Answered Prayers from the St. Michael the Archangel Novena, 2018

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If you’ve had any prayers answered from the St. Michael the Archangel Novena, please share those with us all below. Thank you for joining us in prayer!

May St. Michael the Archangel protect us all!

“Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle, be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly host, by the power of God, thrust into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls.”

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  1. My cousin was diognosed with lung cancer. Finding out yesterday that it is stage 1 and will be operated on Tuesday our prayers were answered. She will be fine. Thank you God

  2. Thanks St Michael. My daughter is continuously enjoying good mental health and my son is now content with the job he is engaged in. Praise be to the Lord

  3. I have been praying for my son to release the pride in his heart and gain humility like St Michael. On Tuesday he entered detox for his addiction disorder. Thank you St Michael!

  4. My husband & got our 1st vaccine shot, which had been hopeless.
    Good weather for OH & South Bend, Indiana for grandson’s ice hockey trip. Praise God.

  5. Prayers for the poor souls in purgatory for peace in the world for those affected by the Coronavirus
    Prayers for all my families friends especially Dan Lois Steve Rita Jill Sarah Blaine Trenton Aurora Eric Alicia Brooklynn Gretchen Isaac James Catherine Brett Tyler Davina Jim Karen
    Catherine Bob Doris Stanley Ann Judy Manley Ann Richard Earlene Marguerite Lee Margaret Randy Mary Rosemarie holly Steve
    For all religious especially Pope Francis Fr Paul Fr George Fr Kevin Fr Nick Fr Pierre

  6. Thank you St Michael for your intercession for helping me keep my emotions under control during a recent dental issue.

  7. My intention for this novena is my brother, for a new job that he will like, enough money to care for his family, and more time to care for his disabled wife. Out of the blue this week he was asked to be a weekend supervisor – more money and more time at home. Praise God and thank you St Michael the Archangel for your intercession.

  8. We have had answered prayers but not in way expected.we have learned to stop the anxiety and panic. We are not in charge God is. He has total control over everything and everyone. Our job is to be humble to be small to be little. Stop playing God. Be a servant. No judgment no criticism no condemnation. Telling people how to live.God Loves them more than we do and loves us too. We are to be meek and humble servant s with the heart of Jesus. Mary our mother and Jesus are marching in front of us and our families. LOVE the answer.

  9. I am still trying to heal from a car accident in July 2019 and have been frustrated as to how I am still feeling… constant vertigo and a variety of other symptoms.
    I have had some insight into the problem and feel that as an physical therapist and osteopath I may help my therapist understand where to go next to help me.
    I am still praying for my 3 children who have lost their faith so I am hopeful through this beautiful novena that St Michael will intercede and God will hear my plea. “Ask and you shall receive”

  10. Thankful that after enrolling everywhere for a Covid Vaccine for awhile, just 3 days ago I got my 1st doze appointment and also got a confirmed appointment already for my 2nd doze in a month’s time. St Michael Thank you.

  11. Let us thank God for answered prayers. My God son, Clement who was in a detention center in Texas has been released. He has to follow his refugee status out of the detention camp. Please join me to praise God. Some of his friends with whom he traveled were repatriated. He has God’s favor. Glory be to Him alone.

  12. My son has Tourette’s and it is difficult for him to make friends. I’ve prayed that he may have the courage to put himself out there and to be rewarded with friendship. His birthday is soon & today he worked up the courage to invite 2 peers for an activity. This is very big for him, and I have no doubt St. Michael helped!

  13. Thank you St Michael for your intercession to our Lord and for protecting my daughter, Megan, who suffers from metastatic breast cancer. She was able to stop her pain medication last Saturday and hasn’t needed it since. I pray now that she starts to eat again, and gain the weight back that she had lost. I pray that the cancer doesn’t progress any further and the lesions in her bones, bone marrow and liver heal.

  14. Truly is amazing. Anytime I’m praying and Satan pops something into my head I stop and say a prayer to Saint Michael and I get right back on track with my prayers. He truly is one of God’s warriors.

  15. Many graces have been given to me and my family during this novena, the biggest one is improvement in our preborn grandson…the clot in his brain has reduced by 50%! Thank you for all the prayers and support.

  16. I’ve been praying for peace within our family and specifically with our son. It has been a struggle and often a fight to get him to be motivated to do many things including school and to find a job. Today he starts a job that he acquired all on his own. He’s showing more initiative and responsibility with other things. There is a growing peace in our home and relationship. Thank you, St. Michael.

