The Next Novena: St. Monica

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We start praying the next novena together, The St. Monica Novena, on August 18th!

St. Monica is most known for her intercessory prayers for those who have fallen away from the faith, as she prayed for the conversion of her son for 15 years.

She is also the patron saint of alcoholics, married women, mothers, wives, and difficult marriages, as well as the patron saint of those who have been abused.

You can ask for her prayers for any intention you have — especially for the ones you have been praying about for a long time. Those seem to be her specialty ;) 

You can sign up to pray this novena with us here:

And you can share your prayer intentions below. We’re praying for you!

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  1. I pray for job security for my son /brothers/sisters/nieces/nephews /daughter in law and that I continue working in my present day light position . I pray that as we move into our new neighborhood there is peace /understanding and love and no conflict . I pray for long life health strength faith courage happiness success patience peace prosperity harmony and total healing from crown of our heads to the sole of our feet,blessings guidance and protection 🙏🏾

  2. St. Monica pray for me that God our Father may completely heal me of all haemorrhoids and any all stomach related illnesses, ulcers and any known and unknown illnesses,may God heal me and all those who are ill.
    St. Monica pray for us.

  3. Dear St Monica, please intercede and pray with me for a partner for my son, dismissal of all criminals running the country, and end to the pandemic, comfort and ease in daughter’s new location, a job for my husband after a successful surgery Next week. I pray for America! Thanks

  4. I pray for my brother, may God turn his life around and may be find favour, may he be healed, for breakthrough, for his salvation, for his transformation, for reconciliation with his wife, for wisdom to change his ways. For his physical, mental and spiritual wellbeing. For God’s love and grace, Amen

  5. St. Monica, please pray to God to bless me with a life partner. I’m confused about my emotions regarding a certain person, I’ve tried all sorts to let go but I’m struggling. I pray that God would open my eyes and heart to what he wants for me. May I find healing and may I connect with God’s chosen partner in God’s appointed time. Amen

  6. Dear St Monica, please help my son overcome the loneliness, anexity and depression he is suffering now. I pray for his guidance and protection Amen.
    Praying for U who is a troubled young man and in jail for violating his parole. Please pray that he is released soon and moved from his current environment and finds a place where he can find peace, love and healing Amen.
    Praying for V and her son J for peace, love, companionship and healing Amen.
    St Monica, I pray for peace of mind, guidance and protection from my enemies, removal of obstacles and financial blessings Amen.

    Please hear the prayers of all asking your help today Amen.

  7. Also For the Pope’s August intention:
    The Maritime World
    We pray for all those who work and live from the sea, among them sailors, fishermen and their families.

  8. For everyone who needs prayers,
    including the holy souls in purgatory,
    especially those who have
    written their name on my heart.

  9. My beloved brothers and sister please pray with me for my young sister who just developed hatred and jealousy out of nowhere without provocation. I love her she is my younger sister I love and we used to share ideas. Oh God return my sister to me. I got Faith we will succeed. Amen.

  10. St. Monica,
    Please pray for the conversion & the return to Christ of our children, my family’s & those of all the families praying this novena. Please bring this request today to the Queen of Heaven to place in the Hands of her Son. Thank you!

  11. St Monica, For healing of Marilyn’s back. That the procedure she undergoes to correct the cause of her pain goes well and there are no complications. Please intercede for her medical team that they perform their tasks well. For good results for Jim while in rehab. For healing of his broken femur and that the best therapists for him are assigned to him. For healing of Danna’s colon after the procedure earlier this week. For healing of any infection if present. For protection from COVID for Danna, Larry, Janet and Jeff. And for all family and friends. Thank you St. Monica.

  12. For the unborn in the womb. Protect all from womb to tomb from the culture of death that has aligned against us. St Monica pray for us. St Michael the Archangel defend us in battle…..

  13. St. Monica please intercede for me and help me pray to God that my daughters would return to faith in God and return to church. Pray they turn away from evil and immoral people surrounding them, specifically the drinking, drugs, and sex that occurs with people their age and in school. I pray they would be more kind to us and I am praying for a resolution with the in laws to the estrangement. Thank you and help us all have peace in Earth and faith.

  14. I’m praying for a God ordained husband.Loyal,faithful,respectful,loving,comes from a Godly family,physically fit,Prosperous,Monogamous man.Im also praying for a breakthrough in my finances,to pay off my debts.Im also praying that generations curses in my family will be broken and that my brothers will secure jobs.My mothers breakthrough in terms of finances aswell.God hear us.

