The Next Novena: The Christmas Novena!

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We are excited to announce that the next novena we will pray is the Christmas Novena! 

This was the very first novena we ever prayed through Pray More Novenas — and that was eight years ago. At the time, we didn’t have very many people subscribed to pray with us… And now, there are more than 450,000 people praying with us! Praise God for this community!

We have prayed for the same general intention each year that we pray this novena, and that’s for an end to abortion.

There is no better time than to reflect on the most vulnerable of this world than during Advent and Christmas when we prepare for the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, who comes to us as a small baby.

We will begin praying on Sunday, December 16th!

You can sign up to join us in prayer here:

We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you!

God bless you!
Annie & John-Paul –

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  1. Pray for my marriage which is unstable.Also pray for my husband and I to get a stable job. Pray for unity between my husband and his family. Pray that i may be able to raise my children according to God’s will and that i may draw them closer to God. And for husband to go back to church.

  2. For my son’ s marriage and my daughter’s marriage, and for a friend who is suffering from ovarian cancer and her family.

  3. Prayer for healing from cancer for Avery, Francisco and for Jackson. For my son Christopher to find a job, in Jesus’ name we prayer.

  4. That I may find employment and not be consumed with the self doubt and stress of unemployment during this joyous season.

  5. Please pray for clear scan results for my husband, Steve who has been fighting cancer for almost 2 years. May God bless all who are praying this novena and answer each of these intentions.

  6. For the soul of our son who is suffering with PTSD after 12 years in the Marine Corp and countless deployments in war torn areas of the world where terrorism is so devastating for countless lives.
    He claims he is an atheist. We are storming the gates of heaven for his soul and his healing. Please pray.

  7. That God will save my unborn baby from miscarriage and to keep me from all kind of complications. To grant me safe delivery of my baby.

  8. I am praying for healing, wellness for all children who have PANDAS and for the families of these children whose lives are fractured because of the sudden changes that affect their lives. May God bless all the children of the world and let nothing steal their innocence.

  9. Please pray for my grand daughters, Ayla have H. Pylori and Juliet have many sensitivities. Please Lord heal them in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ Amen. Come Divine will pray in our praying!

  10. Our 45 year old son had 3 minor strokes in October. He is blessed that he only lost hearing in one ear. They still are not sure what is happening to him….a very healthy marathon runner (36) . Today he started feeling something strange in his good ear. He meets with his neurologists at Mass General in Boston tomorrow. Pray they can help him. Since he got married 20yrs ago he has stopped going to church and stopped praying. He doesn’t have God In his life nor does his wife and children…. it breaks my heart. How empty a life is without God. Please dear God, help me help him see the way again. And please protect him from any more physical harm. Amen.

  11. Tomorrow am going for heart surgery,please pray for me and my fellow patient in this hospital for successful surgery and quickest recovery.
    I ask this through Christ Jesus our Lord. Amen

  12. I ask God to please grant me good results, good health…let everything be normal. I will try to be more aware of the need around me. Thank you for all of our blessings

  13. Conversion – Spiritual, Emotional, Mental and Physical Healing for my children, grandchildren, son-in-law and brothers and sisters. I call this my C-SEMP-H
    Male sons and grandson be liberated from all addictions that separate them from our Lord.
    Jeff find permanent job close to his home (with good incentives).
    Daniel find good paying job with good incentives also close to home.
    For healing of friends health (Judy, Luz and Sharon)
    That my schedule hrs. be changed to what I used to work (3:00 PM to 1:30 AM were my hrs.) Supervisor keeps changing my hrs. (sometimes 7:30 PM to 6 AM and in between from 4 PM to 2:30 AM. sometimes I don’t know if I’m coming or going.
    For other personal intentions.
    World Peace / Sanctity of Marriage / end to Abortion / greater respect for the dignity of all human life, increase of assistance to not only Sunday but daily Mass, increase use of Confessional, using the Sacramentals and visits to the Blessed Sacrament.
    I also pray for all petitions on this site and for Annie and John Paul and their loved ones. Blessed, Peaceful and Joyful Christmas to all.

  14. I pray that my son find a suitable job closer to home so he can spend more time with his family. My prayer is that my grandson be given a long waited opportunity at his job. Give him the confidence and strength to accept that opportunity.

    I pray for peace in our country and the world. Help our leaders to come together to figure out the budget and border security crisis.

    I pray for the people of my parish to put aside their differences and strife for unity.

  15. That God will come to my aid in all ramifications especially Success in my UTME Examination and MBBS admission 2019, My parents will stop taking alcohol and focus on their spiritual work, For financial breakthorough, For Job provision and to always reverence Him. Amen!

