This is a first! The Next Novena…

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We’re really excited to share with you that the next novena we’re going to pray together is a novena to the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux, both of whom are also saints!

It’s the Saints Louis and Zelie Martin Novena!

Saints Louis and Zelie were the first married couple to ever be canonized together.

They’re great saints to ask for prayers for:

+ help in marriage or family life

+ in finding a holy spouse

+ in discerning religious life

+ for help in faithfully raising children or carrying out your everyday duties

+ if you’ve lost a child

+ for help with anxiety, depression or mental disorders

+ for healing

You can read more about Saints Louis and Zelie Martin here. This is also where you can sign up to join us in prayer :)

We’ll start praying on July 3rd!

We’re praying for you & your intentions. You can share those intentions below.

God bless you!

Annie & John-Paul —

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  1. Please pray in agreement as I pray for all in need of answered prayers. I pray for a stronger relationship with you Lord Jesus. I pray J and I continue to communicate as we blend our families. I love him and know we can work he has a strong relationship with our Lord and I want to grow with him in my faith

  2. Dear all,

    Please pray for my son Ansh John as he is badly addicted by play station games.
    He is hospitalized as hf is become disruptive and they are sedating him

    Also he lost his dad 4 and 1/2 months back.

    Please pray for his recovery so that I can travel to India soon to get him more therapy.

  3. St Louis and St. Zelie please pray the Holy Spirit reach my husband today. Pray he is convicted of his need to repentance and conversion. Please pray he sees that he drives everyone away from him. Pray he receives all the graces needed to take a plunge in faith toward surrender to God everything in his life. Please pray for me to continue to feel strong enough to keep forgiving this person who btw doesn’t ask for forgiveness because he is so arrogant and prideful. Pray I heal from such a mean husband. Pray my children remain faithful to the Lord now and throughout their lives growing in strength in the love of Christ. For good news on my son’s dr. S appt. for blessings financial. Health and spiritual for my husband and our family. Amen.

  4. I’ve been going through a lot of anxiety, depression & stress, (especially last week & this week) bc what once was my family, I feel like it isn’t anymore)! The reason is that my former husband & I were married for 34.5 yrs, together since 4-14-80 & good friends since 9-5-78 & I unfortunately had to divorce him which I received the divorce decree in the mail on 4-13-17! It’s a very long & sad story & I found out in June ‘17 that he already had a girlfriend since 10 days before our divorce was finalized & long story short he ended up marrying her in Nov ’17😥😢☹️ He took our daughter, our daughter’s boyfriend & (his girlfriend/w-i-f-e)-(I can’t even say this word) on a trip out West last week & left on 6-26-19 & will be back on 7-7-19. For many yrs he’s complained about not having enough money, but he has a good job & gives our daughter plenty of money every month. Even though he was disrespectful (& unfaithful to me more than once during PART of our marriage), I will always love & miss him. It’s just killing me that he has taken our daughter to all of these wonderful places (especially since he knows how much I love to travel & we always made a good team traveling-he would do all the driving & I would do all the navigating)! This has been sooo hard bc I haven’t really had a true vacation since Aug of 2012 & I’m soo jealous that (he & our daughter) get to go to all of these beautiful places w/o me!! Also, my Dear, Sweet Loving Mom joined the other angels in Heaven on Fri-11-30-18, which as of today was 30 weeks or 217 days ago & even though that I know she’s in Heaven, I miss her soo much!☹️😥😢💜💜💜 My one & only sibling, my sister & I don’t get along & haven’t for years! I’ve been suffering w/anxiety since my Mom’s passing & off & on for years, but I’ve also been dealing w/depression for many, many years & I think that “stress” is my middle name!! For years I’ve been a prayer warrior for many people, those I know & those I don’t know. However, w/i the last few weeks I’m finding it very hard to pray at all😩, but thankfully I am praying this Novena & when I received the email about this Novena, it really spoke to me & I knew that I definitely needed to pray it! Please pray for me as I truly need any help that I can get! Thank you.

