Answered Prayers from the Novena for Marriage & Family, 2018

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Thank you for joining us in praying the Novena for Marriage & Family! If you’ve had any of your prayers answered during this novena, please share those with us all below!

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  1. It was almost impossible until I started the novena of Our Mother Mary. Now I bought my house 🏡. Mother of God is the answer of all our prayers. She asks us to pray the Rosary everyday 🙏🌸

  2. As many of us do, I prayed for my children to find their way back to the church and this Sunday my daughter (29yrs old) called and said, “Mom, I’m back….I went back to the church.” Everything that is good comes from God. AMEN

  3. My son and grandson have taken steps at reconciliation!! Thank You, Blessed Mother and Dear Lord, and I pray they continue, with your Divine Intercession.

  4. I prayed for my missing cat to return, my husband stated that if the cat returned then he would start going to mass with us again. Sunday we received a call from our neighbor that the cat showed up at his door! A double blessing: My cat came back and after a three year absence my husband was true to his word and started attending Sunday mass again!!!! Praise God in His infinite mercy!!!

  5. Since I sing up with Pray More Novena I was praying the novena xxx.for my son’s father to come back to us and be part of his life. Thank God, in answer of all my prayers he came back and he’s working his way to be with his son and support him as much as he can. I continue praying stronger that he, one day, form a little family with us 3. God is Good. Thanks again for strength my faith and help me pray more.

  6. My personal favorite is Mary Undoer of Knots (along with St. Rita and St Jude). My youngest son has such a mess of impossible, hopeless knots in his life that I just continue to roll those three novenas every day while I also pray the current ones you post. I just realized there was tremendous breakthrough in untangling the most serious of these “knots.” I will faithfully continue Pray More Novenas so he can stay on the path that is unraveling and make a better future for himself. Thank you for making this possible for us.

  7. My wife started walking again she healing slow but doing better thank god I’m still praying for my problem. thank you god…..

  8. I prayed my child receives her periods, as she’s had few issues and it came perfectly, thank u our mother in heaven , I prayed my partner realised my love for him and he has realised… I prayed for financial help, and it came xox thank u so much amen

  9. My family have a court case with the local authority. Case that came from no where. I ask our mother to intervene and now things are better on our side.

  10. My younger daughter and boyfriend ,who haven’t gone a whole lot for awhile now, joined me at Mass 2 weeks ago. My niece ‘s cyst on her ovary decreased in size to 2cm rather than 7cm. Glory be to God.

  11. My partner found a job finally!!
    I think my brother will finally pay more attention to his health, as he was in ICU for a few days and still in hospital.

  12. I don’t usually see immediate or direct fulfillment of my novena intentions, but the grace, courage and well being I feel is a form of answered prayers!

  13. I started to join this novena when i found out that my husband is having an affair with another girl. Praise God that he is now with us and he said his relationship with that woman ended already. Whether he is telling the truth or not, I claimed to the Lord that he is faithful. I will always join and continue to pray this novena because it really helps a lot.
    God is so wonderful and amazing!
    Praise the Lord!

  14. I started this novena feeling so discouraged about the misunderstandings in my relationship with my husband, but I thank God that all is getting well and I keep on praying that one day it will all be fine.

  15. Glory and Honour to God the Powerful Almighty!
    Thank you John-Paul & Anne for introducing this Ministry to me.
    Thank you so much for the people behind the scene for praying for me and my family.
    After praying the different Novenas and the recent one for Family and Marriages I have seen some changes in the household. My son that I have been dedicating the Novenas for for the past 2 months has found a terrific job. He’s so happy with the company and the amazing benefits that comes with it.
    Praise the Lord! Allelujah…Amen!

  16. I prayed that my daughter find a good job out of state. She received a job offer during
    the novena and accepted and got lots of good perks for her relocation. She was also successful in finding an apartment she loves.
    Thank you Jesus and Mary for prayers answered. 💜

  17. My grandson was amazed that he was doing better in school.I told him I had been making novenas and he was shocked. Thanks for prayers answered

  18. I have been praying the novenas for months, and my prayer for a job for our daughter has been answered, not just a job, but a dream job in her field of study and internship. It was in God’s time. Praise the Lord!

  19. I been praying these novenas for awhile and something wonderful happened in my family and for my grandson last week!!!!Thank you Lord Jesus!

