The Novena that Inspired Pray More Novenas!

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Ten years ago, I asked John-Paul to pray the Immaculate Conception Novena with me.

He actually turned me down, because he said he always had trouble finishing a novena. He would always forget.

After he thought a little bit more about it, he knew that wasn’t a good enough reason not to join me in prayer. :)

In turn, John-Paul was inspired to create to help people remember to… Pray More Novenas! 

Since then, thousands of people from all around the world have joined us in praying together!

We have been amazed to see how God has brought us all together and how He is working through our prayers with every novena we say together. It’s an honor to pray with you and for your intentions. Thank you for continuing to pray with us.

Our next novena, The Immaculate Conception Novena, starts on Sunday, November 29th!

You can sign up to pray with us here:

And you can share your prayer intentions in the comments below.

We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you! 

God bless you!

Annie & John-Paul –

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  1. For the recovery of a good friend from Coronavirus.
    For God to guide my husband to the right job for him and our family very soon. For our patience in God’s timing and for our complete trust in God.

  2. Dear Jesus and Mary, thank you for healing me with parathyroid Surgery.

    Please also heal me, if it be God’s Will, from kidney and heart diseases.

    Please help my husband find employment in another department at work.

    Please help our son with his anxiety and help him find employment with God 🙏 loving people.

    Thank you for the continued recovery of family members and friends from the coronavirus.

    Please heal our fractured Nation.

    Thank you Jesus and Mary.

  3. Pray that President Trump will be re-instated as President of the U.S. That evil and lawless men will not take over our country and our government.

  4. I ask that Jesus keeps his loving arms around my family and me, keep us safe, keep us healthy, and take us to our highest good. Free us from our financial burdens. We trust and love you, Jesus, and thank you for all the blessings in our lives. Amen.

  5. Blessed Mother, please watch over my mother and father. Keep them healthy and safe. Watch over my daughter and grandson, let me be able to see them soon. Be with all those who have lost loved ones, lost jobs, are struggling to feed their families, are looking for work…. please let the end of this horrible virus be in sight. Please allow our new President to transition smoothly and get to work on uniting the people again.

  6. Pray for complete healing of my son who is on the autistic spectrum.
    Pray for success in the various exams(one already taken and three more to go) that I need to take to enable me obtain a job and emigrate.
    Pray for peaceful resolution of conflicts in my family.
    Thanking God for the success in an exam already taken.

  7. My son has been diagnosed with Covid. He has his wife and 18 month old baby and a baby on the way. For his healing and their protection! My husband and I were exposed to our son & his family two times within four days. We are at risk, praying for Gods Mercy to spare us and we do not get Covid. Thanks & God bless you & your ministry

  8. Please pray that 2 of my children find gainful employment after one gets out of the military and one moving back to his home state. Praying that God keeps his hedge of protection around my family, your family and the country.

  9. Prayers for my baby grandson EAA who needs physical therapy on his legs. My adorable baby. And in a few months, evaluation possibly for Autism. The healing power of our Good and Merciful God be upon E and Our Blessed Mothers loving Mantle of protection be upon him and the Holy Spirit Grace him with healing power. He was just baptized on 11/22.
    Prayers also for my mom, family and friends battling COVID. For their continued recovery and healing. For my friend S and her love D who gained his wings. And finally, for good test results for my biopsy. Thank you Lord!! Claiming victory in Your Name.

  10. I am asking for prayers for:
    My 30 year old son Tory who is in heaven, my Dad John, my in-laws Sophie and Tony, my sisters-in-law Joanne and Louise…all who have passed.

    I ask for prayers for:
    My siblings and their spouses, Steve, Jeff, Debbie, Tina, Toi, MKL, and George.

    I ask for prayers for my 94 year old Mom, our daughter and her husband Craig, to heal her foot after their accident and for their marriage, to bring them closer to God…for my husband, to keep our relationship close and loving as it has been for 49 1/2 years.

