The Holy Spirit Novena, 2023

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We’re excited to announce that the next novena we’re praying is the original novena!

It’s the Holy Spirit Novena for Pentecost!

Novenas are an ancient tradition that goes back to the days of the Apostles.

Jesus told His disciples to pray together after His ascension into heaven, so they went to an upper room along with the Blessed Virgin Mary, (Acts 1:14) and joined constantly in prayer for nine days.

These nine days of constant prayer by the Apostles at the direction of Jesus led up to Pentecost. This is when the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples as “tongues of fire” (Acts 2:1-4). This pattern of 9 days of prayer, leading up to a feast day or final day, is the basis of the novenas we pray today!

Thus, the novena is an imitation of the Lord’s command to the Apostles when they prayed for 9 days in anticipation of the coming of the Holy Spirit.

And that’s why we pray all of our novenas for nine days, followed by one final prayer on the 10th day (which is usually the feast day).

We will start praying on Friday, May 19th.

You can sign up HERE to join us in prayer and you can share your prayer intentions with us all below. We’re praying for you!

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  1. My prayer is for Charlie Connelly, my brother-in-law.
    He has been suffering from tinnitus and kidney issues.
    Please pray with me for for God to heal him. I know that our Father in Heaven can do all things and nothing is impossible with God. I care so much for him and I pray for him to be well.
    Please, as I pray for you and for others, that you will pray for him.
    Thank you, Josephine

  2. I pray for peace in my family, better times, and peace in my heart and life. I pray forgoodhealth for all in my family who are ill. I pray for some better times.

  3. I pray for my children’s happiness and life successes. The Lilja family as they say goodbye to Kristie who passed away at 57 years old of cancer.
    For Joan and family as Joan fights cancer
    For all those battling cancer.
    Those with Parkinson’s including Tim, Richard, Jim.
    For everyone who just seems to be struggling with life as a whole, that they will learn to pray for their needs and the strength to take care of themselves.

    In Jeasus’ name I pray, come Holy Spirit, hear my prayers. Amen

  4. For everything to improve, for me and for my son. That all the badness and bad health and anyone else in my family will stop. For a better life for us all.

  5. Fir everything to improve, for me and for my son. That all the badness and bad health and anyone else in my family will stop. For a better life for us all.

  6. For the healing of my mothers. Pray that the Lord will grant them healing in His way.

    Pray that I may get a steady job and finacial stability to support my family and the less fortunate within our community

  7. Dear God,
    I pray that you take away my desire to sin completely and help me to honor you with my body, mind, heart and soul.
    As always I pray that the Spirit cones to M.P. and removes all of his fear, doubt, worry and guilt, replacing it with peace, comfort and joy in the knowledge that he is loved, forgiven, and that if he follows the Lords will there is nothing to fear.

  8. Dear Holy Spirte The Paraclete, please guide and shield every member of my family. I pray to get a good place to be transferred to within UCLH. I for good behaviour for my children. I pray that my husband will be successful in his business. i pray for total healing for my mum. I pray also to be successfully signed out on my remaining competencies in my ward Amen. All these and many more I ask through the same Christ Our Lord Amen.

  9. Holy Spirit I ask for the conversion of my family.
    I pray for Anthony and myself, Alex, Tony, Lachlan, Tyler Toby, Brooklyn, Shayne, Felicity, and Dominic that we all accept that Jesus is our Saviour. I pray for the end of all addictions to drugs, alcohol, and gambling and that they all find peace in Jesus Christ Our Lord.

  10. Oh Holy Spirit bestow upon each and everyone of us. For all the unemployed (especially my husband) that he/they may not despair or become despondent while waiting to find a job or a solution to our/their financial situations. Amen.
    Thank you for listening to my petition in God we trust. 🙏🏼♥️

  11. Lord please lead my grandson Roy to know you. He needs you and doesn’t know it. Protect him and open his eyes to the blessings around him. Please watch over my grandson Brandon also as he transitions into adulthood.
    In Jesus name Amen

  12. Holy Spirit i ask that you move in a mighty way to heal my godchild’s body of that cancer demon. I ask that you also over shadow my grandson with a much greater verbal usage as well as the connection from the brain to the body so that he will comprehend the concept of using the bathroom. Holy Spirit I need you Holy Sprit I pray come with your strength and your power come in your own special way. In the mighty name of Jesus

  13. That our baby’s congenital heart defect is healed, if it is God’s will. That the diagnosis is less severe than it appears on ultrasound at this time, and that God gives us the graces necessary for this cross. Amen.