  15. Thank God for my daughters successful neck surgery Nd for protecting my family from the Covid virus.
    Today I’m praying for the healing of my grandson MYLES who is suffering from on controlled seizures and debilitating concussions from injuring his head when he falls. His depression has gotten worse from so much Trauma in his life
    He is suffering from
    PTSD, Anxiety and various side effects from medications. Please pray for healing and that he will live and not die, That he will realize a bright and successful future, and regain the respect from
    His family.
    Thank you Lord Jesus. May the power of the Holy Spirit be with him and our broken family.

  16. Thanking God for the opportunities you have given us Lord especially this week.
    Dear St. Monica I pray through your intercession that my daughter may be able to make the right choice from the suitors that will be coming her way soon. Let the one that she will choose be a good catholic that will love her and she will love. Remove the spirit of confusion from her Lord and make her more receptive.
    All these and other things I pray through Christ our Lord Amen
    Thank you Jesus and thank you St Monica for interceding for us.

  17. 1. As we thank God for new assignments, I pray for peace at our places of work.
    2. Peaceful spouses for our children
    3. Formal jobs for our children
    4. Success in education for our children
    5. God given guidance in all we do

  18. 1. As we thank God for new assignments, I pray for peace at our places of work.
    2. Peaceful spouses for our children
    3. Formal jobs for our children
    4. Success in education for our children
    5. Good health for all of us and a COVID-19 free society.

  19. Thanking God for our lives, journey mercies, good health, favours ,guardiance and protection in the family

    Dear St Monica, I come before you trusting and believing God that through your intercession that God will perfect our needs, intentions and requests for us Amen.
    Intercede for my daughter and my ward to be located by good catholic spouses soon;
    For my son to find a good catholic wife;
    For my children’s job interviews to be successful;
    For them to be closer to God and trust in Him;
    For successes in our various endeavors;
    For good health, guardiance and protection, journey mercies, favours in the family;
    For our tenants to pay their rents and for our uncompleted project to be completed by management and for good tenants in our vacant houses;
    For the poor, sick and religious people among us that God will continue to protect,heal and strengthen them ;
    For our workers and relatives that God will continue to protect and provide for them. Amen. Thank you Jesus and thank you St Monica Amen

  20. St. Monica: I have read some of the petitions below. Your help with keeping my family together would be greatly appreciated. Manipulation by our daughter-in-law seems to be creating a divide between my son and the rest of the family. I ask for your help in mending these fences. I’ve been praying for help financially to God for many years. However, after reading some of the below petitions, I feel embarrassed. Please help those who need financial help in order to live a normal life; pay for their education; feed their children. I’ll get by on what I have. Thank you St. Monica and please, protect this great country of ours and ask God to select the right person to lead us through these difficult times.

  21. Dear St. Monica,
    Please pray for my two sons to come back to the Holy Catholic Church and to live according to the teaching of Christ. I also pray for all my nieces and nephews to come back and to raise their children in our Holy Catholic Faith. I pray for the conversion of all my friends who don,t believe in God. Praying for the conversion of the whole world. Take our prayers to Almighty God. I also pray that President Trump wins again and that he converts to Catholicism.

  22. Praying for peace within my family…lord please protect my niece Sonia has her results came out positive give her courage strength and your faith in trusting in you amen…my children and gran children gods protection always be upon them… My home and finance god is my Provider. Lord i leave all my intentions in your hands Amen…

  23. Dear St. Monica,

    I pray for my son to be healed from sleep apnea, severe depression, severe anxiety, self-hatred, autism, and suicidal thoughts.
    I pray for my daughter to be healed from kidney disease, severe daily migraines, severe headaches, anxiety, depression, and autism.
    I pray for healing of my mother.
    I pray for a financial miracle, financial abundance, financial prosperity and a release of financial burdens.
    I pray to earn A’s in my labs. I am struggling in the lab portion of my program.
    I pray to earn A’s in my didactics so I may graduate and get a good job to support my children.
    I pray to rise out of poverty.
    I pray for protection over my family against COVID-19 and other diseases.
    I pray for protection over my family against Satan and all evil.
    I pray for God’s guidance in all decisions I make.
    I pray to find a way to pay for my education. I borrowed $13K to pay for my education and my ex-husband stole all of it.
    I pray for healing of my body, mind and soul.
    I pray for sale of my home and the purchase of another home for my family.