    • Mary, I am saying a prayer for you to find joy again in your prayer life. Keep the faith prayer warrior! My dear beloved father died one day before your mother, and I too am still grieving and miss him very much, and I too have been very hurt in love. I pray you find comfort, peace of mind and people who care and will support you so you never feel so alone anymore. I also feel the Novenas are coming to me for a reason!

  5. Pray that my son Brandon Matthew return to his family. Open his heart to his mother and father who have always loved and supported him but for an unexplained reason he discarded us. We love and miss him and our three granddaughters and his wife. Broken hearted, but we pray.

  6. For my son’s blocked tear duct, that the procedure next week will be effective and he will have no more issues!

  7. Dear God

    i pray that you may easen the burdens in my life.i feel stuck and i pray that you may give me financial breakthrough so that i can be able to start the man projects i have.i also pray that you way reunite my children with their father.they need the fathery love and care.i also pray that he may be able to provide for them their daily needs and school fees .Lord i pray for financial breakthough and deliverance.draw me and my family closer to you and be our guide and light.see me through in all the projects i want to take and grant me wisdom and the grace to keep on keeping on/

  8. It seems that family problems have taken over our married children’s lives. I pray for Steph and Sonny and their marriage. May Louis and Zelie intercede for them. I pray that both will realize how much they loved each other and how that love needs to continue. May their children be healed of any scars caused by the discord in their home. May Mary wrap them in her mantle and keep them together and bring them back to the Catholic Church. May Sts. Louis, Zelie, and Therese pray for them.

  9. I pray for financial breakthrough nd fruits of the womb,longlif for my family members in good health .

  10. I am praying for my family’s health and guide them everyday. I am praying for a smooth process of our papers in Canada and grant a visa for the whole family. I am praying for the passing of my husband and I NCLEX exam on September 7, 2019 which will be held in New Delhi India…

  11. Pray for my eldest daughter ,for my son-in-law and my granddaughter s that they be able to have a house of their own.Help them in their financial needs. There will always be love and tolerance in their life.Touch and bless them.In Jesus name I pray ,amen.

  12. My wish is for my 3 children, and grandchildren find the Lord and learn to follow Him. I also wish this for my husband. For myself I need patience, understanding and knowledge to care for my mother in her final days.

  13. For the salvation of my famiky & friends, The souls in purgatory, and my health to get better and for me to have better energy and be able to do things and enjoy life more. And a safe trip to visit my grandchildren and a good place to stay. In Jesus name amen

  14. I pray for my children and their families. That they may continue to enjoy the love and joy in their lives. I pray that those who have not had the blessing of parenthood be given this amazing miracle of life.
    In the name of Jesus, I pray.

  15. It is my prayer intention that I show a faithful example to my family, that I let go of my fears and trust God to use me to bring them to Him.

  16. For me and my family to follow God’s will in our lives and for my friend J to be healed of her eating disorder

  17. My husband has been through a horrible trial with someone he loved telling a terrible lie. Please pray for his peace of Christ.
    We are packing to move after 33 years in the same home. Please pray for peace and endurance to move on to our new life’s chapter

  18. Please help families that struggle with depression, psychosis, anxiety and all mental issues that break down the family and separate love ones.

  19. I ask please to peary for Breanna that she feels like she belongs with her dad and she finds a job soon give her the strength she needs.
    Its been hard for her growing up not having a stable child hood Godbless her Amen

  20. Please let our family remain safe, healthy and happy. Watch over us all. Please help Nikki and her family heal. In the name of Jesus. Amen.

