The Next Novena to the Holy Spirit for Pentecost!

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We’re excited to announce that the next novena we’re praying is the original novena!

Novenas are an ancient tradition that goes back to the days of the Apostles.

Jesus told His disciples to pray together after His ascension into heaven, so they went to an upper room along with the Blessed Virgin Mary, (Acts 1:14) and joined constantly in prayer for nine days.

These nine days of constant prayer by the Apostles at the direction of Jesus led up to Pentecost. This is when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples as “tongues of fire” (Acts 2:1-4). This pattern of 9 days of prayer is the basis of the novenas we pray today!

Thus, the novena is an imitation of the Lord’s command to the Apostles when they prayed for 9 days in anticipation of the coming of the Holy Spirit.

And that’s why we pray all of our novenas for nine days, followed by one final prayer on the 10th day (which is usually the feast day).

So maybe you can guess by now that the next novena we’re praying is The Novena to the Holy Spirit for Pentecost!

You can share your prayer intentions in the comments below :)

The Holy Spirit plays a BIG part in our lives.

So, as we pray, ask the Holy Spirit for something concrete and measurable. 

We will start praying on Friday, May 22nd.

Your friends & family can sign up HERE.

We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you! 
God bless you!

John-Paul & Annie –

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  1. Holy Spirit please I pray protection of the coronavirus and all illnesses and diseases for me and my family and everyone
    Holy Spirit I pray for a financial miracle tonight so I can get coverage and to help us in our lives.
    Holy Spirit I pray for my son and husband to quit drinking alcohol and focus on their health and family.
    Holy Spirit I pray that we can settle my mom’s estate real soon.
    Holy Spirit I pray for faithfullness for me and my family and a closer relationship with God.
    In Jesus Christ I pray whom I love and worship. Amen

  2. Holy Spirit to be on my children so that they love each other. And for mutual understanding in the family

  3. Please pray for me .. I’m suffering for endometriosis stage 4 .. hope I could get the miracle of our almighty god .. with the help of your prayers I know I can get it soon .. amen thank you son much

  4. the pain of a divorce that I still feel after years, still hurts, I get angry depressed, the worst is loneliness. And being denied a annulment. I am lost and my faith is being tested, Come Holy Spirit and heal my heart Amen

  5. I want to ask the Holy spirit to help my husband with his pain and that doctors will find what it is wrong what’s cousing so much pain
    thank you Lord for all the graces we already have

  6. I want to ask the Holy Spirit for my daughter to get pregnant – they have tried IVF and so far it hasn’t worked. My children don’t go to church or pray constantly – pls bring them back to their faith. My husband is very difficult to live with – pls help him to change and help me to be patient and loving. If it is the will of God let my daughter conceive naturally.

  7. Dear precious Holy Spirit, we humbly come before you for miraculous COMPLETE healing of our little M to be healed from serious tree nut allergies and antibiotic allergies we humbly pray in Jesus name amen!

  8. Dear Lord,
    Thank you and I praise you with all of my heart everyday. May you heal the world, heal all the people who are suffering and infected by covid-19 and any other Illnesses. Take away all the viruses. As we will be moving to Canada soon, hopefully, by 3rd of July 2020, may you guide and bless me and my family during our travel to be safe and away from any danger, diseases and none of us should get the corona virus. I know it will not be easy but please don’t make it more difficult for us. Enlighten us on what we can do to have and start a new life as a smooth transition. May we find a job once we have move there. Thank you Lord, God! Amen.

