Answered Prayers from the Immaculate Conception Novena, 2017

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Immaculate Conception NovenaThank you for joining us in praying the Immaculate Conception Novena! If you have had any prayers answered throughout this novena, please share those with us all below!


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  1. Prayed for my daughter to find a job. In the middle of Novena, she had an interview, and a few days after the Novena received and offer and secured employment. Thank you. Keep the Faith – always.

  2. I thank God for all the Graces, after praying this novena i experienced blesssings in my life and in my family. I thank God for
    answering my prayers and have blessed my son with a job. glory to God always. Mother mary pray for us. AMEN

  3. My prayer for my daughter is a work in progress and I keep praying that it will come to good conclusion. God has shown me
    Hope. I’M still praying.

  4. My endless gratification to our blessed mother for listening and answering my prayer. My grandson had knee surgery and his recovery has been amazing.

  5. I thank God for helping to reduce the stress in my week for this incredibly difficult process I am going through. I have seen God’s mercy and compassion this week and I am so grateful! Thank you God our Father, Jesus my Brother and Mary the Queen of Heaven and our Mother.

    God bless you all.

  6. My pray wasn’t answered but I trust God will answer in the right time.. God is amazing and I won’t lose hope. Thank u to pray more novenas’s for helping me remain in FAITH! God Bless

  7. Both my husband and daughter were out of work. Within a week after praying , they both received offers of employment. God hears our prayers and answers them with beautiful reassurance!

  8. Immaculate Mary, Thank you my prayers have been answered I prayed this Novena for my daughter and son-in-law to both find jobs as they had both lost Their’s recently. The Lord must have had a new path for them in their life , shortly after they lost their jobs they both have found new jobs and a new direction in their life. Thank you again lmmaculate Mary And Our Lord Jesus.

  9. Many many thanks to our blessed mother for the safe delivery of our new grandchild and for the much needed help for our son in his job
    Oh Mary conceived without sin pray for us xxx

  10. Thanks to Mary, I raised money for my younger sister’s SSCE registration, now hustling for her 3terms school fees

  11. A few novenas ago, I prayed for my daughter to meet a nice man to love, and that he would love her just as much in return. It seems as though that prayer has been answered! It didn’t happen immediately after the novena, but it did happen! They seem to care deeply about each other, they have fun together, and are both very considerate of the other. I learned that novenas can really be answered. Thank you.

  12. While praying the novena I asked for the Holy Mother to please let me hear from my dear friend who is in another state by himself and is mentally ill. I didn’t know if he was dead or alive because I hadn’t heard from him in several months-I got a call from him 3 days ago! Thank you Jesus!

  13. I had been praying for forgiveness and to be able to forgive and see past and beyond things committed against me. I had a dream of a girl from a family and she was treating me as though we were friends again. This felt like a sign of forgiveness. I ant tomclear my heart of negativity.

  14. After praying for over 3 years, I heard from my daughter and she told me she has bought a bible and returned to church. Thank you Jesus.

  15. In June I discovered that I had some cysts in my breast that required biopsy. I prayed for healing. When I went to do a follow up ultrasound sound. One of the cysts that I had to do biopsy on had completely disappeared and other shrunk considerably . Thank you Jesus

  16. i was praying for a divine wisdom for a problem & a solution came even I could open up about it to family members for a better solution. Atleast I have some peace that it will be taken care of.

  17. Thank you mother Mary and all my fighting warriors for driving away all my bad tenants and finding new ones in my house. I thank you for getting some of my money from my debtors and I pray that you minister on them so that I can get my balance. Thank you for your protection on my family.

  18. Hello All
    I have done my First time Prayers from the 2017 Immaculate Conception Novena .

    I am very happy to say that I feel Blessed by Mother Mary and I am proud to say some of my intentions as pronounced in my Prayers with Regards to my Financial Difficulties I am Undergoing theses Days has received very positive/Successful Result and Blessing through the intercession of Mother Mary .
    I Honor Mother Mary .
    Thank You Lord Jesus and Mother Mary Please keep all of Us Blessed.

