The Next Novena: A Persistent Saint

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Every saint we ask for intercessory prayers is a persistent saint. They’re in Heaven with the Lord, and they desire for us all to be there too.

This next saint we’re calling on is especially known for being a persistent intercessor, and she also desired for those closest to her to reach Heaven someday… 

It’s St. Monica! We’ll start praying the St. Monica Novena on Wednesday, August 18th.

St. Monica prayed for her son’s conversion for more than 15 years. She wept and prayed constantly with faith and hope in God. 

What was the result of all those years of prayer? 

One of the great saints in the history of the Church: her son, St. Augustine! 

That’s why Saint Monica is known for her intercession for those who have fallen away from the faith!

It’s also why we recommend that you pray this novena with the intentions that you’ve been praying for the longest — St. Monica is the perfect intercessor for those intentions!

In addition, Saint Monica is also the patron saint of alcoholics, married women, mothers, wives, and difficult marriages. 

We hope you will join us in praying this novena!

You can sign up here:

And you can share your prayer intentions with us all in the comments below.

We’re looking forward to praying with you and for you! 

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  1. I pray for the healing of my sister’s heath; physically, emotionally and most of all spiritually. I pray she come back to the church and embrace our Lord close to her heart. Amen.

    I pray for my husband who has ADHD. I pray that he may focus his mind heart and soul and trust in our Lord. Amen.

    I pray that my step daughters can accept me into their lives without resentment and hostility. Amen.

    I pray for my dad, that he will start going to church again on a regular basis and go to confession. I pray for his health. May the Lord place his healing hands upon him. Amen.

    I pray for the health of my sister in law. May she be healed physically, emotionally and spiritually. Amen.

    I pray for my family members that are suffering with depression and/or addiction of any kind. May they turn to our Lord and know they are not alone. Amen.

    I pray for my nephew that he will come back to the church. That he makes he confirmation and gets married in the church. Amen.

    I pray that I can be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend to those around me. Amen.

    I pray for all the souls in purgatory. Amen.

    I pray for our country (USA). May we be one nation united under God. Amen.

  2. My grandson will be healed from autism, he will talk, and be potty trained. My heart walls, and muscles will be healed. We will be healed by THE BLOOD OF JESUS! In the Name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, Amen.

  3. My 2 sons Ian and Ben – come back to their faith.
    My friends son – Michael – come back to GOD and ask for your girl friends hand in marriage.
    For my friend Carol, an alcoholic, that she gets help w her mood swings.

  4. Lord please give me strength. I just had a miscarriage and the pain I’m enduring emotionally, physically & mentally is too much. I pray that my body heals and I become stronger each day. I pray that my body will accept pregnancy. I pray that God will bless us with a healthy baby that I carry successfully to full term and that we will be blessed with many healthy babies. I lift all of my worries, stress and anxiety up to the Lord. Please Lord I strongly desire to be a mom and hope I will experience motherhood. St. Monica pray for us. Amen.

  5. Lord hear my prayer I pray that if it is your will I can get laser surgery in my brain in November. I also pray for my stress and anxiety that you take care of it and that you heal it. I also pray that Carol does not forget to talk to my mom and that she lets me know when she did it. I also pray that nothing happens to the car on the first day of work and that I don’t get a flat tire and that the car does not break down the first day.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  6. I pray to thank God for the improvement in Jeremy’s health. May the lord continue to restore sound health in his lungs blood tissues fluids and organs in jesus name. I pray for sound health of all my family members Patrick Henry makarios whilfrida Monica frederick. I pray for a financial breakthrough, a job that would sustain my family. I pray for the lord to keep my children in school feed clothe and shelter them as I seek the right job. I pray that I may become a better Christian and that my brother paul be brought back to love God. And all those who left the church to come back in jesus name. St. Monica pray for us. Amen

  7. Prayers for blessings of a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby for our daughter🙏
    Please help her with her anxiety during pregnancy.
    Prayers for healing graces for all family and friends experiencing health issues.

