Answered Prayers from the St. Therese Novena, 2019

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Thank you for joining us in praying The St. Therese Novena!

If you’ve had any prayers answered during this novena, please share those with us all below!

We will continue to pray for you and your intentions.

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  1. I prayed for my daughter’s house that had been in market to sell..House sold & closed a few days after Novena. Peace & All Good. Thank You

  2. I Thank you Lord Jesus for all you have given me. Please be with me, family and all those who have helped me in some way or another. I pray for your guidance to help n protect us in everyway , keep us safe from all harm and illnesses. Thank you for giving us Mother Mary, St. Joseph, Guardian Angels n Saints to intercede for us. Let us all be God fearing so it will be a place Peaceful and Safe for all your children here on Earth.
    * Be with P. Donald Trump *
    VP. Mike P ..and Hannity.
    I’m not an American but I stand for them and the great things P. Trump is doing.

  3. Thank you, St. Therese for praying for me. God is so good and He answered my prayer for the city government job that I applied last year. Just received the call today that I made it there.
    Praise the Lord.

  4. After being unemployed for almost a year,I prayed the St Therese Novena,and was offered a job recently and i will start working on the 13th Oct 2019.Praise Jesus Praise Mother Mary all the angels and saints esp St Therese.Thank you.

  5. Our Lord has answered prayers for a Priest and his attorney while in another country, they made it home safely! Months later, he needed surgery, and our Lord heard our prayers, great physicians and medical science too! He is coming home! We serve a Great God of love!

  6. I prayed for an employment for my son. He got a call for interview on October 2, and on October 3, the firm called up to tell him they’re making an offer. He got his formal offer yesterday from that firm which is one of the more reputable law firms in the country, and a salary that is better than his last one. To God be the glory. Thanks St. Therese.

  7. I asked st teresa to help my grown son to get help for his mental illness and that I would finally hear from him. I did hear and he is in a inpatient treatment program. What a nice rose from heaven. He has a long road ahead but its a beginning. Thank you little flower.

  8. My husband, who is not Catholic & use to go to Mass with us stopped going & questioned the church on many things…he has begun going again, not every Sunday but is going again more, St. Theresa please continue to fill his heart with love of the Lord as you have been doing …
    And our son’s door for baseball scholarships are beginning to open, thank you Lord!
    God is good & God is great ❣️

  9. In early August, I had miscarriage. I prayed for healing and to get pregnant. I recently found that I’m pregnant! God Bless

  10. I prayed that my friend and her husband who were recently separated would be able to reconcile. On day 4 he brought her flowers and apologized for all of the hurt he caused in the last month. They are now in marriage counseling and are on their way to a healthy marriage. Thanks be to God!

  11. I started praying novena on the 3rd day. But still, with faith and confidence, praying for my intention of getting premium clients. I mentioned the names of my prospects and asked St. Therese if ever, she managed to answer my prayer and helped me get at least 4 new clients. Before the novena ends, I got 2 answers and still, now I got booked DCs.
    God is so good always. Thank you St. Therese, thank you Papa God. Indeed, if you pray with all of your heart, God sees your heart, truly:-)
    Praise be God the Father always!

  12. God is good all the time. I prayed and asked for a job. I had intervied for a position and had lost hope of getting the job. I got an offer after the novena. I could not believe how quickly my prayers were answered. Thank you all for praying with me.
    We serve an awesome God.

  13. I pray the Novena to Saint Teresa for my brother who is battling cancer for the second time that he would have good news at his next check up. Thank you Lord Jesus and Saint Teresa. His cancer number is still up the oncologist is not concerned about it because the cancer, although it’s still there, it’s not growing.

  14. I was in anguish after the discovery of my husband’s infidelity. I asked for God to heal my heart of the pain and bitterness and give me peace. Now after the novena,I’m experiencing the kind of peace only he can give. Thank you St. Therese.

  15. The prayers have been answered. My brother Paul was to the point of breathing only by a machine. With all the prayers one week later his lungs is getting stronger and for the first time in a month he was walking to the room door( 15ft )of the hospital. Not out of the woods yet, but we will keep praying. Thank You Lord. From A one very HAPPY brother.

    Dan A

  16. Thank you ST THERESE for immediately helping me to forgive someone in authority who hurt me and as a result did not go to the community in a year.
    After reading the beautiful novena was struck by the call for help in forgiving…and I felt a deep response which led me to realise fully that I must forgive that person.
    I went round to the house to explain how hurt I had been etc and I had bought a NOVENA TO THE LITTLE FLOWER booklet at the back of a neighbouring church to give to him.
    Now I feel free of the pain and so grateful for this gift of this novena.
    Now I have moved on and am at peace . Praise God.

  17. Thank you St. Therese!
    The day after I completed the 9 day novena I received in the mail a beautiful live golden yellow rose from a Carmelite monastery where a previous member of our prayer cenacle took her vows as a Carmelite nun and she sent me the rose in honor of St Therese!

  18. I have been praying for reconciliation with a very important person in my life (friend ,sister, mum she is basically everything ) and Few days ago she called asking me to forgive her and bury the hatchet and build again our friendship and God has been sooo good it’s like we never fought! Everything is like before we are even planning a trip together ! St Thérèse de Lisieux merci pour ton intercession et continue de prier pour moi pour que mes autres vœux soient exaucés !

  19. I have been praying for reconciliation with a very important person in my life (friend ,sister, mum she is basically everything ) and Few days ago she called asking me to forgive her and bury the hatchet and build again our friendship and God has been sooo good it’s like we never fought! Everything is like before we are even planning a trip together ! St Thérèse de Lisieux merci pour ton intercession et continue de prier pour moi pour que mes autres vœux soient exaucés !

  20. Please pray of My family to get out situation we are in get ahead and stay us to fine away to get a place to stay that we can afford,that struggling each every week

  21. I was praying that my daughter’s dad would accept her. He had rejected her ever since i got pregnant. Unfortunately i did not finish the novena, i gave up praying half way but God is still doing it for me. Her dad called and said he will be coming to see her atleat once every week and that he will help pay for the nanny who takes care of her. I pray that they will be the best of friends.

  22. I would like to say a great big thank you for the intercessions I sought from St. Therese. I needed a solution to a situation I was in and asked for God to reveal himself in my situation and he did. I truly bless God’s name and thank St. Therese for her intervention.

  23. I’ve been dreaming of my parents for the past 6 weeks. I considered it as a message that I need to go home. Funds are so tight, but someone sent me roses. I’m going home for a short visit.

  24. I prayed this movena for my husband as he is fighting a very serious cancer. Right after the novena we received great news from his cat scan. We have a long way to go but we know God is walking with us through this difficult time

  25. Thank you for pray for me, I had surgery on Friday October 4, thank to your prayers and St Theresa novena even thing ok . But I have a very special request a close friend of mine at work has cancer and is going for some strong treatment is scary and I’m asking you to say a novena for her . Her name is Donna. Thank you

  26. My answered prayers were from St. Anne Novena. My Great-Grandson was finally accepted to have a form of autism and was accepted in an awesome special ed program on St. Anne’s feast day! Thank you!

  27. Thanks to St. Therese for answering my prayers while we are on our Novena. I prayed that my partner will stop smoking and it happened after we have the Novena . He told me that I gave up smoking. Thanks again St. Therese..

  28. My daughter lost her job and she had an interview this morning and the job she interviewed with she wants it. She would do real good and it would be the best ever. She also another interiview onthursday and I pray she gets either one by the weekend. Please st Theresa pray she gets one of the jobs this week.

  29. There is nothing impossible to God!! My son who has been struggling with mental issues and rebelliousness that have been a big challenge for my family. He dropped out of college for the 3rd time in January and had a series of mental breakdowns that led to his hospitalization. But through the whole ordeal, my hope and trust was placed in the Lord because I knew that the Lord is my only hope considering that the family has done all we could do. During this time, my son became more prayerful and started reading the Bible and believed that the Lord is all that he needed. I prayed hard to God and begged the angels and saints especially St. Therese to intercede for me. I am happy to report that my son is back in school this semester and not on any medication. Most importantly, I have a better relationship with him now than any time since he was 13 years old, and he is 23 now. Glory be to God!!!

  30. I had brought many intentions to the feet of Jesus along side St Thérèse and boy did she help me through! I was concerned with a relationship that I am currently in. So much peace rushed over me in this process and through this I was able to go forth in continuing my relationship with my boyfriend. On top of that some of my classes this year have been really challenging so I asked her to intercede in helping me to live up to the task of doing well! All is going wonderfully right now and I believe that it is in connection to my great friend St. Thérèse and our savior Jesus Christ!!

  31. I feel blessed that part of my request for the resolution of my brother’s health has been answered. My brother called to tell me that he was discharged from psychiatric rehab and has been titrated completely off one of his medications. He is feeling strong to continue with rehab to resolve his other medical conditions and return to work. Thank you St Therese and all those who prayed this novena with me.

  32. My husband did well after his surgery but had a complication a week later that might have been fatal if he hadn’t happened to be at the hospital for an unrelated treatment. My miracle came in that he is recovering at home now and all is exactly as I prayed for.

  33. I prayed for my son to get back some of the money he was owed by his boss and she paid some of it to him.

    Thank you St Theresa.

  34. Dear St. Therese, I have been praying to soften the heart of my daughter-in-law with regards to the very difficult time she and my son are going through a divorce. You and our dear Lord have answered my prayer partially. I thank you from the bottom of my heart and continue to pray that all my prayers be answered according to God’s will.

    Thank you dear Lord and St. Therese for listening and answering the prayers of those who prayed with me, especially John-Paul and Annie.

    God Bless us all.

  35. My wife and myself have been praying for our first child, for many years, whose children have grown with us from toddler age. She has started to be more responsible and the tensions between us has dropped considerably.

  36. My St Therese, thank you so much for blessing my brother-in-law whose mouth condition was stoned in the salivary gland and is been operated on 21.10.19, pray for a smooth, healthy procedure by the surgeons and his team please.

    Peace and thank you, Sonia

  37. I prayed a Novena to St Therese for my dear sister-in-law to be healed from cancer. On the final day of the Novena, October 1st, I saw a single beautiful peach coloured rose in full bloom. It was also the feast day of St Therese

  38. I too prayed the novena to St. Theresa for my daughter who is a teacher at a struggling school. She is such a good teacher! The administration is not supportive and my daughter was going to leave in the middle of the year but has decided to stay through the end of the year. Thanks be to God…her teaching certificate will be intact!

  39. Dear St Therese….thank you so much for helping me pray to the Father for my requested petition. Thanh you for giving my son and her wife a home that is in the area where they wanted….it’s so important that they got it in that site. Thank you again for looking after us. Help us to grow more and more in love with our Father by obeying His commands….

  40. I visited my Doctor after praying together for healing ,and my blood sugar had stabilized. Oh is wonderful and i thank God. Iam trusting him on my Brothers healing too. Amen

  41. I continually pray for my son to come back to his faith and my husband brought me a bunch of red roses on the feast of St Therese what a surprise so I know St Therese is listening to my prayers and nothing is impossible with God, just not now.

  42. I have been on bladder control meds. for about a couple years already, so I prayed to St. Therese to help me get more control of my bladder, and she has! I don’t have to take the medicine any more!! Thank U St. Therese very much!!!

  43. I prayed for my son to get a college co-op job at a top company locally. He was worried that no one locally would interview him. He got a call for an interview at a top aerospace company in cincinnat, he nailed it and they offered him the co-op job for this spring semester and summer semester next year – wow! I also prayed for my daughter to land a role at a professional theater in Pittsburgh doing shakespeare. She’s not a union actress yet but she got one of the main female roles that she wanted during a time that she is able to do it. Thank you St Terese for your intercession and praise to our Lord Jesus and our Blessed Mother.

  44. Prayed for my little grandson to be able to do better at following the rules in Kindergarten . Since St Therese feast day, he’s gotten all good reports. Thank you for answering my prayers.

  45. Our prayers were answered. We are finally blessed with a child. We finally got pregnant. God is so good.

  46. New landlord bought where I rent. He called day after I completed the Novena to St. Theresa. It was a shock when he wanted to raise rent 200 a month! I was livid. I could not do that, explained briefly family situation with my daughter and Grandsons. I explained the very most I could do is $50, and that would be hard on a limited income. He was to get back to me that night.

    I sat down to pray my rosary, but first called Seraphic missions to have a Mass for them and to get prayers lifted up.

    He called back after a half hour and agreed to $50 more a month! Gosh, I had asked St Theresa and Monsignor M and my Mom (both passed on) for prayers so I can stay near my dear family. I am so grateful!!

    I had another Mass on Sunday for the other renters and new landlord. We will see… Oh, the Seraphic Missions said that was a miracle! I know it too! Thank you! The power of prayer and God’s Love…. and St. Therese!

  47. New landlord bought where I rent. He called day after I completed the Novena to St. Theresa. It was a shock when he wanted to raise rent 200 a month! I was livid. I could not do that, explained briefly family situation with my daughter and Grandsons. I explained the very most I could do is $50, and that would be hard on a limited income. He was to get back to me that night.

    I sat down to pray my rosary, but first called Seraphic missions to have a Mass for them and to get prayers lifted up.

    He called back after a half hour and agreed to $50 more a month! Gosh, I had asked St Theresa and Monsignor M and my Mom (both passed on) for prayers so I can stay near my dear family. I am so grateful!!!

    The other renters, are single women. One is a nurse with 9 yr old daughter. ( he wanted to raise her rent $300.)
    Another is a teacher, that may move back to her parents. The other elderly lady is a Widow as her husband passed this year.

    I had another Mass on Sunday for them and new landlord. We will see… Oh, the Seraphic Missions said that was a miracle! I know it too! Thank you! The power of prayer and God’s Love…. and St. Therese!

  48. I prayed this novena for my brother in law to have a divine breakthrough in his financial and professional life. Midway through the novena he got a call a job offer that comes with sponsorship! Thank you St. Therese!

  49. I prayed for my sons and asked that God would lead them back to church. I prayed that the girls they marry will be good Christian women. The other day my son’s fiancé said all of a sudden she is having a strong desire to read the Bible! She has never read it but now she wakes in the night wanting to know all about it! God is so Good!

  50. I prayed The St Theresa Novena for Peace in my Country, Commonwealth of Dominica, and for Free and Fair Elections.
    As part of our struggle for Free and Fair Elections, the main Opposition Party, the United Workers Party, in cooperation with several Civil Society Organizations, staged a mass Protest in the Capital City of Roseau, on 30 th September, the day I completed my Novena to St Theresa.
    There was a huge risk that people might not turn out for the Protest, for fear of victimization and also fearing violence could be instigated in the protest, either by the Police or by supporters of The ruling Labour Party Government.

    Instead, Protest in Dominica for Free and Fair Elections was truly a miracle.

    Citizens from all works of life turned out in their numbers for one of the largest protests in Dominica in recent times.

    . Moreover, Piece reigned like a river from the beginning to the end of the protest.

    Not a Stone was thrown by any citizen from either side of the issue. Not a canister of tear gas nor a single bullet was fired by the Police.

    I thank St Theresa,Our Lord Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit, for the peace which her intercession reigned upon the Peoples Protest for Free and Fair Elections in our Small Island Nation, in the Caribbean, “Little Dominica.”,

    Norris Prevost

  51. I prayed that my daughter’s California license as Registered Nurse be issued soon. On the last day of the Novena, she received flowers from a friend. I was telling her that was a sign our prayers were answered. Today, she told me her license was issued.
    Praise the Lord!

  52. I have been praying and petitioning for alcohol addiction in my family and more so for my son.This has worked miraculously to a poit of my son telling me to call him always when i go for prayers.Now he has really changed and doing his studies well.I than the Almighty n Mother Mary ,St.Rita for interceding for me.My financial status has greatly improved and am waiting for alot more to come.Lets pray for each other.Thenkyu Lord.

  53. I prayed this novena asking for St. Thérèse’s intercession in the processing, renewal & approval of my study permits. I am a foreign student in a doctoral programme, and in order for me to finish, I have to renew my permits one last time. I’m under a time crunch, so the time periods in which everything gets processed has been a big stress on my daily life, and there is no guarantee that my applications will be approved. I prayed asking that my permits would be processed quickly and that the response would be positive. On the last day of the novena, I received the approval for the first of my two obligatory permits. God is so good!

  54. I had a high risk pregnancy. I prayed for a healthy baby. Last week, my pregnancy was induced and I gave birth to a healthy baby.

  55. I’ve been praying Novena and fasting every Friday for my broken marriage. Now we start talking and communicate better. I think there’s a chance for us to reconcile soon. Thank you to you all for praying with me!

  56. I prayed for my petscan to show the irritation in my lungs not to be my cancer returning. The scan showed only irritation in the lung caused by radiation. It’s fixable! I also asked for my son who was in a horrific auto accident to continue to heal which he has been amazingly doing!! Thank You Jesus, Thank You St. Therese!

  57. Prayed the novena to St. Therese and my prayers were answered. My nephew had a mass between his kidney and his pancreas. Doctors preformed surgery on him a month ago. Finally got the results yesterday and it WAS NOT cancer. Praise GOD

  58. I had prayed the Novena to St. Therese for my son who is not a believer. I hoped for some sign that St. Therese is praying for my son’s conversion. I know that she had promised to rain down roses from heaven. On her feast day my son attended a meeting where there was a raffle draw for a basket of chocolates. There were more than forty persons who took part in the draw. St. Therese gifted that basket of chocolates to my son but I realized it only after the prompting of my Guardian Angel on the Feast of the Guardian Angels. I saw that there was a yellow sunflower propped up in the middle of the basket, not a rose but a beautiful flower. I believe that that was a sign from St. Therese.

  59. I prayed to the sweet Saint Therese to help I’m brother in his struggle with alcoholism. My brother phoned my sister and I and told us he couldn’t do it alone and wanted to enter into inpatient rehab. We drove him to this beautiful place where he is getting the help he needs. Thank you God. Mother Mary, and Saint Therese thank you both for you intercession.

  60. I prayed to St Therese for mending a strained relationship of my husband and our good best friends. On the 5th day of novena he reconciled with them. He turned 70 on the feast of St Therese. Thank you for answered prayers. 🙏

  61. My wife’s depression is lifting but continued prayers is asked and that she can find in her heart to forgive me and return to me as I love her spirit and pray her heart opens more to His love.

  62. Hello, I was praying for an acceptance letter from a college I had applied to…I received it on the last day of the novena after waiting for about two months

  63. I was praying for my son’s admission in a catholic school, where everyone had said it won’t be possible as next year I’d GCSE. I didn’t give up on my hope and continued praying. Happy to say I got a call on 27th September from the school offering my son admission in year X. Thank you St. Therese. Whenever I keep seeing roses I know St. Therese is around and my prayers are being answered. In fact I seen a huge rose in my dream and said to St. Therese there is surely something good coming my way and right enough it was my son’s school admissions. I am also thankful for my job offer. Praying for the process to be smooth and I start soon. Love you St. Therese.

  64. I prayer for my health to improve. I had Several heart procedures and it appears to have improved a little. I still have a way to go but I am on the road to success and believe in the power of praye

  65. I was in desperate need of a job and started to pray the Novena of the Little Flower, Therese de Lisieux. On the last day of the novena I had a job interview. Just before the job interview I entered a church that is very nearby and prayed before the statue of St Therese for her intercession. The job interview was so blessed that I was offered the contract right there on the spot and signed it.
    Overwhelmed with joy I want to make this grace known to everybody!

  66. Dear Paul.& Annie
    Please l would like to seek you all an Urgent Assistance with prayers for our Community which well receive our Lady Of Fatima this month 14th to 04th O Nov

    – preparation to receive our Lady Of Fatima
    – prayer to assist our church Community/Congregation
    – Finance support
    – prayers for our church leaders.

    Appreciate all your efforts and time.

    Yours Faithfully

    Boniface Mereng
    Kavieng,NIP, PNG.

  67. After praying this novena, my partner and I who had been estranged came to me to try and save our relationship. We have a long way to go, but I am grateful. Thanks be to God. Please continue to pray for my son who is struggling to find his path in life. Please pray that he is successful in his work and his dream. Amen.

  68. The first few days of the novena, I noticed blooming roses right away in front of my mother-in-law’s house. I was praying for a good tenant to replace our existing one as they gave us a short notice that they were moving out. Mid-way through the novena, we got a confirmation for a year’s rent in Airbnb! Thank you St. Therese! This means so much for our finances and peace of mind. I continue to pray that they will be happy and comfortable in our house during their entire stay.

  69. My brother was seriously considering leaving the Church, but decided to remain faithful to Jesus – thanks to all of our prayers during this and other Novenas. Thanks so much. Take care and God bless!


  70. Asked St. Therese to help me pray for relief from anxiety and depression. Wednesday night I dreamt of roses, Thursday morning the novena’s side intention were for those with anxiety or depression. Sunday evening while working on Bible study homework, POOF, my depression and anxiety lifted in an instant! Tuesday went to Mass for her feast day to give thanks. Bought a St. Therese medal/necklace to commemorate my miracle and the bookstore gave me a free hardcover, Story of a Soul! I feel work work a miracle in me, ten fold, beyond my expectations. Thank you God and St Therese!

  71. I have been searching for a job for a while to no avail. On the last day of this prayer to St. Therese I got a call from an organization to resume work. I was so shocked because I had gone for the interview since June and had lost hope of ever getting that particular job. Praise be to God. St. Therese Pray for us.

  72. We have been praying for my husband’s annulment paperwork to be completed. Last Monday on her feast day the paperwork was was signed and mailed off. Thursday we received a letter stating more paper work was needed because it was missing. We had copies of 2 things but still need the state marriage license. A check and request was mailed to the courthouse yesterday.
    Also continued prayers for his cancer.

    Last Monday also I had a red rose blum and yellow and pink ones all week. I found a St Theresa medal in my jewelry box on Friday. She was very present.

  73. I have been praying for employment after losing my job six years ago. Two months ago I completed interview for a job which surprisingly stalled until yesterday when I got a phone call from the recruitment manager to clarify some issues so he could make a justification for my employment. So there is hope. Glory to God.

  74. I prayed for an immigration matter to be settled for us and the prayer was answered and we were approved. It was a difficult case too but God answered us. Amen

  75. I’ve had a few of my prayers answered during this last novena. My relationship was reconciled with J. My daughter has been reaching out sending me pictures and videos of my granddaughter. My job is going well.
    I’ve stopped drinking. Huge accomplishment.
    Thank you I give our Lord God all praise and Glory

  76. Praising God for his mercies, I prayed during the Novena to St Theresa to get an invitation to interview in some certain places and I just received an interview from one them!

  77. I prayed the Nova after my husband was involved in an accident at work. He fractured his neck in three places, fractured ribs and broused lungs. 2 weeks in a coma and on a ventilation mechine and had 4 operations done . As we speak now his awake, eating solid food and drinking liquids. Soon will be out from the ventilation machine. I haven’t stopped praying for his full recovery. With faith anything is possible.

  78. We used to have arguments week in week out but lately after praying this novena we are so nice to each other and sharing jokes every day with all smiles

  79. St. Theresa of Lisieux
    Thank you for listening to my prayers. I have been praying for my friends and myself to get a job where we continue to advocate for those in need and to be surrounded by great leadership. Two of my friends got the jobs that they were hoping for. My friend and I have interviews this week. I continue to pray that you guidance us in the right direction so that we also get a job so we can continue supporting those in need but that we enjoy the work and we are surrounded by great leadership. I have lots of faith that this break through will come soon! Please continue to grant us with faith, grace and guide us in the right direction. Amen

  80. I was at adoration last Tuesday on Saint Therese‘s feast day. When I came out of the chapel I realized that I had forgotten to check in. When I went to the check-in, one of our parishioners was there cutting a bouquet of roses! She told me that she found the roses in the sanctuary laying in front of the statue of our Lady of Guadalupe. I was overjoyed as I feel certain Saint Therese left those for me to see. My daughter and I had been praying the novena asking for a transformation in her school experience as she has hated school for many years. It hasn’t changed overnight, but I feel it is getting better. Thank you St Therese for your help!!

  81. My daughter and her husband were having financial problems and on the last week of the Novena a big check arrived for a settlement regarding an accident her husband had had.

  82. I having praying a lot , I am an Epilepsy patient , and a Seizure end if September because I believe this new meds are working the way they should . I feel I didn’t have these Symptoms before I started these meds I prayed and still do that I have no more seizure which I haven’t and with the new meds please put me on a new meds that won’t have any Symptoms like this. I see my neurologist tomorrow please help me I need more prayers please ! Thank you and
    God Bless everyone with there prayers 🙏🏻

  83. I was praying for peace in the family between my children and their father. For my son’s new work, the new baby on it s way and for him to stop his intake of drug. Also for my oldest daughter’s happiness (recently divorcing from a terrible man). My other daughter’s work to continue to trust when asking for the divine help. All this happened!! Praise God including the doctor who removed the skin cancer I had and now gone. Praise God, Amen!

  84. I started this novena for a special intention
    The sale of a property. I git an offer on the 6 th day. This is very powerful novena. Thank you Jesus and thank you mother Mary

  85. I prayed the novena for employment for my daughter. Finished the last prayer to St Therese Sunday night. Monday morning at 8 am they were calling to offer my daughter a job. She accepted. Thank you St Therese for interceding. Thank you Mother Mary and Papa.

  86. Prayed for many intentions including mental health and financial help in particular for myself and others.
    Had some amazing blessings including an “offer” from a clergy I know to help me financially, an opportunity for a loved one to get medical help, a much needed sale for my son, and some improvement for my health due to taking a new supplement, I think. Also, I’d been immobilized and unable to take any action towards a very important personal goal for years. I am now taking action daily towards this goal and it is truly a miracle. Very thankful.

  87. I’m prayed fir my family members who suffer from addictions. I am very happy and great full to say that two of them have received help and are on the road to recovery. Thank you and praise to God!

  88. I prayed the Novena to St Teresa for our son, who is a drug and alcohol addict. He went to a Recovery Centre for a month and as of now is 33 days free of drugs and alcohol. Our prayers were answered.

  89. While I pray these novenas for GOD to help me continue to pay off my debts, to provide for my family and myself and for so many other things, I will say that through it all, GOD keeps my head above water and a roof over my head, the peace I feel from just praying is my blessing and I thank GOD and all of his Saints for their intercession on my behalf!
    GOD bless all of you!

  90. My niece broke her shoulder when I started the Novena and they told her and her husband they were sure that they found cancer in the bone which must have metastisized from another organ. She is 29 y.o with a 1 year old. I prayed the Novena and the biopsy showed no cancer anywhere in her body. They found a giant cell tumor that she had removed yesterday. Thank you St. Theresa and our Lord Jesus Christ. Kathy