Psalm 36:5). You never leave us, forget us, or turn us away. No one will ever snatch us out of your hand. (John 10:28) Just as you are faithful to us for all time, make us loyal to one another.
    Elevate our marriage so we hold each other above any other human relationship. Humble our hearts to put aside any goals, activities, or temptations that compete for our devotion. Keep our focus on the unity of our home, attentively ministering to one another’s heart, mind, and spirit. Create an unbreakable bond as we join our lives together today. Amen.

    9. ‘Til Death Do Us Part

    On this joyful day we dream of sharing a long life together. While death will separate loved ones in the end, we recognize other threats to our union even now. We pray for grace and help as you make us one, that nothing and no one will break us apart.
    Shield us from the enemy of our souls, whose lies will attack our hope and commitment to one another. Keep us from the traps of busyness, pride, and self-love that will crush our devotion to each other and to you. Purify our hearts and minds so we remain faithful and uncorrupted. Silence those who would stir up division in our home or tempt us to break our vows in any way. Join us in mind, body, and spirit to live in the beauty of oneness all the days of our lives. Amen.

    10. What Yahweh Has Joined

    We believe you are the author of our story and the creator of our marriage. In your holiness and power you will make us one flesh all the days of our lives. You call us to faithful love that never fails. We praise you for joining us together as one.
    Give us courage to fight for our love when this broken world tries to tear us apart. Bring support and encouragement from friends and family who care for us. Surround us with mature, godly couples who provide an example to follow. Shield us from the enemy’s lies that tempt us to doubt or betray our covenant to one another. “Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”(Mark 10:9) Amen.

    May Yahweh Bless Your Marriage

    The satin, lace, and pearls will soon be packed away. Flowers will fade and music will grow still. Gifts will be opened and thank you notes sent. Yet even as the wedding celebration becomes a sweet memory, your covenant promises endure for always.
    May you receive every blessing together as you commit your way to the Lord. Find hope in his divine power that gives you everythin you need for a godly life through your knowledge of him who called you by his own glory and goodness. (2 Peter 1:2-3) As God enables you to keep your vows, may his love fill your home with joy. Amen

  8. For joy and holiness in my entire family! And for strength for all these young families trying to make it in this crazy world.

  9. For peace, joy, harmony, reconciliation and healing in my family. For the souls of Sarah and Johnny

  10. conversion of my six children grandchildren and great grandchildren and all fiancés boyfriends and husbands/wives for the healing of my shoulder replacement surgery

  11. My daughter’s wedding in 8 days. She had mast cell syndrome after a prolonged illness two winter’s ago and as a result her body has allergic reactions to many foods, incense, etc. Some have gotten better over the year and a half, but praying for celebration and preparation to go well without any incidents or her severe anxiety incapacitating her.

  12. In about a week, I will need to take the exit exam for my Master’s degree program. When I began this program almost nine years ago, my husband and I did not have children. Now, we are expecting our fourth baby. It has been such an unexpectedly long road, and with three small kids in the house, it is an understatement to say that to study in such a way that I feel adequately prepared to pass the exam is difficult. Also, of course, I do not want my children to feel sad or neglected since I cannot spend as much time with them right now, and taking over the reigns for me in that regard is sometimes stressful for my sweet husband. Please pray that the whole family can pull together to overcome this one last academic hurdle! Thank you :)

  13. For my son that he will have a good financial outcome and that his emotional and physical health will improve

  14. I want to pray that everything will work out with my current situation, and no charges will be accepted. I also pray for a greater reliance on God, and to grow closer to him each day.

  15. For my family to communicate better with each other.
    For my husband and I to be better parents to our children – to actively listen to them, to give sound and holy advice, to spend quality time with them, to put our “to do” lists aside on Sundays and spend time together.
    For our children to be open to listening to what our Lord lays on our hearts to share with them.
    For the protection of their purity – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.

  16. – I pray through the powerful intercession of Sts. Louis & Zelie, for divine help upon my family in amazing way to fulfil all our financial obligations all through this month & always.