  9. Pray for me to be financially stable, pray for me and my son RK to be guided by the Holy spirit. Holy spirit come

  10. I pray for healing mercies over my recurring thyroid problem
    I pray for all the cancer patients
    I surrender Gujit,Mercy and Nary to you lord,bless the fruits of their wombs
    I pray for inner healing
    Thank you Jesus

  11. Jesus, I pray for a complete healing for my friend, Jeff. Jesus, he has been through so much with cancer and you have brought him miracle after miracle in his battle with cancer. We ask you, Jesus, to give Jeff the strength to fight through this again. We know your miracle is not over for him and we trust you will bring about another complete healing. You have that power and we trust your power will move for Jeff’s highest good. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

  12. Jesus, I lift up my daughters and me to you. Please protect us, keep us healthy and surround us with legions of protective angels. As a single mom, I have worked three jobs for nearly 18 years. I am so exhausted by it all. Please Jesus, lift all the heavy financial burdens that are on our shoulders – student loans, etc. I know this prayer sounds trivial compared to what so many people are going through and I am well aware of that. So many people have it so much harder and I am so thankful for all our blessings – of which there are SO many. But I am tired, Jesus. Just tired. Give me your strength to weather these tough times financially. It is only through your strength that we all will make it through this. Thank you for all our blessings and miracles. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

  13. Holy Spirit fill the heart of A with the gift of faithfulness. Let him be faithful to God and his partner,give him the strength to turn away from distraction. Pray that L get out of the toxic affair of adultery.

  14. For safety, peace, companionship, and security with the consolation, wisdom, and help through the power of the most Holy Spirit as in the days of Pentecost. This is for my family , my friends and others who do not have anybody to pray for them.

    Also for the repose of my parents and grand parents souls in peace in Heaven.

  15. Please be with my cousin, his wife & 2 young girls who were in a terrible car accident over the weekend. Please guide the doctors as more testing & surgeries are done & help them to all recover both physically & emotionally.

  16. Please Lord continue to be with the buyers of our house so that we can have a smooth house closing in June. Also please help us find a new house for our family of 10 as we relocate to a different state. Jesus we trust in you! Come Holy Spirit come.

  17. Praying for a miracle that The Holy Spirit will enter the hearts of my Husband, Son and Daughter and make them believers one again…how desperately they all need faith in these hopeless times and in the good, as well. That He fill my heart with calm and acceptance. We are all in trouble mentally, physically and spiritually. Please, in the Name of Jesus, I beg for God to do the impossible and help us to find some happiness again. Thank you and wishing all praying with me answered prayers and peace in all things.

  18. Dear Lord,
    Please pray for my family. We have been down on our luck for so many years and nothing ever seems to get better. We try so hard and yet, we are always one step forward, two steps back. Please keep us all from harm and give me the strength to take care of my children and the baby. Please show me some light in the direction of my path. I have been in discomfort so long with the situation with Mark, that if it going to end then please help me get thru it. If not, please put us on the right track. You are the only one that knows our fate and I beg for mercy for all of us.
    Please help those afflicted with the corona virus, their families and all who have past. Please give zia nina the strength to get thru this horrible tragedy and may Anthony rest in peace. Amen

  19. Prayer fir my family and friends especially my brother in law has cancer in his brain for healing

  20. May the HOLY Spirit brings wisdom and knowledge to my siblings, nephews and nieces to embrace the sacraments more faithfully.

    May the Holy Spirit gifts us with wisdom, knowledge, teaching and understanding as we serve HIM.

  21. Merciful and Loving Father, Your son Michael Santino TL is created perfect in every way. I know you have a better plan for him. Father in the name of your son Jesus, be with him always and guided by The Holy Spirit. Give him the strength, courage & HOPE that you are ONE with Mike. Holy Spirit move in his heart. Amen

  22. For the many children and grandchildren that I have been blessed with, they they might find the joy of life in the spirit with our Savior.

  23. For my daughter and her children to become close to God and bring a good man into her life to help her raise her children in Gods plan

  24. Prayers needed for my son Matthew, that he will be granted by the Holy Trinity, the Father , the Son, and the Holy Spirit another chance to prove he is worthy of being saved. That he will come out of the darkness and walk towards the light and reach out to God’s hand for help. Because I’m hopeful and pray that he will be saved and turn his life around, thank you, Amen, from his mother S.L.

  25. I am praying that my husband returns to work soon and receives unemployment insurance so we may provide for our family. also that my son finds the cross that he lost as it means so much to him.

