Answered Prayers from the St. Rita Novena

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Thank you for joining us in praying the St. Rita Novena!

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered, please share those with us all below.

To God be all the glory!

We are continuing to pray for you & your needs.

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  1. I was hired for a new job which is allowing me to semi-retire which will help with my health as it will be less stressful & will help my family financially. I am so thankful for this answered prayer!💕

  2. Pl my prayer has NOT been answered as yet but I still pray st Rita to pl keep my prayers before our Lord Jesus and pl request our Lord to pl look into my request and answer my prayers as I have been praying for many months now
    Pl help Eric Malone to be able to get his financial support for his work in malashia and complete it get payment and come soon that is this month only in Feb 2020 and also help me to overcome all oppositions that this satanic Muslim family of zaina Ali Khan put me through successfully and get my luggage sent to India successfully and go back with Eric or alone as Jesus wants me too successfully Amen Amen Amen I pray this pray to st Rita to be requested to our Lord Jesus approval and action. AMEN

  3. Thank you st Rita for your Intervention in my requests one of my Intention was to get my Residence permit which i received on day 8 of Noven thank you so much am happy Now

  4. During the Novena of St. Rita, I was driving to work and broke down crying. I said, “God, I want to see my Son!!!!” My son had been estranged from our family/friends for over 4 years. Less than a week later, I got a call from an unknown number. It was my son!!!!! Thank you St. Rita for bringing my son back to us. I love you, my dear Saint!


  5. My sister and brother-in-law are recovering addicts and about a week before praying the novena to St. Rita I learned that my brother-in -law relapsed and was near death from drug use. I prayed the novena especially for him. Halfway through the novena he joined us for a birthday party and he seemed much better. Although everyday is a struggle I’m convinced St. Rita intercessed and will continue to take care of him.

  6. I was praying that my daughter would become pregnant and found out last week she is. It is with great pleasure and joy that we will welcome a grandchild into the world this summer. God is good!!

  7. Several years back I was told that I had the HEP C virus (due to a blood transfusion several years earlier, like in 1969). The virus was dormant for years and years. Last year, I was diagnosed with the virus in my blood stream. My liver specialist gave me lots of encouragement and told me that there is a pill that can destroy the virus in less than 90 days. He said sometimes it even takes only a month to get it out of your system. For months, we fought the insurance; they denied it because its so expensive ($66,000 for 90 pills). My doctor’s office kept appealing the denials. I kept praying to St. Rita for a miracle. Sure enough, I got approved. I’ve been taking the meds for 5 weeks and ALL READY the virus is not detected in my blood stream. I thank GOD, St. Rita, and all my prayer warriors for getting me through this scary time in my life.

  8. I said the St Rita Novena, because she is the Saint I chose for my confirmation. I wanted St Philomena but they said she wasn’t a Saint or they had never heard of her. My sister my sponsor said I could have St Rita like her. My sister has great devotion to St Rita we both do. I thought I ought to honour the Saint whos name I had taken.
    At the time, my mother had yet another infection in her leg ulcer and this is on going, the ulcer is healing slowly it will go in time we just have to be patient but Oh No not another infection please God no! so I started the Novena with several intentions. A peaceful and Happy Death for a beloved Nun or respite from her cancer what ever God had planned for her. To take care of Mum and keep her safe and well and prevent the infection getting worse like the last time it happened. For peac of mind for me. For other people whom I pray for every day.
    Well I continued the Novena every day, with the same intentions. The swabs came back Normal! they have never come back normal before. What a miracle that was. My Mother is more complacent and accepting, this continues to bring her great peace. I feel more at peace. The Nun has gone to heaven, it was a peaceful happy death for Sr Carole. I ask St Rita to comfort her community and give them peace and her family. We are trully blest in this world to have such great Saints we can call on any time. Thank you John and Annie for introducing us to these wonderful Saints. Mary Our Mother, God Our Father and Jesus our Brother, the Holy Spirt and are Guardian Angels. Amen. A xx

  9. I asked for prayers for a family member who was waiting for a heart transplant. He received a new heart a the following week. The donor family donated many other organs too. God Bless all the families in their process of healing from new health and loss if their family member.

