This is a first! The Next Novena…

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We’re really excited to share with you that the next novena we’re going to pray together is a novena to the parents of St. Therese of Lisieux, both of whom are also saints!

It’s the Saints Louis and Zelie Martin Novena!

Saints Louis and Zelie were the first married couple to ever be canonized together.

They’re great saints to ask for prayers for:

+ help in marriage or family life

+ in finding a holy spouse

+ in discerning religious life

+ for help in faithfully raising children or carrying out your everyday duties

+ if you’ve lost a child

+ for help with anxiety, depression or mental disorders

+ for healing

You can read more about Saints Louis and Zelie Martin here. This is also where you can sign up to join us in prayer :)

We’ll start praying on July 3rd!

We’re praying for you & your intentions. You can share those intentions below.

God bless you!

Annie & John-Paul —

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  1. 1) For a peaceful death void of extensive pain and suffering for Carol and me.
    2) Mike and Jeff find some belief and faith in Christ
    3) Mike, Lori and Evan become less addicted to alcohol and drugs.
    4) Gary Bowar finds peace and contentment.
    5) Those who suffer from from starvation, lack of shelter and necessary clothing and water and that those who have an overabundance of share those graces.

  2. 1. Pls pray join me in prayers for marital settlement to the bone of my bones.

    2. For protocols to be suspended on age barrier for me to get the job offer I just recently concluded the interview.

    3 for divine helpers to locate me in all areas of my life endeavors

    Thank you.

  3. Please pray for Irene’s daughter Sam. that the Holy Spirit will fill her with peace and discernment to get through this difficult time. Release the stranglehold of depression and grant her career opportunity to be able to live the life that is blessed and to be drawn back into her faith and love for God. Grant her mother peace and assurance. Thank you Lord for Michelle’s recovery from chemo and surgery she’s walking and very optimistic grant her a full recovery that it may be a testimony of your Glory and Mercy. Amen

  4. For my son who suffers from depression. Please help him and his doctors find the right medication to help him feel normal again.

  5. For only healthy good cells in my body – no evidence of disease – good bloodwork levels and help with my worry/fear issues of the future
    Raising my children and carrying out my duties as a mother and home
    Especially for my older son and his struggles of confidence/school/sports/ kindness
    my daughter to be healthy and have good friends
    My youngest to be healthy/safe/confident
    My husband his health and financial stability for our family

  6. I pray that I don’t have to start working til after Dr. Heroes. I also pray that Larry can make it today and tomorrow and that he calls me when he gets in. I also pray that I don’t get asked to work the same day on the interview and that they give it two days.

  7. Pray that every evil or negative force that have come against my relationship with A will be broken and that we will grow stronger in faith and love. Pray that we receive the sacrament of marriage and build a family of holiness and fidelity.

  8. Pray for peace,love and togetherness among my family my mum, siblings, nieces and nephews and that we will accept each other differences and grow in joy and holiness. Pray that my brother be delivered from his alcohol addiction and build a closer relationship with God and his mum. Pray that my mum pain and suffering bring her closer to God and that she finds healing and peace in Christ. Pray for comfort for my friend during her painful days. Pray that A build a closer relationship with God. Pray that A be faithful and loyal to me and our relationship and stop cheating. Pray that God bring healing to his leg and bless him with a good working partner who is reliable and trustworthy. Pray that my son be close to God,and have a humble and compassionate heart. Pray that my son be focused on his education and find constructive ways to increase his education, pray that he be delivered from every evil or negative force sent against him. Pray for knowledge, wisdom and understanding for my son. Pray for joy and holiness in my family and that we respect, appreciate and spend more time with each other. Pray for healing for myself, pray that I will keep trusting God and grow stronger in faith. Pray for a financial breakthrough for my self. Pray that K will be delivered from every evil and negative force sent against her. Pray that J will build a closer relationship with God and that his business will be of great success.

  9. St Louis and Zelie,
    Intercede for us to Almighty God. All these people praying this Novena need your help. We all have our worries, fears and burdens Dear Lord.
    I pray for my two sons that are not married yet, to find good Catholic spouses, if that is according to Your will Almighty God. Help them in their daily trials and draw them closer to You. Keep them away from all that is not right and keep them safe from evil. Let them bring the right decisions in their lives , so they can live a happy and healthy life. I pray for my nephew that has addiction. Heal him Lord. I pray for my sister and all her family and brother and all his family. I pray for all that have any kind of illness in my family or friends. Heal us all and answer our prayers!

