The Next Novena: The Coronavirus Novena

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As soon as we finish the St. Joseph Novena, we will begin The Coronavirus Novena.

While we face the coronavirus pandemic, let us turn to the face of God in prayer and ask for His healing, His help and His protection.

We will start praying on Friday, March 20th.

We will pray for all who are affected, for all who are sick and suffering, for all those who work in the medical profession, and for those who have died as well as for their grieving family members.

We will also pray for those affected financially during this time, such as those who have lost or may lose their jobs.

During this novena we will be asking the intercession of these saints:

The Fourteen Holy Helpers, those who lived during the time of the plague
St. Anthony the Great, patron of those affected by infectious diseases
St. Edmund, patron for victims of pandemics
St. Damien of Molokai, who put himself at risk to minister to those with leprosy.
Rocco, who is venerated for his prayers for those suffering from infectious diseases
St. Joseph, patron of the dying
St. Jude and St. Rita, patrons of impossible causes
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, who founded hospitals dedicated to caring for the sick
and Mary, Undoer of Knots.

You can sign up to pray with us here.

We know this is an uncertain and sorrowful time, and that God wants us to bring to Him all of our concerns. We will start praying this novena on Friday.

You are not alone. We are all united in prayer during this time.

God bless you!
John-Paul & Annie –

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  1. Please pray for my ex father in law & ex husband. Both are in hospital and on ventilators. Thank you

  2. Please pray for my brother who has COVID and his wife who has symptoms and their two kids. Bless all affected who are sick or around sick and those who need financial help or jobs. Bless all the hand and people caring for the sick and afflicted and the elderly. We submit O Lord to your will and look for your miraculous healing. Amen!

  3. Please keep my family healthy
    Prayers for medical people and prayer they medical community can get all supplies needed for work
    Please pray Danny is in your loving arms

  4. Praying for the health and well-being of my family, friends, coworkers, and all the special individuals who are on the front lines trying their hardest to protect us and save lives.

  5. Please pray for my children, fiancee, family, friends and me to be safe from the virus. Please help me be hopeful, positive and filled with gratitude each day. I pray that both my son and daughter get jobs when this current situation is over and my other daughter has success in launching her online business. I pray my son continues to work on himself and get the results he is looking for. I pray that I stop worrying and begin to feel better emotionally and physically. Amen.

  6. Lord hear my prayer I pray that the interview goes good tomorrow and that I answer the questions the way they want me to answer. I also pray that the two people answer my friend request that I got on facebook. I also pray that when I email her she emails me back soon. I also pray about the Virus and it is controlled by mid May and that I get the job from Sciolex Corporation and that I keep it and that Monica talks to them. I also pray that I get a job sometime this year so I can pay my rent again. Please answer those prayers because Sciolex sounds like a good job. I pray that Monica talks to them and that they consider hiring me. I pray that I can they don’t decide to put the position on hold and don’t cancel it.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen

  7. Father in heaven, bless us with your everyday presence and remind us that we ere in thy care.That prayer,faith, hope and love we share with one another in your presence will get us through this trying period. Send us your blessings as the world is desperately in need. Bring us together as we are reminded that we are the world.Protect those on the front line and give wisdom and advance thoughts to all giving assistance in this matter as you keep them protected and safe as we remain in constant thought to stay ahead and not panic. Thank you my lord for your guidance grace and love you’ve brought me in so many ways Amen.

  8. Lord I place my financial needs into your hands I pray for financial deliverance today I pray that you untie the knots in my life that stiffile my career, that cut short my career b3cause of evil doers. I pray that you undo the knots that is ties to my nephew in a legal matter arm Lord free him and let the matter go .free him Lord I pray for my daughter for your blessed guidance on her life .I pray for my son and his wife, bless help them pass their medical board exams. So they can practice as doctors.
    I pray that you remove the knots that is suffering long friends

  9. Lord hear my prayer I pray that I do good on tomorrows interview and that I answer everything well. I also pray that my computer works on Zoom and I get the job and I also pray that I don’t have to work past 5 p.m. I also pray that if I get the job I don’t have to start til mid May and that the Virus gets better by then. I also pray that in Mid May the Virus gets better and that everything starts getting back to normal and that by June 29 we can go out on my brother inlaws Birthday.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  10. For my wife (C) and family (D, C, S, A, G) who are far away from me in Canada during this crisis, for my sister (C) in London and for many other families that are separated in this time, that God Almighty will show them mercy, protect them from every plague, keep trouble away from them, bless them with long life and show us all his salvation. Amen.