    I ask for prayers for Kevin, a former student who has issues with narcotics, for Monica my Divine Mercy friend who has passed, Mary who has cancer, Alona and Aurora – babies who died too soon, George, Karen and Betty Jean, Michael and Herbert.

    I am asking for prayers for myself to stay close to God, and if and when the time comes to have the operation they suspect will happen- it will be easy and not cause further complications.

    I am happy with my life dear Jesus… please don’t take anything away, or change things. I thank you for everything that I have.

    Especially, the 10 ladies in my Divine Mercy prayer group. Please spread your mantle of mercy on all of us. We keep each other connected to You. I love you…..

  11. Please pray for my niece as she is suffering from depression.
    Please also pray that my children will come back to God and his church.
    Pray for the hungry and the homeless…and that we can find a solution to helping the homeless.

  12. I pray for peace and increased love in our immediate family. I pray that my son comes back to the faith and that we are more united as a family. I look to the Holy Family as a role model.

  13. For my son, that he turns to his loving, patient heavenly Father and humbly asks for what he needs in his life.
    For all who suffer from illness that they know that Jesus is with them in their suffering.

  14. I pray the Guardian Angel of the United States prevails in battle for us. For divine mercy atonement for our sins as a nation and individually. For my nation to be one nation under God. For holy peace in the world. For my Church and my family, for freedom from unholy bonds.

  15. Please Heavenly Father during this time, of the Holidays help my store to provide for my family. And heal the whole world with this virus and the hate. Thank you Lord 🙏🏽

  16. – Protection of my children and the entire family through the
    Precious Blood of Jesus and Mother Mary
    – My daughter Julian who is Pregnant to deliver well with no any
    All through the intersession of Mother Mary, St. Jude and all Saints

  17. For my daughter who is struggling with anxiety and infertility. May you, God and Blessed Mary grant her the precious gift and blessing of a healthy baby …. We Pray!

  18. Please intercede for Maria to have a full recovery from covid-19. She needs us to pray for her healing. Mama Mary visit Maria and be with her.

  19. I prayer for continue health and strength also unity with my siblings, protection and health for my sons and my dear friends in Jesus name Amen

  20. 1. Grace to Fear and Love God above all things, for self and family.
    2. Grace to know / love the Blessed Mother more, reveal yourself more to me, and help me understand the visitation dream I had.
    3. Improve my prayer life, knowledge & hunger for God’s Word.
    4. Peace in our homes, security of job and family blessing of the fruit of the womb for self/siblings.
    5. Heal the sick amongst us: D, Ang, Ez, Ug, CON and others across the world, including those affected by corona virus.
    6. Be by our sides and intercede for us at that hour, when we are called back to glory.
    7. Receive / pray the soul of my late father, Sir CEN in peace and souls of the faithful departed. Amen.

  21. I pray for healing of addictions; drugs, lust, neglect, disrespect and all other addictions shackling family members. I pray in particular for Cynthia and Nash, that they be heal and take care of their children who are left in the care of others. I pray for financial healing and breakthrough in these tough times.

  22. Please intercede for me, my Mother, as well as those praying the Novena. May Annette have a successful surgery and outcome this morning, for an ovarian tumor. May Gerald have miraculous healing of stage 4 brain cancer. And may Chloe be healed of the wounds of addiction and rape. Thank you!

  23. Please intercede for Joe B and Jill B. That they come to fully understand the sanctity of life for the unborn and for the elderly. May they have the courage and political will to change and live according to God’s Divine Will and our Catholic Faith. May all Catholics come to know and understand and live our Catholic Faith publicly as well as privately. I include myself in this plea. Please intercede before the throne of God for all of us Blessed Mother. Thank you!

