The Next Novena – A Saint for Healing & Comfort

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At some point in our lives, each of us will be affected by cancer or another terminal disease. 

Whether it affects us directly or indirectly, it can cause great suffering in our lives. 

So many of the prayer requests we receive are for those suffering with cancer. 

So the next novena we will pray is the St. Peregrine Novena for Cancer Patients starting on Wednesday, January 13th.

You can share your prayer intentions in the comment section below.

St. Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer patients. He had a cancerous ulcer on his leg which was miraculously cured when it was thought to be beyond saving. 

So we will pray this novena for all cancer patients, all those suffering from life-threatening and chronic illnesses, for their families & friends, as well as for physicians and scientists working to discover a cure and to bring relief.

We hope you will join us in praying this novena, and that you will share it with all of your friends & family. 

You can sign up to pray with us here:

And you can share your prayer intentions in the comment section below.

St. Peregrine’s feast day is May 1st. But as with every novena, you can pray it any time of the year — and we will start this one on January 13th. That’s a little less than one week away!

We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you! 

God bless you!

John-Paul & Annie –

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  1. We are praying for our 22 year old son, Kyle. He was diagnosed with Leukemia (CML) just before Christmas and is struggling with the treatments and staying positive. There are still so many unknowns for all of us at this point, so we ask for prayers of peace, understanding, and healing. Thank you!

  2. praying for complete and instantaneous healing of my health issues: subglottic stenosis with amyloidosis and smoldering myeloma. Thank you Jesus for healing me.

  3. St. Peregrine, please bring healing and peace to my sister-in-law Roxanne, as she battles the cancer that has spread throughout her body. I pray also for successful surgery today for my friend Harriet, who must have her arm amputated to prevent the spread of cancer. Finally I pray for continued healing for Joan and Connie, sisters who have been fighting cancer. I pray especially for Roxanne; hers seems like an impossible case, but I know all things are possible in Christ Jesus. Thank you St. Peregrine.

  4. I pray For healing, recovery, and health for Fr. Roberto, for strength to endure his treatments, and relief from side affects.
    For healing and conversion for Anne Marie. For healing for Danny, Eileen, Randy and John.
    For protection from cancer for members of my family.

  5. Lord graciously hear our prayers. We need your mercy Lord. People are dying in numbers due to Corona. St Peregrine intercede on our behalf. Amen

  6. I have CLL, a form of leukemia, caused by my exposure to agent orange during my tour in Vietnam in the 60’s. This cancer also causes skin cancers which I have fought since the early 90’s. Still battling it out, but remaining positive as God has allowed me to remain active and alive as I near my 80th birthday this year.
    Just want God and his son, Jesus, to remain with me as I journey in life with this disease.

  7. Prayers please for: Paul – suffering from pancreatic cancer.
    For our daughter, Faith, that her cancer (eye) never return
    and for the health of her newborn son, Christopher.

    That the COVID 19 vaccines be free of aborted baby cells and that
    the vaccines will not have originated from research involving aborted baby cells, and that the vaccines that are still not yet available will be 100 percent pro-life, safe and effective! In Jesus we pray! (I work in a hosp. where they distributed a vaccine that
    originated from an abortion.)

    Thank you so much!

  8. I PRAY that in two years I PURCHASED A home. A TRUCK to take us from point A to point B. Going back to SCHOOL. FINANCIALLY STABLE. MY KIDS A SUCCESS. And PRAYING for MOM to celebrate her 70th BIRTHDAY with All her kids…

  9. For the families and caretakers of Cancer Victims; as well as those struggling with the disease. Cancer is a ” family affair”.

  10. I was just diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Right now I am in limbo waiting for results and a treatment plan. Please pray for me and also the various friends and loved ones who are also suffering with various forms of this affliction.

  11. Please pray for Joe R. for complete restoration of health.
    (In critical condition from complications from covid-19.)

  12. Please pray for Kevin who is suffering from ALS. Hear my prayers to to relieve his pain and bring him to a complete recovery. Give him strength to carry on and feel God’s never ending love. Thank you for praying for a miracle

  13. Praise God for 2 successful surgeries! Having lots of pain/issues so praying now that cancer hasn’t spread and no new cancer. Pray for complete healing for all my pains, neuropathy, sleep issues, and accompanying mental stress. Pray for my children that they will not inherit my genetic mutation and that no one else in my family will get cancer.

