The Next Novena: To the “Greatest Saint of Modern Times”

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We’re very excited to announce that the next novena is the St. Therese of Lisieux Novena!

There are so many Catholics who really have a strong devotion to St. Therese — I bet you know some of them :) 

They are going to want in on this novena! 

We will start praying this novena on Sunday, September 22nd.

You can sign up here to join us in prayer, and you can share your prayer intentions below.

We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you! 

God bless you!
Annie & John-Paul –

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  1. St Therese my little flower 🌺 whom I have such a connection to I feel so much peace and security you have heard and interceded on our behalf to the Lord to grant us pregnancy soon. Today while praying in church I saw a red rose 🌹 in church and I am sure you sent it as confirmation God will answer my prayers in his perfect time. Continue to shower me wii roses of fertilty that the Lord remove all fear anxiety stress from my body and mind release whatever is keeping us from conceiving so we can relax and conceive soon. We will keep praying believing trusting God promise for our babies twins. I feel through this novena my prayers will come to pass very soon. I pray for all intentions on this novena to be answered. Nothing is impossible for God. Again I ask all prayer warriors on this novena to stand in agreement with me and pray the Lord grant us our miracle breakthrough and hearts desire our babies twins this year in Jesus name Amen

  2. Please pray for me that my heart problem which is coronary artery disease and diastolic dysfunction doesn’t get any worse and that it doesn’t go into heart failure. Thank you

  3. Pls pray for my son that his problem will be resolve ..praying for financial help as well and peace happiness for everyone Thank you kindly

  4. Please pray for my family. My daughter went to a therapist that told her all her problems were her parents fault, we raised her in the Catholic faith.
    So she is estranged from my husband and I. She also convinced my son and his wife that I am a narcissist.
    So 2 of my children I can’t see and between them they have 3 granddaughters, ages 1,2yrs and a newborn that we can’t see.
    They won’t even speak to us on the phone to discuss problem.

    I am heartbroken. The stress has caused turmoil in my marriage and with my other son.
    Please pray for their conversion back to the Catholic faith and love in the hearts that they may want a relationship with their parents.

  5. Please pray for my daughter to pass her Board Exam. Give her wisdom to remember all that she studied and to express her answers accurately. We make this prayer in Jesus name. Amen

  6. If the pray more Novena prayer group can pray for me to have peace, emotional/ Mental and physical health, and spiritual/physical protection against negative conflicting spirit’s, and the evil eye. It seems I been fighting some type of spiritual battle.



  7. Thank you for keeping me and my intentions in your prayers. Please keep a man who is undergoing a severe case of despair and hopelessness in his life. He is married with children. But he feels he cannot pray because his prayers have gone “unanswered”. I met him on Facebook and several of us online are praying for him and advised him to seek help. His name is Jim K. Please pray for him that he not lose hope. During Adoration today, I prayed the Divine Mercy chaplet for him (during 3pm hour).

  8. Praying for Mr oshiomah nimfas ozemohya. For God to release him from any foundational curse, change from his bad behavior. And then draw him close to his side. And finally total financial Restoration. All these I asked through Chris our Lord. Amen.

  9. Thank you for praying for my intentions that are very dear to my heart.

    Please keep the repose soul of my friend Jane in your prayers and Bonnie whose having surgery Friday.

    God bless you all. I will be keeping you all in prayer also.

  10. Please pray for my sons Ciaran and Conor who are both struggling with issues in there lives. Thank you and God bless

  11. Through the intercession of St Therese, I pray that my dad’s cancer is treatable, his scans and tests bring us good results, and his overall health improves.

  12. Thank you for your prayers. I needed it .

    I have had a very hard life .

    I have failed in every way and in every thing I have ventured to in my life .

    Presently am praying for my marriage to work. I love my husband very much and he love me same. However we are living apart as he is a British citizen and am a Trinidadan .

    I have to get a spouse Visa to go live with him in the UK and every time we go to submit the application we will  encounter a problem. 

    We have to get 6 months paye slips to complete the paperwork.  End of November will make the 6 months .

    Am praying for everything to be ok this time and for me to get through with this visa application. 

    Warmest regards

    Sharon and Wayne

  13. Please pray for my daughter to be set free from homelessness and the lifesyle.
    Please she has been this way for som time and needs to accept help thank you.

