The Next Novena Can Help Your Loved Ones Return to the Church

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Every saint we ask for intercessory prayers is a persistent saint. They’re in Heaven with our Lord, and they desire for us all to be there too.

This next saint we’re calling on is especially known for being a persistent intercessor, and she also desired for those closest to her to reach Heaven someday…

It’s StMonica!

StMonica prayed for her son’s conversion for more than 15 years. She wept and prayed constantly with faith and hope in God.

What was the result of all those years of prayer?

One of the great saints in the history of the Church: her son, St. Augustine!

That’s why Saint Monica is known for her intercession for those who have fallen away from the faith — for their conversions and reversions back to the Church! 

We will start praying on Saturday, August 18th!

Along with her intercessory prayers for those who have fallen away from the faith, Saint Monica is also the patron saint of alcoholics, married women, mothers, wives, and difficult marriages.

We hope you will join us in praying this novena!

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We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you!

God bless you!

You can share your prayer intentions in the comments below. We’re praying for you!

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  1. For my grandchildren that the will continue to love the Lord. That they will find strength to resist the temptations of the world.
    For N as he goes to college that he will be protected from coming so close to latex which has caused severe allergy and DR visits.
    For healing from depression for B,E,J, A, K, M,L.J. That this disease be removed from my family

  2. Please pray for my young daughter that she may know God and believe. That she will turn from the selfish attitude and friends who are leading her on a dark path. She is very smart and does well in school but her friends are disrespectful and I worry more… She is being led astray and interested in things that are not normal for a 14 year old.

  3. I pray that the procedure I had on my knee completely heal my knee and the procedure I am having for the neuropathy in my leg also be healed.


  5. Dear St Monica I am praying for my son Tebogo Kabo Modukanele, Dear St Monica intecede for my son, for his safety and also for his conversion, convert my son Tebogo Kabo Modukanele, for he is your responsibility child Lord.
    Dear St Monica I am praying for Lorraine Mpho Amogelang, Dear St Monica intecede for her safety and conversion, may she be converted because she is a child of God.

  6. Dear Saint Monica, Please hear all of my prayers for my loved ones that need to be healed from different infirmaries, Travis from addition, Megan from seizures, Kaylee, healing from her surgery on both feet, Jeff, from his additions, Anna from lung problems, Elaine from many health problems, and all who are praying this novena. Thank you for hearing our prayers for all who are ill and in need of healing and especially for all priests who are abusing our children.

  7. Thank u For ur blessings… I ask for a rise in my job.. enough to pay bills and buy groceries & money to keep for myself to have for the week.. I also ask to lead a love in my live to love my kids and want have a life with us.. That we both can make a life and can close to God.. and with each other help we can make better life…in ur name I ask ur blessings Amen

  8. Please pray for my sister and her husband (Chris and Dave) that they can resolve their problems. I also pray for my husband to change his ways and become a compassionate loving husband.

  9. Saint Monica I lift my son VR in prayer that he heals from his pain he is enduring right now. May he turn to God and ask for prayers and he heals from alcohol addiction. Guide him to a right path where he gets hired for a job. Please hear my prayers, Amen

  10. St Monica give faith like you had and patience during difficult times.
    Intercede for my son M as he battles with alcohol addiction
    Protect him and help him to draw nearer to God.
    Give us peace in our hearts as a family
    I pray for success in my children
    Thank you for your prayers and intercession

  11. St. Monica I pray for healthy relationships in my life. For patience love peace joy gentleness kindness self control compassion in my relationships. I pray for healing from past hurts and recent ones. I thank you Jesus for all that you are doing and will continue to do in my life. I thank you for healing me from my past and for helping me get past my sadness. Lord you know my secrets in my heart so I pray you please not forget the dreams and visions I have had w H and in my career I pray they come to pass in your timing. I pray for the desires of my heart to have a loving Godly husband, to be a loving wife and mother. Lord I do pray to have my own family and children. Lord I pray over my friendship and relationship w H and for things to happen your way your timing. Lord and St. Monica pray for me and send me/give me patience Love gentleness truth peace and strength for my friendship w H and to be ok no matter what. To love him pray for him his heart and to be strong and not fall. I pray for school organizing my work and studying for my classes as well. Please St. Monica I do feel lost and sad. I need you Lord please to stay focused. Amen.

