This next novena is to the Guardian of the Redeemer…

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st. joseph novena

The next novena we will pray is to a powerful patron. Saint John Paul II called this saint the Guardian of the Redeemer. 

The next novena we will pray together is the Novena to Saint Joseph, Husband of Mary!

We will start praying on Sunday, March 10th. 

St. Joseph humbly accepted his role as guardian, husband and father in the Holy Family. Therefore, St. Joseph’s intercession has been sought for centuries.

St. Joseph was clearly very close to our Lord and so we come to him with this novena with a sense of humility because of his great humility.

You can sign up to join us in praying here.

We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you!

God bless you!

Annie & John-Paul –

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  1. Dear St. Joseph, please help my son J find a good job/or investment for a regular income…I pray that he become a good husband and father to his wife and 2 children. May he be physically fit both in mind and body. Thank you my dear St. Joseph…

  2. I pray for my son Jacob that he is able to meet a nice God loving woman. So that they may get to know each other and live in harmony with God’s guidance and St. Joseph. Thank you.

  3. For my husband to be strengthened both spiritually and physically.
    For his application for this new job to be completed and accepted so he can have a fresh start with an organization that will recognize his character insted of punishing him with long hours for doing the right thing.
    For strength for our family to accept all the changes to come with love.

    For healing for my children and their physical ailments. Especially our two girls with Glaucoma. May God grant them vision for a very long time to come.

  4. Pls include us to your prayers. Through the intercession of Saint Joseph may his son Jesus Christ grant our desires, for healing and i may able to concieve healthy babies and able to raise our christian family soon. May we be Healed completely spiritual, mental and physical. Saint Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us. Amen.

  5. Please pray for my prompt healing from chronic pain so that I can return to my vocation as wife and mother. St Joseph please pray for us.

  6. For blessings upon the “A Man Among Men” conference being held on March 16, 2019 at Dominican University.

  7. For all the head of the families especially widows and fatherless families to have the help and all the needed sun from St. Joseph. May all young people be inspired and guided by the Holy Spirit to have strong and growing relationships with Lord and the Church

  8. Pray for my husband who needs heart surgery. Make him strong for thr surgery. For our family for forgiveness and for my dental problems for healing. St. Joseph please pray for us.

  9. For my daughter to be healed from mental illness. And for her and another daughter to come back to the Church.

  10. St. Joseph, if it be your will, please help me to find a roommate that is a good fit. To help with expenses and chores, here at Kildare.

  11. Pray for my son and he will go back to church and live a God fearing life .
    I pray that the shacking up living will be considered for a better option of married life if it God’s will.
    I also pray for my daughter Stacey I pray that God will continue to bless her ,
    Pray that Graduation will be blessed with many successes as she journey towards her chosen career as a Medical Doctor

  12. I pray that my child will return to practicing her faith.
    I pray that a wonderful young would enter into her life and walk with her through this life giving the gifts he possesses to help her grow and love more.
    I pray for good results of tests and for healing to take place.
    I pray all these will find favor with God and it be His will. Amen

  13. I pray for divine healing as I have gotten pains around my breast region. That God heal me from all forms of inflammation and my family In Jesus name. Amen

  14. Please pray for my sons to return, financial stability and good health. For those who suffer from pain, both emotional and physical. For world peace and for all the intentions of those in this powerful novena.

    I thank you for all the prayers, guidance and miracles that surround us.

  15. Dearest St. Joseph, please intercede for healing of my husband, Marvin from brain cancer if it be for the Glory of God and His Holy Will and for healing and restoration in our family tree. Please pray that we be strengthen during this trial to be ever faithful and to keep totally reliant on Our Lord for all graces to live this life and to become saints so as to live eternally in heaven.

  16. Praying for a strong relationship with a white guy for marriage.

    Praying for peace in my family financial break through, pay my bills and cover my boss’s debt and deliverance

  17. Pray that my husband would be committed to God’s word always, that God would deliver
    Him from emotional attachment to parents, burden and guilt to care for elderly parents, for happiness, communication and affection with spouse, that his mind and soul is always in the word of God, most of all personal trials.

  18. Dear St. Joseph,

    Please intercede for my dearest son and mother.

    Please help them heal by protecting them and granting them peace and harmony within themselves.