  14. For the Holy Spirit to inflame my heart with love of God, that I may hear God clearly to do His will daily. Amen

  15. I part for the holy spirit
    1- to heal my waist pain for me
    2-grant me good health
    3- console me always
    4 heal my son and husband of any sickness
    5- bless my family with the gift of holy spirit.
    6- bless Ethel and her relatives with traveling mercies

  16. Dear Holy Spirit, please hear my prayers for your help and intersession for myself, my son and family Amen.
    Praying for health and strength, healing from traumatic experiences, ill health and negativity, enemies and their negativity aimed at me and family in our lives Amen.
    Praying for marriage and family for my son and removal of blockages holding him back Amen. Also praying for my brother M that he obtains a good paying job in his field of interest to support himself and family Amen.

    Please hear the prayers of all asking your help today Amen.

  17. Please pray for my granddaughter. She has experienced an end to a relationship and is having a difficult time overcoming the breakup. Please pray that she accepts God’s grace to see her through this.

  18. Please pray that my eyes and my lungs are healed. I also request prayers for my grandchildren; Alyssa, Evan, Alex and Eric.
    Thank you

  19. Holy Spirit, please bless my family with a new home. Please have everything work out with the loan so both my husband and I are on the loan and are able to afford the monthly mortgage payment. I am so grateful for how far we have come as a couple compared to where we were even a year ago. I am grateful for the work God has been doing in our lives and that we have overcome so much together. Amen

  20. Holy Spirit,

    Thank You for the home I have already purchased, the job promotion you already given me. I trust that whatever location that my home is in it will be safe for myself and kids. That what ever position you place me in, I will be blessed because it is in your will.

    During this time of transition, I ask you to prepare the way for me.

    I pray for endurance to persevere through life changes because at times I feel and get worried about not knowing what’s next.

    I ask for your wisdom and direction in my home and job search.

    Please open doors for me and lead me to the right home and right opportunities. Place me where you know we will be safe and place me where you need me to be used by you. Make all things new for me and allow me to find my purpose in all things and especially at this time with finding the right home for my kids and I and also my new workplace.

    In Jesus Name, Amen!

  21. Dear Holy Spirit, I pray for my husband T. Please grace him with patience. Please guide and protect him. Thank you, Amen

  22. I pray for strength, peace, and humility in my daily life. I want to smile more, laugh more, and be at peace with myself. Amen

  23. Lord i pray for the manifestations of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in me so that i can use them for your glory. I pray for the Spirit of prayer, Spiritual growth and family liberation. Come Holy spirit i need you to be my guide.

  24. Dear Holy Spirit
    Please pray for me so that my foot will be heal and let HD and HL worship God and let OD And S have peace and let S clostophobia heal and let HD and CJ don’t play gambling anymore and let ST and EA marry and let me win both of my court cases in Jesus Christ mighty name amen

  25. Dear Holy Spirit please help for me so that I will win my case in August as AD is taking advantage on me after he left me for another woman who is his cousin married her and came back after 10 years when the woman left her and now he wants half of my house pension and fidelity I pray that judge AY rule in my favor and let God use my lawyer MJQ to win the case and let his lawyer Wnot win and let the judge see the advantage he is taking on Mei pray for healing on my left foot and for God to make me win the case in SL for my house with judge ST in Jesus Christ mighty name amen

  26. Prayers for my CT scan tomorrow and colonoscopy later that the doctors can determine what is wrong. Also for the Lord’s guidance and will for me in regards to my job.

