The Next Novena for June

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The next novena we’re praying is the Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus!

Several saints had a special devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, such as Padre Pio and St. Augustine, but most people today know about this devotion due to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque.

St. Margaret Mary was a French nun who experienced a series of apparitions of Jesus. In these visions, Jesus shared with her that He wanted more people to honor and be devoted to His Sacred Heart.

We wrote about this in our latest book, the Pocket Guide to Novenas, which is also now available to order on Amazon. The Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus is one of the novenas included in the book. You can find a list of all the novenas included here.

We’ll start praying this novena together next Wednesday, June 7th.

You can sign up to join us in prayer here.

And you can share your prayer intentions with us all below. We’re praying for you!

God bless you!

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  1. Please pray for my health to be restored, my husband’s health to be restored and my family to be kept safe.

  2. Sacred Heart of Jesus,
    I posted some prayers yesterday, but I can,t see them in these comments. You know what they are anyway. Please answer them . Today I pray for my eye sight. I have an appointment on the 10th July. Please let find out what is wrong with my sight. also my spine problems and pain. Give me strength to go on with my life and also my two sons, to find the way. Give them hope, health and happiness. I pray for their conversion. You already know what they need. I pray for my extended family to have more love and understanding towards each other and not to be selfish. Praying for all that are praying this Novena to have their prayers answered. Sacred Heart of Jesus I put all my trust in You!

  3. Please pray for my son to find a job quickly.I pray that he finds a job that provides for his needs and wants, and that pleases and serves God.

  4. God’s blessings to each and everyone.
    My children are facing some personal challenges and I am going through a divorce (initiated by my spouse) settlement, for a marriage of more than 30 years.

    I am praying for God’s favor.

    Keep me in your prayers.
    Thank God for intervention.
    Stay blessed

  5. Please help my friend Mayvelyn on her journey. Bring her comfort and peace. Help me and my family to do the will of God. I dedicated their life and my own to Jesus. Forgive our sins, ignorance, pride and selfishness. Jesus please help me to forgive quickly and to be slow to judgment and anger. I also ask for loved ones in purgatory. Guide my elderly parents, and family members who are close to crossing over.

  6. Please keep Lucy in your prayers as she battles leukemia. Please make her body accept the new life giving bone marrow.
    Please keep Tyler in your prayers. We need the chemo to do it’s job and leave him cancer free.
    Please pray for Jeff. He has battled cancer for too many years. Give him continued strength and a positive attitude. Take his pain away, Lord
    In Jesus name I pray for these 3 and ask your prayers for them.

  7. 1. Please help my son Adam to do the right thing and get through this.
    2. Please help me to lose weight.
    3. Please help my elderly parents find a home.
    4. Please help my son with his stress
    And so it is Ame.

  8. I pray for God’s intervention on my apostolate: for peace and good health of the pupils, staff, parents and management. I pray for breakthrough for my biological family especially my brother and his children. I pray for God to lead me, favor me and keep me in His love so as to make impact in the lives of all i encounter

  9. Please pray for the spiritual, physical and mental healing of my children, siblings , extended family and friends. Also, for financial freedom, wisdom, joy, gratitude and the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

    I pray that God will answer all our good intentions, especially that of good marriages for my family and friends.

    Lastly, that God will bless everyone making this novena. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

  10. Dearest Sacred Heart of Jesus:

    Please bless all deceased family members, relatives, friends and acquaintances of our family, and bless their souls in Heaven. Please bless the living family members, relatives, friends and acquaintances of our family, mentally, physically, spiritually and financially. Thank-you for watching over us, taking care of us, providing comfort, peace, and joy to us. Please consider all of the intentions within my heart that I have forgotten to mention. With Your help Dear Jesus, we can all overcome the illnesses present in our lives. Special thanks for helping my brother back into God’s fold, for taking care of his family, and for forgiving me of my sins. Through Christ Our Lord, AMEN.

