The Next Novena Can Help Your Loved Ones Return to the Church

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Every saint we ask for intercessory prayers is a persistent saint. They’re in Heaven with our Lord, and they desire for us all to be there too.

This next saint we’re calling on is especially known for being a persistent intercessor, and she also desired for those closest to her to reach Heaven someday…

It’s StMonica!

StMonica prayed for her son’s conversion for more than 15 years. She wept and prayed constantly with faith and hope in God.

What was the result of all those years of prayer?

One of the great saints in the history of the Church: her son, St. Augustine!

That’s why Saint Monica is known for her intercession for those who have fallen away from the faith — for their conversions and reversions back to the Church! 

We will start praying on Saturday, August 18th!

Along with her intercessory prayers for those who have fallen away from the faith, Saint Monica is also the patron saint of alcoholics, married women, mothers, wives, and difficult marriages.

We hope you will join us in praying this novena!

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We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you!

God bless you!

You can share your prayer intentions in the comments below. We’re praying for you!

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  1. please pray for my test result monday to come back okay from the doctor for conversion of my family and the whole world for our priest, nuns,for anthonys soul and arelen soul and all souls in purgurtory those who have no one to pray for them , for peace in my family, for end of obortion, elderly. abused, perscuted, and homless and forgoten

  2. Prayers please for my son who turned to atheism after his dad’s death. He is clearly searching for purpose in his life and needs prayers God fills that void in his life.

  3. For the conversion of my son and daughter to the catholic faith and for my son in law to return to the church, and help with the conversion of my daughter.

  4. St. Monica, please hear my prayer requests, I pray for my children to reconcile, for hearts to soften and forgiveness to set in, so that we may become to loving, happy family we once were. For the physical healing of my husband, mother and brother. For my children to be happy and healthy, and protected from all harm. All in Jesus name!! Amen

  5. Please pray for my friend, TS, to have a change of heart toward my faith. I also ask for prayers for myself for my food addiction. I ask for prayers for the right place for me to stay. Bless Shelley’s heart. Bless my nephew who is leaving for the Navy on August 21. Please pray for my niece, Melissa, to have a baby who is well and loved. Please pray for my left side to heal.

  6. St. Monica, I pray during this novena for family to live with peace and love.

    Also please , peace in the schools so our children can attend classes in safety.
    Thank you blessed St Monica

  7. Please pray that my son be blessed with a good wife soon – one who will love him and his daughter, that he not drink too much alcohol and that everything be ok with my granddaughter. ALSO – blessings on my other son and his family. thank you.

  8. St.Monica,
    I employee your intercession in returning my two sons to the Church. It has been years (since they married non-Catholic women) that they attended mass or received the sacraments.
    They are good men but are not truly happy without the presence of Hod in their daily life.
    Please help them to feel the need of their religion in every day living.
    A distraught mother.

  9. I Pray that my Husband and Son n Law become God Fearing and be used for Gods Honor and Glory in the Name of Jesus Amen

  10. Praying for peace; to be free from my overwhelming anxiety, worry and fear. And to submit fully to God and asking for help to truly accept his will.

  11. For the conversion of AJC. May The Lord grant me through the intercession of St. Monica this conversion that I have been praying for so long.

  12. That my son and daughter would come back to the Church and place their trust in God and not be so self conscious and full of anxiety.

  13. Praying for your intercession St. Monica that my mother who is suffering with dementia will find peace in her thoughts and patience for my dad who is taking care of her. Praying for your intercession Saint Monica for healing of my body. Praying my biopsy is negative. Amen.

  14. Pls pray for conversion of my son JM, to return to Jesus, for my daughter to prioritize Jesus over her career, and for my kids to have a closer relationship with God.pls pray also for conversion of my relatives, to bring about reconciliation.pls pray for peaceful resolve of my concerns.i ask all these in the name of Jesus, thru the intercession of Mary and St. Monica.

  15. Dear St. Monica. I beg you to intercede for genuine conversion of loved ones…

  16. St. Monica,
    I pray for the fruit of the womb for my son’s wife Irina. I pray that Anthony will go back to school to get his degree and that Kara will be a good wife to him. I pray for my grandchildren that the fear of God will be in them and that they will excel in their education. That the Almighty God will continue to guide and protect them and lead them in the right direction. I pray for good health on my husband and myself. I pray for peace of mind in my daughter’s life and that the husband will be a good man to her and the son. Thank you St. Monica because I know that you have interceded in my prayers.