    For my sister in-law (A) that will undertake a surgery in the coming days and another in-law that is in comma (O), that God Almighty will look with pity upon them and heal them.

  11. Please pray for my children and grandchildren, and especially for my son Stephen, that he is able to cope with the financial turmoil we are experiencing. Thank you!

  12. Lord Jesus, I humbly ask that to protect all from CO-VID. Please aid the teenagers in understanding that they must stay home during this pandemic. Please guide all the college and university student who are now facing extra assignments, essays and quizzes because courses were switched to online learning. They are feeling the stress of the pandemic and the added stress of teaching themselves. Please protect all essential workers that continue to work outside the home. Protect all front line medical workers that are working tirelessly to help the sick and dying.

  13. God of Mercy.
    Divine healer
    Please take charge and help the whole world.
    The dieing, the sick, the dead, mourning families, family with finicial breakdown, medical assistance.
    God please have mercy.
    Praying for a business idea that will help us boom in this pandemic.
    Praying for gift of a girl child.
    Praying for my sales target in April, even in this lockdown God please make a way.
    Let me delivery fleet cars before the end of this 12days.
    Let me get payment worth 300million and above .
    With a profit of 40million..
    Praying for Hubton, my siblings, parents, granny and my 3sons .
    Protect and have mercy on us all .
    Grant me the grace to remain strong in christ and keep the flag of emulation among my peers in the world at large, Amen
    Please let the pandemic be over Amen.

  14. Our Lady of Sorrows please pray for us,console and be with our dying,please intercede for us with Your Son.
    Blessed Saint Joseph please intercede with Your Foster Son and please be a comforting presence with our dying.

    Blessed Saint Marie Faustina please intercede with the Divine Mercy for a fallen world.
    Blessed Saint Pope John Paul 2 please intercede for our sick.

  15. Dear Lord,
    May this scourge bring us all back to You,the return of Your lost children.
    May we use the lockdown period to reflect on our lives with you,to listen and get to know you better.
    Thy Kingdom come-in our hearts,our homes,for the whole world
    Thy Holy Will be done on this Earth as it is in Heaven

  16. To have my prayers heard for the sake of lost of employment, keeping me safe and healthy to be of service to others like my family, friends and elderly who are in need of support via encouragement and physical capabilities that be helpful to them in this draining dying days.

    Hear my cries – please bless me with insight. Clarity and concentration in entering back into the workforce bigger and better than before

  17. I pray for the well-being and safety of all those on the front line dealing with our Corona Pandemic in NYC and state.

    Also, i was displaced from employment due to poor judgement and the Corona crisis in NYC. Please hear my prayers for gainful employment, to remain healthy enough to return to the workforce in a promising position that offers me what I lost and then some.

    On behalf of my children, hear their cries and restore their faiths and energies towards positive and upward mobility in their lives with all they dream and desire.

  18. Dear God
    I ask that you please protect my husband and children. My mom, brothers, nephews and nieces. All my loved ones. Help me get thru this. My anxiety is trying to get me. I trust in you Lord. Bless us all!!! AMEN

  19. Holy Father please have mercy on us and the whole world. I repent for my sins and ask for forgiveness for my family and myself. Thank You Lord for having mercy for my family and myself. Please show me for any sins I need to repent for. In Jesus Holy your servant.

  20. I pray for my friend Corrina whose Mother just died. Lord, please draw close to her and give her the strength and faith to sustain her through this heartbreaking Tim.

    Also please pray for my friend Sue, who is a Doctor, working on the front line of this Covid-19 crisis. Please give her the perseverance she will need, please keep her and her family safe.

  21. Especially for my grandma that was recently diagnosed with Covid 19 and my mother who will put her health at risk to take care of her. I also pray for other that are ill and those that have passed away and their families

  22. I wish and hope for God to guide and protect all of those who are not infected and heal the infected so that we may live and I also pray that the number of cases will decrease. I comit our families in Africa into ur hands oh God please have mercy and give us another chance

  23. Please I request for prayers for a Catholic family that is at the verge of breaking up despite the pandemic. May God touch the heart of the husband to enable him swallow his pride and be reconciled with his wife and daughter

  24. Please pray for the protection over everyone from COVD 19 virus. Especially, pray for persons who have weaker immune systems .
    Please pray for my grandson, Henry, that he is healthy And not in any pain. Please pray for my daughter to know peace and joy in being his mother.
    Thank you,

  25. Lord, Divine Physician and Healer please heal Mathew from the COVID 19 pneumonia and bless his wife and children.
    Please stop the spread of the covid 19 virus and forgive us our sins.
    Please help me find a good job . I trust in you . Amen

  26. My daughter is a nurse and has just been assigned to cornoavirus unit in her hospital. I pray for her to stay safe and help the patients that she cares for do well.

