From Our Family to Yours: Merry Christmas!

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We would really love to mail a Christmas card out to you and everyone else who is praying with us, but with so many people, it’s just not possible. Instead, we’re sharing our card with you here!

We hope it brings you Joy this Christmas season! Here it is!

We hope you’ve had a very Merry Christmas! We are looking forward to praying the next novena with you, and we will announce it very soon!

Thank you for joining us in prayer and praying for the other members of Pray More Novenas.

God Bless you!
John-Paul & Annie

If Pray More Novenas is a blessing to you, you can make a small donation to support our efforts here:

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  1. Thank you for this ministry! I know that praying these novenas make me closer to God and deepen my prayer life. I am so grateful to you for them.

  2. Dearest John-Paul & Annie,
    Thank you for all your endeavors to strengthen our relationship with The Blessed Trinity….. we love & pray for you too for good health & happiness 😇👼🏽😇👼🏽😇👼🏽😇👼🏽😇🌹

  3. Thank you for your Christmas prayers and wishes! My Dad’s birthday was Christmas Day and we were looking forward to celebrating his 90th birthday with him but Jesus decided he wanted Dad to celebrate with Him and took Dad home on 12/15/19 within a week of a cancer diagnosis. Dad was surrounded by family that day and we feel blessed that it was peaceful and pain free. I appreciate taking part in praying novenas with you both and wish you God’s peace in the new year of 2020.

  4. A Happy and Holy Christmas to you both.
    Thank you for your commitment to bringing us Pray More Novenas.
    To follow God’s lead is an encouraging example to us all.
    Prayers for you,
    Deb Frederick.

  5. Thank You for the beautiful Christmas card. I so enjoy praying the novena’s! What a special ministry you are doing for Christ’s church!
    May Gods Blessing be with you through 2020!!

  6. Thank you John-Paul and Annie for your beautiful card. Wishing you a very happy Christmas and New year too. We pray that God will continue to guard and guide you in all that you do. Amen.

  7. Thankyou so very much John Paul and Annie for your lovely wishes. We hope the Festive Season was a Happy one for you and your family/ies and we wish you a Happy, Healthy and Blessed New Year.

    Thankyou for all the wonderful work you do bringing us closer to Our Lord, Our Lady, St Joseph and the Saints who we know intercede for us. It’s so comforting to know you, and the greater family that join in, are all praying for and with us.

    Love and God Bless to you and your family
    From our family and I

  8. All the best for the New Year !
    Thank you for making the Novenas so handy.
    Be well and May God Bless !!

  9. Thank you for your Christmas card and prayers. Belonging to Pray More Novenas as been a real blessing in my life. Before I would begin a novena and more often than not forget to pray it a day or two. Thank you for all you do! You are in my prayers, too!

  10. God Bless you both! John Paul and Annie you are a blessing to the world, thank you for your ministry, I have prayed many novenas because of you and will continue to do so. Merry Christmas and Gods Great and Wonderful Blessings to you and your family this New Year! Your card is lovely!

  11. May you and your family enjoy this blessed epiphany day. I never did a novena until I started with you!
    I am blessed with these every morning when I rise and shine the Lord’s ♥️ and joy in small and big ways!
    Thanks for all your hard work and prayers!!
    In Christ’s love and Our Blessed Mother Mary who said her fiat to the whole world 🌎 !!!
    God’s blessings for the peace we need in our families, communities and the whole world 🌎
    Thanks 🙏🏻 Pat

  12. Hi John hi Annie,
    Thank you so much for the Christmas card I really really appreciate it. Going through a rough time a little bit right now but working through it. I’ve been listening to your emails and it raises my spirit.
    It’s been two years now my wife passed of cancer. She’s in heaven looking down on me 😌🙏
    Thank you so much!

  13. Thanks a lot for the New Year card. Pray the year be filled with more Grace’s for you. Thanks again for the novenas it, draws me closer to God each time

  14. Merry Christmas to all. May the blessings received continue through Jesus.Thank you for the wonderful Novenas.

  15. Good morning and happy holidays to and your family as well. God blessings always for the divine works you are doing for His Glory. Thank you for your motivation to the praying novena community. Keep up the great work. Have a blessed day and year.