  11. – Mary Moore.
    – Gracie 6 years ago.
    – McEver Davis’s granddaughter.
    – Trixie Bonds.
    – Diana DaMiano.
    – Tom Greenwald
    – Jean, a happy death.
    – Janice Jackson.
    – Ethan Prosser.
    * Priest Ordinations:6/30/23
    • Deacon Oscar Marquina. 
    • Deacon Andre Sicard. 
    • Transitional Deacon Ordination for: Anthony Shumway. 
    + Pray for vocations to the religious life especially for an increase in the number of good holy Priests.
    Repose of souls;
    – Lori Williams.
    – Andrew DaMiano.
    – Elva Sotomarino.
    – Dylan P.
    – Souls in Purgatory.

  12. Praying for Peace and Joy within my children Chevy Ad and Dre
    Father in your hands I place everything.
    May I have a blessed week going forward in work and health give me your strength and peace Amen.
    Send forth good news in the sale of my house 🙏
    Protection over my grandchildren has they go to school. Thank you Jesus for everything Amen

  13. Thank you for being there for me.
    Pray with me to find a job in the government.i believe that through the sacred heart of Jesus,God will make a way.

  14. My husbands cousin, Elijah was in a horrible car accident. He is hooked up on a machine. Pleasevpray for him and his family. Thank you.

  15. For a very nice and giving neighbor that knee surgery will happen soon, be successful and all things necessary for it to happen will fall into place immediately. Speedy recovery. God’s touch.

  16. For all the needs and attentions of those praying the novena.
    For grown sons to start getting along. They use to be close. Healing in all the areas we need, Wisdom, discernment, deliverance, and restoration for us all. For P speedy recovery and all those with cancer to be healed.

  17. Sacred Heart of Jesus
    I pray for my family and of all those who are paying this Novena. I pray for a strong faith and be people of hope. May we continue to spread the good news of salvation by our way of living. May we always love you as you first loved us. Amen.

  18. Am so low…just from prison got sick after few days I feel like problems are just behind me..I feel like commiting suicide but I can’t leave my daughter behind…ask God for me to give me strength and also to be my provider and protector ..I remember my friends in jail may He rescue them.may God see Phylis and intervene in her case may He give her strength to conquer it all.
    May God judge her with mercy and release her from there. I know He is merciful.
    May God remember David as he struggles currently may God send him an angel to help him with the loans I know he provides and am trusting he will


  19. pray to the Sacred Heart that his grace will prevail in the hearts of our son and daughter. that they will forgive one another and end the strife in our family.

  20. I need to join national intelligence service (NIS) job after serving in military for 14 years. I have all prerequisite for the job, I need God to assist me get a chance.

  21. Sacred Heart of Jesus,
    Please remove all the negative things in my family. Everything is going the wrong way. Since the death of my husband 6 years ago, we are not living a happy life. My two sons can’t find employment. They are in their 40s. Not married. They have no confidence and have anxiety. They smoke marijuana, because they think it makes them feel better. I, their mother am very sad. I take care of everything. They do help me with some work in the house and garden, but I’m worried about their future and our financial situation. I pray rosarys and Novenas every day for years. Nothing is changing. Do You hear my prayers Lord? Do You hear my cry? Please answer my prayers. I just want my sons and I to have a happy and normal life. I just want them to come back to the Holy Catholic Church, to find good jobs, to stop smoking weed and also cigarettes and to change their bad habbits. I raised them to be good children, but things changed through life and their growing up. They just seem lost and they need Your help! Sacred Heart of Jesus, I put all my trust in You ❤️

