Prayer Intentions for the St. Peregrine Novena

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We start praying the St. Peregrine Novena for Cancer Patients on Monday, January 9th. You can share your prayer intentions with us all below! We’re praying for you!

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  1. Walter M – cancer returned
    Karen R – chemo not working
    Sandy T – in chemo
    Dave W’s wife – in hospice

  2. Please pray for the physical healing of KAR – she does not have cancer but there is some health concerns going on in her body that are causing great pain and discomfort & this is robbing her of joy and peace. In Jesus’s name I ask you to pray for healing in KAR’s body to remove all the pain and suffering she is experiencing. Amen

  3. My 96 year old mother has been hospitalized since Christmas morning with delusions caused by medicine conflicts. Please pray for her recovery and comfort as she, and we, are deciding steps for her care.

  4. My intentions are that my daughter’s(Reshma) pending thyroid biopsy results come back negative and that she will be given the best medical treatment and soon be back to good health.

  5. St Peregrine intercede forNeha Nikita healNehas Nikitaseyes and uterus heal them completely from PCOS problem heal Jairuss Kidneys from cancer heal Nehas throat and eyes completely from auto immune disease heal Judy from cancer depression anxiety sleeplessness fearmentaldisorder,heal John Pauls mother from cancer.

  6. I have to have a cancer CT I’m my lungs. I had breast cancer and every year have to be screened.
    Your prayers will be a blessing for me.

  7. My husband has blockages in both legs and will need to be referred to a vascular surgeon. He is 82 and has so many challenges in his lifetime including prostate cancer and has accepted all of them. I am asking for God to provide us with a good doctor and I pray that the procedure will not be a difficult one. I am also asking God to give me strength and faith to help my husband. We are both tired, weary and scared. God bless you all🙏

  8. ~ ~ Dennis Max Werking, In ICU, doctors have determined he is too weak to receive needed dialysis for his failing kidneys. continue prayers.

    ~ Skylin, 3 yrs old hasn’t kept anything down for pass 3 days. Taking her to ER.

    ~ Tootie Neumann, surgery when well, but found out she have a small fracture in her back. Most probably from one of the falls. Continue prayers.

    ~ ~ Elsa’s surgery went well and she got home last tonight. Continue prayers.

    ~ Christian Unity (Jan 18-Jan 25), pray for all the parishes in the diocese of Salt Lake City.

    ~ Ricky, spiritual enlightenment, and comfort and protection while he’s away from home.

    Repose of soul;
    ~ Br. Francisco García Torrientes.
    ~ Br. José Antonio Vera López.

  9. We ask God healing mum soul and body, my mum is having Parkinson , God healing my mum , and open her heart let she love all people around her please. Let her don’t want money from me anymore, let her healthy , peace in God. God healing my oldest son from drug addiction, delivering the voice he hear all the time from his brain and head . God let him return back to God , let him love God above of everything. Let him peace , happy, joyful in God, in the name of Jesus I pray. Lord Jesus I trust in you .Amen.

  10. I’ve been praying St Peregrine Novena; hope my intentions can be included. My prayers are for my sister and cousin. I hope their test results will be good. I hope my family shares genuine love with each other.
    Thank you

  11. Pray that St peregrine heal my legs and body weakness.Also pray for my cousin cecilia to heal from addiction. I pray for my family and Thank God for the prayer answers for a job.

  12. For Loes, who is diagnosed with cancer. For het husband and their young children. I pray for strength and healing.

  13. Nick has a sarcoma in the back of his left thigh that wraps around his sciatic nerve. He’s had 8 infusions of chemo and 24 rounds of radiation. He’s now ready for surgery to remove sarcoma.