  16. I started saying novenas to MANY saints in June, because it was necessary for me to sell my home and move to an Independent/Assisted living apartment. In my area there were 5 or 6 units for sale, and mine is the only one that has sold. Thank You! I am completely free of my old responsibilities and able to live and contribute in my new home. I am also saying a continuous novena for my son who is in dire need to help him recover from a bankruptcy of his business and the deceate of a failed marriage. This has been going on for 2 years already, and does not seem to be getting any better. Please Dear God help him.

  17. Dear John-Paul and Annie,

    Wishing you a very Merry Christmas! Thank you so much for your wonderful site. It means so much to me to pray and share with others and know that I’m not alone and there are others praying too.

    God bless,


  18. Thank you. May you and yours find the joy of Christmas throughout the new year. May you be blessed and graced with the strength to continue, with the knowledge that you are helping many to develop a relationship with Christ.



  19. Merry Little Christmas to you both!
    Thank you so much for your caring, prayers and your faithfulness to God.
    We are so thankful for you. Your ministry has been such a blessing to us and many we know.
    May God bless you abundantly during this new decade & year of 2020.
    Love, prayers & Blessings of the Christ child.
    Pax Christi

  20. Beautiful. Merry Christmas Annie and John Paul. We hope you had a wonderful Christmas. All the best for a blessed Christmas season.

  21. Merry Christmas to you guys!!! Thank you so very much for all you do!! You both are such a blessing. I am so happy to be a part of the prayers and novenas.

    May God continue to Bless you!!incerely,
    Melanie Trahan
    Sulphur, Louisiana

  22. Thank you for your novena prayers. May God bless you and yours abundantly in your ministry. I have been blessed in 2019 even though I have been coping with a serious illness. Even in this adverse situation blessings come all the time. To him be the glory.
    Kindest regards

  23. Dear John Paul and Annie,Thanks so much for saying yes to God in this ministry.May God bless you and keep you always.You are a beautiful couple.

  24. Thank you so much Annie + John-Paul for touching lives with series of Novena prayers and updates. I’m personally inspired. May God continue to bless and keep you both. Amen

  25. Thanks you so much for your Christmas Greetings.
    My husbad Rolf was over medicated by the medical Profession on two occassions this Oct/Nov. causing terrible side effects. Thanks to Jesus and His Blessed Mother, Rolf is on the wy to recovery.

    In lkove of the two hearts of Jesus and Mary.
    Lv Anne

  26. Merry Christmas to you John-Paul and Annie. Thank you very much for praying with us. Thank you also for the good Novenas. God bless you!!

  27. We are thankful for the protection and love God has shown us. We were in an accident and got through it with minor bruises. God is GOOD! My daughter whom I had prayed for is showing more love and attention towards us. May God be praised! Merry Christmas and thank you for all of these lovely novenas.

  28. Merry Christmas to you John-Paul and Annie! You may never know what a blessing you two have been in my life.
    I first saw you on the Women of Grace program where I learned of your ministry. You two are so precious with your sincere desire to serve the Lord and His people.
    I look forward to every Novena and start my day by listening to Annie read the days prayer and blessing.
    May God bless your lives with the desires of your hearts. 💕

  29. Thank you and wish you both and your loved ones, a Christ filled Christmas and a happy and prosperous New Year. I followed the novenas during 2019 and felt good after I was able to complete each of them. Abundant blessing on both and your ministry.

  30. Hope your Christmas was filled with love and laughter with family and friends. Love the novenas, St. Theresa is my fav. I have a hard time with the rosary. I wonder if there are any thoughts about a pray more rosary’s. I try to take it with me everyday but for some reason have a hard time finishing. I’ve even put one in my car. Sending much love for a peaceful 2020.

  31. Dear Annie & John Paul, Thank you both for all that you do for all of us out here. I know that God is happy that you both do what you do for Him. I know He is happy because He wouldn’t be getting as many prayers from us if we had to do all the work that the two of you do to make this happen. Wishing you both a Blessed & Happy New Year, full of God’s Love.

  32. Thank you for all your good wishes, beautiful novenas & the tremendous help you give us. Please continue to pray for me to overcome a bad depression. I also ask Lord Jesus to bless you, grant all your petitions & those asked in the novenas.

  33. Thank you so much for your ongoing prayers & support. God is good & I know that prayer has given me more peace of mind, heart, body & soul.