  10. My faith has increased.. I know Hod is working all things for my good & my family. God is good. His mercy is forever. His is watching & protecting us.

  11. St.Rita, I have prayed this prayer for many years in my 30 year marriage. My husband suffers from anxiety and depression. He is angry, hurtful and distant. I pray for my ability to forgive him. Anything is possible through God. I pray that my husband ask for forgiveness for the hurt he has brought to me and our family. I pray that he finds peace. St. Rita, St. Monica and St. Jude bring my prayers to our Holy Father. Jesus, Mary and Joseph be with my family. Ask that we may follow your example.

  12. I’m so happy to say that through the intersession of Saint Rita and St. Jude Thaddeus, my special needs son got the job he was hoping for.

  13. I prayed this novena for my son and his wife. They have been fighting a lot and have had problems in the past. I prayed that they would become closer to God and put Him in the middle of their marriage. They are doing really good and went to church together this past Sunday. Thank you St. Rita!!

  14. A job opportunity came through soon after the company I worked for shut down requiring me to move. I needed a place to live while I found a permanent place. A friend graciously opened his home to me & my dogs. God has literally opened doors while others were closing. I’ve been praying, and so were many of my friends & family. I thank God for them as well. Please be patient and persistent with your prayers, and don’t give up. God knows what’s best for you.

  15. I have prayed many novenas. My daughter decided she would end her marriage. My wife and I spoke with her and her husband but she said she had made her mind up. At the end of the St. Rita they went to court and called off the devorce process. Thanks be to God.

  16. I thank God for St Rita and her swift response to my novena prayers. I requested St Rita to help me get a quick and easy school admission for my nephew and she responded within the second day of the novena. It was done within the comfort of my home and on whatsapp without having to go to the school to beg!! By that time school admission was very competitive and i was already late with the school search effort. My nephew is now settled into his new school and excited that it was the school he had wanted all along. Who would have imagined. I thank God and St Rita for her intervention.

  17. I prayed to St Rita months before the novena to be able to understand the priest at church. I wear hearing aids and was having trouble understanding the sermon. With St Rita’s help I moved to the chapel and can now hear almost as good as new.

  18. St Rita is continously answering my prayers!
    Thank you my dear Saint !
    I am relieved and safe with her constant aid !

  19. I prayed the novena to St Rita for my niece and her family. She was in need of a job which had health insurance for family coverage and better hours for her young family. She obtained a position at local hospital.
    I am hopeful that the other portion of prayer for them comes to fruition: that the foster children in her care are able to stay with my niece and her husband or placed in what is best for the children.

  20. Thank you St Rita for your intercession.
    It was impossible to find a reasonably priced place for my daughter to setup and work as a massage therapist. And now everything has miraculously fallen into place and she will be open for business in March. Thank You, Heavenly Father for answering my prayers

  21. Have reconciled with my mother in law after years of bad issues, our son stopped drinking so much and has lost a lot of weight, was 357 pounds and my husband is much kinder and we get along, thank you for ou St. Rita!

  22. One of my prayer intentions to St. Rita was for my son to get a new job, and he did! Thank you St. Rita for your intercession!

  23. Day 7 of St Rita’s novena, my prayers were answered. I had been waiting to be invited for this test for 12 year. And now I got selected.
    I pray, I Ace it. Thank you St. Rita.

  24. During the Novena I was praying for family members who were struggling with Mental and related issues. My nephew who suffered a seizure last June at work, which caused a lot of side effects including depression, was finally given the go ahead to go back to work to a new and higher qualified position, praise be God and all the Angels and Saints, especially St Rita. Thank you!

