Answered Prayers from the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes, 2017

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Massabielle in Lourdes

Thank you for joining us in praying the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes!

If you have had any prayers answered through Our Lady’s intercession during this novena, please share those with all of us below!

May God bless you and be with you in your every need!

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  1. When my mother and I started the novena she had a stroke. The same day. I know her heart is already bad. The nine days were sleepless for me and confusion settled in for her. But she remembered to continue the novena.
    Our biggest concern at this point was could we get her into the nursing care of her choice. A Catholic run nursing care facility. On the ninth day of the novena a bed opened up. On the feast day of Our Lady of Lourdes we confirmed the move.
    I know mom will be in the hands of Jesus

  2. My husband & I live in AZ, our children live on the East Coast as well as the west coast. After not seeing them for at least three years (and more), I was really feeling down. I prayed to our Lady to reunite our family and as always, she answered my prayers.

    First one of our daughters on the East Coast came out for a visit.
    Next that same daughter and her brother came out two months later. One month after this our youngest and two of our grandsons came to visit. We could not feel more blessed and happy! Everyone had a terrific visit and we are so thankful.

    Thank you Our Lady for always hearing our prayers & answering them!

  3. My husband lost his job last April and the Lord has provided for all of our needs Praise God, although at times it has been very difficult trusting in God. A few months ago the Lord gave me this dream that my husband would be working with one of his brother Knights of Columbus, I told my husband my dream hoping he would say something to this man but never did. Saturday night on the Feast Day of Our Lady of Lourdes, we ran into this man at an event, when I saw him I felt very strong that I approach him with my dream. I waited for the appropriate time praying for courage, I finally did and he sat there and listened, he told me that a job had just opened up with his company and to have my husband go on-line to fill out the application/submit resume. He also gave me his business card, the very next day my husband applied, he saw him Thursday night and hopefully in two weeks he will have an interview. Praise God and Our Dear Blessed Mother for holding us under her mantle of love. Let us always listen to the Lords promptings and be faithful. Please continue to pray for my husband and for the door of this job to open wider. We are people of hope and faith. God’s Will be done. Thank you my dear Blessed Mother

  4. one of my intentions was for my son
    to find a job where my grandson is living with his mother,and he was
    given a transfer to that city during the novena.he moved yesterday.
    thanks be to god!

  5. One my petitions was for protection, a thumb drive was lost with personal tax information and the good person who found it called my husband and returned it. Another was for spiritual, emotional and corporal healing, and I can see some healing in each area. Thank Lord and Blessed Mother!

  6. Thank Tou, Lord! Thank you, Mother Mary for your prayers and intercessions. Please ask Ou r Lord for all credentials restored and reversal of all -legal work and + finances.

  7. My prayers are being answered as I pray these novenas – without even realizing some of these miracles were happening before my eyes.

    My mother is now happy and content and has found nice friends in her independent living center – she is finally coming along, it has been almost 3 years since my daddy died.

    God is good all the time
    All the time God is good!

  8. I prayed that our son would propose to his live in girlfriend and return to the Church. He proposed right after the novena and they are planning to marry in the Church. Thank you Holy Mother of God for answering our prayers.

  9. Need healing please. Fast today. 192. Healing of addiction thank you to food. I am begging. Fast today. 102 weigh on Sunday. I believe. Prayers for my mom today. Live for and with Jesus. Thank you

  10. When we started the Our Lady of Lourdes, I prayed for my children. In the midst of it, I sent out my resume for a job. I was interviewed not once but twice and offered the job. Starting my new job on March 1st.
    My inner prayer was answered.

  11. I have been praying for my health to improve. I have had chronic back pain since back surgery last May. The recent cortisone shots have finally helped me to be pain free. And a decision to follow up with a total knee replacement in March has been made, with doctors feeling this may completely reduce my back pain levels. Thank you to our Lady and St Bernadette (my chosen confirmation saint name) for prayers answered.

