The Next Novena – A Saint for Healing & Comfort

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At some point in our lives, each of us will be affected by cancer or another terminal disease. 

Whether it affects us directly or indirectly, it can cause great suffering in our lives. 

So many of the prayer requests we receive are for those suffering with cancer. 

So the next novena we will pray is the St. Peregrine Novena for Cancer Patients starting on Wednesday, January 13th.

You can share your prayer intentions in the comment section below.

St. Peregrine is the patron saint of cancer patients. He had a cancerous ulcer on his leg which was miraculously cured when it was thought to be beyond saving. 

So we will pray this novena for all cancer patients, all those suffering from life-threatening and chronic illnesses, for their families & friends, as well as for physicians and scientists working to discover a cure and to bring relief.

We hope you will join us in praying this novena, and that you will share it with all of your friends & family. 

You can sign up to pray with us here:

And you can share your prayer intentions in the comment section below.

St. Peregrine’s feast day is May 1st. But as with every novena, you can pray it any time of the year — and we will start this one on January 13th. That’s a little less than one week away!

We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you! 

God bless you!

John-Paul & Annie –

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  1. pray I can get into mayo right away after 2nd surgery
    pray to get medicaide and SSI aged approved quickly
    pray he got all the cancer and I will be a cancer survivor
    pray to get everything cleaned out and prepared

  2. Please pray for my aunt Carolina Henriquez whom is in the hospital due to covid.
    Also please pray for my uncle Epifanio Jacobo who recently passed due to covid complications, that he Rest In Peace. Thank you

  3. I lift up in prayer my friends, Kathy, Bruce and Chris who are battling cancer. I pray for all that will be diagnosed with cancer this year.

  4. For all patients living with cancer or have had cancer-for their continued healing both physically & spiritually. That through their suffering will grow closer to our Lord. And for their families, to have the courage & compassion to help them through their journeys.

    For all who are battling with and those who have died from COVID. And for an end to this deadly disease.

  5. That my cancer remains stable and is removed from my body
    That my medicines keep working
    That my blood work shows that everything is ok and my PSA is undetectable
    That I live a long time so I can watch my grandsons and grand daughter grow up and have good health to do things with them

  6. Please pray for healing for JB who is having surgery on January 22. May she experience Jesus’ peace and complete healing of her body. We are also praying for healing for MB. Lord be with him and bring him healing. Amen.

  7. My 71-year old mother is about to undergo chemotherapy and radiation treatments for her cancer in left pelvic lymph node. I pray St. Peregrine give her the courage, faith, strength and will power to fight her cancer battle. Amen.

  8. Praying for a miracle for my friend Joanne who is fighting cancer and it spread amd asking St. Peregrine for help asking for God’s will for Joanne. In Jesus’ name we pray! Thanksgiving from God who is needed as
    She is a Mother amd wife and a gift from God!

  9. Please pray for my Husband Steve, recovering from Pancreatic cancer, going thru chemo right now. My mother had a cancer tumor in her breast, and I have a cousin with cancer in his bladder,
    and an Aunt who was just diagnosed with brain cancer. May God heal them, and all who suffer from this horrible disease Thank you God Bless!

  10. My wife, Joanie, who is now in her 4th year with her cancer battle; May the Holy Spirit surround her giving her peace, fortitude, and healing!

    My father, Jack, who has just begun another stage of treatment in a prolonged battle with prostate cancer. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit bless him with healing and peace!

  11. Please pray for my sister Louise who has cancer of the liver.
    Please pray for RichardP.who has a lump in his neck may it
    not be cancer.May my sister be healed completely and know God
    in her life and Richard also.

  12. I pray for my friend Joe Couto and Oliva Silva who are battling cancer. I pray the medical team can being them to health so that they can over come this disease. I also pray for Harper Reis and Helena Lima who are in current remission from childhood cancer. I pray that they always stay in remission and never have to battle cancer again. I also pray for all those who are receiving new diagnosis’. May the Lord give them strength to fight!
    And for all the other people in the world who I don’t know but are suffering. Thank you Jesus.