  27. please pray for my fam who’s going through a lot of stress at this time and my sister is a nurse and also almighty lord have mercy on the entire world.Mother Mary and St Joseph intercede for us!

  28. Almighty Father
    I pray for protection for our doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers that at in the midst of this pandemic that you will grant them strength in the execution of their duties. I also ask that you protect all our other essential services employees policemen, firemen, nemo workers etc.
    I pray that you will lay your healing hands upon persons suffering from corona virus and other illnesses. I pray that you will see them through this difficult times.

    I ask that you protect my family and all my love ones in Jesus name. Amen.

  29. Lord Jesus:
    I pray for your devine intervention to swipe off the Covid-19 virus from the face of the world.
    I pray with all my heart and with all my might for the health and safety for all my family members, friends and all are suffering or sick.
    I know that YOU have the authority and power to restore the world.

  30. For my son Carlos and granddaughters Kate and Alicia who could be affected in their jobs/business by the pandemic.
    For my family’s protection from this disease. For all sick, that God will give them strength. For all who have passed, that God will grant them eternal rest, and comfort to their families. For doctors, nurses, law enforcement personnel, EMS, etc., that God will protect them from this virus.

  31. I pray for my daughter who is studying medicine in a cointry at high risk of the coronavirus. May the Lord protect her from the virus and protect the extended family here at home too. May the Lord make it possible that we meet again after she finishes her studies. St. Jude pray for us. Amen.

  32. Lord Jesus Christ,
    Only you can make a miracle and stop this pandemic, please Lord Jesus, help me and my family and the entire world. Amen.🙏

  33. Dear My Sweet Lord&Saviour and Blessed Mother Mary and St. Jude and St. Micheal and all the angels&saints please hear and answer everyone’s prayers that are praying to You through this novena. Please wipe the covid 19 virus totally out of our world immediately please. Help them find a powerful vaccine fast &powerful medications to help& heal all those suffering with it! Please protect me&my loved ones from getting it(K,A,J&J,R,R,M,M,K,A,K&all our animals as well. Heal us wherever we need healing! Please come to my son’s(J) aid tomorrow,as he faces the heirachy members of his career. Lead him on what to say/not say etc. Surround him and them with angelic hosts to bless his present&future career. Send the powerful angelic hosts to stop this horrible virus fast please. I pray all this bad that covid 19 has caused .I pray YOU JESUS will turn it all for all our good&for YOUR GLORY here on Earth now!!!!XO

  34. Please. Pray for anyone suffering from this disease. Please pray for my friend Mary that Our Lord will heal her if that be His Will. And pray for her husband, her children and grandchildren, JESUS WE TRUST IN YOU!
    And heart felt prayers and thanks for all the health professionals that give of themselves to treat those who are in need.
    Show us Your Mercy Lord

  35. Lord Jesus I pray for ol the people who got infected by corona virus n their families that they may get cured by ur miraculous touch…n I olso pray for ol the health professionals dt may be blessed with good health while taking care for the patients….I ask ds in the of the lord Jesus Christ ..Amen
    I trust u …I believe u dr lord

  36. I am praying for the healing,resurrection of my organs.may the holy spirit wipe all my sickness together with all the people who are grieving for their loved ones .I declare total healing for coronavirus disease.i commant this satanic beast of the east to fall down and back to the abyss in the mighty name of Jesus

  37. I pray for my family of 10,. my relatives, my neighbors, my city, my state and my country and the whole world++++In Jesus’name save us from the pestilence, NOW++++++++AMEN

  38. Dear Lord,
    Please watch over and be with my son who has now been furloughed because of the pandemic.
    I pray for the sick and those praying this novena.
    Thank you.
    Thank you.

