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As we enter into the month of August, join us in praying one or more of these novenas by following along with the prayers on our website or by signing up to have the daily prayers sent straight to your inbox.
We’ll announce the next community novena soon — that’s the one we all pray together as a community, once a month :)
Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
The Catholic Church dedicates each month to a special devotion, and it dedicates August to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
This particular devotion came from Pope Pius XII, who following the requests of Our Lady of Fatima to spread devotion to her, established the Feast of the Immaculate Heart on August 22. This feast was later switched with the Queenship of Mary, but the monthly devotion remained.
While you can pray the Novena to the Immaculate Heart of Mary anytime during this month, you may choose to pray it beginning August 14 leading up to the Feast of the Queenship of Mary. As you offer your prayer, remember Mary’s words at Fatima: “In the end, my Immaculate Heart will Triumph.”
The Novena to Saint Maximilian Kolbe
We remember Franciscan martyr Saint Maximilian Kolbe primarily for his display of heroic virtue and self-sacrificial love as a prisoner in Auschwitz. While imprisoned in the concentration camp, Kolbe offered his life in place of another man sentenced to die by starvation.
The Church turns to him as the patron saint of those struggling with addiction to drugs and eating disorders, as well as families and the Pro-life movement. So no matter your need, consider praying to this holy man.
The Novena to Saint Maximilian Kolbe begins August 6th.
The Solemnity of the Assumption commemorates the Blessed Mother’s body and soul being brought up to heaven at the end of her earthly life.
The feast reminds us of the power and grace of God to work miracles in our life. It also offers hope to all of us walking toward heaven, that we might one day experience the same fullness of joy as our Blessed Mother.
Bring your prayers and petitions to Our Lady, who in turn, will bring them to her glorious Son. The Assumption novena begins on August 7th and ends on this important Marian feast.
The Novena to Saint Monica
If you need prayers for a big intention, Saint Monica has long been known for her powerful intercession.
For years, Monica prayed fervently for the conversion of her pagan husband and her wayward son. Through her perseverance, her son eventually converted and became one of the greatest saints and philosophers in the Church–Saint Augustine!
The Church recognizes her as the patron saint of wives and mothers. You can pray the Novena to Saint Monica beginning August 18th for yourself, for a wife or mother, or for conversion within your family.
After living a hedonistic lifestyle for years, Augustine turned to God and completely transformed his life. He went on to become one of the most prominent defenders of the faith, a Doctor of the Church, and a great saint especially for those seeking the Truth.
Fittingly, the Church celebrates the feast of Saint Augustine the day after the feast of his holy mother, as her prayers lead to his powerful conversion. So if you find yourself relating more to Augustine than his mother, take this opportunity to invoke his intercession.
The Novena to Saint Augustine begins on August 19th.
The Novena to Saint Teresa of Calcutta
Both the Church and the secular world remember Saint Teresa of Calcutta, or Mother Teresa, for her great love of the poor and the forgotten.
She founded the Missionaries of Charity who still care for the sick, the abandoned, the unwanted, and the dying. Mother Teresa saw the face of Jesus in each person she encountered, especially in the slums of Calcutta, and invited others to do the same.
While we don’t celebrate Saint Mother Teresa’s feast day until September 5th, the novena invoking her intercession begins on August 28.
Do you plan to pray any of these novenas this month? Leave a comment and let us know. And as always, please feel free to leave your prayer intentions with us below.
I want my prayer to be interceded by st. Monica praying for my child and husband
To have strong faith and to success in my entire life and financial break through