  17. Help my father with his open heart surgery. Help my husband stay away from drugs, help me to make enough moves next to take care of everyone, keep my kids healthy, safe, and happy.

  18. Please pray for the conversion of my son, who is addicted to alcohol, and his wife. Please pray for their two young children .

  19. That our children and family members will return to Mass and the sacraments. That God’s will be done in each of our marriages. For the repose of the soul of my sister Patty who just died. For us all to be obedient to God’s will and that we all have an increase in faith.

  20. St. Monica, please help my aunts and uncles to be kinder to my ailing grandma, for them to be selfless and conscious of her needs. Please also give my mother the graces she needs to deal with the stresses that her siblings give her.
    I ask this in Jesus’ name.

  21. Please pray for a return to the faith for Frank, Christine, Jason, Debbie, Tavis Amelie, Blake, Tom, Heng, Fiona, Troy, Austin, Lily, Joanne, Adrian, Bella, Julian, Ben, David, Paul, Steven andMark.

    May God bless all families praying this novena.

    With grateful thanks and love to Jesus Our Lord and Saviour, His mother Mary and St Monica.

  22. For the conversion and return to our Catholic Faith of our daughters and their kids. For a catholic spouse for my youngest daughter. Thanks for praying for my intentions and with me. Please be sure that I will be praying for everyone’s intentions. Thanks St. Monica for your intercession.

  23. I pray that in all I do I will always be a light for my wife and children; and that, by God’s grace, they will come to know and love the Lord.

  24. 1- For Christy and baby Ayden to have a full term pregnancy
    2- For Marie Pascal with good health
    3- For Lucy and Tony T.
    4- For all who lost their jobs
    5- For the conversion of sinners

  25. My son is an alcoholic. My brother is an alcoholic. My father was an alcoholic. I cannot begin to tell you how it has impacted my family. I pray for my son that he will see how alcohol has destroyed his life. The pain it has caused. The relationships he destroyed by his drinking.
    I love my brother. He will unfortunately die from an alcohol related death if he doesn’t get sober.
    I’m drained. I don’t want to be around either one. My own son, I would rather keep at a distance. It is a horrible situation.

  26. St. Monica, please pray for the protection of innocence around the world, that Guardian Angels will be armed with ready swords to protect children from evil, and that every person who has lived or is living contrary to the will of God, will repent, and rise up to become great saints for God, and the Church.

  27. For John, that he may have a complete reconversion of his heart back to Jesus so he can break free from the chains of work and coworkers to live as the virtuous man and husband God desires him to be. For the reparation of his marriage and relationship with his 6 children. Thank you for your intercession, St. Monica…his confirmation Saint was your son, St. Augustine!

  28. My niece and her family find a place to live which is near the family. They are with me and it is tight. Pray for me too, to alleviate the anxiety of having a family of 7 living with me in my 2 bedroom condo.

  29. St, Monica, I beseech you to intercede for me to the Holy Trinity, and Our Blessed Mother that my children, their spouses, and my grandchildren will return to their Catholic faith and that I as a maturing adult (83 yrs) will cease being sad as a widow, let go of the past years caring for my beloved husband. Thank you for everything you have given tome. Amen.

  30. St. Monica, please pray that my sons and their families will return to Jesus and the church. For my son for reconversion and believing in Jesus, our Loving God. Please pray that mine and Pete’s chronic back pain can be healed so we can come off the powerful pain meds that are ruining our insides. Pray for world peace and our president to succeed and save our country.

  31. I pray for the conversion of my brother and sister, who have largely ceased to honor many important tenets of their Catholic faith. I also pray that I may find a job to help support my family.

  32. Please pray for a miracle for a conversion of my atheist son, who is 25 and used to love his faith. He became scrupulous, and then had so much anxiety, even with counseling, that he talked himself out of his belief.

  33. Dear St. Monica,
    For World peace and for learning to listen and compromise to those of different opinions.

    For strengthened hope and faith for my family even during the challenging moments. Please help me to keep my faith strong.

    For everything to work out for my family.