  24. For my son who is an addict and far away from God. For his conversion and healing. Rescue his soul Dear Jesus and Mary. Please Intercede for me St Monica. For our country and conversion of all the lost souls. Holy Spirit open all minds to your truth!!

  25. Dearest St. Monica through your intercession I pray that all my children and every member of my family, my brothers and sisters may all return to believing in The Lord Almighty. May they all be converted to embrace especially the Catholic Religion and have all their faith and hope renewed and take God as the only source of answers to our prayers.
    May the Lords blessings be upon us all the family tree of Firimon Ozelle and give us all a prosperous life, Amen

  26. I thank God for the successes of my kids at school, l pray for more wisdom. My 1st born, Monica is looking for a good job or ways to start her own business. I pray for guidance

  27. Dear St. Monica,
    I am requesting you to please place my petition before the Throne of the Almighty God. I have lost or misplaced very important documents from a long time, I have looked for them everywhere without any results.

    Please take care of everyone around the world during this time.

    Let there be peace in our home and around the world.

    Thank you in Jesus’s name – Maria Severina

  28. Dear Saint Monica,
    Please pray for my younger daughter and her baby to be healthy, for my daughter to lower her blood sugar to normal, to have full term and smooth delivery of a healthy baby. Please pray for my elder daughter to be healthy, to have a smooth pregnancy and delivery of a healthy baby. Please pray for my nephews to heal completely physically and mentally, to keep their jobs, to find good wives and to have children of their own. Please pray for my husband to be healthy, his teeth to heal completely and to keep his job. Please pray for my sister, my mom and me to be healthy. Pray for me to keep my job and to be able to deal with the new challenges. Please pray for N to heal from his addictions and pray for G to heal from her cancer. Please answer the prayers of all who are praying this novena. Amen.

  29. Dear St. Monica please heal my life with peace,love,restoration, and heal me from depression,anxiety,jealousies,fear,worry,poverty,resentments,bitterness,hopelessness and free me from all demonic and ancesterol,generational curses(my 2 adult kids too-all the above)Bless me with a godly,kind,Catholic Christian kind,caring loving,affectionate generous boyfriend’s/ companion/ husband! Lead him and/ or lead me to him!Same thing for my daughter! Show me how to change my life,lead&guide me! Help me with all my upcoming transitions&apartment changes,lead me to the next best apt/ home for me! Bless me with a kind loyal godly girlfriend,and my daughter as well! Meet my son&daughters needs too! Help my son in Military! Heal me from my co dependency on my 2 adult kids and my codependency on their dad too!! Heal my life&show me how to do it so I can start over because I have made a mess of my life and now I’m lonely,kids are gone and no love in my life! Blesse please with a financial miracle soon-enough to buy a 1(2) prefer townhouse in C in my son’s state! Hear&answer everyone’s prayers on this novena! I give You all my prayers spoken,unspoken&intentions! XO

  30. Dear St. Monica, I pray that all of these sufferings all over the world especially in this pandemic time will eventually cast out in Jesus mighty name. May you always guide, intercede and pray for us in the Lord. I also pray for my family to have peace in mind especially to my big sister who had an argue/conflict with my mom. I pray that they may always give forgiveness and to soften their hearts to find the love of God in both of them. That my sister-in-law will also have peace in mind to handle the family of her with my brother that they will feel the love of Christ in the family. That I may feel the presence of forgiveness and love whenever I encounter challenges in life. And lastly, that I may find joy in doing my passion to become a teacher and a certified accountant.

  31. I am requesting prayers for my aunt Sandra, that she may be blessed with healing since she struggles with cancer and lupus.

  32. Dearest St. Monica,
    I pray for healing of my body, my prolapse, my jaw, and all the little things that are plaguing me. Please grant me healing. Amen and thank you.

  33. The peace and guidance of our Lord Jesus Christ come into our house, and bless us most abundantly with trust of the Lord within our hearts

  34. Pray for my son, What he needs.
    That my son, daughter and her husband return to Mass and the sacraments.
    That I stay healthy for as long as I’m needed for service in your kingdom.
    That my granddaughter find her way to the Catholic faith.