  24. My mother has been suffering from mysterious pain for over a month. I pray that her doctors diagnose what’s wrong with her and help her recover. My sister suffers from alcoholism and has many medical issues. I pray that she gets help and gets better. I pray that my children stay on a good path, I pray that they make good choices and surround themselves with positive people. Please protect them from any people who would try to harm them. Please help my son do well in college. Online learning and isolation has been hard for him and he needs to keep his grades up to be able to keep his scholarship and stay in school. I pray that the vaccines for this virus are effective with few side effects. Amen

  25. Lord hear my prayer I pray that I can go to the Clubhouse today and that Larry does not call me and tell me I can’t go. I also pray that I get a job in January and no later than Mid January. I pray that I can save money and that I can see Jose Bermudez in January and that he can see me at 6 p.m and that he can help me with my anxiety and depression.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  26. Mary please help me and give me the strength I need to stay strong and persevere. A lot has gone on in my life and I have become cold towards others and closed to God. Please help me open up. I know I need Gods help through it all I’ve just been very upset and depressed internally with what has gone on in my life. I want to pray for my family and all my loved ones that you watch over them and inspire them to be the best version of themselves. Watch over all of us and guide us through these days.

  27. Jesus bless my daughter and husband remainder of their pregnancy and help them have a positive birth experience at a healthy baby boy.
    Heavenly father please bring healing to our country and our world. May the reign of Jesus be in our hearts and our minds and our decisions during this advent season.
    May we say yes to your holy will as Mary has done throughout her life.
    Strengthen us spiritually mentally physically psychologically to support the truth in this world and fight against the lies that our society is creating in Jesus name I pray through the help of the Holy Spirit and the guidance of our Holy Father

  28. Praise the Lord am thinking Our Beloved GOD for gift of life He has given me and my family and the far He has brought us.

  29. For my brother to go to rehab; for him and my sister tobe delivered from their teribble addiction to alcohol. that they may find our Lord Jesus with all their hearts and never leave His great love. For the gift of a financial miracle for my family.

  30. For all healthcare workers. For protection/healing from the coronavirus. For strength and comfort to carry on after so much time dealing with this. May God bless them abundantly!

    Humbly asking for your intercession for Larry, Janet & Jeff, Steve, Libby, Kevin, Patrice, Jamie, Jennifer, Logan, KK, Greg, Whit, Will, Walker, Tracy, Kevin, Penny, Connie, Scott, Maribeth, Bill, Ben, Audrey, Andrew, Janie, Ruby, Diane, Mike, Marilyn, Beverly, Norma, Scott, Amy, Robert, Jana, Darren, Sharese, Jay, Stacey, Brigid, Mike, Payne, Breck, Karen, Debbie, Kelley, Debbie, Kent, Sharon, Jackie, Danna for protection/healing from the coronavirus. Thank you Blessed Mary.

  31. I pray for the conversion of hearts of my children , RB , LN and their spouses, TB , MN esp for their return to the sacraments, for their deeper faith, hope and love for God, for the grace to desire a close relationship with Him, for the gift of employment for my son in law, for the gift of conception to my daughter and my daughter in law., and for the continued growth and development of my grandbaby girl, AN.
    I pray for the world esp the United States’ politiical leaders, for the forgiveness of sins opposing God’s teachings, in denying the dignity of life esp of the unborn, the sanctity of marriage and the practice of religious freedom.
    I pray for control and end of the pandemic, and the full efficacy of the vaccine.
    I thank God ‘s continued protection from the virus of my loved ones…and for all His providence and unrecognized blessings.
    I pray that God grant our prayers and intentions in this novena.

  32. May Our Lord heal me of lung cancer. May He also heal my daughter’s headaches and my niece from thyroid cancer.

  33. I pray that Trump, his cohorts, and the virus be removed from our radar, all lethal and insidious. I pray that he doesn’t get the racist satisfaction of killing four black men, on death row, by speeding up their sentence, as he plans to do. I pray that Biden and Harris can restore dignity, trust, and integrity in our leaders. I pray a safe vaccine with little to no side effects will be forthcoming.

  34. Immaculate conception ,mother Mary I pray to get a positive pregnancy test strips this December and for my husband and I to bond affectionately and praying for Deliverance from all forms of evil around u.
    Praying for marital reconcilation for my brother and the wife as well as financial breakthrough, and lastly praying for the salvation of myself and all around me and i ought to pray for.

