Day 2 – St. Therese of Lisieux Novena 2021

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Here’s Day 2 of the St. Therese of Lisieux Novena!

We hope you will continue to enjoy this novena! Pray with Catholics around the world!

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  1. Amen, will pray with to end generations curses and broken relationships. May the good lord bring peace and change your partner like Saul to Paul. May HE create a clean heart in you and your father. In Jesus name we pray. Read Psalm 23

  2. That my children Katie and Sam would come back to the faith, make good confessions, avail themselves of the sacraments, accept love teach and defend the teachings of the Church, and never leave for any reason. Amen.

  3. Saint Therese please intercede for me. I ask God to establish my granddaughter in the Church at His appointed time, that he heal my daughter and bless her with a caring husband, that he heal Mary, and that he give Mary’s daughter stability in life and place her in the job that is best for her.

  4. My son and daughter-in-law have been trying for four years to have a baby. My daughter-in-law needs physically healing and healing for her struggles for wanting a baby and not getting pregnant. Please pray that through the Holy Spirit she be healed and be blesses with a baby.

  5. God Bless all those praying this Novena. St. Therese please pray for my son’s health. Please pray that he is healthy, happy, and safe. I pray that law school is not too mentally draining. Please pray for his sinuses and to keep away from COVID and all viruses. Please pray for my husband and myself. Please pray for good health and for us to stay away from COVID and all viruses. Please pray for my mom and heal her bones quickly. Please pray that we can be kinder to each other. Finally I pray for a safe and stress free school year.

  6. Dear St. Therese,
    Please send flowers to our family. Our son Joe and his wife had a baby in June. I pray that they will have her Baptized in the Catholic Church. To find a priest who will Baptize her even though they don’t practice the faith. That they will be return to full communion to Sacred Heart of Jesus and have their marriage blessed in Church.
    I pray that our other two sons will be desire a close relationship with Jesus return to our beautiful Catholic faith.
    Jesus I trust in You!

  7. St Therese the little flower,
    Please pray for me a poor sinner. Please pray that I may have courage and fortitude to act upon the ideas in my head. I want to love and serve Jesus more and more. I want to be more faithful to him and the church. Please pray that I make break the bondage of lack of confidence and fear of humiliation, for I know that only through humiliation can I obtain “humility”. I want to be at the foot of Jesus and brush his feet with my hair. Please pray for me St Therese, I love you.

    Thank you for your intercession,

  8. Please pray for my son who is in a very unhealthy relationship with C. She isn’t a practicing Christian & only occasionally attends Mass with my son. She was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder but does not seek treatment. She doesn’t treat me with respect.
    I have been a widow since my son was 1.
    Thank you with all my heart

  9. Dear St. Therese

    I pray that God will finally send healing and restoration for Del and me. Through your intercession, God will send favor, and just like how he turned water into wine, may He also do great miracles for me and Del, may He continue to mold us as Boaz and Ruth for each other in this season. Knowing God is the God of acceleration and second chances, through your intercession, I pray for our second chance and new beautiful beginnings together in God’s perfect time and be able to Glorify God about our relationship and our future.

    God is a healer, through your intercession may God finally put an end to Covid19 and we will all have our lives to normal.
    That we are all protected & evil will not reign on earth.

    God is a healer, may he heal me and my family. Heal my father & mother and they will have peace at home.
    God is forgiving, I pray I would be able to forgive my father and vice versa.

    I pray that the generational curse is already broken within me and my siblings and we will be able to go from Glory to glory, blessings upon blessings. And we will have a new family line living with blessings.

    Please also bless my friends, family and future family (and in laws) always.

    In Jesus Name and through St. Therese’s intercession. Amen.

  10. I pray for my brother to get his finances in order and for the deal on our house to close without a problem. It is already been delayed and I am praying that there will no longer be any obstacles to its closing.