  35. Prayers for my uncle’s family, especially his wife, daughter and sons to stop being agents and sowing seeds of hatred & jealousy to the rest of the family. I pray for unity and love between our two families. I pray that they can repent and also turn their eyes to God instead of trusting ungodly things which bring hatred, jealousy, pride, selfishness, impatience, envy, greed etc. I pray that the hatred the family has towards turns us turns into love

  36. Please pray:

    1. Gainful job.
    2. a friend who has a stroke.
    3. evangelization and salvation of our loved ones.
    4. two projects to come to fruition.
    5. personal intentions and safety of all people here.

    God bless and stay safe and well.

  37. Prayer for my grandson David in dealing with anxiety and depression since January with no relief in sight. Also prayers for all of my family who are facing physical, emotional, and physical ailments and financial woes. Prayer for my husband’s addiction to alcohol.

  38. Pray for my daughter who is pregnant with her first baby and is starting nursing school on Monday as well as a working a full-time job.

    Pray for stepdaughter who has decisions to make to battle breast cancer. Her addictions to so many other drugs.

    Pray for ex who is dealing with two tough court hearings.

    Pray for a successful Covid teaching in the classroom for 2020-2021.

  39. Prayers for my son Johnnys healing mind body and would from wounds and addictions. Praying for a miracle. And for our relationship to get back on track. St Monica please intervene to aid in taking him to our Blessed Mother. ❤️🙏

  40. Every battle from my father or my mother’s family that refuse to let me move forward in life,affecting my life negatively,God pls help me and make me overcome and be free now and forever in Jesus name

  41. Praying earnestly for my mother to repent and stop all the trouble she causes in our family and that instead she will become an agent of peace and bring everyone together and she begins to love, the way a mother should love. Amen.

  42. Please pray for Ammini to be filled with your love and compassion especially at this time she is alone.
    Please help her to understand your love and lead a blessed peaceful life.take away all her worries ailments anxieties.cleanse her with your precious blood Oh Lord Jesus.

  43. For Biju to fill with Holy spirit.please guide him through right path.Also Ivanea Eliza and Jezia to be filled with your love Jesus so that they may lead Holy life and also guard them from all evil things.Also me as Mum to raise them in a way Jesus wants and as Wife to be blessing to be for my husband.Also in my work place you know my shortcomings but your gracevis sufficient for me Lord.

  44. Please pray for my daughter Catherine that she goes to the college she is meant to go to. For Jesus and Mary’s protection from evil.
    For the gift of wisdom and knowledge.
    Peace in our home and country.
    End to abortion and evil in this world.

  45. St. Monica, intercede for the conversion of my children, Kimberly, Kristine, Luis & Tiffany.
    For all the intention of this Novena.
    Thank you!

  46. Thanking God for the gift of family and many many blessings. Praying that my children will grow in faith and that in all our needs and desires we may learn to rely and depend on God completely as He is the giver of all good and perfect gifts. That my children may find the right spouses to settle down in marriage. That my daughter may overcome anger and start talking to the rest of the family. That she may also overcome reliance on unprescribed medicine.
    Praying that God may please bless my niece with the fruit of the womb. Praying that a woman who just walked away from her husband and three children including a one month baby may find it in her heart to return to her family. St. Monica please intercede for us and for all wives and mothers to understand our important role in the family and to to be able to always stand in the gap as prayer warriors for our families just like you did. In Jesus name I pray.Amen.

  47. Please pray for my family
    Our Dad James is not in good terms with us his children
    We are 8,
    Five boys and three girls
    His siding with his three sons,and chase away one of the sons David from the farm he gave to him.
    Am praying for peace amongst us the children to forgive one another,their is too much hatred amongst us.
    I pray for God’s intervention upon my family.
    We are meeting next week on Wednesday to discuss the issue of Dad chasing my brother and his wife from the farm please I need your prayers and let justice and peace prevail,Mary mother of God,my dearest mother please intercede to my family.