  26. Lord Jesus I pray that the holy sprint go before me and fix my present situation, I pray that the holy spirit heal and re established lost friensdhips and relationships, I pray that my matter before the industrial court be fixed, I pray for justice, I pray for reinstatement and reconciliation. Lord I pray for a healing of my financial situation. Holy spirit intercede for me with the olive branch. I pray for the spirit of faithfulness to dwell inside of me

  27. I want God to grant me favor and financial upliftment from my current position, to a greater heights.I want God to protect me and my family,in Jesus Christ name Amen.

  28. Holy Spirit, I ask you to breathe on my family. That we may be filled with You, Holy Spirit. Heal us, spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically. Heal us of past hurts. Open our hearts to You and draw us close to You, and the Father and Son. Help us to keep our eyes, hearts and minds focused on You. Holy Spirit, fill us with Your gifts and answer the prayers that we cry out to You and that are deepest in our hearts.

  29. I ask for the capacity for gratitude in joy and the healing of PTSD. Holy Spirit please come over my friend, Laura, and her daughter, Tina, who is young and has only 40% heart capacity, that she will feel your presence, love and full healing!

  30. My special intention is for my daughter who is going through some trying times. Please pray to the Holy Spirit to give her strength.

  31. Dear precious Holy Spirit, We humbly come before you with prayers for miraculous healing for our little M to be COMPLETELY healed from serious tree nut and antibiotic allergies🙏🏻

  32. Dear Holy Spirit, I humbly prostrate myself before you asking for your health and strength, guidance and protection, removal of obstacles and freedom from the oppression of our enemies for myself and family Amen.
    Holy Spirit, please grant me clarity and help me focus on achieving my desires and goals, especially becoming debt free, for financial healings, financial blessings and financial abundance Amen.

    Praying for all medical professionals and front line responders especially family members that they remain safe while performing their duties Amen.
    Praying for all suffering from this virus that they find health and healing Amen.
    Praying for all asking your help today Amen.

  33. Lord may all these remodeling projects go seamlessly so that we may get back into our house without extra expense. Help us make good decisions on the floor repair, floor covering, wall repairs, window replacement and cabinet installation.
    Help us get a good interest rate on our refinance. If this is our last home we want to fix it to last.
    Thank you for Matts new job. May he be successful and acquire his own place. May he seek to do his job with accuracy and advance as he can.
    Help all my children find the spouse you would have them share their life with.
    Help my husband and me with all the symptoms of aging. Our memories, waning strength and energy, hearing loss, obesity are all things we need help with.
    Prayers for my parents in their 80’s.
    Prayers for wisdom and discernment for my siblings and Mark’s.
    May we all seek your counsel.
    In Jesus name, Amen

  34. I pray that my mom is in heaven, that she is happy and lively without suffering. pray that I am forgiven by her for any and everything I may have done wrong in loving her, respecting her, and caring for her. I pray that my guilt and depression lift. Thank you

  35. For complete recovery of my husbands Alcoholism and smoking and filling him with Holy Spirit 2 My sons Full recovery from video game addictions, alcohol and depression and filling with Holy Spirit and for a spouse with strong faith and Holiness 3 my Daughter stopping the fight, rudeness and arrogance to me and filling with wisdom and gentleness , Also for her safe Delivery and relief from all anxiety and depression . Filling all of us with Holy Spirit and leading life pleasing to God

  36. Pray that my children come to trust that God has a plan for them.
    Pray that I find a great job.
    Pray for EVERYONE stays healthy during COVID and not end up in hospitals.

  37. I lift up my stomach issues to the holy spirit that even after several visits to the Doctor, medical tests and lab xrays, coming back negative, I continue to suffer weight loss, heartburn and throat discomfort. I am so fed up of this illness Lord, but I pray for continued patience, hope and faithfulness to you God, that my additional blood tests and my endoscopy scheduled for Friday will bring some final news for proper diagnosis and treatment. If not, God, plesse send your holy spirit to bring the relief I need physically, spiritually, emotionally, amd mentally Lord, so that I have the faith that this sickness is not unto death, but for your glory. In jesus name. Remove the burdens on my life Lord. I am healed. Alleluia!

  38. For my son’s complete restoration to good health and a good report on his scan in August. Thank you, God for healing him. Please bless him with a good job and a holy future spouse.