  19. I prayed for divine healing upon my parents and siblings, our lady did. it, she has restored absolute healing on all the sick in my house. am still praying the other intention will be fulfilled too.


  21. I was praying for safe delivery for my daughter in law who was diagnosed with a loose cord around the baby’s neck. through the intercession of our mother Mary, she delivered normally. I give honour to our dear Mother Mary help of Christians. Thank you Jesus.


  22. I was praying for my friend just diagnosed with cancer but instead learned that her husband suffered a stroke and is in coma at hospital. Both wonderful people and so much to suffer. Their suffering breaks my heart and I suffer along with them. Instead of answering my prayers our Lady decided to pile up on them. I am so heart broken and scared.

  23. Thank you Mama Mary for a successful liver cancer operation and amazingly fast recovery. I’m now at home after 5 days from my surgery on the eve of your birthday Dec7 and recuperating slowly but surely with some tolerable pain because of the wound. Thank you for interceding to your Son, my Lord Jesus to guide the hands of my surgical team in the strenuous 12-hr long operation. Mama Mary I love you & Praise the Lord Jesus Christ!


  24. I had been scheduled for an urgent lung operation after going through a series of test that confirmed that I had a mass in the lung, which the doctors feared that it could be cancerous. I joined the Divine Mercy and Immaculate Heart of Mary novena’s and on visiting the hospital for my last assessment on 5th December, the doctor after a series of tests informed me that I did not have to go for an operation but had my medication changed and put under monitoring for six months when I will be required to undergo a series of other tests to ascertain. I am so grateful that my prayers have been answered and still praying that after the six months, I am spared from that nightmare.

  25. Since praying this novena, I noticed that I have begun to relax more and take one day at a time. I was very stressed about a lot of family issues but have decided to put my trust in Mother Mary and feel visibly lighter. Thank you Our Lady. I love you

  26. Thanks very much to bein the group since i started i am less anxious about my renal health dialysis wad stopped my blood pressure its within normal,my nephew recovered well even discharged from hospital .

  27. My daughter had a safe journey home, I thank thee. Also Am a bit relaxed concerning my son’s issue the stress is receedingI know God will intervene and the case put to rest. Amen

  28. Dearest Lady of Immaculate Conception,
    Please continue to pray and through your powerful intercession to your beloved Son, Lord Jesus, humbly requesting and imploring that Lord Jesus will miraculously heal my sister, Irene Oh to get well soon. The tumour near her intestines be destroyed and disappeared by Jesus’ precious blood. Lord Jesus will give her a new intestines and replenish her with new and healthy cells into her body. Lord Jesus will also heal her of the numbness at the right side of her body from head to toe and heal her by giving her strong legs so that she is able to walk again and make her whole again. She will be very grateful to Lord Jesus by giving testimony to the peoples and glorify, honour and praise the Lord for healing her miraculously.
    Please also all of you to pray and strongly intercede to our beloved Mother Mary to pray for my sister, Irene Oh speedy recovery of her relapsed uterus cancer. Thank you very much for all your prayers. Amen.

  29. Thank you Jesus and dear Mother Mary,
    For interceding on behalf of my son and daughter- in- law.They have obtained a migrant visa to Canada. Thanks to all those who prayed the Novena with me.
    Praised be the Lord !!

  30. 2017 has generally been a very challenging year for us as a family. I lost my job, lost my father in law, relocated to work elsewhere leaving my family…almost became bankrupt! The list is quite endless. I was anxious all the time about what tomorrow presented. But after saying the Novena I am at peace. Thus far the Lord has brought me, He shall not fail me now. Thank you Mother for the peace that you have engulfed me with.

  31. I received a miracle on the last day of the novena and one of my prayer requests. I prepared really well for an exam but had an awful experience on the day. This exam was crucial. My passmark was the pass grade! So close. I am really grateful for the Grace .