  22. Sacred Heart of Jesus,
    Please remove all the negative things in my family. Everything is going the wrong way. Since the death of my husband 6 years ago, we are not living a happy life. My two sons can’t find employment. They are in their 40s. Not married. They have no confidence and have anxiety. They smoke marijuana, because they think it makes them feel better. I, their mother am very sad. I take care of everything. They do help me with some work in the house and garden, but I’m worried about their future and our financial situation. I pray rosarys and Novenas every day for years. Nothing is changing. Do You hear my prayers Lord? Do You hear my cry? Please answer my prayers. I just want my sons and I to have a happy and normal life. I just want them to come back to the Holy Catholic Church, to find good jobs, to stop smoking weed and also cigarettes and to change their bad habbits. I raised them to be good children, but things changed through life and their growing up. They just seem lost and they need Your help! Sacred Heart of Jesus, I put all my trust in You ❤️

  23. I like to pray for my youngest daughter Mary.
    She has her first holy communion on the 18.6 .
    That she will have an encounter with Jesus.
    That she will be aware, that it is Jesus who she is receiving.

  24. I want to dedicate all people that I owe may almighty father continue to give them patiency and provider of all their basic needs,
    I pray for my new job God countinue to bless it
    .Lord remember the jobless, depressed and those fighting for justice .
    . pray for the holy spirit to walk with us

  25. Dearest Sacred Heart of Jesus, please heal and protect my family, friends and I. Please Bless us 🙏 Spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.

    Thank you Jesus and Blessed Mother.

  26. I say this novena with the intention of asking the Holy Spirit, God the Father, God the Son – Jesus Christ, and Mother Mary – Undoer of Knots to enter my heart and the heart of my husband. Strengthen us and take the reins to guide us out of fear, doubt, and confusion. Let us be open to your will and to feel the peace and strength of your caring support. Let our ancestors in Heaven and our Angels, our team of Heavenly Champions, join us in overcoming difficulties and guiding us toward the Light. Let us bring them joy and ecstasy by finding our own joy and ecstasy in our daily lives. Amen

  27. For Emily’s family for healing and all those families affected by suicide That our marriage at 49 years grows stronger as we accept all the physical ailments with age.

  28. For all those fighting cancer and those pending biopsy results. May they and their families have the faith and strength to surpass this challenging time. Specially for B.D.L.C. and J.A.G.

  29. fred Rosenhal, for a peaceful death, Bob Ausubel, cancer, Kelli, stage 4 breast cancer, Jim, Don, David Clifford Lind, for physical and mental health, Eleanor and Paul Camarata, relief from back and shoulder pain, Marie and Bob Arbour, physical and mental health, Peter Benedict, recovery from the pains of going through a divorce, may he and his new girl friend have a successful relationship, for Norma, from St Thomas church, for depression, Anita, Mt Carmel church, may she get another job and sell her house

  30. 1. I pray for peaceful relocation to Lolland. A peaceful house to live in, peaceful job and team members. God please send your divine helpers in this relocation season.
    2.I pray for complete healing and deliverance from any hearing issues for Ama my daughter.
    3.I pray for healing for all family members that are sick including Judith, Harrison.Utahan, Consular
    4.I pray for salvation for all family members that need accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior

  31. Please pray for me so that I can have a financial breakthrough to pay all my debts and for my business to succeed. Also for my son please so that he gets accepted at college and find part time job as well. Thank you all and God bless!

  32. I please pray that my daughter make the right decisions for a happy, successful future. I also pray that someone special come in to her life. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

  33. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, I humbly come to you asking your help and intercession on behalf of myself and family. Please grant us your health and strength, healing in the areas of our lives most in need, guidance and protection from our enemies and all forms of negativity directed against us and the removal of blockages the enemy has placed in our lives Amen.
    Praying for my son that he obtains the position he desires in his career. Also, that he settles down in marriage and family Amen.
    Praying for my brother M, that he obtains a good paying job where he can use his education and experience to better himself and family Amen.

    Please hear the prayers of all asking your help today Amen.

  34. Please no more stomach, colon stoma hernia surgeries. Healing of mind , body and soul. Salvation for all family. Peace everywhere. To be here for the warning,

  35. Pls pray I acknowledge the virtue to be gained by all the adversity and challenges in my life. I know God has Allowed these people in my life. Help me Lord! Jesus I trust in you. Amen.