  27. Oh Most Holy and Devine Spirit, I humbly come to You and fervently ask that you please help me with my finances so I won’t ever worry about money, oh please Holy Spirit. I also ask you to please bring a God Fearing, God Loving man for each child please Holy Spirit, please help my youngest 🙏 to be the nurse she has been trying to be, please, I fervently and humbly ask this of You please 🙏 Holy Spirit!!! Please help my children to know God better than I know God so they make Him number 1 in their lives now and they may continue to make The Holy Spirit number 1 on their marriages. Thank you Holy Spirit. I love you so much Holy Trinity!!!

  28. Tier 2 Visa for me and my family. An IT, well paying (£40,000£+) and flexible job for me. A well paying(£40,000£+) and flexible job for Chiwenite. Great family times, and raising God fearing and loving children.

    Reversal of achondroplasia condition from Munachi A

    Successful surgery for Munachi A

    Lovely life partner for Amaka this year.

    Breakthrough for Emeka

    Oh HolySpirit, direct me, lead me, teach and speak to me and bless me, my parents, sibling, relatives and immediate family.

    Fill and use us and achieve your purposes in our lives oh Dear God.


  29. I’m praying for healing for my shoulder pain.
    My grandson to continue doing well with his speech also putty trained. Be happy and stop throwing tantrums. Thank you Holy Spirit for being my advocate.

  30. I pray for freedom from self-consciousness that inhibits the Holy Spirit shining through me. The fear, inferiority feeling not worthy to be a child of God.

  31. Please pray for me that I will get a new job that is remote (work from home). Right now, I am hybrid work, but when I go into the office, I commute 120 miles and 4 hours round trip each day. I’ve had a couple of interviews and hoping one turns into a job offer.

  32. Dear Holy Spirit: Please hear my prayers-for my marriage that it will grow in love and faith. That we are happy/successful in our jobs, that our health will be good, and for help in finding a good used vehicle. Please I pray for continued love, guidance and support for our 2 adult sons, & their significant others that they will be happy/successful in their jobs; their health will be good, and their faith will increase daily. For our daughter, son in-law & 2 grandsons. May they be happy/successful in their jobs, their health will be good, and faith will grow daily. Thank you for blessing us w/grandsons, please protect them and may their health will be good. We thank you for all that you have blessed us with, and we praise you and surrender ourselves to you. AMEN.

  33. Please pray for me for financial breakthrough and favor from God and man in Jesus mighty name amen

  34. Holy spirit, please help me find ways to get financial abundance, financial liberation, financial freedom. Help me.with a business idea that can make me succeed in life and live effortlessly.

  35. I pray that through the power of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of the Blessed Mother that…
    🕊 Janice is able to receive the Epidural sooner than anticipated, and that it successfully erradicates her chronic pain.
    🕊 I am healed of the relentless cough that has plagued me since January and has caused me embarrassment, sleep deprivation, difficulty engaging in activities that enhance my spiritual life and totally disrupted my peace.
    🕊 Jennifer is completely healed of Cancer and that it never returns, and that she receives positive news from the Plastic Surgeon today.
    🕊 God would “make a way where there is no way” for a treatment to be discovered that would successfully erradicate Rachael’s Cancer.
    🕊 God would completely heal Herb and Chuck of Cancer andvthat it would never return.
    🕊Ann would receive positive news related to her pending surgery and for all of her personal intentions.
    🕊 Mary Jo, who has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, receives the love, support and care necessary for her to thrive as much as possible.
    🕊 my daughter would make an effort to pay me back the money she owes me.
    🕊 Jim would seek and be granted an annulment from his first marriage, have his current marriage blessed in the Catholic Church and return to the Church as a practicing Catholic.
    🕊 the Holy Spirit would alleviate my fears and provide me with the perfect situation and words to speak to Jim about returning to the Church.
    🕊 Alison would succeed at her new job, and be protected and have safe travels by the power of the Holy Spirit, during her numerous flights for work.
    🕊 all the members of my family who are not Catholic would convert to Catholicism or return to the Church as practicing Catholics.
    🕊 the prayer intentions on the Holy Cross Church Prayer Line are answered in God’s perfect time and way, especially the healing of Lilly’s rare autoimmune disease that caused a tumor, that could result in blindness in one eye.
    🕊 Jayden a 19 year old girl, is healed of the drug addiction that has caused her to overdose twice, and is released from the Satanic influence of “friends” who have encouraged her to leave home and engage in immoral behavior. I also pray that her mother can discern the best way to intervene in the situation to help Jayden overcome her addiction and receive the help she desperately needs.
    🕊 Barbara Beverly, Joe Ford, Billy Bonham, Greg and Judy Cutright,
    David and Joe Amsbary, John Tipton and all my Loved Ones are granted the Divine Mercy and received from Purgatory into heaven. May their families have the Blessed Assurance that the are at peace with God.
    🕊 our country would return to the Judeo-Christian principles on which it was founded, and return to a culture of life, rather than the left’s current culture of death and evil.
    🕊 the Holy Spirit would reveal if He wants me to work at VBS, and, if so, help me find the time and materials to adequately prepare, so as to influence the children toward a greater love for Jesus.
    🕊 the Holy Spirit would inspire me with the wisdom and knowledge to understand His will and direction for my life today and every day.
    🕊 peace would be valued and achieved in our country and throughout the world.
    🕊 all the intentions of those praying this Novena to the Holy Spirit be heard and answered in God’s perfect time and way.