  25. My sons daughter was born with Cystic fibrosis. They have a new medicine out now that is as close to a cure as they can get for the time being and my son’s daughter Lindsay was denied the medicine twice. She has since been approved of this medicine and she just started taking it Saturday. She already is able to breathe much better and the coughing has subsided. A life with this disease is very sad, and a very hard one to endure. Through the novena with Saint Rita my prayers and her prayers and everyone that has prayed for her has been answered and she will now be able to live a much healthier life. I thank you St Rita! I love you St Rita. I will always pray to you and for everyone’s intentions through your novenas. Thank you Jesus. I love you! Thank you To all who work and send us these novenas through

  26. My depression is getting better every day thanks to Saint Rita and all the angels and our dear Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you so much. I pray every day.

  27. I prayed for 3 intentions that seemed impossible to change. One already has, to see improvement in the workplace. Thank you my God and St. Rita!

  28. My sons daughter was born with Cystic fibrosis. They have a new medicine out now that is as close to accurate as they can get for the time being and my son’s daughter Lindsay was denied the medicine twice. She has since been approved of this medicine and it just started taking it Saturday. She already is able to breathe much better and the coughing has subsided their life with this disease is very sad, and a very hard one to endure. Through the novena with Saint Rita my prayers and her prayers and everyone that has prayed for her has been answered and she will now be able to live a much healthier life. I thank you St Rita! I love you St Rita. I will always pray to you and for everyone’s intentions through your novenas. Thank you Jesus. I love you! Thank you To all who work and send us these novenas through

  29. I prayed to St.Rita about the fertility issue my husband and I were going through. A few days after the novena ended, I found out I was pregnant! Glory to God in the highest!!

  30. Thank you God for answered prayers through the intercession of St. Rita. I asked the Lord to heal, and allow my brother who lost his three fingers at work to accept his condition in good faith so that he will not become worse, and the Lord has done it. It is my prayer that the Good Lord will be be with him as he is preparing for the second face of his treatment. May God be Praised.

  31. Our special boy grandson was helovacced to Atlanta for pneumonia. He was in critical condition. I started the novena and Saint Rita helped me find peace and trust in God. I truly believed I would not see Xavier come home. Between the anointing he received and this novena, I just know it was not time non for Xavier to go home to our Father. He was home one day after going to step down from the PICU. Praise be to God ❤🙌❤

  32. Praise you Jesus, I have a great devotion to St. Rita, I did my
    Novena a few weeks ago and on
    the 9 day , Our Heavenly Father
    answered my request.
    My mother-in-law and her daughter
    Hadn’t spoken over 25 yrs.
    My mother-in-law had a bad fall about 9 months ago. For the first time her daughter went to see her
    in the hospital. That was a answer
    to prayer. God is good all the time
    and all the time God is good.🙏
    P. & A.

  33. I have been praying and praying and feel lost. I don’t know why my prayers are not answered and feeling like for 15 years I am seeing nothing. I let it go to God, but I fear he has left my side. I try to pray each novena but nothing is changing, nothing is happening. I ask God to give me more faith, please tell me what I am doing wrong?

  34. before the novena i had interviews for a job. during the novena i prayed that if it was God’s will i will the job. just before the end of the novena i received an email to tell me that i was not success. i was at peace, because in my heart believed that i God did not allow it for a purpose.

  35. I prayed for a successful school meeting and a correct classroom placement form my child. Those prayers have been answered. I have to note that I prayed two novena at the time(for the same cause): to St Rita and Bl. Margaret of Castello. So grateful to both of these wonderful Ladies!!!!!

  36. Thank you for all the prayers . I will like you to. Pray for me as I will like to pay out my high credit card debts. I used it to assist my twin sister who was very sick and since then has passed away. Her family did not pay me back and now I am faced with the amount to repay. Therefore, I am asking you please pray for me so I can financially pay the bank. I am 65 years old and also had a son who has a disability .He is looking for a job but unable to find a suitable job .I am also praying for health in Jesus name Amen and thank you again .