  21. I pray for my grandson….that he not have to be separated from his mom. I pray for a miracle that he not have to go to his dad’s because he doesn’t want to go. I pray that God always protect my grandson and that he be treated with love and respect from his father. I also pray for all children who are being mistreated by their parents or any adult. I pray that the court system open up their eyes and realize that not all children need the other parent (whether father or mother) if they are not a good parent. Amen

  22. I pray that my daughter finds her soulmate/partner soon. It gives me great piece of mind that my other children are in happy marriages and I desperately want this for my last child. I have prayed for years, and the answer just does not come. She is in a relationship now, but I cannot determine if he is thinking of her as a future wife or if he is ready or will be ready to settle down eventually.

  23. Please come into my daughter n son-in-law’s home and make it a holy, peaceful happy n tranquil home with their 3 children. Guide them in raising their three children as you raised yours. Help them to teach them right from wrong and to discipline them with love!!! Help them to teach them to love Our Lord as you taught your children. Keep them all healthy, safe , happy n holy! Help the children to learn good behavior n manners. In Jesus’s name we pray!!!
    Also, help my son n wife be blessed with a healthy beautiful child of God if it be His will. They long for a child!!! Amen

  24. The conv.ersion of my children and brothers. Pray that my good health returns. That my daughter findsa job and stops drinking.

  25. All cancer survivors especially
    Deeon, Mia, Jasmine, Anamore, Joe, Ron, Kellianne, Linda, Julia, Peggy, Cindy, Chris, Michael and his wife, Laura, Annie, Tory, Lady Carmen, Michael..
    Uncle Louis, Darleen, Vicki, Sudhir and Daksha, all family and friends especially couples and young couples as they grow in love, career and family.
    My family and their families
    Godchildren and their families… Scott RIP, Amy, Teresa, Bubba, Shane, Raygan, Allison and Christine
    Mentees – Crysan, Sandy, Ilona, Brianne, Grace, Rebecca and Amanda

  26. dear brother,

    praise the lord to jesus. i have got everything in my life as per gods will and accept the same. now i ask for my husband good job as he was facing lots of problems in his work place. let god be with him in his work place and show miracles on his works. my son who i have adopted as per my wish, but he was not liked by my husband. so both of them on opposite poles and doesnt want to see or talk with each other. i want them both to have a smooth relationship. let god be with my younger kids to be good at their studies and have a good concentration and should respect the elders properly. i just pray for all these will happen with gods grace.

    Praise the lord

  27. Saint Therese please intercede for my family. Please pray for my spouse for a true soul conversion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, I am offering him to you to help him see this situation what he has done isn’t right, please pray for my children and their emotional well being i place into your hands, as little children being separated from their me has hurt them so much and has hurt me . I pray my attorney who is involved that he may help sort out these proceedings. I pray for my own parents that Jesus can help them see his hands in everything they do. And a soul conversion for both my mother and father to the Catholic Faith. Thank you lord for all that you do for us. Amen.

  28. I pray that Larry can go with me to the interview on Monday and that Kristine calls me soon.

  29. Please pray for the promotion of my husband in his job. Keep us away from temptation. Keep us safe and healthy. And please also pray for me to have an opportunity in freelancing.

  30. St. Loius and Zelie Martin… please intercede for God’s will to be done and that we will listen with our hearts , ears, mind and follow HIS will for me and my husband and children …giving us His wisdom , knowledge, peace , strength, in following Him … strengthening our marriage, for healing of depression and addiction for Kim’s mom …Pam , for dicernment of career and job for me and Kim , for living a healthy life .. taking care of our bodies for me and my family , for raising kids faithfully in the Catholic faith , to meet godly people for us and our children …for my children to find a holy spouse one day … For God’s will to be done in each of our lives and that we follow it ….

  31. pray for my land. try to sell it. for my children to make peace with itch other. my son to stop drinking. my friends daughter who is very sick.

