Answered Prayers from the St. Rita Novena

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Thank you for joining us in praying the St. Rita Novena!

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered, please share those with us all below.

To God be all the glory!

We are continuing to pray for you & your needs.

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  1. Before and during their novena I was incredibly home from well with many things happening in my life. My daughter needed a job, my husband‘a business has been failing, my own job was in jeopardy due to company layoffs, the lease on my apartment was due to be renewed and our pet was incredibly sick and we were considering putting him down. I was so overwhelmed one day when I was telling my mother I wasn’t sure I could handle everything that was on my plate and she said why don’t you just offer it up. I thought about that and decided to take an actual plate and on it place pictures of the things on my mind : a picture of a dog, picture of an apartment picture of a job, my own business card . Miraculously, Within just a couple days we took our dog to the vet and he suggested we try a new medication that has greatly helped, the management in our leasing department at the building where we live suggested that we wait till the middle of February to determine if we were going to be moving and I knew (though they didn’t) that by February 6 I would know if I had a job… And my daughter got a fabulous job. Saint Rita has really come through for us! and my daughter got a fabulous job. Saint Rita Truly heard my prayers and acted as intercessor. All things are possible with A belief that He is in control!

  2. My son was in hospital with chest cold and wheezing. I prayed to St. Rita and she heard my prayers and healed my son. He has been discharged. Thank you St. Rita.

  3. First and foremost I did not know a lot about St. Rita but while this novena was going on I just trusted in God’s mercy that he would use her as a great helper. And boy was she! After many months of looking for a job I was finally offered a position that will be beneficial to my career. While it may take time to grow in the position itself I am just thankful that God allowed St. Rita to work with me during this difficult time. Thank you, St. Rita!

  4. My youngest son got a second interview with a State agency which he wanted and I have continued to pray for. Hoping for his employment with them as I keep praying. Also for my 2 yr. old granddaughter who became very ill with influenza B that was not treated for by the E.R. doctor then got Strep throat days later, double the misery she endured. I prayed for her recovery, and treatment, she is so much better now. Thank You St. Rita for many prayers answered and Merciful Almighty God.

  5. My husband had been going through testing for cancer. The
    tests came back positive but is was a stage 1. The doctor says it is curable. Thank you Saint Rita for your intercession!

  6. My daughter was preliminarily diagnosed with a dangerous and progressive skin condition. Prayers were that God would protect her from the condition, heal her completely,
    And that all the blood tests would come back with no trace of the virus and resulting condition. ALL TESTS CME BACK NEGATIVE.

    Praise be to God now and forever!!

  7. I paryed for a career change, I did a training and got certified to practice but I had no prior experience for this role. So I prayed St Rita Novena and I got shortlisted for 2 interviews with really big organisations, I went for the interviews and I got offered the two jobs on the 8th day of my second set of St Rita Novena I got response form both companies with job offers and coincidentally the same start date. I am so grateful to God and this has futher increased my faith and I can proudly say that nothing is impossible for God. Thank you St Rita.

  8. Thank you to St. Rita. My aunt was so hesitant to put her affairs in order. After making a novena to St. Rita she decided to see a lawyer and put all her affairs in place. Thank you mama St. Rita for all your help. It was an impossible situation and you came through indeed.

  9. I was on day 7 praying the novena after praying the novenas to st Jude and st perigrine i prayed to st Rita for my brother who was diagnosed with brain cancer his last appt 6 weeks ago showed the tumor had grown but on day 7 he called me and his tumor has shrunk 95 percent so thank you God for hearing st Rita’s prayers my husdband died 5 months ago after 45 years of marriage so my brothers cancer was very hard on me I thank you all for your prayers my brothers name is Ruben please pray for his conversion

  10. I was unable to find a new apartment in a safe neighborhood with all of my requirements, and within days of beginning the St. Rita Novena I found one, it was more than I could have asked for, and I got in immediately. Thank you, St. Rita, for a wonderfully answered prayer!

  11. St. Rita have heard our prayers during this novena and have taken it to our lord. We have just received the news of Kidney transplant match for my wife which was one of the intentions during this novena.
    Thank you St. Rita, Thank you Jesus, Thank you God- Father in Heaven.
    Blessed be God in Heaven and all his Angel’s and Saints. Thank you Mother Mary -Queen of the most Holy Rosary.