  17. Help me Jesus Have mercy on me I trust I believe Help me to be willing to WILLINGLY let go surrender I beg thank you 101 to 104 Danielle mom Mar thank you

  18. I was praying hat our friend would get through his surgery successfully. He did and is coming home today. Thank you St.Michael.

  19. We had lost hope that my mother would recover from COVID because she had stopped eating and drinking for 5 days and was very weak, but one day before the novena ended, she started eating and joking around. We felt it was a miracle!

  20. I met the man of my dreams who God sent. I prayed to st Joseph and he showed up to paint my house and we’re going strong 6 months later. To be continued. Never give up if your single. Keep praying to st Joseph and he will send you someone special. It’s been 20 long lonely years for me. I’m so happy.

  21. Our sincere gratitude and praise to Almighty God for blessing our son Ryan. His infinite grace, protection, and provision got our son through brain surgery, through a bout of pneumonia, through a blot clot, and into rehab therapy. Our earnest prayers continue that The Lord will bless Ryan with the miracle of healing and complete remission. This miracle, not for our human purposes, but rather for God’s divine purpose, that Ryan commits his life to being an ambassador for The Lord Jesus Christ, fulfilling The Great Commission, and winning souls to Christ, all to the Glory of our Heavenly Father.

  22. I find that sometimes when I pray a novena (or prayers in general) for a certain intention that the problem I am praying for gets worse. And sometimes a lot worse. This time I was praying for someone’s problem with anger. Wouldn’t you know it was the worse I have seen I have seen in a while.

  23. After having a stroke 2 weeks ago, my father is beginning his recovery. He has a long road ahead but it’s a miracle he is alive!!!

  24. My prayers are being answered in a strange way. My husband is stressed about losing his job. I believe God through St. Michael and our blessed mother are using this situation to draw him into prayer. Amen.

  25. Thank you, St. Michael the Archangel and St. Jude for helping me find vaccine schedules for my parents and spouse. Please continue to guide and protect us.

  26. My teenage grandson asked me to pray for him. I told him to say the St. Michael prayer when he’s worried. He sounds very good now. Thank you St. Michael.

  27. My grandmother has been in the hospital for almost 2 weeks due to a tumor found on her colon. They had to do emergency surgery to remove it and found that it was cancer. She started to improve and was healing. Just last night, she started bleeding internally and had to be rushed into surgery again. There was a 50/50 chance that she would make it through surgery. By the grace of God and St. Michael’s intercession she survived surgery, and is stable! Thank you Jesus.

  28. I was having horrible nightmares that interrupted my sleep and then caused daily despair. I asked St Michael the Archangel to slay the evil oppression in my mind to stop the nightmares. I have had 4 peaceful nights now thanks to St Michael the Archangel and Jesus’ healing!!! Praise God!

  29. Thank you St Michael you slayed all the pride in my heart , you gave me peace I feel free from all worries of my life and managed to release all to God almighty . Thank you for praying for me.

  30. Getting a vaccine has been impossible till now, and I certainly attribute my getting one LOCALLY this morning for my husband and me with our praying this novena to St. Michael and the Rosary to B.V.M., saying the Stations of the Cross on Fridays during Lent, and petitioning assorted saints, including but not limited to St. Jude and St. Rita (saints of hopeless cases) and two of March’s holy ones: Katharine Drexel and St. Casimir, whose feast days are March 3 and 4, respectively.

    What a spiritual gift your online ministry is!

  31. Praise be to our beautiful God! Seemingly out of nowhere I was offered my dream job yesterday! A job I didn’t even apply for. Thank you St. Michael for your intercession, thank you God!

  32. Thank you St Michael for your intercession, my son has been vindicated. Also, my nephew is battling colon cancer and this week he and his wife were delivered good and positive news. Thank you God and St. Michael.

  33. My son and family had a plumber fix their burst pipe that kept them from having any water in Austin for a week. Thank you, God & St. Michael. Still praying for all Texas relatives, people, and all over the Earth to have water, food and shelter.

  34. I have been trying to get the Covid-19 vaccine for six weeks. Each time I got an email to sign up by the time I logged on the appointments were already taken. I included in my intentions during this novena that I would be successful in getting the vaccine. This morning I finally got confirmation for an appointment to receive the vaccine. Thank you St. Joseph!!🙏🏽

  35. My daughter is getting married in July. They are getting married in a different state due to covid restrictions and were unable to find a Catholic Church or priest to perform the wedding. I said this novena to St Michael for a priest to come forward. On day 1 she received an email and then call from a priest saying he’d love to perform the wedding and his church was open for their date!