  11. O Little Flower, I have confidence that you will carry my petitions and present them to Jesus. I pray for a healing of my physical eyes. Please let this process in my right eye resolve itself without a surgical intervention. This is my most urgent need. I am dealing with so much anxiety over this. Please help me.

  12. I asked for prayers for my adult children who have strayed away from the faith. That like Saint Augustine they come back to the church with the renewed faith and love for God and the Catholic Church. I also want to pray for a personal intention in regards to my families finances that we may get out of debt and be able to use some of our disposable income to give to others less fortunate than us. Thanks and God bless you all.

  13. Dear St. Therese of Lisieux, with humble heart and spirit please pray to our Lord for me to trust him more with my journey o achieving my dreams and goals in life. Please pray that I will be able to pass the remaining module of my B2 EXAM. In Jesus Name Amen!

  14. I am praying for me to have clean, sincere and free heart in relationship with God, family, friends and everyone I meet in my life.

    I am praying for my mother mum to be stronger and get healed by her disease.

    I am praying I become successful to be more independent financially and smart through all the work I do.

  15. Please pray for my daughter and son-in-law to resolve their relationship difficulties and not have to deal with any in-law issues.

  16. I am getting married in December, after 27 years together, hopefully Prayers answered through the Novenas I have been praying. Our finances are really bad, praying that I can get money to fund the wedding and take care of our family. Also praying for the safe pregnancy and birth of my grandchild during this Pandemic.
    St Therese of the Child Jesus, pray for me that God answers my prayers and Mother Mary bless me with the grace of humility when God answers my prayers and also pray for my youngest daughter’s healing from her mysterious disease.

    I ask this through Christ our Lord.

  17. Praying for the blessings of a spouse and children. Healing of PCOS and deliverance from evil dreams and manipulations.

  18. I pray that my friend and I quit smoking. So far it has been hard but working with Nicorette lozenges. My prayers for my colonoscopy worked. It has been 3 years and no more cancer. Thank you God! Thank you at Novenas for praying for me.

  19. St. Therese please pray that the court case is dismissed and AM joins us as soon as possible. Please set us free from these false allegations and accusations. Thank you St. Therese. Love you Sr. Therese. Please continue to shower me with the roses every morning. I take them as a message and sign from you.

  20. For the conversion, healing, and deliverance of my daughter who is living a very confused sinful life and struggles with mental illness. For the conversion of my son. For myself, that I would know Gods love after much disappointment and pain.

  21. Hello. I pray for a good permanent job in the government with a conducive environment. I pray that I get employed in Uganda Revenue Authority and URSB. I pray for that me and my sisters obtain or get the sacrament of Holy matrimony. I pray for more happiness, health, life, wealth and protection for myself, family and friends from every harm and evil. I pray for a blessed life partner soon. I ask for forgiveness for my sins and I pray that all the sick in the world are healed.

  22. Thanks be to God and all his Saints for graces I have received. As a poor sinner I pray for the following
    – healing for hip injury
    – success in 4 year will battle with relative. Pray for his salvation × my siblings who have persecuted me over inheritances. Totally alone since death of my beloved mother and uncle
    – will get a job that pleases God × is all for HIS GLORY. Pro life hopefully
    – will meet again man (OL) I wish to discern as husband

    Thank you Little Flower
    Praying for everyone else’s intentions

  23. For Bill who is battling stage two bladder cancer. Through the intercession of Blessed Fr Solanus Casey, may he be healed.

  24. Dear St Therese,

    I am asking for prayer for Gods direction & guidance & intervention for a resolution in a family business dispute with my 4 sons & theyre Father & also, myself as the mother & wife , it has been going on for too many years & I pray strongly for Peace & Healing for everyone.

    I also, am asking for prayers For my 3rd sons wife to overcome non-production in her daily life & to turn away from spending all her time on a cell phone & social media 24/7, while caring for her 3 children & not caring for her home for her family. She is a stay at home mother & no other responsibilities.

    I also, am asking for prayers for my youngest son & his wife for intercession from the Holy Spirit to help them to conceive a child that they are so desiring & praying & longing for.