  12. Saint Monica, I pray for your intercession, for the release of my anxiety attacks, fears, self doubt..I pray for the safety of my daughter protect her from all harm, evil, bullying and I pray her 5th grade is successful and stress free. I pray for an answer to my troubled marriage, it was arranged and we are just 2 different people it was plagued with, anger, jealousy, infidelity all on his part and after 29yrs I am really tired. I need sanity, peace for me and my daughter..I pray one day if it be God’s will to send me a person who will, love, respect and provide financial stability for my daughter and I…In Jesus’ name hear my cries. Amen.

  13. St. Monica, I beseech your intercession for my stepson Chris and my beloved husband Jim. I thank God that my prayers and intercession are deep seated in my brain. Last night, I had a dream whereby I knew that my stepson’s heart was softening and he was drawing nearer to the things of God. Please pray for my request for my deceased brother’s life policy to pay me as I am his beneficiary. His final words, “You will have the life you deserve. Thank you for your support”. I pray that all of my heavenly angels minister to this request. Amen.

  14. I am praying through the intercession of St. Monica that my son will experience a true conversion in his heart and that God will bestow on him the grace of sincere contribution for his sins and ultimately return to all of the sacraments of the church. Please bless my family.
    Thank you

  15. Please help me pray for my son who is having complications after a kidney transplant. Thank you and God bless you!

  16. Dear St Monica
    Please pray for my family that we may have your patience in the face of difficulty and trials we face in life. May we surrender all to God Our Father and have the same faith and trust as you. Please pray for Kristy and Robb, Kurt and Ivy and their family, that they have patience and trust in God. Amen. Pray for Kristy as she attends her first Al Anon meeting this morning.

  17. Please continue to help and guide my son DC and my friend’s son MM . That they may stay on a good path away from those who don’t have their best interests are heart. Please help these boys find their way to good and fulfilling careers, where they can be productive members of society. Please help them see that education is an important step in this process. Keep them safe and close you the Lord.

  18. Dear St. Monica, please hear the intentions of all those praying this novena. I ask for healing of myself and E. Also help M and I be together soon. With God all Things are Possible. Amen.

  19. Dear Saint Monica, Thank you for your prayers through intercession Pray for my kid sister Maureen that she will be located by the rightful life partner destined for her in a hurry.
    Pray for my husband Josiah to experience conversion to Christ and for divine restoration of our marriage.
    Pray for my dad’s problem of sleep DISORDER to be corrected so that he will be able to always have a good night and day sleep.
    Pray for all my siblings for God’s blessings, protection and provision.
    Pray for my job and business to flourish.

  20. St. Monica, with your intercession to Jesus Christ our Lord, I am seeking the guidance that I need to deal with the challenges of today. I’m also asking to break free from fear, worry and anxiety, and be able to feel Your peace. Lord, I want to experience a great deal of peace right now. With you everything is possible, that’s why I’m turning to You. I need a healthy body and soul.
    Please help also for a friend Maria Oliva on suffering from cancer. Help my son (S) find a good with great benefits job, close to home. Thank you Jesus, our Lord. Amen.

  21. Dear St. Monica Please never let me cease praying for
    each of my adult children, their families that one day
    each will know the saving grace of redemption from
    your son Jesus Christ. May I have a closer walk with
    my Redeemer in this life.

  22. Please help my family tone understanding and have patience to each other instill love and harmony amen

  23. Please St.Monica intercede for all who pray. Bless the whole. Bless the Redmond family st this time in their life’s. Thank you so much for my connecting with my friend. Bless my blood work and my urinalysis and blood pressure. Please Please Please continue praying for my son. Help him to lose weight healthy and get his blood pressure back normal, Please St. Monica take my request to Jesus. My daughter and I good weight gain. My hair needs and protection and blessing for my grandsons, daughter, son, myself and world always. Help Norman and his son relationship. AMEN. Bless the world stop the killings. That we all have a Day day at work always.AMEN

  24. St. Monica, please pray that my son and his wife become Christian and have their sons baptized. Also for Reyes and his family during their time of stress. In the Lord’s name, amen.