  36. My husband who is undergoing Chemo has had many side effects up to this point. This week was a good one. Thank you St. Michael.Very grateful for the power of prayer and God’s love.

  37. I was driving to work last Monday and a snow truck was backing into the road without checking for oncoming vehicles. I was nearly hit by the truck but for the grace of God.

  38. Thank you St.Michael for an answer to pray. My husband and I have been going through a rough patch but through God’s grace and mercy we are communicating better and there has been no more disagreements. My brother-in-law has also made a good recovery from having his leg removed. He is back home and feeling positive about the future despite being in a wheelchair. Thank you for his continued healing.

  39. Blessings from my grandson, is doing very well, in trusting in God for his healing and being responsible to God and himself! We pray
    to God for hearing our prayers!

  40. Thank you all for your prayers! My brother’s surgery, for lung cancer, went very smoothly. No complications, he is recovering at home now. The doctors feel they have all of the cancer, but test results are still to come. If I may ask for your continued prayers that his tests come back that all of the cancer is gone. Thank you again! God is Love!

  41. We want to thank St Michael The Archangel for interceding for our son.
    We prayed at the beginning of this Novena that our son will be successful in an important interview to progress in his career and he succeeded in the interview and got the job.
    Thank you all for praying for him to God through the intercession of St Michael The Archangel.
    We give glory to God for granting our request.

  42. My prayers were answered. I was able to get an appointment for the Covid 19 vaccine for my husband. He has many health issues and needed to be protected from the virus.

  43. Thank you Jesus, for prayers answered through this Novena to St. Michael. I have prayed to obtain the Corona vaccine and I was truly blest. It had happened, I continues prayers for all, at this time of pandemic, as well as peace in this troubled world.

  44. My request was that Nick be found. He was! Almost immediately! Thank you, St Michael, for hearing our prayers and for communicating them to our Lord, who saved Nick. Thank you, St Michael, for your inspiring, humble faithfulness and willingness to implement God’s awesome power. You are greatly loved. Please protect us today and every day.

  45. My son needed a CT scan and we were afraid he might refuse to drink the Barium. I prayed he’d like the taste and drink it but God did me one better: he didn’t have to drink it at all! I called with my concerns and it turns out -what they were looking for would be covered up by the barium so they told us to NOT have him drink it at all! Praise God!

  46. My daughter, who has been struggling with severe anxiety due to repeated potential Covid exposure (as a high school teacher) was able to get a vaccine dose yesterday. So very thankful for St Michael’s intercession and all of your prayers

  47. My husband healing and comforted from extreme pain of shingles. Praising Jesus and thank you St. Michael the Archangel for interceding on our behalf!

  48. Precious Lord, take my hand. For your Divine Will – to live in your Divine Will, for myself and family’s complete healing – spiritual, physical, relational, memories, emotional, financial, generational. In thanksgiving for all that you have given me and my family. For bringing us through the recent storm with little damage and your generous provision. In thanksgiving for your ministry and healing to the sick and suffering. For and end to the Covid pandemic. For my family, thank your for the deep faith of P and A. For my daughter who is more secular, a conversion and return to faith “basics”. I ask for greater holiness and tithing generosity for my husband. A deeper desire to pray as a family. For myself a greater joy. Bring me out of my deep sadness and grief. May I recover my joy. Thank you, Lord.
    For husband’s conversion. For son’s sobriety and recovery from alcoholism and other addictions. For my son to complete his college studies. For discernment and favor re employment.
    For graces needed to find a good new house and move and transition. Successful surgery and healing of foot and finger on right hand.
    For all those making this Novena, may all needs be supplied. May we all come to know more how deeply how much we we are loved by God, and to experience this deep love. To become more aware of St. Michael and the Archangels and the angels and about their activity and care in our lives. To develop a greater relationship with Jesus, Mary and Joseph and and Communion of Saints.
    To you be the Glory, O God. Thank you.

