Answered Prayers – Pentecost Novena 2014

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Holy Spirit NovenaWe hope and pray that this novena to the Holy Spirit for Pentecost has been a blessing to you!

If your prayers have been answered and you’d like to thank God and to share it with others please post below.

Here’s an answered prayer that was sent to us by email:

…I especially pray for my daughter (who has left the church) and for my 16 year old grandson (who has not been baptized) for their conversion. They’ve had many struggles, and their life has not been easy.They do have faith but it’s not strong. Lately my grandson has been asking questions which has lead to lengthy conversations.

I have been praying the Pentecost Novena, and as it was suggested, to ask for something concrete, I prayed that my daughter and grandson would tell me that they were going to go to church on Sunday. This morning, within 1 hour of praying day two of the novena, my daughter called and told me that my grandson was going to go to church on Sunday.

I have joy! May it always shine to others.

Thank you Holy Trinity! Praise, Glory, and Love!

Thank you John-Paul and Annie for your service to the Lord and for Pray More Novenas.

Blessings, MG

Please post your answered prayer below.

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  1. I was praying for the healing of my husband. By the grace of God and the intercession of our Lady Virgin Mary undoer of knots my husband is healed some of his health problems. I really thank our Mother Mary the undoer of knots for listening to my cries and am patiently waiting for the healing of my husband’s whole body. I pray in Jesus name. Amen.

  2. Jackie, Beau, Abigail and Kennedy all recovered from Viral Pneumonia. Thank you one and all for the prayers

  3. One of my clients has gained sobeity from her use of illicit drugs and is now coping with her past traumas. She is reading the Bible daily and the Holy Spirit is working through her! Another client is coping with her past traumas significantly better! PRAISE GOD!

  4. I was involved in an accident back in 2013..and i broke my ankle n femur bone…i have prayed for healing..but when we were to start this novena…something inside me told me to ask for healing of my soul n leg….i believe and trust i have a miracle to share,i cant wait to get the good news when i go for my review on the 18th of June….
    Thank you Holy Spirit…….you are a wonder…..I am healed in Jesus Christ…thank you Holy Spirit once again….

  5. Yes the Holy Spirit has sent me to a Dr that is going to help me with the pain in my legs I have had for a year and a half.

  6. I offered this Novena up in prayer for a dear friend who was having trouble with his heart that already has a defibrillator and a pace maker in it. On Tuesday he found out his only problem was dehydration . I love the power of some many coming together in prayer.
    God Bless, Michelle

  7. The main intention I have been praying for was boldly answered on the third day of this novena. A friend and I had been trying to hang on to Eucharistic Adoration in our Parish. It seemed that we were about to lose it, at least until Fall. On the third day of the novena (Resurrection?) there was a complete reversal in the decision that had been made, and it was restored, along with an apology! I immediately called my friend and told her I had good news. I relayed what had happened, and there was a long silence on her end of the phone. Then I said “Isn’t the Holy Spirit awesome?” Then she laughed and said “He sure is!” Thank you Holy Spirit, for giving us this huge gift, and for making such a big statement in the process! Also, thank you John-Paul and Annie for supplying this wonderful channel for grace!

  8. I could say that my prayer has been answered, in a sense. There is a very lovely lady I’ve known for a long time, and she is in a very difficult situation. No one has ever moved me spiritually the way she does. Lately I’ve had the opportunity to spend more time with her than I have in a long time, and I’ve watched her spiritual life get even deeper as she faces life’s challenges. It is a joy and a pleasure to watch. I had prayed that our friendship would blossom into romance. As I’ve pondered our friendship, and as she sat by me in the adoration chapel a week ago, I had a beautiful thought. It would be great, such a blessing, if our friendship could blossom into something like Sts Francis and Clare. I would love for the two of us to connect that way. But because of her situation, she may be hesitant to trust a man in even that way. This one could take time. I guess the prayer has been answered in the sense that my heart has changed, and my desires for the friendship aren’t what they once were. I pray for her to be happy, for her not to hurt, and for those hurting her to be healed of whatever hurts them… that they will stop hurting my lovely friend.

  9. Inspired to find awesome information about hope from Pope Benedict. It really helped me cause I am very sick with lymes disease. It also kept me working through a recent health setback to find a new treatment option that I am very excited about and is cost effective, which is important because my health care won’t pay for my treatment. Thank you holy

  10. I praise God, Mother Mary, St Jude, The Holy Spirit all the Angels and Saints that my pray was finally answered this past Wednesday, after 10months of major stress & turmoil. All I could do was pray. God is good all the time, all the time God is good!