  8. Pray for our business to bring in more clients. Make the crooked places straight. I ask for provisions so we can excel more than ever before. Place it in people hearts and minds to come and use us for our services. Grant us to fulfill our destiny and dreams that the Father wants us to. I know there’s nothing to hard for the Lord. I have been waiting in faith knowing that he is going to bless us without worrying and fretting about it. My bottom line will be example of Gods love for our family. Place a shield of protection around us. Amen

  9. I pray through this Novena and powerful intercession of St. Monica for God’s favour upon my husband, that doors will open for him.
    That God will put an end to all the years of ridicule and shame and uplift him.

    I also pray for God’s favour and direction in getting a good job, a job that I will be happy doing and would give me peace of mind.

    For God’s protection over my family and loved ones
    For God to destroy the plans of the evil and wicked ones in Jesus name. Amen

  10. Dear Jesus and Mary, I pray for the conversion of many people dear to me in my life: for my father-in-law, mother-in-law, my brothers-in-law and sister-in-law, for the conversion of Spain, for my God children. I praise you and thank you in advance Jesus. Amen.

  11. Praise God, Thank You for blessing.
    I am praying 🙏🏽for good health. Did and ultrasound on right breast also praying for my son who is being taking advantage of, that he truly see what’s Emily is doing and end all contact and get back what belongs to him.
    Lord in all things You do it for the greater good. Amen, Amen and Amen

  12. Please pray that:

    1. J.T. receives the economic settlement, he richly deserves, from the CC government before the end of the year.
    2. Those people who committed crimes against J.T. and who were involved in the illegal eviction he endured be criminally charged and sentenced to prison.
    3. The jewelry store who stole J.T.’s property reimburse him for his economic loss.
    4. R.S.’s newly purchased van pass inspection without major issues and the sale proceed smoothly.

    Thank you and AMEN!

  13. I pray for my husband Arthur for good health and healing of anxiousness and I pray for my son Aaron his wife Rochelle and their sons Gus and Felix for healing of anxiousness for healing of Gus’s overeating and for all their needs Amen

  14. Saint Monica,
    Please pray for the conversion to Christianity JM and E’s boyfriend.
    Pray for the good health and well being of my entire family, for RP and for Fr. JA. Thank you and Thanks Be To God!

  15. Dear St Monica, I pray that you will intercede for my daughter Z N who is unemployed. I pray that she will be blessed with a job in Jesus Name.

  16. St. Monica, I pray for blessings and protection for my brother John. I pray that he will remove himself from the negative he’s involved with and ask God for forgiveness and move into a positive way of living his life. Bless all family members and keep them close to your words. Bless us as this storm moves over us and give knowledge to those travelling to seek shelter and not approach harm in any form. Thanks for these blessings received and keep us safe as we keep you in our hearts and prayer, amen.

  17. I pray for my grandparents parents children grandchildren that you may protect them heal them and bless them in all their duties and responsibilities in JESUS mighty name I pray and believe AMEN

  18. I pray for peace that comes only from God to myself my wife children parents my brothers and sisters candy to all that do not have peace in Jesus mighty name I pray and believe AMEN

  19. St. Monica, I pray for my 3 children and son and daughter in law, to God, for thir conversion and devotion to God, in Jesus Name, Amen

  20. For the truth to be revealed to my sons and for their future spouses to be women of the scapular, rosary purity and chastity who will bring out the best in my sons as men of God and work together to raise their families to heaven. For the graceful exit if current relationships that ha e destroyed our family.

  21. Please pray for my son Nick, he has been in ICU for over 60 days on a ventilator from Covid. Pray that he has God’s peace as he comes off the paralytic, the pain medicine, and the sedation. He was agitated today, he wants to speak but has a trach now, he is frustrated and coming off the medicine and it makes his breathing difficult, it is the withdrawal of 2 months of hard medication. Please pray for his lungs to continue to heal, this can not be accomplished without him having God’s peace that surpasses all understanding and for a miracle to continue to heal his lungs. Please pray for his protection from further infections and God’s peace. We need more miracles, everyday is a miracle, nothing is impossible with God. Pray for the endurance for my son Nick and for our endurance and peace. Glory be to the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen

  22. Dear St Monica

    For my sister Esohe that she would be healed completely from heart break and broken relationship.