  37. All glory be to God Almighty. Few days to the end of the novena to St. Rita I found a good accommodation. Am very happy because it was one of my prayer intentions during the novena.

  38. All the novena’s I have prayed with a request has always been miraculously answered. MY last novena was for me and my wife to conceive, since we’ve been trying for 3 years now. We went to the doctor who told us my wife had blocked tubes at d moment and cant get pregnant, I just laughed because I knew I served a living God and wont disappoint me. Same week we got that information i started my novena and finished the next week my wife called me at work to say she discovered she was pregnant. Without any assistance from any where, even the doctors where shocked. God is good mother and baby are doing good till date. Thanking God for everything. I just had to share 😊

  39. I had been having some problems with my daughter in law and we had not spoken since Thanksgiving. I prayed the St. Rita novena and prayed for reconciliation with her. Well, we are talking now.

  40. I prayed for my friend’s son and his wife who have been dealing with an inability to have a child of their own and just learned they are beginning the adoption process.

  41. Saint Rita helped me with melanoma.
    When diagnosed with Melanoma, I prayed for a good outcome after surgery.
    My results were clean.
    Thank you St Rita for listening to my prayers and helping me.

  42. I’ve had MANY people on my prayer list and everyone has been blessed with answered prayers or improved conditions! God is so Good! Thank you St. Rita for your assistance in helping my prayers get to God!

  43. A screening test for colon cancer was positive. After praying to St. Rita further testing was all normal, no cancer.

  44. My granddaughter has been struggling with getting her life on track. I have prayed many prayers for her and finnally they have been answered after the novena to St. Rita. Thank you St. Rita!

  45. I prayed the St Rita novena for a friend waiting on the transplant list for a double lung transplant. While he was waiting, his breathing kept getting worse and the situation more desperate. Just two days into the novena, a lung donor became available and on day three he had the surgery. His recovery has been amazing, and though there is still a long road of physical therapy to recover, God has already brought so much hope and healing through St Rita’s intercession.

  46. My granddaughter ran away right before the St. Rita novena started. She’s home and going back to church.

    A friend’s cancer is in remission

    Praise God

  47. Co-worker’s son had life threatening medical issues. On life support for 7 days. Kidneys failed as well. Continued this novena. Co-worker’s son came out of his coma…kidneys began to function and now in physical therapy. He has a very long way to go but feel the Novena to St. Rita gave his a second chance at life.

  48. I prayed through St. Rita that God would put my son on the right path . He has had some wonderful things occur recently and I see God’s intervention.

  49. I believe that st. Rita is powerful saint and I usually receive prayer answer through her intercession. To mention but a few are: * my rising to a designation of Director (Education) and retiring statutorilly * God opened ways for 2 of my children to secure jobs. * Found my lost first son. * For granting me journey mercies throughout 35years to and fro of my work. * For God saving me from Robbers attact. * For God’ mercies, guidance protection and security over me and my families e.t.c. Am privileged to be a member. Thanks very much and God bless you many more in good health of body soul and spirit through Christ Our. Amen

  50. I have been in a very difficult situation at work that was becoming politically uncomfortable for me to stay. While praying the St. Rita novena I was offered another job that will allow me to work from home and stay in the area which I really like because of the strong Catholic community. Thank you, St. Rita for your intercession, and thank you, Lord for responding to our prayers and needs.

  51. My friend Frank came back to church, just need more prayers he keeps coming back. I had a financial miracle, my cellphone was paid off by my cellphone carrier Verizon. I’m just paying for my service.

  52. I prayed for St. Rita’s intercession for my daughter and husband who were trying to conceive but having difficulty because she was not ovulating. They surprised us last night to tell us they conceived during the time I was praying and ask for continued prayers! Also included a friend who had an area of her throat not healing. She had a biopsy-they were fairly sure her cancer returned only to find out it is a virus. Thanks be to God through St. Rita’s intercession!