    I will give you & our Lord Jesus all the praise & Glory for answers to these prayer requests & I put my trust in your intercession.

  25. Prayers of thanks for a successful medical procedure. I pray for stronger and better relationships within my family and also for our individual relationships with God. I pray that my son will do well in college, make good decisions, and stay close to God. Amen!

  26. I pray for justice and fairness at my workplace and that of my sister. I pray God destroys all schemes of man and the devil in our lives. Victory belongs to you Lord.

  27. Please pray that our dear Lord immediately causes Caleb to reach out to his mother in a loving and positive way.
    Please pray that our dear Lord immediately causes Jason to allow Jeremiah and Hannah to spend at least two weekends a month with their mother.

  28. Dear good and holy prayers..
    I’m asking St Therese to bless us on our trip to Ecuador for our son’s wedding for health and safety. And also for my mysterious throat issue.
    In Faith

  29. Please pray for me.
    I am delivered. I am so thankful to Jesus for attoning my sins. The battle is of the lord 2 chronicles 20. Fake attacks and communication happen daily and nightly to try to convince me I’m not. The great I AM CALLED MY NAME. They went against it. Shame on them

  30. St, therese pray my nephew and his family return to the Catholic Faith with full participation and they will baptize their sons and raise them Catholic.
    Pray my great-nephews will grow up to be kind, considerate, caring, happy, strong, industrious, healthy and to know God, love God and Serve Our Lord.
    Pray for Mike, Jim and Ronnie.
    Pray for all requests for this Novena.

  31. St, therese pray my nephew and his family return to the Catholic Faith with full participation and they will baptize their sons and raise them Catholic.
    Pray my great-nephews will grow up to be kind, considerate, caring, happy, strong, industrious, healthy and to know God, love God and Serve Our Lord.
    Pray for Mike, Jim and Ronnie.
    Pray for all requests for this Novena.

  32. St. Therese, bring peace into my life daily in your little ways.
    St. Therese with Jesus Christ, please remove the people and things from my life that are getting in the way of my relationship with the Lord. If my current romantic relationship is not my future husband, please remove them from my life so that my future husband and I can find each other through you.

  33. For my husband and I to communicate and understand each other.
    For my husband to be able to admit to me what is wrong and no secrets between us. For a strong trusting wonderful joyful relationship with my husband
    For me to be able to release this resentment and feelings of abandonment and hurt towards my husband
    For our son to have a wonderful relationship with God and find Godly friends with ease now.

  34. I’m so sick and got bleeding everyday. Surgery is not an option because of other medical condition. Can you please pray for me to get me healing??

  35. I pray that Alexandra will be well in body, mind, and spirit, and that God will grant peace, joy, love, trust, and forgiveness to her and her family.

  36. IXOYE For the complete and miraculous healing of Helen Nguyen, OP. For increased trust in the Lord for her husband and comfort for her son. For consolations for all those worried for her. Amen. IXOYE

  37. Please pray that my feelings of resentment, hurt and anger towards my ex husband be replaced with feelings of love and mercy and that I may feel content with my life as it is now.

  38. Praying that the chronic physical pain that my husband suffers with daily will lessen. That I would mother my children well; that each of them would stay close to the Lord. That women in my parish might feel the call to step out in leadership for our women’s ministry.

  39. I pray for St. Therese’s intercession for my sons that they continue to grow in their faith and become good Catholic gentleman. I pray that God’s powerful Spirit will enlighten their minds as they discern their vocations and paths in life. Watch over them Heavenly Father, protect them and keep them from all harm. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

  40. Hi prayer Warriors, asking prayers for our Warriors request;

    Our great volunteer at St. John the Baptist Mary-Jo, who’s setting up the Altar for Mass every morning, her brother Jim who is suffering with COVID and on ventilator.

    Also Andrew’s aunt who is a nun, is asking for prayers. Her name is Sister Mary Lynn. She is asking for prayers for baby Kelly who has rsv, and pray for their nursing home, they are short staffed.
    And for the nuns.

  41. Hi prayer Warriors;
    Asking prayers for my friend Gregory, who has skin cancer and just got diagnosed with COVID.

    O Holy Spirit, please come like a dove,
    Shield and protect Greg and Cover his wounds with Your grace feathered wings,
    Shield Greg from sorrow, breathe hope songs within.
    Tend with Your goodness the pain that he bear,
    Heal now Gregory’s sickness with miracle care. Amen 🕊🙏

  42. Hello Prayer Warriors asking prayer for Carolyn, who is suffering from Parkinson’s and feels like she is going down hill.

    Blessed Saint Raphael, Archangel, We beseech thee to help us in all our needs and trials of this life, as thou, through the power of God, didst restore sight and give guidance to young Tobit. We humbly seek thine aid and intercession for Carolyn who is suffering with Parkinson’s.
    Give her comfort and healing.
    Amen. 🙏🙏❤️‍🔥

  43. Good morning Prayer Warriors; asking prayers for our Adoration buddy Jen’s husband Michael who was diagnosed with an aggressive Melanoma.
    Please pray for a successful surgery with a good outcome!! Thank you so much!!

    Mother of healer, my Mother Mary, praying for your beloved son Michael who is suffering with cancer, give him healing and comfort and guide surgeon to do best and protect them under your mantle. Amen 🙏

  44. Good morning prayer Warriors asking prayer for our prayer Warrior Julie’s mom Carol.

    St. Bernardine of Siena, you were healed of respiratory illness and preached the love and mercy of God everywhere you went.
    I come to you now seeking your prayers for Carol who suffer with lungs and breathing illnesses.  
    Plead Carol to Mary, the Mother of God, and seek healing for her if that is God’s holy will.
    Pray, dear saint, that Carol suffer with joy, persevere with hope, and that Carol join her afflictions with Jesus’ for the salvation of souls.
    I ask your intercession for Carol’s behalf in Jesus’ holy Name.  Amen 🙏

  45. St. Therese, please bless my family with strength and a miracle for my daughter in regaining custody of her son. Bless us with your favor and protection from all those against my family in this situation. Bless us with a miraculous turn of events that will allow my grandson back into my family so he may be baptized and nurtured with our love and care. Thank you St. Therese, I will always be most grateful and honored with the granting of this request. Pray for all of us and help all those who are suffering in this family way.

  46. Hi prayer Warriors, one of our Warrior Stacey is asking prayer for Michele;

    Please ask everyone to pray for my Niece Michele. She is in severe pain and the doctor believes she has Rheumatoid arthritis. She’s in her late 20’s so very young. Thank you!! God bless everyone!

    Also for our Warrior Andrew is asking to prayer for his friend Dale;

    please pray for my friend Dale Baerlocher he needs quantuple bypass surgery.

    Mother of healer, Mother of Michele and Dale, give them healing and comfort and protect them under your mantle. Amen 🙏

  47. Dear Saint Theresa Lisieux,🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
    My Humble prayer is to be closer to you and to St. Teresa of Avila who I share my birthday with. I’m asking for this closeness to you both so that you will intercede for me so I may have a more intimate relationship with Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior and to trust in God my Father in Heaven.
    Please rid me of all my fears here on earth so that I may see life through Jesus, Mary and St. Joseph’s eyes and I may lead a Holier less complicated life.
    I pray for many Blessings and Grace’s for my family and friends both living and deceased.
    Thank you with Lots of Love and Peace! Patty XOXO 🌹

  48. Please pray that all members of my family will come back to the church. Ask that they will trust in God’s plan for them, follow, and do His will. Pray that I will do so also.
    Pray that all people will seek God in all that they say and do.