  16. Lord, I pray that I’ll be born again with Christ this Christmas. That I’ll renew my relationship with my Lord. That I’ll put Jesus as number one in my life. That I can start anew with a clean slate, and that the Lord will help remove all strife, hatred, envy, anger, sins, pride, unforgiveness in my life. I pray for the most humble of heart. I pray for the simplest of heart. That in this Advent, God will teach me how to be more and more like Jesus.

    I pray for my family. I pray that this Christmas will bring blessings, forgiveness and renewal for each and everyone of them. For both my parents James and Flora, my brother Tim and wife Betty, sister Sandy and husband Laziri, brother Ian and wife Edna, and my sweet little niece Jordan. I pray also for all my friends and extended family wherever they are.

    Thank you Lord for coming into our lives. Thank you for shining your light on us. Help me to be small, as smallest as can be as a person – yet big, as big as can be in terms of love, humbleness and servanthood. I surrender everything into your mighty hands Lord. In Jesus name. Amen.

  17. Kindly pray for the intercession of Servant of God Fr. Patrick Peyton for my healing of bone marrow/blood cancer. God Bless you for your prayers.

  18. Kindly pray for the intercession of Servant of God Fr. Patrick Peyton for my healing of cancer. God Bless you for your prayers.

  19. My intentions are for me to never lose hope, faith and love for our ABBA and Jesus and for the ones I love to be saved and go home one day.

  20. I pray for forgiveness of my sins and that of my family and friends, for happiness in my family, for the sick ones, the homeless and helpless and for a wonderful Christmas celebration. Amen.

  21. Praying that God will keep all my family members in safety this Christmas season. Grant us journey mercies and health of mind and body.

  22. Lord Jesus have mercy on us and hear and answer our prayers expeditiously. Praying for all on my prayer lists, all of my online friends and family, all those in my heart, for all posting here, and all who make this ministry possible. For all priests, deacons, seminarians and religious. All the angels and saints in heaven, please pray for us. Mother Mary, please place us all under your mantle of love and protection. In Christ’s Holy Name. Amen.

  23. Please pray for all the discouraged, including myself, that they may be able to hear the Lord through all the noise of the world and keep our gaze on him.

    Pray for a conversion of culture in the US. To soften the hearts of those that believe ending innocent life is ever an answer. To lift the veil that consumerism and secular society have draped over the faithful. To humble those in our Church’s hierarchy, so they remember why they chose their vocation to begin with and that we all fall under the Lord’s authority.


  24. For God,s divine protection upon my life and the life of my children.

    For God to promote me in my work place by making me a permanent staff of nnpc medical services.

    For God to fight my battles for me and grant me His divine favour.

  25. That my children will return to the church and my 2 year old grandson will be baptized. Safe delivery of my new grandchild in June 2019. That my daughters will meet worthy Catholic spouses. Conversion for my husband. In thanksgiving for all my blessings and graces.

  26. I pray for the cleansing of degeneration and errors within the Church. I pray for healing of the Church. I pray for the conversion of sinners every where. I pray for our children – for their physical, mental, emotional, financial and spiritual health. God, please lead them closer to You. And I pray for the repose of the soul of my daughter, Lacy. Mother Mary, please pray for us.

  27. I pray for an end to abortion in the world. I ask the infant Jesus to forgive all mothers who have aborted and to welcome the souls of the aborted children into his kingdom.
    I also ask infant Jesus to help my country never to legalise abortion.
    I ask infant Jesus through the intercession of mother Mary to bring my future husband close to me this Christmas so that next year we prepare for marriage. Thank u Lord Jesus for listening and answering my prayers. Amiina.

  28. May the good Lord deliver me and my daughters from every evil and every bondage this Christmas in Jesus Name Amen

  29. Thank you.
    For successful UK VISA application.
    For successful PLAB 2 examination.
    For successful PhD completion for Akin.
    A better job opportunity for Akin.
    God’s mercies on my relationship and families.

  30. I pray that God. Grant me all the graces I stand in need to fulfill his calling 4 his agenda and plan 4 my life.
    A pure heart and mind
    A obedient will to His will
    Grace to hear His voice clearly
    Wisdom in all aspects of my life which I subject to His Will and plan
    Grace to help me persevere in prayer and bring many souls To Him.
    Power agaisnts satan and demons
    A POWERFUL ANOINTED grace to evangelize THROUGH my life and promotion of the Holy Rosary and true Doctrine of Catholic faith.
    Discerment of spirits
    I pray 4 leaders of Nations to himble themselves before Our Lord Jesus CHRIST and that they be given grace to govern their nations to the likeness of Jesus ❤
    And above all a great Love 4 Jesus, God and Holy Spirit and Mother Mary and St Joseph and souls.
    Also I pray 4 my Children and their families to return to Our Catholic Church and Babptize their children.
    I pray 4 all my relatives and family to know and love Our Lord God and Mary our Mother
    I also pray 4 America to be renew and to turn to God.
    4 Our President to be given grace to fulfill God’s agenda 4 America
    I pray that liberal and leftist and progresive agenda stop their evil plot against America and agains familiesb marriage and stop the culture of death
    I pray 4 stop to abortion and 4 sanctification of marriage.
    May God’s KINGDOM be in ALLOWED to reign in every heart, home and Church on earth as it is in heaven.
    Finances in a miraculous way to pay all debt and May he grant me means yo buy a little 2 bedroom house.