  49. My wife, Joy P Anchondo who suffers from Mental/Behavioral illnesses-is Spiritually Attacked on an daily basis by evil Demons and Exploitation by men which she acquaints with- Wonders away from home sometimes for days., I ask St. Michaels protection of her everyday (as also the protection from All the Archangels, Angels, Saints and You My Brothers and Sisters in Christ). One day as she had left to wander as I was cooking lunch/dinner I felt the urge to ask St. Michael and JESUS to care and protect her, to My Happiness as I ended the prayers she walked into our home. GOD,S gifts to me far outweigh the fears, anxiety and depression that sometimes overwhelm My heart. I will continue to ask St. Michael’s protection over her and Pray to The ost Sacred Hearts of Jesus & Mary to convert her into an person who can help those that suffer who illnesses and Spiritual attacks-Thank You-Love You, Martin A Anchondo!

  50. I was praying for a speedy and safe delivery for my friend’s daughter in law (she was beyond her due date and had a complicated pregnancy). The baby was born yesterday, 8lbs 6oz, with NO complications.
    Pride to God and St Michael the Archangel!!

  51. I was able to get my first dose of the Covid-19 Vaccine after two delays due to the clinic not having the vaccine due to weather. God answered my prayers.

  52. After 4 months, my husband finally received a response from the unemployment office while I was making this Novena. And, we got one step closer to better living arrangements for my brother. Both siuations were in my Novena prayer requests to St Michael to defend us in our battles and keep satan and all its evildoers out of our lives!

  53. Thank you so much for your prayers. My father, Mauro, is now out of the ICU and is continuing to improve. We continue praying for his complete recovery.

  54. I received a better understanding of humidity and how powerful it is in our relationship with God! Humble thy self in the sight of the Lord!!
    Thanhs for allowing me to be a part of this novena!!!

  55. Have been praying God to open college vacancy for my brother. This is the second time trying to get that chance and yesterday we got a message that he has secured admission there and he will join 30th March. Thanks saint Michael for interceding and thanks God for answering my prayer.

  56. While seeking to be connected to God, i got the divine guidance while trying to charge my phone. I had plugged the charger into the socket but i did not switch on the power….clearly the phone could never have charged.
    So i figured that I know of God, (plugged the phone) but i was not connecting to God (switched on the power) due to distractions, weak prayer life, patience to listen to God and to do His will and ultimately taking His graces and mercies for granted.
    So I continue to seek His grace and mercy with more focus and dedication with praise and thanksgiving for all His blessings inspite of my weakness and failings.
    I thank the pray more novenas group with heartfelt thanks from Lagos -Nigeria.
    Glory to Jesus, Honor to Mary. 🙏🏾😇

  57. Our difficult house sale closed two days ago without any incidents despite many obstacles.

    Our son’s health issues improved and more miraculously this past week he is advocating more for his wellbeing.

    So very grateful to St Michael for his intercession and protection and for all answered prayers.

  58. I have been trying since January to get an appointment for the Covid vaccination and asked St Michael the archangel for help and now I am scheduled for my first dose next week. Thank you Lord

  59. After our Lady of Lourdes Novena, not for Lack of trying, my mother and I are talking again, my son after new year, praise the Lord and all Holy Saints in Heaven. Thank you for prayers, thanks God from heaven and earth. Pray for Holy Souls in purgatory thanks kindly. Amen.

  60. For many years I have prayed for a complete healing: physical, spiritual, emotional and financial. This week my medical tests came back with all levels normal. This has never been. I am grateful for your prayers and the intercession of St. Michael, the Archangel. Never give up hope.

  61. I prayed for success as my husband was writing his supplementary exams and God granted us our wish through St Michael intercession

  62. Dear Archangel Michel,

    Please protect my son Michel and please let him speak nice and well, be a normal child and be a good pupil. Thank you. Please make him healthy and normal.

    In the name of Jesus

  63. I prayed for my daughter who was finding it hard to cope with both college work and her job. She just told me her boss has given her a week off to concentrate on her college work. I’m so thankful to St Michael The Archangel.

  64. I thank God for defending and protecting me and my family from the evil one. I thank God for protecting my friendship with my best friend and for healing my physical and emotional health. St Michael thank you for your intercession. Jesus Christ may your name be exalted above all names. Amen

  65. I thank God and everyone in this group for your commitment in praying for each other, finally God has answered my prayers my transfer letter is out, am going to join my family soon

  66. Hello Everyone,
    I want to use this moment to share my gratitude I have for God’s faithfulness, providence over my life and Thru this novena to St. Michael the Archangel to draw me closer to His Holiness and Peace. I express my deepest Thanks and praise to Our Heavenly Father, Son and Holy spirit for the blessings of upliftment in my Career shown to me and for His spoken words I believe with no atom of doubts will be fulfilled in his appointed time.