    For me and my siblings that we pray against repeated relationships and marriage disappointment. God please give us the spirit of Marital bliss. Let our ordained life partner locate us and give us no sorrow but joy and happiness.

    This I ask through Christ our Lord. Amen

  23. Pray that my family comes back to Jesus, the church and that they see prayer is very powerful. Be persistent in pray. Pray always. Jesus I trust in you!

  24. Dearest St. Monica, please ask Jesus and Mary to intercede for me. Please 🙏 Bless our son and keep him safe out in the world.

    Thank you Jesus, Mary and St. Monica.

  25. In this novena, I continue to pray for my husband’s complete and total conversion back to the faith and the communion of the Holy Eucharist. I pray that his heart be opened and that the Holy Spirit teaches and enlightens him on all he doesn’t understand but feels he has figured out due to the brainwashed teachings he has received. I pray that he may come to love the Blessed Mother of God, Mary ever Virgin and know that she’s always there to intercede on our behalf.
    Dear St. Monica, please pray to Jesus for him as you did your son. Amen!
    Thank you Father for answered prayers.

  26. That all fallen away Catholics return home,especially my son J. And may Catholics who are still practicing become more fervent.

  27. For our homeschool to be lead by the Holy Spirit and for my marriage and children to grow closer to Our Lord and Savior.

  28. For my children and extended family and friends that nolonger practice their faith, that they will return to the sacraments, the love of Jesus.

  29. To St Monica please continue to bless my son’s reunion and all who are around him and all us with him! Protect us all from evil,and bless us all with good positive thoughts of each other and help my mean brothers to stop being rude to my son and us! Change his heart-warming Jesus as well as all my relatives especially in the K&A family! Bless my daughter in FL but please help her see her sins& sinful lifestyle; lead her to be a godly chaste woman and bless her with a godly husband,me too! Hear& answer everyone’s prayers on this novena! Help the people in Afghan and lead all to Jesus there! JESUS I TRUST IN YOU! XO

  30. Please pray for the rift between my son and daughter to be closed. Please pray that they will stop their feud and their mutual dislike of each other. Thank you God bless. amen

  31. Dear St. Monica,

    I pray for all those suffering in Afghanistan, Haiti and for war to end all over the world.

    Please intercede for us as we plan to immigrate to the USA. Because of the pandemic, all doors are closed and it seems almost impossible. With God nothing is impossible. If this is the will of God then let it be done. Please help us find the right way to proceed with the necessary formalities including financial support.

    Your loving child.

  32. St. Monica, I’m asking you to help me pray for my children, who can’t respect us, parents, especially me.
    They were brought up in the church. They were altar servers but once they joined the youth ministry, they became too busy. They don’t pray family prayers with me. It’s okay with them not to attend Mass except Sundays. During pandemic, my youngest refuses to attend Mass already and get contented with online Mass despite the church being open. My eldest will attend Mass because she is the choir. They used to attend Mass whenever there is an available service for 7pm after school.

    It breaks my heart how they think they know everything about God, or better than us as they learned from youth ministry, but their way of life is so different.

    Please ask God to help me bring them back to church and daily prayers.

  33. Prayers for my Son Frank, to get a job where he can be home more with his family, for better relationships with son and daughter in law. For our grandchildren,. For my Mom and cure for dementia. For our daughter to meet someone to be her spouse. For peace everywhere. For people’s health with this virus. For extended family relationships and communication.

  34. Conversion of my family
    Roberto stay off social media especially facebook
    Special intention for my son
    Financial blessings

  35. Saint Monica please intercede for me and pray for:safety and protection of those Christians and innocent people in Iraq , especially Afghanistan , help them get out of these places ASAP, for authorities all over the world to find ways and means and people to get rid of all these terrorists as soon as ASAP; for the healing of those who are sick especially those I am praying for and offered to pray for, for the safe return of Christopher to his family, and for me to be able to have my Medicare card ASAP; for a good outcome of our prayers , all of us praying this novena ! Thank you!

  36. Please pray for partner’s reversion back to Christ. I pray for my relationship with him to be sealed with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. I pray for a family in marriage after 15 years of waiting. I pray against the spirit of confusion in his mind.