  13. Please pray for my sister Becky-recently started chemotherapy medication for a tumor in her stomach.
    My two nephews Gerry and Jared to remain cancer free.
    My husband Dennis-who refuses medical attention, but does believe in the power of prayer.
    Thank you,

  14. I pray that the pre-cancerous spots I have all over my body stop spreading and be healed by the Divine Physician. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

  15. Please pray for my sister-in-law who has battled breast caner for 10 years. And a prayer of thanksgiving for my 5 year old niece who just received good news about her cancer being in remission!

  16. Especially for pediatric cancer patients, including my nephew, James Nunley, who was recently diagnosed with leukemia.

  17. I pray for healing for my husband Bill who was recently diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. I ask God to intercede and guide the hands and decisions of the doctors and all healthcare workers who come into contact with my husband. God is the divine physician, and I ask he be with my husband all the days through his treatments and surgery. In Gods name we pray, Amen.

  18. I pray that God touches and heals Rush Limbaugh who has stage 4 lung cancer. May God pour his graces and mercy upon him. Amen.

  19. Pray for my son Joseph that he be healed of his mental health issues, depression and addiction. Turn his life around and pray for my granddaughters Serena and Sophia that they will remember they know Jesus and keep them from the ugly harms of this immoral world.

  20. My husband, Andy, had cancer surgery yesterday and please pray for a speedy and complete recovery for him.
    Thank you

  21. Please pray for Deacon Dennis Rivest, Linda Novac and Marie Madeleine Zina who are all suffering from cancer. May the Lord protect them from despair and wrap His healing arms of love around them to bring them strength, comfort and awareness of His Presence. St Peregrine please intervene and pray for all who are suffering with cancer and for all in most need of Gods mercy and healing. Thank you Lord for all that You are doing. Amen!

  22. Please pray for my husband Dave, that his prostate CA will be completely gone after all his treatments! He is strong and a man of great faith!

  23. Please pray for my daughter Colleen. She is a beautiful daughter,wife, and mother. She suffers from stage 4 breast cancer that has spread to her bones. Please heal her completely both physically and emotionally. Thank you Jesus through the intercession of this great saint

  24. Praying for healing and restoration of my body from base-tongue cancer (cause HPV Virus) and lymph nodes in neck including all residual effects from chemotherapy and radiation…also, healing from HPV Virus, all Cancer Cells, and all illness, diseases and plaques. Praying and thanking Our Lord and Savior for complete healing and restoration of my mind, body, heart and soul.

  25. Pray for my sister Pam that she may be healthy and cured. That she may live a long , healthy life , well into her old age.

  26. Please St.Peregrine intercede for my husband ( Jack)
    for his total healing, if it is God’s holy will. Thank you

  27. My child has been diagnosed with hydrocephalus in the womb. We have no idea if he will live or die. He could be fine, he could have severe problems. Please pray for him and for all people with this condition. Thank you.

  28. I pray for the following people to become and/or remain cancer free.
    Anne Shell–breast cancer
    Fr. Bry Shields–Prostate cancer
    Jeb Shell–cancer free now; colo-rectal cancer with mets to liver and lungs
    Elizabeth Eggleston-breast cancer

  29. For Burke and Cindy for healing with their cancer. For peace for each of them thru the process and their families too!!

  30. Dear Lord, I ask for healing and spiritual cleansing of my family and home. Heal us of all our sins and anything we do that offend u esp my husband’s involvement in fetish rituals. May we always believe and trust U even in our deepest pain. Amen

  31. Please pray for my sister-in-law, Pamela, she has stage 4 terminal cancer. Please pray to the Lord, St. Peregrine, that He will remove this evil disease from her. Amen!
    Thank you, Lord Jesus…you are my all, my everything.

  32. Please pray for dear friend Veronica who was diagnosed with cancer right before Christmas. She is a woman of great faith and love.

  33. For my friends Sherri and Tomila who fight breast cancer right now.
    For my Aunt who just had a leg surgery.
    For the good results of the biopsy which I will have on January 21st.

  34. For my husband that his MRI will be unchanged
    For Lennie
    For family and friends battling this disease
    For all praying this novena

  35. Please Pray for President Trump and our Country. And the Cancer within that is intending to destroy our Country, by the Democrats. God help us !!!