  36. My prayer intention is for God to grant me my heart desires. For my career in the movie industry to boom. Amen

  37. I was just sacked from my job without any notice or compensation I need strength to soldier on and to win another one

  38. For forgiveness peace and healing of my broken family.
    For the sick and suffering in our family, David , Alice, Harold, Adrian, Charlie, Dolores, Kenneth, Ryan, Katy and Baby Girl Christine.
    Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers.
    Comfort for Wanda and for a patient heart for Kenneth, Ryan and JoAnn. Love You Jesus!
    For all the retreatants, their families and our team and families.

  39. My intentions are for my health, financial issues, and for a friend. I need to be in much better health so I can go back to work even though I’m retired. The inflation and etc. is too much and I can’t make the ends meet while in retirement. I’m also praying for a friend who is in hospice with her kidneys failing. There is no spare kidney for her at this time and I/her family are going to lose her. May God assist her in her pain.

  40. Praying for my sister and all that she is going through
    Praying that our family function goes well
    Praying for financial freedom and to be debt free
    Praying for God to bless our marriage and grant us children and protect our families in this crime ridden world and grant them good health

  41. Thankyou for your have never given up on me.
    Pray with me,this time I only have 1petition,that through the sacred heart of Jesus,I will be granted:a good job.

  42. I pray for a more forgiving heart and not to be easily offended. When the thoughts of pasts hurt pops in my heart. May I remember the sacrifice of our Lord Jesus Christ and his words to forgive all who persecute me. May I exchange the pain with the gift of his love and extend mercy to all in Jesus name Amen. Please pray for me.

  43. I pray for a permanent job in the public service commission
    I ask for protection of my son’s Nathan,Leo and josaphat spiritually and health wise
    I pray for a life partner
    I pray that God will lead me to a perfect house as I plan to move out of my family home.

  44. Praying for healing for my family. My daughter Shavon who is has a lot of health problem and will be having surgery. Healing for my brother Ronald who was diagnosed with Lung Cancer. Healing for my brother Anthony who has the Aid Virus. Healing for my nephew who is recovering from a brutal attack, Healing for my dog Gizmo for all of his ailments and healing for a friend Ben Brown for his alcohol addiction. Heavenly Father hear me prayers and the prayers of others in Jesus name Amen.

  45. Sacred heart of Jesus I ask for healing of my brother, healing of my little grandson and the perfect job for my daughter….Amen.

  46. Thank you for prayers answered on the 1st day of this novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Thank you for a miraculous healing of Joe’s knocked knee legs that were weak and he needed to use a walker for 10 years. HIs legs are straight now after Joe was healed at his chiropractor’s 1st visit. He had been told he had MS for 10 years. We are praying he can get a job now that he does not appear disabled with a walker.

  47. On my lovely God I ask you to please put your hand and your lovely Heart in my marriege and my family to be together in your love and walk the path to bring us to the eternal life. Please protect us from evil bless my husband and my sons , and also my daughter and me. I trust in your lovely heart our projects and it will be done, not what we want but your will.

  48. Sacred Heart of Jesus send forth your healing, and the grace of the Holy Spirit to fill Mary and her Dad with peace that goes beyond all understanding and for Anthony (her Dad) to have a change of heart and he joins everyone on the family trip.

    Thank you and God Bless everyone

  49. Please pray for those of us who put forth agendas and judgments rather than giving dilemmas and problems to God.

  50. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, please hear my plea for your help and intercession on behalf of myself and family. I ask for health and strength, guidance and protection removal of all negativity and barriers in our lives Amen.
    Praying for my son that he obtains the position he so much desires where he can follow his dreams and live his passion. Also praying that he settles down in marriage and family in Jesus name I pray Amen.
    Sacred Heart of Jesus, praying for my brother M, that he obtains a good paying job where he can use his education and experience to better himself and family Amen.

    Please hear the prayers of all asking your help today Amen.