  35. For my eldest sister to meet and marry a good man soon. Please Lord. For my other sister to get a baby this December. With God anything is possible. Amen

  36. Dear Blessed Mother, thank for caring for all your children. We are so thankful that we can call you our mother too. Please wrap your loving arms around my family. Shower us with your Grace. Please untie the knots in Stevie’s life. Be an impenetrable shield around him from all harm, danger and evil and any further mental episodes. Please intercede for him to Jesus to wonderfully transform his life mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. Please untie any knots of addiction in his life. I pray that he meets someone to love and makes positive changes in his life this coming year.

  37. Immaculate Conception
    I pray for my two sons to come back to the Holy Catholic Church. To find jobs and good Christian wives. I pray that they can provide for themselves and live a decent and happy life. Take away my fears Blessed Mother and may Almighty God answer my prayers.

  38. Prays for Jerry that he gets a dealership to design. For My children to learn to love the Lord and each other. Bailey learns from his mistakes. Carmen God is in control. That COVID goes away. God’s will be done.
    Grandchildren do great in school this year and next. God bless.Amen Give God the glory. Thank you blessed Mother!

  39. please pray for my son who is addicted to drugs, steal’s, has a very bad temper and is physically abusive… please Lord hear our prayers

  40. Dear Blessed Mother, I am praying for healing for my husband, Nick.
    I pray for my son, Nicolas to believe in Jesus and to become Catholic.

  41. Please pray for healing of my throat for eating, swallowing and breathing purposes. I’ve had a rough year of spontaneous throat swelling and food allergies. I want to eat normal again. I also ask for prayers for healing of my mothers knee. She had a knee replacement but 3 months later has stiffness, swelling & pain.
    Thank you kindly.

  42. Dear Lord Jesus – i pray you be with Brad through the disease called MSA keep him as he is for a long time to come with his independence for now with his eating on his own with his ability to still be independent and make memories with the family – i ask you to be with may daughter as she is doing her final exams and that she may maintain her focus there and not just the family and her dad – i pray you be with my son that he may find himself in life and get a job and live life righteously – i pray you be with us financially as we have to live on an income that is no longer the same – i pray that we may cope with this as we are so grateful for what we have – i pray you be with me to be able to cope with everything- spiritually, emotionally, physically and financially in your Holy name AMEN

  43. Please Mother, I pray for Sabrina to find a good job, for Dee to recouperate quickly & may Jasmyne’s results not be cancer.

  44. Thanking God for our lives ,journey mercies favours good health and safety in the family and praying for God’s protection in our lives,journey mercies favours good health and safety in the family.
    Dear mother Mary thank you for your intercessions in our various needs and intentions and asking for your intercessions in our various needs and intentions especially for my daughter’s choice of spouses that God will lead her friend to engage her soon Amen.
    For my children and their endeavours and bring them closer to God Amen.
    For our tenants to pay their rents regularly,
    For our vacant house to be occupied soon Amen
    For the matter in court to be successful and for the tenant to pay and vacate the property Amen
    For our general well being and safety during Xmas. For our relations, poor, sick and religious and workers that God will continue to protect and provide for them Amen.
    Thank you Jesus for answering our prayers and thank you our mother Mary for interceding for us Amen
    God’s blessings on john Paul and Annie for praying for us Amen

  45. Dear Blessed Mother,
    I pray for my grandson and my future granddaughter to be healthy and safe. I pray for my daughters to be healthy, for my younger daughter to get a mortgage and keep their apartment and for her husband to find a job and provide for his family. I pray for my elder daughter to have a smooth and safe delivery of a healthy baby. I pray for my nephews to heal completely physically and mentally, to find good wives and to have children of their own. I pray for my sister to be healthy and safe. I pray for my husband and me to be healthy, to keep our jobs and be financially stable. I pray for N to heal from all his addictions and for G to heal from cancer. I also pray for the intentions of all praying this novena. Amen.