  36. I have metastasized kidney cancer that went to my liver. It is terminal. Praying to the Lord to revive it from my body if it be your will. Please let it grow slowly ,if it your will. St Perigean, please pray to Lord for me.

  37. My sister has been fighting metastatic breast cancer for 7 years.
    this has led to other complications. My wife is a (2 year) breast cancer survivor. Please keep them in your prayers.

  38. I was diagnosed in Oct. with kidney cancer and had the right kidney removed Dec. 21. Asking God for total cure of this cancer in my body.

  39. For my friend Joan, she has been fighting ovarian cancer for almost 13 years. She begin radiation again today. A miracle is needed.

  40. Prayers for my nephew Brian with stage 4 cancer. He is in his 40’s and has a wife and 2 young children . I pray for his conversion to the Catholic Church with his family as well.

  41. Please pray for “Uncle Bob”, that his suffering subsides and his courage and strength prevail. Through the loving mercy of Jesus Christ our Lord, who came to heal the world.

  42. St Peregrine, Please pray that the cancer of demonic influence that is prevading our county and the world be eradicated.

  43. For Marcus and Heather, parents of young, school-age children. Marcus has an inoperable brain tumor and Heather has battled breast cancer twice. Prayers for healing and comfort.

    Also, for continued remission of my sister, Christine’s, cancer. Thank you, Lord!

  44. I pray for healing and release of my daily back pain. God has been good these last many years and I feel his blessings.

  45. I am praying that God will heal all His children but especially the little ones, who are so defenseless, scared and have not had the chance to live much life yet. May God in His Mercy heal them all. In Jesus Name I pray Amen

  46. Please pray for the hewing of my knee and leg pains, plantar fasciitis, heart condition, and for those suffering from any illness as well as those with depression,anxiety and anger.
    Spiritual guidance and renewal of Catholic faith for our children.
    For my husband to always be healthy and safe when he travels for work and have stability of job and financial security.
    For thanksgiving for all our blessings. May we be blessings to others. Thank you

  47. I pray for all blood cancer patients currently battling or in remission, that they might find peace and strength in God. If it’s God’s will, may they be blessed with health and strength to continue to live a life full of gratitude to the Lord.
    I pray that God grants me peace and health, and that I remain cancer free.In Jesus name and by the intersection of St. Peregrine

  48. For all cancer patients, COVID 19 patients and those caring for them, for my grandchildren who have strayed from the Catholic faith to return to the church.

  49. I pray for my Aunt Ann, that she covers completely from her cancer, that she remains strong during her radiation treatment, that she keeps her spirit strong and turns to the Lord. I pray that her husband is kinder to her.

  50. For one of my mom’s family friends, who has cancer, for more faith and trust in God, and for mental healing.
    Love you guys here at Pray More Novenas

  51. Let’s pray for my close friend Lee Wey as her battle with cancer for the last four years at the last stages. I ask you also to pray fir her husband and her three young children to cope with her as she is losing her memory and can’t recognize them.
    Thank you lord and St, Peregrine

  52. Please pray for for Sr. M Laetitia has stage 4 cancer.

    For Fr. D. Stein who just came down with covid-19.

    For Michael who is going for a second interview in MD, please God he gets this job, he’s tried so hard!

  53. I ask st peregrine to intercede to Jesus to transform my husband and I into the image of Christ. I ask that you will transform us to be more and more like Jesus in our conduct and character.
    Please guide my husband in financial decision making.
    Please give all who have suffered from cancer in the past complete and lasting healing
    (including myself) .
    Safe delivery of my daughters baby.
    Jesus, I trust in you.

  54. For Mary to be healed, For the conversion of Molly, Rhea, Olivia Renard and Ariel and for my emotional and physical healing.

  55. Please pray that I stay in remission and that my insurance issues sort themselves out. Also please pray for my uncle, who has terminal cancer. Pray that the Blessed Mother & the Lord watch over us & heal us

  56. My focus in this novena is to pray for God’s healing of the cancer of division that currently exists among family, friends and society itself in these difficult times.

  57. For all who are struggling with cancer and those receiving treatment.
    For my two friends who are currently receiving treatment.
    For the families of those suffering from cancer.
    For all researchers that they find a cure cancer.