  10. Dear Lord, I pray for good health and financial stability for everybody in my family. I pray for my elder daughter to heal from all her health problems, to be blessed with healthy children soon and to have a prosperous business. I pray for my younger daughter to heal from her viral infection, to be blessed with healthy children soon and a successful career. I pray for my nephews to be healthy, to find good jobs and good wives and to have children of their own. I pray for G to heal completely from all his addictions and to turn his life for the better. I pray for my sister to be healthy, to keep her job and to have peace and quiet at home and for my mom to be healthy and happy. I pray for my husband and me to be healthy, to be blessed with healthy grandchildren from our both daughters, to keep our jobs and to pay off our debts soon. I pray for the intentions of all who are praying this novena. Amen.

  11. St. Louis and Zelie please pray for us that God grant us the grace I’d fertilty and pregnancy soon. That he relax my body and mind so I can conceive. We have been trying to conceive for some time and have had frustration conflict. Please pray God remove all worry stress and grant us thus miracle we have been praying for. Although hard we will not give up we will continue to pray believe and stand on Gods Word and promise for our babies. His is a good God and gracious rewarder and he will not fail us. All prayer warriors on this novena please stand in agreement with us that the Lord grant us our miracle breakthrough and hearts desire our babies twins soon. I pray for all your intentions on this site. God will answer prayers. All his promises are yes and amen. I thank God in advance for a positive report in Jesus name

  12. Please pray my daughter and husband can get pregnant with a healthy baby after trying for over a year and miscarrying once.

  13. I was just diagnosed with thyroid cancer. Please prayer that it did not spread anywhere and that the other half they are taking out next week is Cancer free. Also, pray.for every one in my family that has health issues.

  14. I pray the Larry can go with me to the Thursday’s interview. I also pray that after I see Dr Hereos I can get a job. I also pray that I don’t have to start the same day to give it at least two days to prepare myself

  15. Dear Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin,

    Please intercede for me and keep Lauren healthy and happy. Please also keep my family healthy. Please help me with my health anxieties so I can strengthen my trust, faith and love for God. I hope to shine God’s light through my soul and guide Lauren to shine God’s light, too. Thank you for the many, many blessings and the answered prayers.


  16. Please pray for healing and quick recovery for my father, I want God to reverse the partial stroke and make my father able to walk around and use both hands again, God heal his brain and every part of his body. God please help me to pass with grades A & B in my ongoing examinations. Oh God protect my work in fbn and help me to meet my targets and have an excellent December 2019 scorecard. My God strategically position me where my blessings will easily locate me. Oh God please help cra to pass his waec and neco subjects with excellent grades. Please lead me to the right people to sort for this exams.

  17. Dear St. Louis & Zelie Martin-Please pray for our oldest son that he is successful in his job, please bless him with a Christian lady friend, & that his faith will grow. Please pray for our middle son that he will continue his counseling for depression, that he is happy/successful in his job, and that he too will be blessed with a Christian lady friend. Please pray for our daughter that this medicine will heal her and she will one day be able to bear children, thank you for blessing her with her new fiancé, that she will be successful in her job too. Please bless my marriage that it will grow in faith and love daily. We thank you for all that you have blessed us with. We will continue to pray daily for this and for all the intentions of others. Amen.

  18. Saint Louis and zelie Marin please intercede for me. A great injustice was done to me when I was dismissed from my job.lord I pray for justice. I pray for money to live and pay my bill. I pray for money to retire in dignity.
    Lord I pray for justice and a speedy resolutions. I pray that all the evil forces that are influencing my matter be broken in Jesus name. Lord Jesus take control

  19. First, I pray for all those saying this novena. Sts. Louis and Zelie please intercede on their behalf, according to God’s will.

    Please pray for my sweet Snuggles, she is truly missed. My heart feels so broken over her loss. I was blessed by God to love and care for my sweet fur baby.

