Answered Prayers from the St. Therese Novena, 2020

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Thank you so much for joining us in praying the St. Therese Novena! We hope you’ve grown closer to Christ through St. Therese’s prayers — we know that’s her greatest hope for us all!

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered during this novena, please share those with us all below! We love to hear and share how God is working through our prayers here in the Pray More Novenas community.

We are continuing to pray for you & your intentions!

Please do not give up on hope if your prayers have seemingly gone unanswered. God is still working, He is still with you. And we’re praying for you.

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  1. My answered prayer,Diagnosed with lung cancer, latest CT scan result came in with good result.🙏🙏🙏
    My boy found a new job & will start today.
    Thank you for this novena.I want more novena prayers🙏

  2. My case with my employer resolve after long years of waiting thank you for St Therese novena thank you for answered petition Amen

  3. My mother(who is almost 91 years of age) was hospitalized since August with so many issues…4 days ago she was discharged and is back home with us.
    Thank you St-Therese for hearing my prayers and all others who prayed to you.

  4. We pray our prayers are answered on Nov 3 when the Pro God, Pro Life, One Nation Under God candidates prevail.

  5. A few months ago I went to the ER for chest pain, good news, my heart was fine, bad news , they did a CT scan and I was told I had an anterior Mediastinal tumor. My family and I started praying right away. It was a month before I finally got a referral to the right doctor, an Oncologist. It was one of the most stressful times in my life. This Novena came up a week before my appointment. I remember saying it as a young girl with my cousin, and I remember my mother would pray it often. My sister and I started the Novena and a few days before it finished I had my doctor’s appointment. I do have to do another test in 3 months, but he is very optimistic that I do NOT have cancer!! He thinks it is my thymus that hasn’t dissolved for some reason. My whole attitude has changed, I truly believe God has healed my and I am more than optimistic, I am convinced and grateful! This has happened twice before to me with tumors they have thought were cancer, and with prayers have been benign or dissolved! With prayer all things are possible! Thank you Lord! And thank you Saint Theresa for taking my prayer to the Lord!

  6. My two sons are speaking, and my oldest son is helping his brother. Given their recent relationship, this in itself is a miracle. Thank you St. Therese for your prayers.

  7. Thru intercession of saints and blessed virgin Mary I went through a successful operation and my sick Dad is recovering steadily. Jesus I trust in you.

  8. My daughter was diagnosed with triple negative (very difficult to overcome) breast cancer, almost 2 years ago. I started praying every novena with you, and after chemo, surgery and radiation my daughter is cancer free. I will continue praying novenas with you for the rest of my life. Thank you.

  9. My daughter’s lump in her neck is benign Praise God!! She does have to get it removed via surgery.

  10. Thank you St. Therese. My husband’s test results were negative. I was worried and prayed and prayed. thank you

  11. peace be with you,

    i have a friend whose name is Vincent, his mom has brain cancer, prior this his mom has some other sickness too but able to overcome it, but this time the doctor found a tumor which is a cancer….

    Please do pray for healing and also this family will believe in Christ. May God have mercy on this family.

  12. Wow. I didn’t realize it until I read a couple of the other ‘answered prayers’, but I was begging to be ‘released’ from a painful situation gracefully … and that happened! Thanks for helping me put two and two together!

  13. My oldest daughter lives in England and I hadn’t seen her since January and she was distraught because with the pandemic I thought I wouldn’t be able to meet her for a long time. And the day after finishing the novena, he came home with surprise and will stay for 5 weeks! Thank you very much Santa Teresita and many thanks to JesĂșs and MarĂ­a for giving me this time to share with my daughter !!

  14. Thank you St Therese for praying for us and for Jesus blessing us and to everyone who prayed this novena. My husband was offered a job. 🙏🙌

  15. My oldest son got an interview yesterday (10/6/2020) and should hear something in a week or so. He was laid off April 17, 2020. GOD has been providing for them though. Thankful for that. My youngest was told he couldn’t claim unemployment & he got an email that he can and got a check yesterday. Thank you LORD. Praying my they are both able to go back to work real soon. I pray for all that prayed this novena that they find peace & their prayers are answered. I pray for all of us that are in Hurricane Delta’s path that the LORD stretches his arms out along the cost of Louisiana, Mississippi & Texas and stops the storm from any damage to any of us, our homes or our vehicles. Thank you Lord for answered prayers & keep us strong in our faith.