    – I pray for thy heavenly help and favour upon WAGPCO job appointment, GE, Total, Delta Marine and all other job appointments; ENI/AGIP Scholarship,
    commonwealth scholarship and all other scholarships and equally pray for financial help upon my offshore certifications & Vicky’s business. Also for great turn around and abundant mercy in every areas of my life and pursuits.

    – I pray for Olufemi Raphael, my benefactors, friends & families who are almost in need of God’s mercy, help and direction through the intercession of Sts. Louis & Zelie to find comfort, hope and peace in all their endeavours in life.

  17. – I pray through the powerful intercession of Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin, for divine help upon my family in amazing way to fulfil all our financial obligations all through this month & always.

    – I pray for thy heavenly help and favour upon WAGPCO job appointment, GE, Total, Delta Marine and all other job appointments; ENI/AGIP Scholarship,
    commonwealth scholarship and all other scholarships and equally pray for financial help upon my offshore certifications & Vicky’s business. Also for great turn around and abundant mercy in every areas of my life and pursuits.

    – I pray for Olufemi Raphael, my benefactors, friends & families who are almost in need of God’s mercy, help and direction through the intercession of Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin to find comfort, hope and peace in all their endeavours in life.

  18. Healing of father & son relationship
    Grace, wisdom, understanding, love, tolerance & conversation of heart for Jack & Jackson. Praise God for His goodness!

  19. I pray for my husband and daughter for their conversion of heart and soul. Also grant peace in our country and all over the world.

  20. Loving these novenas!

    My intention is for my daughter and her husband’s relationship with his mother. It’s very strained due to her inability to respond appropriately to their necessarily imposed boundaries regarding the children; she has some personality disorders. All are Catholic and I’m believing for mental and emotional healing for all.

  21. I beg of you that my daily prayers hopes and dreams and needs for my family come true Today. Thank you

  22. Please let our jamie find the man God has chosen for her soon. SHE IS SO DESERVING. Please let tim never lose his job and find a school msw position soon. Please let Rob an larry have a child and always have jobs and always practice their vows. Let tim marry leah. Please I am asking for jamie now. She has waited and worked so hard for so long she deserves a social life. These are simple requests for wonderful wonder ful deserving young people. Thank you.

  23. That my sister Dede,my niece Nadie and my cousin Greg be healed of their metastatic cancers by praying this Novena.
    God willing.

  24. Please lord bring my husband, daughter & son back to the Catholic Church with conversion of their families; lapsed Catholic of my parish, friends who’ve children have left especially those who’ve left Christianity for agnostic life. Please bring them back to your holiness. Conversion of nonbelievers. Protect, guide, bless USA, President & his cabinet, support for President Trump, all service people, first responders, medical teams & researchers. End abortion, human trafficking, abuse in & outside families. End abuse in Catholic Church with transparency & increased holiness from our Father. Bless father Scott Thomas & Rajiv’s.

  25. Dear Heavenly father I come to you to day to pray for prosperity better Health weight loss new beginnings new home new automobile and to become And pray for my son migraine son And all my deceased family members may they rest In peace. Am I pray to become debt free in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

  26. Lord I place my financial needs into your hands. Lord today I pray for financial deliverance I pray for money to pay my bills and pray off my loans I pray fur new vehicle Lord I pray for employment. I pray for justice with my industrial court matter. I pray for speedy resolutions.
    I pray for reconciliation of friendships
    I pray for my husband, my mother and my children

  27. Pls I have been praying for another child for 5 years, I am getting older now. Pls help me in prayers

  28. That my husband and children can come to really know the Lord and His Blessed Mother; for the graces of forgiveness, reconciliation, and restoration of unity and peace in all families where there is division, bitterness, estrangement, factions, etc. Please, Saints Louis and Zelie, beg God that He will grant healing in all if these situations.