  32. St. Teresa of Lisieux …prayers for my family and our transition to a new state , house ,community, schools….to meet Godly people , develop new friendships for Mt children , me and my husband. For our finances …pay off debt , manage our spending , take control of a budget and follow it,paying for college for our kids ..finding scholarships to help SG and A and in rAising his ACT score that he can find a job , finding a job /career for me that will glorify God and help provide for our family , for wisdom & knowledge in doing all these , for the safety and health our family ,for papa and bill health and safety, Bev & B , all my brothers & sisters & their families, gor our priests , sisters,bishops , and Pope , peace in our world , our president and all our leaders, help me to get my licsense In This state … for all the intentions of those praying this novena and John pail and Annie …placing all my trust in God … amen

  33. O lord jesus.heal my illness and the gastric which i am suffering heal all my illness right now. Amen.

  34. Dear saints louis and zelie ,
    Please pray for myself and my family members to have a deep relationship with God and to trust him completely. For a financial breakthrough and for my wife to have a good relationship with me. Thank you dear saints and all who are praying for our intentions.

  35. Please pray for my entire family. To keep them all healthy, happy and safe. Please pray for healing for all of them. Please pray for healing for me for I am not well and want to be well. Please pray for healing so I can get back to work and not be so miserable feeling by feeling ill. Please pray that everything works out in our favour. Thank you!

  36. Please pray for my friend ‘s family suffering the loss of her father. And for Leslie desperately in need of a substantial job. For Jim with a debilitating disease. For my daughter & son that they will find forgiveness with each other so our family can be whole again. For blessings & healing for baby Emily with Trisomy 18 & thanksgiving for bringing her this far. For my brother suffering with mental illness. And Sheila that she may be diagnosed & healed with her debilitating pain. Good Lord Jesus please answer these prayers & those of all the people on this novena prayer list.

  37. Please pray, I am faced with two abusive people and I need help, please, please pray.

    This is a work situation and many have left because of them. I just need God’s help and protection.

    Thank you!

  38. Sts. Louis & Zelie, pray also that our eldest daughter willingly receive the grace needed to break away from an unhealthy relationship; that our youngest daughter choose truth & joy in this contentious world; and that our son accept the teachings of Jesus and His Church –and return to it, bringing his wife.

  39. Lord in heaven, I pray to You in total obedient today about my life. Father God, I need Your divine help in granting me financial independence. I pray that you remove me from the grasp of incapability and you provide me with all the earnings that I’ll use to take care of both myself, my loved ones, and all of Your Beloved for the rest of my life. Lord, I need You to fix my life so that I’ll not be caught wanting. Instead, I’ll fulfill my roles in all needed areas of my life. I thank You God for all the opportunity and for the forthcoming blessings, I exalt Your name and In Jesus Name, Amen.

  40. For our son and a very difficult work situation. Please help him resolve the conflicts he now is facing and for the best possible outcome. Help us be caring and supportive parents giving him good/healthy advice along the way. For all our children that they may have God at the center of their lives. Amen

  41. Please pray for me for a successful shoulder surgery and that I find my forever loving spouse/ husband/ boyfriend ASAP. Thank you.

  42. I place my financial needs into your hands. I pray for reconciliation. I pray for a speedy resolution to my industrial matter. I pray for justice .
    I pray for God’s healing hands on my mother.i pray for my marriage and my husband I pray for my children and I pray that they be successful with their studies. I pray for money to retire

  43. that i get the right next job
    that we raise our children correctly
    that we and our children make good decisions