    I pray for forgiveness for the sins that I am aware of and the ones I am not aware of.

    I thank you for all of your blessings. I want to be grateful to you dear St. Joseph patron of families for all the good in our lives.

    I pray for the healing of my family members and for all that suffer from the same illness.

    Thank you dear Lord and blessed mother for everything.

    Amen. Amen

  19. Praying for a strong relationship with a white guy for marriage.

    Praying for peace in my family financial break through and deliverance

  20. Praying that my husband gives his life to God completely and desire holiness.

    praying for a lucrative job.

    praying for safe delivery

  21. I have been praying & continue to pray for my only child…that he may find a good catholic girl, marry & hopefully someday become a father & have a family of his own.

  22. Renting a store that’s been empty- St Joseph bring the right person- to see the place -it’s been empty for months now – thank you for answering my prayer

  23. Thank you lord for the gift of my son and for all the blessings bestowed upon him. St. Joseph please intercede for a holy life partner for my son to settle down in marriage. Also for a steady n good job to support his family.

  24. St. Joseph,
    As I come to you in prayer to I ask for strength as my body is weak, Faith as my soul is strong and hope as I need this to continue living my daily life. Give me the strength needed to overcome my fears and see the light. make me whole in all phases and bless my family as we start our new phases on life. Please assist my husband and show us an end to this separation we are going through.Show us the light we both seek in being together in one place. I need him to come home. Thanks for all blessings received this day.

  25. For financial blessings for our family so that we do not have to worry and stress about where we are going to get money for food, or to pay the next bill that is due. Thank you for all we have because we are all healthy.

  26. Holy St Joseph,
    Please intercede on my behalf that I will meet a man with your traits and love of the Holy Trinity and the Blessed Virgin Mary, to marry. If it be for God’ honor and flowery and my well being!

  27. For Biaggio. He and his wife Jessica have 2 children ages 3 and 20 months. They’re expecting a third child this month. Biaggio just finished his residency and is a new doctor. And was just diagnosed with brain cancer. Please please pray for a miracle. He will need out of town surgery soon. Please intercede for this very sad situation. God have mercy on this beautiful young faithful Catholic family! Thank you for your prayers for them. My heart is breaking for them. . 🌹❤️

  28. Pray for Leonardo and his wife. They are newly married, May 2018, and having problems. They have even been thinking divorce. Pray they find the right resources to help them save their marriage and God renew their hearts with love for each other.
    Pray for the conversion of my husband who has fallen away from the church. Also, he has another cancerous tumor removed from his bladder. I am praying that the treatment which the doctor will prescribe on Monday will heal him again. i thank you for your prayers. Jesus I trust in you.

  29. Please pray for my cousin Russ. He has cancer and is being treated for quite a while. His numbers are up but they can’t find where it is. He is a very kind and compassionate husband, father and step father.
    Please pray for him his family and medical team to cure him. He is a servant of our Lord, please keep him in your prayers to continue his faith in Jesus throughout the testing, surgery and procedures. I ask this through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior through whom all good things come. Thank you.

  30. For my husband and his work. I pray for his stress level my decrease at his job and that his coworkers and bosses realize the work he does.

  31. Please St Joseph help me to solve my difficult circumstances, that are causing me so much stress..Thank you

  32. Please st Joseph heal Ryan’s addiction
    Heal camerons drinking and protect him on his trip to London
    Please heal Travis skin condition
    Please heal Delaney’s back
    Please heal my stomach issues and arm bladder and please don’t let me have diabetes amen

  33. Please pray for my husband Roberts conversation and baptism and our marriage. Please pray for Joseph to be free of addiction and be able to be there for his Children. Also Brian’s severe depression and anxiety. Thank you and God bless

  34. I pray for my husband that his thryoid biopsy results will be benign and he is cancer free!🙏🏻
    I pray for my daughters and their families🙏🏻

  35. I’d like to pray for my family especially my children. I would also like to pray that I find the right job for me with a boss that respects me. I also have a special intention.

  36. I need God deliverance in my life, I need God’s Grace in my Life, God Grace to be a good wife, good mother to my husband and my children. God Grace to raise my children well. I need God’s Protection.
    I need a spouse, a good spouse, caring, loving & God fearing Man.
    I need a another source of income. I need God’s Help in my life,
    to have savings, Help me to practice righteous life. And so On.