  14. Through the intercession of St. Peregrine and the Blessed Mother, I pray that Jesus would heal…

    🙏 my Daugher, Jennifer completely of Cancer, and after having Chemotherapy, Radiation and a Bilateral Masectomy, I pray the Cancer is errsdicated forever.
    🙏Rachael, whose Cancer has aggressively returned for the second time.
    🙏 Herb, who has suffered through a variety of procedures for Throat Cancer. I pray that he is Cancer free.
    🙏 Chuck, who just returned home following surgery to remove Cancer from his Colon. I pray that they were able to find and remove all traces of Cancer.
    🙏 Lora who just had a Stroke. I pray that she has no residual effects from the Stroke.
    🙏 Mary Jo, who I just learned has Alzheimer’s. I pray that she receives all the love, support and care necessary for her to thrive as much as possible.
    🙏 Baby Tate, who has multiple health issues. May he grow up to be a healthy and happy little boy.
    🙏 Lily who has a rare autoimmune disease that could cause her to lose her vision.
    🙏 Janice, who suffers intense pain in her back. I pray for the least invasive treatment to alleviate her suffering.
    🙏 all the intentions mentioned on the Holy Cross Prayer Line.
    🙏 America from the radical, anti-life Socialistic, Communistic ideals proposed by the left, so that our Country can return to the Judeo-Christian principles upon which we were founded.
    🙏 me, so that the Blood Test I took today does not affirm that I am a Diabetic, but rather that I am not.

    ✝️ I would like to offer Thanksgiving for countless answered prayers, which I attribute to answers received from praying these Novenas. Additionally I would also like to thank John-Paul and Annie for providing these inspiring Novenas, which greatly enrich the faith of countless followers all over the world! Sending Blessings 🙏 and Love💖 to everyone praying this Novena to St. Peregrine.

  15. My brother has been sick for about two months now and they can’t find out what’s wrong with him they first thought it was his liver because he had jaundice but now they are looking more towards his pancreas and we will not know anything for another month or so !!Prayers for my brother Ellis and relief from all that he is suffering from in Jesus name

  16. For : Jerry Williams who was recently diagnosed with cancer & for everyone else suffering with cancer. May God keep them in his care, amen.

  17. Please pray for my daughter Kathleen. That the late stage ovarian cancer that she suffers from may have a complete remission . We need a miracle. Her sister Maureen was taken from us 4 years ago with the same cancer.

  18. Please pray for my son who is a recovering addict and my brother. Pray that they may find salvation through Jesus which will bring them health and happiness

  19. Dear St Pelegrín
    Please pray for my daughter to take and pass her board exams and to for God to remove the spirit of fear on me in Jesus Christ mighty name amen

  20. Please pray for me also I need your prayers my family has something to go through right now most especially my marriage with my husband as well as with my health for I am overthink everything please pray for me that god will give me the strength to overcome everything with gratitude and compassion despite for this people whom I have wrong praying for the broken relationships please pray for me that god will take all the pain I felt right now and choose to forgive those people who have wronged me.Praying as well for my sleep and my headache and my anxietys and depression in Jesus name this I ask through Christ Our Lord Amen.
    Thank You Annie and Paul for all the prayers and I will pray you as well most esp.your mom that Jesus will touch here and heal her,🙏.

  21. Dear st Pelegrín
    Please pray for me so that I will win my court case with my ex husband who married another woman and left me with my 3 children after 9 years now wants to come after my pension and my house let him be disappointed in court in Jesus Christ mighty name amen

  22. Pray for Gregg, George, Anna, Bonnie and Colleen who are going through cancer. Please cure them of this disease. Please also do not let me have cancer. Thank you for answered prayers ahead of time. GOD IS GOOD. AMEN

  23. Prayers for my brother Brian who suffers terribly from venomous insufficiency, COPD, history of alcoholic family and failed relationships. He needs a true miracle.
    Thank you, Alyce Sibley Ill

  24. St. Peregrine, May God bring his healing powers to all sufferings and heal the hearts and comfort the souls and provide strength, hope, courage and love to all families going through such difficult period. Bless this world with kindness and mercy from above, amen

  25. Good Morning Lord

    1.This year bless me with a divine companion that is after your heart, someone who is close to you, loves and serves you.
    He should be independent financially as well as mature and motivated to be useful and of service to humanity as well.
    2. I pray for peace and unity in our family.
    3. Please let this be a fruitful, fulfilling and productive year for me.