    Thank you

  48. Thanking God for our lives ,journey mercies, good health, favours, journey mercies, guardiance and protection in the family.
    Dear St. MONICA I come before you to ask for your intercession in our various needs and daily lives .
    Intercede for my daughter and my ward for their good catholic spouses to locate them soon. Also for a good catholic wife for my son.
    I pray for my children to be closer to God and pray more .
    I pray for guidiance and protection, journey mercies ,good health and favours in my family.
    St Monica intercede for our tenants to pay their rents as at when due and our vacant houses to be occupied by good tenants
    For the management to complete our uncompleted project and for them to listen to those who are speaking on our behalf
    I don’t know what else to do other than to trust in you Amen.
    For my children’s job interviews to be successful; for our workers to be dedicated and and in good health;
    For our relations, the poor and sick among us that God will continue to protect and provide for them

    For the religious that God will continue to protect and strengthen them Amen
    For my cousin that wants to travel for further studies that will show him mercies and favours in processing his papers
    Thank you Jesus and thank you St Monica Amen

  49. Pray for my daughter to come back home to me and her brother asap.
    Pray for two of my friends who treat me more like a client then a friend, to show them to listen and Validation for me to support me especially in the moment
    I am a greatly appreciated for Everything they have done for me but then why their pride ego anger in their lives getting in the way with me? To stop using God for what they are saying to me is ok when it is not. That it is from their own ego pride anger in their lives… one has friend who stopped talking to her for years but my Friend won’t admit what she did or said she acts like she is perfect And did everything right…and blames everything on her friend and her family too. She puts them down. To stop using God in this situation too that He said things to her, but He hasn’t… she is broken… when you hear her you know it is not from God…
    pray for healing healing for me and for my children and for my whole family and friends too.
    Pray for redeming my daughter restoring my daughter for renewing her mind for Jesus to Transform her to heal her in every way to free her from all sins to reject sins to reject satan to stop dabbling in the dark occult Arts … to Turn back to Jesus Christ today every day … to fall in love 😍 ❤️ with Jesus Christ Today
    For the Holy Spirit to work in her right now and keep working in her
    To convert her soul and heart ❤️ to purify her heart ❤️ and soul and to deepen Increase her faith in Jesus Christ today every day … to serve our Lord today to do His Will today every day. To obey God today every day… to live a Holy life and be a Saint in heaven
    To convert my son s heart for the Holy Spirit to guide his heart to follow Christ today every day
    To be a Saint in heaven
    For all of us my whole family and friends to live a Holy Life and be saints in heaven…
    please pray for us

  50. I pray tro d intercession of St Monica against alcohol consumption/addiction and for divine and complete healing in Jesus name. Amen.

  51. Kindly pray for my company Euronet Kenya Limited. My boss Peter joined culture belief and lost his mind. Our main contractractor haven’t paid us for 5 mths we are now bankruptcy our office is closed and almost loosing our jobs.
    Pray for my friend Isaac Kiragu to get a job at Djibouti so he can pay chaemo therapy for his mum.
    Pray for my sons Sean and Ryan to be God fearing kids and to be like Augustine.
    Pray for my EX husband to stop drinking.

  52. Lord hear my prayer I pray that Carol calls me soon and so does Dan. I also pray that I get the job from Chartwell Staffing Solutions.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  53. For my family and their families to come to the eucharistic Catholic church and their roots. For my prayer life and goals to be met for the glory of God and good of my soul and the souls of loved ones. Safety from the covid and solution and back to normalcy. To receive the stimulus check and many others to be helped by it. For the intentions of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary as well as mine.

  54. Pray for forgiveness in our family for reconciliation amongst siblings. For the siblings to get along with each other and for peace. May the grace of God bless our family.🙏🏼❤️

  55. Loving God, through St Monica intercession I ask you to call my sons to return to you, give them the grace of believe in You, and to rescue them from the drugs.
    Thank you Lord

  56. All 5 of my children need prayers to return to the practice of The One True Faith.Gerald,Jr. also needs prayers to continue with his sobriety,healing of his pancreas and help with controlling his diabetes.Son Bob,needs to have his marriage Blessed in the Church and help with annulment of first marriage.Son Tom needs to have his marriage Blessed and help with annulment of first marriage and have his youngest children baptized.Daughter Mary was married in Greek Orthodox ceremony,needs to have her marriage Blessed and her youngest child baptized.And my youngest son also needs a job an help in school and with ending his current relationship with his emotionaly unstable girlfriend.

