Answered Prayers from the St. Jude Novena, 2016

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St Jude NovenaThank you for joining us in praying for impossible causes!

If any of your prayers have been answered during this novena, please share those with us below, and give the glory to God! I hope this St. Jude Prayer has been a blessing to you :)

God bless you!

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  1. St Jude answered my prayers on the 6th day of the Novena 9 days prayers. I thank St Jude Thaddeus from deep down my heat and my soul for helping me and believe that the Novena prayer never fails. Everybody pray the Novena with sincerity to St Jude and you see the miracle.

    • St. Jude answered mine as well. Seemed hopless and things started shifting for my son around the 8th day. ! I was amazed. Can we pray this for anything and however often needed? This was a first time for me. I am greatful to God and St. Jude.
      I am glad your prayers were answered as well.

  2. Please pray for my boyfriend Shane Calhoun to come home from jail this week he is innocent please I ask you to answer my prayer

  3. Dear Saint Jude,

    I thank you for answering my pray for success through IVF and conceiving a baby. My husband and I prayed all week long and we praise God and you that you have heard our trials and sufferings.

    Thank you Saint Jude,

    Thank you, in Jesus name amen!

  4. please stop jude please hear my prayers in desperate need to get money to clear my debt been saying nine days novena constantly every day for the last 2 months

  5. Just finished my 9 day St. Jude prayer. Haven’t got an answer yet.
    Please bring Zach back to me, dear St. Jude. We’ve been together for more than a year. And out of nowhere he gave up on our relationship.
    I just know from the start he’s the one.
    Please bring him back to me and want to try again. God has given you the power to make the impossible, possible so please grant my prayer.

  6. Hello.
    Dear st.Jude please help me mend my friendship with Sis. Well we used to have love relationship. He is very nice but after a while he avoided me once he knew I was in love. However I’m asking st. Jude to mend my friendship with him I feel weak whenever I think of him and I can’t even focus on my study’s .
    Please st Jude help me to get him approach me and talk to me today.
    Please st.Jude please
    Thank you, in Jesus name amen!

    • I prayed the st Jude novena last week for a miracle. On the 9th day my prayer was answered. Keep on praying. St Jude novena works miracles.

  7. Most holy apostle Saint Jude,
    I am thanking you in advance for answering my prayer for i know and have absolute faith in you. Please intercede in my hopeless situation in opening F.A’s heart, mind, eyes and soul in seeing how much i love him. Let him see for himself the hateful man his father is. He is an adult and needs to start viewing himself as one rather than allowing people- like his father dictate his life. Saint Jude, please let him realize the love he has in his heart for me and bring him the courage to ask to give things one more chance. this time saint jude let things work out once and for all for us and our own little family. Where our son can grow up and see that he is not only loved unconditionally by both of his parents, but where his parents love each other unconditionally. Things are bad now and i pray that they get better before things get really really ugly. I truly don’t want to go to court and have my precious boy grow up seeing his parents like this. I want my family. today, tomorrow and everyday for the rest of this lifetime.

  8. I prayed your novena every day from when I started studying until the day I took my real estate exam. Thank you to St. Jude for assisting me in pass!

  9. Thanks very much saint jude for answering my prayer even though sometimes I didn’t get what I want but I got what I deserve and still waiting for answers because I know God timing is perfect time.thanx much

  10. I’ve been asking you this for ages. Years of novenas.
    No answer. Instead, my life is just getting worse and everything is collapsing instead of any improvement.
    The novenas I’ve been praying for the last years seem to have the opposite effect: things just get worse.
    Last year (November), there was a chance to turn things around, but apparently the impossible happened and things just got a thousand times worse without any perspective of any improvement, especially after things looked like they were going perfect.