  20. My boss was just laid off from the Company and I believed that I would be next. I prayed for employment and the owner’s assistant just retired and recommended that I take her job. Praise God.

  21. I prayed that my daughters would get pregnant. They had been trying for around two years. They are both pregnant now and due 3 days apart. Thank you Lord!

  22. Thanks be to a novena that strengthen our wobbly marriage. My priorities were so selfish that I believe Satan was rubbing his hands together in glee as our arguments became more frequent and hurtful. When it became apparent that our adult children were choosing which parent to support I realized the ugliness of Satan’s power. We are a better family for my seeing the truth behind my selfishness.

  23. I said this novena for my son for is up-coming wedding thru his honeymoon. I believe it will continue to bless him as he begins his journey with his wife in this new phase of his life. Thank you Lord. Thank you our dear heavenly Mother.

  24. I was praying for my family to pray together, and increase our faith. My daughter is started to come for the evening prayer without any argument. Praise the Lord. God is good. Now I am praying for my son to attend mass on Sundays.
    Thank you Lord.

  25. I have no clear answers to any of my prayers. My daughters continue to be unwilling to reconnect with me, and my son continues to be on a path that leads away from Christ. My ex husband continues to harm my image and my relationships with my children. It is discouraging, but I’m trying to remain alert and be able to respond when the answers do come. Perhaps there are answers all around me, but I fail to see them. Perhaps God is working in the hearts of all of my children and their father, and I just need to be patient. Perhaps the answer is that my patience continues and I am not giving up hope. Either way, I do appreciate these novenas. This form of prayer keeps me focused and not feeling lost and alone.
    Thank you so much.

  26. My dad didn’t take Communion for the last 50 years, because my mom is not baptized. Recently I tried to get him to get his marriage blessed by the church by asking permission from the bishop. He made many excuses about it can’t be done. I prayed this Novena with this intention. Last week my dad went to see the deacon to talk about this. Today he and my mom went to see the pastor. They expect a call from the church next week to arrange my mom’s baptism! They will get married in church in October! Praise the Lord! God is amazing!

  27. Praise God! I have been praying the novenas all summer. I’ve been asking God for good employment that will help me provide for my daughter. I also asked that he put me where I can do work to honor Him. I have been graced with a wonderful job that helps at -risk children. I am so happy and so grateful for God’s love! Thank you God!

  28. Prayed for a friend receiving cancer treatments and she reports today that things are better and she has only 3 more treatments. Thank you…

  29. So thankful I made it to my granddaughters wedding on Sunday the Feast Day of the Birth of the Blessed mother
    Because of medical problems I was so worried and uptight about traveling to the wedding in Virginia by plane from my home in New York by myself I prayed this novena that all would go well.
    Thank the Lord n praying during this Novena I am home safe. It was a beautiful wedding n pray theirs will be a happy marriage forever n ever. I also pray for my son who had a brain tumor operation n that he will have a full recovery

  30. My daughter casually mentioned she went to Mass. I almost fell off my chair! She’s back! Thank you Jesus! Next up…my son.
    I am so grateful. Never give up praying!

  31. I’m married for over 39 years
    With the past few years my wife had gone off me for some reason or another. But after the novena for married couples she all of a sudden came back to me with all the love she always had for me and we now have booked a weekend away so prayer does work and thank you and to our blessed mother Mary. Mike

  32. I began praying this Novena for our marriage and have seen God’s hand in more peaceful dialogue and fewer arguments. Also, more employment has meant some financial relief. It’s a step in the right direction. Praise God!

  33. Our son has been fighting cancer for almost 6 years. With an abundance of faith and many, many prayers, there is a chance that he is cancer free. Our prayers will all continue.

  34. My daughter started sharing her life with me.
    My focus is not on my regrets, buts what has gone good in my life. God is great!
    Prayers work!

  35. My daughter turned her back on our family in February 2018, and she texted my husband Sunday night. Wow! I do enjoy praying all the novenas. This was a very timely answer to my prayers! Thank you for sharing these novenas!

  36. I prayed for God for 3 intentions. One was to hit my target for the month at work and surely I did it. Still believing God for the other 2 main intentions and all He would do to ensure I’m in good shape to worship Him.

  37. Been doing novenas for awhile. Here are some miracles.

    Daughter left husband and moved herself and 4 kids in. She went back to her husband 10 days ago and they seem to be working it out. ( marriage novena)

    Business is looking up.