  46. I will get a 86% or better on my final exam. This will help me become closer to becoming a nurse practitioner and I will not have to retake the course. The exam is December 9.

  47. Blessed Mother in this beautiful season I ask for your intercession to the Lord for our little family to grow. Please pray for us that the Lord grant the grace of fruit of womb and pregnancy now. Pray the Lord heal my fro this unexpected emergency surgery and allow me to go on to conceive our babies twins 👯. We will stand and believe Gods word and promise to us for our babies twins. Mama Mary only you know how much our hearts and home is ready and prepared for these babies. Christmas is about waiting and expecting and so we are eagerly awaiting Gods blessing of these little ones. I ask all prayer warriors to please pray for us that the Lord grant us our miracle breakthrough and hearts desire our babies twins soon in Jesus precious name. Please hear and answer all petitions of these good people on this site.

  48. Immaculate Conception,
    Please pray for my family for forgiveness, peace and reconcilliation
    Please pray for my daughter Col for a job and also for complete Healing for a very bad dogbite by a Rottweiler which happened 1 August and the skin has still not grown back. She is going throuhh so much. Also please pray for my son S that he passes his exams and also for my grandson to pass his exams. Thank you ALL for you for your prayers. Immaculate Conception pray for us. God Bless, Amen

  49. I prayer for Covid numbers to go down, for my family to stay healthy, and for my son to return to school in classroom before December 25, 2020

  50. Dear Mother Mary please hear&answer everyone’s prayers who are praying to You on this novena! Hear are my prayers& intentions! Bless my daughter tomorrow with safe urbers,safe flight &all to go well and easy for her and for her safe arrival here home tomorrow with no problems! Bless her&her dad’s quarentine and help them do it right and not overload me to do errands every day for them! I pray the $ I gave her will be enough to get home tomorrow safe! Help her dad stop his greediness/ selfishness and start pitching in more! Help me find the right gifts especially for my son! Bless our Christmas with love,healing,restoration,forgiveness(K,A,J&J,R,M)! Protect us from evil,danger,covid 19& all harm&sickness! Help my daughter&I live together here in harmony&respect! Help her dad&her not disrespect me,help us 3 not argue! Bless my daughter,my son,myself with financial stability/ prosperity and own our own homes in very safe neighborhood close to one another(where our hearts desires) prefer my son’s state and if God willing her dad go with us too&get his own place there too! Bless&protect my son in Military &lead him to a great career in and out of Military! Help my daughter get her SSI easily&soon! I give You all my prayers,spoken&unspoken,intentions! Thank you Mama my blessed Mother! XO

  51. Please pray for me and my partner that we may be able to find the right job for us, where we will grow our career, and retire in the future. I hope that I may be able to work in this international company from which I sent my application, I pray that my application goes well and that Mama Mary and the Holy Spirit will guide me through. I also pray for financial stability and abundance that we may be able to zero out all of our bank loans, debts and credit cards to be financially free and for us to establish our own home, most especially in these very challenging times. Lastly, I pray that my daughter be like our Mother Mary, be God-fearing, loving, understanding, and be gifted with wisdom and knowledge.

    Thank you to John Paul and Annie and to our faithful community.

  52. Am praying for spiritual growth and that God renews my life and reigns in me at all times.

    I pray that God blesses me and my husband with a child and ordains my marriage.

    Am also praying that God protects and grows my business,protects and blesses my home,my child and my husband.

  53. Dear Mother Mary please intercede for me and my family to your Son’s most Sacred Heart and beg him to please keep us all healthy and safe. especially for my mother. may there be no major issues and her cardiology concerns are resolved quickly. may God place her in the right hands and bring her comfort. Please pray that Jesus takes away any pains and restores us all to good health. We ask for these blessings through your Son’s name. Amen.