  34. thanks for your heartfelt wishes for Christmas and the same for you both and your families all year round. God bless for all the hard work

  35. Merry Christmas and a Happy and Blessed New Year to you both!
    Thank you for giving us the opportunity to pray more novenas for everyone.

  36. Merry Christmas and a blessed and safe New Year. Enjoy the Novena ‘s and won’t give-up. Thank you for praying and listening to our special intentions. Please continue to pray for my son Jeff I believe it will take a miracle to resolve his needs. God bless you. Love your Christmas card. You are special To many Rita

  37. Thank you verry much for your Christmas card!!!!
    I’m greatfull for your prayer and your service: you are helping us to pray!

    May God MERCIFUL Father bless you!

  38. Lost my family two years ago , house , health, business For the past two years I pray every novena available , thank you

  39. Thank you for sending your Christmas card. Christmas blessings to you both. Such a beautiful couple. Thank you also for all your time and effort in bringing us these beautiful novenas to pray with you. May God bless you both always!! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  40. Such a beautiful card! Merry Christmas to you as well- thank you for your prayers and your efforts to bring novenas to us !❤️❤️🙏🙏

  41. Dear Annie and John -Paul,

    Good morning, thank you both for being a wonderful guide to all of us praying the novenas, praying for us and most of all being with us all the way to help us intercede our spiritual needs to OUR DEAR LORD,OUR BLESSED VIRGIN MARY to ALL the ANGELS and SAINTS…
    Looking forward to pray with everyone all the years to come.
    Wishing you both and yours all the best of health, peace , joy and abundance of Blessings all the years to come 🙏
    Sincerely ,

  42. Thank you for sharing your beautiful Christmas card with all of us, we greatly appreciate it. Merry Christmas & may God continue to bless you and yours in the 2020 upcoming year!!

  43. Thanks for the wonderfully cheerful Christmas Greeting Annie & John-Paul. May God continue to use you to grow His Kingdom!

    God Bless

  44. Thanks for the lovely Christmas card. May the season of Christmas and the new year bring us joy and peace all around. God bless you for the love you continue to share and for the ministry God has specially chosen you for.

  45. Dear John Paul and Annie , wishing you many blessings and joy in the new year. Every morning I can not wait to pray with all of our prayer warriors. I pray for all of them as I know they are praying for me my family and our country. I love the novenas
    you all send. Thank you for loving our souls.


  46. I look forward to each Novena. The warm wishes which you send to each of us who have made Pray More Novenas part of our every day lives inspire me and are a source of peace. Bless you for your mission to serve God and all of His children. Happy New Year to all. We on this earth are God’s precious children without exception. With love and fellowship, Trisha

  47. Merry Christmas!
    Thank you both so much for the wonderful work you do in spreading God’s word. It brings joy to my heart in saying these novena s knowing I am praying with so many people,
    Have a Blessed New Year!

  48. thank you for letting me pray these novena’s although im not catholic they have benefited me and my family. im been praying for healing for my niece who discovered she has stage 4 breast cancer, her name is angella, please keep her in your prayers. Jesus I ask for the healings for myself and my son and daughter and sisters and brothers. I thank you Lord for the blessings. I am so blessed to be able to say these novena’s with you all . bless those that pray with me,

  49. Thank you so much for sharing these novena prayers and for the prayers and blessings. Looking forward to more.

    God bless.

  50. Thank you for all you do! Merry Christmas! Blessings to you in the New Year!
    Love praying the novena’s, always a big help!

  51. Merry Christmas and have a blessed New Year Thank you for the 🙏🏻🙏🏻God Bless Love Michele

  52. Thank you for the opportunity to pray the novenas. The prayers alway help the situations. Thank the Lord for hearing and answering prayers. May you have a blessed New Year.

  53. Dear Annie and John-Paul,
    Thank you very much for the card and message; I also wish you many more the same and God’s favor on you.

    Best wishes!

    P. Albert

  54. Thanks so much,Anne & John,
    First let me wish you a happy Christmas as u have indicated it’s not yet over,
    Novena prayers has been a blessing to me and my family, I thank God for answering part of my prayers.
    Still praying for a job specific a safety officer position,am a worker in Qatar but a Kenyan citizen, it’s hard to change work here but through your prayers I know it will be possible,pray for me to enable secure a decent job am working as a security guard currently.happy new year.have a prosperous new year 2020.