  26. Good evening John-Paul&Anne, thank you so much for always spending time in sending me more novenas, please include my family in your prayer to have a good health always, and please pray for the conversion of my husband that he knows how to handle financially and all his vices. Please include in your prayers for the early on board of my husband because we have a lot of bills need to pay and my salary is not enough to pay for it. And please include me your prayers also this coming March 18, 2023 is the day of my NCLEX examination, that i will be able to understand the questions clearly and select the correct answer. Help me to pass the NCLEX exam in just 1. Include also my colleague that are planning to take NCLEX as well.

  27. St.Peregrine please intercede for all cancer patients for the courage and strength that they need to go through the pain and sufferings, especially for Felix, Assumption, Rajesh. Please also intercede for cancer survivors that they be healed completely and the cancer does not recur, especially for Joan Soares, Joaquin, Shanju, Danny,Bunna.
    Please intercede for little children suffering from cancer that the good Lord will touch them and heal them and ease their pain and suffering.
    Please intercede for us to be protected from cancer.
    Thank you St.Peregrine for your powerful intercession.

  28. My daughter in law has a lump on her breast waiting on scan but praying fervently that it’s nothing sinister thank you for your prayers xx

  29. For an end to abortion, contraception, fornication, and adultery. For the souls in Purgatory. For Pope Francis and all the clergy and seminarians.

  30. I have been joining you in prayer, during this special Novena, for all who have been affected by cancer.
    Please pray for my grandson Kai, who was diagnosed with leukemia in 2021 at the tender age of 3. May God hear our prayers and bless each one of you.
    Jesus, we trust in You. 🙏

  31. Alex Meave is a young man with cancer who has reached the end of all treatments without positive results. Please keep him in prayer for a miracle healing and for the grace to accept God’s will in his life whatever the Divine Will is to be. Alex has a young son who is 3 years old. His mother and siblings have rallied around him and have been a source of great support.
    Please Dear Lord, Listen to our pleas — we need a miracle!

  32. I pray for continued mental/physical healing, prosperity(and to not to be over work and to hire another Engineer) spiritual and physical protection. Also pray for uniting my wife and kids sooner than later.

  33. Prayer Warriors requesting prayers for;

    ~ Sharon Jackson, right hip surgery today.

    ~ Bill Birt. In hospital he has blood clots and getting better, please continue prayers.

    ~ Anthony Wakefield, need radiation treatment for cancer, please pray for over all health improvement.

    ~ Linda White, had knee and leg surgery, continue pray for proper healing.

    ~ Gavin Stockwell, 10 years old. He has had cancer for years and just diagnosed with bone cancer.

    ~ Daniela, who had double mastectomy on Wednesday, she is 43 and has 2 little daughters.

    ~ Kevin, a little boy with double pneumonia who is gravely ill in the hospital.

    ~ Jolayne Leftwich, she had a EGD and have GERD done and Lesions on her esophagus.

    ~ Peru, please keep praying for the social disorders in Peru, they have been several attacks with dead people.

    ~ Our condolences to Rodrigues and Socco, family.

    Repose of soul;
    ~ Officer Juan Carlos Socco.
    ~ Solange de Souza Rodrigues.

    💫 St. Peregrine, Pray for us!
    💫 Holy Name of Jesus. Pray for us!
    💫 Infant Jesus, Pray for us!
    💫 O Mary, Mother of the Redeemer, pray for us! Amen 🙏

  34. For my dad. Who had a successful brain surgery on Tuesday to remove a cancerous tumor. For the healthcare providers at Cleveland clinic who do this everyday and try to save lives all around them. For my dads recovery and healing process. For my two uncles who are also battling cancer. And for all of their care providers.

  35. January 12, 2023

    Tonight, I learned tonight, that my step sister Dot, has been diagnosed with stage 3b cancer and that two days ago, she started her chemo and radiation therapies. Our brother Ronnie, told me that “Dot has a very positive attitude about it all, she has given all this to God, and she reminded our brother, that she is a fighter, and she is going to fight this cancer with everything she’s got.”

