The Novena That Inspired This Website!

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Immaculate Conception Novena

Eight years ago, I asked John-Paul pray the Immaculate Conception Novena with me.

He actually turned me down, because he always had trouble finishing a novena. He says he would always forget.

After he thought a little bit more about it, he says he knew that wasn’t a good enough reason not to join me in prayer.

So, my simple request inspired him to create to help people remember to…


Pray More Novenas! 

Since then more than 500,000 have joined in praying together!

So, please join us in praying the Immaculate Conception Novena starting next Saturday, November 30th!

You can sign up to join us in prayer here, and you can share your prayer intentions below.

We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you! 

God bless you!
Annie & John-Paul –

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  1. Praying our family speaks again and comes together in love. Praying for S to regain her confidence and self esteem and not be controlled by the boyfriend. Praying all my children return to the faith and turn to God and stop being influenced by negative and unchristian people and things surrounding them. Please help me increase faith and trust in God’s will and help me to stop being angry and bitter because of the family problems.

  2. The soul of Mr Gary Briggs, to be admitted to Your presence despite all obstacles. May he Rest In Peace in your comforting arms Blessed Mother. Amen

  3. Please pray for me I need a full time job, financial break through so I can pay off my outstanding bills, prayer for my children and I please nary mother of jesus intercede on our behalf in jesus name I pray. Bless everyone who’s praying to you answer there prayers oh god in jesus name I ask. Send me good christian friends in your name I ask amen.

  4. Please pray for me I’m going through a massive family problem. Also please pray for my daughter she have exam tomorrow . financial I’m struggling to pay my bills please pray for me everyone in jesus name I ask amen

  5. Please mother Mary intercede for my daughter to be blessed with a good husband. And for loved peace health happiness and perfect Christian Faith for my family I beg for this in Jesus name❤️🙏🌹

  6. Please mother Mary intercede for my daughter to be blessed with a good husband. And for loved peace health happiness and perfect Christian Faith for my family I beg for this in Jesus name❤️🙏🌹

  7. Lord I ask that you comfort the Eddie family on the passing of Althea. She went through a lot of pain and suffering and now rest peacefully with you Lord. May she R.I.P

  8. Please join me in praying for a financial breakthrough for my family; that the instrument to initiate the job for my husband would be executed today and employment would begin immediately; for the focus and concentration of the students entering exam weeks; for the removal of addictions and addictive behavior to be replaced with the burning desire of the love of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ; for the end of abortions and human trafficking. I will continue to pray for the praymorenovena family and ask you to please continue to pray for mine. In Jesus’ Holy Name, I pray. Amen.

  9. I am prayer that through this Novena, my long standing request to be blessed with the fruit of the spirit in number one on the list. I am almost 44 and have not borne any children.

    Secondly, i pray for unmerited favour and peace in my life.

  10. My amputated leg hurts from fragrances, heat, cold, light, n food aromas n certain herbs. My leg was amputated due to cancer in 2006. Please pray that I will have a little life. Mother Mary, please pity me and hear my and relieve me of this daily excruciating pain. Amen! Thanks!

  11. Please pray that God will grant me success in the Assessment Center which I had on November 17, 2019. May God’s Will be done. Amen.

  12. Dear Blessed Mother, I humbly ask for your help on behalf of myself and family especially V. Please pray for us for health and strength, guidance and protection, love, peace joy, happiness, breakthroughs
    and blessings Amen.
    Praying for a home for V, job for D, success on his new job for my son C, healing for J, Z, W, B, and myself Amen.
    Praying for debt relief and financial freedom and blessings. I am in need of a financial miracle Amen.
    Please hear the prayers of all asking your help today Amen.

  13. I pray for my breaking marriage. For my cheating husband for God to reveal Himself to him. I pray for faithfullness, truthfullness and fidelity in my marriage.
    For my whole family, my parents, siblings and children for good health,peace,love ,joy,amd success in all we do. And for us to grow in faith in God

  14. Thank you My Blessed Mother for the job offers my daughter received & for help in making the final decision yesterday.
    Please continue to pray for a good Catholic spouse for her. Thank you for all your assistance in my life. May Jesus be praised!