  16. Hi! My husband and I had trouble for 5 years to have kids , we did 7 procedures and the 7th one we got pregnant from ivf with a healthy baby boy, he is now 18months and we were scheduled to do another procedure in October. I was doing the last novena and it said pray for something you have been praying for years for and hasn’t been answered and trust the Lord, I prayed that He would let me get pregnant naturally . We were due for our next procedure for our second child and my cycle never came , took a pregnancy test a week later and I was pregnant ! Naturally! It’s a miracle! What a blessing and what a gift from God! Thank you so much for pushing my faith!!

  17. My father’s illness condition has shown marvellous improvement! Asking St Therese to intercede also helps me to forgive those who I find it hard to work along with.

  18. I prayed for my to find a house to buy. He put several offers in and none were accepted until this past weekend. He should be passing papers on November 6th.
    This answered prayer led to another answered prayer. My husband was very worried about selling our house because my son had no place to go and finding a house lifted a burden from my husband. Two answered prayers. Thank you St. Therese and God.

  19. I asked for St Therese to intercede for my daughter and son in law, especially for his vocation, that he might get a position he has wanted. He received news that he will be given an offer this Friday. My “little flower” never fails. Praise be God!

  20. Please help to pray for me to secure a job for the company I have been applying for. I have waited and pray and its seems like 5months now no answers so I’m still waiting.I have a son to take care of because I’m husband left me and never came back so I’m also struggling to have a financial needs.
    Please help me to pray so I can have a job I’m applying for.

  21. I was very pleased with the St therese Novena and so thankful some of my prayers were answered. I was hoping to get work completed inside and outside my house and wondered who I would get to do same. The work was started and most of it completed berfore I had to leave the area due to Lockdown Level 3 . The painter agreed to call back whilst I was away and I felt safe giving him my spare house key. Million thanks to St Theresa and all the Saints for answering my many requests.

  22. I have been praying for financial blessings for my mom who is really struggling. While praying this novena, someone came up to her at church and offered to pay her taxes! Thank you for your intercession, St. Terese! And thank you, Jesus, for hearing and answering our prayer.

  23. My daughter has been a lot better physically and emotionally since my novena to StTherese I pray she continues to return to her previous health and fitness thank you Almighty and ever loving god through St Therese Amen

  24. After months of tests the doctors gave me the news of it can only be one or you!, you have cancer or your precancerous …. I completed a novena to St Rita. Miraculously to be told, absolutely nothing is wrong, I am completely in good health.
    To God be the Glory. Thank you everyone for your support and prayers. Remain strong in faith and be blessed.

  25. I asked for some financial assistance and I received some unexpected money and gift cards on my birthday. I was hesitant to ask for something so selfish, but I was broke. Thank you dear St. Therese.

  26. I am a 6/year survivor of breast cancer. At the starting of the novena I noticed some changes. Mammogram showed a suspicious area. I was praying the novena and prayed that it would not be a return of cancer. My prayers were answered.

  27. My family and I have been praying to the LORD and waiting- it finally came through! Thank you JESUS my LORD!! Thank you st. Therese

  28. I’ve been praying Novenas with you for many years. I’m head of household for 6 children in a blended family. There have been many incredible challenges over the years, however, I see God working in so many ways. Most recently, my daughter got a great job. Also much healing continues within and outside the household. God is pure Love & Good, especially during our trials.

  29. I prayed this novena and prior novenas to help my husband to have a change of heart and turn his back from the other woman. He asked for my understanding and slowly cutting his ties with her since he still owes her money. Yet, I thank God because my husband choose the right way and still choose to restore our marriage. I also prayed the gift of job and I just got hired last October 2. Thank you St. Therese for interceding for us…!!!

  30. St Therese has really helped me in my spiritual life… She has helped me to grow and I owe her thanks as well as Our Blessed Mother Mary… Glory and thanks to God

  31. I thanks God that I join the university for the course I wanted .now I ask God to guide me through to do better on my assignment so that I will pass the course

  32. I had prayed the novena for my friend who is away from the church. She stopped going when Covid started and decided she didn’t see any merit in going back. A day after the novena ended she texted me saying she woke up with an urge to start a devotion to St. Therese and wanted to get back to church. Wow!!! God is good!

  33. Please people of God pray for me and my wife to be as we are going to hospital next week for our wedding medical report, for Almighty God to bless and make it successful and good one. I shall come here to testify to God Almighty. I really believe that God answers prayers. God bless us all. Amen and Amen. May God give us good results amen

  34. God is good all the time. God keep safe and in good health always with that we are thankful. Thank you St. Therese.

  35. Received financial blessing while praying this novena! Praise God and thank you St. Therese for your prayers. Looking forward to praying with all who pray these novenas. God bless you all .

  36. My sister finally received an alert that she already gave up on and it has helped our financial situation.
    Thank you Lord.

  37. Good morning friends in Christ,
    I would want you to join me pray for my son 18 years who still wet his bed.
    we have seek medical care but still persist. I believe in God’s healing.
    join me to pray for him.

  38. Thank you everyone on this here,I was called today to starting working. I have been jobless for over two years. These novenas have changed my life. The St .Teresa novena has done it for me.

  39. I want to give God all the glory last year I came with a heavy heart about my son’s health after the wedding date was fixed, I almost said it should be postponed indeed a lot happened but God is very faithful. It’s over a year now and he’s recovered from the ulcer. Thank you for your prayers. God answers when we call St Theresa the heavenly roses miracle worker, thank U

  40. Thanks to St Therese for answering prayers for my daughter who was in a tricky situation but everything is sorted now. She has also answered prayers for my grandson.

  41. Thank you St Therese for praying for my daughter’s safe and uneventful journey to Edinburgh. Thank you for sending angels along the way to assist her as she travelled alone. Please continue to pray for her protection and safety especially with the rise in the number of covid-19 cases in Edinburgh.

  42. I prayed for healing for a lump which I thought was cancerous. I was fearful of sharing with anyone about this. God worked in wondrous ways. The lump burst and had blood all over my bed. Went to a doctor and discovered it was a bad abscess. Doctor did a surgery and cleaned up the area. Sometimes healing comes through the doctors. Never underestimate the wonders of prayers and how prayers work.

  43. As I started praying the novena to St. Therese, I remembered my mother saying that St. Therese was known to send roses in response to those who prayed to her. As a child, I was so intrigued by that and had hope that roses would “appear” when I prayed to St. Therese. When I started the current novena I thought “What would it be like to get a *sign* from St. Therese?” One day, last week, I was driving to fulfill a stressful series of tasks for my job. I was worried about relocating a parking lot that I had used earlier in the day, and I was aware that it was right across from a church. As I neared the church, wondering if I was in the right place, I turned a corner and looked up to see a sign–which I hadn’t seen before–it said, “St. Therese, the Little Flower”. I parked my car and felt deep sense of knowing that I was/am “in the right place”.

  44. I have been praying all the novena all through, from October last year. Within this time, I’m so happy I pray my Rosary first thing every morning, I got a good job and I feel better about my life and I’m hopeful God will give me a good life partner and complete wholeness.

  45. I prayed the novena asking God through St. Therese for my children’s healing and progress.
    One of them got a training offer yesterday.
    I bless God.

  46. I prayed this Noven last year for my daughter who have always had lots of respiratory problems especailly during the winter season. We were always in the emmergency room and spent a week in hospital with very severe pnemonia. Since I prayed the Noven, for the whole of last year, she had only mild flu and cough, I have pryaed it again this year and my daughter, who was born on the Feast day of St. Therese is feeeling much better.
    Before during the winter season, school was interrupted every two weeks, or a week at school or three at home. Thanks St. Therese for interceeding for my daughters health and thanks to all who prayed the Novena with me and my family, Thank you John Paul and Annie.

    God bless you all.

  47. Thanks to St There’s novena.lts a novena l always love doing since that’s my name. I want to say thanks for prayers answered. My sister’s hip surgery was successful she is moving around slowly but continued prayers are needed for the prevention of clots. Thank You St Therese go

  48. After praying the novena my health was improved and I am no longer on chronic medication and I feel the connection with God.

  49. Little Flower is always dear to our family hearts. My mum is named Teresa and my second name is Teresa,so we celebrate together with Little Therese her feast and her little ways of loving others.
    With God’s grace and St.Therese help ,we hope to be one day together at tthe Greatest Feast in Heaven.

  50. Praise God with me that my children are united and as well with their earthly father and their Almighty Father. Infact my family has been united now and forever through Christ Our Lord Amen
    Most especially my two sons are now praying with me and are even asking for more prayers. Thanks very much God for St. Theresa prayers

  51. Thanking God for His mercies endures forever,For the answered prayers of safe delivery,good health n breastfeeding of my baby
    Thanking God for free gift of life n good health upon me n my family
    My husband has changed praying for more of His Mercies to completely quit alcohol and peer influence,JK

  52. good day all,

    I had been praying the novena of St. Therese , however due to me doing a course to keep busy , I had not said the final 2 days of the novena. 3 days after the final pray had been in my mail box, I took time to complete the final 2 prayers of the novena, I had been praying to GOD to send me blessing and opportunity for work and financial assistance, as my funds had all but dried up and food & fuel was very low and so was my moral. Minutes after completing the prays , I decided to call to friends to chat and vent frustrations, after chatting to these friends, GOD answered my prayers, both these people , without asking , sent me money . Thank you GOD for the blessings.

  53. I prayed this novena for my friend who was diagnosed with breast cancer. During the novena, she had a lumpectomy and the margins were good and her lymph nodes were clear! Another marker that determines whether or not she needs chemo was also negative. Though she will have radiation, she will be cancer free! Praise be to God! Thank you Little Flower for such a generous intercession, and thank you to all who prayed for her.

  54. I prayed the full Novena and requested St. Therese for her intercession for my nephew’s healing. He was hospitalized for Covid-19. He is healed and discharged from the hospital. Thank you St. Therese of Lisieux for your intercession.

  55. I thank God for still giving me, my daughter Chidera and the entire Patrick Ekpuru family life.
    Early in the year our Maternal uncle send us a msg, that a vision was given where a member of the Patrick Ekpuru family died, and since then we all embarked on prayers and fasting.though, my daughter Chidera was, very sick, I also saw a vision of blood dropping off her body, I prayed and fasted and today, I thank God, we are all still alive to behold the face of God in the land of the living.THANK YOU JESUS

  56. Thanks Saint Therese novena for healing me and my children, thanks for my new job and my children’s success in their exams and new jobs. Thanks for the financial blessings in my family. Thank you for love and peace. Amen

  57. I have received lots of emotional healings from deaths of my family members by praying this novena. Also, God has blessed me with godly and supportive friendships during this period of praying it. Thank you.

  58. My son was offered employment; Thank God for his faithfulness and THANKING St. Therese for her intercession and our Mother Mary. I am grateful.

  59. I’ve been shortlisted for interview for a long term teaching assistant role at a local Catholic primary school & have my interview this morning (7th October).

  60. I’ve been praying for my mom to heal due to her sickness and seek for better heath facilities and blessed to have her flying over to Australia on Sunday for health checkup’s! Thank you God and your mercy, also to you Saint Therese!!!

  61. Thank you St Therese for the answered prayers for healing and restoration of my co-workers and friends in Jesus Christ Holy Name!God is so Merciful and Good all the time !

  62. Please pray for my granddaughter Hollie age 7 years who suffers from anxiety , her behaviour mimics that of a two year old at times. I prayed the novena to St Therese to whom I have great devotion and there has been a slight improvement in Hollie. I also pray The Rosary of Liberation for her. Please God she will be totally healed of all her anxieties. Thank you for your prayers and support.

  63. I order natural health products every month from my favorite company. Recently I listened to a presentation regarding the rose ointment from this company and how one of the ways some people use it is to moisturize their nostrils for more comfortable breathing. I felt inspired to place it on my monthly order on Sep 26th. Although I was praying the St Therese Novena at that time, I actually did not think of her when I placed the order. Then early in the morning on Oct 2, it suddenly dawned on me that the rose ointment arrived at my door on October 1st at the end of the novena and just in time for the Feast of St. Therese of Lisieux! I have since found out that often people will pray the St. Therese novena for a period of nine days and at the end of the nine days, a rose might appear to confirm that prayer intention. I didn’t know this about the novena and I didn’t think about St. Therese at all when I placed my order. But the moment that I realized that the rose ointment arrived exactly on the Feast of St. Therese, I remembered what she said before she died, “My mission — to make God loved — will begin after my death 
 I will spend my heaven doing good on earth. I will let fall a shower of roses.” I am so excited about this. What a special sign of the presence of St. Therese and of her wonderful intercession! Glory to God!

  64. I thank God for His Angels and Saints. St Theresa Thank You for making me appreciate God’ s plan for me through your shining example. Amen

  65. After searching and almost closing a good deal for a place to transfer, I finally closed a better one and transferred to a peaceful place on St. Therese’s feast, October 1. Thank you, my patron saint.

  66. Thankyou so much st theresa- during your novena
    -My daughter got her work permit on friday finally and the connection source u made she is applied for a job
    -My eldest son applied for a job on thursday and he got a call in 2 days tommorow he is called for a interview
    -My youngest daughter her temporary job is now extended to a permanant roaster during your novena
    St theresa you have opened my 3 children doors & I know you will bless them all 3 with their permanant job with their PR status
    Thankyou for this miracle blessing –

  67. Praise God, I gave birth to a lil beautiful healthy girl. No complications during labour.. Thank you to all who prayed this novena with me.

  68. Dear all,

    I need your prayers as i am going for interview today after one hour. i really need this job as my current job is going to end soon.

    I pray also for my dear sister Lily to get her work permit

    I pray for my friend TOM to come back to Tanzania and his depression issue should be cured

    I pray for peace, happy and financial for my family.


  69. I prayed for my sister’s move from the house where she lived for 30 years to a small apartment in the town where her daughter lives, miles from where the old home was. Everything went brilliantly, from the move itself to settling in, with help. My ongoing prayer is that she will come back to the Catholic faith, after becoming an Anglican.

  70. Since I started praying the novena, I feel so much at peace, I feel lighter and freer. I thank God.

    I haven’t been working for the past two years but miraculously I have been able to pay for my bills.

    I have also since received an invitation for a senior job commensurate with my qualifications and experience. Please join me in prayer to do well at the interviews and be able to get the job🙏

    Thank you for this novena. I will continue praying for not just me but everyone who turns to this group for support.

  71. My sister was able to give birth and she, and the baby are fine.
    Our family was also brought closer..
    Thanks to the intercession of St Therese

  72. Answered intension prayers ., I been waiting for this for more than 6 years already and the spousal application for my husband was finally approved, few more additional requirements then hopefully me and my husband will be reunited. Thanks be to God .
    Godbless us all ,never ending Praise And Glory to Our Lord Jesus Christ .

  73. Thank you everyone Anne ,Team and everyone for praying for each other .I am praying for you all and I trust all your prayers will be answered.
    God bless you all ,keep you safe and healthy 🙏

  74. God is good, have been praying for my brother to get a wife who will take care of the family and God has given him a wife Glory and honour goes to Almighty.

  75. My estranged alcoholic brother called me 10/1
    And informed me he has joined AA. Praise the Lord. Thank you St Therese for your intercession.

  76. After praying st Anna and st.Trheres my two health issues are settled am healed now completely and my fiancee has confirmed that going to marry me because i prayed for healing and holy matrimony and financial break through i believe the coming.and more good things from these novenas
    Thank you Lord Jesus Christ

  77. Thanks st Therease my husband’s supervisor has said he is permanent however we have 3 more months by law for him to not be fired without cause. We will continue praying but thank you.

  78. Thank you for this Novena to St Therese. After the Novena my intestines are getting better and I feel stronger. I will keep praying these Novenas because I know that God will answer my prayers, with help of our intercessors the Saints.

  79. I prayed the Novena that my sister would be invited to do her masters degree and she got the letter on the 3rd day of the Novena. Praise be to God and thank you to St Therese for her intercession.

  80. We have been praying for our first cousin that he returns to the Lord and hate less. We have seen almost a complete turn around. We will continue to pray for him.

  81. My mum had a spine surgery in may this year. She has been on recovery until last month she was diagnosed with upper jaw cancer. She was then scheduled for a surgery. I joined in praying st. Terrese novena and st. Rita novena. I give God all the Glory for taking her through the surgery yesterday 6th oct. He is a faithfull God

  82. I have been looking for my next home. Thank you St Therese. I feel through her intercession and our joint prayers, I have found it.

  83. Throughout St Tgerese Novena, I prayed that the flowers she sends to me should be a husband/partner that I can build a relationship with, share my life with and build a loving home with. St Therese has answered my prayers by sending 4 people my way who are ready for us for build a happy life and home. So am thankful for this abswered prayer, and now pray more for God to bless me with the spirit of discernment and help me pick the right one from among them whom He has allowed our path to meet at this time. God you are too Faithful, thank you Father and guide me to Your will and plan for my life in choosing the right man… Amen

  84. All praise to God almighty!
    I prayed the St.Therese’s novena..Pray for a job and the very next novena was over, I got a call from the HR of the company for which I had applied months back..Thank You At.Therese of Lisieux