  37. I pray for Healing over jayelle from scoliosis,permanently decrease her curve and may she never need surgury and may she live a pain free life with no other problems.pray for financial blessings upon me and peace among everyone.pray I will never have no problems travelling with my soiled visa.pray for success for jz and.jl,bless them with all that their desires,guide and protect them in jesus name amen.

  38. Dear St Joseph. Please pray For all young adult men. May they find Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Please interceed my grandson get a job that will help him prosper in the faith. Thank you.

  39. I pray for Healing over jayelle from scoliosis,permanently decrease her curve and may she never need surgury and may she live a pain free life with no other problems.pray for financial blessings upon me and peace among everyone.pray I will never have no problems travelling with my soiled visa.pray for success for jz and.jl,bless them with all that their desires,guide and protect them in jesus name amen

  40. Please pray for my husband who has been recently diagnosed with a form of leukemia. He is a wonderful husband and father and works with his hands as Joseph did.

  41. St Joseph please ask Jesus to look favorably on my grand-children my two girls and sons-in-law, that they reject all thoughts of materialistic gain and increase their love for God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I am also praying for Harrison to be confirmed. Thank you

  42. Please pray for reconciliation with my husband janos paulo Josee Pedro and my brother frank Ngyama be deliver from hate

  43. Please pray for healing and conversion for my family. That we may be restored to a holy marriage and be a holy family. All for the greater glory of God and to be a witness to the world. Amen

  44. ST Joseph ,i pray for my relationship to work and lead to marriage,I also pray that the good lord will bless
    the fruit of my womb this year.I also pray for greener pastures .

  45. For the succesful operation of my mother this saturday and that the uterine cancer has not spread. and that she be cancer free.

  46. St. Joseph I pray for your intercession for my future husband that you find him and that he may be a model of you in Mary’s life and that I may be a model of Mary to him. I pray for a dear friend of mine for his deep true conversion to the faith.

  47. Dear St Joseph,
    Please pray for the conversion to the Catholic faith of my husband Joel. For the strength and constant faith of my children Jonathan and Daniel. For financial assistance as we are barely getting by. Thank you!

  48. Praying for the will of in my life, and the grace to be able to make the right choice of a life partner. Amen

  49. Clay Crockett
    Adam Baucom
    Michael Baucom
    Ben Streiff
    Josh Petru
    Camren Petru
    Patrick Shannon
    Rene Ramos
    Arron Mozisek
    Ricky Maldonado
    Rocky Rohde
    Tony Garza
    David & Tamye Crockett
    Wayne McDonald

  50. Praying for deliverance from my depression and anxiety. Also to find a happy and fulfilling career. Also good health and happiness for my mom and brother and their families

  51. I would like to thank God for my marriage I pray for my husband that despite the challenges we are facing we may both find a way to compromise and find a rhythm that suits both our differences
    may he also learn to be generous and learn to love

  52. I am asking for prayers for my children to return to the faith. For peace. For all cancer patients, and for financial help for myself. In Thanksgiving for the many blessings I have received. Thank you and God bless.

  53. I pray for an Increase in Faith, Hope, and Charity; for Purity of Desires; to Live according to God’s Will every moment of my life; for an Increase in Independence and Responsibility; for an Increase in Patience, Love, Trust, and Understanding between my Mom and me; for a Healthier Life; for Peace of Mind; to Guard my Heart; for a Job/Career with meaningful work both Spiritually and Financially; to Use my Gifts and Talents to help my Brothers and Sisters in this World; to Bring People Closer to God; Progress/Improve in Dancing (especially at the Studio where I am getting training) and other Passions, Skills, and Areas of My Life; to be able to go on trips I am interested in going on; for my Friend D to make Better Decisions in Her Life; for my friend D to be part of the Catholic Church; for a Stronger Friendship with my Friend D; and for my Friend D and Myself to live out Our Vocations according to God’s Will (I ask for a Relationship), but I also pray to Accept the Vocation and Will, God wants for the Both of Us. Amen.

  54. Wednesday March 13th, Praise Report and Persistent, Persevering Daily Prayer Request to The Heavenly Father, My Lord JESUS CHRIST THE KING, ST. JOSEPH. ST. PEREGRINE, OUR LADY OF LOURDES St. Jude, Sacred Heart of Jesus and All Ye Holy Angels, Archangels and Saints
    Please Lord accept my dialogue with You, please hear my cries, have mercy and pity on me and take heed of my conversation with you. Thank You Lord Jesus.