  15. I pray I see my daughter as God does. Help her to see her worth and stop killing herself with endless calories and food.

  16. Lord hear my prayer I pray that I get the job and that I don’t have to start today but that I can start next week. I pray that I can be prepared. I pray that I don’t have to work past five p.m. I pray that I can still see Carol on Thursday and she has a printer. I also pray that Larry calls me today.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen

  17. Mary, mother of God, please pray for my family. Pray for our health and relationships. Pray that we may be more like you each day. Amen

  18. Please bring my son and daughter back to the Catholic Faith they were raised in. It breaks my heart that my grandsons are not even baptized.

  19. Holy Mary,Blessings for everything received in the name of our father. Blessings for love as love conquers all. I give thanks for the strength faith has given to me in times of uncertainty and continued belief that faith will guide me as I can see the light at the end of this tunnel with my husband coming home. Give him strength and good health and perseverance as he finalize plans and see him through. Thanks for the love and guidance.

  20. For financial freedom and abundance. For a financial miracle. For continued great health for myself, my wife, sons, and daughter. For God’s guidance and love.

  21. Mother Mary please pray for a Miraculous healing of my grand daughter’s illness and my son’s return to Mass.

  22. Please pray for my 9 year old son who has downsydrome to grow to be what God made him to be,and for me to get a job in order to be able to support my family and the people around me who need support .

  23. I pray that my brother and sister in law can forgive me and move forward with their lives and open their hearts to Gods mercy and love.

  24. Pray for family peace and love during the Christmas holidays. Pray for healing for my granddaughter. Prayers for blessings on my sons family. Prayers for healing for my son. Prayers for those in need of shelter and food for this cold winter to be cared for. Prayers for peace in our families, countries, and our world. Amen🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  25. I thank God for this site. It has helped me gradually catch up in my personal believes. I pray that through this novena, Holy Mother will grant me the strength and wisdom to support my husband, take care of my children in the right way( the fear of God), and live an exemplary life in society. I am praying to have the strength, courage, wisdom and perseverance to lead by action and not by word.

  26. Dear Mother Mary,

    I pray that through this novena that you obtain for me health , life and the children you have for me. Myself and hubby and ready and willing to receive them now in Jesus name. Amen

  27. Mother Mary, please intercede for tge health of Bobby Bleach. Please ask our dear Lord to remove that cancer fro hs body . Amen

  28. For my Daughter’s and their happiness and careers. My son and independence with finances. Healthy and Happy 2020.


  29. Lord, save me from my financial difficulties. Save me from debts. Help Me Lord. Have mercy on me. I trust in You alone.
    Holy Mother, Please pray for me.

  30. For their marriage their temporal needs and they’re return to regular mass .for their health in mind and body and also that of their two little girls
    Thank you for all you do

  31. In grateful thanks to God The Father, Jesus and The Holy Spirit for the magnificent Blessings you have showered on me and my family….and to Mother Mary, Angels and Saints for their massive intercession for those Blessings on our family in dire need of restoration, conversion and healing.
    As I pray The Immaculate Conception and Advent Novenas together with the family tree Masses that I’m currently arranging and attending over the month of December I plead for the maximum outpouring of Graces and Favour for the above and for positive results in 2 major financial institutions/situations and a real home.
    I also include The Holy Souls and all those who have asked for prayer and those for whom I said I’d pray for
    Thanks a mill… míle biochas. God bless.

  32. Please pray for all my final exams, particularly economics. That I may have the discipline to study hard, and the intellect and grace to perform well.

  33. Mother Mary i offer you all my prayer’s intentions. Intercede for me and my family.
    Praying for all misunderstanding and hatred between my nieces and my family, that we may live in peace and love.
    Thank you. God bless

  34. Dearest Mother Mary please give me the strength to be the mother my son needs. Prayer intentions for my son, RB, for 5 to 6 years he has been lost because of drug addiction and now gambling. He has been diagnosed with mental disorders but he is not accepting help.

  35. Praying that I may ace the job interview tomorrow and it may be the job I really want and will love going to everyday.