  51. Praying that my adult granddaughter move out of my home and find a 2 bedroom apartment for her and her cat and dog by 4th of July 2023.

  52. End to abortion, peace in our communities, end to liturgical abuses, return of loved ones to the Church, end to artificial birth control, reparation, thanksgiving

  53. Please pray for Brian and Shannon with their pending court case, that God will exonerate them,. Please pray 5hat they will experience God’s goodness and Mercy and deepen their faith in Him

  54. oh Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.
    I am a nervous wreck. I am a scheduled for Robotic Knee Replacement on 6/13/23. On 6/8/23 I was informed that I have a Mass on my Kidney. Cannot see the Hematologist until 7/12/23.
    Please help me pray for a successful surgery and that the Mass is not malignant.
    Please God place your Blessed Blood over me, let the Holy Spirit protect me from dangers of life, and get rid of the Mass on my Kidney. Father and Mother MARY I believe in you, and your Saints. Protect me from suffering . Send your angels down to my protection and to be with me. I ask this in your name.

  55. Dear Lord Jesus,

    I pray that my breast biopsies will reveal benign fluid and lumps.
    I pray that my job improves, I am working in an extremely negative environment with extremely negative people.
    I pray I am able to keep my job and be successful in it.
    I pray for healing of my mind, body, emotions, etc.
    I pray for healing of my son from severe anxiety, depression, suicidal ideations, negativity, obesity, video game addiction, autism, sleep apnea.
    I pray my son’s therapist is able to help him.
    I pray for financial stability and a release of my financial debts.

  56. My Petitions To The Sacred Heart of Jesus and Always To Our Lady Of Victory

    Dear Mother, my Lady Of Victory who won the dedication of your friend Father Baker, please be my friend too! Oh Mother, be my cheerleader! Here are my intentions:
    To lift up to become the of Fentanyl education in all U.S. High Schools by opening doors for us to lead and make a living at this righteous cause; to spare grief, save lives, and minister to the bereaved parents providing them hope in their loss through the noble purpose of warning others in School Assemblies. Please bring our team the Lion’s share of the $26B opioid settlement money for Fentanyl Awareness Education, SAMHSA $450k in June and HIDTA Grants in every state. Declare Jack free Mother. We need exclusive naloxone distribution rights via Windy City Cabinet and resource grants dear Mother. I need discernment on the direction of for Catholic College Enrollment increasing to 1 Million, to be or not be with Decided Excellence; grow to three properties for digital representation including the best “Ai” solution. Grant me 7X the purpose of Duke and Drew.
    Please help us book Michigan assemblies in Ann Arbor, Rochester, St. Claire Shores, & Brother Rice; in Wisconsin, San Diego, and Washington, D.C. for pilot programs ASAP! For Josh & Kyle to join FF. Mother Mary, my Lady of Victory, our Lady of The Rosary, please petition Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God the Father for us. I seek to love you forever my Mother. In Jesus’ name I pray.
    Love, your son, your dove, your Gregory John Patrick Swan. Amen!

  57. My Petitions To The Sacred Heart of Jesus and Always To Our Lady Of Victory

    Dear Mother, my Lady Of Victory who won the dedication of your friend Father Baker, please be my friend too! Oh Mother, be my cheerleader! Here are my intentions:
    To lift up to become the of Fentanyl education in all U.S. High Schools by opening doors for us to lead and make a living at this righteous cause; to spare grief, save lives, and minister to the bereaved parents providing them hope in their loss through the noble purpose of warning others in School Assemblies. Please bring our team the Lion’s share of the $26B opioid settlement money for Fentanyl Awareness Education, SAMHSA $450k in June and HIDTA Grants in every state. Declare Jack free Mother. We need exclusive naloxone distribution rights via Windy City Cabinet and resource grants dear Mother. I need discernment on the direction of for Catholic College Enrollment increasing to 1 Million, to be or not be with Decided Excellence; grow to three properties for digital representation including the best “Ai” solution. Grant me 7X the purpose of Duke and Drew.
    Please help us book Michigan assemblies in Ann Arbor, Rochester, St. Claire Shores, & Brother Rice; in Wisconsin, San Diego, and Washington, D.C. for pilot programs ASAP! For Josh & Kyle to join FF. Mother Mary, my Lady of Victory, our Lady of The Rosary, please petition Jesus, the Holy Spirit and God the Father for us. I seek to love you forever my Mother. In Jesus’ name I pray.
    Love, your son, your dove, your Gregory John Patrick Swan. Amen!