  25. Dear Saint Monica, I pray for family peace, health and unity. I pray for my sons’ health and recovery. I pray for my son to realize that he needs help and wants the help and take his medicine and realizes how important it is for him to take it. May they overcome their depression and anxiety. I pray that they stay away from marijuana and realize how bad it is for them. May my son stop smoking. May my son stay away from tattoos, piercings and realize how bad they are for him. I pray that they be ready for work both mentally and physically and be happy, alert, and safe and that he wants to go back to work. I pray for my sons and husband to be successful with their jobs, and keep their jobs. May they be safe, alert and people around them to be safe and that they be highly respected. I pray for my husband’s and mother’s health. May my mother’s mind remember again, and she be healthy and calm. I pray for my sons to meet good Catholic Christian wives so that they may have their own Christian families. I pray for Alia. I pray for my friends, sons, their mother’s and brother’s health. I pray that my husband and sons return to the church. I pray for my husband to have patience. I pray for Sabrina to get pregnant. I pray for Pilar’s health. I pray for my son and nephew to find a job and keep a job. I pray that Ricky comes back and may he be healthy and safe. I pray for all the people saying this novena. I love You!

  26. Pray with me gear Saint Monica, that my nephew LD and his wife CD return to the Catholic faith to the Catholic Church.

  27. I’m praying for my beloved granddaughter who is 5 years and is unable to eat and speak normally due to a difficult birth.

  28. Please pray for my son K and his wife A. K has decided to end marriage since their son has left for college and his job is done. He claims he doesn’t love A and wants something better. A who still loves him is broken hearted and doesn’t know how to keep their marriage together.

  29. I ask through the intercession of St Monica, for a miracle in the marriage of Philip and Francesca Morgan and abundant graces for their families. Thank you and God bless you!

  30. Please St Monica take my prayer request to God so that through your prayer he will have mercy on my family and bring us closer to him and cover us with his wings. Also St Monica pray for my daughter to come back to her God as your own son did, all these I prayed through Christ our Lord Amen and amen.

  31. I pray for the release of Ofei and Amu from every evil manipulation and manifestation in their lives. Thank you.

  32. Please St Monica pray for my self and my husband good health,our faith love and marriage.Pray for my son and his family,for his conversion,faith,love,peace and happiness..Pray for my daughter protect and guide her ,good health,Help her find a good boyfriend a future husband,Pray for my family and friends Amen

  33. Dear St Monica, I humbly implore you to intercede for the conversion of my son, Eric . Pray for him to be healed from his depression and addiction, that he may know and find strength in Gods love and mercy for him,. Help him to find focus and vision for his life.
    Pray for my daughter who’s gone to college- please keep her safe. Pray for my youngest son in high school- protect him from evil and Satan’s temptations
    Pray for me that I would have compassion in my marriage. Pray that I will be led to a job in counseling which I’ve been seeking for many years
    In Jesus name I pray. Amen

  34. My husband died august 1rst please let all the papers that need come to me for finances to be all ironed out I’m afraid please let he finally rest in peace help me my son and mother be healthy safe patient and strong thank you

  35. St. Monica please intercede for me and my my marriage and my family please pray my husband reaches out to our Lord and our blessed mother for sssistsnce at this critical time in his work. Pray that he is able to meet his goals this month and keeps his job. Pray that these trials he is going through lead to drawing him close to our Lord and deepens his conversion and transforms him to become the husband and father leading our family as the spiritual leader God called him to be. I pray that he meets and exceeds his goals that lead him to receive his bonus in full and his promotion. I pray for my children to grow deeper in their faith and in thanksgiving for them and our life. I pray also for my marriage and reconciliation with my husband may he grow in love and gentleness with me. And I pray for the conversion of all my family away from the church. Amen.

  36. Pray for my son Richard, that God may increase his faith and trust in God during his troubled times. Help his life to be restored to whole. Locate him to his new job, the one you want him to have. Bless him in Jesus name I pray. Amen.

  37. Prayer for thanksgiving, forgiveness for our sins, prayer for my wife’s faith and focus to pass her Nclex test, prayer my daughter’s guidance,knowledge,protection and courage in her new school, may you send her an angel to be her friend, prayer for my sister’s employment, sister in law’s health for their new baby and financial abundance to pay our debt and help the needy. prayer for my guidance,knowledge , courage and perseverance in my school journey. We need your strength. in Jesus name Amen.

  38. For the soul of my much loved twin sister Barbara who died suddenly 12 August.. For my son David, electrician, whose employer went bankrupt owing my son over $200,000, may David obtain new electrical contracts to get him back on his feet, I pray. Thank you.

  39. For healing for Carol, John, Kathryn, Denny, Angela and self. For a return to faith for family members. For happy death for sons, Barb, Dianna, grandchildren and self.