  29. Praying for a miracle for Shaune Knowlton. Shaune is dying of cancer. Dear Lord please save her from her illness.
    In Jesus Name we pray. Amen

  30. Please keep my whole family free from any and all serious illnesses and diseases. My daughter does well at her dr appt. and gets a good job soon

  31. Praying for successful colonoscopy with no cancer. Through intercession of these Saints, in Jesus name Amen

  32. I pray that my daughter Angelica & my 13 year old granddaughter Jocelyn start getting along better. It seems like all they do is argue daily & then my granddaughter calls me crying at all hours of the day & night complaining about the argument they had & how unfair her mother is being. My granddaughter “cuts” her wrists because this is how she deals with the arguing & she also uses vapes. I ask the intercession of St Louis & Zelie, that she stops her “cutting “ & her stealing. I also pray that my daughter gets out of the unhealthy relationship she is in with her current male friend. Amen.

  33. Dear God. I pray. For strength and health for my Daughter. As she is going through a hardships. Help me Dear God. For my overprotective friend to let me go. So I can move on. In my life and relocate.and for him to accept that I need to be closer to my little family out of town in Jesus Name Amen

  34. Dear God. I pray. For strength and health for my Daughter. As she is going through a hardships. Since the loss of her husband
    2 weeks before Christmas. Last year
    Help her to find a good. Christian husband that will take care of her and her 2 1/2 yrs old son. One day in Jesus Name. ,, As Well my son. Help him find. A good Christian. Partner. As well. Hardship and financially. Since their break up.
    And. Not to be Selfish. Dear a God. Help me find. Same as my kids. A good trustworthy and honest. Hope. A future Godly husband. Help me Dear God. For my overprotective friend to let me go. So I can move on. In my life and relocate.and for him to accept that I need to be closer to my little family out of town in Jesus Name Amen

  35. Father Lord, all glory be unto you. I thank you for life and everything. May God intervene in the situation in my brother’s life, you see and you know, may your will be done. May you bring healing, reconciliation and restoration upon our family, individually and collectively especially for my father. God give me a life partner, strengthen me when I’m overwhelmed with emotions and maybuour grace never depart from me. Amen

  36. That God should bless me with a baby boy and give me the grace to take care of my family. The grace to serve and Love him better.
    Grant my daughter Frances success in her promotion exams.
    God should help us rent our house in jahi.
    Many more blessings. Amen

  37. Dear Sts. Louis & Zelie Martin,

    As parents of St. Therese, you know the prayers of parents who wish that their children will learn to know and obey the will of the Heavenly Father in their lives. Please assist my children to find the path He has chosen for them. Help my Patrick with his vocation to find the order the Father wishes for him. Heal Eric & David so they may find the work He wants them to do. Bless the marriages of Ken and Michael, and please assist my Heidi to find the right “St. Joseph” of her own in her life.


  38. I have been praying these Novenas off and on for a year and THANK You Jesus and all who have prayed that my brother is now 3 months sober! I am now praying for him to find a good and decent job that will allow him to keep up with his meetings still earn a decent living.

  39. I pray for my family to have peace, joy, happiness, calm, and love for one another.
    I pray for strengthening of our faith, hope, and an increase in holiness for my family.
    I pray for my children and I to be lifted out of poverty and into better circumstances.
    I pray for a financial miracle.
    I pray for financial prosperity, financial abundance, financial stability, and a release of my financial burdens.
    I pray I am able to pass my class with an A so that I can be accepted into the DMS program.
    I pray I am able to return to school full time, earn A’s, graduate and find a good job so I am able to provide a good life for my children (I am a single mom of 2 kids with autism).
    I pray for God’s guidance on the sale of my home.
    I pray for the timing of the sale of my home and finding a new home.
    I pray I am able to find a new home for my family.
    I pray for my son to be healed from his video game addiction, overeating, anxiety, panic attacks, ADHD, feelings of worthlessness, anger, and autism.
    I pray my daughter is healed from anxiety, depression, mood disorder, panic attacks, ADHD and autism.
    I pray that my children and I are successful in school and life.
    I pray that my children and I are protected against Satan and all evil.
    I pray my ex-husband pays the 3.75 years of back owed child support and alimony.
    I pray my ex-husband pays the full amount of court ordered child support and alimony each month.
    I pray I am healed from depression, anxiety, and stress.
    I pray I am healed physically and spiritually.