    My whole life I’ve felt a calling on my heart to be a wife and a mother. No matter what has happened in life it always comes back to this calling. My heart knows if this is what God wants nothing can stop it from happening. But this world is so noisy and daily I’m fighting to not feel hopeless. I’m 35 and spent all of my 20s dating this one man and waiting for him to commit to me in holy matrimony. I try to not think of this time as a waste. But sometimes it feels that way. Its hard to keep reminding myself that God can make good come out of anything. Now its been 5 years of trying to find myself again and to grow my relationship with God again. I feel ready to find my husband, to be a good and loving wife.

    Sts. Louis and Zelie intercede for me, that I live my life according to God’s will not my own. That if being a wife and mother is what God is calling me to that I stay focused on this calling. For strength to not give into the noise of this world. For the Holy Spirit to open my eyes and hears. For me to learn what is needed to be a good and holy partner to my husband and a good and holy mother my children. I feel so chillike when all I want to say to God is can I get to meet my husband already. Pray that I may be patient to Gods timing and accepting if this is not what He is calling me to.

    I’m thankful and John Paul and Annie for this beautiful website and for the opportunity to learn more about Sts. Louis and Zelie.

    May God bless you all!

  20. I continue to pray that the good Lord will speak to the hearts of Jacob, Amu, and Ofei, open their eyes to the love of Christ, show them His purpose for their lives, and be guided by Him always.
    Thank you.
    May the good Lord hear us, bless us and grant our request.

  21. Praying for the return to the Catholic Church for 3 of my children. For holy spouses for son & daughter. Please Sts Louis & Zelie Martin intercede for them in Jesus name.

  22. Praying for favor in searching for a job. To get a good job that I will enjoy doing and pays well.

  23. Saints Louis and Zelie Martin please intercede for prayers to sell my property at the asking price abd that it may please be soon. Also praying that i can get a cheaper house. Praying for my sons to become independent grown up men. As my eldest son wants to get married but is not working Saints Louis and Zelie Martin please intercede so Clayton can find a job and if this marriage he wants to go into be from God. For Charles i pray that he may please pass the exams that he will be writing this year as it is second year medicine. Saints Louis and Zelie Martin please pray for us.

  24. For my parents, who, after 38 years of marriage, are in the process of getting a divorce. That God would heal them.

  25. Please pray for my almost 20 year old brother Reilly. He is became Mormon May of 2019, so please pray that he will come back to the catholic faith.

  26. St. Louis and Zelie pray for me the Lord grant us the grace of fertilty and pregnancy. We are asking for fruit of the womb that the Lord bless us with our twin babies. We are praying standing believing and trusting God word they are coming soon. Pray the Lord remove all fear anxiety stress and allow my body and mind to relax and conceive now. We are believing God for a positive pregnancy test this month. Nothing is impossible for God. I ask all prayer warriors on this novena to please pray for us that the Lord grant us our miracle breakthrough and hearts desire our babies. Pray the Lord work his wisdom and grace through our doctor. I pray for all of you. I also pray for couples trying for a baby. In Jesus name Amen I thank you and God for a positive report!!

  27. Dear Lord,
    I pray for my younger to heal fast and to come home safe and sound. I pray for my elder daughter to heal from all her health problems, to be blessed with healthy children soon and a prosperous business. I pray for my nephews to be healthy, to find good jobs and good wives and to have children of their own. I pray for G to heal from all his addictions and to turn his life for the better. I pray for my sister to be healthy, to keep her job and to have peace and quiet at home and for my mom to be healthy and happy. I pray for my husband and me to be healthy, to be blessed with healthy grandchildren from our both daughters soon, to keep our jobs and to pay off our debts soon. I pray for the intentions of all who are praying this novena. Amen.

  28. For my family and all individual problems including spiritual, emotional and physical as well as financial. Also please pray for all of the evil in our country and in the world at the present time. Thank you and may God bless you for your prayers.

  29. I wanna thank God for His mercies in my life and I also pray that He helps me pay my tuition and help me succeed and accomplish my mission in life. Amen

  30. I pray that I will be forgiven for my wrongs. I pray that Joe and I will be reunited. I also pray for financial security.

  31. I continue to pray to sell our home soon. My faith in Jesus has deepen during this time we wait for God’s will to find a buyer. I look to St Louis and Zellie Martin for spiritual growth in myself and to bless those close to me who are strong faith mentors for me.