    I love you Jesus and Mary
    Please help me to love you more
    Thank you 4 praying 4 me

  31. Please pray for peace and comfort for all children that have lost their parents especially as we approach this festive season. May we all remember that our Father in Heaven is always with us.

  32. For my children to come back to our God and have that burning desire to learn more about our Catholic beliefs also for all those who work on relevant radio and other Guadalupe radio. Plus all intentions of all on pray more novena

  33. Please join me in praying for my mom who just had her pacemaker replaced; my daughter and her husband that they continue to have a blessed, happy, and healthy marriage; and for my personal struggles. Thank You!

  34. Please pray for my daughters. B has been married for 6 years now child. Pray that God will bless her with the fruit of the womb. My other daughter N. pray that God her marriage plans go through successfully.

    • Terri,
      I pledge to stand with you in this novena for the healing if your daughter Stephanie. May she receive miraculous healing as we celebrate the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. Amen

  35. I ask for prayers that I may find some relief for my bad sleep apnea and stomach ailment and added anxieties, and for the Church, that God will raise great saints in her leadership. Thank you and may God hear all our peayers! Wishing you all a very blessed Christmas!

  36. Please pray that the Lord will grant comfort in spirit and body to my sister,Yvonne. Also for her son and daughter that they can find peace and love for each other.

  37. For the healing and strength of Jimmy. That he may lead us forward in our relationship this year. Thank you Lord for the great love I have for him, may he return it and keep it so we may be together! 

  38. Please pray for me because I had abortion years ago and still feel the pain of what I did.

    Pray for all woman enduring the pain of what they have or may do.

    Pray for my family n my niece who suffers from mental illness.


  39. Jesus Mary and Joseph please pray for conversion of my family return to the Sacraments, healing of family tree, healing os all who are sick especially titi Alzheimer, increase of faith hope and love of God ,sanctity of marriages and families. May Jesus reign in ours.

  40. For my future husband. That the Lord places him in my life soon. And that he’s worth the wait! Also for a clear direction in my studies. Law school or masters program? Lead me Lord.

  41. For my family
    & their strength to remain close to God
    For myself to pass the FORT reading test
    To become a teacher & do Gods holy work

  42. The Holy Family of Nazareth please pray for me, all my family members in SA, Europe and overseas, our dear and loved ones, as well as all those individuals and prayer groups we having been praying for. Jesus may each one of us come to know You Jesus as Our Lord Jesus and SAVIOUR, especially in this Holy Season. We ask in Your goodness, love and mercy to bless us with many graces and blessings, Your inner and outer healing, Your divine protection covered under Your precious blood, Your guidance, enlightenment and encouragement, Your divine inner peace and joy, divine energy and strength pouring over our body, mind, soul and spirit. We thank and praise You baby Jesus, we love and adore You baby Jesus, we honour and glorify You baby Jesus, Amen. We thank you Our Blessed Mother Mary and St Joseph for interceding to baby Jesus for this intention, Amen, Alleluia, Amen.

  43. Please pray for my husband DT who is addicted to prescription pain medication. And for all that fights this evil disease.
    Thank you and MERRY CHRISTMAS to all.

  44. Prayer for my second child Derrick O. who is disobedient and defiant. Talkative, impulsive,and tantrum when he does not get his way. Open doors in my family, passing my board exam for psychiatric Nurse Practitioner. Pray for my husband to know his role as a father and husband. For my entire family for guidance and protection.

  45. Please pray for myself and our family. Both my wife and I have increasingly oppressive jobs and people there. Our daughters are seeking the Lord but not consistently. We are a family under siege. Pray for us! DG

  46. That the infant Jesus may bless the baby growing in my womb that he may grow well and be born healthy and that our first born son may also be kept safe and in good health as well.

  47. please pray for the healing according to your will of Wendy B., Mark R., Mary W., Shelley B., Joan W., Kim R., Christian & Brenna R., Bridget B.,and please heal my ailments or guide me to the correct dr and treatments. If I am to stay sick, please guide what my purpose is in life and take away anything that I block to do God’s will or get well. Please heal and protect my family members, close and extended and help with our generational healing. Thank you, in Jesus’s Name, Amen.