  14. Lord hear my prayer please pray that the interview goes good tomorrow at Nova Care Agency and that I don’t have to start work tomorrow but I can start next week and that he calls Larry for reference. Please pray that Herb doctors appt goes good tomorrow and that he doesn’t have to go to the hospital. I also pray that I do good tomorrow.

    Thank you


  15. Please pray for my daughters, Jaclyn and Carissa. Bring them good and faith-filled people in their lives. Please heal them faithfully, spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically. Guide them to make wise decisions personally and in their work related decisions.

  16. Thank you for your encouragement in faith through novenas and prayers
    Please can you keep my daughter in law (NAME: Caryn) in prayer as she delivers soon, a normal healthy baby and a normal healthy delivery for herself and wisdom to the doctors or midwife who looks after her.
    Mamma Mary be her mother always, her due date is 13/10/19, we are excited and thanking the Lord for his blessings.
    Thank you in advance.


  17. Please pray for my marriage that has broken down and also for the conversion of my husband and 6 children. Pray I will receive strength to act appropriately

    Thank you

  18. I pray that my son will get custody of his daughter. Her mother and stepfather are not good, appropriate role models for her.

  19. That through the intercession of St. Therese, I may be blessed greatly through my professional work and through it also bless others.

    That I may find a wife and settle down quickly.

    That soon I may move to my own home where God, Our Lady and the saints and angels would reign!

    For peace of mind, body and soul for my mum, siblings, me and wife to be!


  20. Please prayer for me for understanding between me and my husband. Also I want to achieve 20 customers this month with big premium.

  21. My husband Steven has been looking for an IT job in the States for two years now and all in vain since he concluded his training on IT. Pls join in me in prayers God can be able to bless him with one.

  22. St.Therese of Lisieux please help my daughter for her Permanent Residency application in Australia. Thank you so much for all the past favors. These i ask through Christ our Lord, Amen🙏😇

  23. Pray for the healing of my son. My operation on the 22 to remove a tumor off my lung. Rocco,Ronnie, Vivian and Ariana and all the people I said I would pray for. Please heal them from their ills. Amen

  24. I want God to heal me i have had PID for a year now and I’ve taken almost all the antibiotics nothing it does not go away i know God can heal me. Please i beg of you help me pray for healing. The other petition i have is for God to have mercy on me and add me to the list of those getting married next year. Jesus u trust in you. Amen.

  25. Please pray for my relationship. I am fairly certain there is infidelity occurring. I pray for him to reject the temptation that he continually seeks. And for the healing of our relationship.

  26. Thanks St Theresa for your intercession. my baby’s tight legs have loosened. It can only be God. I have been so desperate about this situation and seen doctors, for the first time in years , her legs have a normal tone. Pls may it be permanent in Jesus name Amen. I’m waiting to see 🌹 🌹 and I will surely see them.saw some in a flower place ,does it count? God look at you.

  27. Please pray for our finances that we get raises. I desire a job with the government with good hours and great pay. Prayers for healing with my husband back. pray for healing of our broken hearts from losing loved ones. I need to hear from my son Terell in a dream or vision. I need to see my mom just to know that they are ok. Approved for a mortgage because the rent where we live is expensive. Nice home with area of same school for my daughter. Lord hear our pray. Pray for us St Therese of Lisieux. We need a positive change. Pray for my daughter to be surrounded by godly friends and to be a little bit more outgoing. Pray that she will increase her faith in her studies and be a good steward in school. Pray for my oldest daughter, she needs salvation and direction to her destiny. Pray for my son to get direction. We are all grieving of the lost of our son. Pray for us. Mybrother to be free from alcohol. My sister the same. Prayers for my nieces and nephews to know God and salvation, to be free from addiction. My nephew who is in jail to know the Lord and healing from childhood pain. Elevation in ministry and discernment.

  28. Lord hear my prayer I pray that Nova Care Calls me soon. I sent them my resume twice. I also pray that either Nova Care calls me or the other one for the Data Entry in Humana calls me or the other jobs that I applied to.
    I also pray that I don’t have to start working Monday and that I can take Herb and start working Tuesday or Wednesday.