  32. I pray that the MRI goes fine and that Dr Hereos can see me on Tuesday. I also pray that I can go to an interview this week and I get a job after the doctor.

  33. Please pray for my kids to grow in God’s all the time.Holy Spirit to guide them in each and every moment

  34. I pray for all those praying this novena- may their warmest prayers be heard. I pray for improved health for myself and my family who need this prayer. I pray for my daughter’s to thrive at school and have many close and trustworthy friends who bring joy to our lives. I pray for a financial breakthrough that will remove the strain in our lives. may my husband get a new job that will bring us happiness and a higher income. please keep my daughter’s health and safe.


  35. Through the intersession of Sts. Louis and Zelie Martin, I’m praying for God’s mercy upon me and my family members to be unchained from the bondage of financial and economic imprisonment. Lord open wide the economic and financial resources to flow in our family so that children are able to go to school, we are able to repay the chocking debts as well as meet our financial needs and commitments. Amen.

  36. For and my family, my husband who has a drinking problem and thinks no one else knows. For me to know what Gods plan is for me. Our children who are struggling with this in our family.

  37. My husband of 16 years has left me and wants a divorce. He will only say he is unhappy and “it won’t work”. He refuses marriage counseling. I pray for God’s will to be done and for me to gracefully go through this season of my life as I parent our children.

  38. For relief, justice, and healing for my husband and his department who are in a toxic situation at work, for light, justice, and love to dawn in the heart of his boss John
    For us to be To be holy parents and a family of saints, for our boys to become priests, for the formation of each child for his/her vocation

  39. Lord I place my financial needs into your hands. Lord God Jesus I pray for peace of mind. I pray for money so i can retire with dignity. I pray for speedy resolutions with my matter before the industrial court. Lord I pray for justice .I pray for reconciliation of loss friendships. I pray that my children would be successful with their studies. I pray for my marriage and the healing of my mother

  40. 1,we as GOD to bless our entrails to conceive twins Boy and Girl for he’s GLORY AMEN.

    2,we ask GOD to cancel our all financial debts because your word said that nothing is impossible with God AMEN.

    3, we ask GOD to forgive us in any mistake we made with Louis, Raoul and David and bring them back to us for a new beginning with them in love. AMEN

    4,we ask GOD to bless and guide our new beginning in France and open all blessing doors and connect to us the right people’s with who he choose in our destiny for success and bless us finance to realise all our projects in Europe and Back Home AMEN.

    5,we ask GOD to bless with French Nationality and my Brother Christian and my sister with British nationality AMEN.
    6,we ask GOD to Heal me with this malignant Hypertension and the fibroid in our Body’s by he’s BLOOD AMEN.
    7,we ask GOD to bless my sister some with a great husband who fear GOD and love him and bless her with a great job AMEN.
    8,we ask to bless them with marriages and open doors permanent positions of work to them Brother and Sisters Back Home or where GOD locates theirs blessing AMEN.

    BECAUSE YOUR Word said nothing is impossible with God AMEN
    And your Word said all earth your feet will tread you you give us in inheritance AMEN IN JESUS CHRIST NAME AMEN

  41. Please pray for my courtship relationship with my boyfriend Alex Quinones. Also, praying for all the single woman, dating couples, engaged couples. Pray for clarity and discernment for marriage in their relationship. Pray for lots of open & honest communication between the couples. Pray for true love to develop according to God’s will. Pray for an expression of the love between us. Pray for ability to communicate our true feelings for one another. And praying for an expedited proposal with the man God’s chosen for me according to God’s will.

  42. Pray that my mum illness will bring her closer to God and she may find peace and healing. Pray for deliverance for my brother from alcohol addiction and that he will build a closer relationship with God and his mum. Pray for peace, love joy and holiness among my mum, siblings, nieces and nephews and that we will accept each other differences. Pray for joy and holiness in my family and that we will love, appreciate, respect and spend more time with each other. Pray that my son be guided by God’s grace and love. Pray for knowledge, wisdom and understanding and a humble heart for my son. Pray that he will be focused on his education and achieve a successful education. Pray that A will build a relationship with God and open himself to receive God’s grace and direction. Pray that he find a good working partner, someone who is reliable and trustworthy. Pray for healing for A leg. Pray that A will be loyal and faithful to me and our relationship and that he will stop cheating. Pray for deliverance from every evil, jealousy or negative force that has come against our relationship. Pray that we will receive the sacrament of holy matrimony and live a happy and holy life. Pray for healing for myself and that my faith and trust in God will grow stronger. Pray for a financial breakthrough and for the courage and motivation to do the things I need to better my life and family. Pray that God’s grace will direct K throughout her life.