  12. I believe with all my heart, soul and faith, one of many of my prayers was answered through the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes Novena and her son Jesus!!! I have had a horrific six years…such loss and sadness…I cannot share too much…but my only, wonderful and loving daughter was murdered almost six years ago…there has been a police cover up..and although we have been successful with a private investigator…I am unemployed and cannot afford to move forward on her case…In January I lost a my rescue Australian Blue Heeler…who’s name was Justice..( that was his name when I adopted him!) to lymphoma…he was only six years old…I had him 11 days short of a year! then just days later…my 4 year old rescue cat went missing…we assumed our awful neighbors done something to her…and then just days after that…out of the blue…my 17 year old cat died of cardiomyopa…thy! All of this in a 20 day span! I mistakenly thought the Novena ended on Friday…and much to my utter surprise…after three agonizing weeks….I heard my missing cat in a garage behind us!! I had been praying so hard for so many things…mostly my daughter’s case and a job to fund and find her Justice…but hearing my frantic cat made my heart leap with joy…she too was a rescue….shot three times in the face and left for dead…she was just a helpless kitten! And this past spring my horrible neighbor trapped her and tortured her..but I jumped the fence and got her back!! I was in shock hearing her cry and I know this Novena helped bring her home to me…I have lost so much….she was so emaciated when we finally got her out of that weak…but I have nursed her back to health….and I thank Our Lady of Lourdes for such a miracle…we all were certain she was gone for good at the hands of evil….it may seem like a small thing to some…but Our Lady and Jesus sent a message loud and clear….to never give up on them or my faith and that prayers do get answered…I pray now for my daughter…to find her peace and Justice….I thank you for the opportunity to pray these Novenas of hope..and love from Heaven above…not all our prayers get answered when we beg for them to be..but God has a plan..and we must do His will. God bless all of you are in my thoughts and prayers..please keep us in yours….God Speed

  13. My daughter has returned to her church. Her daughter served Mass on the alter for the first time last Sunday. My daughter and I joined the choir two weeks ago. This is a miracle through our Blessed Mother’s love through her son, Jesus Christ. Thank you my Mother and my God.

  14. I prayed to the Mother to heal my and my partners heart and to cure our relation ship after a break down in communication and loss of trust.

    On the final day of novena he made first steps back towards our relation ship…

  15. Thank you to the pray more novena family for your prayers. I have been having a very bad siatic pain and during this Novena I asked our good Lord through our Lady’s intercession to remove the pain. The pain has drastically reduced. Praise be to Jesus, honour to Mary.

  16. have been praying for a financial turnaround and recently i secured a contract with a foreign company for a contract, we are finalising plans and when concluded will bring major financial relief… Thank you our motherMary of lourdes.. Than John Paul and Annie for continuing this blessed work… More soon by God’s grace

  17. Thanks Lord for answering my prayers. I prayed for my mother inlaw to get well and since then she has been improving. I prayed for God’s favour in my new role and I know and believe this shall be done

  18. Thank you mama Mary for your greatest and powerful intercession. One of the most tough requests was granted before our Novena ended. God is really good! Thank you Jesus!!!

  19. I prayed my CT scan would be good results. Found out I’m cancer free for now, and my Doctor is optimistic. Thank you, Lord, and Our Lady.

  20. I prayed to God through Our Lady during this novena for 2 intentions. One was answered today and I believe the next would soonest. Through Our Lady we succeed!

  21. Awaiting a liver and kidney transplant. As he waits, he now has a brain infection. Rick is a good man. Please pray for him.

  22. We prayed for all with some illness, but especially for certain family members. Our 16 year old granddaughter was facing a possible surgery to remove a large cyst on her ovary. She had another ultrasound on Valentine’s Day and the cyst was completely gone. The only explanation the doctor had was a miracle. Thank you Blessed Mother for bringing our petitions to Jesus and thanks to Him for a cure.

  23. I’m so happy that my oldest daughter is starting to go mass with me on the weekends. The first day I started the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena, she asked me that weekend if she can go to mass with me. She went last weekend too. After not going to mass for over 5 years with me she slowing coming back to the church. I am thrill with joy and pray that she continues to stay on God path. Thank you dear Lord and Blessed Mother you truly make miracles happen.

  24. I prayed that my cancer would be cured . I was to commence my next chemo session early February but due to irregular blood platelets count this was put off twice. I was livid as the cancer had not been treated for over a month and feared the shrunk cancer cells would multiply. However yesterday I found out that my platelets had improved and my chemo session began this morning with Surgery due to take place on 13 March. THANK YOU OUR BLESSE MOTHER , ST BERNADETTE for interceding on my behalf ANd LORD JESUS for making the treatment regime possible. This is the beginning of the cure that I have been praying for. This could not be achieved if not for the intercession and the power of the Almighty.