    Thank you


  29. Dear St. Therese,
    Pls pray for my wife & my sons to have a smooth & safe flight, & that everything will be truly smooth including their arrival/entry to the airport, especially with the immigration officer(s). But most of all pls pray for our family that we will have a complete & Happy celebration of tatay & nanay’s golden wedding anniversary! Thank you St Therese for your shower of roses 🌹 as your sign that God is giving us the blessings through your intercession. Amen! 🙏🏽

  30. Please pray for Ted Casias SR. He is possibly dying and I want him to be cared for during the passion he is experiencing now. Let him live and tell of his experience and that you have interceded on his behalf and that our mother Mary pray with you and you with her to grant a miracle that he may be healed as a request to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jaco ant though the body, blood, soul and divinity of your son our Lord Jesus Christ. Be it as you will. Thank al of you and Amen.

  31. Lord hear my prayer please give me something that I like before Thanksgiving of 2019. Please give me one of the jobs that I applied for either the Call Center or the Data Entry one in Humana. I also pray that they can take Herb in today. I pray that when Larry calls the Call Center they say something positive and that I can go in for a second interview.

    Thank you


  32. my prayer intention is i have a big loan to pay,its 2million uganda dollahs its about 500$ pray for me i have no way out.

  33. Praying for my daughter who has been having series of health challenges that St. Theresa will intercede for her so she will be back to normal and enjoy her secondary school.

  34. St. Therese,
    I would like to thank you and my Lord for helping my family receive a few clients that came my way. I was able to pay some bills that were needed. I have hope that things will be better. Continue to do so in our business and personally.

  35. Lord hear our prayer I pray that Larry calls the Call Center today and that he doesn’t forget. I also pray that I can go Thursday and he can help me. I also pray that I get an interview for the Call Center sometime this week and that my husband can go to the dentist that it doesn’t interfere with my interviews. I pray that he can go today. I also pray that I either can go to the interview for the Call Center Thursday or Friday.

    Thank you


  36. Dear Saint Therese of Lisieux,

    Please intercede for me in all my intentions, both spoken and unspoken.
    I pray I am able to return to school so I can provide a better life for my children.
    I pray for relief from stress, anxiety, depression, and an overwhelming amount of problems.
    My ex-husband took the money I had to make repairs on my home so I could get it ready to put it up for sale. I need to sell my home so I can return to school. Please pray I am able to sell it for the amount I need without the necessary repairs.
    Please pray I am able to find a new 3 bedroom home for my family.
    Please pray for my family, we are going through very tough times and have been for quite some time.
    I pray that my son is healed from suicidal thoughts, feelings of worthlessness, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, video game addiction, stress eating, overeating, stomach problems, anger, and sleep apnea.
    I pray my daughter is healed from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, anger, and kidney problems.
    I pray my daughter is patient with her brother (he has autism) and learns to accept him for who he is.
    I pray that my two children love one another, take care of each other, support each other, and stop arguing/picking on each other. Both of my children have autism.
    I pray I am able to buy food and pay to have my car repaired.
    I pray for a financial miracle, financial blessings, financial prosperity, financial abundance, and a release from financial debts.
    I pray my children and I find peace, happiness, joy, and a sense of calm.
    I pray I am accepted into the DMS program.
    I pray for physical, spiritual, and emotional healing, I am overwhelmed with problems.
    I pray I am able to buy the townhouse I have been looking at for several months.

  37. Dear Blessed St Therese, I humbly ask your help in obtaining a better paying position for my son Cassius. Also, please help him to reconcile with his fiancee K if it is God’s will Amen.
    Praying for health and strength, guidance and protection, financial blessings and breakthroughs for myself and family. To expand my business and client base Amen.

    Please hear the prayers of all asking your help today Amen

  38. St Therese thank you for sending me roses 🌹 today at work. I have been praying for you to send me roses of fertility as a confirmation my babies are coming and the roses 🌹 appeared today!!! Thank you God and St Therese my miracle although not here yet is coming! Pray for us that the Lord bless us with fruit of the womb. We will not give up on our babies twins or Gods promise. Prayer warriors on this site please pray for us that the Lord grant us our miracle breakthrough and hearts desire our babies twins now. Please pray God remove all fear anxiety stress from my body and mind and allow my body to relax and conceive now. Give me more patience to trust in God’s timing. Pray we gave a positive report from our doctor appointment tomorrow. I pray for all prayer intentions. I believe with all my heart my prayers will be answered through this novena!! Thank you little sweet loving flower 🌸 In Jesus name Amen