  54. Dear Blessed Mother, I humbly prostrate myself before you asking your help and intercession on behalf of my son C. Please heal my son let him get the help he needs. Offer him health and strength, guidance and protection. Heal his mind, body and spirit Amen.
    Praying for my cousin V, my husband M and myself for health and strength, guidance and protection Amen.Praying

    Please hear the prayers of all asking your help today Amen

  55. For this Novena, I ask the dear lord to give me s heart like Mary’s own. Free from evil and greed, and envy. I ask the lord for purity of heart and body. I ask him for the grace to avoid sexual immorality and to keep my body pure, till I marry. I ask the lord to heal my emotional state of mind and the grace to be a blessing to others. Amen.

  56. Lord, I need you to comfort my family as I battle cancer. I need you to be with them and take care of them when I can’t.

  57. Praying for my dad’s sight, I don’t have money for surgery,i pray for God to heal him of the eye problem and also for my family that God shld arise and destroy anything that says his name will never be glorify in my family amen

  58. Please pray that my family, our home and vehicles as well as myself and my husband and all those who are associated with me be protected from all curses and demonic attacks. I have been going through torments for 3 years. I ask our Beautiful Lady, Mother Mary, to give me courage, faith and humility. Amen. Thank you🙏🏼

  59. Dear Mother Mary please bless and protect my boys, my family and I and the entire world from COVID 19, we need your intercession. Amen.🙏❤️

  60. Blessed Mary pray for all of us on this Novena God answers our prayers according to his will. In Jesus Christ I pray whom I love need and worship. Amen

  61. Praying for peace in my family and guidance. Praying for one of my children who has a mental illness and addiction problem. Asking God to guide her and guide me to turn her completely over to Him, who is the Divine Healer.

  62. We have been almost estranged from our adult son. He had asked for no contact from late November until the
    New Year. I was really devastated by his request, but felt I
    had to respect his wishes. He was very hurtful and mean in his last few phone calls and emails.
    Well he called and talked very kindly to my husband
    today. Then sent me an apology email this evening, and
    provided some financial information I needed to make
    some planning decisions. I had requested it months ago.
    I truly feel the Novenas, and dear devout friends praying for him are responsible for this change of heart.
    Thank you and bless you!

  63. Please Dear mother help me to get appartement 2 bedrooms for renting from INSS new appartements which are at Kinindo,thank you mother Mary 👏

  64. Please intercede for physical healing for Robert V. who has been in the hospital over a month due to diabetes complications. Thank you Virgin Mary.

  65. For opportunities to receive Eucharist since March Covid and being 70+
    For healing of senior marriages and all relationships that are strained contrary to their appearance.
    To grow closer to Christ with guidance of the Blessed Mother.

  66. Most holy Mother, please let your love, kindness, and compassion spread through the United States, heal us as people and those suffering from the pandemic and other illness. Please bless my family, especially our infant son and those fatigued from the months of uncertainty. Please ask the Lord to give my wife and I hearts as parents after your own and dedicated to Him. Please also bless us with confirmation and dedication of our work in the new position to spreading His love and compassion. Amen.

  67. For Michaels’s conversion. That he will grow in faith and love of Christ and his church and take up his role as the Spiritual leader of the family.

  68. Please pray for my Annie. Please let her medicine work and heal her. Please Lord let it be your will. Thank you for all the blessings you have given me. Help me to nurture a grateful heart and mind.

  69. My prayer request is for my family and I.

    Lord, cover my boys, husband and I with your protection, healing and blessings. Heal and restore our health. Surround my boys with wisdom and knowledge and give them the drive to always put their education first.

    Lord, I ask for your guidance! Bless my online businesses! Help me to better myself for my family and take some of the financial burden off my husband.

    In Jesus Name, Amen

  70. Please pray for Divine Mercy for all people, especially those who are ill or poor or homeless. Please pray for my children to return to the church and bring their children to church with them and bring them up in the faith and make their sacraments. Please pray for Divine intervention to help scientists and researchers to quickly find a safe,effective and widely available vaccine for the Coronavirus. Please pray for healing for my marriage and for my husband and other family members to stop drinking.
    Thank you for your prayers.