  11. Praise be given to the Holy Spirit; I was healed of a debilitating vertigo stemming from Menieres disease. For six weeks I was unable to get up without holding on to walls or counters and was nauseous. I couldn’t drive my car, etc. One morning during the Novena which I was praying everything went away. I am so relieved. I am forever grateful to the Holy Spirit and his graces.

  12. The Holy Spirit granted me a miracle. I was having problems with my car. If I took it to a mechanic it would have cost me a lot. I was headed to a place where I thought I needed to go, but praying all the way for help. When I got to this place, they were too busy to take me so I was led by the Holy Spirit to another place which took care of my car for 1/2 the price. I am very grateful as I am on a fixed income. Praise be The Heavenly Father, Son , & Holy Spirit. I am so grateful,

  13. I won’t know until next Tuesday if a specific request has been granted, but what did happen is that just about every day of the Novena what was prayed for was something that I needed for that day. So grateful for this powerful Novena.

  14. My sister-in-law, Debbie, who has fourth stage colon cancer in her liver now, received good news yesterday that the chemo is working and the tumors are starting to shrink. Thank you Holy Spirit for the good news and the hope. Amen

  15. We were told to have a specific intention while praying the novena and on this last day, the answer to a medical issue was given to me. I praise God the father, God the son and God the holy spirit because it was exactly the answer I wanted. God truly answers prayers, just believe.

  16. Because of some reading I have been doing about consecration to Mary, Mother of God, & knowing full well that I don’t know what to ask for, I have offered all to the intentions of her Immaculate Heart. I hope that I shall find out in eternity how these prayers were directed…so many persecuted around the world. God bless you.

  17. I applied for 2 jobs with benefits last week. Please join me in prayers that the good Lord will give me one of the jobs. It has been more than two years now.

    My Lord and God, You know that I am qualified to work at either Children’s Hospital or Seasons Hospice. Please show me your compassion and mercy and grant me one of these jobs. You can do it Lord, please do it for me in Jesus name I pray. Amen

  18. i want to thank God for the offer of a new job, although i wont be able to take it at the moment because its abroad, but i still want to praise him because he is a God that never fails and not man that he should lie.
    to God be the glory forever and forever.

  19. I prayed for financial assistance and my prayers were answered. I received work to carry me through the next couple of months. God always looks after us! He has never failed:) Around the 3rd day or so into this Novena I started to receive the work. Thank you Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. May God bless each and everyone here:)

  20. That the Holy Spirit empower me in a way He has ever done before so I can continue to work in the vineyard of the Lord.

  21. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for almost 4 years! I did my 2nd procedure 2 weeks before this novena, and on day 6 of the novena, I had my beta blood test, and I’m pregnant! THANKYOU Jesus! Ask and you shall receive!

  22. Healing for our son! We’ve realized his medication was making him worse. Now he’s on the road to a full recovery! Praise God!

  23. I have been praying for my daughter, specifically that she find a job, a place to live or perhaps some direction with her life. She hasn’t found a new full time job, but she has decided to attended Naturapathy school in Chicago and was accepted to their pre-requisite program. This all happened within the course of the last week. The Holy Spirit is working within her … I am so grateful! Praise God and his works!

  24. I can’t put my hand on it but I have a sense of or feeling that something is happening around me positively. Thanks for praying with me

  25. The Holy Spirit sent his love and graces to all who attended the 1st Healing Service with the individual blessing from the Blessed Sacrament at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton in Crystal Lake, IL today Sat, June 7, 2014.
    What a blessing to all!
    Veni Sancte Spiritus!
    Thank you Holy Trinity!


  27. The Holy Spirit is granting me the Wisdom to wait it out as far as a very important relationship is concerned.Because of the pain I am feeling over having to give it up,I would have impulsively restarted it all over again,naively believing what I was promised,but all the time seeing before my eyes, how the other party could not keep those promises. By saying this beautiful novena,the Holy Spirit is giving me strength to bear my loneliness,continue with my prayers and trust in God’s Providence.
    Thank you for helping. Please continue with your wonderful work.

  28. The Holy Spirit has begun a lifelong desire. I am most grateful for this beginning. And will keep you posted on its progression.