  40. Job for June my dearest friend.
    Divine speed financial breakthrough for me, my children mo, mu, geo, gu.

  41. For my husband and i to enthrone the Sacred heart of Jesus in our home, family, our marriage and or own hearts.
    For my sisters to bring Christ into their lives and families.

  42. Dear Lord as we embark on our journey through a dangerous area on Wednesday I pray that you send your angels to guide and guard us. Remove all doubt and fear from our minds, mine especially, on all the possible bad things that can occur, and help to trust in you and your promise to keep us safe wherever we may go.
    Also since I posted the prayer for growth and success for my husband, he got a promotion at work, Thank You dear Lord. I love you dearly O Lord, teach me to Love You more each day and to bring my family closer to you. Sts Louis and Zelie Martin, pray for us.

  43. I pray for the successful of my business, I also pray for the successful of getting married to the one I choose and I pray for my academic success in the name of Jesus Christ

  44. My intention is for detachment, destruction of generational curses from our fore fathers to the current generation…intercede for our family as the curses bring unhapiness, fights, hatred and many others…..

  45. Please pray for my family, for my two sons to get close to God. Let them live a healthy and happy life. Fix everything that is wrong. Keep them away from all addiction.
    For all my nephews and nieces, especially nephew Jake and his addiction. Heal them all in body soul and Spirit. I pray for my sister and brother and their spouses. I pray that I will be strong and healthy so that I can help my family and others. Protect us from evil and let us all have a happy healthy and long life. I pray for all this in the Name of your Son Jesus Christ, Almighty God. St Louis and Zelie be my intercessor and pray for us all that are praying this Novena to you.

  46. The unity in our family has deteriorated since our mother died in 2016. I cry for the unity and love to be be restore for our good and for God’s glory. Amen

  47. Kindly pray for my mother and us her children who have been rejected by her inlaws family. We’re going through a very difficult time.
    We are praying for God’s mercy to help us get enough funds so we can look, buy and make a new home where we can leave peacefully.

  48. I’m praying for my aunt who is having cancer for healing mercies,I pray that God will bless me with twins a baby boy and girl,I pray that my oncoming next week surgery will be successful,I pray for a good job and financial breakthrough,I pray for peace in my family and all the families in need.Thank you Jesus

  49. Please pray for my family especially daughter C Delphine who is unwell.

    Give us time to spend together as it feels we are working my husband and i
    Taske care of mum and Gillian2.

  50. To take away my anxiety & depression. Help my relationship with my teenager & bring healing & understanding. To heal the broken-heart of my friend’s who lost their child & are leaning & hoping on God’s love to carry them through. Lastly, to please help me find a good job to support my family

  51. Dear Lord please make way where there seems to be no way for me, kelechi and our baby . Grant us our green cards. Please Lord send me a spouse and help me recognize he’s the one, the one that will love and cherish me and my baby. Forgive us our sins and help me get a job of a nurse practitioner that I can work from home. Amen. St Louis , st Theresa and St Zelie pray for us.