  34. I pray for my family members who have left the faith especially for a granddaughter who is rejecting Jesus and embracing Satanism. Please St. Monica pray that she will come back. Pray also for her headaches and pelvic pain to cease. That her upcoming scans will show nothing serious. Also for her cancer to not return. St Monica pray for families, our youth and priests,bishops and Pope Francis to remain true to the Catholic faith.

  35. Please pray my son and daughter–that they faithfully return to the Catholic roots.

    Please pray that my son lose confusion with homosexuality.

    Please pray for the conversion of JW and that he realize what he is doing is not what God would want for him.

    Please pray that God bring me my “Boaz”.

  36. I would like to ask for prayers for the conversion of my daughter and my son who have left the church and consider themselves agnostic. Also, for the conversion of my husband and for all conversions around the world.

  37. Please pray for my son’s sobriety and strength to fight his alcohol addiction. Also, pray that he may come to experience the beauty of his Creator’s love.

    Thank you.

  38. I pray for my three (3) siblings who are yet to believe that the only way to God Almighty and eternity is through Jesus Christ. I also pray that my prostate cancer be cleared from my body as I undergo treatment.

  39. For Brian return to church. Healed physically mentally and spiritualy Mike to heal from mental illness and alcoholism

  40. Dear St. Monica
    Please pray that the Holy Spirit will bless my husband, sons and I with His gifts. May we use those gifts to be all we can be. Especially pray for my son that his senior year of soccer and football will be the best season he has ever had and may his Christianity always be seen in his words and actions. May he have a wonderful academic year as well. Pray for blessings upon my marriage and career success for my two older sons. Please, please pray for us to be All God wants us to be.

  41. That St Monica will intercede for my sister H for a cure for alcoholism and mental illness. For a return of my family that has fallen away from the faith and for those in my family who struggle with alcohol addiction. Thank you Jesus for hearing my prayers and answering them according to your Divine Will. Amen

  42. Please pray for marriage and intimacy restoration between my husband and I; and strengthened family bonds within our family unit. Thank you.

  43. Please pray for my Son Larry & his wife Amber & my son Jason. They don’t know Jesus Christ as their Lord & savior. I raised my 2 sons in the Catholic faith. They went to Catholic School from K until 8th grade. We prayed together, used holy water night & day. I did everything to teach my children to love & serve the Lord Jesus & his beloved mother Mary. How can it be that they don’t believe in Jesus anymore? It breaks my heart. St. Monica pray 15 years for Augustine & look what happened. He became a saint!!! Miracles do happen!!
    Please pray hard for my Larry, His wife Amber & my other son Jason. Lord please bring someone out into the harvest & convert them. In Jesus Name I pray. 🙏🏼

  44. My husband has lost faith in God and His existence because of his personal suffering and all the suffering in the world. I am praying for a renewal of his baptismal gifts, faith, hope, and love.

  45. @ for the approval of our visa
    @ for better and brighter of our two sons
    @ for our family to continue to serve in the name of the Lord

  46. I pray for a parmanent seperation between my husband and all the strange women in our marriage.i pray that God pay back unoma cynthia nwobi for all the destruction she coused and is still couseing in my marriage.

  47. Please pray for my son Brandon and his wife Brandy that they will turn to God and that they will have healing and reconciliation of their marriage

  48. Please pray for the conversion and transformation of my family especially my husband. God’s blazing and peace to you.

  49. Dear St. Monica, as you prayed for you son, we pray for our sons, especially, W&S; May our prayers bring them to fully embrace the faith with great joy and energy. We also pray for the special ones they love, that they may turn to God through his Son.

    Finally we also for all our siblings who have strayed from the true faith. May they return to your arms O Lord, as did those for whom St. Monica prayed.

  50. For Ryan’s conversation and for his marriage.
    For my brother. Herbert Ricardo and his conversation and the conversion of the following very special people: Sophie Schaumloffel
    Roland Hegwein, Bill barker, David Williams, Gary Barker, Ariel Ricardo Matthias Bauer, Paul Herring, Kent Broussard, Adrienne George and Amy George and Kirin GEORGE.

  51. I am begging ST.Monica to help my son, pray for him and beg God to call him back to the LORD, heal him and give him work to earn a living and give him better health s he as so very sick a few years ago, had surgery and never the same. Please St. Monica help my son as you did your own son and husband and mother in law and so many others, help me to cope with this burden of worry and stress and give me the health to carry on with all my work. Please stop the hate and anger in my husband, he says he is religious and then can be so mean and nasty and hurtful, dear Lord help us.