  49. I ask St. Therese to ask Jesus for His mercy on my neighbor’s soul (Christine Pearson). She just passed away and I ask Jesus for a short wait in her becoming pure for Heaven. Also for my Step-son David, that his foot heals after surgery due to his diabetes. For healing of my husband’s diabetes. I ask for a good result for my tests being done next week. May God bless my family as He always has, especially my sister, Terisa, who has Parkinsons and her husband, Rod, who is recovering from a stroke. Jesus, Son of the Living God, have mercy on me a sinner and have mercy on my loved ones. AMEN

  50. I pray for peace, for our sons to return to their faith and a good life partner, and for protection from all evils, for healing of body and mind and for all those whom I promised to pray for. Also for all souls in purgatory and those with no one to pray for them. Amen.

  51. St Therese I pray for the little things in life making people happy. Loving and caring for my husband and children. I pray that they enjoy doing the little things in life and praising God. I pray for the health of my husband and the edema on his legs I pray that with your help his legs get better in Jesus name Amen.

  52. Dear St Therese,
    I pray for my son to be focused and be favored, that God will bless the work of his hands, give him a life partner.
    I also pray for God’s direction and guidance on my special intention.
    Divine intervention that defies all protocol in ULCA.
    I pray for good health in my family.
    St Therese pray for all those praying this novena.

  53. Through the wonderful intercession of St Therese of Lisieux, I pray that our good Lord may bless me with His divine providence to to get someone who will help me to put up the house of my mother that is fallen. Please my dear colleagues in this praymorenovana assist me with prayers in this stressful moment. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless you all.

  54. I pray for guidance for Cecilia, finding the right path in life.
    I also pray for Dominik to find a good job close to family, and for the entire family to have peace and comfort in the changes to come.

  55. For physical healing for Sarah’s parents, also for 33-year old Jeff, and also for a miraculous healing for my sister’s family’s good friend, Ben.
    And, eventually, for a happy, holy and peaceful death for a friend in her 90’s who chose not to have Chemotherapy.

  56. Please pray for us St. Therese, please pray for the healing of my mom’s hearing and for the health and well being of my family and friends. Please pray for my daughter’s Confirmation this year and graduation of my son and daughter. For our deceased parents and loved ones and for my husband and marriage. Thank you and I love you Lord and I trust you Lord, 🙏 Amen

  57. St. Therese, I pray for your intercessions for continued health and happiness of my family. I pray St. Therese that you guide my children to make the right decisions in their lives to be holy, productive children of God. I pray St. Therese that you guide My marriage to be holy, happy and blessed. I pray St. Therese that you guide the victims of hurricane Ida to not give up hope but to trust in the Lord for their needs. Lastly, for the immigrants at the border to find the strength to improve their country for all their citizens. We are all children of God. St Therese pray for those suffering.

  58. Heavenly Father, I’m grateful for this moment right now here, all calm, serene and cozy. I praying God for anyone out there who do not have a home, good food to eat and good clothing, the almighty King will provide for your needs.
    I particularly would like to extends my prayer to my sister and my husband who are diabetics, that loving God you’ll help them managed their condition well and for anyone out there with the same condition or any other ailments, May the good Lord give you comfort, excellent health restorations and life long fulfill journey.
    Staying Blessed and Safe everyone.

  59. St Theresa ease pray for me that according to His will, I may have grace to show love and a smile to those around me who need it.
    Also pray for marriage and a fruitful one this season. Let the lord delay no more but work things around for a sudden fruitful response. Amen.

  60. I pray for patience, I care for my 97 year old mom, with no help from other family members, I pray for patience as I know a special blessing awaits me in Heaven, but it isn’t easy, and it seems to get harder every day, Thank you Lord for this And all the Novenas provided by Pray More Novena , they do help. Amen

  61. St. Therese, please present my prayer to the Holy Trinity, whom I ask to breathe fresh new and everlasting life and vitality into C’s and my relationship of love; to Heal us, make us whole, and join us in the Sacrament of Holy Matrimony; to fill us and our relationship with His Divine light as no darkness can exist in the presence of God’s Holy Light; to Protect us from all evil influences and shower His heavenly graces and bountiful blessings upon us. I ask God, who is all love, to be the nurturing and steadfast foundation for our relationship of love and for our blended family now and forever. Amen

  62. I pray for my daughter. May God fill her heart and her mind with health and peace as she goes through so many changes. May God shed a bright light into the darkness of the relationship she is in. Lord just keep loving her. You always know best. In Jesus name.

  63. Dear Saint Therese, please help my wife return to Our Lord Jesus. Please pray that the darkness be removed from her mind and heart, and that we may be reconciled. Please pray that our marriage reflect His glory. I ask this in the name of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

  64. Praying that our son will get better from this COVID sickness and Lord please keep him strong. 🙏🏻
    Keep our daughter and family healthy. 🙏🏻
    🙏🏻In your name Lord Jesus Christ♥️

  65. Please pray for my daughter Ashley, her conversion of faith, and mental well being. Also for peace, love and faith for my family. Thank you and God bless.

  66. Please pray for my granddaughter who was a preemie, and currently has reflux issues with vomiting and therefore has a g-tube to be fed by. Pray that she will be healed and no longer need the g-tube and no longer has the gag reflux.

    Also please pray for healing and guidance for my son who deals with severe eczema, depression and anxiety. He needs friends and a future catholic wife so he’s not alone.

    Please include prayers for my husband who is disabled with nerve damage and suffers from pain due to those issues on a daily basis.

    Lastly, for the end of abortion, the healing of our country, and for evil and greed to be removed from the hearts of our leaders here, and throughout the world, and for all of you who pray for us!

  67. Prayers Haiti and there families, guidance for our leaders to help all mankind.
    Please pray for our Legion of Mary members Immaculate Mary presidium and all their children. We pray for increase membership.
    Please pray for me to retain the knowledge I need to pass my Broker National Exam on September 29, 2021. Please show mother Mary how to overcome, and successfully Pass my Brokers Exam. St. Teresa pray for us. Amen

  68. I pray for peace among our extended family, I pray for me and my sister that God will give us our life partner, I pray for all married couples, that God will keep them in love, I pray for the unemployed, that God will provide them with a job and I pray for countries that are fighting, that God will restore peace. Amen

  69. I ask God to be the Light in my children and immediate and extended family, to guide each to make the right decisions, remove all confusion and doubt and overwhelming feeling. Encourage my son to return to Holy Mass. These children are experiencing confusion and doubt with their careers. Open the doors that will lead them to do your Will always dear God.
    Amen and thank you for never failing me.

  70. I pray you will heal my son from the negative effects of his childhood cancer treatments & cure his chronic pain. Help him to find strength in your presence & to remain in remission. Restore his feelings of positive self worth & self confidence & bless him with good health, good lifelong friendships, loving family, a positive outlook and success in finding & thriving in a good job. Help him to find the medical personnel & rehab therapists who can help him grow increasingly healthy, strong, self confident, resourceful, hopeful & independent. Give him the financial & emotional stability & means to live a well rounded life & to be happy. Bless all my loved ones & myself with good health & success. Heal all of my relationships that need healing. I pray for love & understanding amongst family, friends & acquaintances. Help me to create art that is inspiring and healing & to find a way to make this world a better, kinder place for everyone, regardless of ethnicity, ability or beliefs. Please protect our world from evil & instill goodness & hope in those who’ve lost their way.

  71. Please pray for Ashley an Robert. They are candidates in our RCIA program. Robert is also in kidney failure and needs a donor kidney. Thank you

  72. I pray for peace, kindness, guidance, and respect to be in the hearts and minds of our world’s citizens. I pray that all will make decisions with God’s guidance, including leaders. I pray for the good health and safety of my family and me. I pray that A mends her relationship with E. I pray that C makes mature decisions and become independent. I pray that J has a good man come into her life soon who would be her husband. I pray for those who need help and for those helping others. I pray for the intentions of those praying this novena with me. In Jesus’ name & through the intercession of St. Therese, I say Amen.