  12. My 40 yr old brother wants to get confirmed! I have been praying he would come back into the church for 20 years. Thank you St Rita!! Also my marriage has become better. Better communication on both our parts. God is good.

  13. I had several intentions, one of which was a difficult situation at work. By the special grace of God and the intercession of Saint Rita, I was able to manage the situation and come out Successful.

  14. St. Rita answered my prayers in every little way possible. I have bern praying so hard about my career and my accomplishments to soar high and increase my performance in terms of productivity and meeting my monthly goals at work. Seemingly and with a lot of faith in her, I saw her intercession on day 2 of our prayer. I noticed a lot of improvements in my productivity each and every day at work. Everytime I see her intercede I thanked her always. I talk to her every moment of great accomplishments at work. Truly St. Rita had answered my prayers. Glory to her and my Lord Jesus Christ!

  15. My son and I got into an argument 16 months ago and I haven’t heard from him since. He changed his number and his location and I haven’t been able to find him. My heart is broken and I struggle everyday. I miss him terribly. My faith keeps me going. After I prayed St. Rita’s novena I found where my son lives. I haven’t been to his house yet because I’m afraid of his reaction but I’m praying over that for now. Thank you St. Rita for helping me find his location 🙏

  16. This Novena site has been a blessing for me. I pray all the novenas and I pray each one for my children and grandchildren, and then for myself.
    If you have ever lived with an Addict or Alcoholic then you know why I pray every day and every Novena I pray for the Addicts/Alcoholics in my life. I pray for my grandchildren that the cycle does not effect their lives in the long run.
    Prayers have been answered so profoundly!
    I just want to say that prayer works. thru the intercession of these holy saints and thru vigilant prayer I have seen miracles that I thank God for everyday!

  17. My son from the military is in need of a job and reconciliation with his wife.
    After the Novena, he received an unsolicited invitation to a job fair for veterans. He and his wife are receiving mediation and are looking forward to reuniting in a couple of months. Blessed be God. Thank you St. Rita.
    As well, my husband and I were put into a situation where we both agree it’s time for us to find ways to grow in our relationship as well.

  18. My nephew is finally taking the steps to get out of his abusive relationship. He is also re-developing a supportive relationship with his mom and dad! Thank you.

  19. For three years now, I’ve been hoping and praying for the sale of our family property. Through the powerful intercession of St Rita, my prayers have been answered. The property was sold on the 5th day of the Novena. Thank you, St. Rita. Thank You, God Almighty!

  20. During the St.Rita Novena we prayed for my Grandmother’s leg to be healed from a blood clot and specifically asked that it be dissolved. On day 8 my grandmother called to tell us her leg was healed, the blood clot was completely gone. Thank you St.Rita for your most holy intercession!

  21. God I give thanks to you,through st.Rita one of my prayer request was granted and I believe the rest will also be answered.Thank you st.Rita for your intercession.amen

  22. After I prayed the St Rita Novena one of my prayers would be that my eyes would clear up and they have. Thank you St.Rita Novena , Lord God almighy.

  23. Dearest St. Rita, please heal and protect my family and I.

    Please heal us of fibromyalgia, TMJ, pinched nerves, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, depression, anxiety, allergies, asthma, arthritis and colon problems.

    Please help our son as he seeks to find employment with God loving people.

    Thank you Jesus, Mary and St. Rita.

  24. My husband had been kidnapped for 3 days and under great torture physically, emotionally and spiritually but through the st Rita novena The kidnappers released him in good health. GLORY TO GOD.

  25. I want to thank St.Rita for reuniting me and my
    Grand-daughter. I prayed for 9 days and my prayers were answered. I am walking in Gratitude every day for this miracle.

  26. I wish to share the miracle witnessed through St Rita novena. Last year we agreed to make St Rita novena as the small Christian community of St bakhita at St Andrews Catholic Church Rironi towards our jumuiya harambee. The church subjected us to raise ksh 300,000 and we targeted 500,00, then through St Rita novena we managed to raise 508,000 at jumuiya levelits working I’m a witness.