  52. I am praying for the conversion of my husband, all my children and relatives. I also ask for prayers for our daughter and son-in-law’s twins to be born healthy and our daughter to have a safe and healthy pregnancy and delivery.

  53. Glenn’s healing from a stroke will continue, and that he be motivated to do more exercises
    For my daughter and her family to return to the church
    For Maureen, healing from cancer
    For Cheri, end to her seizures
    For Trish

  54. Dear Lord,
    Take away everything that does not represent you from my home…be the head of my home and your mother Mary the Lady of my home…Amen

  55. My son who has gone astray with drugs. Has no faith. A innocent child who’s life has become so wrong. He had it in him I know this but he has no strength to fight it and go back to my normal son and bring him back to church

  56. 1. Robby fight
    2. A sign from my husband improving or worse. My decision to stay or go will depend on how u work through him.
    3. Difficulties in our family turn to u Jesus. W questions guidance instead of away from u..

    Thanksgiving to st Monica for interceding in my daughter healing. Her life today is bless.

  57. help my son start working, he is 34 years old and putting us a lot of strain on my husband and myself, help my son stop playing video games and meet right person in his life.
    help my business do well and help me sell my business very quickly, I am almost 68 years and cannot handle all this pressure in my life, please help me, I am crying for help. thank you

  58. St Monica, I ask that you please join me in praying for the conversion of my husband and oldest son. I pray, with you and with your persistence, that they will want to come back to church regularly and I pray they love Jesus and pray in their hearts to the heavens above. St Monica, with your help and our mother Mary’s help, I pray we can convert them and many others who have walked away from God. Amen

  59. Prayers for my son and his family as he goes through a divorce after nearly 25 years of marriage. We ask that you pray that he gets to keep his home that was his before the marriage. I pray that the children will realize that this was not their fathers choice. I pray that somehow he and his children remain close to family and that they know that we love them with all of our hearts. I ask all of this in the name of Jesus!

  60. Please for the conversion of my three adult sons, and that my youngest Philip may find his way. Prayers too please for Ron who is on hospice dying from Colon cancer. Thank you

  61. I humbly ask for physical health and healing and a resolution of my intestinal problems. I pray that my health be restored, revitalized, rejuvenated, and reenergized.

  62. i pray that i will get a teaching job either in the uk, us or canada so i can relocate my family to give my kids better opportunities than where i am presently living and that the money earned will better help my parents. i want my parents to be repaid for all what they have done for me. In Jesus’ name I pray and through the intercession of the blessed mother and saint monica. All the angels and saints in heaven pray for me.

  63. All 6 of my sons and daughters have left their Catholic faith, please join with me in a multitude of miracles to help them find their way back home m

  64. I am praying for my sons to come back to the Eucharist. My youngest son married a Methodist and she is strongly opposed to joining him in worship at a Mass. My oldest son has a gastrointestinal disorder that prevents him from receiving the Eucharist which has discouraged his attending Mass.
    Nothing is impossible for God please bring both back to the Mass and convert my youngest son’s wife to the Catholic faith.
    Also my sister has a daughter in law who was Baptized Catholic but her parents did not continue with the Faith. This young woman is miserable and makes her family extremely unjoyful. Please have her brought to the faith with a good disposition.

  65. Compuncture, contrition and repentance for complete conversion for my children back to Jesus Christ in the Most Blessed Sacrament

    For my Grandchildren to be baptisted in the Catholic Church

    For all of us struggling to become holy

    For all those who do not know the love of God

    In gratitude for all Gods mercy, Grace and love thru Jesus Christ

    For gratitude for Our Lady and all of the Saints

  66. For the Re-version of my sister-in-laws Edie, Jennifer and Robin.
    For the Conversion of my brothers, David and James
    For the Conversion of my brother-in-laws Scott, Robert and Mark.
    For the Conversion of my nephews, Jacob, Matthew, Andrew, Kade, Eric, Ethan and Cooper, and my niece Jillian.

  67. For my husband, who is an alcoholic – that he may choose sobriety, and for the healing of our marriage and family – we are all suffering from the effects of this terrible disease. Thank you.