  40. St Monica please pray For my husband and children that they return to the church. For my youngest son that he finds direction in life and become employed

  41. Praying and Trusting in God To give me tha desire of my heart, praying that My Previous Lord will show favoritism on my Son who is incarcerated for many years now, that he will get his release, he wants toprove how he is a different muture man with a soft heart that loves thr lord and his heart desire is to take care of me, his elderly mother. Praying in Jesus Holy name Amen

  42. Saint Monica,there are so many things in my life that call me to heroic patience. I am overwhelmed. As I prayed this morning and listed all the things I needed heroic patience for that still small voice of God whispered,”prioritize them.” Thank you Saint Monica for your intercession.

  43. Dear St. Monica pray for me because my colleague in the work place whom we life in the same room the same office is in love and now planning to marry her and all his communication are done in my presence just make me annoyed and spoil my job. Through faith and trust I believe that all situations will be possible. Amen

  44. Dear St. Monica,
    Pray for us.
    Pray for the repose of Sonia and the peace of his family…
    Pray for healing of my son, husband, Carmen, Terry and all family and friends.
    Pray for me and my job. That there is transparency, honesty, peace, trust and harmony…
    Amen Amen

  45. Please pray for my husband’s mental emotional and spiritual healing and that he be cleansed of all anger and resentment. For 45 years I have lived with verbal abuse and it is becoming harder to deal with. I have prayed and prayed and just hope he can be healed and change. Of course he doesn’t recognize he has a problem even though he gets along with no one. Thank you for your prayers.

    • I have been living with this exact abuse as well , and I want to share what He has revealed to me. God loves your husband and my husband as a father loves his “imperfect “ child – with an unquenchable love. And he loves you and is using you as His instrument! I’m praying for you that you will find strength and courage and know that God is working through it all!

  46. Please continue to pray for my daughter as her health issues are not improving (it has been 5 years) and she needs a miracle to improve her health and her outlook on life- i have pretty much given up- we need miracles now- we are losing all faith

  47. Lord Jesus I place my financial needs into your blessed hands I pray for financial deliverance today. I pray for my mate and my children.

  48. St. Monica,
    Thank you for you great model of faithfulness, persistence and trust in God. Please help me to focus on trusting God in all things, especially those that seem impossible and hopeless. Help me to be a humble servant striving to to do the next right thing in modeling Jesus and His faithful followers.

  49. Monica, bring family members back to the Church. Take good care of my children and grandchildren and family and friends. Please restore my health especially my back and legs.Help all those on my prayer list. Thank you for all the blessings given to me. Praying for peace and that I become more prayerful.

  50. Dear St Monica I ask you to pray for my sister with various
    Health issues.
    Also pray for all those suffering
    In Jesus’ name.Amen

  51. I pray for my son.Please me him safe. Please bring someone special to my son who will take care of his heart. Help him grow closer to God.
    Please bless my daughters with new babies. Take care of their families.
    Bless JE. Take care of his health.
    With God all things are possible.
    Glory to God!

  52. St. Monica-please pray for my daughter and her husband and their three children. They moved to another country and the oldest is having a very difficult time-mentally and emotionally. This has really take a toll on all of them and us.
    Also for my son that he will get a better job
    My thoughts and prayers for all those making this novena

  53. Dear st. monica

    Please pray for me.i felt and struggling financial problems in my life .everyday and night iam crying and crying to jesus peace in my life and my family.please protect from evils. me and my family. Give me victory an peace.
    In the name jesus Amen Amen


  54. Dear sweet Jesus through the intercessesion of St.Monica your lovely daughter and other saints of the most high God, I pray for the following points;
    Against any untimely death against my household
    War against every alter of darkness speaking my household
    Open your Windows of blessings and favour unto my household
    Financial breakthrough
    Show us your ways & paths and help us to always do your will . Amen

  55. Please Pray for my business I had staff leave and take my students. I need prayers that God will bless my business this September and bring many new students in. Thank you

  56. For trying times in a relationship. And for people that suffer from mental illness and their families that long to see them normal again.