  27. Yesterday I was reading others testimonies about Saint Rita, I was inspire by how St Rita intervened on others people by their testimonies, so I decided to plead on St Rita to intervened in restoring Peace between and amongst my brothers and sisters. Today We are at peace and we spoke as if there has never been any problems. Thank you St Rita for interceding my prayers to God, and I want to plead on you once again to please intercede on my procedures to successfully be Accepted to God in Heaven and on Earth in Jesus Mighty name, Amen. Please I await God miraculous Blessings upon my documents, and my sister documents and also God protections in my Family in Jesus Christ Blood and Name, Amen. Thank you St Rita.

  28. I prayed during the novena to st Rita to come to our aid not to be kicked out of our home.. At the last minute we raised money to move to another place. At Rita wonder worker

  29. We’ve done 4 failed fertility treatments. This month we were out of town and couldn’t do the fertility treatment. I said the St Rita novina and we just got a positive pregnancy test.

  30. My relationship had gone bad very bad…
    I was praying for restoration and this Novena has just done it.
    I thank God for allowing it to happen..
    Am having good times now..
    And iam happy again..
    Thanks to st Rita..

  31. My cousin had suffered from cancer for four years and her courage, optimism and hope had been an inspiration to all the family. The cancer spread and she was in great pain. I asked for St. Rita’s intercession for prayers of complete healing but if it’s God’s will to take her then that it may be swift and peaceful. She passed away peacefully on Friday Feb. 7th. Their parish priest came two different times during that week and ministered to her and the family. Everyone was able to say their goodbyes and her husband and 11 yr old son were ready to let her go to God as well as her Mom & Dad. I prayed the Divine mercy for her the day before she died. Thank you St. Rita for your prayers and thank you Jesus for you loving mercy!

  32. I’m so grateful to God!
    During the novena, I offered up prayers for my younger sister who had a pending course in school with missing result. The result was found and she doesn’t have to rewrite the course.
    This testimony means so much to me and my sister for a very personal reason.
    I’m so grateful to our God with whom nothing is impossible 💙

  33. When we started the Novena I suffered from intense pain in the right kidney area, a cat scan showed nothing, an endoscopy revealed 3 suspect spots that the doctor took samples from, the biopsy results showed absolutely no cancer or any other serious possibility, I’m now being treated for gastritis and the intense pain has already lowered into the tolerable range and lessens every day. So over the last 2 weeks I’ve gone from pain so intense I couldn’t work to tolerable pain, working again, and getting better every day, thank you St. Rita for taking my prayers to Our Lord.

  34. I prayed to St Rita for rain to fall on Canberra, Australia as they were having terrible bush fires and the fire was 15 minutes away from my family there. The night of the last Novena day – the night before the final prayer, they had about 40mm of rain and have had more since. Praise God and thank you St Rita. My sister-in-law’s name is Rita, she has Downs Syndrome and is in decline now – we are praying and awaiting her return to God’s arms and to her parents in heaven. Please pray for her. God bless. Philly

  35. I prayed the novena for several things. All who are sick in body mind and spirit in my family. Especially my daughter in law who has an AVM (a tangle of veins which could produce an aneurysm) in her brain. She has had a few incidents and God saved her. I was hoping for good news. She got the all clear and doesn’t have to go back to her brain surgeon for 2 years. We are all overjoyed with this news. Thank you St. Rita!

  36. I prayed the novena to St. Rita for my sister’s boyfriend, who no longer practices the Faith. She’s been dating him for over a year now, and even though she’s asked him many times to go to Mass with her, he never has – until now. I believe Day 2 of this novena was a Sunday, and lo and behold – my sister asked her boyfriend to go to Mass with her, and he said YES. One small act of faith is HUGE in a person’s coming back to the Church, so I praise God and thank St. Rita for this miracle!!! And thank YOU, John-Paul and Annie, for this ministry. Without you supplying the prayers for this novena, I would never have thought to do it.

  37. St . Rita brought my sister back to me as she has been kind and calling me after a bitter argument over my standing up for my faith. My daughter is talking to me as courteous as she can which is s step in the right direction. And Im writing a paper on St Rita for school inspired by her life. St. Rita has come through and i pray my special intentions she continues to hear. Thank you St Rita.