  39. St Therese,Jesus,Blessed Mother and St.Jude and all the angels&saints-please pray for us-protect us all from evil:me&loved ones:K,A,J&J,R,R,M,M.Bless us with good health&healing.Bless our upcoming holidays&reunions with peace,love,joy,restoration,forgiveness.Please hear & answer all my prayers for us that I always pray!Please hear and answer everyone’s prayers that have been praying to Yous through this novena,God’s will be done!XO

  40. Dear St. Therese,
    Pls pray for my wife & my sons to have a smooth & safe flight, & that everything will be truly smooth including their arrival/entry to the airport, especially with the immigration officer(s). But most of all pls pray for our family that we will have a complete & Happy celebration of tatay & nanay’s golden wedding anniversary! Thank you St Therese for your shower of roses 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽

  41. St. Theresa please intercede for me in these my intentions:
    We pray for my daughter in law to conceive and have a normal healthy child.
    Keep me and my family safe from accidents and all calamities.
    We pray for my children to do well in their businesses and to love trust and understand each other.
    We pray for forgiviness in our families.
    Thank you Jesus thank you my mother Mary.

  42. To know God’s will for my vocation (not formal) but His will for my occupation. To learn to accept circumstances as they are until He sees fit to change it.

  43. Lord hear my prayer please get me a job soon something that I like. I pray that I get the Call Center job or I get the job that I go to today from the job fair and they like my Certificate. I also pray that Larry calls the calls the call center today and that I can go there for a second interview. Please send me something before Thanksgiving of 2019. I need it so I can pay my rent again. I also pray that Larry doesn’t cancel today.

    Thank you


  44. St. Therese please intercede for me in all my intentions. I am depressed and almost giving up. My house was locked due to rent arrears and now for the past 1 week I have been living in a friend’s house. I need to get some cash so that I can be able to clear the arrears and look for a job. I am unemployed and mu masters degree is also in jeopardy due to lack of finances to run it. Please intercede for me this comes from deep my heart. I am hopeless and not able to continue. Please intercede for me

  45. St Therese I ask you shower us with roses 🌹 of fertility and pregnancy now. My little flower 🌹 show compassion and intercede God bless us with our babies. We will not give up on our babies twins or Gods promise to us. Pray He remove all stress anxiety and allow my body and mind to relax and conceive now. Prayer warriors on this novena pray our new treatment and medicine work and God guide our doctor hands with wisdom and grace. I believe with all my heart our miracle breakthrough and hearts desire our babies twins will be answered through this novena. Thank you God I love you please send Holy Spirit to heal me and have more patience and trust in your timing. I pray for all intentions on this site to be answered. In Jesus name Amen

  46. Dear Saint Therese of Lisieux,

    Please intercede for me and all my intentions, both spoken and unspoken.
    Please pray I am able to return to school so I can provide a better life for my children.
    I pray for relief from stress, anxiety, depression, and an overwhelming amount of problems.
    My ex-husband took the money I had to make repairs on my home so I could get it ready to put it up for sale. I need to sell my home so I can return to school. Please pray I am able to sell it for the amount I need without the necessary repairs.
    Please pray I am able to find a new 3 bedroom home for my family.
    Please pray for my family, we are going through very tough times and have been for quite some time.
    I pray that my son is healed from suicidal thoughts, feelings of worthlessness, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, video game addiction, stress eating, overeating, stomach problems, and sleep apnea.
    I pray my daughter is healed from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and kidney problems.
    I pray that my two children love one another, take care of each other, support each other, and stop arguing/picking on each other. Both of my children have autism.
    I pray I am able to buy food and pay to have my car repaired.
    I pray for a financial miracle, financial blessings, financial prosperity, financial abundance, and a release from financial debts.
    I pray my children and I find peace, happiness, joy, and a sense of calm.
    Please pray I am accepted into the DMS program.
    Please pray for me for physical, spiritual, and emotional healing, I am overwhelmed with problems.