  29. My daughter 17 was getting very rebellious and throwing tantrums, answering back, giving very cheeky replies and was getting very disrespectful. It pained me no end. I realized the solution to this was only through prayer. I started the novena sincerely and also started praying from the book ‘ the power of the praying Parent’ and reading the Bible and worshipping everyday. It’s the 9 th day and my daughter has toned down, even when there are situations where she would’ve created a scene earlier has become very different, now, she speaks normally.
    I’m glad I found this novena thanks to my friend on FB.
    God bless you all, may the Holy Spirit guide you all.

  30. I prayed that I would sell my home and find my dream home. My prayers were answered! Thank you God, thank you Holy Spirit, thank you Blessed Mother!

  31. Our son is communicating with us more and even wants to take his sister to a movie. Thank you Holy Spirit!

  32. I pray for my family and friends for eternal life. I also pray for all abused children, elderly and all who are in pain. May our Glorious Holy Spirit be with all of us and give us His gifts and set our hearts on fire with His love! Amen.

  33. O Holy Spirit,please help me with my heavy financial burden, please help me to find a job in the midst of difficulty.May You, bring me the best of luck so that i can can help to open a religious mission back home and be able to help my family build their lives.
    Thank You O Holy Spirit,Amen and Amen.

  34. I started this novena with the prayer that my sister would leave her boyfriend of almost 5 years, as he was not good for her. Although he is not a monster and not physically abusive, I believe the verbal and mental abuse was just as damaging, as I saw her go from confident, beautiful woman to injured personality with zero confidence in herself. I started this novena last Friday (like everyone here), and by the following Friday (yesterday), we had all but a trunk load of her things out of his apartment, and her confidence kept getting stronger and stronger up until the break-up. She successfully broke up with him and I will continue praying to the Holy Spirit that He keeps her stronger and to never go back to him. I pray for her to find her soul mate and for her confidence to be completely restored. I also started a St. Jude novena in the process, and did a 9 hour novena on the actual day of the breakup. It is amazing what novenas can do and I feel so blessed to be Catholic, with such a gift as these. Thank you especially John Paul and Annie!!! God bless!

  35. Thanks be to God! A friend called me two days ago to say that a mutual friend who was in my list of requests was now cancer free! God is great! Praise and thanksgiving for these blessings! Thanks to everyone for praying the novenas with me. May each and everyone one of you find special blessings and feel the never ending love of the Lord.

  36. I saw a little “peek” yesterday. I didn’t realize it until I read today’s novena. Made me realize that I need to pay attention for the blessings I am praying for through these Novenas and be more positive and trusting in the Lord. I guess I have become so used to the idea that things will never change and I must accept it. Before learning of these novenas through a friend, I was praying on my own. Well, more like begging Jesus with a negative heart. I started these novenas with heavy heart and almost with a sense of defeat. But I now know they won’t happen if I am not open enough to see and acknowledge them. I have to do more work on ME! I’m not giving up. My eyes, ears and heart are open more than ever now. OH MY! I’m so touched. Bring on the next Novena!!!

    • Thank you Holy Spirit through your servants John-Paul and Annie, my metastatic thyroid cancer is responding to treatment. With the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, I will never lose hope. Lets pray for all cancer patients to be strong ang hopeful!

  37. I prayed that my daughter would be happy and she would feel good about herself. She has had a good week and I continue to have faith in God’s healing powers.

  38. I am on a formation team for ACTS retreats. I offered this novena so that those ladies feeling the call would answer yes to attending our June retreat. Our maximum number is 50. Normally we don’t reach that and I just received word that our confirmed attendees is 49 right now!!! God is so very good!!!

  39. My prayer was answered. I was on a long list to attend a Pilgrimage in a few months. I prayed that if I am to go, space will open for me and it did. I thank God and our Blessed Mother for making this possible. I never doubted I would not go. Pray always and believe in Jesus name and miracles will happen in your life.
    Blessings and love to all.

  40. On the 2nd day of the novena was the day the doctor told my father he would be having knee pain as a result of the procedure. However, my father had NO knee pain and didn’t have to take the painkiller he was asked to take if he got pain. Regarding my work situation, I don’t know the outcome of that yet but I am sure it will be positive and I have faith and perseverance in praying for that. Also, my petition regarding a relationship in my personal life seems to be progressing. Thank You Holy Spirit. Holy Spirit, help me stay strong in praying for others and their petitions.

  41. If it is in God’s will, my cancer does not return and recover from any major side effects. ALSO for GOD’s will with my non-working son who lives with me and has major emotional issues and refuses to seek any help from the V.A. or anywhere since he thinks he is doing fine.