  39. Praying for all who are ill and their families. Praying for those grieving. Praying for all unborn and newborn babies and their parents. Praying for all the medical professionals. Praying for our President, and our country. Praying for all those struggling to pay their living expenses, and experiencing loss of income at this time, especially my son and family. Praying for all who suffer from mental/emotional illness, and or addictions. Praying for the intentions in my heart. Thank you Lord Jesus for hearing our prayers. Amen.

  40. Please pray for my daughter’s cousin Fabian who is very ill with COVID-19. He is in the hospital struggling to survive. Also, please pray for his wife and children that they do not come down with this awful virus, that they remain strong in the Lord.

  41. Please pray for my Uncle Roger as he is now in the last stages of dieing from Covid 19 in the hospital. Please also pray for his wife, Rosemary and his 4 children, and all of his family and friends who love him.

  42. Oh Lord my God!

    I thank you for blessing us with a beautiful life.
    I pray that you continue to fulfil our hearts and souls with your holiness.
    Please give my partner, strength, wisdom, motivation and courage to keep fighting to complete his research during this most difficult time.

    I trust you
    I praise you
    I adore you
    I love you

    I ask you in Jesus name

    Amen 🙏🏾

  43. Please keep my family in your prayers….my 94 year oldMom, Kristen,Jeanette,Erick,,Alexis, Leo, Madison,Eugene, Brian and Paula and myself… oh Lord keep us all to be healthy as a family… We love you and trust in You Amen

  44. For the health and safety of my 87 year old father and my family and for my husband and I working in the grocery store
    Thank you

  45. for all the nurses and doctors who are at the the front line to safe lives. secrad heart of Jesus I Trust in you.

  46. for those i love and for those they love protection from the corona virus but if contracted that they will live

  47. For a world in dire need of prayer and healing. May our dear Lord continue to bless our Hero’s – the amazing doctors, nurses, front line medical professionals and therapists who are sacrificing their lives in the service of others.

    May God continue to bless all those whose health has been compromised (especially Mark and his family), for all those who have died and their grieving loved ones and for all families in need of support and good health during such challenging times.

    Blessings to all!

  48. May the almight God protect people at risk from corona virus especially those who are in prison remand. May the almight provide the guidance to those who are working on cases that have been there for a long time. May the Almight God bring a solution to the problems which are arising because of corona virus. For this I pray. Amen

  49. Dear Jesus, please keep me and my family safe and healthy during this virus. Do not let this virus come near us. I also pray for our President and our country that this is over soon. Please help and heal everyone, Jesus.. With God all things are possible.

  50. Please let’s remember Hannah, a 9 year old who has missed school for 2 years now, battling lung cancer. May the Lord bless and keep her. Amen.

  51. Please pray for our friend Regina’s sister who passed away 3/30 from Covid 19. May her soul R.I.P. and may God be with her and her family. Thank you.

  52. Pray for correct corporate decision to allow those qualified to work from home. They support patient care with heart and hands.

  53. God please grant comfort to those who are dying alone and without their family at their side and please grant peace to those taking care of them.

  54. Lord, I pray for reconciliation with Paul, Amy and family. Soften their hearts.
    Prayers for protection and the end to this virus. Please help the researchers find a cure. Thank you for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me. In Jesus name I pray.

  55. I pray for our military personalel, that they may stay healthy.
    I pray for the homeless, that they may find safety and shekter.
    I pray for our families, and that Catholics may remain in Jesus Christ – and that we may have the privilege of recieving the Eucharist again.

  56. Lord hear my prayer that I pray that Natoria does not change her mind when I call her and decides not to hire me. I also pray that she is positive about the job and I can start in the beginning of June and I hope even though Trump enforces it is at the end of April and that I don’t end up having to work at home or stay home all summer. I also pray that after April on the middle of May there is church and I can go to church and that everything is controlled by the middle of May. I pray that she got my resume and that Trump says on April 30 even if he is forceful he decides at the middle of May to loosen thing up.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen

  57. Lord, thanks for all your blessings, I pray for my family, for my husband who is a physician and for all the physicians out there and health care providers specially for my friend Mada who works at critical care. For all those who are lonely.

  58. I pray that through this frightening ordeal that the faithful believers will be seen and heard as the light on the hill. I pray that the Christian churches, even with their doors locked, will still be viewed by the lost as beacons of light and hope. I pray the Christians will be INSPIRED to find ways of being VISABLE at this time in a very beautiful encouraging way that will lead the lost to find Bibles to read, to find peaceful corners to silently pray, to find Jesus and to know that He is with us always.
    I pray that the proud will be humbled and lead to Jesus BEFORE IT IS TOO LATE.
    I pray for strength and encouragement and the Presence of Christ in the hospitals and in the hearts of all the nurses and doctors who are treating the sick and dying before they meet their Holy Creator.