  44. My Lord , My God ,
    My God, in The Holy Name of Jesus Christ, I praise you , I love you and I Adore you
    Please pray for Pope ‘s daily intentions, his health and world peace. Peace in each family, in each marriage, in my family & in my marriage.
    For Pope Benedict Emeritus The XVI.
    For thanksgiving for all blessings and graces received.
    For all holy souls of faithful departed, poor souls in purgatory, forgotten souls, unborn babies, lost souls , especially Holy Souls of Maria Hoi Ha& Peter Tao Nguyen, Mr Don Fritschie, Mr Robert Klusman, Mr Bill Martin , Mr John Schmitt, Dr Erick Speck, Mr Tony Schneider , Mr & Mrs Ed Gast, Mr & Mrs Gene Mense , Anna Schlagel, Dr Anthony Huy Trần, Cha Huy , Cha Tu , Adel , Bac Toan Pham , Thomas Karlin, Cha Can, Cha Hoan , Cha Nhut , Cha Michael Sears , Mr Louis Biggs, Mrs Pat Myers, all Vietnamese Pilgrimages who died on 08/08/2008.
    For all priests, deacons and seminarians, and all religious orders.
    For first responders, firefighters and policemen, especially officers pierce, chavez and Jennifer
    For Andy : his surgery is soon and successful
    For ngoc , Hạnh , Andy , Claudia
    For Hoa JIM & their intentions
    For Nguyen Hồng Nathan
    For Thuỷ Hai Matt
    Hong Ly , Milan Joe
    For Hieu Thoa ‘s family : safely back home
    For Thanh, John, Anna , Fancy & Judy : wisdom, health, blessings, goodness , faithfulness , gentleness, God’s graces , safe travels always, respectful and gracious children, please guide them to choose healthcare , find them good husbands, and watch them always from all evils , bad things and bad people , businesses, employees, patients & no evils can harm us all . Jesus , I place all my trust in you : my prayers, works , Joys , sufferings, worriers , our conversion , if it wills you God, my Lord , My God, in The Holy Name of Jesus Christ, I praise
    For safety of my family
    For all sick , the dying, unemployed, elderly, the poor , homeless.
    For Lorreta, Brandon, Blake , Brent , Bernie , Anne & John Paul at Pray More Novena And all who need our prayers . Thank you Lord

  45. I ask that you help my uncle Not harm anyone or himself. May he find peace and understanding and forgiveness.

  46. Praying that God protects and guides my 2,children and keeps them safe from physical and psychological harm until I am done fighting this custody battle and they are home safe. God, please place angels in my children’s paths, and help us stay safe and emerge without being crippled financially by the legal fees.

  47. Financial reprieve, Julee and Eve to get pregnant and seeking for that wonderful job as well as protecting my family friends inlaws workmates

  48. Please pray for my marriage. My husband, me, both separately and as a couple. Please pray that it is built into a relationship of respect and love. Pray for my children. Pray for my job.

  49. For a new full time job for me, one that I can make a difference in other’s lives.

    For my son to find a full-time job.

    For my sister and mother..God give them the strength and patience as they care for my sick father.

  50. Dear Jesus I ask you for the intersection of Saint Louis and Zelle to pray for the peace of all my family in law.
    We need your help so your Holy Spirit enter in their hearts and they stop this anger and revenge against us so we can all live in peace.
    We ask your help so we can pay our children’s school and my sister’s in law can fulfill and give us what my mother in law left us in her will so we can pay our children’s school’s and can pay all our bills .
    I ask you all these in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

  51. That god give my family the grace to continue and keep me with my family please dont let me get separated from my wonderful little boy that God has given me God please keep us together

  52. Lord heal my family. I pray for love, joy and peace in my family. That all of us are united and there is no bitterness of past actions. Lord give us the grace to forgive each other completely, especially my daughter who is unable to let go of the past. Thank you Jesus,Praise you Jesus.

  53. One of my intentions is to find my future husband. That God will bless both of our lives even if the time for us to meet is not soon.
    Additionally, me and a group of girls decided to do this novena together because it fit so perfectly with everything we all need (we will be praying separately but in our hearts we are together). I would like to offer up all of their intentions as well, especially my sister’s. For my eldest sister, E, who is pregnant with twins, that everything goes well and she begins her own loving family. For my other sister, S, that she finds peace with her biopolar disorder, anxiety, and depression; that God will reach out his hand and heal her. And for my sister M, that she will find what she is looking for in life with true happiness. And of course, all the other intentions of the rest of the wonderful girls praying this novea everywhere. Thank you.