  42. My friend has been waiting to receive his inheritance from his mom’s estate in another country, and it finally came through. He has been battling almost a year for this. Thank you Holy Trinity for hearing our prayers. I pray for everyone who has prayed this Novena, and all the others you send out. God bless John-Paul & Annie, and much thanks for all you do!

  43. Praise God!!!! Alleluia. Holy Spirit is Awesome in arrainging for me to participating in a parish youth Life in the Seminar where the team came from different areas and combining to minister the 120 youths.

  44. My intentions were for my husband to get good results from the cardiologist and he DID. His primary doctor gave him reason to be very concerned with the health of his heart but the specialist pointed out everything and gave us peace in knowing my husband has a healthy heart! Praise God.

    My other intention was for my best friend to have a change of heart with her decision to leave her husband. Their anniversary was on thursday and they a went out for dinner. Praying that God will continue to be with her.

    I am grateful for all God has done.

  45. Yes, i feel partially my novena to H. Spirit was answered as we have 3 adult children and Mark our oldes who wil be 46 tomorrow, yes PENTECOST…has ret’d to a job, not sure if he’s drinking (alcoholic) but we’re happy he’s working again and being productive in society. Needs sooo many prayers, and I give thanx to you all for keeping him in your prayers. Our other 2 adult children, no new news, but praying to for them to see the face of the Lord, and return to their faith. PATIENCE i will continue with Sincerely Sally

  46. My son not only got a job, but a good one, and he likes it !! God is great…..Thank you all for praying with me ! :)

  47. After reading that St. John Paul VI, as a young boy was told to pray to the Holy Ghost everyday to assist him in his studies, by his father, and did so everyday the rest of his life…I was inspired to start praying every morning for the Holy Spirit to be with me and direct me in the way I was made to be. Then you came up with this wonderful novena, I have been granted a peace in my heart and mind that was needed…also many friends and family have been seriously ill and miraculously and quickly overcame their illnesses.
    one 55 year old man had blood clots on the brain that burst causing 2 strokes, and a 10 hour surgery, within 10 days he is home no problems.
    another 83 year old friend had internal bleeding,
    unable to locate – after 4 days in ICU they found the problem and he was released and is back to work in a week. My brother who is 71, was hit by a car and is still having some major problems, mostly with being alone in another state (by choice) and slow medical methods.
    Thank you for the Peace of Mind, Holy Spirit, and Bless all the sick and suffering with God’s healing power Amen

  48. My prayer has not been answered but I am now worried. However, praying the novena has re-kindled peace within me throughout this week. I am learning now to be patient and allow the power of the Holy Spirit to take control of my situation. Holy Spirit You are awesome and worthy to be praise.

  49. I have been praying for these request and been answered: My mother’s chemo therapy side effects are next to none; I’m doing well in my new job; I stopped drinking wine everyday and my anxiety levels have gone down a lot. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ and thank you Holy Spirit for all the blessings guy send my way every day!:)

  50. Even before finishing this Holy Spirit novena, my prayers were answered!! Thank You, Holy Spirit, for continuing to supply Your Wisdom, Knowledge & Understanding in my life and in the lives of those I love!! All praise and thanksgiving to Almighty God. Amen.

  51. I enjoyed praying this novena so very much! The prayers were so beautiful. Thank you for your ministry!

  52. I don’t know if it was this novena that answered my prayers or past ones, like you say PATIENCE. God works in mysterious ways. Had eye surgery and needed to have follow up exam.
    Was going to drive myself but ended up my son was able to take me by doing so he was able to get a doctors name & phone number from my doctor to help his wife with correcting her eye problem due to accident a year and a half ago. If he hadn’t taken me this would not have happened. Good follow exam for me. Later that same day my son got a job offer after being out of work for almost a year. Thank you God for answering all my prayers.

  53. I was looking for a job, and since the Novena started I prayed for that job to be a reality. Finally, today I have just received a job offer.

    Thanks Holy Spirit for answering my prayer!

    Praise to the Lord!

  54. Attended a Healing Mass celebrated by a Healing Priest,Fr. Nelson Osorio 3 hours ago…As soon the mass began I felt that my left breast was being removed..I have been diagnosed with Ductal Carcinoma, Stage IIA barely 2 months ago.It is Non-Invasive and no lymph nodes are affected.Thank GOD..
    When Fr.Osorio lay his hands on my head, I felt a warm feeling that enveloped by whole body.
    This Saturday evening mass is an anticipated mass and Pentecost Sunday…Today, is the last day of the Novena to the Holy Spirit.
    I am now Healed, by the Divine Mercy and Healing of Our Lord Jesus Christ through the Intercession of the Blessed Mother Mary.