    I know your powers, you have helped me before, but I am tortured and drained. I am exhausted and depressed. After years of bitterness, pain and unanswered novenas prayed from the bottom of my heart, I don’t believe anymore there is any solution for my problem. If you wanna help me, I am here for it, but I don’t believe that will happen anymore. And no: in this situation there won’t be a case like “it wasn’t answered because God is preparing something better for you.” Just no. Last year there was a glimpse of a solution about to happen. Failed. My life right now should be different because other things should have taken place. As mentioned: my faith doesn’t exist anymore. There’s a limit of pain a person alone can endure. My life was supposed to look different now. S

  11. Thank you St Jude for answered prayer. I asked for intercession for success during a tightly contested job interview and got the job. Glory be to God.

  12. Thank you st. Jude for everything you’ve done for me. You definitely came through on several occasions. I’m praying that you come through for me and for everyone else that requested your help.

    Thank you.

  13. Thank you St Jude for answering our prayers for a new job. Prayers were answered!

    St. Jude’s Novena
    “May the Sacred Heart of Jesus
    be Adored, Glorified, Loved & Preserved
    through-out the world, now & forever.
    Sacred Heart of Jesus, pray for us.
    Saint Jude, Worker of miracles, pray for us.
    Saint Jude, Helper of the Hopeless, pray for us.”
    Say the prayer 8 times a day for 9 days.
    It has never been known to fail.
    Publication must be promised.

  14. Thanks be to God . , For all his saints… Thanks be to Saint Jude for hearing my prayers and sending speedy help. I’m blessed with finances & a home to live.. Glory to the Father , Son & Holy Spirit. Amen

  15. Please St Jude please pray that my sisters and I will find peace and forgiveness with each other , please let the truth come light , please St Jude I pray for my husband Ernie and I for our health Amen

  16. Please St Jude please pray that my sisters and I will find peace and forgiveness with each other , please let the truth come light

  17. Thank you St Jude for prayers answered for readmission to university for my daughter to continue her studies. We will continue to ask you for your intercession in prayer for her continued success. In Jesus Mighty Name. Amen

  18. Thank you so much I know the Lord is with all the time I had a problem at work and it was resolved thank you St Jude Amen

  19. O glorious apostle st jude, thank you for listening to my prayers and answering them.

    Today’s dinner went great and we were able to stay to the very end. No one was upset.

    Thank you

  20. During the St Jude Novena, I prayed that I get a scholarship to study for a master’s degree program. I would like to thank the Lord, family and friends that my prayer has been answered as I have been offered a graduate scholarship by the World Bank. Thank you St Jude. Praise be to God Almighty.

  21. Dearest St. Jude, Thank you so much for interceding in prayer for many requests for me and my family and friends. Though it’s only been five days into my novena, my daughter, who is in college, just called me with an answered prayer; this may seem like an easy prayer, but it was not; my daughter has been having a difficult time making good friends in college – she’s very shy. This has caused her extreme anxiety and fear, debilitating for her. Last night she told me she met two new friends; exactly what I prayer for. It was the excitement in her voice that touched my heart and told me that St. Jude is smiling down on her. Thank you St. Jude! I know that you will answer the rest of my prayers soon. I love you.

  22. Thank you St Jude for God’s blessings through your intercession.

    I help my daughter by studying with her to pass her exam. While I wasn’t able to study all the materials with her for lack of time, I thought she wouldn’t be able to make it. I was pleasantly surprised to got a letter from her principal indicating that she pass the exam. My
    daugher felt very good that her hard work paid off, and that she begin to feel confident of herself. (She is normally a very shy and quiet kid). Its priceless so see your kid say ‘ I can’t believe I did that’. I thank you all for your prayers and for St Jude’s intercession. May God bless you all. Thank you God.
    The 2 prayers to St Jude I prayed are:
    1. The 9 day novena I used is on this website. My prayer was answered at the 7th day.

    2. Prayer to St Jude ( 2 prayers)

    Please go to Sunday Mass as well while praying these novenas. The 2nd prayers can be prayed more than once a day.