    🙏 Thanksgiving for countless answered prayers as a result of praying these Novenas.

    Also sending Blessings🙏and Love ❤ to John-Paul and Annie for creating these inspiring Novenas that greatly enrich my faith ✝️ and the faith of all who participate.

  36. I pray this novena, for the protection of my children Arianna and Matthew Rodriguez, for the health of my other and siblings. Also, for my finances to get better, remove anything that is blocking me for receiving what is owe to me. Also, I want to thank god for helping me find a place to live, Please help Mark open is eyes to the truth. Amen

  37. Pleased Help me pray for my daughter, almost 14, that suffers from Annorexia for over a year now.
    It is a painfull cross for the whole family, as we cannot help her. May our savior bless and heal her! He ist the most powerful doctor. And may he protect her three sisters and give us the strength and wisdom we need.
    Our Lady, queen of Peace, pray for us.

  38. Come Holy Spirit fill the Hearts of my family and I, and those of our enemies. Bring forth Your Spirit and renew the face of the earth. Bring all my family to conversion this day and always. I believe this to be Gods Will. I surrender this to our Dear Lord…I trust in You❣️ You take care of Everything💝
    In the most precious blood and Name of Jesus I pray🙏

  39. Repose of the soul John Douglas Johansson
    For unity in our church and all faiths
    For our business and to gain the help it needs to grow and serve people at the highest level for the glory of God
    For our finances
    For the heart break of Paula Johansson
    For the healing heart of Lupe & Polo Toko and children
    For my marriage that it may grow in holiness
    For my husband that he may continue to grow in his spiritual life
    My children to grow in holiness and zeal
    For the protection of unborn babies and their mothers
    For our country and the leadership that the Holy Spirit may drive out the darkness and shine Gods light into the world
    For my family’s health
    For the unity of my immediate and extended family to be in peace love and harmony

  40. Holy Spirit be with my son and daughter and granddaughters and spouses and that my daughters health be restored.

  41. Please pray for healing and pain pain control for my husband’s back.

    Also pray for my son’s heart to soften and for his protection.

    Thank you,

  42. Kindly help me pray for my son in boarding school to enjoy good health and understanding as he prepares for his 9th grade final exams. I also pray for myself to have a breakthrough in all my work. Grant me wisdom to deal with my situations. I pray for my own good health and God’s favour upon my life and all my children AMEN.

  43. For the upcoming birth of our granddaughter in August. For my children and grandson that they return to their Catholic faith. For Continued guidance, love and protection by the Holy Spirit in our everyday lives. For my siblings and their spouses. And lastly for my husband and me. Gods loving protection, guidance and love every day. Amen

  44. Please pray for my daughter, who is having problems with her lower back and hips.
    Also prayer that she will find her soulmate that will love her and take care of her.
    Thank you for your prayers

  45. Holy spirit come down and shine in our hearts and give us peace in my country, were we are having tough time with our non christian brothers in our catholic schools wanting to impose veil.