  57. Dear St. Monica,
    Please pray for healing and protection of my parents, my husband John, my workmates BWO, JMM, Nicholas, Anne N and myself and all those ailing and in pain. Please also beg our Lord to give a cure for cancer which is affecting so many families. Also pray for protection over all servants of God and the church.
    In Jesus Name I pray. Amen

  58. Pray for my mother who’s 96 yrs God giv her strength to carry on. My sister maragret who has dementure so early in life. Pray for her. Pray for the starving children all poor children orphans. God giv them hope. We all need God at times. Please pray for the poor needy. Pray for all souls. God give us all strength to carry on please. Pray for myself who has heart disease god give me strength and hope. Thankyou

  59. Good morning thank you for your prayers my sister judy,my daughter in the marriage Michelle Catherine and my son dominic and most of all me

  60. Dear St. Monica,
    Please pray for my daughter Lucy to have the patience to complete her college degree and that she love ien Christ. Please also pray for my other children to live Christian lives and succeed in their lives and family protection from disease and all evils.
    In Jesus Name I pray. Amen

  61. Praying for my Uk /USA student visa to be granted , praying for my breakthrough in my finances and also deliverance from marital delays between I and CUE . And may I carry my twin babies in my womb before the end of this year .May God also bless my brothers and May they draw closer to God and May we all in my family experience financial breakthrough Lord in good health of mind and body.Bless my mother and May she be in good health . Turn my sisters ABO heart, May she have the fear of God in all her dealings and honour her mother so that her days maybe long IJN

  62. Hi all,

    I’m praying for myself to get a government related job in engineering section. Kindly pray for me everybody as all your prayer counts.
    I have a very bad financial situation that to meet my family’s needs, for my father’s and mother’s medicines. Kindly pray for me.

  63. Dear St Monica and all who pray …please ask for healing for my jaw and knee. Please to remove all anxiety from my son and from us all. Please for healing for us all in different ways. God bless all who read this . X

  64. Pray for the marriage of Brian and Becky
    Pray for the health and mental stability of my husband
    Pray for family unity, spiritual growth, protection and Gods blessing
    Pray for healing physically so that my legs are restored and I am pain free
    Pray for no cancer
    Pray for teeth fixed
    Pray for spiritual blessings for my family
    Pray for guidance
    Pray that I can work longer hours to help the kids and that they pay me more money so that I can bless others because people will know these blessings are from the Lord above. Pray we become stronger in faith as we take each breathe

  65. O St Monica I pray that my prayers will be answered. I pray for peace happiness and tranquility to be restored in our lives and family. I pray that my dad’s soul will rest in peace. I pray that my nieces therapy will work and she will enjoy school. I pray for all those praying this novena also. Thank you. Amen

  66. Dear St. Monica,
    I pray for all those praying this Novena, present thier prayers to our Father, intercede and crown them with thier desires. St Monica, you are our patron, intercede for every mother going through diffulties in their marriages, intercede for them that they may have peace, love and unity in thier families, l bring my own intentions, kindly have mercy and unite us with my entire family my daughter and son, may l live a life that pleases God, full of humility and love to others, l pray for a free debt life, help me clear all my debts, St. Monica, intercede for all my prayers that l have mentioned in this Novena. Father in heaven through your your grace and power, forgive us all that we have done wrongly and sinfully. Grant all chritians your mercies, send your holy spirit to govern our daily life, all these we present to you, Lord gracious hear us. Amen

  67. St Monica please look for a nay got Daley and save him from stub on news

    Deliver and forgive manny and
    Adleyq o Lord

  68. Pray for my brothers(two) Pete and Mike. Pete has cancer and Mike has had a stroke.
    Pray for me that my faith will grow stronger and that I may be a conduit for God’s grace and mercy.

    Pray that I will get healthier- the after effects of chemo have affected me- and may my other condition (Lupus) go away or at least be in remission.
    Pray that I will be able to spend more time with my family and friends and that I will be successful at work, I pray for peace of mind.

  69. My dear St Monica I still beg for your intercession as I pray to the Lord to provide me with employment,independence and recovery from epilepsy. Amen.

  70. for divine patience and deep faith in the delivering mercy of our Lord Jesus from a caging relationship, abandonment with children financial distress and uncertain future . I pray. st. Monica intercede for our divine victory and peace and more trust in Jesus as we confront our tribulations. amen

  71. St Monica , please pray for the full conversion and transformation of our children in the faith, for them to encounter the spouses that the Lord has prepared for them and to benefit from the sacraments including holy matrimony where they will honor and glorify the Lord.

  72. Dear st. Monica please enlighten my husband mind that he should understand me better instead of talking harsh word to me. Amen