  53. While I have not yet discerned a result in my prayers, I am certain that God is working in my life to bring about the changes necessary for my prayers to Saint Rita to take effect. It was blessings enough to be able to offer prayers to Saint Rita since in so acting I became even closer to God, who makes all things possible.

  54. My husband is ill and we have moved to be near some of our children. He and I have been asking God to help us, praying a daily rosary, and this novena asking for St. Rita’s intercession, to help sell some property. We have a contract on one property as of last week.

  55. Been praying for my brother in law who has been battling multiple myeloma. We just got word right after the novena that he is now officially in remission. St. Rita through her most powerful intercession blessed my brother in law with that great news. God is so good! Thank you God!

  56. My husband and I have been trying to conceive our second child for sometime now, I prayed to St. Rita for 3 things:

    1) to get pregnant
    2) there are two babies with this horrible disease and medication costs $2.8 million. One baby girl has been on the hospital with a breathing tube for a very long time, I prayed they get the medication to cure them and live a long healthy life
    3) my cousin’s niece just got married to the love of her life they are very young, 27 and 28. He has cancer, doctors told him after the wedding he only had a few days left, he’s been in ICU a few days after the wedding.

    After praying to St. Rita to intervene for me
    I just found out I’m pregnant, the one baby is able to go home with no breathing tube just in time for Valentine’s Day, first time in months and my cousin’s nephew May be able to go home soon too. All blessed miracles. God is good. God bless everyone! Keep on praying! Thank you St Rita and thank you for sharing these beautiful novenas

  57. My husband is an addict and his addiction has caused our family of 7 children terrible pain. He has suffered so much from his addiction and he has tried to stop on his own for over a year. During the Novena, I asked St Rita to intercede for us. I prayed that he would have the courage to go to rehab. On the 4th Day of the Novena, he called a center and they picked him up. I visited him yesterday after his week of detox. He was already more himself and it was such a joy! St Rita, please continue to intercede for our healing!

  58. St. Rita thank you for giving me peace of mind and for good health for myself and my husband. For all the impossible requests you have obtained for us over many years we thank you. You never fail to intercede for us We continue to pray to you and to spread your name.

  59. I asked St Rita to intercede for several troubled marriages in my family. My niece and her husband have begun counseling after several years refusing to go! Thank you St. Rita!

  60. My brother was behind bars since last year july,i started praying through st Rita,on the 5th day he went back to court and was released.
    i also prayed for my family and my husbands attitude to change.Thanks to st Rita my prayers were answered .

  61. My fiancé and I asked St. Rita’s intercession, so we could save for our wedding. Just a week after completing the Novena, we are starting to see the Lord’s blessing and now believe we will be able to cover the cost of our wedding. Glory to God in the highest! Alleluia! Thank you for interceding for us, St. Rita.

  62. My husband is now in counseling and ready to reconcile! This is huge! I’m so very thankful, there is hope for our family. Thank you St Rita for bringing our struggles to the Lord.

  63. Glad I finally found a way to send my testimony.
    Last two years, I lost my sister who had been looking to find and reconnect with her 38 yrs old Child. She ran for her life and left the baby at 3 months because of torture and threat from her then husband.
    I ran to St. Anthony shrine during novena to St.Anthony. I lite candles, prayed the novena with you. Miraculously she was found and I spoke to her on the 9th day of the novena. She was able to attend her mother’s funeral and had a closure. We have been enjoying each other as family since then. Thank you so much for PRAY MORE NOVENA
    New York

  64. Thank God for prayers answered through the intercession of St. Rita. My last son who had not answered our messages for over 2 months responded to say he is fine.

  65. Please pray for the healing of my marriage and the healing of my husbands mental illness. Pray that his heart will be open to our marriage counselors words. Please pray that I may have patience to wait for Gods plan. And lastly please pray for my daughter as she discerns where she should go to highschool, please keep her close to God and to have an open heart to him.