    I am feeling so much better and am working on some issues I didn’t know I had. 🙏

  38. Midway through the novena, the devil came to attack the peace my family enjoys and sowed misunderstanding and rancour against one another. It was baaad but I reminded our lady I was praying the novena for family and even had to start the Perpetual Help novena. In a couple of days ,the issues were resolved and our joy doubled!
    Prayer works indeed!

    Thank you Jesus and Mary!

  39. I have been having serious problems at home (personal) and also financial and having prayed by Friday and completely out of the blue both my personal and financial have been eased to a massive extent
    Thanks be to God

  40. My marriage had been suffering where there didn’t seem to be mutual love and respect. After this Novena, I felt like we took the time to listen to each other. We still have a long way to go, but I can feel some of the love coming back because my husband is taking the time to listen.

  41. My granddaughter was having a hard time adjusting to kindergarten. The teacher was reporting that she was not keeping up with her class work. My daughter was really stressed. I began the novena. She and her husband pulled together. My granddaughter has scored well on her testing, and has begun finishing her class work.

  42. I had major surgery about 3 weeks ago, recovery for my surgery can last anywhere from 6 weeks up to 6 months. I prayed for healing but especially for the incredible pain I get when I wake up in the morning to reduce. I woke up on Sunday the 9th got up and walked to my living room and it was only at the moment that I was standing there that it occured to me that I had just got out of bed with almost 95% less pain. It felt so good, I still have ways to go but I’m grateful for this amazing start.

  43. I didnt finish this novena unfortunately but before i have been in difficult situations but i have been praying so many novena and God blessed me , i passed my exams, i got a new job and a new apartment. I am so greatful, he is a God of wonders.

  44. My wife is a stay at home mom but was offered her teaching job back. We couldn’t find daycare and kind of gave up on it happening. We offered the marriage and family novena for clarity for our family to be at peace in whatever decision. The ninth day of the novena the principal said the school was willing to do whatever it took to get her to teach and affordable care was found!

  45. My children have been estranged for a year. I was distraught with grief. I was halfway through the novena when they all began connecting with one another. God is great! He is an awesome God.

  46. God answered my prayers. I safely delivered a bouncing baby girl and my mum’s who has been sick for sometime is now feeling better. Thanks be to God.

  47. the Lord is amazing and all we need to do is believe and trust like the great St. Faustina..

    Jesus I trust in You.
    God answers our prayers our most difficult moments..

    Trust God not man!


  48. There is nothing impossible with God!!He revealed the hater in the family and since this was exposed I feel a huge burden has been lifted from my shoulders.Now I am praying God for healing and forgiveness.Praise the Lord.

  49. Thank you god- my husband and I have been so busy raising our young family while working we have been drifting apart. Since doing this novena we had a night away together (first time in 6 years) and have had a chance to talk and work through our problems. I feel we are much closer now and getting back to our very happy marriage. We have a lot going on financially and we are also another small step closer to trying to get this sorted,Thank you for Mary for your intercession please keep us in your care

  50. I started praying the novena for various reasons and intentions. I’ll start with the one my daughter had issues she needed to woRK out and my intentions were answered. I also prayed that I foumd a good job and they were also answered. I prayed for my wife and she is getting better day by day. Thank you mother Mary. Praise to all mighty GOD and ST. JUDE for answering my prayers. PRAYER AND FAITH ARE STRONG. AMEN.

  51. My husband has been out of work for a while now. This had him depressed. When I started this novena, I asked God to bless us with jobs and improve our finances. Just before the end of the novena, he got an offer and it seems more offers are coming. This can only be God.

  52. I prayed that I would make amends and reconcile with my partner and we met on Sunday for coffee. All is not better but it’s a start.

  53. Before I started this novena one of my prayers was for my brother to start a new job. Two days ago he was call to come and start work immediately. I thank God for this and other things He is doing for me in my life and family. Amen

    • Hey, l was wondering if you could help me, please ! If it wasn’t hard for you to pray for me please could you pray this for me ?

      My life gets better l my life fixed and restored fixed , lm happy the bad things removed out my life my life restored to who l was and dream of
      My life fixed

      1611 King James Bible with apocrypha built, made inside it in the right correct order and the real words of Yahawah Ba Ha Sham Yahawashi In it and the Holy Spirit In / on it .