  46. Please help me in my prayers as I ask the Holy Spirit for the gift of functioning kidney’s for my husband, that he continue to have good health. I pray and ask in Jesus name, Amen!

  47. For the mental well-being of my 16-year old, that he may know God’s abiding presence and love to free him from despair and depression.

  48. I pray that the phone call I am waiting for come immediately. That i may continue to praise God even as i wait. I ask for speedy resolution of my divorce so that i can start a new life, one that God has prepared for me.

  49. Prayers for the blessings of the Holy Spirit to enter my life, and the life of my wife & 4 children. As we struggle during these tough financial times, our Faith has been seriously tested. And I am ashamed to say, that for me, I am failing this test. Please pray for me and my family that we may find the strength and faith to weather the storm. Blessings!

  50. Holy Spirit, I pray for supernatural patience as I await finality of my divorce proceedings. It has been long painful and frustrating. Let God give me supernatural patience and peace as i wait on Gods blessings and goodness which his promises have been spoken over my life. But may they not tarry. It can be very discouraging to wait when it feels like all I have done is wait. Help me to joyfully wait. May my hearts desires be granted not any second longer. I pray that my sons school fees are also settled.

  51. Healing and restoration on this side for my father. Deliver him from the cancer diagnosis. Save him to complete everything he should on this earth before he goes to be with God in heaven. Give him more good years in Jesus name.

  52. Dear Lord, confident in your love and mercy, I come to ask for your intercession for my son Ben as he’s still struggling to find You, and follow You. Please continue to guide him, and change his lifestyle. Let him experience true love in You! Send him strength, faith, confidence, peace, and all your love. Let him see that You exist and that life is totally better with You. He is such a great human being in need of your love, forgiveness and mercy. Please send down Your spirit to him and to all of us who need to be saved by You. You know every single one of my needs and troubles, and I trust them all to You, merciful Lord.

    I also pray for the intentions of my fellow novena prayers with total faith in You, my Lord.
    You’re my hope, my faith and my love. In You I trust.

  53. praying for Gods mercy, protection, Favour and direction for my family and I.

    praying for spiritual growth.

    praying for Exams success for Tsola, Sophie and Sisan.

    praying for financial breakthrough.

    praying for good health of mind and body.

  54. Increase in holiness for myself, wife and daughter as well as all members of our families of origin and their families

    Success in business venture for daughter, self, brothers, sister, niece.

    Financial freedom and management of finances

    Good health for family.

    Employment for single mother R.M., income to pay outstanding rent and protection from eviction.

  55. I pray earnestly for The generational dysfunction in my family being broken and for my daughters and especially my granddaughter let my wayward child find peace and get help and that my granddaughter grows up to blessed with unshakable Faith and lives a happy responsible adult.

  56. I am asking for prayer for healing of my bones as well as spiritual healing for my husband and myself, also that my son will come to know the Lord in a very profound way
    Thank you

  57. Good Day

    I might start this novena late but i know it never too late for God hearing my prayers and answer me.
    I ask to God send me the Holly spirit to heal my long-broken heart and to wipe my long tears that is kill me, with this relationship with my partner we’ve been dating for 7 years but He is Ashem of me Infront of people. and I’m too old to start dating other person as i pray to God to give me someone who goes to church like him. but the problem His cheating on me and it broke my heart as i love him so much i don’t want to lose him, please pray for me that God will come to his heart and send the Holly Spirit to his heart to be a good, honest caring husband to me and respect me as well (to pray for a healthy and happiest relationship ever) that He will forgive me and Love me more)

    To pray that God will send the Holly Spirit to my daughter and my Son and Grandson to come to church and for them to be calm respect to have good heart.

    To pray for God to send Holy Spirit that the incentives will be a successfully all of them.

    To pray that God will send the Holly Spirt to us Mary Anne, Mpumi and Xavier that we will be clawer in everything we touch and do to be Blessed and Successful
    to ask God to send Holly Spirit for my Sister Son Bandile to be healed and for Ncedi to be healed.

    I know that God will send the Holly Spirit to be help us as He promise He will do.

    I trust that we be healed and blessed.