  32. God is great!
    I was praying for conversion of my enemies at work. Mother Mary has given me the grace to love them and I feel peace in my heart. I so thankful to God that I can freely relate with even those that I know as my enemies. God has also blessed my business in abundance.
    Thank you Mama. I love you so much…I adore you! Continue interceding for your children.

  33. I have been praying earnestly for my sister who has been unemployed for about a year n after praying to you my dearest Mother, my sister as called for an interview and now I just heard she was called for the 2nd interview which I assume she would get the job. Mother I am so grateful to you for interceding n answering my humble prayers
    Yr loving daughter

  34. I prayed that i should never be out of work again, my current job is only 2 months old, and after i made some more applications i have a written state with one of the UN Agencies a post in a neighbouring country!!! I am hopeful that i will make it through, God is good and Novenas are good. Thank you all for your prayers

  35. Praise God Almighty & His Grace. Mary the Immaculate conception for your intercession prayers as my overseas job has been confirmed???????? Thank you Blessed Mary

  36. Specific petitions for two mothers who were hospitalized have been discharged and are recovering at home.

    The son of Cynthia who suffered persecution due to her hospitalization was vindicated. The Lord has truly touched hearts and healed not only physically but spiritually. Relationships were also healed.

    I asked the Blessed Mother for her intercession for these mothers for she too, is our own mother. I am so amazed by the power and love of the Lord for us. Jesus, i am humbled by Your favors through Mama Mary.

  37. Thank you Mother Mary for open my heart to my dad to bless my son Nicholas who`s four and a half years and he`s improving on his speech. He will speak fluently in the Mighty name of Jesus. Amen. Thank you mother for your passion.

  38. Profound healing in our marriage. Problems that have confronted us for years are being healed with God’s love and grace. Still more family healings needed, but it feels like we’re finally on the right path, praise God and thank the Blessed Mother. She was the one at Cana that noticed the wedding couple had no wine and her intercession brought about Christ’s healing and miracle. Praise be Jesus!

  39. Thank You so much cause for 4 years I pray for forgiveness with my daughter and we are now .thanks for all the merci a maman Marie.Glory C

  40. My prayers have been answered. My son and daughter in law are expecting a child. Thank you Immaculate Mary. Now. I will pray that they will turn to the Lord and Immaculate Mary for their health and the health of their baby. Thank you

  41. The Virgen Mary prayers novena has consived me a Law Firm to represent me in court. Also, I requested to Virgen Mary to help my daughter to move to Italy and her dream came true. I requested for me to find a job and I am confident that anytime soon I will receive a call from any employer

    Thank you for many blessings

  42. I wish to thank Mama Mary for helping us get back 2 bookings/assignments that had got cancelled. Without her powerful intercession we would have had a very big hole in our pockets. Thanks to all who joined in Novena & for praying for the intentions of all members of this Pray More Novenas community. God bless

  43. I prayed for an improved contract with promotion in my working life, and last week I got both in one bit. Thanks to our Wonderful and loving Mother Mary your kind prayers.

    I am still praying for infection that has refused to go away. Praying for total healing from Almighty God.

  44. Thank you Virgin Mary,

    I have got healed from the problem of hormonal imbalance problem which I was suffering from last 3 years and husband is started trusting Jesus. Thank you so much mama, I am finding peace in my family and more presence of Jesus.


  45. I have been praying for months for our son-in-law to find a job after being let go from the company he was with. The day after the novena was finished he was offered a position with a bigger company.
    Also after finding out that our daughter needed to have a hysterectomy because of a large tumor in her uterus, I started praying this novena that all would go well and she could heal both physically and mentally. She is recovering well. Thank you Blessed Mother!