      Made like the one l have at home (everything like it ) but with the apocrypha in it and as described as l wanted above and available in white, blue and yellow and available in plastic wrapping available at family dollar in Hammond Indiana for $ 1.00 and the same thing but small versions too.(you can fit in your pocket) , you can whip it out at any time.

      My teeth got back super white and perfect, straight
      gap closed , healthy

      A guy from Gms Hebrew Israelite (100% Truth) will post on my YouTube account that cares about me and gets his prayers answered by The Most High Yahawah, Yahawah Ba Ha Sham Yahawashi his email address

      And he can see if see what the Most High Yahawah says about the questions l have (which are on my iPhone 5s) what The Most High Yahawah says about them and he’ll have success getting to the Most High Yahawah without problem
      And quick results and answers

      And he can ask The Most High Yahawah, Yahawah Ba Ha Sham Yahawashi can he go back in time to give me a restart with my salvation and if he can and it’s possible that he do it, and that it will count and truly be fixed and not a joke and if he can that he help me so l won’t blow it,(my salvation)

      I’m free and living my life (no if, ands or buts)

      I have privacy wherever l go , be
      If l buy my own house l have my own privacy where people can’t bother me or hinder me or mess with me or hear me or know what lm doing or what’s going on, etc
      I’m able to have script writing journals and they come to life as l wish and dream them to be

      I’m able to speak life and death in , out the power of my tongue and it comes to life, existence.

      Evil stop following me

      My life not hard

      People never know my business, ever

      I will never go to college ever in my life,ever

      2019 & beyond will great for me

      Merry Christmas & a happy new year 🎆🎊🎈

    • Hey, l was wondering if you could help me, please ! If it wasn’t hard for you to pray for me please could you pray this for me ?

      My life gets better l my life fixed and restored fixed , lm happy the bad things removed out my life my life restored to who l was and dream of
      My life fixed

      1611 King James Bible with apocrypha built, made inside it in the right correct order and the real words of Yahawah Ba Ha Sham Yahawashi In it and the Holy Spirit In / on it .

      Made like the one l have at home (everything like it ) but with the apocrypha in it and as described as l wanted above and available in white, blue and yellow and available in plastic wrapping available at family dollar in Hammond Indiana for $ 1.00 and the same thing but small versions too.(you can fit in your pocket) , you can whip it out at any time.

      My teeth got back super white and perfect, straight
      gap closed , healthy

      A guy from Gms Hebrew Israelite (100% Truth) will post on my YouTube account that cares about me and gets his prayers answered by The Most High Yahawah, Yahawah Ba Ha Sham Yahawashi his email address

      And he can see if see what the Most High Yahawah says about the questions l have (which are on my iPhone 5s) what The Most High Yahawah says about them and he’ll have success getting to the Most High Yahawah without problem
      And quick results and answers

      And he can ask The Most High Yahawah, Yahawah Ba Ha Sham Yahawashi can he go back in time to give me a restart with my salvation and if he can and it’s possible that he do it, and that it will count and truly be fixed and not a joke and if he can that he help me so l won’t blow it,(my salvation)

      I’m free and living my life (no if, ands or buts)

      I have privacy wherever l go , be
      If l buy my own house l have my own privacy where people can’t bother me or hinder me or mess with me or hear me or know what lm doing or what’s going on, etc
      I’m able to have script writing journals and they come to life as l wish and dream them to be

      I’m able to speak life and death in , out the power of my tongue and it comes to life, existence.

      Evil stop following me

      My life not hard

      People never know my business, ever

      I will never go to college ever in my life,ever

      2019 & beyond will great for me

      Merry Christmas & a happy new year 🎆🎊🎈

  54. I have being praying for so many things that worries me. God has answered this particular one. By his grace Hubby had reduced his intake of alkohol. Thank you Lord.

  55. I prayed this Novena that my daughters would come back to church. On the last day of the Novena my daughter told me she joined the Catholic Fellowship club at her college and will start going to mass with fellow students!

  56. I was praying for two of my daughters; for one to get a job, which she did and for the other to have good weather for her outdoor wedding- it was spectacular- so thankful!!!

  57. I’ve been praying many novenas for the past 5 years as my husband,
    had fallen back to alcoholism.
    I’m happy to say ,for today, he is 3 weeks sober.
    I pray for continued healing for our Whole family!
    Praise To Our God, and His Holy Mother !
    Thank God for St. Monica and Venerable Matt Talbot.