  67. God’s protection has been with my family and I know God will continue to give my husband the means to take care of us. I also thank God in anticipation of a good job. Amen

  68. Peace be with you. I would like to thank you for praying with me. All the troubles I have before I join the group are gone and my heart is filled with peace. I thank God for all the blessings I receive all the time. Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit as it was in the beginning is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen

  69. Thanks St. Michael! I have received a voluntary job at Church that I love to do as I prayed to you during this Novena. It is so miracle. I believe in you and always calling your name with my rosary everyday, every minute. I know all in the heaven including you always encourage me, please continue to win more souls for Christ. I love Jesus with all of my heart, I thank you so so much for your interceding and protecting our life in a bigger picture and plan that God gives us. I believe in you St. Michael.

    Next week, my son Paul NBVH will have to challenging exams of Geography and Mathematics, please help him to do all excellently. They were so so difficult and challenging for him, please help my son do all the exams excellently and getting very good notes, marks, grade. Please help my daughter Mary NMYM in all of her exams as well.

    I continue asking for your intercession for my issues of my life as follows and please please continue to win more souls for Christ:
    1, My husband (MRS) is a very very very intelligent, interesting and even charming man, but a VERY VERY VERY big narcissism type, a personal disorder, “Grand-I-Type”. Please help him, heal him, get the satans of this narcissism out of him forever, because it brings a big and systematic soul violence to me since we have married until now and the narcissistic persons have violence only to their life partners who are closest to them, but not others. There are a lot of expert books about this kind of disorder and it seems that even psyche experts/doctors find too disencouraged to treat them because most of narcissistic people are the very intelligent ones, even too intelligent, interesting, charming but very very dangerous among many other facets that are sophisticated. I can not, either St. Michael. I am just his wife, a mom and a housewife, dependent on him financially. So today, I speak to you my Archangel Michael, please come, intercede and do it for me. We married in a catholic church. I believe in God, faithful to Him and love Him. I need You St. Michael, I need you, I need you. Please intercede my husband with regard to the followings:
    * He is addictive to the sexy, pornography photos, calendar, statues, pictures of all kinds… of women, especially obsessive with big-breast women, and hanging them all around at our houses, his offices, studios and anywhere that I do not know. It is never enough for him. The more he sees and enjoys, the more he feels something still missing in him and he seeks and wants to see more and more and more. That’s all. He continues constantly collecting such and hanging fully around, even in our sleeping room. In our sleeping room, there is also a very big picture of a nude woman who is his old secretary, seriously hanged in our sleeping room, in a very nice painted picture, but sexy and satan. He was ever so obsessed by this secretary for so many years, she misused him to be promoted to the highest position in my husband’s company where my husband is founder, and she was successful in her target. My husband kept her because everyday she wears very sexy and appealing to show her extra big breast and brown skin and she knew quite well that my husband needs it. It was ever very sad for me about this relationship and I often prayed to God to help. Until now, my husband has sold this company and she is still the boss there but not together with my husband anymore, thanks God. I do not know, but it happened one day and he said it to me. I said to my husband to throw these nude pictures away, but my words are just like silly things to him, so sad isn’t it St. Michael. St. Michael please intercede and defeat the satans, demons, evil of these aspects in my husband forever!
    * He always thinks that the fact he marries me is a big favor for me because he is very rich but I have no assets. With this marriage between us, I can be staying in his houses etc. He is always proud that he is a millionaire to me. St. Michael, in fact, I have to sign a marriage contract according to his request and in this contract I must waive all of my rights as to his assets and I may receive a portion that is not clear at all for me about entitlement, very tricky to me with such a legal arrangement. St. Michael, assets to me mean nothing, but I need respect and love. St. Michael, please intercede and defeat the satans, demons, evil of these aspects in him forever.