  48. Dear Lord,
    I pray that my daughter will find peace and happiness in you.Help her to realise that you love her and that you are always present.

  49. Help me pray for my children and grandchildren’ s health and happiness. I pray for closeness with God, our faith and togetherness with my family. I have not seen my oldest son in 2 1/2 years and have never met my grandchildren. All three are still mourning the sudden death of their father 2 1/2 years ago. Instead of drawing closer the entire family grew apart. I pray that this changes, I pray for forgiveness, and mostly I pray their health and happiness. Amen.

  50. Please pray that my husband finds and is granted a good job with affordable benefits to put an end to a 10 year search for a job. Also, pray that my son will be accepted into the best college for his career choice, Archeology.
    Lastly, please pray that God will miraculously eradicate the heart disease from my body. Having it and feeling symptoms scares me every day. I want to be able to grow old and see my future grandchildren. Thank you and Amen.

  51. Please pray for my finances. As a recent widow I have found myself in a very worrisome financial situation.
    I am a Real Estate broker and business has been on the slow side for me. I must trust ” Our Father”
    and know that he has plans to prosper us, keep us in health, even as our souls prosper. It’s sometimes so hard to stay in faith when bill collectors are bombarding you.
    Please keep me in your prayers.

  52. May prayer is for an increase in my financial stability and for a good Christian companion to marry. And I also pray that all those praying this novena May have their prays answered in Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen. Thank you and may God bless you all.

  53. I pray for all those individuals who have been damaged physically, emotionally, and spiritually because of abortion. I pray that they come to know that God’s mercy is far greater than any sin they have committed, especially the sin of abortion. May the healing touch of Christ be made manifest in their mind and body. I ask this through the intercession of the Holy Family; Jesus, Mary, and Joseph. Amen.

  54. For my sister, Denise who is in a nursing home but thinks she will go home. She has a traumatic brain injury from a fall & is now very belligerent if she feels she cant to something on her own. She is unable to walk without a walker, very unsteady & falls. Asking the the Lord to soften her heart toward the family who she blames for putting her in a nursing home.

  55. I pray for Michael to overcome his addiction to drugs. Please give him the determination, motivation, will power, desire, support, drive, ability and every other attribute needed to never do drugs again. I pray this happens immediately. I pray clean Michael and I can truly have a loving life together built with love, trust, friendship, understanding, commitment, loyalty, patience, kindness, passion, faith and laughter.

  56. O most Glorious JESUS, I pray for a better world. A world that cares for human lives. Especially here in the America’s both North and South. Protect our children , in your name I pray,AMEN

  57. I pray for purity and chastity to become strong virtues for me. I pray that if this new friendship is wrong for me, that You keep us distant from each other. I pray my family and friends stay on the right path. And I pray for the right gentleman to enter my life if marriage is Your call for me.

  58. For my son that he is given the courage and strength in his incarceration and that when he goes to his court case that he will receive the news that he is praying for.

  59. Praying for my 10 year old grandson, who has been diagnosed with cancer. He is in remission now and will be starting the most intense part of the chemo therapy on Monday, December 17th. This will go on for 2 months, daily. Please God, help Chris to get through this treatment and to feel Your Presence while he goes through this time. Give him full and complete healing so he will be able to “Ring The Bell” at the hospital soon.

  60. Praying for my son to be delivered from alcoholism drugs and the street Asking God to remove the negative thoughts and people from his life in Jesus name

  61. I am scheduled for a lung biopsy on Thursday. Please pray for an adequate sample to get an accurate diagnosis and answers for a long illness. Also pray that I am able to tolerate treatment, whatever that may be.

  62. Dear Father,
    I pray for my son EAS and my husband RAS that they go to confession. Please Lord bless my son in that interview, testing, and physical exam. May he be healthy and able to perform that job. Keep him safe and bless my husband; his mind and hands that he can continue to do his job. Heal my son of mental illnesses, I pray for all lukewarm Catholics and for all who have left the Church. Bless all who need a job, help the sick, and the caretakers. I pray for the pope, and all priest. Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amén

  63. Thank you God for all you have given me. I pray for my daughter’s conversion and protection, remove negativity and any evil in her path, fill her with positivity, peace and love for herself and her family. Thank you.

  64. I pray that my heartfelt desire will be heard and answered before the year comes to an end.
    I pray for my aged mother that God in His goodness and mercy will comfort and console her during this hour.
    I pray also for all those who are sick and dying that God will hear their prayers and petitions.

  65. For a quick sale of my building and assistance in moving. Guidance in all of my decisions and protection. For the healing of Fr. Kiel, Fr. Edwin, Vicki, and Bobby, who suffer with cancer and Olivia’s recovery, and for Al and Denise.