  37. My children. Kelly and billy and grand children and great grandchildren. My brothers both who are ill.
    God is good.

  38. St Monica please pray that my brother will find help as he struggle with alcohol addition and all other alcoholics struggling for an end to this disease. Pray for my Son that he won’t allow money and material the center of his life,but get closer to God and pray more. Pray that my Son have a humble heart,eyes that see others like God will and a heart that knows how to love and forgive,pray that he be blessed with knowledge, wisdom,understanding and be successful in his academic and skill. St Monica pray that A be converted and understand Gods work.

  39. Praying for the conversion of my daughter M in a same gender relationship and life style. Also my daughter L from same gender life desires as she’s struggling with it now. The good health of my son V is anxiety attacks and help with his marriage, also my son G and his marriage. Protection upon my son G and blessings with his commute to airport job daily and he be blessed with his interview promotion next week. My son F as he start his new job and guidance for better jobs and education in the future.

  40. St Monica please interceed for my son to communicate more fluently and clearly. Also pray that he grows in the virtue of obedience.

  41. I pray the Lord will bring my children and my grandchildren back to Him the Church and the Sacraments and my 2 granddaughters who are Jewish will come to know our Heavenly Father and follow their Religion I pray with all my heart Amen. Thank you Lord for listening to my prayer.

  42. Please pray for my son and daughter to reconcile their differences and ask for forgiveness and forgive each other to b reunited as family.

  43. I pray for my dear husband who is not in Good health . I pray that God may hear my prayer-that he may have blood tests snd see a doctor and the he may be healed in body and mind . That he may grow in strengths d in love and understanding oh our Heavenly Father and his beloved Son who sacrificed his love that we may have Eternal life In your merciful love hear our prayer and for my daughter and the Wass family In your mercy love hear may prayer , Praise snd thanks to God.

  44. Please pray for the conversion of my friend Willem. That he will become the man God has annointed, chosen, called and created him to be. Free of bondages, addictions and knots.

  45. Please pray for my family who us going through terrible distress. We are going thru a terrible custody battle for my daughter, Emily, 13, and Thomas, almost 16. I am asking for healing for all involved. Also, my Dad who has Parkinson’s, was devastated by the custody battle,, and is now in a nursing home. Please pray for my Dad’s and for my family’s Peace , safety, and health.
    In Jesus’s Most Holy Name, Amen.

  46. For peace in Afghanistan. For end end to the Coronavirus world-wide. For K & R as they prepare for their wedding. For conversion of S. For guidance and peace as M decides job and life partner. For acceptance and peace in S & P hearts and minds. For proper diagnosis and treatment for D. For focus and resolve for M.

  47. All for with and thru you Jesus. Shine thrue Jesus. Use me. Make me better. Surrender to your Will Jesus. Ease Me andy desires out. Food brad codependency. Jealousy insecurity over tom. Love her More better with and thru you Jesus. I beg have more mercy on me. Thank you 101.5

  48. Saint Monica please help my prayers be heard. Praying for my grand children that they will receive Catholic instruction, and the oldest who is seven would make his first communion soon. Please help my daughter get back to the church and the sacraments, and bring the boys to Church.

  49. Especially our children who cannot be vaccinated yet for the COVID-19
    Virus, as they return to school and are extremely vulnerable.

  50. My son who has a gambling issue. May God help him to overcome this vice and lead him to God’s will in his life.

  51. Emotional peace for daughter. May she find a job, get her car fixed and find a place to live. In Jesus name Amen

  52. I pray for good health and strength in my body. I pray for God to make a way for me to clear my debts I hv been struggling with for years. I pray for my body to come back to its normal self. I’ve lost alot of weight and I pray for restoration. I pray tht I am not diabetic. Please pray for me.

  53. Praying for healing in my stomach, restoration in my body and for a financial breakthrough. Also praying for a new job.

  54. Please pray for world peace. For my cousin to come back to the Catholic Church and find a life partner. For a miracle for my family to buy a house. For my children to study well.