  52. Dear Lord please heal my baby of any sickness. Make him happy and healthy and may your will be done in our lives . Touch his dad to love and care for him. May your will be done in his life. Amen. St Louis , st Theresa and St Zelie pray for us

  53. Lord, I ask that hear my prayers. I pray for my dad who is back in the hospital and getting ready to under go another procedure on Monday. He suffered a subdural hematoma in April and as he gets better another challenge arises. Please pray for his and my mothers strength to endure these hardships. Amen

  54. St. Louis and Zelie please pray for us that the Lord grant us fruit of the womb so our little family can grow. Please pray the Lord grant us the grace of fertilty and pregnancy. That he remove all fear anxiety stress and allow my body and mind to relax and conceive now. We are standing praying trust and believing Gods promises to us for our babies to come soon. We will not give up and will continue to pray. Please pray that we receive a positive report from our doctor tomorrow and God guide his wisdom and grace through her. All prayer warriors on this novena please pray for us that the Lord grant us our miracle breakthrough and hearts desire our babies. I pray for all of you with all my heart. In Jesus name Amen. I thank God in advance fur a positive report!!

  55. Please be with my family and give us strength to get through all of our struggles I pray with all my heart that you keep christian and I together please dont let me get taken away from this wonderful little boy that God has given me please continue to allow me to watch him grow up and be a man please keep my family together God I also pray for the protection and guidance of my sister Selena please be with her and help her with all her worries and troubles and be with each person in the world and give them many blessings God as you do for my family every day God thank you very much for everything please continue to be with us and bring us closer to you with every day that passes God I ask all of this IN YOUR SON JESUS’S NAME

  56. Please pray for our son’ conversion of heart and the protection of our grandsons’ hearts. May we all increase our intimacy with our Lord. Amen.

  57. I pray for healing in our relationship and that Mike and I will be reconciled to each and to the Lord forever in Holy Matrimony. Help us communicate better with each other.

  58. Please pray for a man who is dying and is estranged from all of his children. He has no faith and needs prayers.

  59. Dear Lord,
    I pray for good health and financial stability for everybody in my family. I pray for my elder daughter to heal from all her health problems, to be blessed with healthy children soon and to have a prosperous business. I pray for my younger daughter to be healthy, to be blessed with healthy children soon and to have a very successful career. I pray for my nephews to be healthy, to find good jobs and good wives and to have children of their own. I pray for G to heal completely from all his addictions and to turn his life for the better. I pray for my sister to be healthy, to keep her job and to have peace and quiet at home and for my mom to be healthy and happy. I pray for my husband and me to be healthy, to be blessed with healthy grandchildren from our both daughters soon, to keep our jobs and to pay off our debts soon. I pray for the intentions of all who are praying this novena. Amen.

  60. Please pray for family needs/marriages/healings and conversions, my own special intentions and those of JMJT. I ask you please to intercede to get me where I need to be. Also for the many people we serve in our prayers, church groups, etc

  61. Permanet healing for my daughter from cancer. For her marriage, for them to stop smoking. For the physical, spiritual, mental health, safety and protection of my family, children, grandchildren. And thankfulness for our blessings and the leasing of property and that will all work out smoothly. Answered prayers for those in this novena. Thank you and amen.

  62. Dear Jesus I pray through this noverna for
    A buyer for the green jeep to get $4000 for it
    For protection for Breanna
    For healing for Tico
    For favor for Tico at work
    For a more romantic feeling in our marriage
    For us to find time to pray as a family snd bring our petition to God
    Father I ask these through the intercession of St. Louis snd Zelie
    Amen amen amen

  63. please help our president and keep him safe, pray for the end of abortion , and for world peace, pray for Emma that she be healed of her learning disability and attention disorder and autism. I pray that Karen, Mar, and Leah turn their lives to the Lord and that John and Manon get good jobs and Thank You for Sandra’s job.. Amen

  64. I am praying for healing of my son’s mental illness. My family and I are planning a trip to Nigeria; I pray for financial assistance and protection. Saints Louis and Zelie Martin please pray for us. Amen

  65. For healing of my daughter Susanna’s anxiety that makes her think she has all kinds of physical ailments when she is actually very healthy, for healing of my son Kevin’s bipolar 2 mood disorder, for healing of my godson’s fiance of her depression and other mental illness, for healing of other family member’s anxiety.

  66. Pray for my daughter as she gets ready to apply to colleges. Help guide her in the right direction. Pray for prosperity and good health and peace.