  14. Dear St. Peregrine:
    Please protect us from Covid19 and heal those who have it. Please put an end to this plague. Please heal those with cancer and other diseases. Please help and heal those with mental illness including my sister and neighbors. Please bring joy, health and happiness back to our country and the world. Please protect my son in every way.

    I pray for your intercedence.

  15. For my husband who is hospitalized with severe pancreatitis and recovering from surgery. That he may find strength to improve and the staff may wisdom and understanding.

  16. For a 12 year old boy Alex who has a rare cancer that his platelets go up so he can receive a trial drug/. For Kerri – a mother of three whose cervical cancer has spread to the brain – prayers for healing -Foru next friend Trish who has stage 4 appendix cancer who now us Tumors on her lungs – prayers for healing and less side effects from chemo – prayers for Dan whose stage 4 appendix cancer has come back- and my sister Karen who has precancerous spots -!prayers that I never becomes cancer – Thank you and God Bless.

  17. For my father James, suffering with multiple meyloma, my friend Jenni with breast cancer, my aunt Evelyn with breast cancer, and young man Andrew, 19 (from our school), who also has cancer. Please pray that they all are healed and in the process are fully converted to Christ.

  18. Lord God in the name of son Jesus Christ please heal my son’s congestive heart disease please strengthen his heart and preserve his life. St Peregrine pray for us so that my son can have long life. Amen

  19. For my sister Laurie, currently battling breast-cancer, for Eva, Pamela, Bonnie, Mary Jane, Gina, Johnnie, myself & all who have battled or are battling breast cancer.

    For all my family members & friends who battle or gave battled including Uncle George, Uncle Ross & Dale & Peter who are currently battling.

    Express my gratitude to all the health care prifessionals, researchers. CCS, Wheels of Hope & Wellspring.

  20. For all cancer patients, especially for Pat, Patrice, and Dyna, and all remembered in this novena. Please St. Peregrine, intercede for them to have complete healing of body, mind, and spirit. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

  21. For the healing of Jenny Lemp who has a rare cancer and for healing of a young man David who has cancer of the mandible.

  22. Praying for the cancer treatment and medical staff of Kristen Blaseck. May the Lord bestow his healing blessings and strength of faith for all involved. Thank you for listening and consideration.

  23. For Mary to see her daughter, Deedee as the wonderful, capable and loving woman she is. And for miracles to be seen physically and restoratively through their journey.

  24. Please pray that I will have strength for upcoming hospitalization and treatment and that it will bring complete remission for a long life serving God and others. Praise God for healing.

  25. Please pray for those who recently have had cancer or are in the midst of treatments now:
    Deacon Maurice
    Deacon Frank
    Deacon Joe
    Sr. Lorraine
    Wives of deacons: Mary and Linda
    Tom (brother-in-law)
    Ruth (in hospice care)
    Thank you !

  26. For my daughter Susan, a two time cancer survivor. Myself, a breast cancer survivor. Michael, Becky and Anne who are battling cancer now and all others on my cancer prayer list.

  27. For 4 year old Mary who has brain cancer. That her family may receive the miracle of her complete healing.

    For Shane who is battling lung cancer.

    For Elida who found out recently that she was lung cancer. That she may have a good prognosis.

  28. Please pray for my sister Susan. She has stage 4 Lung Cancer.
    She has been away from the Church most of her life. Please pray for a conversion of heart. Please pray for her soul.

  29. For my step-dad who has newly diagnosed stage IV cancer, with mets to the lung and spine. Praying for complete healing.

  30. For my sister, with s4 breast ca. That her drugs continue to work to keep her antigen levels low.
    For my neighbor with triple neg breast ca, who just found out her ca has returned less than a year after being done with treatment.

  31. Please pray for Amy that she will get Disability and for courage in living with her disability.
    For Jen to be free of anxiety..
    For Noah and BJ protection from the virus as the return to college.