  46. My prayers for my husband’s heath to improve has been answered. Thanks to our Wonderful and loving Mother and our Lord he is doing very well. Thanks Be Ti God

  47. I was praying for my sister that was on hospice that I could raise enough money for her burial but she died while still praying and still no one to help me. I have 6 other brothers and sisters but it’s the holidays and no one wants to give. I will continue to pray for God and Our Blessed Mother to send help. Beatrice passed on the 30 November. And she died here in my home. No one wanted to care for her. Please everyone keep my sister Beatrice in your prayers. Thank you so much God bless you all.

  48. Thankyou Mother Mary for being our mother and giving all blessing very specially for giving my daughter a new job and also a proposal for marriage hope she to will give a good answer and let it happen according to your will Amen

  49. My husband got and accepted a new job closer to home and with higher pay. This will enable him to be with the family more as well as send our son to Catholic high school next year. Thank you Lord! We have been praying for this for over 3 years!!!

  50. Lord, Jesus and Mary mother I want to say thank you for granting my husband visa to USA, I will continue to serve you forever and ever.

  51. I prayed my son would find employment, he starts a new job tomorrow, praise God!
    I prayed my daughter would find a solution to her financial situation, praise God she has.
    I continue to pray for them to find the Lord in their lives and I trust in the Lord to answer my prayer in His time..Amen

  52. Thank you God for answering my prayers. My surgery to remove a cancerous tumor in my pancreas was a success. The tumor was completely removed along with the spleen and part of the pancreas. I am now healing and getting ready for my next round of chemo. No other cancer was found during the surgery. May God be praised for his divine love and healing. Thank you Blessed Mother Mary, St Raphael, St Perrigrine, St Joesph, St Anthony, and St Padre Pio!!!!

  53. I praise God for healing for my father’s esophagus, blessings & healing of health for family members & the grace to take my time in getting to know a male friend as he came into my life at the end of the novena. Asking for blessings on our new friendship & for me not to fear .

  54. My son passed his Real Estate test after trying for a year. He is now a licensed Realtor and is working for ReMax. Praise to Blessed Mary!

  55. I prayed this novena for my daughter who had applied for a higher position at her job. My prayer was answered the very first day. Thank you Blessed Mother.

  56. Thanks for all of the people who prayed this novena. My prayers were answered. I asked that my son pass his nursing exams. And they were answered. God is so good all the time.

  57. After praying this Novena with my sister. She was finally able to find guidance of how to raise her son. She found the right advise and yyhe Virgen Mary providedd the path and the Grace to a embrace him with love and understanding. After 3 years he said the truth for the first time and and was able to speak up and understand the importance of sincerity.

  58. I been praying for protection for my family, adult children , grandkids and me, Patience and compassion for our 3 foster children (nieces and nephew) for my wife’s stress , frustration and illness. I want to Thank OUR Mother The Immaculate Heart Of Mary for helping with each and every one of them! And to please keep intercedeing for us by asking her SON OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST TO KEEP HELPING US. AMEN!

  59. Thank you to our Heavenly Mother for answering our prayers for our son to find a good job and just in time for Christmas.

  60. Our granddaughter was born on Dec. 3. Mother and baby are healthy after a high risk pregnancy and loss of a child last year. So grateful! Thank you Blessed Mother!

  61. my son called me out of the blue and said he will bring my grandson to see me. (something he has not done for a long time and did not bother to do). thank you for your prayers and God bless you all

  62. Thank you for hearing my prayer.After the complition of this novena I have got a job.Help me through out my life.Amen

  63. How can I begin to thank my holy mother and blessed savior for looking my direction in my failing business. I am still here!
    Praise you

  64. My son and I prayed the Novena asking Our Blessed Mother to restore his healing. On the Feast of the Immaculate Conception he heard the smoke detector in his kitchen for the very first time! Thank you, dear Mother for this small miracle.

  65. Thank you Mother Mary. My son’s diabetes health has improved after 1 1/2 years. I continue to pray that he will get better.