  57. Son and his family return to the Catholic Church from their conversion to Baptist last year. other son is ” lukewarm catholic”, I ask prayers that he and his family grow in the faith, his wife to return to the faith and his children receive the sacrament. daughter and her family in turmoil over job loss and stress about sons not being able to return to school. peace and discernment for them. pray they too can all return to church as theres is still partially shut down. other daughter divorced and struggling emotionally and financially. special needs grand daughter has eating disorder and no one has been able to help her. Repose of souls of parents and inlaws and especially my husband …God be merciful. repose of souls of two nephews who were away from the faith when they died and one committed suicide, Lord have mercy. Another nephew struggling with alcoholism and has lost all faith. Sister who is extremely fearful about the virus and continues to be influenced by corrupt media. Give her peace and know she needs to walk my faith not sight. For our priest to continue to be strong in his duties during this difficult time as he has been restricted by our Bishop. Open the eyes of all to see truth and have courage. Remove the wicked in government. Holy Spirit replace the evil with your grace. Thank you Lord for all my blessings during my life. I have much to be grateful for.

  58. Overcoming habitual sin of anger, disrespect, bad language.

    Holy habits – holy motherhood, good example.

    Husband’s conversion.

    Protection of our childrens bodies and souls.

    Souls in purgatory.

  59. Thanking God for a positive pregnancy result,praying that the pregnancy will progress successfully till full term with a successful delivery.

    Also praying for my husband to yield completely to God’s words and ways,that he will manifest greatly in his life and our home.

    Praying for all our family members and their intentions,also praying for healing on the world and for all those affected by covid 19 either by way of death,unemployment,breakdown in their mental health etc that God will restore all that was lost in Jesus name…amen

  60. Thanking God for a positive pregnancy result,praying that the pregnancy will progress successfully till full term with a successful delivery.

    Also praying for my husband to yield completely to God’s words and ways,that he will manifest greatly in his life and our home.

    Praying for all our family members and their intentions,also praying for healing on the world and for all those affected by covid 19 either by way of death,unemployment,breakdown in their mental health etc that God will restore all that was lost in Jesus name…amen

  61. Prayer for my nephews and niece in their household
    Prayer for my sisters strength and resilience.
    Fertility among my siblings and myself
    Prayer for my goals to be met- if it is God’s will

  62. Praying for my son to find self-love, self-worth, and be open to finding a special someone to share his life with.

    Praying for everyone to enjoy emotional stability and good physical health during this worldwide pandemic.

    Praying for world leaders to be open to each other and work together on climate issues.

    Praying for my personal issues to be supported.

    Praying for every other petition of those sharing this novena with me. Thank you!

  63. St. Monica, interecede for my son Anthon, that i gain his trust, that he stops the arrogant and rude behavior towards me, that he respects me. follow good healthy personal higyne, and takes action of his own personal responsibilities and become an organized and responsible adult, that he keeps an maintains his room clean. Thank you God for protecting my son at his old job from the accident he had, that my son find a good stable government employment. That he returns to the church and gains his faith and trust in our Father in heaven. Stops drinking, keep away the bad influences in his life that make him drink and act wrong. that he stops seeing the friends that keep him away from getting close to God, stops playing games and keep him away from all the sites in the inernet that drive him away from God and his family. This we pray in Jesus name.

  64. Prayers for my family to remain Covid free. Praying for my son to find a wonderful Catholic girlfriend/wife to be. Prayers for my husband’s family who just lost their last parent and that they all may have peace through their journey of grieving and loss. Prayers for my sister who suffers in horrific pain due to a botched back surgery. Praying also for my neighbors daughter who Who is in a tragic car wreck. Prayers for myself for continued weight loss to help in my health and wellness. Amen

  65. Please pray for my son and daughter. For their health through this pandemic and that they maintain peace in their life.

  66. Thank you Lord God for all the many blessings. Please pray for my son, Jason, that he will return to the church, renew his driver’s license, pay his fines, find gainful employment, and make wise and responsible decisions. Please pray for my mother that her eyesight improve, she overcome her depression. Please pray for my family that they be protected from the virus. Please pray for a vaccine for the COVID-19 and peace in this country.

  67. Dear Saint Monica, I appreciate your prayers for your son, Saint Augustine and I thank you for hearing my prayers for my grandchildren that they may walk this life for the Glory of God. Prayers for Megan, Andrew, Travis, John Thomas and Kaylee. Healing prayers for Fr. Leo who is in intensive care at this time, may he recover and enjoy his retirement time. Prayers for Gerry E. and Megan, and Bubba also in the hospital that each be healed according to God’s Holy Will. Prayers for all saying this Novena that their prayers may be heard and answered.