  66. I have been praying for a job but last week i started a small business of selling cloths and i have been making sales everyday so far.

  67. Praying for years for a son, Joshua. To overcome addiction with many iOS and downs. Upon completion of the novena another opportunity for a different type of rehab emerged. This is miraculous ! Now praying he is ready and will enter and engage. He is 40 now… please pray Joshua will finally be able to love himself , be set feee, and know it was the Lord! Thank you St, Rita!

  68. This is my second time asking for St Ritas’ assistance and she never lets me down.
    I had asked for her intercession on a job application I made last year in October and I had sat for the first written test but the organisation never responded after that.I got a regret on email two days after finishing this novena,though this was disheartening for me at least I got closure.
    I had also asked her intercession about a relationship which was not working for me.And I could get clarity on it,my partner ended the relationship few days after I finished the novena.And now im more at peace.
    Lastly the first time I said a novena to St Rita,I got invited for two different interviews and I made it through 3 interview stages for one of the jobs and got the job offer.Although I had to turn it down because the package was not as nice.But im sure she will get me my ideal job soon.

  69. Amazing! My request has been granted before the novena is over. Thank God thru st Rita and all the saints who i prayed and requested thru. Truly, nothing is impossible when you are praying.

  70. St. Rita is a part of our family. We have a large framed print of her in our home. I have to many stories about St. Rita helping our family or someone we’ve told, to ask her to pray for them. She is always just waiting for you to ask for her help. Then when you do just get out of her way!

  71. This is the first time I prayed the Novena for St. Rita. We have been waiting for more than 20 years for my sister to migrate to the US. We were afraid that she will not be able to take her 2nd daughter if she does not get a letter from the Embassy soon as the daughter is turning 21 on March. We got the email/ letter! They are scheduled for interview in March. Thank you St. Rita and all the saints.

  72. My granddaughter underwent a serious surgery last November and has struggled with her recovery. She had continuously lost weight and was unable to eat enough food to keep her labs in normal range. During the novena, she was hospitalized and they inserted a feeding tube. She now has gained 6 lbs and is finally back in school. Thanks be to Saint Rita for taking my prayers for this beautiful young lady to our Lord!


  74. My novena to St Rita was answered my sister was not happy with my nieces relationship and it caused a riff where they were not talking or celebrating holidays together I had spoken to her but she was standing her ground this caused problems between her and her grandchildren I prayed that Saint Rita would help her see that this grudge was only harming all of her children’s relationships with each other and the grandchildren I prayed that she could let her anger go to try to accept what she could not change and try to work it out although it is not completely back to normal they have again started visiting each other having dinner together so something has happened and it is for the positive it would have been almost two years and I truly tried to intervene but I believe Saint Rita has intervened for me thank you God

  75. My novena was for my ex fiance to get help for is drug abuse and mental health issues. He entered a treatment program over the weekend. He is almost 50, this has been going on for years. Now I pray he is successful this time. Thank you St Rita for interceding. Praise God.

  76. To remain cancer-free. To rekindle my marriage or divorce. My son to enlist in Medical Program and make a difference . For my daughter to stay true and focus on her talent. (body image) My husband to quit smoking and drinking. To let go of old. To see who my true friends are. To do God’s work daily. 🙏

  77. I prayed fervently to St Rita to go before the throne of Christ with my prayer petition. My son has struggled with psychological issues due to his many years at war. I prayed that he would be open to a certain treatment and just after I finished the novena (against all odds) he agreed to this therapy! Thank you Saint Rita!

  78. I prayed the St. Rita novena on behalf of dear friends. For forgiveness because of adultery and a reconnection to love each other. Answered prayers! Thanks be to God who knows all of our struggles.

  79. My mom’s sugar levels have fallen significantly! I am so grateful.
    Thank you St. Rita. Thanks everybody for praying with me!