  36. St Peregrine intercede forNeha Nikita healNehas Nikitaseyes and uterus heal them completely from PCOS problem heal Jairuss Kidneys from cancer heal Nehas throat and eyes completely from auto immune disease, heal Judy from cancer depression anxiety sleeplessness fearmentaldisorder, deliver JohnPauls mother and SrMary from cancer.

  37. praying for healing, strength and endurance for Clayton. Lift him up and surround him with love. Keep Lori strong throughout his ordeal.

  38. For my dear friend Aimee McLane who was just diagnosed with brain cancer.. may she have a complete and total recovery ❤️

  39. Please pray for the healing from pancreatitis which I have for 2 months and abdominal pain with severe acid reflex .
    Please pray that I will be healed completely and have no future problems with any possible cancerous cells.
    God have Mercy on us
    St Peregrine pray for us
    Thank you and God bless you

  40. My prayer intention is to Thank God for gift of conception and pray to him to help me go through the whole journey smoothly until I deliver through normal way without any complications and to protect my unborn child so as it doesn’t get any complications. And that we may always remedy to pray and thank him for the great things he has done in our lives.

  41. Please pray for my cousin Roberta who is suffering from cancer and she just lost her only son from cancer. Thank you

  42. Dear St Peregrine,
    You have been a positive example for offering suffering to God. Please help those who are praying this novena, and provide healing and or support to those who have encountered cancer, especially my sister, S.,my brother, P., and my friend, M. I also seek your help to support my husband who has difficulty forgiving and allowing good people to come into his life through tolerance and acceptance. I thank you and pray for courage and strength
    to accept God’s will for my life, and to fight for the right to life. In God’s Name, I thank you.

  43. Thanking God for the gift of family.
    St. Peregrine please intercede for my family for healing of mental, emotional. Spiritual and physical health. Please also intercede for those who are addicted to alcohol.
    Also praying fir Carol who passed away from cancer. May her soul rest in peace.
    St. Peregrine we trust our Lord Jesus for healing and restoration. Amen

  44. For the healing of John-Paul’s mother, as well as for the healing from the chronic diseases of Nika, Martin, Mirjana and Sven! Let the Lord be praised!

  45. Lord Jesus Christ please help me so that my marriage between me Grace Patrick and Solomon Starrets come to pass in Jesus name,Amen🙏

  46. For my diagnosis of leiomyosarcoma tumor that first started out on my vena cava and has now moved to the pancreas and duodenum. I am now starting a new oral targeted chemo now. I pray that the tumor shrinks substantially so they can operate and get me back on track to be there for my family. Please Saint Peregrine pray for me and watch over my daughter who has the same cancer gene. In the Lord we pray. Amen

  47. Pray for a brother in law dealing for cancer. Saint Peregrine to heal him.
    And myself that I will have a peace that come from God.

  48. Please help Leasa and E heal. Please let my appointment go well. Please help Matthews mental health. Thanks so much.

  49. Praying for Roy.. cancerous leg, Alice, Lilian, Gertrude, Santa, Mwene wa Augustine, Nabulwala, Chris, my teeth and my interior tumultuous turmoil .

  50. Bruce was diagnosed with a brain tumor on Thursday of last week. He had it removed Saturday. Please pray for miraculous healing. Doctors have estimated that he has 8-12 months.

  51. I pray to be saved from blindness, saved from cancer in all its forms and spared from COVID in all its variants.
    I pray to be cured of Fuchs’dustrophy. I pray for forgiveness from all my sins and life everlasting in Heaven. I pray for financial assistance, and that I be saved from hardship, poverty, homelessness and bankruptcy. Please provide me with funds to restore my former middle class life, oh God
    Please forgive my mother Irene May St. Bernard Archer all her sins and bring her to life everlasting in Heaven.

  52. Please pray for good health and healing of all our ailments. Keep us safe all the days of our lives. I ask this for the spouse, me, my children, children in law, grandchildren, siblings and their families. Keep my sister and brothers safe and healthy. Keep my children and their families safe in their travels. May my daughter and her family find financial solutions. May my children’s and their spouses jobs be safe. Help my youngest son and his wife to resolve their visas problems soon.