  58. Dear Jesus,
    Let me girl get 8 in 8 in her finals this year. She has slipped in the past two assessments but what counts is the October ones that mark an end to the four years. Lord you know I have started my novena for her. As always, I trust you my Lord!

  59. Please heal my father LM. That he will be able to walk again, hold his head up, eat and be independent. Please keep my mother safe. Please bring my partner back WTM. That he forgives, forgets and that we will be married. Our devotion is to you

  60. Lord,
    Please help my struggling business. I need more patients to come to my wellness center so I can help them feel healthier and stronger.

  61. Renewal of faith for my daughter
    Fulness of life for my son
    Renewal of strength for me
    St Micheal to defend us

  62. Dear Heavenly Father,
    I ask for you to open Paul’s heart to your will.
    For mom to get strong enough to endure the serious surgery she has to have. For mom to recover fully.
    For Mama Sue to be healed and for Gayle and Shannon to have emotional and physical strength to care for her.
    For the doctors to be guided in medical decisions for both moms.
    Jesus, I trust in you

  63. Precious Jesus l thank you for loving me ,am only but a sinner l surrender my life ,my health my body to you protect me and my family from all harm ,cover my husband,my children Lisa ,Kendrick and kendra teach us to love Christ always l love you lord l honour you forgive me for my sins and bless us ,l pray for financial breakthrough in Jesus name amen

  64. Kindly pray for:
    *my sons so that they can excel in studies
    * My friend whom I wronged to forgive me and have reconciliation.
    * My business to prosper.

  65. Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
    Please take my husband’s heart and put it with Yours. He has lost all hope, and I fear he is depressed. Help him to rediscover the joy of life, and to be thankful for what he has. Please, I beg you. He is so angry and unhappy all of the time. Not necessarily at us, but just in general, and I worry about him. Please place him in the comfort of Your Loving Heart. Inspire him to go back to Mass and to be thankful for all You have given him. Help him to figure out what is best for our family, which is very difficult. Thank you.

  66. Praying for God favors’ as our kids join new schools and the empowerment of us (their parents) to continue guiding them in the right way.

  67. Please pray that Sav n Sara be reconciled with God
    With each other and family members
    The they get a financial breakthrough by way of a good job
    That Sav keeps in good health and gets favourable test reports
    The above are their 4-fold petitions.
    Pray for my spouse’s eye infection, swelling and blurred vision be healed
    Pray for my granddaughter to get a job. She has just completed her Masters in Neuropsychology with internship.
    Pray for all our children and grandchildren to come to the faith and seek Jesus

  68. Please Jesus, heal my son from cancer if it be your Holy will, and please convert him
    Please help me to pay my debt

  69. Please pray for me that I may find a good and faithful husband who I can have kids with and live in harmony with all the days of my life.

  70. Please pray for the future of Catholic Radio in Charlotte and the sale of AM1270 to Guadalupe Radio Network in Texas

    For the landowner who is interested in buying the station and putting it back together again

  71. Dear Sacred Heart of Jesus, please heal and protect my family, friends and I. Please Bless us 🙏 Spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.

    Thank you Jesus and Blessed Mother.

  72. Please pray for healing of my brain, body, spirit, emotions and subconscious and
    For healing and restoration of my marriage .
    Thank you

  73. Would like U to pray fory children and grandchildren and all family.pls that we are healthy and happy with this life our god have us.thank you all.