    For my youngest son’s safe and successful move. Please bless him with good & moral people in his life.

    Please keep my family close to Jesus. Thank you, Jesus!

  39. For my daughter, who is interviewing for a new job. Please help her do well in her interview so that she can get the job that she has been wanting. We pray…

  40. For my dad having some health issues. That the doctors treating him can find what is causing his problems and be able to fix them so he can eat and sleep with comfort again.

  41. Stable housing for my husband and myself and our adult son and daughter, a steady income and emotional strength to get them through their challenging situations. May they both find the love they seek. May their children be strong. May they all return to the Church. Please I ask for these miracles for my family.

  42. Today bless me with the Peace of a happy heart, mind sole and will power. Bless my husband as he tries to completa his project and come home. Give us strength courage and faith that we will get through this together. Give me the necessary clients I need to maintain life job. Thanks for the blessings received this say. Amen

  43. Please pray that my arthritic pain lessens, heart palpitations, inflammation of eye does not spread.

    Thank you in Jessus Name

  44. Lord hear my prayer I pray that everything goes good in today’s interview and that I get the job either that job, health hospice or Sciolex Corporation. I pray that I get a job in June or July the latest. I also pray that Herb’s ultrasound goes good. I pray that you don’t let me get up in the middle of the night anymore because I need to lose a few pounds please don’t temp me even if I can’t get to sleep I will drink tea with honey instead of eating. Please don’t let me eat anything after my dinner.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  45. my prayer intention is that God should please heal me of this cold that has been attacking me for almost three months without medical remedy.This that comes without fever,without cough,without hard breathing but just cold making me feel uncomfortable all the time.
    Holy Spirit please heal me in Jesus Name.Amen

  46. Dear Holy Spirit,

    I pray for protection for my family from the Covid-19 virus.
    I pray for peace, calm, happiness, joy, and love for my family.
    I pray I am able to earn all A’s in my classes this term, I have a lot on my plate caring for my 2 kids with autism, financial problems, problems with my ex-husband, etc.
    I pray I am able to pay for tuition and books, I borrowed $13K for my education and my ex-husband stole all of it.
    I pray for a financial miracle, financial healing, financial abundance, and financial prosperity.
    I pray I am able to sell my home for the maximum amount so I can use some of the proceeds to pay for tuition and the rest to purchase a smaller home for my children.
    I pray for healing of my son from sleep apnea, severe depression, anxiety, feelings of worthlessness, and suicidal ideations.
    I pray for healing of my daughter from severe depression, anxiety, migraines, kidney problems, and autism.
    I pray for healing for myself from sleep apnea, diabetes, asthma, leg pain, and depression.
    I pray for healing for my mother and sister.
    I pray for protection over my family from Satan and all evil.

  47. Father i come to you this morning with faithfullness within us always in whatever we do.Bless all off us thats facing sum sort of difficulty in Finace may God protect us.. And Providing our needs. Lord i leave my worrys in your hands..protect my children Chevonne Adrian Andre may god bless them in there life’s.going over our family friends and everyone thats helping out there with the virus..Amen.

  48. I pray I will get approval to my application number, or to any of my application number. I hope ICA will send me approval this week. Thank you🙏

  49. Praying for my brother Brian, Lord give him a job. May you give him an inner healing and peace.

  50. I pray that the Holy Spirit give me peace in my heart with the intention of trying to go and further my education. I beg that I get a better opportunity in my job career as I reach retirement age. Please give me a chance to do something that I will be content and happy.

  51. I pray that my oldest son strive to better his job career. I hope and pray that god rekindles the Holy Spirit given to him through his sacraments. May he have peace in his heart when it comes to listening to his parents.

  52. That the Holy Spirit intercede for my husband and I in the snarl of Problems , financial crisis we are entangled in our life that God will provide a lasting Solution and lift us out of the pain and hardship that this financial distress have plunged us into and make a way for us . That my family will not be put to shame and thrown out on the street. I beg you oh Holy Spirit‼️ My heart is in turmoil right now I know not what to do or where to go but to come to the Lord God who is our refuge and present help . Lord God almighty Father you alone are Lord! Hear my plea for you are the source of all we have and are in your loving forgiveness keep our world safe from chaos , anarchy and Doom, and bless us with your kingdom of Justice , Love and Peace.