  25. I prayed for more financial consistency at work and asked The Blessed Mother to give me strength to give more things to God. I had a great month and have much more peace! I find myself often asking God to take my worries from me and He has!!

  26. Our Blessed Mother showed me many visible signs as we moved our daughter to New York. Despite the huge snowstorm last week, all went well. Her apartment, room mates, job etc all were very positive, upbeat and very kind people. I was able to attend mass at St.Patrick’s cathedral as well as a beautiful tridentine latin mass at Holy Innocents church. As I entered the church on Sunday, 02/12 there were many beautiful statues and then there was the lovely grotto of St. Bernadette praying in front of our Lady of Lourdes! I know Mary was there to let me know my daughter was in good hands and safe with her. Thank you to all for the prayers, I am very grateful and feel so blessed.

  27. My prayer for my son to get the job he has been working on as a temp. He got a job with a higher postion, medical benefits, sick leave and vacation. Starts end of this month. Praise be to our Lady and Jesus her Son. Amen

  28. I have been out of job for a while now and after praying this powerful Novena to our Lady, I believed something was going good was going to come out of it. I finally got a with an oil and gas consulting firm. To the Glory of God, all my tears have been wiped way within weeks of securing this job.



  30. My son was facing the removal of a transplanted kidney that he had had for 19 years. This would be a very invasive surgery and he is not in very good health. The word came while we were saying the Novena to our Lady that they were leaving the kidney in as his blood work started to come back positive, and although he is back on dialysis and waiting another kidney he avoided this very serious surgical procedure. Thanks be to God and Our Lady for interceding for us.

  31. I prayed along with this novena, was diagnosed with a dangerous skin cancer, after the novena finished, a call from doctors office came and they got all of it removed, now I’m just healing, praise the Lord.

  32. I was praying the novena for my adult daughter to get out of a sinful living situation and return to her family and the practice of her Catholic faith. On the last day of the novena, she texted me and said she wanted to come home and reconcile with her family and God. Praise you Jesus and Mary!

  33. I would to Thank Our Lady of Lourdes answers my prayer,received good news that my mammograms shows no sign of cancer ,also pray to all our family and friends.

  34. Our Lady of Lourdes is my comfort and strength in the most difficult times of my life. I’ve had miracles bestowed on me and my family through Her intercession and I’m speechless. I tell everyone around me of Her love and graces and I pray more people will come to believe and pray to Our Mother who is always so willing to take care of us. My husbands test all came out negative. His Biopsy came out negative. My heart procedure that I was scared I wouldn’t get through; I got through it because of Our Lady. Every step of the way She makes Her presence known to you. Thank you Dear Mother for your love and prayers. Amen

  35. I have been praying for two of my friends daughters struggling with health issues and both girls received good news concerning their illness. Thank you Our Lady and Jesus for hearing my prayers! GOD IS GREAT!

  36. My sister’s surgery was successful, nodes came back cancer free. Thank you blessed mother for your intersession. We love you!

  37. For my daughter’s complete healing from first surgery in order to have the second and final surgical procedure.

  38. I have been praying the Novenas for quite some time now
    Recently I was diagnosed with cancer and had surgery during this last novena to our Lady
    I know in my heart through prayer the surgery that was performed removed all the cancer
    I am in recovery now and I know in my Heart that this is a tool that was given to me by our Lord to help others
    Please pray for me that I go in the right direction with this to help others

  39. I have been praying that my children start going to Church again and thanking and praising God for all that he has given them and for looking out for them each and every day. This past few weeks both of my daughters have been to Church. Thank you Mother Mary for hearing my prayers. Thanks be to God.

  40. My sister’s hysterectomy surgery went well and we were told by the surgeon she should be cancer free! Thank you Mary

  41. Prayers that our son would return to the Faith have at least been partially answered-he is starting back stating that this year he will be, to paraphrase, “getting his act together”! God is good!

  42. Before I became a Sister had a family & on Valentine Day received an e mail from my youngest daughter whom I had not heard from for a very long time. Have been praying that the door of communication would open . Thank YOU GOD

  43. I prayed this novena for my daughter-in-law who has breast cancer that metasticized to the bone. She was in terrible pain. After she had a PET MRI, she found out that some of the cancer spots were smaller and that her numbers decreased by 15 points, which was fantastic. Thank you Mary for all the blessings you give!

  44. I prayed for my sister to be healed from cancer and her health to be restored. She had surgery and her doctor said everything went really, really well. She feels as though she never had surgery.
    Thank you all for your prayers.
    God is great!

  45. I was praying that my husbands tests results would show that he didn’t have cancer. We just saw the dr. yesterday and my husband does NOT have cancer!! Thank you to our Dear Lady of Lourdes and also to St. Peregrine whose novena I also prayed. Prayer is so powerful!

  46. I had 2 major Prayers for the Novena of OL of Lourdes. One was for an In-Law who was just recently diagnosed with stage 4 cancer of the breasts and her liver: what would happen to her who has no financial means for treatment & who has 2 small boys. During the Novena, there was immediate response — generous souls too care of her treatment by an experienced Oncologist and a successful surgery on the breasts. Then a clear advice so that she would have a peace of mind to prepare herself for her next 6 months to one year.
    The other Prayer was immediately answered for another In-Law devastated by a broken family (her husband on deep drug addiction and her youngest son on deep depression). She posted to us a positive sign to show GOD’s Answer to her prayer for HELP.

  47. I prayed for healing in a relationship with my son and his wife. It has been a difficult trial. Soon after the Novena, I got a call from my son asking if we could watch our granddaughters for a sleep over and then have a family dinner on Sunday. The Lord and Our beautiful mother have allowed the healing to begin. May we live with love and gratitude and always be under the mantle of Mary’s protection. Our Lady of Lourdes thank you.

  48. My daughter had successful breast cancer surgery, all lymph nodes were clear and she doesn’t need radiation. She will only need the estrogen blocker medication. We are all so thankful to our Dear Lady of Lourdes.

  49. I offered my Novena for the health of my friends and family struggling with illness, and the educational decisions we are faced with for my daughter. On day 8 of this Novena my brother and I visited my best friend and her new baby. During our visit my friend experienced a severe allergic reaction and my brother needed to rush her to the ER. My friend needed to stay for 24 hrs. and so I needed to stay with her (exclusively nursed) very new baby. Three very distinct Divine Interventions:
    1- this trip almost didn’t happen b/c of work complications on my end.
    2-my brother almost was unable to make the visit, which would have meant my friend not getting the emergency attention she needed on time.
    3- my brilliant friend had just enough expressed milk stored “for emergency” so that I could feed her baby bottles while she was in ICU.
    Our Lady took care of us and I continue to trust her to bring my intentions to her precious son.

  50. We started the novena the same time my dad went into ICU for complications from Alzheimer’s. We prayed for my dad to have a peaceful death. As we moved into hospice care he continued to live days rather than hours. During the novena period we surrounded my dad night and day with prayers, songs, stories, tears and laughter that have brought even more healing and love to our family. We prayed the final novena prayer before his casket and buried him on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.

  51. God has always answered my prayers in an amazing way. I was accused of a crime and spent 2 years in prison. I was diagnosed with Cancer in there and through prayer God heal me. Do to that situation I had lost my business, my house and I almost got deported. But God is so great that I got my house back, a business ten times bigger from the one I had. Because the enemy wants to destroy me, and not talk about the mercy of God I was stroke with Cancer again on my neck. Through all these days that I was preying the novena the cancer has almost disappear and I have the energy to to wake up at 3am in the morning, go to church at 8am, take care of 3 kids and manage my business with 75 employees. God is good and merciful

  52. I prayed for sister for mabt times to go home nntake care for my mother, time has come n she agree to do so. Thank lord for everything. Be blessed all.

  53. My prayers were answered in many ways with the finding the perfect home for myself and my daughter. Although my two sons still are not attending mass, my home is very close to theirs so I can continue to ask if they would like to go. I do need for my grandson to be baptized and continue to pray for that grace.

  54. Thank you Our Lady. My sister found a new position at work which will take her away from the stress and aggravation she has dealt with for too long.

  55. My daughter’s MRI showed no sign of cancer, thanks be to God. She still has to make decisions about her condition but I am sure that Our Lady will help her in making the best decision.

  56. I have been doing every Novena but I prayed especially for a Miracle fro Our Lady to take care of two grandchildren who had drug addiction problems and have been arrested and put in rehab. I have prayed that this would work this time. Yesterday I received a call from my son that his son has been clean for 2 years and his daughter is completing her rehab. Yesterday I received a letter from my gran daughter that she received my letter containing a Rosary, how to say it and a prayer card of Our Lady of Lourdes. She said that she has been praying for to God and my prayers have inspired her continue to changen
    her life. Thank you Jesus, Mary and the Holy Spirit. For prayers answered.

  57. After almost two years of struggling my family and I received the good news that R30 000 worth of debt was cleared. It was a mistake on the part of the Creditor. Thank you Lord.

  58. We prayed for the health of our daughter’s future mother-in-law, Cindy, and received the joyous news yesterday that she will not need a liver transplant. Thank you for this blessing and answered prayer, dear Blessed Mother!

  59. I had been praying for my great-granddaughter who was born 2 months earlier from her due date Feb. 11th I prayed that my Blessed Mother Mary place her mantle around her tto heal her from head to toes yesterday we had her checked and she’s doing great. Thank you my Blessed Mother

  60. About three months ago my wife had a PET scan which revealed a cancerous lymph node near her heart. She had to wait for 3 months to see if the cancer would spread. Yesterday she had a CAT scan and the cancer was completely gone. Thanks to many prayers and the intercession of Our Lady of Lourdes. She is still in the hospital with severe C.O.P.D. We will continue to ask Our Lady to intercede for her.

  61. May our mother Mary health of the sick be honored forever. Immaculate conception has miraculously healed me. Jesus my healer has healed and saved me. To him be the highest glory Amen.

  62. My daughter found a job, in fact two jobs, after looking since August of last year. Praise Jesus and Thank you Mama Mary!

  63. I am being cautious in claiming a miracle but these are the facts of the situation. My daughter, who was suffering from an autoimmune disease, had surgery done which involved the removal of a gland to control the condition. Subsequent blood tests done to deal with related and other health situations have the medical personnel baffled as there is no sign that she ever had the autoimmune condition.

  64. I have been praying your novenas asking for my daughter, who has suffered a miscarriage and was having fertility issues, to get pregnant. On the last day of the novena she shared the wonderful news of her pregnancy. Ultrasounds are showing everything is looking good with the pregnancy. Thank you and continued prayers for a heathy pregnancy and baby.????????

  65. I’ve been praying these novenas for years. Our Lady of Lourdes is close to my heart. Praying my husband finds a new job. On the final day he was given a new job offer!

  66. I prayed that my husband would be offered a job and the businesses my daughter, son in law and myself work with would prosper financially so we could all have job security. Soon after the completion of Novena, my husband was asked to submit his resume for a wonderful job opportunity; he is still waiting on their final response but I know the Lord and Our Blessed Mother will make it all work out. The businesses family works with, have been doing so much better as well. Thank you Lord & Blessed Mother!

  67. My mom has been working on getting an annulment in her marriage with my dad for about a year and a half and I prayed every night for it to go through in that time. Thanks be to God, in the middle of the Our Lady of Lourdes Novena, my mom called the diocese and they told her it went through and her marriage was nullified! I’m so thankful to our Mother and her intercession that now my earthly mom can enter into a valid marriage within the Catholic Church. Praise God!

  68. I prayed this novena a week before taking the medical coding test for the second time. I just received my score and I passed. Thank you to everyone that kept me in your prayers and especially Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Bernadette, and of course Jesus. I couldn’t have done it without prayers.

  69. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you to Our Lady for Her intercession. My prayers have been answered. I know God has a plan for my life and it’s becoming more visible to me. I can see Him working in my life. These novenas have helped me keep the faith and see God’s great love for me.

  70. My son’s heart ablation was successful! This was the third time for this procedure in less than a year. I prayed that his heart would be healed through the hands of his doctor, and after some delays, the surgery happened and was successful. God is Good!

  71. I offered the novena for my husband who, after preparing for the Diaconate for the past 5 years, found out that he would have to undergo back surgery just 10 days before his Ordination. My prayer was that he be healed sufficiently to go through the Rite of Ordination without aggravating his surgical progress. When he lay prostrate in obedience to God, we were both beyond grateful that God blessed my husband with His grace and strength to allow him to get up off the floor onto his feet with no pain.
    Thank you Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Lourdes for your intercession and love. And Praise God!!

  72. I attend a small rosary group. We each said the novena to Our Lady of Lourdes and we all had answers to our prayers which included healing, jobs, and even car M.O.T passes within very limited budgets. Thank you Our Lady for your great care and concern in all areas of our life.

  73. I had asked that our granddaughter in the womb would maintain growth through to term of pregnancy; she has so far with 8 weeks to go. I also asked for healing of a painful shoulder and it is greatly relieved. Thank you , Our Lady.

  74. I just want to thank all of you for your witnesses of God’s goodness and mercy.

    I prayed for my brother to be healed of stage three esophogeal cancer and all physical, emotional and spiritual healing. He still battles with cancer, still is an atheist and still harbors bitterness in some areas of his life but your witnesses confirm my conviction of praising God in spite of what we see.

    I do believe God is working in my brother’s life and he will be healed of all in God’s time.

    Thank you for your faithfulness.

  75. By Lord our Jesus Christ and Mother of God Holy Mary blessings I got date for my interview schedule and performed well. In this holy novena I was being blessed my all intention fulfilled. Will get positive result and will get new job by with blessing of our holy Mary mother of God. Also, got admission date for my son. Thank you Jesus. Thank you Mary Mother of God. Amen.

  76. I prayed that one of our sons would get a job he applied for and he has started work last week. Praise be to the Lord.
    I continue praying for two others. I pray that another son return to the church and that my husband finds a living donor for a kidney.

  77. I pray the novenas for many favors but the one I pray most for is my sons drug addiction. He is in recovery now and doing well.
    God is good!

  78. I have said many prayers and novenas since October that my husband
    and I would rekindle our marriage. With a grateful and humble heart I give praise and thanksgiving my marriage has been restored.
    This beautiful website has been a life changer for me.

  79. I was diagnosed with a kidney stone, so my doctor set me up for a Cat scan to determine the size and treatment a few months later. I began my Novena, and right after completing it, my doctor said I no longer had a kidney stone. St. Bernadette is my teenage daughter’s Confirmation Saint, and through her intercession and the Lord’s, I’m kidney stone free. Praise the Lord!

  80. I prayed that my daughter and son-in-law would find the money to have their children attend Catholic school (as that was their desired wishes). My prayers were answered. Thank you Our Lady of Lourdes for your prayers to Our Father in Heaven!

  81. I prayed various novenas during my sister’s pregnancy that God grant her a safe delivery and a healthy baby. Both baby and mother are on the way to recovery and should be home this weekend. Praise the lord!!!!

  82. We were having conflicts in our marriage and hadn’t been distanced for 4 weeks. I prayed for our mother mary’s blessings on our marriage and also started daily family rosary. After the novena my husband and i made up and decided to work on our relationships and be more accepting of each other. I ever so thankful and grateful to our Lady of Lourdes.

  83. I prayed for the conversion of my husband and my son and both of them have signed up for a men’s A.C.T.S. retreat!! <3

  84. i did make it through the final interview for a job and did get very positive feedback that they want to hire me. But, they are not sure the group I interviewed with is the best fit. They have scheduled a few more interviews which causes me great anxiety. I have worked so hard to make it as a finalist. I continue to pray for God’s love and grace that they will make me an offer and I ill sign the dotted line to secure my job!! In Jesus name, I thank him and pray for his continued blessing. Amen.

  85. I have been praying since last year, for a financial solution after loosing a lot of money to con men and women, many debts, our tractors being taken by the bank because of defaulting to repay my loans and being reduced to nothing and without any business or work to get money for survival. I was at a suicidal stage but this Novenas from John Paul and Anne have sustained me and given me strength to continue in hope and strong in faith of the love of God. Two weeks ago I received a mail of having won a grant of USD 5000 from Emory University, just as we finished the Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes, I received the forms to fill, for the realise of the grant. Am so humbled and very, very grateful to the Lord Jesus, while I deserve all the pains and sufferings because of our sins as humans. he has seen my tears, pain, sufferings and been so kind, loving and merciful ti bless me with this amount of money to help me come up again in business. Thank you sweet Jesus and thank you Mama Maria for your sweet love and care. Amen

  86. My husband and I are foster parents to 5 children and started having doubts about adoption. Since Christmas there has been a fog of doubt and uncertainty surrounding the situation. I prayed for wisdom, clarity, and peace in discerning God’s will for our family and these children. On the last day of the novena, I had a overwhelming sense of love for these kids and peace in knowing they should remain with us. That peace has remained now throughout the entire week since the novena. Thank you sweetest Mother for your intercession! GOD is Great!