  55. Thank you for the Christmas wishes and to you and your family as well
    God Bless all your work
    Thank you,

  56. lord Jesus son of God have mercy on me a sinner (Jesus Prayer) prayers for male companionship in my old age – lord I BEG – hear my cry – your child

  57. I thank you for yout wonderful card and wish you a great and blessed year of peace and joy in 2020. I enjoy your novenas immensely and always look forward to the next one with prayerful expectation.

  58. Thank u Annie and John Paul for ur beautiful Christmas Card. Also thank u for sending the Novenas. I would like to ask everyone doing the novenas to please pray for lots of rain in Australia to stop the fires. Mary mother of Jesus and our mother too please stop the fires. Jesus we trust in u. Annie and John Paul I hope u both have a healthy and happy new year and ur families too. And all the people doing the Novenas. God Bless u all Anne

  59. Such a lovely card – the picture and scripture verse! May God continue to bless you both. Thank you for your ministry. Looking forward to praying with you throughout 2020.


  60. Beautiful couple!
    You both are truly a blessing ! Thank you for your hard work in sharing the Novenas with so many people. It has been a great blessing and a great reminder to pray the novenas.
    May God continue to bless and guide you both in spreading HIS word to others. Also, the mini retreats are awesome.
    Happy New Year and May God be with you!

  61. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
    Thank you for all that you do. I take great comfort in praying the novenas.
    While I have prayed for many intentions, the recovery of my brother from near death and his subsequent remission has been the greatest gift I could have asked for this year. I am so grateful for your ministry and all those who belong to the Pray More Novenas family.
    Thank you,

  62. Dear Annie and John Paul,
    Thank-you for the beautiful Christmas card.
    Blessings to you and yours
    Much love,

  63. Merry Christmas to you! Beautiful on the outside AND the inside! One day I will share my story but long story short, your prayers for this recovering alcoholic and her two children are being realized. Thank you for your years of prayers for us (you ARE so holy I assume it’s a direct line to God!). I will be forever grateful. Merry Christmas to two bright lights in this dark world.

  64. A very MERRY CHRISTMAS to both of you and I wish you a HAPPY AND BLESSED NEW YEAR!
    I love your novenas and retreats. Thank you!

  65. Happy New Year and thank you for making this Novena possible. God Bless you and all of us praying together through out the year.

  66. Your novenas are such a blessing in my life. Thank you for taking the time to do them for us, and for praying for so many.
    May your lives be blessed with all good things God has to offer.
    Mary Lou

  67. Thank you so much for this Novenas they have been a blessing to me and my loved ones and especially when I can not pray using my own words I just pray the novena and feel blessed. May God bless you John-Paul and Annie.

  68. Dear Annie and John Paul
    I must sincerely thank you for the effort you take to send us novena, without fail, and they are always on time.
    May our Lord bless you both abundantly. Your ministry is very special and surely people like me around the world look forward to be reminded to say our prayers and Novenas. May the coming years find you both in good health, wealth and happiness. May you continue to grow in the fruits and gifts of the HOLY SPIRIT.

  69. Thank you for you Christmas card and good wishes. Pray more novenas has has been a blessing to me. I pray that you will have a wonderful New Year and that God will strengthen you to continue on with your work which helps so many.

  70. Hello both of you,
    Thank you & wish you & your families a very happy blessed new year.
    May God bless you both in good health, & keep you’ll together always.
    Thanks for keeping us going in prayers & novenas, we are really blessed with your love.

  71. Dear John-Paul and Annie,

    As I think back over the past two years, your Pray More Novena blog has been such a wonderful blessing for me personally, for our marriage and for our whole family. Thank you so very much for your Christmas card. Lovely picture. Annie, your dress is beautiful and you a beautiful couple! Blessings to you and sending out best wishes from our house to yours for a joyous and Happy New Year. Thank you for all you do for us. May God bless you.

  72. Thank you very much dear Annie and John-Paul, God bless you and family always. The Praymorenovenas family has been a great blessing to me, I’m grateful to God for you both and this great family

  73. Please pray for my beautiful country that we may get a respite from these bushfires and also that we get a lot of rain. Amen.