  38. A dear family friend was diagnosed with bladder cancer. He was told he needed surgery to remove the bladder and subsequent chemotherapy. I had visited the St Rita Shrine in Philadelphia on my birthday last summer. I picked up some medals and prayer books. I gave two medals one of St Rita and one of St Jude to him. I also gave him the St Rita prayer booklet. His wife told me he has carried the medals in his pocket everyday since I gave them to him. While visiting a local oncologist to schedule his cancer procedures the doctor looked at his scans and sent them to another renowned surgeon. He had another scan done and was told there was no cancer and no need for surgical or chemo procedures. He now has to go for immunotherapy for five weeks and is finished. Thank you St Rita. Our friend has also returned to church. You are wonderful St Rita! Thanks also to my dear St Jude.

  39. Return to health of Edward, Philomena, and Richard from a cancer diagnosis. Health for my sister Peggy and for new mom Meg . For myself a need for employment but at my age, I need all the help I can get.

  40. I have prayed two novenas to St. Rita over the last few years. Both times, she has taken my intention to the Lord and my prayer has been answered. I truly believe St. Rita loves me and intercedes for me. Thank you, thank you, thank you, St. Rita. Praise to God!

  41. God is great.Western have prayed and made so many novenas for my son to get a job since 2018.After this St Rita novena,today he has been promised a job, he is just waiting to sign a contract to confirm.God is always with us,we just need patience.

  42. St.Rita helped me solve my financial difficulty while I was praying this novena.She led me the right decision how to manage my money and was able to overcome my debts .Thanks I believe in her powerful intercession 🙏

  43. My husband and I have been trying to sell our lot for 3 years, and I felt a bit selfish praying for the sale of the property. But before the Novena was over, we had a contract on our property. Amazing! St. Rita’s prayers to petition the Lord must be very powerful, and I plan to invoke her help again in the future.

  44. I have prayed to St. Rita off and on for years. She has always helped me, maybe not immediately, but eventually. This time she has healed a stomach virus that has made me ill for almost 6 weeks. St. Rita is always listening to the prayers of the faithful.

  45. Sometimes prayers are answered in unusual ways. I was praying for the immigrants at the border of Mexico especially the children. I was praying that the seemingly impossible replacement of President Trump with vice president Pence would cause this to happen knowing that vice President pence is Catholic and would find it completely immoral to keep those immigrants incarcerated.
    This did not happen but instead the two Latino women performing at the Super Bowl with the children’s chorus descending in cages and then singing with such beauty brought the attention to many more people expressing the joy and power of this population. Answered prayers in an an usual fashion.

  46. The last day of praying this novena to St. Rita we received an offer of full price on the sale of our home! This is such a blessing to us and all is perfect for both buyer and us as the seller!

  47. Although I was offering up several intentions to St. Rita, I was specifically praying for two things. My foster son in Brasil is a veterinary student and is currently doing research in Sao Paulo. He was so distraught because the DNA samples he was using for his research (which allows him to receive sponsorship for his internships in the US) kept coming back as “impure with inconclusive results.” He said he tried everything he could think of for the tests to work. I prayed for him in the novena to St. Rita, and in the next few days, he and his mentors were able to find a solution. The DNA tests came back clean with good data. I also prayed for a friend of mine who is feeling called to walk the Camino de Santiago this summer in Spain. She was afraid to ask her boss if she could take the time in June (about a month) to do the pilgrimage because other employees are taking vacation at the same time. She said it would most likely be impossible. When she approached him, he said it shouldn’t be a problem and that they can definitely make it work. She is headed to Spain at the beginning of June. Thank you for your intercession, St. Rita.