  47. To St.Therese,Jesus&Blessed Mother Mary-S.O.S,please come help me&my loved ones:Me(k),I’m so confused with my life!I want to use my gifts&talents to serve You Jesus&help others,but I’m lost as what to do or how to do it,please help me(US)-my 2 adult kids too,same prayer-lead us,guide us,send us angels to inspire us!We do suffer from timidness,ad.d,and depression,and childhood PTSD(us 3),please help us get on good medication for any/all these issues,and help us to be positive and social!Please hear&answer all my prayers,intentions fore&my loved ones(K,A,J&J,R,R)!Thank yous,and protect us from all evil,sickness,disease,poverty,hopelessness!XO

  48. Father God,
    I beg you to answer the prayers (If it is Your will) of all the people who are praying this Novena to our Dearest St. Therese. There are so many needs and so much suffering. Help us Father to do what You want us to do to be faithful to You. Show us the way, increase our trust and hope and help us to carry our crosses. Walk with us guiding our every thoughts and decisions to be in accordance with Your Holy Will. Thank You Father God!! I Love You!!🙏🙏🙏🙏

  49. GOd thank you for your blessings and miracles. My prayer is that my husband and I will get on once accord. Prayers for healing in his back. He has a disc and other nerve problems. We need special prayers to be approved for a home before November 1st. We may have to lease to purchase. The area where we live is our desire to stay because of the schools. Pray for my daughters. My oldest, she needs to take her state board and is lazy. She needs salvation. She has beautiful gifts of song and music. Show her the way. Her boyfriend is not saved. Send her someone that will love her. My son, show him his destiny. I pray that the Holy Spirit will work in all of us. Also I need a government job. A stable job with raises and better pay. There is so much greed at my job. Monday-Friday 8-5 and maybe work from home. Also my husband to get a raise as his white counterparts. He’s been there for over 13 years and does not get paid the same as the others. Also show us what business we should go into? Flippinghouses or whatever the case may be. Show us. Continue to pray for our marriage. He shows no appreciation sometimes and put me on the back burner. I want to hear from my son who was murdered. I pray that all involved will get arrested and everything will come to light. I know miracles are coming

  50. Dearest Saint Therese, I believe in your promise that you will spend your days in heaven doing good on earth, pray for me that my job placement in UK will go smooth, my husband and I US visa be approved so we will be together and start our own little family, pray for us please that God will grant Nathan and I our own child. Saint Therese pray for me and my husband. Amen!

  51. Lord hear my prayer I pray that everything works after Herb help me send the survey for the Mail Clerk Position. I also pray that everything goes good and that they receive the survey or they can help me tomorrow with it. I also pray that everything goes good at the job fair tomorrow and that they call me for a second interview for the call center position. I also pray that I get one of the jobs that I applied for in indeed but I get at least a days notice so I can be prepared.

    Thank you


  52. Health for John M (brain tumor surgery on 10-4-19 or 10-7-19;
    Complete healing of Pat M’s cancer
    Complete healing of David L’s deep depression
    Complete healing of Kelsey M’s poly cystic ovarian syndrome
    Complete healing of Ben C’s bi-polar condition
    Complete healing of Max C’s health issues
    Complete healing of Anne’s rare cancer
    Complete healing of Sarah T”s multiple health issues including cancer
    For family and friends to return to the Catholic faith
    for family and friends to come to the Catholic faith
    for all suffering from human-made and natural disasters

  53. I am praying for help with my family situation. People are yelling and saying hurtful things and there is denial, gossip, verbal abuse, slander. Please let everyone stop. Praying that everyone will apologize sincerely and that the passive aggressive comments and meanness stop once and for all. Praying my daughters return to God and to church and stay away from these controlling people around drugs drinking and promiscuity. I am fearful I am losing hope and that there is no improvement. I am praying to choose the cup of forgiveness vs bitterness but my strength is waning and I am losing hope

  54. May my children feel the presence of God amidst the beauty of nature and in times of trials and sufferings. May they have increase faith, hope, love and joy. May they open themselves to their true vocation and live holy lives within God’s will. May all the angels and saints guide and protect them and all young adults and children. St. Therese pray for all the young adults, children and families. Amen

  55. Lord hear our prayer please get me a job either from the Call Center that I applied on Friday or the job fair that I am going to tomorrow. I also pray that I either get a job that I have been applying to. Please get me something soon and that I get at least a days notice in advance so I can be prepared not the same day because I like to be prepared. I also pray that when Herb sees his doctor on Wednesday everything is fine.