  55. One of our loved ones has been incarcerated for a year and half and has been waiting to receive his release date. Just waiting. We prayed for the Holy Spirit to give us peace a miracle to reveal that information. On Tuesday night, he was informed of his release date – Oct 2014! Thank you Holy Spirit for the patience and faithfulness that remained with us!

  56. I really don’t know if my prayers have been answered but I trust in the Lord’s goodness. I know that my daughter will do extremely well in her exams. Thank you Holy Spirit.

  57. I did not offer any petitions other than asking the Holy Spirit for the daily gifts of the novena. That’s how I have prayed the Holy Spirit novena in the past as well. Peace and God’s blessings to all.

  58. I have been struggling through a tough business negotiation for 18 months. It was very personal and emotional. It has dramatic implications for the future of my company and therefore my 4 children and husband. I asked for the Holy Spirit to be present in the discussions and to guide my heart. I truly feel the Holy Spirit gave me peace and hope.

  59. None of my prayers have been answered as yet. I am being patient for I know that God will help me in time to come and my prayers will be answered one way or the other. I continue to pray the novenas. Thanks

  60. Thank you Holy Spirit for you shine your light on me !! I had asked for help for my daughter , who’s mentally ill, this morning she called me at 730 am to go pick her up because she wanted to come back home!!!! I’m so grateful cause I was worried sick that something would happen to her living in the city with a roommate . She’s still resistant to going to the hospital for treatment but I’m confident that she might soon!!!
    I also asked for help for my son and he was able to have a good income this week and is able to visit his own son this weekend… May these blessings continue!!!! I’m not a church goer but I must say I feel the desire to go tomorrow to thank God for these blessings in this special occasion of Pentecost !
    May God bless you John-Paul and Annie❤️

  61. Praise the Lord, the novena has ended I give thanks and praise to the Holy Spirit. I haven’t seen the answer to my prayers but I know that God has heard me and I will get an answer in due time. Thanks be to God!!!
    Thank you for praying for me, may God Bless you!!!

  62. Last year I lost my job and had to take MUCH less paying job just to keep income flowing through the house. I am a single mom who was financially sound until this happened. I have been praying EVERY novena you guys email out. Yesterday I went to a job fair and got SEVERAL great offers in a career field I have been trying to make a break into. The power of prayer is awesome. Thank you for all you do!!

    • after i made this post i got more miracles……i had applied for financial aid from my daughter’s school to help with her monthly tuition. it seemed as though I wasn’t going to get assistance. i got a letter today that half my tuition would be paid through assistance.

      Also, I recently graduated college and had a small balance that financial aid did not cover. I found out this morning it has been paid by a grant through the school! I can not get my degree and official transcript to accept employment offers.

  63. My prayer for a miracle has been partially answered. Praise to the Most Holy Trinity now and forever. Amen.Will pray and be patient so the Holy Trinity with the ardent supplications of The Queen of the Most Holy Rosary of the valley of Pompei, may perform the miracle I need for the person I am Praying for. This person needs a miracle to be healed. There is no other way.May it please all to know that we have been praying for all those who were praying this novena. May God bless you all, and provide to everyone what they are asking for. I also thank from the bottom of my heart all those who have prayed for my intention,

  64. The first day of the Novena I asked for a quick sale of my Mother’s home at the asking price. We sold it almost immediately for the asking price. Please pray that it will pass all the inspections. Thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ for prayers answered.

  65. for BH
    for our lost babies
    for strength & perseverance
    for fortitude & gratitude
    that God will be generous to our family
    for LIFE

  66. our Novena prayers have already been answered…..the sale of our home, and successful traveling on vacation with our 93 year old mom!

  67. Last year during the novena to the Holy Spirit leading up to the Pentecost I asked for a baby boy. My son has four sisters and was desperately wanting a brother. I was 19 weeks pregnant when this year’s novena to the Holy Spirit started. I prayed for a healthy baby (hopefully a boy). On day 7 of this novena I had an ultrasound that revealed a healthy baby boy. Thank you Holy Spirit!

  68. My prayer was for my son whose career path had changed greatly. I asked that a new door be opened for him, and when it did, he would recognize the opportunity. I give thanks now for prayers answered.