  43. Praying for safety in my work place, success in my job applications and better employment opportunities. Praying for a successful family life as I plan to settle down soon. Praying for my intentions and thoes of all praying this novena.

  44. Please help my cousin’s husband. He has lymphoma & needs your help to fight this. Also please help me with my special intentions. God bless you all, amen.

  45. I pray for financial deliverance.
    I pray for my son to be healed from his video game addiction, overeating, anxiety, panic attacks, ADHD, feelings of worthlessness, anger, and autism.
    I pray my son is able to lose weight for health reasons.
    I pray for my family to have peace, joy, happiness, calm, support, and love for one another.
    I pray for strengthening of our faith, hope, and an increase in holiness for my family.
    I pray for my children and I to be lifted out of poverty and into better circumstances.
    I pray for a financial miracle.
    I pray for financial prosperity, financial abundance, financial stability, and a release of my financial burdens.
    I pray I am able to pass my class with an A so that I can be accepted into the DMS program.
    I pray I am able to return to school full time, earn A’s, graduate and find a good job so I am able to provide a good life for my children (I am a single mom of 2 kids with autism).
    I pray for God’s guidance on the sale of my home.
    I pray for the timing of the sale of my home and finding a new home.
    I pray I am able to find a new home for my family.
    I pray my daughter is healed from anxiety, depression, mood disorder, panic attacks, ADHD and autism.
    I pray that my children and I are successful in school and life.
    I pray that my children and I are protected against Satan and all evil.
    I pray my ex-husband pays the 3.75 years of back owed child support and alimony.
    I pray my ex-husband pays the full amount of court ordered child support and alimony each month.
    I pray I am healed from depression, anxiety, and stress.
    I pray my children and I are healed physically and spiritually.

  46. Sts Louis and Zelie,
    Be our intercessors and pray for us all on this world. I pray for my two sons to come back to the Holy Catholic Church and all my nephews and nieces and their children. I pray that my two sons have job so they can support themselves and have happy and healthy lives according to God. For my nephew Jake to get healed from his bad addiction. I pray for all the men that are joining the priesthood, will be true followers of Christ and live a Holy life.Protect them and keep them safe from the temptation of the devil. I pray for all praying this Novena. Hear their prayers Almighty God, in the Name of Your Son Jesus Christ!

  47. Please pray that God protect and bless my grandson with parents who raise and nurture him equally in the wisdom and love that God gives each of them

  48. St Louis and Zelie please pray the Lord grant us the grace of fruit of he womb soon. Pray He remove all my fear anxiety stress and allow my body and mind to relax and conceive now. We are praying standing believing Gods promise for our babies. Please pray God allow our little family to grow for his glory and honor. We will not quit believing what is in our hearts or our babies. Pray God guide my doctor with his wisdom and grace tomorrow appointment that we receive a positive report. I pray for all couples who desire fruit of womb it is Gods gift to us. I pray for all intentions on this novena. I Jesus name. Amen I thank you and God for a positive test result!!!

  49. For Mrs. Noelle and Mrs. Fouts, that a treatment is found the works on their cancer and their children don’t have to grow up with out their mother.

  50. I pray for my marriage to be restored
    and that it be a reflection of God’s merciful love. Happiness and understanding between us. Also, dear Saints Luis and Zelie, please pray that our daughters grow deeply close to Our Lord and that we be given the graces to teach and discipline them properly and help them discern their vocation.

  51. Dear Lord,
    I pray for good health and financial stability for everybody in my family. I pray for my elder daughter to heal from all her health problems, to be blessed with healthy children soon and to have a prosperous business. I pray for my younger daughter to be healthy, to be blessed with healthy children soon and to have a successful career and for her husband to be healthy and to keep his job until he gets a better job. I pray for my nephews to be healthy, to find good jobs and good wives and to have children of their own. I pray for G to heal completely from all his addictions and to turn his life for the better. I pray for my sister to be healthy, to keep her job and to have peace and quiet at home and for my mom to be healthy and happy. I pray for my husband and me to be healthy, to be blessed with healthy grandchildren from our both daughters soon, to keep our jobs and to pay off our debts soon. I also pray for the intentions of all who are praying this novena. Amen.