  71. Mother Mary, please pray to the Lord for my safe delivery and for my path to be guided according to God’s plans for my life. For my children never to depart from the Catholic faith, for them to be happy, be protected from evil, to be outstanding, joyous, no mental health issues. For my husband to pass his licensing exams and answers to prayers. For good health, long life prosperity and progress to my family, friends and relatives. Amen

  72. We are praying that our investment will bring success, so we can bless others! Grant us open doors to our business investment Jan 2021.
    May our journey bless us to bless others! In Jesus’s name we ask for his hand of guidance and protection.

    Amen, God Bless Us!
    LDN Family

  73. Healing for my brother in law, strength for my sister, permanent job for my son, protection from the virus for me and my family

  74. Dear Mother Mary, please help my daughter to come back to Church, to marry good christian man with whom she will have a family praising God’s glory.
    In Jesus’ name. Amen

  75. I am praying for a compassionate outcome of a court appearance. I am so frightened I end up in prison after driving home over the legal limit of alcohol. I had just lost my partner and he had rejected me again, so I stupidly drank to numb it, and tried to go home.
    I am so ashamed, have never been in trouble before and I need to be here for my son and my elderly Mother. Please Our Lady, give me the strength to cope with this, and for the judge to show me mercy. I am so helpless and alone.

  76. Please pray for my daughter Donna’s upcoming custody battle for her second son Jackson Connor Tiumalu with a mediation starting on December 9th.

  77. I lift up every one of you in my prayers, May our Holy Mother and our Good Lord keep you close to their Hearts! Please pray for my family, they are in need of conversion to return to the Church and Sacraments. May we be a family full of love and laughter at the service of our Lord. Many blessings to all during this Advent season 🙏. Thank you 🙏! Love, Maria

  78. First of all I want to thank our LORD JESUS and MOTHER MARY for divine healing.
    Mother Mary please receive the soul of my nephew who passed away recently. And I know YOU will MOTHER MARY, thank you MOTHER. And I also beg the LORD JESUS to restore my sight if it is HIS will for me. Thank YOU JESUS…

  79. Please pray for my family, everyone is suffering from the effects of dealing with covid. We are so weary, we need help.

  80. Blessed mother I pray for your divine intercession in all areas of my life and that of my family … I pray for your son’s favor over my husband in his work that he will be able to move to the next level in his job give him wisdom & knowledge in his work , for an increase in his an my children’s faith in Jesus , for All those suffering with covid complete healing and those that have died comfort , love & strength for their families, for President Trump and all our leaders for the election , for God’s will to prevail and truths be known and evil overturned , for all the intentions of those praying this Novena , for JohnPaul & Annie , for our finances to gain control of & manage what God has so graciously given us , to pay off our debt , for myself to find a job to help that will use my God given talents … discernment in what I need to do , for peace in our world that our country returns back to God , for all our priests, nuns , clergy , for my brothers & sisters and their families..the intentions they hold in their hearts , for B & BW their finances & health , may your intercession grant us the grace to grow and enjoy God’s graces … amen

  81. Immaculate heart of Mary pray for me and my family and the whole world.bring peace into our hearts and minds and souls . Amen

  82. Blessed Mother, i pray for your intercession in all areas of me and my family’s lives. I pray that may God’s Grace continue to shower upon our lives. I also pray that may God bless my fiance emotionally, spiritually. May Alister be blessed with wisdom even as we celebrate his mom’s 30th memorial. May your intercession proclaim of God’s greatness and presence to the world. I also pray for my family’s good health, unity, love and wisdom. WK

  83. For our country, President Trump and family. Peace, love and joy to return. For my husband and his cancer. For my son, daughter, son in law and Grandson. God’s loving mercy love and protection each and every day. Fir me to that I listen and love God more and more each day Amen

  84. Blessed Mother, I pray for your divine intercession in every area of my life and that of my family. May your intercession grant us the grace to enjoy God’s uncommon touch in Jesus’ name! Amen