  23. Please know that I do believe this is a miracle…when we began the Novena to St Jude I had asked for your prayers for my daughter who needs a medication (Humira) that the pharmaceutical industry has raised the cost of so that it is no longer affordable even with insurance.
    Miraculously she was given a break so that she will get this important medication!
    I thank you all for your prayers and especially thank St Jude for his intersession.
    And thank you God!

  24. After the initial novena I still did a private novena to St Jude for financial aid and before the end of the 9th day God answered through two different channels to bless me. Thank you St Jude for interceding on our behalf.

  25. I finally got a new job that i had been applying for for years but when i started i was so overwhelmed and feeling like i couldnt do it. I prayed to st jude that i would overcome those feelings and not be so overwhelmed and stressed out and my prayers were answered. Thank you st jude..please hear my other prayers.

  26. I lost my baby to miscarriage on June 26. I prayed so strongly that God would grant me with another precious baby. I am now 10 weeks along! I also prayed for my sister to have a safe delivery. Her baby was diagnosed with life long disabilities before birth. Not only did she safely deliver my precious niece, but her disabilities are not as bad as we feared.

  27. I joined everyone in praying to St Jude for the impossible. the prayer was for my son to get a job after more than 5 years without a job. Wa! the power of this novena will be spread to everyone. My son has got a job. I thank God through St Jude He answered my prayers.

  28. This novena was for my grandson. He struggles in school and we were so afraid it was so serious. Testing showed it is fixable but will take a great deal of therapy and work. Thank you St. Jude for your intercession. We did not get exact answers we prayed for but we get answers that we can live with.

  29. I was praying about my broken relationship with my X i didn’t understand why the relationship was over but God answered my prayers on 22/11/2017. Am so grateful and thankful for St. Jude interceding to God on my behalf.

  30. good morning, i prayed for 3 situations:
    job, a baby for my daughter and for my son to return to Mass.
    on the eve of the last novena prayer , i received an email to ask if i could come for an interview, at a place, I always wanted to work at. a real dream job… take into consideration, I am 53 years old and have been working at my current job forever. God really answers prayers…thank you St Jude……..and St Joseph…..

  31. As promised during my novena to St. Jude Thaddeus, the patron saint of hopeless causes and things despaired of, I am publishing my thanks and praise to this wonderful saint and kinsman to Jesus Christ for granting my petition. St. Jude pray for us and all who have recourse to thee.

  32. I prayed for assistance to get me through a particularly rough financial time – the money was coming in, but slowly. On Saturday I received the first of the payments and all the rest will appear in a timely fashion now. Thanks and yes – faith and prayer does work. Sometimes not the way we think it should, but God knows better.

  33. On the feast day of St Jude, my younger sister got a boyfriend. She has never ever had a boyfriend before and she is almost 30. Thank you so much St Jude. St Jude now please answer me finally, after years and years of praying. Amen

  34. I prayed that a medical procedure would go well and that it would be done with ease, since it was expected that it could be difficult. My prayers were answered. Now I am praying that the procedure will be effective in healing the condition so that there is no need for any further procedures or treatments or surgery of any kind.

  35. On October 17th (a Tuesday) our landlord told us we had to move from our rental farm house. “The family farm corporation” had voted to not repair the septic system but to just let the house sit vacent. We had 4 months to find someplace. This may seem like a lot if time but…the housing market is tight here, we raise chickens for eggs, need someplace that allows pets, is accessible because I am in a wheelchair and we have no credit. My husband and I placed someplace to live as a St Jude novena intention. On the day the novena ended our eldest daughter found a house 12 minutes away that was for sale. The owner offer a real estate contract with 10 year terms, in our price range. The house has wide doorways, a ramp, and is very accessible, chickens are allowed in the town and we should close this week! God is so good. Thank you for your intercession St Jude!

  36. I’m so happy. I passed the hardest part of my exams, against all odds.
    My sister has also gotten a new job which she begins today.
    Thank you St Jude. Thank you Jesus!

  37. I prayed this novena to asked help for financial matter so that I could start processing my papers to london, few days after the novena my prayer has been answered. Thank you st. Jude. And please pray for me for my other intentions.