  48. I wanted to share a past and present St. Rita of Cascia intervention. As a college student in the midwest in the 1990’s I worked at Sun TV as a sales person. I had to sell everything from high end kitchen appliances to big screen tv’s and camcorders and everything in between and I knew nothing about sales or these products. I use to carry a St. Rita prayer card and say the prayer in a private corner when people were not around. Noone knew of course, they could have thought I was reading product brochures. St. Rita would send to me customers that wanted the big ticket items, not the little VCR’s or radios, and although it was very daunting, she gave me the courage to face my fears and do the impossible. Secondly, I am sharing this next and current St. Rita story only for the reason to encourage someone out there who may need a boost of encouragement, because to me, it is very personal and embarassing. I am now in retirement years, in the most difficult financial circumstances ever, that cause me terrible stress daily. I prayed for St. Rita to please help me again, reminding her of how she helped me daily almost 30 years ago. I expressed my complete confidence that she would help me, I had no doubt. This is what happened: My answer came in the form of courage and confidence. I was given the confidence to make some phone calls to help with some of the problems and this was HUGE because I am so ashamed and upset that I couldn’t even talk to anyone. These few phone conversations helped me to face the Goliaths in my life and took a huge weight off my shoulders, back and heart. St. Rita had tremendous courage in life and she will enable us now to face life’s terrible fears and challenges as well as smooth out some of the insurmountable, impossible dilemmas of our lives. The Lord is so good in answering our prayers through the saints, like St. Rita and St. Jude! Ultimately, nothing is impossible with God. Pray and believe, the Lord WILL help you!

  49. I have prayed many novenas over the last two years for my future spouse. I’ve been specific: a man after St Joseph’s heart, loving and affectionate. Still nothing, but I found a confidence with St. Rita that gave me peace and comfort. I believe God put this desire on my heart, so I am hopeful. I don’t have social media and don’t consider dating sites. I’m a quieter person, probably more introverted, so I don’t put myself out there. I remain hopeful. Thank you for all who prayed the novena with me. Everyday I prayed for all your intentions and continue to pray for our community’s intentions. He’s out there probably praying for me.
    Many blessings!

  50. My sister in law had been diagnosed with vaginal cancer. Having cerebral palsy, we prayed it would be something she could handle. They found that her growth is not malignant and can hopefully be easily removed with surgery. Another friend who has recently been diagnosed with a rare internal melanoma was relieved to find it is contained locally and didn’t spread. God is so good!

  51. Thank You Heavenly Father Answering My Prayers,I’ve Have Been Praying For A 2,bedrms Apt & ,A Financial Breakthrough For Yrs,Now, I’ve Have Looking All Over, Out Of State For A Decent Home For My Children’s,And Finally Found One,Will Be Moving This Wk,Father You Are Always On Time & Give You The Glory & Honor &All Of My Praises Goes To You. I Know It’s Only Because I Surrender This Problem In Hands And Prayed Day & Night.And You Heard My Cry. I Thank You Father God, I Know It Was You Who Open My Door For Me Once Again,I Love You Father And You Get The Glory Now And Forever More. Glory To God .Amen

  52. My son received a much larger amount for his car that was totaled in an accident (no injuries thank you Lord!). He has very limited means so this is extremely helpful. Thank you St. Rita.

  53. I have been battling with a particular bad habit and prayed to Saint Rita in this novena to stop it…. Since after then I have not practiced it again and I pray that by the grace of God, it will last forever. Thank you St. Rita.

  54. I prayed through St Rita for a consultancy with an International body which I had sought for a long time. On the 5th day of the Novena, I received the exciting and humbling information that my proposal had been accepted. Praise to Jesus!

    I prayed for strength and healing for myself and my son. And my son came home from school healed and strong, and so is my personal life feeling healed in all aspects of the soul, body and mind.

    Oh Yes! I am each day experiencing great peace and healing!

  55. I have been praying since Dec. fot. a premature newborn who was born with his heart outside of his body on his chest. After many ups and downs recently they could wait no longer and did emergency 17 hour surgery.
    The doctors gave 48 hours to dee what would hapoen. Once again the chances of survival were not expected.
    The baby made out fine and has started recovery.
    He actually smiled for the first time. They have a long road ahead but now they have some real hope
    Thank you all and keep praying
    God bless
    Deacon John

  56. I prayed this novena to St. Rita for my husband and me, to increase our love, care and respect for each other, and for our children who suffered much growing up in our home. I can see a change between us and I thank St. Rita for her prayers and intercession on our behalf. I am most grateful for St. Rita’s favours.