  53. am requesting you pray with me for the grace of having our own child, blood and flesh, I know it is possible because we pray to working miracle God, he can remember us the way he remembered Peninah , Sarah and so many who struggled with infertility because we have been mocked and I know God can change our story. amen

  54. Holy Spirit,
    Please protect everyone in my family and extended family. Give us health, love peace and understanding. Give us faith and draw all the ones in my family that are far from You. Bring them all back to the Holy Catholic Church. Please let my son find a new job, so he can provide for himself and his family. Hear the prayers of all those who are praying this Novena.

  55. I pray for my husbands conversion. May God breaks the chains he has on infidelity, anger, lust and may he become like St Joseph and be a good example to our son. May He strengthen our marriage.For this I pray. May the Lord give me courage and faith.

  56. I am praying for the Holy Spirit to fill me with hope, peace, happiness and protection.

    I am being tested by a life event and I am holding on to the faith of God.
    I am the main pilar of my family so I have to win this battle I am against.
    I trust that the Holy Spirit will fight for me.


  57. Blessed Holy Spirit I ask your help that the Lord grant us the gift of fruit of womb and pregnancy now. That he remove all fear anxiety stress from my body and mind and allow my body to relax and conceive now. We are not giving up on Gods promises or our babies twins. I ask all prayer warriors on this novena to please pray for us that the Lord grant us our miracle breakthrough and hearts desire our babies twins. Holy Spirit please give us strength and patience on this journey to preserve. I believe with all my heart our prayers will be answered soon. I pray for all intentions to be answered in Jesus name Amen

  58. I’m praying for my parents. May God be merciful and kind with my father. His health is deteriorating quickly. My mother is caring for him and I pray for her to remain healthy and strong. I’m also praying in thanksgiving for my sister who watches carefully for both of them, as she lives close by. God protect them and give them peace.

  59. Holy Spirit be with my son and family at this time. I pray for their conversion of heart, and healing. Please protect us from all evil and in place fill us with you Holy Spirit and Grace.

  60. We pray for our protection from Covid19. Me and my brother are both health workers. Likewise for the good health of our elderly parents.

    For all those who are sick of Covid19, especially Buddy who is in the hospital right now and in respirator we pray for their healing.

    For the complete healing of Romel’s eyes. And for his emotional healing.

    For Roy and Dawn, for their happiness and good health for they had helped a lot with of people. They are generous people may our Lord will bless them more so that they can help more the needy.

  61. For Lisa, Samantha, Lilly, Kinsley, Mom, Dad, Mike…. For peace, love, and togetherness in working out a solution to guardianship of Lilly and Kinsley and do what is truly best for them. Also that they will rise above the circumstances that they have too long suffered through.

    For Mary and Michael to have a beautiful, God-Centered Wedding.

    Heal Jacob and Jessica’s marriage and their lives. Lead them to Godly people that will mentor and help them.

    For the healing of Dave Garwood and Baby John Paul and his mother.

    For healthy pregnancy, safe births, and healthy babies for Nancy, Alex, and Erica.

  62. Dear Holy Spirit,
    Please protect everybody in my family and bless us all with good health and financial stability. Pray for us to keep our jobs. Please pray that I may clean out my report with the bureaus and that I may get out of my financial burden so we may be able to move to a better house. I also pray that my niece Lo may be successful in her green card application this time around. I also pray for a good job at the right time so I may move on to a job where I am appreciated and can grow my career and be happy. Pray for G’s quick and permanent recovery. Pray for all those afflicted by the Corona virus that God may give them strength to overcome the disease.
    Please pray for the intentions of all who are praying this novena. Amen.

  63. Dear Holy Spirit please protect my family from Covid 19 and any other disease, illness or harm. Please let the exam and test tomorrow all come normal for A and her lump be done. Please allow JMN be able to fly to attend the celebration of EWAW.