  58. I am asking for prayer for healing of my bones as well as spiritual healing for my husband and myself

  59. Spirit of God fill my life that I may speak in other tongues in communion with the saints and a angels

  60. Plz pray for the Souls of My parents
    Lucille & Elroy Richard. They both lived good solid practicing Catholic lifes.
    I called my household the “Cleavers”, as I look back and felt like I had the perfect household growing up. These folks were solid, but no denying when we get to the end, its scary and something unlike any other. Its different for all of us, no instructions. May God keep his arms around them.
    God Bless to all…

  61. Praying for the gifts of the Holy Spirit for my daughter, husband and son and myself.
    Praying in a special way for the strength and restoration of my marriage. I pray for my finances … praying I will get a bonus.
    Praying for the 7 gifts of the Holy Spirit and the 12 fruits of the Holy Spirit for my daughter and myself.

  62. Undergoing double radical mastectomy at noon today and would appreciate prayers for a successful outcome, no complications, minor pain and quick re cooperation without recurrance.

  63. Heal A F and peace of mind and Aunt can learn to walk again Peace in grieving for deceased husband. Thank you

  64. God will undo the knots in my life. Bless me with a job and undo the many financial knots in my life.

  65. Holy Spirit, I come to you today asking for the grace of patience in my waiting for the inspectors to show up and for Danny to complete his project and return home. Give me strength, love and hope that everything goes well in this phase. Bless my family and friends and keep us safe. Amen

  66. Oh Holy spirit locate me in your Mercy, come fill me with your presence, wisdom and knowledge. In Jesus Christ name I pray 🙏🙏

  67. For my children to grow with an intimate relationship to Jesus through Mary. For Joy in their lives and especially for guidance in my daughter’s relationships and that she will have a best friend:
    # 1. Jesus and Mary and #2. an earthly best friend. For my son to raise his children with the love of JESUS as their Messiah.

  68. In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen Holy Spirit I pray for favor to be placed on my marriage. I pray for love, patience, kindness towards my husband. I pray for love, laughter and friendship with my husband. Holy Spirit please give me the insight to stay silent and listen. Not to interrupt. To listen and answer thoughtfully. To do loving deeds for my husband. For me to slow down and appreciate all he had made for us. Thank you Lord. I know my acts are disrespectful and I want to end the way I act because it is hurtful and unloving. Please help me to be a better person and loving caring wife. Holy Spirit please bless my husband with love, light, comfort, meaningful work and friendship. I pray these things in Jesus Christ name. Amen

  69. Please Holy Spirit come to me and never leave. Please let all go well with my surgery. Help me to get through the pain after and I beg you oh powerful Paraclete please please please let this surgery heal me, all of me.
    I thank you and I love you and I worship you.

  70. For my Aunt to be open to getting the care that she needs and for all those who care for her in any way.

  71. Holy Spirit please help my son David with his mental illness and addiction.
    I pray my daughter find a remote position with a good salary.
    May they both return to their Catholic faith.
    Praying for peace in our troubled world.

    Let it be God our Father’s will. Amen

  72. Praying for divine will of God upon my children Rita and Martin as they await their visas to come home

  73. my son & his family’s return to church
    Mental, physical & spiritual health of my family
    my return to the sacraments
    addiction issues with family

  74. Please pray for my daughter to have joy in her life and to help her make good choices for her future. Also for my sister Bridget who has been in the dark for many years. Help her see the light of Christ and have more joy in her life. Thank you.

  75. Please pray that I find a great job where I will be able to stay until I decide to retire. I am with out a job.

  76. I pray for my grandson’s health. He has walking Pneumonia. I pray his medicine works quickly and he has a fast recovery.

  77. For my older sister, who has been away from the church for some time and seems to be pulling further away from the Faith and our family. Please pray that she may receive the graces she needs and be touched positively by the people in her life to come back to God.

  78. I pray for peace in our home and between my husband and I. I pray for generational healing of characteristics that are damaging. I pray that I will become the wife and mother God created me to be and that my children are always under the protection of the immaculate Heart of Mary, the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the most Pure heart of St. Joseph.
    Prayers for all of the intentions listed here.