  54. Goodmorning. I pray for my health and happiness. I pray that you always watch over my son Mark and granddaughters. And I pray that Brian quits smoking and for his health. Amen

  55. I’m praying for my daughters safe delivery and God’s protection, I’m praying for her young marriage to work, God stand for her

  56. Prayers for Lori- employment, for my parents -to receive a long awaited spot in an elder care facility of their choosing, Anthony- success at his job and that he will make good friendships, Alyssa and Ryan- bless their marriage, Ben and Thomas- health and happiness, Rich- success with his job, decreased stress, Jeff- health,

  57. Please help my family . My granddaughter is struggling at our family gathering and the fact everyone is drinking causes issues with words and hurt feelings. Pray for Katelyn,Caleb, Beth ,James and Isaac so they may heal their hearts from yesterday’s incident. May the rest of my family spread love to each other find the strength between all of us to support them, Pray that we start to follow you Lord God Almighty and walk towards your Light. Prayers and blessings are much needed.

  58. Praying for direction, guidance and growth in my business and life
    Thank God for his many blessings and mercies
    Praying blessings on my family and people close to my heart

  59. 1) God’s healing on Samuel Akongnwi especially on his ear, nose and throat.
    2) God’s ever protection and blessings upon George and Samuel
    3) God’s protection over the Ambe’s family, George, Samuel, Bernadette and Oscar.
    4) God’s promotion of Oscar Ambe. May our Good Lord promotes and takes higher and higher in his career. May our good Lord clears all the obstacles at work and sits him on a good higher career level.
    5) Thanking God for helping Bernadette to go error-free in June month end. Praying for unmerited favor in the office and everywhere that she steps her feet. May our Almighty God bless the works of her hands, feet and brain.

    6) God’s continuous protection over Southern Cameroon.

    7) For God to change my husband’s mind about Canada. I strongly feel that God has something in stored for the family there but he is not convinced. May our God lord takes to completion what He had already started about the Canadian line.

    Thank you Jesus Christ.

  60. Praise the Lord Almighty I sincerely pray that you intercede for me in my family to untie all knots and poverty and stinginess of the spouse, I pray sincerely to both of you to pray for my extension of job at my workplace, because my Lord I really need assistance in medical aid to continue through your prayers and good health and release of trial of my husband let it end.

    Protection of my daughter from all hazels of this world pave way for her to be successful to everything and to trust in God through chrsit the Lord. Amen

  61. I am praying for healing of my sciatica problem. I am also praying for my daughter to have permanent and steady employment. I am also praying that I find the right way to be able to source funds to rebuild my house. Thank you.

  62. For my wife and kids. That we may grow in virtue, patience, and love for each other and model ourselves after the Holy Family.

    For an end to abortion. For those suffering with same sex attraction, that they will live a holy and chaste life. For the conversion of all souls. And the souls in purgatory.

  63. My prayer is that my ¹9 year old daughter to accept her vocation from God to enjoy life to be happy that she is a girl to dress up like a girl like she use to to in Jesus name amen thank you may God bless you 😇

  64. I pray for Love.. Peace.. Joy …. Happiness and breakthrough in my family
    I pray that my application letter should be accepted
    I prata for a sister going through marital disappointment. that God will bless her with a good man

  65. Praise and thank the Blessed Trinity for all blessings and please help us carry our crosses. Billy, Cathy, Ed, Marianna, Carly, Tom get to heaven along with all relatives, friends, entire world. Respect for life at all ages, stop abortion, conversion of sinners, world peace, for all clergy, seminarians, religious, all military, souls in purgatory, Marianna finds the job she will be happy with, Ed & Carly get married in catholic church. Billy gets in better health, stops smoking, drinking, cussing, Cathy’s leg gets better.Marianna finds a good catholic spouse.

  66. Dear Lord,
    Please keep my dog Paxton healthy as he recovers from surgery. Give him the strength to fight off anything bad! Also pray for better communication with my partner and family. Protect us, keep us safe and healthy. Thank you. Amen.