  68. Thank you lord. Through the intercessions of st. Monica. Thank you for reuniting me with my children after along period of separation. Thank you for providing for them and for keeping them in good health. I pray lord for an end to setbacks and afflictions in my family and for peace to reign in all our faculties. I pray for a safe and secure shelter for my family and the capacity to support the children. I pray for protection from wickedness. I pray for all those experiencing unending challenges in their families. May the lord be merciful to them. In Jesus name. I pray. Amen

  69. Deeper faith and trust in the Lord
    Good health of kind and body for my family
    Success for my children in their studies and endeavors
    Restoration of my husband’s business and resolution of all issues
    God fearing life partners for my children at God’s chosen time
    Protection of my family in this pandemic
    God’s mercy and forgiveness.
    Repair of the soul of Pamela Edozie in the bosom of the Lord

  70. I pray for my codependent and unhealthy behaviors that I have held onto bc I thought I needed to. I pray I let those addictions go esp social media. I pray for today’s interview please that God will speak through and for God to please remove from the position I am in right now and open this door please Lord. That they will work with my schedule and it will be a good loving fit. Jesús please I pray to get my focus back into school and get everything I need to do before the semester starts. To start reading and begin studying please Lord. Get organized. I pray for my hearts desire to come to pass the right way with H and I pray our friendship/relationship is whole loving faithful gentle peaceful loving respectful joyful kind patient and that we both have self control. Thank you Lord for all that is happening for my job, for my new way of doing life with NEW Healthy behaviors and skills. Thank you Lord for this job opportunity Jesus thank you Lord I can answer the questions with wisdom and using your words your eyes your ears your heart. Thank you that H and I are able to see through our mistakes and forgive and move forward while changing. Thank you that there is love and hope and a future. Thank you for my mother and her love and prayers.

    I love you. Amen.

  71. Dear St. Monica, please heal and protect my family and I. Please Bless us 🙏 Spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.

    Please heal us of fibromyalgia, TMJ, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, cancer, depression, anxiety, allergies, asthma, arthritis and colon problems.

    Please help my husband find employment he seeks within another department at work. Please help our son find employment, post college graduation, with God loving people.

    Thank you Jesus, Mary and St. Monica.

  72. That all five of my children will return to Church. They do believe in God and they do pray, but for some reason, tend to not attend Mass and receive Communion.

  73. My prayers for healings for this troubled nation for the sick the dying the shutins the homeless. The marginlize for peace inthe world for justice for all for my family that God’s grace and mercy keep us and blessings remain in Jesus name Amen.

  74. For my husband… that God will fill him with peace, contentment, happiness and a longing for Him. Pray that his anger, his controlling habits and his demeaning ways will be taken away by God’s love and mercy.

  75. That the people in my life who have a drinking problem may find sobriety especially Glenn, Rick & Dennis.
    May all my family turn their lives over to Jesus & follow Him for the glory of God the Father.
    May Ashlynn feel the love of Jesus in her heart when she feels lonely & unloved. Holy Mary, please cover her with your mantle of protection.
    I love you, Jesus. Please increase my love for you& Your By Mother. Amen

  76. St Monica please pray for all the anxiety and fears that are in my heart to cease. Pray that I will find the peace I am seeking , that my ears will stop then noise and I can hear the voice of God. pray for all those that are sharing this novena that Jesus will answer all the petitions that are before him. St Monica pray for us.❤️❤️

  77. For my marriage to be strong with the intercession of St Joseph, for our family’s salvation, protection, health, and prosperity. Lastly, that our home on Winnie Street will sell quickly with an abundant amount to remove the debt we’ve created by paying two mortgages. In the name of Jesus Christ and the intercession of St Monica.

  78. I pray my notice comes on the Auguest 28th & I can collect. I pray everything is OK with OPM. I pray for Covid to be cured

  79. Please pray for my children, both college students who are living on campus. Please keep them safe from this virus. Please, God, protect them as they grow and learn. Please help my daughter keep her scholarship as we do not have the money to pay her tuition, especially with my husband losing work during this pandemic. Amen

  80. St. Monica,
    Please pray for Jay, joe, justin, josh , bill, kirk, duggy, kaye, brady & their families. Pray they receive the grace they need daily, hourly, every minute on their journeys to sobriety, and bless their families who are scared.
    Jesus, Thank you for our son’s newfound sobriety; let him always feel you with him.
    Pray also, St. Monica, for my children & grandchildren, that they will open their hearts to our Lord.
    Thank you, Jesus, for all of your blessings.