  52. For the strength of accepting the gift of sobriety for Rebecca.
    For her total healing from addictions.

  53. I thank the Lord for his guidance and protection towards my fàmily. Dear Lord please continue to bless us with your unending love and protection, please mother Mary, prayer for good health, long life and happiness for me, my family and all those close to me.
    Please restore all that the enemy has taken from me.

  54. Fr Ramsey
    Also, my job, keeping with goals and intentions to use my time wisely and to do my best

  55. I pray for a cure for vitiligo. I pray it never appears anywhere that isn’t covered.
    I pray that my family finds true love and true friendships and never feel lonely.
    I pray for girlfriends and boyfriends and soon as it is in Gods will. I do pray that it be soon… and then they will turn into wives and husbands of theirs.
    I pray they are Good and Godly.
    I pray for financial security for myself and each of my children individually.
    I pray for their true talents become noticeable now and they know why they are on this earth

  56. Please Sts Louis and Zelie Martin intercede for our son Alejandro to our Lord Jesus Christ to find a good catholic woman that will make each other happy keeping God as the center of their family together.

  57. I ask for help from our Lord and all the saints that they will intercede for me in my prayer that my house will sell quickly and at a fair price.

  58. I pray for healing, restoration of sight. God’s guidance and favour in career plans. God liberate me from JBologi may her plans to frustrate me not come to fruition.

  59. I pray to all the angels and saints to protect me. I pray for the intercession of the blessed virgin Mary . I pray for financial deliverance today. I pray for money so i could retire with dignity. I pray for God to restore all that the enemies took from me. Lord please help me. I pray for justice I pray for the reconciliation of friendships. Lord please help me.

  60. For happiness and gratitude in my marriage. I’m undergoing psychological struggles that are making me feel discouraged and discontented with my marriage. I don’t know why it’s happening- my wife is great, she’s good to me, and doesn’t do anything wrong but I’m struggling to feel satisfied with what I have. The emotional distress is happening across several areas of my life, but it’s by far the most painful to me in my marriage.

  61. For M, P, P, R, C, J, AC, and C. For freedom from lust. For my family especially my grandparents, my mother’s brothers, and those who have died. For all who have hurt me, and for anyone who is in need of a prayer.

  62. I want your intercession to bring my children closer to God.Help me to complete my registration on CBA,for my work and the proposed Water supply project and for my sickness and obesity.

  63. Please Dear Lord come into the heart of my daughter and son and nieces. Please full with the Holy Spirit and give them a conscious like they used to have. Open there eyes to you O Lord, you are the truth, the way, and the light, and take all.the evil and homosexual tendencies out of their lives. In Jesus name we pray.

  64. I pray that my daughters will strengthen their relationship with Jesus and His Church and that they will ultimately choose faithful spouses. I also pray that they experience His peace by not suffering from anxiety.

  65. Please pray for whole family especially estranged daughter Emily! May all their hearts receive the healing graces of forgiveness and Jesus Joy!

  66. Please prayer for daughter, Rachel 36, who went into the ICU yesterday with congestive heart failure and high blood pressure. Help her to full recovery and bring her back into the faith. Amen

  67. I pray in Thanksgiving for the safe delivery of my son and in supplication for financial provision to offset hospital bills and other needs. Lord, hear my prayer.

  68. Saints Louis and Zelie Martin please pray for me and my husband to have a baby, I will be pregnant soon and to all who wants a baby.
    We pray for my sister Lina and Nida we will be together again.
    We pray for salary increment and carrier promotion for me and my husband.

    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ amen.

  69. I’m 44yrs old and never had children. I’m high risk because of my age and because I have two large fibroids in my uterus that will make it very difficult for me to have a healthy pregnancy if god allows me to get pregnant one day. Please pray for my gynecological and reproductive health. Pray that the fibroids miraculously disappear. Please pray for preservation of my ability to still get pregnant and for a healthy pregnancy.