  55. Dear St Monica,please pray for conversion and salvation and protection of my daughters. May Jesus give them all the graces to become great saints,like your Son St Augustine
    Please pray for conversion and salvation of my whole family. Jesus I surrender them to you, take care of everything! Jesus I trust in You!

  56. I pay that we receive more clients to serve into our business. We have lots of debts to be paid. This has been a very slow month. Please release the prosperity, the angels to come forth to help us. Amen

  57. Dear St. Monica,

    I pray that Del would forgive me, he will be healed and restored. He will continue to pursue me and we will have second chance and new beautiful beginnings together in God’s perfect time. Continue molding us during this season that he is my Boaz & I am his Ruth.

    Thank you for my negative results for Aneurysm.

    May God put an end to Covid19.
    That we are all protected & evil will not reign on earth.

    Bless my sister to pass her interview for a US employer and she’ll be able to migrate here in God’s time.

    Heal me from my father & mother.

    Bless my friends and family always.

    In Jesus Name and through St. Monica’s intercession. Amen.

  58. For the return of my children and VR’s children to the Holy Catholic Church. For the baptism of my grandchild into the Catholic Church soon. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen

  59. I became a victim of bullying at my workplace by my male superior and the whole management. I am struggling mentally and emotionally over the last month. I want to ask for some prayers please. Thank you and may God Bless us all.

  60. My sincere gratitude for your prayers. I asked for your prayers for the following intentions in the past. By God’s grace, someone has come to the aid of my younger brother in his great difficulty as he is struggling with debt for a long time. Still there is some left to be paid but the worst is over by God’s grace. This is a greatest miracle indeed! Only God can do this, as he was suffering for years. Also I am glad to say that my biopsies result has come and it is nothing to worry about. I am truly thankful to God. My eldest Sister’s health is a lot better. I have asked you to pray for these intentions and all of them are success. Thanks be to God and thank you so much for all your prayers. Please kindly continue to pray for my Brother’s debt to be cleared completely and that he and his eldest son to get a job very soon. Please pray for me and my family. Thank God for HIS mercies and thank you. God bless.

  61. I pray for St. Monica’s inervention on behalf of my children and grandchildren and my husband and myself, that we will all return to more active participation in our Faith, especially going to Mass. Also I ask for intervention for our Eternal Salvation. I trust in Jesus’ Mercy, Love and infinite forgiveness, and in St. Monica’s gracious intercession.

  62. St.Monica please intercede for my grandson to be baptised soon.
    Please pray for a healing of my son of the infection that he has got again in the intestine after being operated 2 years ago, with the Kortison therapy that he has to take for 3 months.
    Please also pray for my daughter to be successful in getting a job, as she has been jobless for the last 1 & 1/2 year and also to be settle down soon.
    Please pray for peace in the world, especially in Afghanistan,
    Lebanon, Syria, Turkey.
    Thank you St. Monica for your powerful intercession.

  63. St.Monica please pray for my family situation.Please soften my sister heart to respect our Mother.Please help my family.In Jesus name I pray.Amen

  64. I pray saint Monica will send godly friendships to my daughters H and A. They both have been struggling building new friendships .

  65. I pray for the healing of Jeremy from stubborn chest infection fever and sickle cell anaemia, I pray for sound health of all my family members. For a financial breakthrough and a job. For peace and strength in my head, for deliverance of Paul, Patrick and Eric from evil addictions. For the right destiny helpers. Jesus help me. St. Monica pray for us. Amen

  66. Lord hear my prayer I pray that Carol gets to talk to my mom sometime today and that she reaches her sometime in the evening and not at night. I also pray for the MRI and the appt with Dr. Heroes if it is you will they can fix my brain and do some surgery.

    In Jesus name we pray Amen.

  67. Please pray for my sons. Each is in a very difficult situation. One has been drinking too much and may have a problem if he doesn’t slow down. Please ask Jesus to give him the strength, courage and wisdom to see that this will lead to problems in the future. Please pray that my other son’s attitude improves. Please pray for him to have strength and courage as we send him to school. Please pray for me to have the wisdom and strength to help them follow the path that God has for them. I place my children in Hod’s hands. Thank you.