  58. My boyfriend wanted us to move in together but I wasn’t very happy with that: on the fourth day of the novena he told me he has changed his mind and we are getting married this spring!

  59. We have prayed every Novena since I found your website. My family is broken and being held together by my husband and myself in prayer.

    The day this Novena for Marriage and families ended, my Son who was not speaking with us came to my door to say he was sorry for his actions and that he knew it was his actions and his choices that were causing all of his tribulations. He truly had a contrite heart.
    It is only the beginning but, It was a miracle!
    Thank you John Paul and Annie…..pray more Novenas is giving us hope and a reminder of the power of prayer.

  60. So grateful to God and our blessed mother Mary for hearing my prayers for a safe arrival for my daughter at her study abroad program. She made it there safely and is doing well. God is good.

  61. I have been praying these Novena for little over a year and have never been consistant with them. I made a point to do so this last one. My husband and I have given up on our marriage for the past 2 years. Considering Divorce. How ever we tried and tried to work things out for our 6 year old. After sending this last Novena to him he thanked me and said one day he has been reading and praying. We are so open with each other and is finding our way back to one another, just went on our 1st date in 2 years and had a great time. Am do grateful, we have been praying and attending church when we can. Thank you!

  62. My husband and I always attend mass, but I prefer going on Saturday’s and he prefers early Sunday mornings, and it has been
    almost two years that we have attended Sunday mass together. Since starting and finishing this novena, we have gone to Sunday mass together twice, and on Saturday! Jesus I Trust In You!

  63. Dear Lord I give thanks to Our Dear Mother Mary for all the answered prayers. I am not in a position to pinpoint my answered prayers but during this Novena for Family snd Marriage I felt God’s presence in my life I thank you Father and I pray that you be with all of us throughout. Amen Father

  64. My dear pray more novena family, thank the Good Lord with me and my family. Today i received great news from home
    After 9years of marriage my sister in law is expecting a baby.
    My mum who survived cancer of the lungs recently fell in the middle of an express road with many cars coming in speed, a truck right behind her, but all came to a stop until the Lord helped her to get up and move to a safe side.
    After 6years of working in Qatar my elder brother got his family visa recognised.
    These and other intentions i really asked the Lord during the last novena to our Lady and just two days later, am getting good news. Kindly continue to pray that our Lady will see my sister in law safely through her pregnancy and delivery period. God is indeed faithful.

  65. God is good. One of my intentions was for the money for my son to attend a math club. The leader told me that because our finances are so difficult, he can attend for free! It’s a small request, but very meaningful to my son! Mary is taking care of us!

  66. My brother was not on talking terms with his son. I am grateful that this novena has resulted in their reconcilliation. God is great.

  67. I prayed for peaceful work with my workmates (my office family) and one of the most difficult people on the team decided to cooperate and we achieved so much. To God be the glory.

  68. I prayed that my medicaid would be approved after a lapse.
    My prayers were answered.
    I’m still praying for my niece,s recovery .
    She is suffering from lupus.
    She is awaiting the inevitable.
    Please pray.
    Sincerest thanks.

    • Hey, l was wondering if you could help me, please ! If it wasn’t hard for you to pray for me please could you pray this for me ?

      My life gets better l my life fixed and restored fixed , lm happy the bad things removed out my life my life restored to who l was and dream of
      My life fixed

      1611 King James Bible with apocrypha built, made inside it in the right correct order and the real words of Yahawah Ba Ha Sham Yahawashi In it and the Holy Spirit In / on it .

      Made like the one l have at home (everything like it ) but with the apocrypha in it and as described as l wanted above and available in white, blue and yellow and available in plastic wrapping available at family dollar in Hammond Indiana for $ 1.00 and the same thing but small versions too.(you can fit in your pocket) , you can whip it out at any time.

      My teeth got back super white and perfect, straight
      gap closed , healthy

      A guy from Gms Hebrew Israelite (100% Truth) will post on my YouTube account that cares about me and gets his prayers answered by The Most High Yahawah, Yahawah Ba Ha Sham Yahawashi his email address

      And he can see if see what the Most High Yahawah says about the questions l have (which are on my iPhone 5s) what The Most High Yahawah says about them and he’ll have success getting to the Most High Yahawah without problem
      And quick results and answers

      And he can ask The Most High Yahawah, Yahawah Ba Ha Sham Yahawashi can he go back in time to give me a restart with my salvation and if he can and it’s possible that he do it, and that it will count and truly be fixed and not a joke and if he can that he help me so l won’t blow it,(my salvation)

      I’m free and living my life (no if, ands or buts)

      I have privacy wherever l go , be
      If l buy my own house l have my own privacy where people can’t bother me or hinder me or mess with me or hear me or know what lm doing or what’s going on, etc
      I’m able to have script writing journals and they come to life as l wish and dream them to be

      I’m able to speak life and death in , out the power of my tongue and it comes to life, existence.

