Prayer Intentions for the St. Peregrine Novena

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We start praying the St. Peregrine Novena for Cancer Patients on Monday, January 9th. You can share your prayer intentions with us all below! We’re praying for you!

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  1. Prayer intention for:
    1. A friend EN suffering from cancer
    2. 20yr old son who has just been diagnosed with Bipolar 1.
    3. Mum with possible serious dementia/alzheimer
    Praying for spiritual, emotional and physical healing, patience, and understanding as we all manage these situations with love.

  2. My mum died of ovarian cancer years ago and it’s said to be hereditary..
    Oh St. Peregrine, may none of us children that she left behind suffer from any form of cancer, keep us all in good health of mind and body and may her soul find rest..
    Help my father to be comforted by your divine mercy..

  3. May the Lord by the Intercession of saint peregrine heart:John paul’s mother,claudine coirault,père remy. And other these also has that sickness but it doesn’t manifest

  4. For continued and complete healing after these months of surgery and chemo treatments I pray to Our Lord through St. Peregrine.

  5. Pls pray for God’s endless mercy and inexhaustible compassionate & the physical healing of:
    Cheryl Pringle breast cancer remission
    Rhonda Boyer breast cancer
    Virgie Reyes ovarian cancer
    Joe Decker throat cancer
    Angelito Cabaya Prostate cancer
    Howard Santiago pancreatic cancer
    Debbie Flaherty breast cancer
    Rosemary Anderson aneurysm near her heart
    Denise Cruz Vestibular paroxysmia
    Kaya Gladeau testicular cancer remission
    Gail Puhls lung cancer remission
    Todd Van Meter cancer remission
    Ira Pringle kidney disease, COPD
    In Jesus’ name, we pray
    Thank you

  6. St. Peregrine, we pray for;
    ~ Solange de Souza Rodrigues, she is in coma for 5 days after delivery. Her husband is so devastated. Pray for her baby and husband.

    ~ Susan,(Lora Tohill’s sister) been sick and is having difficulty eating so she is frail and needs to get her appetite to get her strength back. Thank you.

    ~ Michelle Savoie, she is 40 years with 4 kids had double mastectomy. Michelle’s surgery went well please continue pray for proper healing and good results for lymph node tests.

    ~ Ariel is having seizures and her birthday is this Sunday January 15, pray that she have seizure free birthday 🥳

    ~ Elsa and Marcelino, Continue prayers for their surgery today.

    ~ Fr. Joseph Hamilton, consolation.

    Repose of soul;
    ~ Cardinal. George Pell.

  7. I’ve diagnosed with abdominal cancer.I started treatment from 5 weeks ago need a lot more and a surgery.Thank you for praying for me .Amen 🙏

  8. For 17 yr. Old Delilah. Rare cancer
    Alan, in his last days with cancer
    In memory of out friends and family with cancer

  9. Pray for my mom in heaven and that she is cancer free. Pray for any family or friends that have cancer and for their recovery, healing and cure. Pray that myself, my husband, child brother or dad never gets cancer or any other close family members.

  10. Please pray that my husband’s cancer is completely gone and will not return. Please pray for Colleen and Jennifer – to be fully healed of their cancer.
    Please pray for conversion to faith in our God for my husband, son and daughter.

  11. Dear St. Peregrine,
    Please heal John-Paul’s mother of cancer and bring her comfort and peace while she recovers.
    I pray for healing of my teeth. I need a financial miracle to pay for dental expenses. God Bless this ministry!

  12. Please pray for my brothers Stan and Walter who have been battling cancer, as well as an elderly friend, Mike. Also asking prayers for my son to return to the faith along with his family.

  13. I pray for my wonderful friend Luisa Varona who is fighting the good fight against a brain tumor. May God continue to give her strength and healing to journey onward.

  14. My daughter is following a sick ideology that has her confused about her identity. I pray she is healed of this cancer of her mind, that she will come to know she is a beautiful daughter of God the Father, the very creator of her human nature. Thank you for praying for her healing with me. Her first initial is M.

  15. Please, I need a especial prayer intention for a spiritual battle in my marriage. I am praying for my husband’s conversion. Thank God and all my warrior prayers I am free of cancer but my bones are brittle due to the medication.
    God bless you all

  16. St Peregrine intercede forNeha Nikita heal Nehas throat and eyes completely from auto immune disease, heal Neha Nikitaseyes and uterus from PCOS problem, heal Jairuss Kidneys from cancer heal Judy from cancer depression anxiety sleeplessness fearmentaldisorder deliver us from comitting sins in thoughts words deeds and in dreams, deliver us from ancestral bondages physical emotional spiritual intellectual faculty.