    I ask to hear my prayers in Jesus name Amen

  64. I pray for happiness within my family. I pray for my father’s blood pressure to go down in order to get through with his cataract surgery in the morning. I pray for 100% recovery with his sight. I pray that my mother M.P realize that we love her and only want what’s best for her, draw her closer to you oh Lord and remover Roger from her life there are so many signs that he’s not a man of God and our family are true believers in you oh Lord. Lord I cry out for mercy and favor over my financial situation I’m feeling like I’m drowning in debt Lord deliever me out of my worries of owing. I pray for my sister J.S to get her nursing job soon so that she can live a more comfortable life for herself and children. I Pray for my nephew J.S that he will be a better son and be raised to be a good citizen. I ask for blessing and favor for my boyfriend K.A he’s a good man and is trying to create a good future for us but he cannot do it without your help oh Lord bless him with the gifts of understanding and patience to wait on your timing.

  65. I am praying that I may grow closer to God, I have been lazy to read, pray and even to woeship, this is unlike me. I feel to have drifted far from God and I need prayer, please pray for me to seek God in my life

  66. Dear Holy Spirit,
    Please protect everybody in my family and bless us all with good health and financial stability. Pray for us to keep our jobs. Please keep my daughters and their babies healthy and safe and heal my daughters from any discomfort. Please heal my infected toe.
    Please pray for the intentions of all who are praying this novena. Amen.

  67. For the sanctification of my family members, that they will commit to the Will of God and let the Holy Spirit act in their lives.

  68. Praying for an outpouring of the gifts of the Holy Spirit upon my parents, their marriage of 50 years on May 29th, and upon my sister and my relationship with them. For healing of anger and fear. That we find our family’s identity and security found in the Fathers Love, not in the world’s way of Security. For healing in the relationship With my father and between my sister and my parents as well. Thank you Holy Spirit!

  69. Dear Holy Spirit, I humbly prostrate myself before you asking for your heslth and strength, guidance and protection, removal of obstacles, and freedom from oppression for myself and family Amen.
    Praying for all medical professionals and front line responders especially family members that they remain safe Amen.
    Praying for all asking your help today Amen.

  70. My son isn’t taking his meds properly,I’m asking for prayers to help him take his meds properly. Please pray that the Holy Spirit will enlighten his mind & body so he can finally have peace & with The three persons in God, Blessed Mary & all the saints will look at him & help him.

  71. Holy spirit remove the bad habits of people who posses evil thoughts especially from greed and holding back my payments.

  72. For the healing of our son,Paul, his mind, body, soul, social interaction, paranoias and memories.

  73. Dear Holy Spirit please heal us- me and my loved ones wherever we need healing(s):K,A,J&J,R,R,M,M and our animals! Please heal my lungs(and my adult kids lungs too) and whatever causes me(us) to cough;anxiety/allergies,sanitizing homes etc please heal us! Heal our eyes too! Heal me also from the wheezing and funny lungs sounds and lead me to good doc/ specialists if needed! Help me get to great oral surgeon to get painful bone spurs out/paid for by my insurance and get great fitting dentures finally and paid for! I lay all of me&my adult kids needs to You and especially and meet our needs:(K,A,J&J,R)! Please put an end to me getting harassed,emotionally abused,etc from this evil doer drug addicted neighbors(squatter)! Please help him get thrown in jail by his probation officer or a miracle solution for my daughter and I to no longer have to tolerate his abusive outburts (indirectly toward me) because he got caught doing illegal things here and yet he’s still here every day emotionally abusing me. Help me&my daughter receive the miracle home(s) TO OWN/ move to very very soon..especially for me so I can have empowerment over some trials I’m going through with my us now please! Please help my son easily switch to NG and keep his GB he worked so hard for. Bless my 2 kids&I with new same sex godly loyal friends,St Joseph’s,angels,neighbors,heirachies,godly advocates to help us please! I give You all my intentions,prayers spoken&unspoken and my kids prayers too! Thank you HOLY SPIRIT! Please hear&answer everyone’s prayers on this powerful novena! XO

  74. Please take care of my daughter who’s overweight & has history of bullemia. Give her desire, motivation, strength & perseverance to lose weight with Your living guidance. Keep her healthy by losing weight for physical & mental health. Joseph, Mary , Jesus pray for us! Please hear and answer my prayers.