  53. My family is healed and peaceful. Saturday goes well with no tension or disappointment. My son’s trip is wonderful. Help us please.

  54. Thank you Jesus, I am having an interview with Niagara health on Monday the 16th of January.please God let me be hired in Jesus name.Amen

  55. Please pray for Gregg, George, Anna, Bonnie and Colleen who are going through cancer. Please heal and comfort them. Please also be with me so I will not have cancer. Thank you for answered prayers ahead of time. GOD IS GOOD. AMEN

  56. Stage 3 endometrial cancer age 25. For wisdom on all treatment options and courage to act. For those providing treatment that they will provide truthful information.

  57. Praying for my cousin Shelley who is suffering from cancer(breast, lungs, spine and had now spread to the bones in her legs).

    Praying for my dear friend Mary who was cancer free for 20 years and had now found another tumor in her breast. Starting treatment again tomorrow.

    Praying for my friend Tim who has gone through surgery and treatment for esophagus cancer.

  58. I also ask prayers that through God’s love and Mercy, I get good results from the test of eye pressure due to glaucoma.
    Thank you

  59. I just wanted to comment, at how many seek healing, we truly need healing for those that have not come up for a cure.
    Although a ‘vaccine’ came into effect for a virus that is curable, look at all those suffering….truly we need Godly men and women to come up with a cure for cancer… it can be done, but is is not done.
    So many suffer, the treatment is worse than the disease! how many fundraisers, how many can happen before these doctors release a cure and they have it! I TRULY BELIEVE that!

  60. Please pray for my Aunt Nanette for continuing healing of breast cancer, and for God to give her courage and healing as she goes through treatment.
    Thank you

  61. Please pray for my brother Anthony, that the Lord will heal him from :anxiety, depression, intense panic attacks , fear, gout, heart disease, diabetes, and all the medical problems that he has.
    May the Lord heal him emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually.
    I’m also praying for my friend Dorothy, that the Lord will heal her from breast cancer.

  62. St. Peregrine, I come in prayer asking for healing for my brother Kinsley and his family that they may receive the grace of God our father. Bless Helen in hospice and give her faith and comfort. Bless all those who are in sickness and provide health to their mind and body. I pray and give thanks for all the great healing provided and given to this world by our lord and savior Jesus Christ. Great blessings received from heaven, amen

  63. For my 9-year old granddaughter, who seems to be going through emotional issues or depression – that it can be properly diagnosed and treated, and that her parents may recognize the cause of this and take the proper action going forward in her life.

  64. My prayers for continue healing and thanks giving my son Dwayne who had Leukemia with God’s Blessings after 2 years of chemotherapy in his spine and brain he is doing good, my sister Marilyn with breast cancer and thyroid cancer, and my co- workers Heather, Shelley and friend Ann Marie with breast cancer may their lives continue with good health Amen.

  65. Dear St. Peregrine please heal Isabelle F. From recurring cancer & give healing especially to children who suffer from cancer. Bless all thedr caring for them &au a cure be found for all cancers. Thank you for hearing these prayers in Jesus name. Amen

  66. Praying for complete recovery and good health of body spirit and soul in Christ.
    Salvation of souls
    Increase in compassion for the poor, orphan and widows.
    Praying for world peace.
    Financial breakthroughs and favour.

  67. Kelly
    All are fighting breast cancer.
    J breast cancer that metastasized to the bone
    Todd M – prostate cancer
    Mrs S – advanced breast cancer with widespread metastasis
    Thank you 🙏🏻

  68. I was just diagnosed with a left temporal brain tumor. I will start chemo and radiation in a couple of weeks. I pray that the treatment will work and shrink the tumor. Positive results.
    I pray your Mom will get well.

  69. My husband has stage 4 kidney cancer and is going through Immunotherapy. Being immune compromised he is prone to viruses, etc. Please pray that the infusion therapy helps and that he remains as healthy as possible.

    God bless!

  70. My sister Edna was diagnosed with cancer last August.She is going to start treatment on the 23rd January 2023.

    Recently she walks very slowly and needs someone to lean on

    I am asking for prayers

    In Jesus name thank you