  17. Dear St Peregrine,
    Please heal All cancer patients. Also please help my son Marlon heal from depression,
    anxiety and addiction. Please help him employ. I ask all these in Jesus Name Amen🙏🏼🙏🏼❤️❤️ Thank you

  18. Dear St.Peregrine please hear& answer everyones prayers on this novena! Please heal John-Paul’s mom of cancer and treatment works very well! Please heal me& my 2 adult kids,their dad,myself from Covid! Help my dad not get Covid or anyone who came under his roof! Heal all animosity & bitterness/blame that my family likes to do to us(especially my mean-spirited brothers and their wives/ex wives,& most of their adult kids! Prayer safe travels& graces for my son & team in 2 week adventure& good health!Protect us from all unsafe persons,harm,danger& from all evil! Heal all cancer patients! JESUS I TRUST IN YOU!

  19. Please pray for those who are sick and suffering in my life. Especially Betty, Alana, Richard, Sylvia, and all others that need prayer from St. Peregrine

  20. For my youngest sister the baby of our large family and everyone’s admitted favorite who has battled brain cancer for 14 years and now is struggling with what seems to be end stage issues with much difficulty. May she be miraculously healed or at least given much grace and comfort for her and her immediate family.
    For my older sister in her so far successful battle against uterine cancer who has dealt with much suffering in other ways for decades.
    For myself in a nearly 20 year “relationship” of dealing with cancer including a transplant with many ongoing complications and suffering.
    May God heal us all in whatever way he chooses and give us and our families the grace and strength to accept His Divine Will.

  21. Dearest St.Peregrine,my brother Alejandro
    Peralta Jr. is critically ill again his vital organs, heart, lungs,kidneys, liver are all diseasesd and failing. I am pleading to You
    for his miraculous healing and hope to live.
    I’m pleading to You O Holy Saint Peregrine, to please bless him with Your healing touch .
    Please intercede Him to Jesus Christ, in order that my brother Alejandro will come to serve Jesus throughout the rest of his life.
    Thank You Jesus, I Trust in You. Amen

  22. Please pray for all of my family and friends who are suffering from Cancer. May they all be cured from this dreadful disease.

  23. Please pray for my cousin Sam. He has had two very serious back surgeries. After 5 months, he unable to walk and has lost 70% of his muscle. Sam has been in a hospital or rehab facility since August. He’s getting depressed.
    Please pray for miracle for him.

  24. St. Peregrine , please pray for: healing of John-Paul’s mother, Jimmy Orlet, those in our prayer line, those I’m praying for and offered to pray for; Mary Beth, healing of Jimmy’s sore in his mouth, and side of my mouth, to get rid of the smoking addiction of Matthew, and the addictions of Grace and Raymond, the healing of Nikki; the healing of all our illnesses and ailments of body, mind and spirit , to keep us away from these diseases especially those serious ones! Thank you St. Peregrine!

  25. Please pray for my sister in law,D
    & a great friend, M.
    Both have Cancer. One is ovarian & the other has melanoma.
    Thank you for your prayers.

  26. Please include in your intentions, my brother who suffers from asthma and my sister-in-law who is facing the dangers of breast cancer. May the Lord strengthen them, give them comfort and healing in their their unfortunate health conditions. May I also request that you remember in your prayers all those who are in the dangers of pneumonia, diabetes, hypertension, and kidney failure. Further, may I request that you remember those who have been in financial difficulties due to these conditions, and remember also in your prayers those who died of these dreaded diseases. Amen.

  27. My husband will begin treatments for prostate cancer in a few weeks. I pray for his healing and his strength during the process& for discernment in choosing his plan.

  28. I have been coughing for the last 3-4 months. Taken drugs and had medical checkups and all is negative. This cough disturbs my sleep. Sorry I have joined you late.

  29. I pray for healing and recovery for Angus who suffers from bowel cancer and we cannot imagine how to go on without him.
    Please GOD give him strength and hope.

  30. My intentions are for my father, Michael, who suffer from cancer. He has metastasis in the bones. God please show us Your mercyfull love, heal him and give him strength.

  31. My dear Jesu have mercy on Michael- in hospital no diagnosis but rambling in the past. He’s still young cast out his torments and please heal him body, mind,spitit. In Jesus’ name. Amen 🙏 The same since December 4th.