  75. Please Holy Spirit pray for me that the pain in right leg is healed and no reoccurring pain and my cycle starts tonight. Please Holy Spirit pray for me I’m jobless and no medical insurance please pray God blesses me and my husband with a financial miracle/blessing to help us in our lives. Please Holy Spirit pray that my son and husband quit the alcohol and focus on their health and family. Please pray for my daughter who ,
    Just had a baby that her and her family is healthy. Please Holy Spirit pray that we can settle our mom’s estate and all the heirs sign the deed. Please Holy Spirit pray for an end to the coronavirus , healing for the sick, comfort for the dying and their families, strength and protection for the essential workers and the ones fighting for a cure and control of it. Please pray for protection for me and my family from the coronavirus and all illnesses and diseases. Please Holy Spirit pray a stronger faith and spritual growth for me and my family. In Jesus Christ I pray whom I love, need and worship. Amen

  76. Please God save all the Christians in Nigeria from the hands of the Fulani herdsmen and the bokoharam terrorist. The south, southeast and south west of Nigeria have been surrounded by these evil people ready to spill the blood of the innocents.
    Please God come to our aid in Jesus Mighty Name 🙏

  77. Please please pray for my family! Please pray that the Holy Spirit and this novena helps me with the fighting and the yelling to stop!!!! I ask with all my heart and souls for Jesus to come to my aid!

    Please forgive my sins and help me with my son and daughters!

  78. We pray for that our people will turn back to the Lord through the tribulation of Corona virus, and that all the suffering will be for the greater Glory of God, and the betterment of our culture, marriage, families, and respect for life.

  79. Dear Lord, I would like to pray for a homeless man that I see periodically. My Lord, I ask that you bless him and keep him safe and fill his needs. Thank you Lord . Amen.

  80. holy spirit I pray this novena for my son that he may get suitable accomadation for him and his daughter
    Also for Dathi who is very ill
    Holy Spirit I thrust in you

  81. Please pray for joy and thanksgiving for Sarah. Eight months pregnant, our of work. Needs insurance. Today she asked for just one piece of good news.

  82. Lord God our Father.i thank you for the gift of life and family.Cover my family with the precious blood of Jesus and grant us good health.Dear Lord please deliver my husband from alcoholism show him the way and let him always trust in you.Amen

  83. Pray Holy Spirit that you will enter into the hearts of our beautiful family, and reunite each and everyone of us back together according to your Holy will.
    Past losses, hurts and misunderstandings, has brought about distruction, emotional pain and loneliness within the family. Pray especially for KR whose hurting so badly, please bridge the gap and help me to reach out to her with humility, love and kindness. Instill your love so deeply into her heart, that she may come to know the truth. Pray that she may see how much you love her, that she may be able forgive herself and others for past hurts – and that she may restore her trust in humanity; though Christ our Lord. Amen. I love you Lord and I trust in you, never let us be parted from you. Our Lady Queen of peace, pray for us, St Joseph, pray for us, all the Angels and Saints, pray for us, and pray for the whole world. Amen.

  84. Pray Holy Spirit that you will enter into the hearts of our beautiful family, and reunite each and everyone of us back together according to your Holy will.
    Past losses, hurts and misunderstandings have brought about distruction, emotional pain and loneliness. Pray especially for KR whose hurting so badly, please bridge the gap and help me to reach out to her with humility, love and kindness. Instill your love so deeply into her heart, that she may come to know the truth. Pray that she may see how much you love her, that she may be able forgive herself and others for past hurts – and that she may restore her trust in humanity; though Christ our Lord. Amen. I love you Lord and I trust in you, never let us be parted from you. Our Lady Queen of peace, pray for us, St Joseph, pray for us, all the Angels and Saints, pray for us, and for the whole world. Amen.