    Dear God Almighty, Holy Spirit, The Paraclate, ST. JOSEPH, OUR LADY OF LOURDES, St Jude, St. Peregrine, Holy Mother Mary, Undoer of Knots, please undo the snarls of knots in my life. Please God heal my stomach ailments, the belching and the discomforts. I beg You Lord Jesus my God. ALL YE HOLY ANGELS AND SAINTS I implore your aid, grace, discernment, and providence into my soul and for my daily intentions listed here for myself, Son Christopher, mother Margaret , siblings, friends, all my relatives, loved ones and the whole world who this daily Novena is intended for. Thank You Lord Jesus Christ for hearing me in advance.
    Blessed Holy Mother Mary with your intercession and that of All Your Holy Angels and Saints The Merciful God answered all my prayer requests. He delivered my soul from death and honored me with all my needs. Thank You Lord. Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me, Praise Your Holy Name. Praise Your Glorious Name. Thank You Lord God Almighty.
    Holy Spirit, my Advocate please descend upon me and fill my Heart with the power of God, so Your Spirit will ignite the fire 🔥 in me and The Almighty God will hear my cries and render me His Salvation and Healing mercies. I need Your Healing Hands on me right now Jesus. Thank You Holy Spirit 🙏
    Dear Lord God Almighty; Holy Mother Mary, OUR LADY OF LOURDES, Blessed St. Joseph, Blessed St Michael the Archangel, ST. PEREGRINE, St. Jude, ST. ANNE, Blessed St. Padre Pio, All Ye Holy Angels and Saints. l invoke your names to please intercede on my behalf for the Almighty God to forgive my sins, to have mercy and pity on me and to please accept my unceasingly Thanks and Praises, For God to please hear my constant cries and continue coming to my aid. I need you desperately God. I Knocked, l asked and sought your HELP Jesus. I trusted and believed in Your WORD that by your Stripes l am healed and You O God HEALED me. YOU CURED MY Diseases. Almighty God You had pity and mercy on me just like You did for Hezekiah. Thank You Lord Jesus for hearing my cries and wiping away my tears inspite of being such a wretched sinner. I adore Thee my Lord. l love Thee my God. l praise You Jesus.
    All I want to say to You God every moment and every second of my life is THANK YOU LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, LORD JESUS CHRIST for bringing me through the surgery and CURING ME OF ALL MY AILMENTS and for healing my mother from all her illnesses and delivering her from death. For giving her eyesight back after her eye surgery. Praise God. Thank You God. Please Lord Jesus, continue to heal her with your Precious Blood from your wound and water from your side for by your Stripes we are healed. Please God heal the high pressure in her eyes so she will be able to see again. Please God do not fail her. Please God forgive her sins and deliver her soul from the devil’s grip, the enemy, the evil spirit and from death of her soul. Please God, in your mercy grant her your healing mercies, strength and good health for unto You she daily lament. Thank You Lord Jesus for hearing my cries and healing her eyes again. Amen. Alleluia
    Thank You God for heeding my sighs and moaning. For listening to my supplications and driving away all my fears and anxieties. For answering all my Prayers and delivering me from the snares of the devil, my enemies, for fighting my spiritual battles for me and allowing me to defeat my enemies and delivering me from death.
    Glory and Praises be unto Thee Lord God Almighty. How can l thank Thee Lord Jesus. I will call upon Thy Holy Name to Glorify Thee. I exalt Thy Blessed Holy Name, I will testify to the whole world for what you have done for me. You made me an instrument of Your Devine Mercy. I am striving to do your Holy Will in your glory. I extol you and testify your wonderful deeds to ALL. l shout your Mighty Name to the world and testify to them how Good you have been to me. Thank you Sacred Heart of Jesus. Praise the Lord O my soul. Thank you Holy Mother Mary, Thank you Blesseds ST. JOSEPH, ST. PEREGRINE, St Anthony, St Jude, St Anne, St Bernadette, St Benedict, St Faustina , St Catherine, St Teressa, St Maria Goretti, St. Margaret, St Thomas, St. Francis, St. Padre Pio, St Michael the Archangel, St Gabriel, St Raphael, St Rita, St. Agatha, St. Lucy and All Ye Holy Angels and Saints for interceding on my behalf to the Almighty God. Please continue to pray and intercede on my behalf for God’s strength; for God’s corporal and spiritual healing mercies and blessings. Please God help me to retain my nutrition so l can gain some weight. I have lost so much weight after the surgery. I beg you Lord Jesus. l thank You Lord for when l gain some back. I also thank You for allowing me to receive all benefits to me. Glory be Thine. Praises be unto Thee. Please God grant me your protection from the devil and please pour your amazing Grace upon me, on my son Christopher, mother Margaret, brothers and sisters, all my loved ones, all those who have ask for my prayers and on all Your people on this earth. Thank You Lord God Almighty.
    Blessed Angels and Saints please do not leave God’s side until He hears your prayers on my behalf. Thank you Lord Jesus Christ.
    Please God bless my son Christopher with a God fearing spouse of Your choice, a virtuous woman of Your choosing and please God help, protect, defend, guide and guard him in all his ways. HOLY MOTHER MARY, OUR LADY OF LOURDES, ST. JUDE, ST MONICA, ST ANNE please plead for me to the Almighty God with all my petitions. I thank You Lord Jesus CHRIST THE KING for your protection every day of his life. Please God deliver him from the devil, and protect and guide him with his job, finances and in all his endeavors. Please God make him wise and to grow in wisdom just like Solomon.