  32. Healing from a virus, getting back to health/strength/peace/patience and endurance with God. Healing from a broken marriage and for my kids.

  33. Dear Jesus/Mary/All Saints: Please I pray for my dad who passed away 01-06-23 in the nursing home. May he rest in peace, and no longer suffers from the Alzheimer’s disease that took him. I pray for my siblings, that we can all get along, and have strong faith to get through the next few days together. I pray for my husband, that his upcoming surgery will go well, and his health will get better. I pray for our 3 adult children, their spouses/girlfriends that they are all happy/successful in their jobs, health is good, and faith will grow daily. I pray for our 2 grandsons that they will be healthy, and please protect them from all evil. We thank you for what you have blessed us with. Please help us to pray more often, and we love you Jesus. Amen.

  34. Merciful Father please, grant special healings to all cancer patients and protect us all from every deadly diseases. Pour down your divine mercy and grace on us all through Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.

  35. Please pray for Hedy who is suffering from brain cancer. She has had 2 surgeries, done chemo and radiation as well as trials that have been offered to her. The tumor is once again growing and except for another round of radiation there is nothing else that can be done for her except prayer. I pray for her family that is struggling with this news. I pray that they all stay faithful and continue to lift Hedy up in their prayers. May God’s Will be done and may the family be able to accept His Will if God decides to take Hedy home to her eternal rest. Amen

  36. My intentions are for my brother-in-law, Charlie, who has chronic kidney issues and is smoking. Although he has cut down, I need prayers that he will stop, much sooner rather than later before he has something else more serious. He is now passing kidney stones as we speak and is having such a hard time. Please help me pray for him. I want so much that he does the right thing to make things less painful.

  37. Prayers for healing of a 11 year old boy A who has had a difficult life with lots of sadness. My intentions are that he opens up to my daughter. I pray that he will find a true friendship with my daughter, who is also alone and needing another 11 year old friend.

  38. Prayers for all cancer patients
    Prayers for my father to be a father to his children
    Prayers for my brothers & sisters that we can remain a family
    Prayers for Johnny’s lungs

  39. I am late posting this. Special prayers for Tyler who is at Roswell Cancer facility, Buffalo, NY. & for his father who is so very concerned.
    I dont have details but cancer is relentless.
    I am posting for a friend who asked me to do this.

  40. Prayers for healing of a blood cancer that I am told has no cure. Pray the blood disease remain stable and that it not progress. With God all Things are possible – Luke 1:27. Our Heavenly Father spoke the Universe into existence and I trust he will heal my bone marrow. I ask in the name of his Son, Jesus who tells us in John 14:14 “you may ask me anything in my name and I will do it”. I trust in God and know that His will is best for me. And, know that God’s timing is perfect and in due time, I will be healed. Isaiah 60:22.

  41. John has cancer.
    J.W. congestive heart failure.
    Pray for John’s treatments to kill the cancer.
    Pray for J.W’s medication and doctor’s care continue to help her stay active

  42. Njeri healing from Crohn’s
    Peter healing from long covid pulmonary
    Dorothy healing from long COVID myalgia
    Mum Millicent thanksgiving for colorectal cancer remission
    Mum Teresia healing from arthritis and low blood pressure

  43. Help me pray for my mom Elizabeth who has mouth cancer.
    May our almighty God heal her and bring her back to happiness in Jesus mighty Name Amen

  44. Praying for my family dog who’s undergoing treatment for lymphoma, my high school teacher with liver cancer, and my friend’s father who had to return to chemo for cancer.

  45. Almighty God:
    I ask that you cure these three individuals I know of their cancers, just as you intervened for your servant, Peregrine.

  46. Please pray for John F. who has a form of cancer for awhile but cancer medications are causing issues in other areas

  47. Please pray for Scot who has been battling (rather successfully) a debilitating disease most of his life and has now been diagnosed with another very rare illness that has significantly impaired his quality of life. Please pray the treatment he recently received will have a positive effect and will improve his overall health to at least a point where he can function somewhat normally. Also, please pray for my friends and family members who have been diagnosed with cancer and other illnesses that they may find cures and move forward to have a fulfilling and enjoyable life.

  48. Please pray for me that I can truly abandon myself to Jesus and Let Him take over!! I am powerless to change anything… except my total surrender to His will for me.