  73. Prayers for the mourning, for those who have lost numerous family members at one time, for all addicts, that they may find courage, for manipulative people, that they may find self-love,
    For all who live in war zones, in gun-filled American cities, that they will help each other up and out.

  74. I surrender all my battles to you Heavenly Father. My relationship with my loved one, the projects I have undertaken, the debts I have incurred and my protection and peace of mind from enemies known and unknown. Heavenly Father, I also surrender the individual burdens of my family members and that of my partner; be with us all and please, grant us the protection, peace of mind and strength that we need to survive daily. Keep us united in love and help us always to function as a team so more can be achieved. In Jesus’s me I pray. Amen

  75. St. Therese. I ask for your intercessions for the continued health and happiness of my family. I pray for the cure for my nephew’s sight and for the souls of my father and uncle. I pray for the release of the pain and sufferings that I endure due to my disabilities. Finally I humbly ask that I may find my soulmate. I ask this in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Amen 🙏

  76. Please pray for my brother John. He is in the ICU after suffering some sort of diabetic episode and has not regained consciousness. He has anoxia in several parts of his brain, has pneumonia and is on a ventilator. Please pray for a full recovery!🙏

  77. Prayers that my Aunt Catherine may recover from her fall. Prayers for our friend, Tom who is having part of his leg removed.
    Prayers for safety of my son and his wife as they travel next week. Prayers for us as we watch their son.
    Prayers for all of my friends and relatives who are on my daily prayer list.
    Prayers for our President and that our country can be united again. Amen.

  78. I am praying to trust God and truly live by His words: Thy Will be done! I am traveling to Chicago tomorrow and home Sunday, and have a lot of anxiety (about flying and Covid) Grant me uneventful flights and more importantly, to trust God that no matter what happens He will guide me, be with me, calm my anxiety, and provide comfort no matter the situation! 🙏🏻 I pray for healing for Sara, Bob, Doug, Nancy, Ronnie, Ms. Lawler, Ali, Janet’s aunt, and for all those who have no one to pray for them…Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  79. I pray for my daughter to talk to me again. She has written me off and wished me goodbye. She is very angry at me for how mean I was when she was a teenager and I have apologized over and over again and she will not forgive me. Please pray for her to forgive me and to talk to me again and let me talk to my grandchildren whom I love greatly. I am heartbroken and need all the prayers I can get.

  80. I pray for all my sick family and friends that they will have positive results from the doctors. I pray that Pat’s operation will take place as scheduled. I pray that the people in my country will see the benefits of taking the vaccine. May all the faithful departed have eternal rest.

  81. – For blessings and intentions of SPUP FAMILY, Lely Alcantara, Martin and Christy, and Glenda Caronan. – For God´s providential care on Sr. Cecille Cabahug, her community and Cardinal Rosales Memorial Hospital as they continue to serve the people of Dalaguete, Cebu. For protection from any element that will stop them from doing their mission through the healing mercy of Jesus. – Prayers for God’s healing mercy on Pauline Solon, Baldomero Pinanonang, Sotera Pascual, Emma Cabatana, Laarni, Hollis, Iñigo and all our SPC sisters, relatives and friends who are sick and those affected by this pandemic.
    – For Marie Faith Apolinario who is preparing for the US Pharmacy Licensure Examinations on October 16 and 22, 2021.
    – For Pres. Duterte and all our government officials. – For all the poor and suffering in the world especially those nobody to pray for them – For the eternal repose of the souls of Ma. Paz, Edgardo, Ethan John, Pascual, Sr. Luisa Maria Chavez and all the poor souls in purgatory especially the forgotten ones. -Thanksgiving to God for all the blessings we continue to receive thru the loving care and intercession of Mama Mary. – More blessings for Radio Katipunan and JesCom for their mission of evangelization.

  82. I pray for trust, a strengthened and blessed relationship with my partner that God may guide us as we make plans to settle down and marry, I pray for understanding and love in my family and amongst my friends.