  57. After 3 years of waiting my husband received a security clearance he desperately needed to continue working in his job. He could hardly believe when he received the great news. I too feel a strong connection to St Rita. As if she loves me and wants to help me. Thank you St. Rita for your intercession, help, and prayers!

  58. I prayed the St Rita novena for imposoble requests for mysiste who was sick in hospital She recovered and wa discharged. My son also got a job
    Praise be to God

  59. One of my prayer intentions was for help with work. I currently work part time and am looking for another job. God has helped by reducing my dread when going to work and improving my work setting. So his intention may be to give me peace at the current job because that is what is best for my circumstances. Praise the Lord!

  60. After praying the St. Rita novena for my grandson, he received a good job offer excepted it and has meant a new friend. Feeling very Blessed and Grateful 🙏🙏🙏

  61. This is my prayers requests, I had been praying for job for my son for along time since last year and he’s still at home with no job. I also want a job of which i will be going to church on Sunday with a better salary without fear. Last not the least pray for my son’s marriage not to have a broken home (divorce)

  62. I prayed to Saint Rita that my grandson would sign up for job training to get a better job so he doesn’t struggle so much. My prayers were answered in January when he signed up for a course in heating and air conditioning

  63. My husband was diagnosed with end stage renal disease in early January and placed on dialysis 3x/week for the remainder of his life. I shared the St. Rita novena with my friends and family on Facebook and together we prayed to St. Rita for her intercession. After his third outpatient dialysis he was sent to the emergency room with a critically low blood pressure and admitted to the hospital. His nephrologist began suspecting that perhaps he didn’t need dialysis after repeated lab work showed his kidney function tests near normal. Today he is having his dialysis port removed as a trial period without dialysis did not affect his blood tests. He has been taken off dialysis! Praise God and thank you St. Rita!

  64. On the first day of the novena, I prayed that I would get the job I submitted my application in, amongst other prayer requests and on the second day, I got a feedback that I was accepted. I’m so grateful to God who heard my prayer through His Saint, the St. Of impossible causes. I am very confident that my other requests will be granted if it’s God’s will.

  65. After praying the St. Rita novena, I had a very successful total hysterectomy with lymph nodes and no cancer in the lymph nodes. Thank you God, thank you St. Rita!

  66. I prayed for my baby daddy to come into terms with me and it happened… Am still praying that he accept his responsibility as the father…

  67. I Pray for my boyfriend we brokeup for he is getting married soon. He came and talk and we met. God move his heart. I praise God! I want to continue with novena.

  68. I prayed the St. Rita novena and encouraged my local family members to pray it too for the recovery of our son and brother from traumatic brain injuries and other injuries he received as part of a bad car wreck he was in on 20 January. He has been making amazing progress and I thank St. Rita for her intercession for him and I thank God for the stream of miracles He has poured out on all of us but especially our son.

  69. I have been in the hospital since November with the chance that I may be going to a nursing home. During the St Rita novena my strength returned and I was able begin physiotherapy. I have recuperated enough, through St Rita’s intercession, to return to my home.

  70. My son tony married 8 years and his wife refuses to have any children with him . He would not accept it anymore as he worked 8 years as a special needs teacher and wants children. She doesn’t work but has wealth from a trust . He told her he would no longer accept no children and she moved out and filed for divorce . She has a boyfriend . St Rita answered my prayer as a nice polish pediatric nurse wants to meet him but this will be after he is divorced as I won’t mess it up by disobeying God and as a mother introducing at the wrong time but after the divorce is done . This catholic nurse had prayed he stay married but it did not work out . This nurse wants children and wants marraige . I hope it will work out for them .

  71. I prayed the novena for my brother and his girlfriend’s relationship and on the ninth day he proposed and they’ve met with a priest and plan to get married in the church which we weren’t sure they would!