  36. To Blessed Mother Mary-Please hear&answer each&everyone’s prayers&intentions who are praying to You through this novena to You!You know all my prayers,intentions.Please bless our holidays(me,my son&wife,my daughter& all who we are connected to during these holidays&into 2020!Heal us 4-mentally,physically,emotionally&spiritually.Bless my son’s career&help my daughter get a part time day job close to home here.Please answer all my prayers,protect us from all sickness,disease,harm,danger,evil.Bless&help the sick&lonely,all homeless people,rescue the abused people,children&animals!Change hardened hearts&pray for their conversion to Your Son Jesus!XO

  37. Please pray that we will be able to find a safe ,reliable and very reasonable car for Jimmy to use in his co-op – internship ASAP! Thank you!

  38. I am in need of a financial miracle, not for myself but for my son. There are a lot of circumstances and I am at fault. I ask for help in this most desperate situation. Thank you. Amen.

  39. Dear Blessed Mother,
    I pray for my daughters to be healthy, to be blessed with healthy children soon, good families and successful careers. I pray for my younger daughter to come back home from her trip safe and sound and for her husband to keep his job until he finds a better one. I pray for my nephews to be healthy, to have good jobs and good wives and to have children of their own. I pray for G to heal completely from all his addictions and to have a bright future. I pray for my sister to be healthy and to keep her job and for my mom to be healthy and pain free. I pray for my husband and me to be healthy, to be blessed with healthy grandchildren from our both daughters soon, to keep our jobs and to be financially stable.
    I also pray for the intentions of all who are praying this novena. Amen.

  40. Pray for the healing of my ciática pain, healing of anxiety and depresión, my daughter and l to find good husbands, my son be delivered from addiction to drinking, my daughter’s house to be finished my grandchildren to be healed body, mind and soul delivernce from evil

  41. Dear Mother Mary, Please intercede to your son, Jesus Christ for Travis. Guide him to the place to stay while he is in a new job. May he find something that fits his budget and where he will be safe. Thanksgiving for the right place for him to stay at a reasonable price. Thank you for hearing my prayers for Travis. Prayers for all praying this Novena that they be answered according to the will of God. Amen.

  42. Mama Mary, thank you for loving us and for praying for us.
    My husband (Nathan) and I pray that God will bless us with a healthy baby of our own and our US deployment will happen soon. We also pray for the health safety of our family and healing of relationship among us. Mary pray for us! Amen!

  43. Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Please intercede for my family. Let there be Peace. Right now my dear Mother, Dorothy is not in her house and home which she has known for almost 50 years. This morning, my father threatened her with death and asked her to leave. My father can afford to do this animosity because he is an African man, has another younger wife and children who he loves and protects with his second wife.
    Holy Family, in your own miraculous way, make my Mother’s house complete.
    Help me, provide me with money to settle mydear Mother and sister and the other little children. Lord you know how much we have suffered sincen we were little children. Wipe our tears Lord. Tonight wipe my Mother’s tears, comfort us. Please show a way and provide resources. Get us out of our current persecution. Hold us together with your glue. Let good health and Peace know us by our names. Please bring back to us a millionfold what the enemy has scattered. Show our earthly father thst you God is our Father, and that you have been our Father. . Give us Peace and a very strong sign, like the one you gave the Israelites, that all is going to be well with us. Protect my Mother tonight Mother Mary. Let this be the end of our struggles and suffering. This must end Mother Mary, Jesus apnd Joseph. Keep me from any harm and curses. Please…i am hurting tonight and so is my sister and brothers. Please God…look at us apnd protect us. Amen.suff0sufferMothermy

  44. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
    Please support me in prayer for my husband who is going to challenges at his work place. It’s been going on for over a year now and I need your support in prayers that our God who is the God of impossibles will fight this battle for us and we will become victorious in Jesus name. We want all challenges and obstacles to be stopped and come to an end in Jesus name.

    Thank you for your continued support.

  45. I pray that I can meet my goals to provide for my family. I pray that I continue to trust God and things will be as his will.

  46. I pray that you bless me to get more clients and keep my family together and I also pray that you bless all of us in whatever we do. And guide us and protect us always.