    Thank you


  56. -For my mother to become a believer in Christ before she dies and to repent of her sins.
    -For Gabe Radke for his healing
    -For Father Steve that he grow closer and closer to God and that he be protected from all evil, both physical and spiritual.
    -For the complete recovery of Bill.
    -For Judy’s mom’s complete recover from a stroke.
    -For Marguerite’s god daughter who is going thru a rough patch.
    -For me to lose all barriers between me and God’s love.
    -That I grow closer and closer to God in virtue and my neighbor.
    -That all negative thinking is banished from me and replaced by only good, positive thinking and loving thoughts.
    -For President Trump that God will bless him and give him great fortitude to withstand the constant barrage of negativity against him.
    -For President Trump and his family that they will be protected from all evil — both spiritual and physical.

  57. St Therese,
    If it be God’s will I want to heal and reset my 9 year marriage. Remove those influences that seek to destroy it.
    To destroy and hold in captivity my mind with negativity. Release unforgiveness and suspicion from my heart. let the sweet fragrance of Jesus be on my countenance and restore my faith in myself and my husband. Let us have a miracle of connection, understanding and joy. I want to laugh! Bring joy in our household. Bring peace and stability to our children. Do a work on my heart and grant me humility that I may experience the grace of God and meet it with gratitude. To all of us who stand in prayer I stand with you. Believe with you. I pray we all may be of more service to those we loves.
    In the name of the father and of the son and of the Holy Spirit.

  58. I am praying for guidance and direction in my relationship. Lord please show me.
    We are suffering and our kids are suffering

  59. Dear Blessed St Therese,I humbly come before you for your help in obtaining a better paying position for my son Cassius. Please be with him for his interview this week. I also ask that if it be God’s will pray that he and his fiancee K reconcile Amen.
    Praying for health and strength, guidance and protection, financial blessings and breakthroughs for myself and family. I also ask for help with my business that I can get clients. Amen.
    I pray for financial help to pay off my debts and fix my home Amen.
    Please hear the prayers of all asking your help today Amen.

  60. Dear Saint Therese of Lisieux,

    Please intercede for me and all my intentions, both spoken and unspoken.
    Please pray I am able to return to school so I can provide a better life for my children.
    I pray for relief from stress, anxiety, and an overwhelming amount of problems.
    My ex-husband took the money I had to make repairs on my home so I could get it ready to put it up for sale. I need to sell my home so I can return to school. Please pray I am able to sell it for the amount I need without the necessary repairs.
    Please pray I am able to find a new 3 bedroom home for my family.
    Please pray for my family, we are going through very tough times and have been for quite some time.
    I pray that my son is healed from suicidal thoughts, feelings of worthlessness, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, video game addiction, stress eating, overeating, stomach problems, and sleep apnea.
    I pray my daughter is healed from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and kidney problems.
    I pray that my two children love one another, take care of each other, support each other, and stop arguing/picking on each other. Both of my children have autism.
    I pray I am able to buy food and pay to have my car repaired.
    I pray for a financial miracle, financial blessings, financial prosperity, financial abundance, and a release from financial debts.
    I pray my children and I find peace, happiness, joy, and a sense of calm.
    Please pray I am accepted into the DMS program.
    Please pray for me for physical, spiritual, and emotional healing, I am overwhelmed with problems.

  61. Saint Theresa please pray for my family
    that we can get through this hard time. And for me to have a more open heart and be able to communicate true love..

  62. Am praying for a job and financial stability it has not been easy but I trust all will be well as I start this nivena of St. Therese. Pray with me brothers and sisters in Christ.

  63. St Therese I ask you to intercede to the Lord on our behalf and shower us with roses 🌹 of fertilty and pregnancy now. Pray the Lord bless our family now with our babies we have been praying for. We will not give on our babies or Gods promise to us. God will come through. Please remove all fear anxiety stress from my body and mind and allow my body to relax and conceive now. Pray the new treatment and medication is successful and works. I believe with all my heart my prayers will be answered through this novena and we will see our miracle breakthrough and hearts desire our babies twins soon. I pray for all intentions on this novena in Jesus name Amen

  64. For Don, that you give him wisdom and discernment as he is seeking out his new life.
    For Dad, that you would prepare his soul to meet you.
    For Ken’s and my brother’s conversions.
    Blessings on Nicholas.
    Peace for Mom.
    For a blind trust in God.