  69. I felt there was a difference in me with gentleness, kindness,and self control. Thank you for sending me this novena. I look for to more in the future.

  70. I have been praying for my Confirmation class that will receive the sacrament tomorrow, on Pentecost Sunday! Last night at rehearsal, I asked a young man if he was ready. He gave the typical rolling teenager eyes and a small grunt, but it was his mother that said, “Yes. Just yesterday he went to confession in anticipation for his confirmation.” I was SO delighted to hear that. Answered prayers! I’m just casting the net…I didn’t expect to hear an answer as great as that!

  71. During this novena I prayed that I would know the Lord’s will regarding the timing of my retirement. He made it clear that He wants me to continue to work. He knows best.

  72. I don’t know if our prayers for this Novena are being answered — but it seems to be pointing in that direction. Several things came together during this novena. Nine days ago, I had no idea we would be looking at an entirely different treatment option for my husband that may add more time to his life. My daughter’s appointment was moved from next week to this week and the problem she has does not seem to be serious anymore. I asked for us to grow closer to God through the Holy Spirit and my husband and I were asked to be Confirmation sponsors for a Confirmation that occurs tonight, during a vigil Mass on the Feast of Pentecost. I pray that these things are signal graces letting us know our prayers are being answered. I pray that the indelible mark on our souls, made at our own Confirmations, will light up with the Power of the Holy Spirit tonight as we help bring a young lady into the adulthood of her faith.

  73. My daughter had a safe delivery & we were blessed with a beautiful healthy granddaughter. Praise God!

  74. I have gotten the help and direction I need to help my grandkids to heal.
    Thank you Holy Spirit! My prayer is is on it’s way to realization! I also feel a sense of peace that I didn’t have when this awful problem arose it ugly head! The devil will be defeated in this!

  75. Two major issues were resolved this week during this novena. The Holy Spirit has shown me the power of prayer and just how important faith and trust is in our daily lives. Pray Pray Pray and trust in God. Amen

  76. My faith has so deepened by this novena…I had never really realized before that all my graces and strengths against the devil come from the Holy Spirit…Come Holy Spirit keep my armour against all that is not good shiny and strong…Amen

  77. I had asked for prayers for my friend’s sister who has cancer and was given two weeks to live (because of the area it is in they can cut it out or perform chemo) and the tumor she has is getting smaller and she is doing much better! Thanks be to God for His helping hand! Thank you for all your prayers as well!

  78. I do a novena each time you provide them but this one was exceptional.
    1/2 way through I discovered that I have allowed myself to be mistreated because I make excuses for people’s SIN, I never had the heart to stand-up for myself because I couldn’t find an effective way to make it known that I wasn’t going to allow this type of behavior. So, I would stomach the pain (usually through binge eating) and try to convince them that I wasn’t worthy of this behavior.
    My final challenge was with my “rich-atheist” brother. He caused so much pain to me and my boys this week that I finally had no other choice but to stand up to my 43 year bully. The TRUTH flowed eloquently and all of his allegations and sinful ways ended. He always felt justified because I was too weak to stand up to him, but seeing the HUGE change in me stopped him in his tracks and left him speechless.
    I would like to thank the Holy Spirit for being my advocate and gracing me with the gentleness of being able to finally stand up for the truth.
    Thank you also for providing this for us all, your efforts are helping many many people. ~God Bless

  79. Day 3’s message and prayer of Peace came at just the right time since my niece was killed in a car accident the night before. The message and prayer for Peace helped to calm me on that day – thank you.

  80. This novena rekindled my love and belief in the wonders of the Holy Sprit. Faith is truly the most important belief a Catholic or any person can have when seeking God’s intervention and help. The nine day Pentecost Novena, which captured the wonders and compassion of the Holy Sprit in simple language, strengthen the beauty and inter peace of having strong faith through prayer.

  81. I was recently laid off my teaching position in April due to school budget and low student enrollment. I prayed for a re-location and new employment. I accepted a managers position in Tampa and I have family there.

  82. My daughter received a job interview. I thank the Holy Spirit and will continue in my prayers to the Holy Spirit, I feel like I have found a new and very dear friend.

  83. Complete healing of dry eye, protection from any eye disease causes blindness. Thanksgiving in Jesus name. Amen protection

  84. Yes! One of my daughters-in-law is pregnant. It is still early in the pregnancy. I will continue to pray and believe that God does answer our prayers. His will, not ours, be done. Never cease praying!