  38. Had to find refinancing for a very difficult loan, or lose our property to an unscrupulous bank if not paid off by the balloon. St. Jude answered our prayers. After several years of being told no by numerous other banks, I applied to a new bank the day St. Jude novena started, and just found out today the answer is YES and the new loan will fund before the balloon payment is due. The property was saved. Thank you St. Jude. We are so unbelievably grateful. Thank you for hearing my prayers.

    Also prayed the St. Jude novena for our nation to elect a pro-life candidate. This seemed like an impossible miracle, prayers answered.

    And prayed for a miracle for our disabled son. He is mentally about age one, and in the middle of the novena, he bolted away from his sitter across a mall parking lot and missed being struck by traffic, so that was a miracle. We will continue to pray for him, and for all the intentions and prayer requests by others praying this novena. St. Jude facilitates MIRACLES. So grateful, so incredibly grateful to God.

  39. I started this novena with the request to get this job I always wanted but I always thought was impossible. But with St Jude’s intercession I went through the process and finally received my offer this week. Thank you God for your blessings. Thank you St. Jude for your prayers.

  40. Dear PMN,
    I was desperately praying for my fiancee who was not talking to me for the last three months as she was very much anxious about the future after our wedding. She was really silent to everyone and she started to deny Jesus and saints in her life. During this situation I started the Novena of St. Jude in Pray more novenas. I prayed with tears to St. Jude. During this novena, she had an opportunity to visit Fatima, Portugal and there something miraculous happened. She could find the happiness in Mother Mary and Christ and then she started to pray again and smile and laugh again to our astonishment. She is earnestly praying now, but have not spoke with me. I am hoping that I can have more prayers from all of you and from all the saints and catholic church that she will call me and we will start a good new life and I thank St. Jude for interceding for me in front of Christ, our lord. I am eagerly waiting for her return as before and let our lives be very fruitful in all aspects.

    Thank you for hearing my prayer, Oh St. Jude and Mother Mary. I am hoping that Christ will touch our lives.

  41. I prayed that my teenage sister get on the right path. For God to change her way of thinking and get back on track with her school life and correcting her negative personality and I think Im beginning to see a change.

  42. I have been praying for my sons’ conversion and slowly I have seen them going to the chapel. I have been praying for one of my son’s sobriety, and THANK GOD he seems to be doing good with all our prayers. Please continue to keep them in your prayers. I also ask for prayers with my relationship to be as strong and loving for both of us. All this I pray in GOD’S holy name.

  43. my brother got the job he wanted…..but at the moment on 3 month probation period..he is confident that he will stay there

  44. My prayer was for my daughter to get a job. She was called for an interview and awaits a second interview. The signs clearly show St Jude is praying g or us. I thank St Jude for the prayers.

  45. At the start of the novena I went into hospital for an ovarian cyst operation. I was supposed to be an inpatient for 4 days. I had complication which meant I had been in hospital for 3 weeks not able to eat and drink. I feel the novena to St Jude help me. I was discharged on Thursday November 10 from the brink of death. I am still not well but making steady recovery.

  46. I prayed the novena until the last day. There seemed to be no response but 2 days later my temporary appointment was renewed. I continued praying to St. JUDE not necessarily as a novena. One morning after I said my prayers at work I got a call inviting me to an interview. The interview was yesterday and I got the job.

  47. Praise God for all His blessings and mercy and for using St. Jude to assist His people. I believe in the help given by St. Jude through Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, as he has helped me over the years.

    Thank you St. Jude for working on my behalf for my promotion. It seemed almost impossible when I made the request, but God is a loving and faithful God and He loves His people.

    Thank you Father, for listening to the petitions of St. Jude on my behalf and letting my promotion come true.

    Praise Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour and the King of Kings.

  48. St. Jude answered my prayer: Donald Trump was elected president. Now there is hope for the unborn child. Jesus, I trust in You; St. Jude, thank you.

  49. When I did St Jude Novena, among my petions was good health. I committed my family to God. My huusband was involved in an accident and his car rolled and is off. God is great, he came out in injured, not even a scar. I glorify you God.

  50. O Lord
    Thank you for hearing our patron Saint’s prayer and mine on behalf of my husband, all most everyone was giving up on him that he would not survive, he was in life support 5 times, and with the faith and prayers, he came out of it, got a new liver and Thank God 5 months later doctor this was a miracle and that he is ready to go to work.
    All I need now is to keep praying that my finances will slowly get better and the collection agancy stops calling.
    Amen and thank you for my husbands life.
    Maria Serra

  51. I prayed the St. Jude novena for academic breakthrough as I have been having issues with my results. I am so grateful to God as my result has finally been cleared and on the same day my husband’s MSc result was sent he finished with a distinction. Indeed it’s been God all the way through the intercession of St. Jude

  52. My hip operation was in November 03. For months I have been so scared of this operation but on that day I just webt through it. Now I am in my brother’s house. Still in pain but much less than the first days at the hospital. God provided me what I needed. He carried me at my weakest. I continue to pray for reconciliation of relationships brought by differences among family. And I continue to pray for complete and speedy healing. My hip operation was in November 03. For months I have been so scared of this operation but on that day I just webt through it. Now I am in my brother’s house. Still in pain but much less than the first days at the hospital. God provided me what I needed. He carried me at my weakest. I continue to pray for my complete and speedy healing thay I may no longer be a burden to other members of the family. I also continue to pray for healing of relationships strained due to misunderstandings.
    Thank you St. Jude and continue to intercede for us.

  53. My prayer was for St Jude to intercede for me in my housing problem. I specifically requested for time to work out the issues I have with the county. St Jude interceded and God granted my request. The county just gave me five more weeks to work things out! Thank you God, and thank you St Jude, for praying for me and for every other person that participated in the novena.

  54. I prayed for natural birth of my baby and God granted my wish. After 19 hours in labour I gave birth to my beautiful daughter naturally and without epidural.
    Thank you St. Jude for answered prayers.

  55. I prayed that my dear sister would have relief from surgical complications after having three major surgeries in six months. About 2 weeks after the novena, she started gaining strength and was able to eat normally. I thank you so much, St. Jude!

  56. Thank God for the job He opened up for my daughter. I know only He made it possible. Grateful to St. Jude for his intercession. ML

  57. To God be the glory! I had been praying for my fiance to accept that we have a marriage rite in the catholic church since the main wedding ceremony will be in his church the salvation army. On Monday this week (7th November) we discussed about it and he accepted! We will even be having mass. Glory be to God My prayer was not answered immediately but it was eventually answered. I also prayed the St. Expedite prayer for urgent needs. I would like to encourage those waiting upon God not to give up. He will answer you in his own time

  58. I was desperately looking for a house and it had been months. I had to terminate my previous accomodation, I packed and left to a friends house, with no idea when i would get the house. On the same day my search on the internet came through. I found one, signed the contract , got the keys. It is peaceful and Iam thanking St. Jude and continue to have faith that truly this novena is powerful. God has done miracles for me, so many times and through praying the St. Judes novena.This is just one testimony.

  59. I thank you very much to our Lord and to St Jude who has helped me to forward my prayers to God.
    At the end of this novena, I feel happy as God has answered my request. I feel more strong, better stamina and also all the lumps in my back right ear have gone.
    Its really a miracle for me. Thank you God and St Jude..
    I believe that God will always help us if we ask from Him.

  60. Thank you Father and Jesus and St Jude have answer my prayer as yesterday I was job interviewed. U keep praying until my job application is fully answered and will keep praying to honor St Jude for his help.

  61. Thank you for your help in electing Donald Trump our next president. Hopefully he will let your word ring into our society again, where the words God and Jesus will be welcomed .