  67. Praying for all the people who are asking for miracles who are praying this novena.

    Praying that get God gives me an answer to my prayer. It’s a difficult to answer and I soooo need the guidance!!!

    Praying for weight loss so that my body feels better.

  68. Pray for children, grandchildren, my husband and I to love Christ and keep his intentions for us to follow him even in the toughest times.
    Thanks so much for your prayers

  69. Praying for my immigration issues that the good lord may grant me success in my applications and protect me. Praying also for a spouse that God may bless me with one Amen. St loius and zelie pray for us. Amen.

  70. Lord help me get a financial breakthrough. Open ways for people who owe me money to pay me.
    I pray for my husband to be faithful and care about his family.
    I pray for my thesis I finish.
    I pray for all my family members
    Amen Amen Amen

  71. Please pray for a first time mom and dad who lost their first baby girl on Thursday July 4. The doctors had told them thruout the pregnancy of all the many medical problems that existed since they did the first ultrasound at 12 weeks. I submitted Baby Girl’s intentions on the first day of this Novena. Baby girl Taylor was born Thursday at 12:36. She passed away to heaven around 3:15pm. Eternal rest grant unto her O Lord and let Perpetual light shine upon her.

  72. Pass the medical board exam of.Ara and plumber board exam of Leo.
    To pay and elimate our perpetual financial debts.
    Unity, charity and health in the family
    Above all for the WILL OF GOD daily family that we will be open always and use HIS grace properly and Concersion of sinners.Amen

  73. Dear Saints Louise and Zelie Martin, please intercede for Z., G., and me at Jesus so that we may marry our loved ones, and that we could win in our cases finally. Please, pray for all those whose lives are very difficult and feel their lives hopeless because of their so many losses. Amen.

  74. Praying for humility, forgiveness, unity, peace and cooperation in my family. For God’s guidance and direction in all matters of our family, for blessings upon the children, a job or income generating project for my husband, extra income source for me to support the family better. Blood of Jesus cover my family. Amen

  75. I pray for a miracle to help get the money we need today and next week. And then to increase our monthly income so we can make it each month! I am trying to change things, please let it be enough! Thank you and God Bless!

  76. For the spiritual and bodily healing of my daughter Kimberly Raygoza. For her conversion.
    For my husband Juan that he can come to church and be set “free” of all bondage. The conversion of my son Juan and Wendy, Antonio. For my parents and sisters needs and healing and intentions.

  77. I pray for peace and love to return in my family.That those certain family members that are feuding learn to forgive and try and forget their anger and live each other again and also I pray some of my family members return to church and God

  78. Karen and I need good jobs for God’s Will possible move and be roommates

    A good Catholic husband

    Help please to find a way to pay back debts

    My kids and family United in Jesus and the Church.

  79. Please pray that the Lord will bless my daughter and husband with a healthy and happy baby. Please also pray for for me that there is no malignancy in a skin lesion that I have.

  80. Thank you for this forum. I pray for my relationship with the daughter God had me be a Mom to. Sometimes we clash! It aches. (Honestly ..God has already blessed). I ask for HEALING IN MONEY MATTERS AND THEY BE LIFTED SO I CAN BLESS WHERE GOD LEADS , OUR GAP INSURANCE ..EFFICIENT RESOLUTION WITHOUT ANYMORE THAN DEDUCTIBLE. BLESS NICOLE’S PATH!!! MAY I BE A POSITIVE SUPPORT

  81. Praying for my son to find a more rewarding position, my husband for the same. My friend Gloria for her health, both physically and financially. I pray for our government leadership. And health for all my family. I pray also for those who are praying this novena with me.

  82. For God to grant my family our US visas, safe delivery of my baby girl in the states without any stress, mental physical, financial. For the bank to grant the FCMB loan to my husband. For my husbands farm to be a success beyond our imagination, good health of mind and body for my family, for my makeup line to be successful and globally recognized beyond my imagination for God to enlarge my coast and make me a wonder.