    Please God keep his heart close to Yours and keep him safe under your loving wings. Please Jesus direct his ways and lead him to the path that you have laid for him to do your work for your Glory. Please God protect him from diseases, sickness,spiritual warfares, disasters and calamities. Please God bless him with good health, longevity and your Graces. I Thank You, l praise You Lord Jesus Christ for his life and all that you have done and still doing for him. Praise Your Holy Name.🙏
    Lord Jesus please forgive our sins, fill us with your Holy Spirit, encircle us with your Holy Ghost Fire, wash us with your Precious Blood from the crown of our heads to the soles of our feet. Heal me with your Stripes, safeguard, strengthen, guide and protect me, my son Christopher, mother Margaret, brothers and sisters and all my loved ones from all evil and satan, the devil, the enemy who is prowling around us to ruin our souls. Please God keep me safe from diseases, sickness, calamities, disasters, my enemies, satan attack and spiritual battles . Please God bring my devided family together, closer to each other and bind us with Love, Peace and Unity.
    Let your Superhuman St. Michael the Archangel and all your Holy Angels, Archangels and Saints safeguard, protect and defend us from the malicious enemy the devil, satan the evil spirit. Let the devil and his followers dinah, fall into the bottom of the infernal abyss, of their own fiery, miry pit trap that they have dug for us and please God let them RISE NO MORE. Please Lord return all their evil deeds back to them.
    Please God Bless me, my son Christopher, mother Margaret, brothers and sisters; PM, D, F, M, JB, E,YO, N,E,J, all my loved ones and friends with good health and longevity to be of service to You. Please God grant us a piece of your Kingdom. Thank You Lord Jesus.
    Lord Almighty l entrust into your loving care all the clergys, Pope; Francis and Benedict, all the Cardinals, Bishops, Fathers, Deacons, priests, nuns, friars, the Franciscan, Marian, Claretian brothers, monks, all your Holy Catholic and Apostolic churches, EWTN and their members, all prayer warriors, the sick, my mother Margaret, the dying, the forgotten, the marginalized, the destitute, the barren, expectant mothers, unborn babies, children, parents, the old and elderly, the young, the poor, the orphan, the widow and the widower, vulnerable, the prisoners, the innocent, the persecuted ones for your sake, aethiest, agnostics, all hardened souls, the lonely, blind, mute, deaf, crippled and the maimed, the homeless, addicted, abused, the refugees and the migrants, unemployed, the weary travelers, those in mourning and all this earth’s exiles who are calling on you with our daily novena needs and worries that are placed into your loving hands and care,
    Please Lord have pity and mercy on us and please love us and grant our needs according to Your Will. Please grant us Peace in our hearts. Thank You Lord God Almighty.
    Lord please be in our midst on this earth and where there is war, disaster and calamities, grant us your Peace, protection, grace, deliverance and mercy. Have pity on me please Father Almighty, Lord Jesus Christ. Sanctify my soul for in You do l take refuge and wait. In your WORD l trust, believe, depend and wait. Your Word that shall never pass. Please Lord, Fortify my Charity and increase my Faith. Please God, do not allow my enemies the devil, satan to defeat, shame and laugh at me. Please Jesus defend me from the malicious enemy. O Good Jesus hear me, within Your Sacred Wounds, hide me. Lord please listen to the prayers and the needs of all those who are calling upon your Holy Name, including this your poor servant; me Edith and in your mercy, please Lord God hear and answer our prayers according to Thy Will. Please do not look upon my sins or the sins of my parents, child, Siblings, family or forefathers but in your mercy please Lord forgive us our faults and hear and answer my cries. Thank You Lord Jesus.
    Please Lord Bless and guide me at all times and please do not leave my side as l strive to do your Holy Will. Please God direct my paths to your Ways so as to Serve You. Please God the World needs You. Your children are crying for you.
    Lord Almighty God, Eternal Father, in your mercy, please bestow your perfect peace, light and eternal rest upon all your faithfully departed souls including my father Joseph-Benjamin, grandparents, aunts and uncles, cousins, nieces, nephews, friends, all my loved ones and all the clergys. Please Lord grant them a piece of your Kingdom with your Holy Angels and Saints in Heaven.
    Thank you Lord Jesus for listening to me, a poor, wretched sinner. PRAISE THE LORD O MY SOUL AND ALL THAT IS WITHIN ME. PRAISE YOUR HOLY NAME JESUS.
    Thank You Lord Jesus Christ. I give You the Glory and Praises. I exalt and magnify Your name.
    Please God forgive my sins and hear my cries. Please have pity and mercy on me and grant my heart desires according to Your Will. All my Hope and Trust is in You God. Please do not fail me.
    Please heal my belching and stomach discomforts. Guide, guard, defend and protect me. Please God deliver me from the malicious enemy, from satan attack, from diseases, sickness, disasters, calamities, woes, fears, anxieties and death. Please hide me within Your Sacred wounds. Please Lord bless me with normal results on all my upcoming lab tests, cat scans and mammogram. You are a Good God that never goes back on Your Promise. Thank You Lord Jesus Christ in advance for answering my petitions.
    Please Lord Bless me, my son Christopher, mother Margaret, siblings, family, friends and this earth ‘s exiles.
    Praise the Lord O my soul and all that is within me. Praise Your Holy name. Let the whole world Adore, Exalt and worship the Lord God Almighty for His Love and Mercy endures forever. Amen

  55. Dear St. Joseph, please intercede for my son that God grant him the grace he needs to provide for all his family needs. Please ask God to bless him with healing and fulfilling employment. I ask these things in the name of Ou Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen!

  56. St. Joseph please pray for healing for Holly, Caden, Nick, and Nicolas.
    Guide Nicolas to a career he has a passion for and I pray he loves the Lord our God with all his heart, soul, and mind.
    I pray for a loving, holy family!

  57. Dear St Joseph, Please pray that my husband may find a job according to our Lord’s will for him. For the cure of my chronic insomnia and for my daughters faith, vocation, and future. For my mother’s bad knees.

  58. Pray that I may be considered for one of the positions that i have applied for.
    Pray for deliverance for my family and my my siblings.
    pray for all who are seeking employment.
    Pray for Liana Ayres, she has brain tumor and cannot hold anything in her stomach.

  59. I want to be happy. I wanted to be loved. I’m tired of being alone and to be broken hearted over and over again. I’m not desperate, but I want to have someone I can share my worries with, my happiness and my day. I know I have you Lord, always.. I know you’ve been there for me everytime I needed you. I know that. If this is not the right time for me, Help me Lord to be contented of what I have right now, help me to be happy with whatever I have right now. Help me to love myself more. Help me with whatever I am facing and feeling right now. I feel so down and lonely. Help me Lord to forgive so I can be free. Amen 😢

  60. I thank God for all His blessings in my life and family,I pray for healing upon my son,God bless my husband in his needs,God bless me and speak for me

    Grant me my heart desires, provide a good house for us and defend us from the hands of the enemies in jesus Name.Amen

  61. Pray that I may be considered for one of the positions that i have applied for.
    Pray for deliverance for my family and my my siblings.
    pray for all who are seeking employment.

  62. I pray for God’s grace and guidance as I prepare for the journey that lies ahead. I pray that His will preavails. I honestly pray that He makes me a victor.

  63. For a miraculous outcome for my mother’s upcoming amputation; strength to make it through the surgery, a positive rehab, elimination of the swelling issue for a proper fit of a prosthetic and new mobility

  64. I pray for a miraculous healing of my severe scalp and body psoriasis and my anxieties. I also pray that soon I will meet and come to know the parents and family of Theryl who is my future son -in-law. Bless my daughter Anne Marie and Theryl wedding plans. Please lead and guide them in their wedding plans that can fit their budget. I also pray for continued healing and conversion of my nephewsGary and Gerald and for bless Anne marie’s Effort to bring Theryl closer to God .

  65. For peace and freedom in VENEZUELA. For all those affected by the reign of evil and the souls of those responsible for such tragedies.

  66. Lord thank you for my life and all you have given me. I pray for my children and grandchildren my family and Raul and Carlos. Alyssa and baby J. For my brothers and sister. Thank you for all answered and unanswered prayers. I love you Jesus. I pray for Leo and his children. Amen

  67. 1. I pray for God to help me with a good job and good life partner.

    2. For every cause laid against me & my family to be destroyed in Jesus Name..

    3. For my spiritual life growth.. Am very weak in the spirit & it’s as a result of the condition I found myself. Am kind of losing Faith in God.

    4. God protection & provision upon I, my family & friends.

  68. I pray that my husband will have a safe trip to Liberia, West Africa. I also pray that when he returns he should live our lives like loving christian couple. St. Joseph please work with us to have a Sacred marriage. Amen

  69. I offer up this novena to St Joseph for protection always over my children. I pray they will excel in all they do and have faith in the Word of God.
    I pray and offer up my special intentions for good health.
    For Michael to be successful and hard working and have no place for negativity and laziness. I pray for my work that I will be successful and prosperous in all I do.
    I pray for a healthy and abundant finances free from debt. In Jesus Name. AMEN

  70. Intentions
    That God will bless me with a good job that pays massively well. A good job that will help me develop better as a human being, where and through which I will bring people to God.
    That I have found the love of my life in Joy, and I pray and ask God’s permission to unite us as one.
    That my quest for a Canadian Visa will pull through.
    And that God blesses and lifts my family up from where we are currently to greater heights.

  71. Pray for my brother peter to leave alcoholism and he may come to serve the Living God

    Pray for my mum who is now on pressure because of my brother

    Pray for me to legalise my marriage at church and also to come to God in the holy Eucharist

  72. I pray that God and the Holy Spirit be with us and protect us from any unpleasant situation- Also for love, respect and health in our family – And help with Gabriel’s birthday. Let him have in his life, friends and people that care for him. Amen

  73. i pray for my daughter to reconcile with her husband and for all those who are facing challenges in their marriages.

    i pray for my daughter to find a good job and for all others looking for jobs.

  74. Praying for a loving and God fearing spouse in my life and that of my Sister. For Good Fathers for our children and good in-laws to our family members.

  75. Praying that my husband gets his increment and promotion that he is due since over 1.5 years. Please let his hard work, dedication pay off. His faith is very strong in God and knows that god will pay him for his deeds. Please give him and my two sons good health. Be with my sons, always make them walk in the way of god. Let them get success in their school, music, games and whatever they choose and let it all be in the will of God.

  76. Praying for a good Christian spouse,the husband that God took His rib to create him,let us locate each other this year In Jesus Christ Name. Amen. Saint Joseph,the guardian of the redeemer. Pray for me.

  77. Conversion of son back to faith/release from bondage to SSA, healing of wounds from past relationships
    Healing of daughter-in-law’s wound of being sexually abused by her grandfather with ability to forgive and then an authentic conversion to faith
    Cont’d healing of future daughter-in-law’s personality and eating disorders and maturity and deeper conversion to her faith
    Strengthening of kids’ marriages and trad’l marriage
    Ability of grandkids to be able to go to catholic school
    For son to find his soulmate..Christian/catholic girl he can have a family with
    Son’s Decision on buying property