  47. Dear Blessed Mother, please ask and pray for me that I will be cured from my cancer, and give me the strength to get through this difficult time and trusting in our Father the Devine Healer! Also asking for prayers for my nieces husband the suffers from MS, to help him get stronger everyday! Thank you!

  48. please pray for my daughter who had great faith as a child,
    but is now agnostic at best. Pray she will return to Christ.
    thank you

  49. Mother Mary please intercede to your son Jesus Christ to heal me from this painful knees to also the scar tissue that I’ve been battling with to heal without to have undergone the surgery. I thank for answering the prayers of my daughter who has just received a new job. I also ask our Lord Jesus Christ to help to fight all my debts so that by the time I retire my money is not exhauste by the debts that I’m in. Help my other daughter to be offered a permanent work. Protect my family from the crooks during this time of festive all is well and good in Jesus mighty name Amen.

  50. I pray that my family will return to the church and increase in faith and forgiveness
    I pray for all refugees who have had to leave their home and belongings and flee for their lives
    I pray that my husband will get the job that God wants him to have
    I pray that we can be together and that my husband stop having to work abroad
    I pray that we will eat healthy and lose weight
    I pray that my brother and his Giancarlo will get married in the church soon and that they return to the faith
    I pray that my daughter will give her life to God in love and service
    I pray that we will have a holy marriage and holy family and become saints

  51. That God thru the greatest intercession of Mama Mary will touch the heart and mind of my husband so that my children and I may be able to reunite with him as a loving and responsible father.

    That we may be approved of a mortgage so that we will not spend our all our wages anymore just in a rental home. (We have been renting for ten years. )


  52. Please pray for my boyfriend for healing (physically, mentally, and spiritually), strength, transformation of life and to invite Jesus into his life as his Lord, Saviour and King, & to be baptized.

  53. I ask again and beg for prayers for a financial breakthrough. To help make it through this month and also to get caught up on the crucial bills I am behind on and to get the necessary work done on my house! I beg and plead for prayers and for them to be answered. I know the Lord has blessed me with so much already and this is asking a lot this would help my family so much. I am so stressed and worried but I have all the faith in our Lord! Thank you and God Bless!

  54. I pray for a soul mate, a new partner, someone whom I can share my life with, build a future together, someone who will love me for who I am and love my daughter like his, a loving, respective, caring, protective man, a good listener, a friend and trustworthy. A role model and someone who loves God. Someone my daughter will proudly call daddy and his kid(s) will call me mommy.

  55. Mother Mary please continue to intercede for me and my family. Please pray for me that I will get good placement and pass my exams. I pray also for my family Amen

  56. Through the powerful intercession of Mother Mary I pray that I will be successful in my studies. I also pray for my husband, children especially my daughter that God will lead and direct her in life. I also pray for my mother and all my brothers and sisters Amen.

  57. To sell our house and for my husband to have a better job or be better appreciated and get a raise at his current job

  58. Praying that my daughter can make her life a lot less stressful by learning to say no so she can have more valuable time with her family.

  59. Blessed Mary I ask for healing for my marriage and a return to pure love. I humbly ask this in your Blessed Name


  60. Please pray for Mrs. Molly Taylo who fell and hit her hear. Went into surgery but critical condition. For Mr. Mario Vasquez who had a heart attack. He has 2 small children and They need him so much. Please pray for them. Love you all for your dedication to novenas.

  61. That my family and I grow closer to God and to our Catholic Faith. Safety of my son in law. My husband and sister’s cancer stay in remission. My grandchild’s medical test. Special intentions.