  70. Please intercede for my daughter, Leslie and son in law, Fred to help them through this difficult time and to heal my daughter’s anxiety and depression.

  71. Thanks Lord for this family who organised this prayer group of may almighty Lord continue to give them more strength to do your work. Bless everyone in this prayer group.

  72. My daughter mo to get a good paying job
    My other daughter to get a promotion
    My daughters to have good loving husbands and happy homes

  73. Peace between my daughter and Bongo’s family.
    Find the k1312.50 n those people j,h,e,d to apologise in writing. Landlady to evict e.
    St philonema n archangel Michel be my best friends.
    Financial break through

  74. I am thankful to God for blessings upon my son’s petition..also asking the almighty father to bring healing and reconciliation with my husband

  75. I pray for financial breakthrough
    I pray for blessings over my children
    I pray for my husband to show me and children love we sincerely need oh Lord
    I pray for blessings and favour over my job
    I pray for love between me n my husband
    I rebuke all evil plans over my family
    I pray for peace and guidance in my family
    I pray for healing for vaginal infections
    I pray for financial blessings to pay my debts which are stressing me

  76. Saints Louis and Zelie Martin please intercede for us.
    I am praying for financial help to pay my bills that is in arrears and for a job that i can maintain myself and my family. I am asking God’s intervention and you Saints Louis and Zelie Martin to intercede for me in the sale of my property so i can move to a cheaper place. Also praying for my son Clayton to find a job suitable for him as he has not worked yet. Also praying that i can find a good and loving partner in my life. Saints Louis and Zelie Martin pray for us. Lord please hear my prayers and my pleas for help. Amen.

  77. I pray for my son to be healed from his video game addiction, overeating, anxiety, panic attacks, ADHD, feelings of worthlessness, anger, and autism.
    I pray my son is able to lose weight for health reasons.
    I pray for my family to have peace, joy, happiness, calm, support, and love for one another.
    I pray for strengthening of our faith, hope, and an increase in holiness for my family.
    I pray for my children and I to be lifted out of poverty and into better circumstances.
    I pray for a financial miracle.
    I pray for financial prosperity, financial abundance, financial stability, and a release of my financial burdens.
    I pray I am able to pass my class with an A so that I can be accepted into the DMS program.
    I pray I am able to return to school full time, earn A’s, graduate and find a good job so I am able to provide a good life for my children (I am a single mom of 2 kids with autism).
    I pray for God’s guidance on the sale of my home.
    I pray for the timing of the sale of my home and finding a new home.
    I pray I am able to find a new home for my family.
    I pray my daughter is healed from anxiety, depression, mood disorder, panic attacks, ADHD and autism.
    I pray that my children and I are successful in school and life.
    I pray that my children and I are protected against Satan and all evil.
    I pray my ex-husband pays the 3.75 years of back owed child support and alimony.
    I pray my ex-husband pays the full amount of court ordered child support and alimony each month.
    I pray I am healed from depression, anxiety, and stress.
    I pray my children and I are healed physically and spiritually.

  78. I am asking for financial help with a seemingly impossible situation. Please hear my prayers and my pleas for help. Thank you.

  79. I. Pray for my daughter. To find a good Christian husbands. And a good father as she is. A single widow mother of a 2 year olds son. Please. Give her peace and patience. To find the right person for her in Jesus name.

  80. Dear Lord ,
    I pray for my elder daughter to heal from all her health problems, to be blessed with healthy children soon and to have a prosperous business. I pray for my younger daughter to be healthy, to have healthy children soon and a successful career. I pray for my nephews to be healthy, to find good jobs and good wives and to have children of their own. I pray for G to heal completely from all his addictions and to turn his life for the better. I pray for my sister to be healthy, to keep her job and to have peace and quiet at home and for my mom to be healthy and happy. I pray for my husband and me to be healthy, to be blessed with healthy grandchildren from our both daughters, to keep our jobs and to pay off our debts soon. I pray for the intentions of all who are praying this novena. Amen.

  81. I’ve prayed for a husband for the last 6 years. I have met someone, I pray this novena for God to continue to show us his way of it be his will for us. I pray he continue to be a holy man & father for our family. I also ask for healing over our fears, worries, & anxieties. In Jesus name, amen.