  68. For deliverance of whatever it is that is keeping him from accepting our Lord Jesus Christ. May he become holy in the eyes and guidance of our our Lord Jesus Christ and our Mother Mary.
    May my daughter returned to our Lord and guide her husband into the church

  69. Please St. Monica, please pray for my family’s situation! Please help us. Please pray for my daughter’s skin issues.

  70. Praying for my son He just took the bar exam. Please God. He needs to pass the exam
    Praying for my other son and his interview for dental program

  71. Pray for my husband and I to have a successful conception this month after a year of trying. Pray for acceptance and understanding if it is not Gods timing.
    Pray that I am able to support and encourage my husband through his stressors at work.

  72. Dear St Monica,
    Your own struggles and the results of your persistent prayers help me to believe that my prayers do count. I ask you to assist in the conversion of my husband’s soul and thoughts to help him connect positively with God, Our Blessed Mother and Saints. Help him to replace hate and revenge with forgiveness and love towards all who he believes have hurt him. Please help his “enemies” to do the same.
    Please help the people of Afghan to conversion as well, and help the innocent people to have safe exit to safety.
    Thank you for your undying trust in God, The Blessed Mother and Saints, and your work to help the rest of us to do the same.

  73. Saint Monica, please help lift this depression and worry off of me and keep me focused on gratitude.
    Help me take off these chains of alcoholism and keep me focused on doing God’s will.

  74. I pray for my son’s conversion, that he find his way back to God our Father and that he lead the life that God intended for him.

  75. Saint Monica, please intercede for me and my ex to get back together. I miss him dearly and still love him very much. That God may bless us both by his grace and mercy to restore our love and trust for one another and offer us reconciliation. May we both have the strength to forgive one another and be given a second chance.

    Praying for the Holy Spirit to help us and everyone with a broken heart.

  76. Dear St Monica, I implore you to please pray for me and family. I especially ask for my prayers to be heard. I also ask you to pray for my son Amen.

    St Monica, please hear the prayers of all asking your help today Amen.

  77. 1. I prayer for financial breakthrough/stable job.
    2. I pray for healing of all that is sick in me.
    3. I pray for Partner / Holy matrimony
    Protection over all my family members.
    4. Pray for peace in my country Uganda and Afghanistan and all other countries facing instabiliities.
    5. I pray for my baby daddy to give my daughter all the love and provision she desires.

  78. I pray for the healing of my sister’s heath; physically, emotionally and most of all spiritually. I pray she come back to the church and embrace our Lord close to her heart. Amen.

    I pray for my husband who has ADHD. I pray that he may focus his mind heart and soul and trust in our Lord. Amen.

    I pray that my step daughters can accept me into their lives without resentment and hostility. Amen.

    I pray for my dad, that he will start going to church again on a regular basis and go to confession. I pray for his health. May the Lord place his healing hands upon him. Amen.

    I pray for the health of my sister in law. May she be healed physically, emotionally and spiritually. Amen.

    I pray for my family members that are suffering with depression and/or addiction of any kind. May they turn to our Lord and know they are not alone. Amen.

    I pray that I can be a better wife, mother, daughter, sister and friend to those around me. Amen.

    I pray for all the souls in purgatory. Amen.

    I pray for our country (USA). May we be one nation united under God. Amen.

  79. Please help me pray I will pass the road test examination as I really needed it for my work. Thank you so much and god bless us all 😇

  80. Prayers for blessings of a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby for our daughter. Please help her with her anxiety during pregnancy.
    Prayers for healing graces for all family and friends experiencing health issues
    Thank you 🙏

  81. lh conversion
    meet right people
    right groups experiences

    dh job
    rh job
    ryh good school year
    strong faith
    right associations, groups, experiences

    running, soccer

  82. Praying for peace within my family and to continue to be healthy and safe throughout the school year. I pray that my son find peace at college and open his mind and heart to his environment and find his college home life soon.

  83. Praying for peace in my family—with my sisters, my husband and children. I especially pray for my son who is very conflicted about college and whether he should be there. He needs to find his people and be at peace in order to be open to gaining his education and finding a college home away from home.

  84. Praying that my child’s fathers addiction to alcohol and sex may be broken. May all our prayers on this platform be answered .