      Evil stop following me

      My life not hard

      People never know my business, ever

      I will never go to college ever in my life,ever

      2019 & beyond will great for me

      Merry Christmas & a happy new year 🎆🎊🎈

  69. I prayed that family members would find work and we received calls for my daughter and brother offering them jobs.
    God is good!!
    Thank you thank you

  70. My intentions were praying for a life partner, job, financial breakthrough and for a friend who was having issues in her relationship. Before the fifth day, my intentions for my friend was answered. She is now happy in her relationship.
    Praying that Our sweetest Mother will continue to intercede for us all. Amen

  71. prayers for good health for myself and my family. Also for peace, forgiveness and reunion between my two sisters, my sister and my dad, and my uncle and my aunt.

  72. My wife had decided to file for divorce prior to the beginning of the novena. A couple days in I received a letter from the divorce attorney she had contacted but the next day without any explanation in the middle of the novena for marriage and family she decided to no longer pursue divorce. Things are by no means all better between us, but I am grateful that we are no longer headed toward divorce. Thanks for praying.

  73. I was praying for my mother this novena, who had a biopsy done and the results came back today that she does NOT have cancer. We will still pray that her suffering will be relieved, but so glad that her biggest fear was put aside. Thank you Mother Mary!

  74. I prayed for no trouble with the law, and all is well. Also, to take away my hypocrisy. I am a bit better in that respect. Thank You Lord. Thank you Virgin Mary and the Saints. Amen. Alleluia.

  75. I have been tirelessly praying the Marriage and family novena And tomorrow my brother Stephen is reporting for a job as a plumber.A job he has been seeking for seven years without success.Glory be to God.

  76. Niece with serious blood clot disorder developing after she became pregnant delivered healthy baby boy and her clots are gone. Family friend given all indication her breast cancer had metastasized found out it is localized and treatable. Thank God!!

  77. Since I am undergoing treatment for pancreatic cancer, and my husband has been my care giver. With all of the stress from our brewery business and with him taking care of me, it’s been very hard for him. He’s doing a great job, but occasionally has blow-ups that are not productive. After one rough day, he drove us to our adoration chapel for some much needed prayer time. This novena has helped. God bless you all.

  78. For more than one year, suspicion of cancer caused me tremendous anxiety. During this time I said every novena including this one sent to me. After many tests, I was prepped for surgery this week, when miraculously the mass disappeared! I am so grateful for God’s blessings. Prayers are indeed answered.

  79. My 17 year old troubled great nephew who has had many problems got into a good school for his last year of high school. Its a specialty school that has helped many youth like him. His first day was today. I praise God for this and pray that he can straighten out his life. I believe it’s an answered prayer.

  80. I was praying for my job and residence. The problem of my residence has been solved. I was saying the novenas. Even more peace and love at home. The novenas is a blessing to all who say it.

  81. Since this noven I have been asking God through our Mother to help me stop watching porn.For days I have not watched and don’t have the urge to. Pray that I will not return to it again.

  82. I was praying for my marriage of 32 years, because it has been more challenging for the past several years. We had an honest discussion on the Sunday evening and have had a better week overall. It is a work in progress, but I see improvements and have hope. Thanks so much for this ministry.

  83. After praying the novena to St Monica, my son got a permanent job and I thank God for his love. Thank you to all who prayed with me. God is good all the time.

  84. I prayed the whole novena for my godchild who was facing severe problems and also for a good job of his liking.
    My prayers were answered and he was relieved from the problems and is called for a job interview.
    Continuous prayers to Our Mother to grant him the job of his dreams.
    Thank you Dear Mother for your blessings and protection. Amen!

  85. I feel so blessed every time I pray a Novena. God is so good. I always ask that he keeps me and my family from pain. He does just that. I am so blessed to have heard about the novenas. I look forward to each and
    everyone of them. I will continue to pray for my family and all of you.
    God Bless