    * He misuses others and vice versa he is misused by others because such narcissistic people need excessive compliments. Without immediate and excessive compliments from his wife like me, I will be punished and compared with other women who do this for him, very sicky St. Michael. St. Michael, please intercede and defeat the satans, demons, evil of these aspects in him forever.
    * He has a totally false concept of love. For narcissism people, love is dependence. For me as his wife, I have enough painful experience of this St. Michael. What I can say about this is only: I feel extreme painful about this in all situations of daily life and in holidays. Narcissistic people suffered a very difficult childhood, most of them were beaten in their childhood, my husband the same, he was beaten so much by his mom. It is the main reason which leads to narcissism and he applies it now to me as his wife to feel alive. Narcissistic people often do not want to depend on any people, especially their wife like me, I don’t know why. It is not fair for me. I am his wife, but not the woman or an image of his mom whom he needs to play or exercise violence against due to his experience with his mom or any other things in his sick psyche. St. Michael, please intercede and defeat the satans, demons, evil of these aspects in him forever. Please let him go of this experience and past.
    * Do not protect me as his wife due to his wrong concept of love. St. Michael, please intercede and defeat the satans, demons, evil of these aspects in him forever. I need my husband to protect me, please intercede.
    * Having problems with closeness but misusing me in all aspects. St. Michael, please intercede and defeat the satans, demons, evil of these aspects in him forever.
    * Love provoking me and my children if his day is not successful. St. Michael, please intercede and defeat the satans, demons, evil of these aspects in him forever.
    * Love to play power games in marriage relationship and acting wonderful to show his power. St. Michael, please intercede and defeat the satans, demons, evil of these aspects in him forever.
    * He is a very successful businessman and intelligent but can not or do not want to lead a marriage life as normal people, he does not know or does not want how to go further. St. Michael, please intercede and defeat the satans, demons, evil of these aspects in him forever.
    * Always jealous with me about my qualifications and my love to Jesus, to the catholic church, so he makes me very small before others in his intelligent way and calling others to his side in this talent. St. Michael, please intercede and defeat the satans, demons, evil of these aspects in him forever.
    * Always say low about me with others in a very smart and clever way. St. Michael, please intercede and defeat the satans, demons, evil of these aspects in him forever.
    * He does not want to go to the church with me at weekends. St. Michael, please intercede and helping him to go to the catholic church with me again, love God and love church.
    * Narcissism is a mixture of intelligence and something like gangster character, charming but dangerous. My husband is really really intelligent. St. Michael, please intercede and defeat the satans, demons, evil of the dark soul and these aspects in him forever. I always long for him to be a lovely husband. I am scaried whenever his Grand-I-Type arises.
    * He always requires well-prepared dinners with various sophisticated foods to be made by me. Sometimes, I can not do because I am tired. But he never accepts that. He considers that an attitute of laziness and punishes me – his wife – for that. It is so scaried for me and I often have to do all my best because I am terrified of his punishments to me or his provocations in a very clever and tricky way to me. For narcisistic persons, there are only 2 categories: reward or punishment. St. Michael, please intercede and defeat the satans, demons, evil of these aspects in him forever.
    Dear St. Michael, there are other facets of my husband, a narcissism, a personal disorder, “Grand-I-Type” that I can not remember to say all here, but all of these things Lord knows and you know. I have known because I myself experienced during our life together as his wife and it is really household soul/spirit violence/terrorism. I was recommended by a Priest to read the books of psyche doctor Umberta Telfener and others to understand to cope with. I understood that and after reading these expertise books about this disorder, I became to know that I can not do anything, it is so difficult ☹. So I leave all to You, please help me. I do not get rid of any hopes so I talk to you St. Michael. You can do this St. Michael! THANK YOU!