  67. Praying for complete healing from depression and anxiety disorder. From the shame of debt and approval/ issueof fuel business licence. God grant me financial prosperity, growth, beautiful christian marrage with James as my life companion, health and Many more of God’s blessings for my children.


  68. Pray that our love with my desired soul mate will flourish, that James Mwangi Wambugu will confess and resolve to love me, become trustworthy and commit to a life lasting relationship. That he will dedicate himself to our love. I pray that together we build a lovely marriage relationship that is a testimony of.God love and faithfulness.

    To the Glory of God …Amen

  69. Prayer Intention
    Thank you Lord for all the blessings you have given me.
    I pray now for healing in my back and right leg. Please take the pain away and if another lumbar injection is needed please be by my side during surgery for a successful outcome.
    I also pray for my niece who will give birth soon. I pray for her to have a successful birth and bring baby Matthew into this world happy & healthy.
    I pray for my children to finish school and find successful careers that make them happy.
    I pray for my husband that his new job will be successful and easy.
    I pray for all of my family and my mom who needs your healing.
    Lastly I also pray for financial stability.
    Thank you Jesus

  70. Praying for redemption and freedom from the bondage and shame of debt.
    May God grant me financial prosperity, growth, beautiful christian family life, health and Many more of God’s blessings. Amen

  71. Please help me pray for academic success in my academics, so that I will be able to go for my service by November some of my sets have all gone. Please so that God almighty will shower me with his grace.
    Please help me pray for financial breakthrough in my life and family, so that God will remember us.



  73. Please God take care of my family and please help my daughter to find a good catholic husband so they can have a holy family.

  74. Saints Louis annd Zelie Martin,
    Please pray for my broken family and God’s forgiveness for my second marriage.
    Pray also that your daughter Leonie will soon join you among saints venerated by the Church

  75. Thanksgiving to GOD Almighty for HIS love and mercies. I have goitre and do not wish to go for surgery, I wish GOD’S intervention on me and that GOD will use my case to cleanse my lineage of goitre cos it’s genetic. Amen

  76. I pray dear lord for my daughter, who just gave birth to her third child. My daughter’s husband is an alcoholic and is having an affair. That God will give her the direction and strength to move out of this unhealthy relationship, and that her husband will give her permission to take the children out of state, so her family can help her and the children, or a miracle that her husband stops drinking, stops his affair and
    starts to be a husband and father that loves and cares for his family. For this I pray to the Lord with the intercession of the saints in saving this family.

  77. Please my God, revive all the organs in my body to be functioning as you created them.
    I pray through Jesus Christ our Lord.

  78. Complete healing recovery for Dustin,Damon Adrienne Ashlyn Lisa jeff Denise Alyssa Cindy fox holy matrimony and spouse

  79. I thank you Jesus for grant of all my heart desires. Today I ask you to peace in every area of life of my children. I pray that omotese Mary and husband OLISA be impacted with peace in their marriage. Let their hearts overflow with love for each other. Father fill their mouth with laughter all the days of their long lives together. I ask for the same portion of blessings, joy and happiness and favours to radiate in the lives of Ejeme, illobekeme Esther and OMOHEGBELE as well as in my life, their mother. Thank you Jesus for answers to all my prayers that the world, friends and foes will see we serve a supernatural God. Thank you for healing and deliverance from household wickedness and attacks and from poverty, delays and fruitless efforts in my lineage. Amen and Amen.

  80. Through the intercession of St Louis and Martin may the Lord restore all I have lost in my family in the present moment in physical and mental and emotional and spiritual that we may serve God in peace joy freedom and happiness to His greater glory and welfare of our souls

  81. Sts please pray for me that I get into my choice of nursing clinical. I also need prayers for a healthier and stronger marriage. To God be the glory

  82. We need a closer relationship with our Father in heaven. Praying for friends with illnesses. Praying for employment. Praying for children to finish school and find their passion.

  83. Pray for peace on earth, pray for souls, protection, guidance, financial, and health. And for the fast healing of my son.