  66. Thank mama Mary Immaculate my nephew and my mother were sick I pray for healing and my prayers was answered. Thanks mama Mary thanks God They doing fine thanks

    My sister have been married for long time never got pregnant, but she was 3 weeks pregnant even though it was extra uterine pregnancy I thank God that the surgery was successful done.
    And I know God is showing us that he has the final saying. We will never give up. Mama Mary never fails , I know the good one is coming thank you mama mary for your intercession thanks Lord for answered ours prayers.
    God bless each one

  67. Prayers answered for my husband’s heart condition,my daughter’s biopsy and my son’s MRI…..Thank you,Blessed Mother

  68. to Immaculate ,sana po matulungan mo po kami na magkaroon nang anak..salamat po sa lahat nang biyaya n binigay mo sa amin…

  69. I asked for help to forgive completely something terrible my husband did and for healing in our marriage. After almost two years of trying to forgive but not being able to, I woke up one morning after the novena and felt complete forgiveness in my heart. Praise God and thank you, Blessed Mother!!!!

  70. Thank you most a Immaculate Conception for a pain-free gall bladder surgery. I have also learned along the way to eat healthier and in smaller portions. The best food is the HolyEucharist! Amen.

  71. One of my intentions was given to me yesterday after praying the novena, I got two job offers! God is indeed the most powerful!

  72. Thank you for everything Lord and Mama Mary esp. for healing my mother and father and the gift of life, peace,love and understanding and success of work in the family.

  73. I had a mild stroke last Nov 23 wc paralyzed my left foot n hand. In God’s grace, n thru the the intercession of Mama Mary, n thru d prayers of family n friends, I am getting better everyday, although I still need more therapy to make my left hand n foot to function the way they shd.

    The amazing thing that happened is that, the first mass I was able to attend after the mild stroke is during the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception. God is really good n work wonders thru the intercession of Mama Mary. Thank you Lord, thank you Mama Mary.

    God Bless us all!

  74. Thank you Mother of Immaculate Conception for all the prayers granted.
    My grandson Jayden has attended the all the appointments that were scheduled for him and is now getting the treatment to help him with the behavioral problems he was exhibiting in school at at home. Also for our son Michael to contact us. He sent us an email yesterday and he texted his Dad for his 65th birthday. It’s a start and we are very grateful. Thank you Mother. Thank you for also answering the prayers of all those you pray this Novena with me. Please continue to Bless John-Paul and Annie who always brings these Novena to us and keep us united in prayers.
    Thank you. Thank you for helping my husband to stop tormenting me.
    God Bless

    • Thank you Mother for all you have done for my family and I.I pray mother of Jesus to heal me from my distress and to console me after the loss of my Brother on December 13.Thank you Mother for my mother eyes surgery,my son and my daughters.

  75. We finally have an offer on our house!! This is the third time we have listed our house. Praying that the sale goes smoothly! God is answering our prayers in His time.

  76. My prayer was to help with a financial burden that seemed to be looming but the expense has been lowered and will be handable! Thank you Jesus!

  77. I wish to thank Holy Mother Mary Harrah for intervening in a marriage that could have been a disaster.
    The engagement is off Thanks be to God.

  78. After receiving an offer on our home in August we had experienced 5 postponed closings and were on the verge of giving up since it had been on the market for 24 mos. During the novena we received yet another closing date which happened to be the last day of the novena. The sale was finalized that day! God is good!

  79. I would like prayers for the kids because I have 4 but one is sick from the heart and he got very sad, since then he started smoking weed more and he’s had a very bad time with friends and jobs. My husband and I have lots of problems with money because of our jobs that we can sometimes pay our bills and sometimes not So we Are always behind So I’m asking for prayers in my family health and money. I would also like to pray for my husband and my son to get closer to God too. Thank you Jackie

  80. Thank you Holy Mother Mary I had to move my mum to a new location closer to
    Us and my mum was not happy. But we got a place and moved her in and she is very happy. I luv ya mother Mary. Pray for us that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ!!

  81. I am thànking God for my sister got a job offer after almost 3 years. Immaculate Conception novenà is truly powerful. Thank you Jesus