    2, Two years ago, there is a woman named AH coming to our farm to ride my horse Iltschi. Iltschi is the love gift that my husband gave me right at the very first dating when we began to know each other. Iltschi is very nice and very important to me in my soul. When we married, the horse always belongs to me. I was not instructed to go to any course for horse but swamped with housework and cleaning. One day, my husband said he will invite somebody to ride my horse. I did not know what will be happening. Later on, it turned out that this woman AH came so so so often to our farm to ride my horse. It is not normal St. Michael. She comes everyday, even early morning on Saturdays, Sundays, every single weekend, Easter, every national holidays etc. It is too too too much for me St. Michael. Each time, she comes, it lasts very very long at our farm. At the beginning, it is ok with me. Gradually, I began to realize that she wants to take over my horse systematically without my permission and she only dealt with my husband without my knowledge. She even does not allow anyone else to ride my horse, to approach my horse and she means that ruling at our farm systematically. My husband set me quite aside and do not allow me to approach and doing anything to my horse either. The way how she treats me so bad, so disturbing and affecting seriously my private life. She acts as if she has a riding hobby and that’s all and nobody else is important to her because she has my husband. My husband said that she paid some courses where she goes with my horse, so she shares his costs for my horse, so she has such right. St. Michael, a strange woman comes to my life this way. Gradually, I lost my beloved Iltschi. I really do not wish such a situation at all St. Michael. I will give my horse away to the people I feel good in my heart, but not this way and not to the person who hurts me like AH. In any case, I never want to give away my Iltschi because it is the love present that my husband gave me at the very first dating. Iltischi is my spirit, my soul. I have thought how can I resolve this until now, but I can not think how to do it. The rider AH, she said she is a neurologist doctor, but I do not believe in it because a doctor does not act that way and does not have so much time disturbing like this, everyday, and to another family like this. Our neighbor said she is assistant to doctor, but not doctor. St. Michael, she knows about neurology and she understands the narcissism of my husband and she uses it for her private benefits systematically and successfully until now. She comes to our farm and saying this or that need to be changed and influencing my husband and disturbing my private life. It is not a hobby, it is a disturbance, misuse, disrespecting me, playing me and hurting me. Whenever she comes, my heart gets blooded. I am a wife and a mom and playing no role at our farm. She hurts me constantly for two years until now. Today is your day St. Michael, I need You, I need your intercession, I need You to speak to Jesus for me, to Mother Mary for me and helping me in this case. Please see me, how many times I have to visit hospital due to such hurts that she gave me until now, how many times I cried out to Jesus, how many times I ran to the church early morning to tell Him all about this and crying and tears. St. Michael, you are the very first Archangel, please talk to AH’s guardian angel and my husband’s guardian angel that she, AH, should not come to our farm anymore and my husband should remember it is my love gift that he gave me and I want to keep it, and please also speak to them that there are a lot of things not just my horse and disturbing our life, our marriage and hurting me. I am willing to pay her back what she has paid for my horse as she and my husband said, although she exercised such courses for her hobby, in order to let her go out of our life and marriage life. But I do not know how to arrange this with her and my husband because I am very weak in this triangle relationship. She is happy because she knows for sure that she has my husband on her side and she knows he protects her but not me. Vice versa, she is working in the neurology field, so knows how to control and misuses my husband. And my husband is narcissistic. She is happy when I feel deadly sad and must go out of our farm and my husband would leave me. So, I leave all to you St. Michael, you do it for me, you decide all for me, I follow you and obey you whatever you do for me. Please help send this satan AH and other existing and potential satans, demons and dark souls out of our farm, our houses, our life, our marriage, the life of our children forever. In the meantime, where I wait for You St. Michael to come and intercede, please help me that I must not see or hear her when she comes to our farm, to our life everyday, dealing with my husband and vice versa, taking my Iltschi, even when she stands very near me and noisy with my horse. I love Iltschi forever. THANK YOU!

    3, I am only a housewife and a mom with much work at home. But I love to go to work part time to finance myself and my children independently. I love work at catholic church, I love work for God because it is the only place I feel to be loved and protected, please help me have such chances and do it successfully. My health is getting worse due to such soul violence. From a woman with much energy (before marriage), I am now a too skinny, emaciated, pale and haggard woman. I can not hold up. Please help me. I leave all to you St. Michael. I cry to you St. Michael. I love Jesus. THANK YOU! Please also help my son PNBVH to pass the 2nd semester at the KSR very well with all of his examinations (25 February 2021: English, 4 March 2021: Geography and Mathematics, 15 March 2021: French, 17 March 2021: German, 22 March 2021: English, 24 March 2021: Biology, 25 March 2021: Music, 26 March 2021: History, 31 March 2021: Informatics and he does all other exams very well, learn all subjects well in this 2nd semester and has four continous years in KSR excellently with a concentration, independence and a big passion for learning and studying. My daughter MNMYM go to the next level of Sekundar School, E-Class and then 2 years later smoothly to KSR. She is always safe, suffers no bullying at schools, positive and has big passions for learning and reading , love nature and having good sincere friends for her long life. THANK YOU!


  70. Thank you St. Michael the Archangel for victory
    in court and restoration of land and also shinning light on my finances.

  71. During these novena pride in me disappeared and I was able to forgive someone that hurt me most. And my heart was free and full of joy.

  72. In this last day of Novena please pray to St Michael to intercede for my son Ian. He is to report for a job next week and they keep postponing.
    Oh St MICHAEL the Archangel make this Monday permanent in Jesus Mighty Name.