  49. I pray for my health, swollen feet, back pain and left hand pain
    I pray for my church leader’s diabetic for his healing’
    I pray for my brothers prostate cancer detection healing
    I pray for my aunts chronic illnesses. Let St Peregrine intercede on our behalf.

  50. My prayer intentions are for mental health, there is so much depression, anxiety, and despair in this world. First of all, I want to ask for healing of my soul and mental health. Without healing, I have no compassion for anything or anyone, Lord, hear my prayers.

  51. My cousin was diagnosed 6 months ago with esophageal cancer and it has spread to his liver. He is having a rough time. Very much in need of prayers.

  52. I wish to prey for Mary Derr who has an aggressive form of breast cancer. She has a young son and needs to be there for him as he is in the spectrum. She is a single mom 🙏🙏

  53. Please pray for my sister in law. She has breast cancer and will be discerning the next step with her surgeon either lumpectomy or mastectomy.

  54. prayers for George. recently had repeat surgery for cancer spot near eye optic nerve. prayers for healing. prayers it does not spread to the other eye. thank you for praying.

  55. Please pray for complete miraculous healing/remission of my friend dealing with Stage 4 cancer t/o areas of her body. Pleas upon this prayer Dear Lord & St Peregrine🙏🏼🙏🏼

  56. prayers for my neighbor, Rita who has lung cancer. Prayers for a good friend, Andy who has pancreatic and liver cancer.

  57. Please pray for Mary, Kent, Eileen and John-Paul’s mom. I wish to include all those who continue to suffer. .. and the women and men who work tirelessly with the help of God to find a cure.

  58. Chris Brooks
    William Edwards
    Sheri Dennis
    The Dennis Family
    Mary Greer
    The Edwards Family
    David Monda
    All people suffering from cancer, disease of all kinds and mental illnesses

  59. prayers for Dan. return of cancer spot on lung. also has separate issue of lung fibrosis. cancer treatment started last Friday. Healing prayers for both conditions. preferably a miracle. Thank you for your prayers.

  60. Pray for a neice about to undergo cancer surgery. Also, for my husband Henry who sttuggles with Parkinson’s and dementia.

  61. Dionne E. terminal illness diagnosis – increase in faith and the ability to offer sufferings up to the Lord.
    Kim A. terminal cancer – peace and surrender

  62. Dear St. Peregrine,

    Please keep your watchful eye and healing hands on some of my dear sweet friends, especially Miss Ava. At 10 years old, she is battling a tumor that continues to grow near her eye. Please help to bring a calm to the spread so she can continue to share a sweet smile to her amazing parents. I also ask that you watch over our dear neighbor Super Drew, who is also battling a tumor in his brain, and recently went through surgery. He just went home yesterday but needs your help so he can continue to heal. I also ask that you watch over the many friends I have who have or who continue to have thyroid cancer like me. I am grateful for my healing and ask that you help these others who continue to suffer and if it be God’s will that healing come and at minimum peace come to them as they brave the effects of their treatments.

  63. Please pray for healing for my Mom, my husband, Brandon and my brother Jason. All dealing with potentially serious health issues.
    Thank you so very much.

  64. Please remember Elizabeth M. who has been struggling with cancer for the past several months and who is now in her last days on hospice care. And for her family and friends who are supporting her along with navigating through all their own emotions, fears, and grief.
    Also, for Danny S. as he undergoes surgery on Jan. 12th to remove a growth in his pituitary gland.
    And for Tim K . . . may he find healing, comfort, and peace as he struggles with many physical and especially mental challenges. Prayers requested especially for those who are trying so hard to help him.

  65. 1. For Melody Feeler to be cancer free.
    2. For Amy Gillespie’s cure from cancer.
    3. For Mark Wolfe’s stabilization from bipolar disorder.
    4. For Barb Biasiolli’s cure from cancer.
    5. For Bill Price’s cute from cancer.
    6. For Barbara Lankford’s cure from cancer.
    7. For an end to cancer.

  66. Please pray that Darren and Vicki will have a normal healthy baby. Please pray that Vicki and the baby will remain healthy through the pregnancy and afterwards and that there will be no complications with the delivery of the baby. Please pray that Syl’s doctors will be able to regulate his medications to prevent his Afib attacks. Please pray that Sharon’s symptoms from Parkinson’s will lessen and the progression of the disease slow down. Please pray that Rhett and Lacy will be able to conceive and that they will have a normal healthy baby.

  67. Please pray to heal my body, fill me with strength and energy. Also please pray for my horse Davis. He is suffering with several ailments. Thank you!