  59. Need strength to finish my job in a professional manner and courage to leave it when this is all over.

  60. For all of those in the community, especially the employees of Catholic Charities & our healthcare professions,who continue to serve those most vulnerable during the epidemic-our poor, our homeless, our unemployed, our seniors, our disabled- that they find strength thru their faith, courage thru Jesus and hope thru the Holy Spirit as they continue their life’s journey with dedication, care and compassion! We pray to the Lord….

  61. Please pray for all of the medical community that we know personally.
    My brother,(72) Michael Marcello, FP was involved with the first 2 cases in La St. Ann’s Hospital near Thibodaux. They have had approximately 7 cases. As of yesterday no deaths. I feel most of us know someone still working and helping out. God bless them all. 🙏🏻

  62. Please pray that those in financial difficulty because of the coronavirus will obtain the resources they need to pay their bills and survive.

  63. I pray that this pandemic can be brought under control ASAP so the suffering can stop. Tragically our dear 23 year old passed away as he was battling colorectal cancer and we have all been through so much pain and agony in his fight and his passing.. Please protect my boys and my husband and me so we can continue to support each other as we find our way to live this life with our son in heaven. no parent should have to bur a child and I just cant bare the though of having to bury another. Please dear Lord lead the medical community in this fight agaist the virus..

  64. Kindly include my son who is a nurse here who is a frontliner.Pls pray for her protection against being infected with covis virus as well as his friends our family and all
    The frontliners.God bless us all .Thanks

  65. Please pray for my son Tim, a nurse working on the front lines he also has an underlying condition type 1 diabetes. His wife also a nurse, my daughter also a nurse. Thank you

  66. We pray for protection for all those living in abusive relationships and who at this time of lockdown have no escape routes.

  67. Please pray for my son in law who is in a very vulnerable place physically for catching Coronavirus. Pray for my husband who is vulnerable and for our entire family. Pray for all the medical workers who are also so vulnerable. Lord, help heal this earth now and after Coronavirus. Amen

  68. For all my family, children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. For my sister and brother in law: Dorothy and Tony and their children and grandchildren and newest Great grandson, for my sister and brother in law: Irene and Ed’s (both deceased) their children, grandchildren and Great grandchildren. All to be spared this terrible virus! For all the employees and their families at Meijer where I work to be spared this virus! And for all the world to come together in peace and love ❤️! And all my special friends!

  69. For togetherness in these days of separation. For a deeper sense of connection with ourselves and each other. For strength, patience, and unwavering faith in Your plan. For warmth in our day to day interactions. For discipline in prayer. For comfort for the grieving.

    Lord, you are the center of my life. I will always praise you, I will always serve you, I will always keep you in my sight.

  70. My petition and prayers to end this pandemic, assist all the medical staff in the efforts of saving every precious life. No one should have to make the decision of who is going to live or not due to their medical diagnosis due to shortage of medical equipment. Please assist my sister Linda who has been gone without knowing anything for almost a year. Protect my family and their families, assist me in good health so that I can continue caring for my elderly mother. Provide assistance for everyone left without employment, Lord have Mercy on everyone that has passed to a better life, may they Rest In Peace, I ask this in Jesus name, Amen.

  71. I pray that my family is kept healthy and safe during this horrific time. I pray for all of the first responders and medical teams.

  72. For those who are suffering from fear and anxiety, for those with compulsions to catch every bit of information on covid-19, for those who pay attention to unhelpful conspiracy theories, which spread panic. For those who struggle with addiction. For families in which there is abuse and mental illness. For the most vulnerable. For all children. For the caregivers. Jesus, I trust in you.

  73. I pray for the intentions of my sister in law, Ching Luzuriaga Perez, Please Lord heal her from this corona-virus.

  74. I pray for an end to this pandemic, for all health workers, those who have been affected, those who have lost their lives to this, their bereaved members, protection of those who do not have the corona virus and for divine healing of my dear in-law Chukwudi who had an accident and is the hospital. Lord through the powerful intercessions your saints have mercy. Amen

  75. My Lord & my God I thank you for the gift of life for my family, immediate & extended, friends and loved ones.

    Heavenly Father, pls save my families from Coronavirus. Save my country & the entire world from this wiched & deadly pandemic that is raking & ravaging the entire world.