  72. During St. Rita’s Novena, I prayed for my Grandson to be able to get in to a certain long term drug rehab that he needed and my prayers were answered. He was accepted and is currently working on his issues! Thank You, Lord and St. Rita

  73. My prayers did not get answered. In fact it blow up before my face. Or maybe it did get answered to God’s will not mine. He knows that is best. But there is so much pain and I pray God takes care of it. Help me to accept the outcome because It has been difficult going on from here
    Give Glory to God who is all good and knowing what is best for his children and kingdom

  74. St Rita answered my prayers! I’ve been praying novenas for a year; finally she answered them! My daughter’s best friend has been without a job since graduating law school! She’s accepted a Jr partner position! Thank you St Rita!

  75. Good is good all the time.

    I had my 3 month job review recently, and it was good. Praise God!

    I’ll continue to pray for the guidance of my children. And for a new job for my husband who has just been laid off.

  76. After praying St. Rita’s Novena, our prayers were answered and our GRANDAUGHTER was able to sell her business after a year of trying. Thank you .
    God is great. Joan

  77. I did the pray more novena to “St Rita,” and for as far back as I can remember I had the most pleasant Valentine’s day with my husband,….no arguments.

    We 1st attended noon Mass together an amazing blessing and he was in a different “mind space” relaxed and open to GOD, he was even warm and welcoming to me. (We’ve been to Retroville lately and couldn’t finish the “follow up virtual meetings) because of the animosity. I drove to (Our Lady of Grace) across the street from his job, he walked over. I noticed a precious lady in church while we were praying the Holy Rosary and Divine Mercy together as a group and I noticed she lit candles and prayed but didn’t put anything in fire the donations, so I went behind her and put in a donation for her prayers to be answered by Our Lady of Lourdes. I left church, someone had left purple lipstick all over the white status of the Sacred Heart, I got my antibacterial wet ones and scrubbed his face clean again (it looked like black mark that footballers wear on their face). I also cleaned the glass with “Our Lady of Guadeloupe,” it was filthy. These were all outside in the elements.
    I came home after about an hour of Adoration. I went grocery shopping, prepared things for dinner. Hubby bought the Salmon home (I didn’t want to go out for dinner), we prepared it cooked, ate and had a civil conversation void of arguments and animosity. For what has been transpiring over the last decade, this was a miracle for him and I. I’d even gotten to the point of refusing to attend Sunday Masses with him because of the arguments. I am a daily communicate, and I have never seen my husband at daily Mass, though I’ve been there quite often and he can walk from his building to church. Thanks for interceding St Rita, Patron of troubled family.

    We cooked together, watch TV together,

  78. I was diagnosed recently with breast cancer and this was a reoccurrence after 10years if being cancer free. I was praying the novena to St Rita that I will not undergo any radiation or chemo therapy because the doctors found cancer cells in the sentinel node. Lo and behold after consultation with the radiation oncology, I am not a candidate for radiation and in addition the Oncologist also told me that because the results of my Oncodx turned out low risks, the chemo therapy is not beneficial. This is my miracle from the Lord thru the intercession of St Rita, St Peregrine, St Jude and our Mother Mary.

  79. For a while I have been praying for the healing of my sons respiratory issues but he is more stable now. I also prayed for financial and by the mercy of God somebody blessed me last week. All thanks to God through Saint Rita.

  80. I don’t think there is hope for my requests. To be honest, all I know is that it will take more than 1 novena, more prayer, patience and perseverance.

  81. Thank you St. Rita for for hearing my prayers .My cousin and a friend after so many years and so many novenas have decided to go and detox from their addiction to alcohol and drugs. Please continue to pray for them that God may give the Grace to see them through.

  82. I also have been praying novena after novena, and asking for a couples of brother suffers of alcohol and drug addiction, after I finish my novena to St Rita, my Brother made the decision to start getting help in AA mtgs..I’m supporting him..Thank you St Rita, my Almighty and for your prayers..Please con’t for more prayers.

  83. One of my intentions was that my grandson seek professional help of a physiologist and two days after we finished he told me that he had an appointment on the 20th of February

  84. Our marriage has gone through great turmoils for over 2 years but through the novena St. Rita has answered my prayers. We are now starting to be more gentle and caring for each other. Thank you St. Rita.

  85. I have prayed many novena in the last 6 years my husband and I have been separated. During the St.Rita novena he agreed to go to a retreat for troubled marriages. We are still in the process, but things are looking positive.
    Thank you and Thank You St. Rita