  65. Dear Saint Therese,
    I pray for my elder daughter to heal of all her health problems, to have a healthy baby and a prosperous business. I pray for my younger daughter to be healthy, to have healthy children soon and to continue her successful career and for her husband to keep his job until he finds a better job and for them and G to come home safe and sound without any problems. I pray for my nephews to be healthy, to find good jobs and good wives and to have children of their own. I pray for my sister to be healthy, to keep her job and for my mom to be healthy and happy. I pray for my husband and me to be healthy, to be blessed with healthy grandchildren from our both daughters, to keep our jobs and to be financially stable. I pray for the intentions of all praying this novena. Amen.

  66. Thank you God for all Your Blessings, and thank you St.Therese for always helping me!! I ask St.Therese to please continue to watch over me and to please help me be successful with my work pursuit, and to always watch over and care for my wife and children, my Mom and her health (mentally and physically), and to watch over, guide and help my Mom’s caregivers, my grandchild, my siblings, their soouses & girlfriends and their children and grandchildren. St. Therese please help us to always remain faithful to our Lord God all the days of our lives and keep us free from temptations and all evil. I ask that you help us remain in good health and please ask Our Lady of Lourdes/ Our Blessed Mother, to always keep us under Her “Cloak of Protection”. I pray for the repose of the souls of all my family, relatives and friends…especially my Dad. For all the souls in Purgatory and for all those that I promised to pray for, including all those who are…who were and who will be on the various prayer lists that I participate in. St. Therese please also hear the prayers of everyone saying this Novena, and please ask God to grant their petitions. Thank you St. Therese for hearing my prayers and for being “Our Carmelite Sister Up in Heaven…Our Little Flower”!!, Love, TO

  67. St.Therese please intercede for me and for my intentions:
    – for the expedient approval by the FTC of our combination
    – for the successful financial turnaround of the organization.
    – that there will not be a backfire from the disclosure’s coming about Oct.1. That the employees and community will not be upset and will accept and respect the published information.
    – for the successful acquisition of of 1241 LC and that the owner would be willing to fix all problems or reduce the price to cover the cost of repair. And that the banks will approve all short sale transaction with no difficulty.
    – for the health and safety of the whole family especially JJ and Alice.
    – for successful preparation for preferment and that opportunity will open up for board seats.
    – for tolerance of the challenges that emerges from the SC with A.
    Thank you my dear St. Therese.

  68. Thank you St. Therese for your prayers and intercessions.
    Please pray for my son today his birthday and every day.
    Thank you.

  69. Dear St. Therese, Please pray for our family. We are trying to get out of this financial crisis that we are in. Business and personally, we are trying to make ends meet. Give us hope and inspiration to my family. We work very hard until exhaustion sets in. We want to have the life that our Lord promised for us. Not having hope is placing our family into deep despair and depression. Thank you for all that you’re doing and will continue to do for us.

  70. Dear St.Therese,pray for us-My&my loved ones:Help my son(J) and myself and my daughter overcome our timid nature so we can be confident and assertive in a positive way-so we can meet and keep and find true godly loyal friends,heal us from all our childhood PTSD and any inferior feelings we may have-help us to learn to love ourselves through Jesus Love for us,and not be afraid to be ourselves-and to know we do have much good to offer others!Please pray for me(&my kids dad&my daughter to be able to spend the holidays with my Military son and wife,without having us to be around my sis&my dad(unsafe people who emotionally continue to abuse us)!Please answer all my intentions,prayers for us (K,A,R,J,J)& the 3 loved animals!Please bless me with the financial miracle I need and have been praying for for so long, that I need so much,before cold winter 2020 arrives here,to buy the much needed home I need so much near my son in his state.If God’s will-help (R) go too with me&daughter.Help my daughter realize she is in sin,living immoral lifestyle(A&A),help these women come to Jesus and turn from their sinful lives.Help my son(J&K) cousins-have restoration somehow -if God willing!Bless me&my adult kids with new godly friends,mentors,neighbors,angels so we can forget the past&meet new godly friends &nice folks!Help us to learn to love others.Pkease change my kids dad’s heart to be more concerned with his son,and restore their relationship-God willing.Bring healing&restoration between my 2 adult kids,along with (J) too..with me and my daughter- regarding (J&J)!!Same with Milt&J-Gods will be done!!XO

  71. St Therese please pray for me as I lift K up to Christ, asking for deliverance for her. That God will work through her life and make her humble. Pray that she will find God and live a life that’s pleasing to him. Give her peace and a loving home.

  72. Little Flower, St. Theresa of Lisieux, pray for my young daughter to be totally healed of ulcerative colitis, nut allergies of any kind and to be free of anxiety, specifically of germs and throwing up. Help her to see the glorious hand of God in her life even at such a young age and please find for her a good and faithful friend, or two – friends of the heart. Pray our Lord will grant wisdom to us as her parents as well and to the doctors. Please pray all her test results would be great and peace and hope for Nov. 5 Dr appt.

    Please pray for protection, peace holiness and health for my husband, my immediate family and family tree. And answered prayers for the intentions of all those praying this Novena. Thank you, St Teresa!

  73. Please join me in praying for: removing dress and anxiety from my family; relying on God more and less on myself; job for my husband; financial breakthrough. Thank you for joining me in praying for my intentions and family. I will continue to pray for you, your family and your intentions. Amen.

  74. Dear Saint Therese of Lisieux please send me a 🌹 rose and let me know My husband will be healed by Jesus through your intercession 🙏🙏🙏thank you in advance 🌹

  75. Lord hear my prayer I pray that I either get a job from the Call Center or from the job fair I go to on Monday. I also pray that I get at least one days notice in advance so I can be prepared not the same day. I also pray that Carol calls me today or tomorrow sometime. I pray that she calls me this afternoon no rush. I also pray that I get job before Thanksgiving of 2019 maybe the call center interview that I went to yesterday. I pray that Larry calls them on Tuesday and tells them everything and that I get a second interview.

    Thank you


  76. Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ

    Please can you pray that my mind settles for tomorrow do I can enjoy having my nephew and his girlfriend over for lunch.

    Many thanks
    Love and God Bless

  77. A strong Christian Catholic handsome leader husband for my daughter. I pray she meet him soon (this September) that she forgives her friends and family that she gives all her heart back to the lord and becomes healthy and happy emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

  78. Dear Saint Therese of Lisieux,

    Please intercede on my behalf, to pray for me for all of my needs both spoken and unspoken.
    I pray for relief from stress, anxiety, and an overwhelming amount of problems.
    My ex-husband took the money I had to make repairs on my home so I could get it ready to put it up for sale. I need to sell my home so I can return to school. Please pray I am able to sell it for the amount I need without the necessary repairs.
    Please pray I am able to find a new 3 bedroom home for my family.
    Please pray I am able to return to school so I can provide a better life for my children.
    Please pray for my family, we are going through very tough times and have been for quite some time.
    I pray that my son is healed from suicidal thoughts, feelings of worthlessness, low self-esteem, depression, anxiety, feelings of hopelessness, video game addiction, stress eating, overeating, stomach problems, and sleep apnea.
    I pray my daughter is healed from depression, anxiety, panic attacks, and kidney problems.
    I pray that my two children love one another, take care of each other, support each other, and stop arguing/picking on each other. Both of my children have autism.
    I pray I am able to buy food and pay to have my car repaired.
    I pray for a financial miracle, financial blessings, financial prosperity, financial abundance, and a release from financial debts.
    I pray my children and I find peace, happiness, joy, and a sense of calm.
    Please pray I am accepted into the DMS program.
    Please pray for physical, spiritual, and emotional healing for me, I am overwhelmed with problems.

  79. I am asking St. Therese to pray for me that I choose forgiveness, not bitterness and obsessive hate. Help our family reconcile and that the in laws sincerely apologize and admit their wrongs too and stop abusing and blaming me. Help us stay calm and not give in on boundaries with them to not allow the gossip and anger toward us. Pray my daughters return to God and the church. They’ve fallen away with bad people and drugs and alcohol. Please let them see these are evil choices and to have strength to turn away. Help S today so well on her test. Help G focus and do well in college and please help M get over her depression and anxiety and to be more kind to us