    Pls God help all those who are affected & Suffering from coronavirus. Grant them divine healing Lord. For those already dead, pls grant their souls eternal rest.

    Heavenly Father, we Place all the health workers/ volunteers; doctors, nurses, pharmacists, lab scientists, Cleaners and all volunteers all over the world working to save humanity. May they not contract coronavirus in the process of helping others.

    We have all sinned and fallen short of your God’s Glory. May this be an opportunity for us to repent from our sins and turn to God, the one and only greatest physician for help and cure from this wicked coronavirus.

    Lets also pray for my daughter for A life partner, so that this year will be her Glorious year and we shall testify to the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. We use her as a point of contact to all her mates and colleagues waiting on the Lord for life partners.

    May God richly bless John Paul & Anne
    For the great work they are doing.

    Thank you Lord For answered prayers, for in Jesus mighty Name I have prayed.Amen!


  76. Please pray for Jen, Jess, Melissa, Mary Cay, Sophy & Tim, my nieces and nephews who are doctors and nurses. Also for friend Nina, a nurse.

  77. I pray to the Almighty God for divine healing upon me my family and loved ones especially at this time of the Corona pandemic.
    I also pray for those who have been affected and are sick, the brave doctors, nurses and other health practitioners who have dedicated their lives to fighting this cause.. That the good Lord will heal and protect all of them and their loved ones.
    I pray that the good Lord will bring families together to understand and tolerate each other and share the word of the Lord together as one.
    I also pray for all my personal intentions that the good and gracious Lord God Almighty may grant them according to his riches in Glory and at the end of the day all Praise shall be to his Nam alone..
    This I ask though my lord God, Jesus Christ and the Holy spirit… Amen and Amen..

  78. Please pray for my friend, Ed, who recently lost his father and my friend Melissa who lost her mother last night – both unrelated to virus – but funerals and memorials at this time are not the life celebrations that help loved ones find peace and comfort after losing someone.

  79. For all those people in healthcare, frontline, elderly and those with chronic illnesses. I pray that they be protected from the COVID 19 virus.

  80. Praying for God’s protection over my family from the pandemic corona virus.
    I pray that my family turn their hearts back to God and use this time to reconcile with God.

  81. For John and Brian who are doctors, as well as all doctors, for Amanda and Jennifer who are nurses, as well as all nurses, for Jeff who is a police officer, as well as all policemen, firefighters and EMT’s, all who are on the front lines, including our grocery store workers and restaurant workers, pharmacists and pharmacy techs, nurses aids, medical technicians, janitors, people who work in the utility industry, producers of PPE, those who govern, those who are scared, those who are elderly, my mom and those who live alone

  82. Lord we pray for a roof over my family. We have a contract and financial issues are in the way of closing on a home in 2 week. Lord you said nothing is impossible and let your will be done

  83. Prayer for our Pope, clergy, our government leaders, scientists, researchers, doctors, nurses and all first responders. Pray for all who are ill with the virus or caring for those loved ones who are sick. Please give all those who are anxious and worried, peace of mind and hope. Pray for children everywhere-compfort them, give them hope, give their parents patience and perserverence as they comfort and teach their children at home. Especially care for those children that are not in healthy homes, Lord.
    Heavenly father, please comfort all as we continue to suffer financially, emotionally and spiritually due to the shelter in place order-we know it will save lives. We ask all this through the intercession of our Mother Mary, Blessed Solanus Casey and St, Joseph. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen.

  84. Please pray for John who is in critical condition with Covid-19

    also please pray that my house sells. We have downsized and bought a townhouse. I really don’t want to be paying 2 mortgages! Please pray!

  85. For the conversion of all of our family members. For the protection of our daughter, son-in-law, grandchildren, and all of those in the medical field. son. Please also pray our friends and their children. And a special intention.

  86. Dear God and Madonna Del Salute, have mercy on us and bless us thru this trial. Bless Pres. Trump and the virus task force. Keep all medical and response personnel safe. Help us change our hearts and turn toward God . Please bless us with sacraments and Mass on Easter.

  87. Please pray for my dear niece who is with child and who serves All Children’s Hospital as a pediatric nurse. She is working on the front lines and I hope God watches over her health and her unborn as she selflessly serves others in need. Amen