  32. For an end to political corruption in both parties.
    To expose voter fraud.
    For an end to Covid 19. That Biden doesn’t open borders to allow more Covid variations to come to the US. That the vaccines work with minimal side effects.
    That the Democrats will not persecute the Republicans for supporting Trump.
    That the media returns to reporting all the news objectively not just the liberal perspective.
    That we finish our home remodel and find a low fixed rate for our equity loan.
    Oh Lord let us not give in to socialism. We need the help of the Holy Spirit to discern and know with confidence what we should do. Please don’t let the Democrats get us into dire straights.
    Protect my children and husband. Keep my parents safe.
    Help us to make wise investments and prepare for hard times.
    Keep us close to you and guide us as to what to do.
    Don’t let Biden sellout to China or Russia or Iran.
    You are the Good Shepherd and we need tending badly.
    Thank you for all the ways you are working that we know and don’t. Thank you for keeping us safe. We love you Lord and need you. Pour your precious blood over Rush Limbaugh and heal him if it is your will.
    Help Markus and me with our aging memories and worn-out bodies. Find holy spouses for my children. I’d like to see grandchildren before I leave this earth.
    Thank you for your renewed compassion.

  33. Our granddaughter was diagnosed with Ewing’s Sarcoma in her left leg yesterday. She will start chemotherapy in a few days

  34. My husband will have a scope done on his esophagus and part of his stomach. We are hoping it is nothing, if anything an ulcer. My husband is worked out might be cancer. I ask for your prayers for him that it is not. That the doctors find nothing major and he heals from what it is.

  35. Gratitude to God Almighty for successful cancer surgery. That I may continue along my healing journey and be completely cancer free. That cancer never darken our lives again.

  36. Please heal Dave and Bob of their Cancer.
    Give them strength to endure all they will have to experience as they become healed.

  37. For my family and friends who suffered from cancer: Catalina Varquez, Ate Salve Stuart, Sockie Corpuz, Chris DeStefano.

  38. Dear God
    My prayer is for a complete recovery from my third round of cancer. I know I have come this far by all the prayers of all those praying for me. Also, I pray for my family’s health and safety. The last thing is for all those with uterine cancer who are my Peach Sisters. Thank you Lord for answered prayers.
    I make all these petitions in Jesus’s name. Amen

  39. I am praying for Clair, who was diagnosed with perosteal osteosarcoma with dedifferentiated high grade cancer cells. This is an extremely rare form of cancer. Prayers to God and St. Peregrine for her complete healing!

  40. Recent cancer diagnosis. I pray for strength and courage as I navigate my treatment. And for all who suffer from an illness.

  41. Melissa has gone through a clinical trial for cancer and is now home recovering. I pray that the clinical trial heals Melissa and others who suffer with cancer. Let the miracle healing be seen by non believers so that they know there is a God

  42. Y God’s gra e, after a stem cell transplant, I am in remission. I pray that I stay in remission for ma years and my body continues to heal, especially the neuropathy in my feet and hands.

  43. Hello friends,
    Please pray for my niece with the 3rd cycle of her ALL leukemia treatment in the hospital. Please pray for her healing and comfort to my sister as well as many others that are alone to care for cancer patients due to Covid restriction.
    Thank you all. I will keep you all in my prayers as well. Peace be with you all. Please stay safe.

  44. We also pray for all the people struggling with cancer. That The Lord may heal them completely. We pray for the people taking care of them that Our Lord may grant them the Grace of state.

  45. I have been diagnosed with Masoaka Cancer stage Two I have to do radiation shortly. Please keep me in your prayers. Thank you.

  46. Through the intercession of St. Peregrine, I pray Thee Almighty God and Father for healing, deliverance and restoration upon my sister Ifeoma who is suffering from breast cancer and for all cancer patients in the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

    I also pray through this Novena, Oh my God, that the affliction of cancer will not arise in my family ever again, in Jesus name, Amen!

    St. Peregrine, pray for us.

  47. I’m praying for a priest who is suffering from cancer and is undergoing treatment. I’m praying for God’s mercy and healing upon him.

  48. Pray for my grandson Luca Vaccaro Who is battling leukaemia for the second time. St Peregrine help Luca and take away his cancer for good and let him live a healthy happy loving prosperous life Amen

  49. I pray that all abortion clinics be closed and that all who participated in these murderous acts repent and use their medical skills for the saving of lives as God intended. For all who are suffering any illness be healed according to God’s plan. For our country be brought back as one nation under GOD as was established by our forefathers. May all who are out to destroy be defeated. St Michael defend us in our battle. AMEN….

  50. Please pray for my cousin, Michael, who has an aggressive form of colorectal cancer. After a grueling 17 hour surgery at MD Andersen, the cancer cells are back. Please pray for divine guidance to the medical team tending to him, and that Michael and his family be sustained by God’s endless love and compassion.

  51. Please pray that my husband, Mitch, continues to be cancer free and pray that all who are suffering from any form of cancer can be healed. Thank you. God bless you.