  62. I have prayed during the Novena was for my family be able to find a place that we can call home. I became specific to our needs and all of it were answered weeks after the novena was finished. Now we are moving in first week of December 2016. Through St. Jude’s guidance, we will now be able to celebrate a peaceful Christmas together. Thanks be to God!

  63. I thank God to answer my prayer . During the time of St Jude prayer.The Doctor said that my baby was siting with the pol or bombom.But i prayed for St Jude to help the Child to turn and stayed with the Head down.I praise God that today I heard good news that the baby have turn.Thank you St Jude for help Ing me in prayer. Amen.

  64. I prayed the St. Jude Novena for the United States, for Pro-life, Pro- Religious freedom in all levels, in all 3 branches of government. I praise the Lord and am thankful for the election results yesterday and continue to pray for the Christ’s true teachings to be followed. Amen Thank you, St. Jude for your intercession.

  65. I prayed to St. Jude for the U. S. Election and my prayer was answered last night!
    Thank you St. Jude and praise God!

  66. While preaying the St. Jude Novena I was hired in a position that I wanted for a ling time and I am surrounded by very nice and encouraging people which I an so thankful for. Thank you Lord for providing and St. Jude for interseding.

  67. I prayed for my son to get help for his drug addiction he is now in a treatment program.Thank you St Jude,may he continue to get the treatment he needs

  68. i prayed to God for financial help and he”s been meeting my needs. i also prayed for a deeper faith and the grace to pray more. my prayer life has improved and is getting better. i hope to receive answers to the rest of my petitions too.Thank you Jesus.

  69. I believe St. Jude and St. Rita has helped me prepared for my upcoming studies for my CPA designation path. With the new place I am now, it will surely help me study comfortably and with peace from any distraction. I am so grateful how things went smoothly and everything into place at the right time.

    Thank you St. Jude and St. Rita for helping me pray to our Lord Jesus Christ. Oh Lord! Thank you for your loving mercy!!! I’ll never achieve any plan without you.

  70. I prayed that i may get a stable Job, be financially stable and get a prayerful and loving husband. All are not answered but i thank God for the good signs He is showing me. i know something good is coming my way and am yet to be called for a job interview.

  71. Thank you Jesus and St. Jude for suddenly lifting insurmountable obstacles to my son having a Catholic Wedding Ceremony at his university chapel . He is marrying a non catholic christian. Please pray that he and his bride will be blessed with a truly happy and fruitful catholic marriage.

  72. i prayed novena for st jude in the third day my husband was called for the interwiev were praying for, nothing was asked but he was told to sign the contract. with the intercession of st Jude, everything is possible. thankyou st. jude

  73. I prayed for my brother’s good health after being diagnosed with cancer of the Oesophagus and was unable to eat any solids just a few liquids.

    When i prayed this novena I was asking God to make my brother strong and bring him to normal health. After this novena my brother has started chemotherapy, his health has also improved and is now eating foods like chicken, chips, sausages.
    Lord you are merciful. You have done it for our family.

  74. God is great, I was praying for our caretaker to stop abusing tenants but I was shocked when he came into my house to rent money while sober then the worst thing He has never did told me praise you Jesus & also I was praying for our boss because He is so pleasured & stubborn but today God has bless us with another new boss so thosewho never believe novenas works St.Jude is most powerful novena if u commit yourself to God & when your praying use only candles & Holy water…..God bless you all abundantly

  75. I requested and was praying for stability in my marriage. I am happy to announce that there is stability now. I hope it is not temporary and am also requesting for continued support from all.

  76. I prayed the novena before an interview for a prestigious scholarship award that I so much wanted. When the results came out, I was successful. Now I am on the scholarship, studying.

  77. I prayed that for something personal to be sorted out by the end of November, and just like that, I received confirmation today that it will be resolved by 30 November, to be exact! Thank you saint Jude, I will remain ever grateful. Thank you Jesus

  78. Thanks to St. Jude for the re-employment of one of my friends who has been unemployed for two years after loosing his job at an organization he had worked for for over twenty-five years.
    My neighbour also recently got employed after more than three years of being unemployed. Thanks St. Jude!

  79. One of my intentions for this Novena was for a friend having financial difficulties because he lost the goods he imported for his business. Behold, before this Novena was over, he found them! Thank you O Saint of the Impossible!!!

  80. I was in a really bad flare of my chronic illness and prayed for healing. The day after the last day of the novena my palpitations, dizziness, weakness and arrhythmias went away. I have been feeling better than I have in months and this relief has brought me spiritual peace as well. Praying for continued healing and so grateful

  81. Hi
    I just love receiving your novena prayers you are doing a wonderful job by reminding us to pray. I have been praying different novenas over the past year and have had a few answered prayers.
    The St. Monica’s novena i prayed for was for my son to give up drug additction. And on the first day of the novena he told me he would give it up. It has been over a year and he has been free of it. For which i am truly thankful.
    I also got a new job, after praying a few novenas, begining with St. Jude.
    Thank you and to everyone who joins in praying for each other.

  82. God answered my prayers through Saint Jude,today i got the best news ever,i never gave up because i knew God would answer,He is faithful.Thank you Saint Jude i will not stop praying and i know all my prayers n requests will be answered.Amen

  83. I have prayed for healing of my friends and my daughter. My daughter’s soft spot is closed and my friend had a healthy baby.My other friend who is suffering from cancer is feeling a lot better. Thank you St Jude for the intercession and all who prayed together. Glory to the father ,Son and Holy Spirit. Amen

  84. One of my requests that I made during the Saint Jude novena were answered. My sister and I have been going through a very rough time financially and had overdue bill approaching eviction soon. My sister was able to get the money together and we avoided the eviction this month. I am still praying for a good job in my career area so that my family and I can pay our bills, my medical expenses, and so we may become financially stable. I have hope that God will come through.
    Thanks Saint Jude! Praise God!

  85. God thank you for all the blessings that put in my life and for your unconditional love. Thank you for answering to my prayers! St. Jude thank you for interceding for me and praying for my intentions. The novena worked perfectly even though I was not consistent (I just finished day 8 & 9 today). I was struggling with hostile work environment, both of my bosses would make my life miserable and after I started praying the novena God covered me with his grace and touched my bosses hearts. Both of my bosses have changed in a positive way, they are more supportive, appreciative, and allow me to work in peace. Thank you Lord, St. Jude, and everyone praying for me!

  86. St. Jude ensured the safety of two relatives who were in a very difficult situation. He also softened the heart of a mother who was reluctant to accept help for her child and who has now changed her mind! Thanks too St. Jude for getting a friend off the streets and clean from drugs. Thanks Be to God through the intercession of St. Jude who always answers my prayers.

  87. I would just like to thank everyone who was praying with us. StJude has always been my loyal Saint. If I need clarity, he always shows me a way. I was praying to find a new job because I am so depressed where I am right now. I received a call last week about a new job. I hope and pray it goes well….Thank you my Loyal Saint. You never fail me…

  88. I would like to thank St Jude for intercedoing for my daughter and her husband who have been going through a very difficult time. Their marriage is not going well and I know that God will answer this quest to save this marraige. After praying the Novena to St Jude they started talking to each other again and my son in law attended mass this evening after staying away from mass close to a year. Thank you Lord and St Jude. I firmly believe that the marraige will be restored through your intercession.

  89. I have a friend who is pregnant with her second child. At 20 weeks, they were told the baby had Trisomy 18, which is usually incompatible with life. After tests and a week of prayer, the baby’s chromosomal count came back NORMAL! Praise God. But, he would have a major heart defect, clubbed feet and hands, delivery away from home in a larger hospital, and heart surgery after birth. Then came the St. Jude Novena. Mom found out yesterday (11/3) that the baby’s heart is perfectly NORMAL! and he will not require surgery. His hands and feet are still an issue, but we will continue to pray that this corrects itself through God’s hands as well. Thank you for doing what you do, and giving us a venue to send our prayers straight to the Big Guy!