    Healing for babies Sawyer, Sutton, Seeley and cover them with the Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ and protect them always!
    Spiritual healing for my family and myself!
    Reparation for the offenses to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
    Thank you for the very special caregiver for babies as mom goes back to teaching! Please continue to be kind, loving, caring, capable, committed and reliable!
    Babies for Paige and Michael December 11 going to Adoption Committee and the babies waiting for adoption will be placed in loving capable homes.
    Healing for Michael’s eyes and Cody.
    Financial assistance.
    All promised to pray for and healing especially for Frank, Mary Ann,Mike,Nancy, Janet, Nunu, Ubie, Bonnie, Myron, Mary Kay, Margie, Carie, Kim, brothers and sisters and their families including all those that I am a sponsor for in baptism and confirmation.
    Unborn, unloved and abused children.
    Persecuted, homeless and hungry.
    All those living and dead that have no one to pray for them.
    Kim, Frankie, Michael, Marianne, Frank and their families for growth in faith and love and baptism in Holy Spirit especially deep love for GOD.
    For all the people that I have hurt throughout my life when I have sinned, made bad choices and not followed God’s Holy Will for me.
    I pray that my sins will be forgiven and that I may follow God and His perfect plan for my life.
    Show me how to love with great love, to forgive with Godly forgiveness, to endure and sacrifice for the love of God.
    Pray that my life be a blessing to others.

  63. Please pray that ALL my family be at peace with each other. And to be a happy family again.
    Pray that my knee pain goes away and have healing without surgery. Also that my vision gets better and that my mammogram results are good
    Pray that my son be a patient father to his children and that he loves them more than life itself.
    That Angela’s nightmare go away and nothing happens. She’s learned her lesson the hard way
    Bless and keep all my grandchildren Safe and healthy
    Bless us all with financial blessings
    That Gilbert’s leg heals
    Rays health improves so he may not be homeless
    Thank you virgin Mary

  64. I pray for my son to reflect on his actions, see its limitations and recognize what he contributes to his situation and that he is the only person who can change it, but he must see beyond his views.

  65. I Pray for our oldest son that he will be happy/successful in his job, thank you for blessing him with his friend, may they be happy forever, and that his faith will grow daily. Please pray and bless our middle son with a good job, PLEASE bless him that he will seek counseling, that a nice Christian lady friend will come into his life and be his angel forever. That he will make the right choices-decisions in his life. Please bless our daughter that she is happy/successful in her job; that this medicine will heal her. Please pray that her fiancé and her will have a joyous wedding day, with good weather, love and joy. Please bless my husband that his health will improve. That our faith and love will grow daily. Thank you for all that you have blessed us with. Amen.

  66. Holy Mother…I thank you for your Son for His life ,death and resurrection… I am so grateful for all the many blessings … I pray for your intercession in these petitions… for purity of mind , heart , body , soul of my husband , children ,&myself … for complete healing of EH & strength for his family , complete healing for JR of a brain bleed , BB &husbsnd ,for RR to make the right decision about his life , for my nephew DR help with his anxiety, for my son’s college application and scholarship application will be granted according to your Son’s will , for us to be able to pay tuition, college expenses for all three of our children, for direction for me to find a job that is flexible, enjoyable , creative , that uses my God given talents and that will contribute well to our financial needs. For BW complete healing of his body from his fall, strength for his wife .. for the souls in purgatory , for the S family strength.. for all the intentions of those praying this novena … Holy Mother hear and present these petitions to your Almighty Son .. through Him ALL things are possible…. placing all my trust in HIM .Amen

  67. Please pray for my daughter’s marriage . A healing for a friend who has breast cancer. For my granddaughter and her family to embrace Jesus in their home life. A healing for a friend’s husband who has mouth cancer.

  68. For the wounds of my children to be healed so they are free to become the one God created them to be. For my children to return to their faith and embrace the pearl of great price. For substantial , stable jobs so they can support themselves while paying off student loans. For the gifts of Grace, mercy, wisdom and fortitude to be bestowed on them. Amen

  69. I am asking prayers for my sons, Caleb and Seth and my daughter-in-law that they will come back to Jesus and the church. I am also asking that my son Caleb will be healed from his addictions and lose all desire for drugs.

  70. I pray that the Lord grant me an opportunity for promotion. I need a higher position that can assist me financially to pay for my daughters scholl fees and to take care of my family.

  71. I offer mass for the the gift of purity for Carlton, Kyle, and Rafael.

    I pray for our families financial position

    I pray for the gift of holiness for myself and the whole world

  72. Lord hear my prayer I pray that everything goes good tomorrow at the interview and that I get the job. I also pray that when I call that number for the ticket helpline they help me and set up an appt asap. I pray that it’s not a process and they can get me something that I like not a store or drug store or airport. You know what I like and don’t like please answer my prayers.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen