Answered Prayers from the Immaculate Conception Novena, 2017

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Immaculate Conception NovenaThank you for joining us in praying the Immaculate Conception Novena! If you have had any prayers answered throughout this novena, please share those with us all below!


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  1. My daughter was on anti depressants for a year with a lot of side effects. I have been praying to Mother Mary to help her get off them and during the Novena I found out that my daughter had already made a decision to go off the meds and has seen a remarkable improvement in her mental health. I know that this was impossible without the prayers and intercession of our Blessed Mother. Thank you Blessed Mother for all keep my family and me in your care.

  2. My eldest daughter was facing the fact of having no place to live outside of a motel. She has multiple health issues and things seemed bleak. After the Immaculate Heart of Mary Novena, we have learned she has a very good chance of a nice appartment which will fill her and her son’s needs. It is not a certainty yet, but I have faith that my prayers have been answered. God bless all.
    Anna May

  3. Just really hoping for health and happiness for everyone especially family and that a couple main subjects go well in regards to health and finances. Praying for everyone on earth that we all can continue to show the God in us and do good things.

  4. Received a small job I needed for housing. I’m grateful for the job and pay. I am still unable to afford a place but I wait on the Lord and my Mother Mary to show me the way in a positive mindset! Thank you heavenly Mother for the babysitting job! Love you!!

  5. In part, I prayed for our children’s spiritual well being, and our son determined that he needed to go to reconciliation to prepare for Christmas and to seek grace!! Thank you Momma Mary!

  6. Thank you for me having the courage to leave the house and celebrate my grandaughter’s pantomime and managing the things l need to do for Christmas. In the name of the father. Amen.

  7. I have been unemployed for almost a year and had never even landed an interview. Immediately after the novena, I got a call from a recruiter scheduling me for an interview! I know our Mother Mary will intercede for me to get the job! Amen!

  8. Please reunite me and my soulmate Christopher back together. It has been 3 long months and life is to short to miss a single day together. It is our destiny we are meant to be together and be united as one


  9. Thank you dearest Mother, for all answered prayers. Thank you for healing of my family and household and also blessing my business. Thank you Jesus.

  10. I have been looking for a teaching position since August. On the 3rd day of the novena, 12/1, I received a voicemail about a teaching position out of the blue. The job wasn’t even posted yet and my qualifications fit perfectly! Over the course of the novena I had an interview and a second interview this past Monday. Today, 12/13, I was offered the position!

    Thank you, Mary for your intercession! God is good!

  11. Please help my daughter get into a medical school that she feels would be good for her. Help reduce her anxiety and give her the strength…and my son to continue to reach their goals in their studies.
    Thank you for all their blessings. Thank you.

  12. Thank You mama Mary for answering my prayers. My family were torn apart. With the help of this Novena God has Blessed me and answered my prayer. My family has come back. A happy family now. Thank you mamma Mary for interceding with your son our Lord Jesus Christ.


  13. My older sister double mastectomy was a blessing no other cancer found. No need for chemo nor radiation
    She is cancer free.

  14. Christ your kingdom come..i am grateful to God because my beloved mother land Kenya is experiencing lots of political peace….This was a long awaited prayer request from Kenyans and i am glad our peaceful God has granted this…Thank you Jesus
    .Thank you dearest mother Mary.
    God bless you

  15. My thanks and gratitude to the Immaculate Conception novena, my pain in my body much much better and I feel more relax and calm. Thank God for helping me.

  16. My prayers have been answered because my doctor said my cancer was still there and that the treatment is not working but after this novena I went back on Monday it was a different story . My cancer is reducing massively and my consultant is very happy with the way the treatment is working. Thank u Lord Jesus and mother Mary. Please continue to pray for me and my family.

  17. Please pray for the sale of my Deli. we worked so hard for over 30 years , and sacrifice so much. We don’t have the strength anymore. Please make it a wonderful 2018. Thank you and God Bless.

  18. Theresa – I thank God Almighty and Our Lady Immaculate Conception, St Joseph, St Martin de Porres and other Saints on Dec 8th, my daughter got a job she wanted! Its one of my prayer requests. To God be the glory. Thank you all.

  19. My condo sold after a nervous two months in the market. Thank you mother Mary for your protection and blessed be the name of the lord Jesus Christ, my savior!!!

  20. please keep us in your positive thoughts and prayers as we’ve been trying to conceive for a year and just found out we miscarried. i am hoping next month will be our month as i truly believe timing is everything

  21. My brother Mike just passed his swallow test so that he can now eat solid food for the first time since his neck surgery in August. Mary intervened in a way I didn’t even think to ask for! Thank you, Jesus!

  22. After the first day of the Novena, part of my prayers was answered.
    A project my son was working on went through without a hitch.
    Praise God

  23. Thank you Mother Mary for healing deeper faith and reliance on God through Jesus in everything. And Thank you for improved relationships in my son’s job.

  24. I prayed to receive positive doctor’s report on an issue that I have been dealing with for over a year. I received that today. Thank you, Mary, for asking your son’s help for me.

  25. I am grateful to God for answering all our brothers and sisters prayers. Indeed our God never fails. Thank you sweet Mother Mary.
    I kindly seek your assistance in joining me in prayers, for God’s divine healing on my back pains that has lingered for years.
    More so, praying for the fruit of the womb.

  26. Thanks to Our Lady of The Immacukate Conception. My husband was healed from the effects of low red blood count. He no longer needs the massive remediation that causes inconveniences, apprehensions and financial concerns.

  27. My mother has overcome her sleep problem and now she’s ok, she’s been having a good night rest..Thank you Mama Mary for taking care of my family while I’m away. I know that you’ve been praying for me and my intentions. Thank You Jesus!!

  28. My grandson has joined AA and now has a sponsor. He has been sober for a month. He is feeling better and doing better in other areas as well. He still needs prayers for his legal problems to be resolved without a felony conviction. Thanks for your prayer support! Blessings….to all….

  29. During this Novena, I prayed for clarity related to a relationship. The Lord showed me that we are both very compatible and we share lovingly. It was an eye opener! Thank you Blessed Mother. I am always under your Mantle

  30. Since the praying of the novena I at peace with everything. I worry less and pray with hope that it may not be today but when the time is right God will answer my prayers. I fear less and understands how God talks to me and I’m grateful for that. I also learned that God is always there in every situation be it good or bad. Thank you Mother of nations mother of God.

  31. I was praying for a friend’s daughter who is rebelling about going to Mass and being part of the the church. Some situations have happened over the last week where her eyes have been opened and she has apologized to her parents for her remarks. Please cont. to pray for her Our Dear Mother Mary!

  32. I do not know if my novena was answered but I thank God and my dear Mother Mary.
    Everything will come in God’s Time!

  33. Half of my prayers were answered, my hubby got to keep his license, now we need for prayers for this house we have been paying on rent to own will be ours, and for my hubby to calm down and find peace within himself, thank you Lord Jesus, blessed Mother, St Jude, St Joseph, St Anthony, Padre Pio, Father Cielious, St Anne, St Tereas the Little Flower, St Eugene of Mazenod and all the sts and Angels for answering and working on my prayers, Amen, very Blessed

  34. I have been praying for my daughter’s fiance to come into the faith after having been exposed to no religion in his life (in China). He is much closer to being ready for sacraments of initiation.

  35. God is good! My prayers have been answered, and I am finally out of the woods with debilitating depression, anxiety, and stress.

  36. Our house, after being on the market for several months is now under contract. I’ve had so many little revelations over the last few novenas that signal that a prayer was answered in some way. Perhaps not what I originally prayed for, but answered, nonetheless.
    Thank you from me and thank you to all who pray these novenas. Great comfort in knowing that so many people are praying for each other.

  37. We relocated to a different city and were concerned for the ease of the transition. I prayed for a smooth move, ability to find a nice place to live and the ability to find jobs in our new city. Not long after the novena, we were accepted into our new apartment, each found very good jobs and the move was fairly seemless. I thank our prayer warriors and Mother Mary for praying with me and for us. Thankfully, we are settling into our new location and are very excited about our future.

  38. I prayed my wife’s CANCER would be low grade and cureable, we met our doctors today and they told her she only has stage 1, which is 100 percent cureable. The Blessed Virgin answered my prayers for sure. Glory to her and Jesus forever and ever

  39. I had a surgery on Dec 11, 2017, a few days after the last Novena. I am happy and eternally grateful that the surgery was a success. My prayer was answered.

  40. The son (18 years old) of a very dear friend of mine developed serious complications after an appendectomy. He had to have another operation and went into cardiac rest and has a result suffered serious brain damage. He has been in a coma for 5 weeks and although he has a long way to go we are finally seeing signs of improvement.

    We had all been praying for some sign before Christmas.

    I prayed this novena because I knew that as a Mother, Our Lady would understand.

    Thank you Our Lady. Thank you sweet Jesus.

  41. With the Blessed Mother’s help, my husband and I just found out we are almost 5 weeks pregnant with our first child after trying to conceive for over a year and a half. Praise God, Jesus, and Mary ❤️

  42. Have been praying that if it is God’s wish mu son and his wife be able to adopt a child. Our payer was answered and they now have a beautiful little boy.

    Thank you God for your blessings on my family.

  43. One of my prayer intentions for this novena was confirmed effective on 8th day. Mother Mary keep interceeding for my family and I. Amen

  44. For 7 years two of my brothers hadn’t spoken to each other. Last week they sat down together and had coffee and visited. It went very well.

  45. My son who is 16 years old finally got an interview for his first job! I want him to stay busy holiday season, and learn more responsibility. All in God’s time.

  46. Thank you Holy Mother! I asked for my daughter-in-law to get the teaching job closer to home so she could spend more time with her babies and less time traveling to her job. Prayers answered! My grandchildren will benefit greatly from this answered pray! All glory Holy Mother!

    • Thank God for answered prayers. I’ve been having problems with my older brother who I live with. Lately God has given me peace and my brother has been behaving much better. After praying for a while for someone special, a certain man I like called me up and we’ve been seeing each other ever since.

  47. I have been saying novena for 3 weeks to help guide my adult son and bring him to the lord. I have seen much improvement, yet he still needs our prayers.

    Thank you

  48. God is good, and our impossible situations he turns them into possible situations. During the Immaculate Conception Novena, i was praying for my husband whose work contract is ending on the 31st of December 2017, asking our Mother Mary Most Holy, to bless his with another work contract. On the 8th of December, the day we were celebrating the Immaculate Conception of our Mother, my husband received his appointment letter, offering him 5 years work contract, being on the 1st of January 2018. Thank you Mother Mary Most Holy, for answering my prayers.

  49. I prayed for having benefactors to have our parish Rectory done! As it were, Mother Mary is always concerned atleast someone is coming to my aid and I pray for God’s choicest blessings upon all who will assist in God’s work.

  50. While praying to Mother Mary during the Novenas, I am blessed with less pain and more patience. She s blessing me to concentrate on the reason for the season, Jesus. Praise God, Thank You Jesus, Virgin Mary and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

  51. Praise God for his mercy! My husband recovered from his congestion and both my children were able to do their exams well. Thank you Mother Mary for your intercession for us!I’m so thankful and full of praise. Thank you all who prayed this Novena

  52. I was do sick with sinus infection, flu, and complications from a recent surgeries. After submitting my prayer, I was at 100% in a couple of days. Praise God for praying with me during this novena.

  53. God is good!… God has a plan and I can see it more clearly now….Thank you Mother Mary for your intercession!
    Thank you all who have prayed and please continue praying!!!!

  54. We prayed the Immaculate Conception Novena for our son who has been struggling with finances as well as feeling in a place of desolation. He recently received a surprise financial blessing and is also beginning to see his living situation in a new light. Thank you, Mother Mary, for your protection and guidance! Praise be to Jesus!

  55. My sister was going through a divorce and I asked the Immaculate Mary to help save her marriage,as I speak now her divorce proceedings have stopped,i also prayed for my husband to stop with the heavy drinking and thanks to the immaculate Mary he decreased his drinking rate…

  56. “My son and my husband now have a new beginning. Our prayers were answered a few days into the novena. Both my husband and my son have struggled with addiction and thru the power of the novenas and many prayers they are both starting over with a new life. Thru the power of prayer they were released from their addiction and all charges were dropped. For this is a miracle! Thank you Immaculate Mother, Sacred Heart of Jesus and all the angles and saints! I can not explain the overwhelming sense of peace that my heart has. Thru mercy and grace our family has been blessed with a gift. Amen!”

  57. We have received good news on our Canadian immigration application and should have an approval response this month.
    My husband also got a new contract this year, after a full year of no job.
    I’m so thankful and full of praise.

  58. Thank you for helping me with my job situation not show that he is not better than anyone and what they are doing is wrong hopefully he will let it be a wake up call not to continue treat people wrong and abuse their power and senority

  59. I lost my job six months Ago and after praying this novena l got a better job offer with higher pay!! Thank you God. My sister in law made it back to Europe safely after visiting us. Praise and honor be unto you Lord! Amen

  60. After several years my daughter reached out to her father and forgave him and they now have a relationship! And God has brought a Christian friend into her life!
    God is on the move !

  61. Thank you, Mary! I have been praying for many peoples’ needs and at least two of them were answered during this novena. I’m so very thankful for your divine graces.

  62. This novena has help my mother recover from her knee surgery. And we were so desperately looking for a home nurse and with this novena everything fell in place on the right time. Love you mother Mary. Praise you Jesus!

  63. Thankful for answered prayers. Elderly relatives are in process of moving to assisted living facility where they will be safe & looked after!

  64. Thank you Mother. Our daughter is now pregnant after several miscarriages. She is expecting twins. We continue to seek your help during this pregnancy and after. ???? MOM

  65. Thank you mother for answering my prayers everyday. Allowing me to learn, grow and face every challenges that I have faced at my new job.

  66. Thank you, dear Mother for praying and interceding for us that we make the right decision over relocation and job transfer. Please continue to pray for us as we make the Christmas novena to help us cope with the change.

  67. My husband and I had a serious disagreement and the situation kept getting worse.
    I’m happy to report that the situation has greatly improved, thanks to Our Lady of Immaculate Conception.

  68. How I love the Lord with my whole heart.
    A praying the novena of the IMMACULATE CONCEPTION a few days later my daughter had a job interview one she waited for
    a long time, my prayer was answered,she was offered the job.
    Thanks to Paul and Annie. my prayer friends at Pray-more- novena, but most of all Praise and thank the Lord, and the Immaculate Conception.

  69. Please help me with getting the heat/air conditioner replace asap, I need money to pay bills desperately for bills, and help with peace of mind 74 years and struggling so hard, please please help me I have no heat to keep warm, please please help me no money to buy anything, broke please please. thank you for the blessings I do have. In Jesus amen Amen.

  70. God is good, thank you Mother Mary.
    I prayed for a good source of income for my family and now there are a lot of hopeful promises that we might have to even have options to chose from the different job offers coming.
    May God’s name be praised forever and I believe that HE who has begun this good work will see it to a wonderful end. Amen!

  71. After being out of work and looking for a new job, today I heard from 2 companies I sent in my resume for and have 2 interviews tomorrow. Praying for results I can start at one of these companies soon.
    Thank you for your prayers and a permanent employment for a long time. Thank you my precious Mother Mary for answering my prayers. You are wonderful!

  72. my Wife and I Thank you Mother Mary for interceding on our behalf. I feel very gratified that my wife, Nicholla was successful in her driving test. She now has her driver’s permit, after trying for more than five years. Her confidence level while driving on the street has increased tremendously and miraculously. I pray that you and your son Jesus Christ continue blessing our family.
    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

  73. Our dear Mother, the ninth day of our the Novena, my friend loaned me some money for one month to meet my basics, l had nothing with me, thank you our dear mother

  74. I have been praying for peace for when my son and his family move in with me. Not only do I have peace but I also have positive thoughts of how this will be a wonderful learning experience for all of us!! Thank you God!!

  75. Praise report! I had been praying that the good Lord would bring forth employment. I asked for a healthy environment, one where I can flourish, be productive, feel good about my contributions and appreciated. An environment that is overall positive and down-to-earth. I was given a job offer and I accepted. My belief is that prayers are answered in God’s timing. It had been just over a year. During that time I spent a lot of time with the Lord and it was the best thing that happened to me. I pray that all goes well in my new position and I pray for all of you to have a very blessed Christmas season and new year! I am very thankful for Pray More Novenas and I am enjoying the Advent Retreat. It had been so inspiring and I am learning so much. God bless you all!

  76. Thank you so much our awesome God and Mother Mary for answering my prayers for my niece who is now pregnant after trying for two years.I am so grateful to God.Thank you Jesus.


  77. Oh most Virgin Mother, thank you for intervening on my behalf. Your strong prayer, added to the voice of others have allowed me to continue life here on earth.
    God is good!

  78. Since I started this novena all my anxiety has gradually disappeared and things are gradually falling into place. Thank you Blessed Mother for your intercession.

  79. My son has finally received medical card n mental health care after years of going untreated ! He and his girlfriend have gotten jobs and the Lord’s Word which is spoken daily in our home is being actively listened to, after years of eye rolling. Thank you Holy Mother and all the saints, for bringing my petitions to Our Dear Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen.