Answered Prayers from the St. Philomena Novena – 2015

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St Philomena NovenaThank you for joining us in praying to St. Philomena, the wonder worker! If you experienced any answered prayers during this novena, please share them with us below! We must praise God, and give Him all the glory, for all the good things He is doing in our lives.

Now, if you have had some prayers go seemingly unanswered (you’re not alone), and you’ve been asking yourself, “Should I just stop praying?” — here’s a post I wrote that may be able to help:

Unanswered Prayers

Thank you for joining us in prayer!

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  1. Wow! St. Philomena is a powerful intercessor! I had many intentions and all of them have begun to sprout, and I have faith they will bear full fruit. First, my husband began more initiation in pursuing me which has been lacking in our relationship for years. Second, we met some new friends that seem to be a great fit for us to be a more solid community. Third, I have struggled with feelings of rejection all of my life and a priest gave me some great advice about how to ask for prayers for it from the Blessed Mother. Fourth, extended family relationships have been strained for a couple decades and a plan to visit them was put in place during this novena. Fifth, a healing that God gave me that is still being worked out took more steps forward with the advice of a friend. Thank you St. Philomena!


  3. My son and husband are getting along better – praise the Lord!! May He continue to bless each of them with firmness against addiction and loving gentleness toward each other.

  4. Dear St Philomena
    I continue to pray for your intercession to our sweet Jesus for my prayers to be answered. I pray for a co-signer for my boys’ college loans. I also pray for help and strength thru my financial crisis. Thank you for hearing my prayers. God Bless!

  5. I pray today that it become clear what vocation my husband and I both need to follow through employment or whatever God’s plans are for us. I thank God for my speedy ongoing recovery from surgery. I feel very blessed for this.

    I also pray for others that they see the ongoing love and support from God.

  6. Thank you for St.Philomena for your intercessions in this prayer group. Jesus is truly amazing and loving. Thank you Jesus for answering the prayers of those seeking you and for allowing those who have not had an answer to their prayers a continued trust in you. Only you know the right time and when it should be. I will continue to believe, trust and love you. I will continue to pray for healing for my husband who suffers from depression and his relationship with our children and me. For my children and myself to love and serve our Lord and Savior. In Jesus name Amen.

    • Your prayer has encouraged me, i was beginning to lose hope but you are right about us trusting our Lord Jesus Christ coz without Him we are nothing.

  7. I pray for my daughter’s healing. Thank you Lord for the strength, peace , love and protection and guidance. I continue to pray to God to bring his healing power to my daughter, Heavenly Father, hear our prayers. In Jesus name , I pray.

  8. Thank you Lord for allowing me to participate in this novena to St Philomena. I ask for her intercession for my family especially my son who is embarking on a new business venture, myself and my husband who as we try to grow and develop our business, my brothers who are trying to use their God given talents to earn a living Amen. I pray that we can give back to humanity and make a difference in the lives of others Amen.

    I also pray for all those who have not received an answer to their prayers that they continue to pray in faith and they receive Gods blessings and love Amen.

  9. Thank you for your intercession St. Philomena. We have received a scholarship for my daughter to attend Catholic School and the financial impact of the cost of sending her to school will be a
    Minimum burden. I am prayerful and hopeful that the rest of my petition will be answered. Eternally thankful for this merciful blessing!

  10. We were praying for those needing jobs, and while I wasn’t praying for this particular need at the time of the last Novena, a job just fell in my lap. Out of the blue. Beautiful. Feeling blessed!

  11. St Philomena..please intercede for Gary.for his deliverance from drugs..that the Lord will reveal to him that his life is going nowhere as he hides behind the drugs and looking for love in all the wrong places. Praying the Lord will open his eyes and his heart to the truth..that he will step out of that hiding place and know that he is forgiven of his past..praying the Lord to give him courage to go after what he truly wants and not to be afraid. He needs healing in his soul..may he know God is there for him.Amen

  12. I asked Saint Philomena to pray for the right place for me to complete my internship for school. On the fourth day of my novena with her, the internship was offered along with a future job.
    Saint Philomena worked fast. I am very grateful for her prayers!!

  13. In Name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit.

    Dear Saint Philomena,

    I am contacting because I need your help in my life and your prayers to liberate me. I have been going through a lot I need spiritual help and guidance to help fight these battles. I need to to pray and petition for me and my family and my children. Please help me to become credit, child support, IRS, and all other debts I have free. Help to work and stop my shopping addiction. Please make it possible for me to keep my work and promise….Please bring good people into my life who are going to help me get ahead in life…please removed all negativities…pessimistic way in my life….please help me to get confidence in my life…..please give me wisdom, patience, confidence, knowledge, comprehension, clarity,understanding, love, humility, faith, guidance and protection….please let me know that God is my first priority, please have the Holy Spirit in my life all the time…..please give my mother health, and longevity and a passion for life…..please help Haiti become a great nation…..please give Harrielle full scholarship to attend college….please make all my children to become members of The Catholic Church, please help me understand Your Word The Bible….Please have The Holy Spirit to always help me understand The Bible….Please help me to focus on Your Word…..Please always create opportunity for me to have money to take care of myself and my children and pay all my debts and become credit debt free..please help me go get my passport back….please fight all my enemies and defeat them…..please removed all jealousy and curses on me and my family….please true friend in my life….please have my guardian angel with me to protect and guide me…..please always make me win at lottery and casino…and keep my winnings…please help settle the case for me and win big money to pay my bills…please help me to become financially dependent of you and myself and skills and knowledge and profession and business….please help me to achieve my goals as a lawyer, diplomat, businessman and a servant of your church…I asked all of these things with faith and confidence Father God in Jesus Name Amen…..And You also Saint Philomena I am asking you to constantly pray these petitions for me and my family and I am waiting with expectation good things are about to come to me…..Please….Please …..& Please Help me I truly need and want your help….Thanks Saint Philomena for all you have done for me and will continue to day for me…….

  14. I prayed for academic success this semester. I recently had a Histo Practical and I passed with flying colors. Thank you God for hearing me. With your Grace, I am well on my way to success. Also, I was appointed President of my School’s Catholic Church Association. What a humbling calling it is to serve you, Lord! Thank you for everything, my heart is exceedingly grateful!

  15. My prayers in this novena were for my husband and son to start healing their relationship. That they would communicate without judgement and in a peaceable manner. On the 7th day, my son called his father, and they talked for over two hours. The conversation went well and the healing has begun.

  16. My daughter-in-law has had a difficult pregnancy and there have been some problems with the baby. I was praying for a safe delivery for her and the baby. He was born 3 weeks early right in the middle of the novena and although small he is perfect. Thank you God and St. Philomena.

  17. Saint Filomena pray for us who have recourse to you … Please pray for Charo , my wife, so that her abses tooth be taken care of by the dentist and her and Sara, our daughter, can come home so Sara can start her six grade school . Also pray for Mercy with the pain that she is having … Also pray for strength for me to do a very good and productive day at work … Also pray for Charo’s brother Pepe who is suffering with cancer and in and out of the hospital . Please pray that Chara gets rest so that her Medicine can work best to clean up her infection … Amen

  18. I have been struggling with a legal battle and asked to meet the people concerned to settle the problem out of court, but they refused. Today is our final day of the Novena and I received a call from them asking to meet. Praise The Lord. Please continue to keep us in prayer. That the meeting on Wednesday settles all issues peacefully. God bless

  19. I’m a cancer survivor and I prayed for positive test results from most recent visit. During the second testing process I was praying the Novena to St. Philomena. The initial testing showed concerning results. The physician said lets take another test in a week. I began praying the Novena. The second results came back and all concerned has vanished. I thank God and St. Philomena for my renewed health. Thanks Be to God!
    Blessings to everyone.

  20. I posted a prayer request for my son and daughter in law’ s marital issues. Everything is fine between them. Praise you Jesus. Thank you Jesus. St. Philomena thank you for your intercession with Lord Jesus.

  21. One year after my hip replacement surgery and almost a year after a second surgery to clean out a staff infection that I developed, I saw the doctors who performed the surgery and treated me. My orthopedic surgeon told me that my X-Rays are great–no sign of any loosening of the artificial hip, and no signs of cskcium deposits. My infectious disease doctor who treated my staff infection said my lab reports continue to be great, and in six months if they continue to be good, she may discharge me! I do not have to see the surgeon for a year! Both of these visits occurred during this novena. My prayers are being answered. I have prayed your novenas during this past year, and my prayers have been and continue to be answered. I am convinced that these novenas have carried my prayers to the Lord and have been answered. I will continue to pray all the novenas presented. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  22. I went through a big audit at work successfully and needed help to get my son in a very good school and was successful

  23. Praise God!! one of my intentions was for reconciliation between us and our family friends, this morning my friend who has not called me for more than four months called me saying she wants us to meet somewhere…….alleluia , thank you st Philomena may God be forever glorified

  24. The lump I found was not cancerous,and the lump is almost gone. Thank you St. Philomena for your intercession.

  25. Please please pray for my marriage . I want my husband to have strength and love to better our relationship and I want him to be the way he used to be. I want my hugs and kisses back. I want to be his one and only . Please make that sinner woman disappear and please don’t make them get along. I am a great loving wife and I want my family together. Thank u and God bless . Love u

  26. Our son who is living with his girlfriend has been stubborn and very unresponsive to us when we have attempted to talk to him regarding his living arrangement and a tragic thing that happened due to this. On Sunday, when my husband and I were helping them at their part time job, I drove home with his girlfriend by her invitation and we talked and my husband stayed and our son opened up to him a little bit about some personal things which before all he would talk about was business things. I feel so encouraged that God is helping our son through the intercession of St. Philomena. Deo Gratias.

  27. I was praying that my daughter’s husband would sign the documents she needed to sell her house and be able to find a buyer as soon as possible, he sign the documents and she found a buyer she’ll be closing the end of this month she also had a moving sale and she did pretty good. Thank God for for hearing my prayers God is good. I’m praying for my daughter to return back to church. Thank you Lord I love you and I need You.

  28. St.Philomena please pray for me to get through this very difficult time in my life! Please pray for me to make the right decisions!
    St.Philomena please pray for me to have Christian be a part of life! We can spend quality time with each other in good times and bad!
    St.Philomena please pray for to have good health to be able to take care of my grandchildren ! To be able to see them grow up as adult catholic Christians!

  29. I pray for my son in job search and that he will do well in his job interview and receive a job offer. I pray that he and his girlfriend will marry soon and both will go on to live a good catholic life with all of God’s blessings.

    That his struggles will be less burdensome for him.

  30. I pray that my husbands friends newborn daughter makes a full recovery and that her health continues to strengthen and I also pray that my own unborn daughter is born in great health and is a happy baby which will make the transition from 2-3 go much easier I am hoping.. I also ask God to help me to ease my anxiety that has become crippling in my life. I thank the lord for all our blessings and my blessings may the lord ere my prayers.. Amen

  31. Thank you, Saint Philomena for obtaining from God a benefactor for my daughter! This financial assistance gives consolation and peace of mind to know that we are doing God’s Will

  32. I was praying for a new teaching position after I lost mine due to lack of students in my Autistic class. I was offered a position Friday. Thank you, St. Philomena, for your intercession on my behalf. Thank you, Jesus, our Savior.

  33. St. Pilomena, please have Patrick Allen return back to Michelle. Let him see that the current path he is on is the wrong one. Let him see that Michelle has changed and recognizes the behavior presented towards him. Let him Forgive her and look only at the positives of the life when they were together. She forgives him him as well for the lies and cheating and the pain they caused each other. Please grant michelle this blessing so that they both can be truly happy in life.. Amen

  34. Dearest St. Philomena,

    Please continue to help me so that I may help others in need. Assist me in becoming closer to our heavenly father and sharing the message of Jesus.

    Also, please continue to take care of those I love that are close to me.

    St. Philomena, pray for us.

  35. I have been praying that my surgery – which was scheduled for today – went well and without complications. On Friday August 6, in the late afternoon, I received a call that the paperwork for preapproval did NOT go through. Surgery was scheduled for this morning at 6 am so I had a two window period to get the approval completed. It was NOT done. In the midst of crying hysterically, because I had mentally prepared myself for this day and because the surgery was scheduled a month ago, I stopped sobbing and had the following realization; THIS was an answer to that prayer. It wasn’t an answer that I expected ,but it WAS an answer. I firmly believe that if my surgery is to go well, it was NOT to be done today. So thank you Philomena for raising up my prayer to the Lord and THANK YOU LORD for having a hand in rescheduling the surgery in this round about way! Who knows how terribly things may have gone, if the surgery had been done this morning!

  36. I pray that my 4 children will be open to the Lord’s guidance. I pray their hearts will be open to our God and the Blessed Virgin will wrap her mantle around them and protect them. I also pray for good Godly friends for my children.

  37. Thank you Lord for answered prayers. My daughters new soccer team had a very tough but successful start of the season and all their dreams were realized in their success. In faith Lord, we continue to believe that you will open the door for our family’s business today- thank you for all your prayers and support. At Philomena my aunt, we know you are looking down on us favorably. Amen.

  38. Holy St, Philomena,please help my nephew Niko,with his depression,ODD, addiction to video games,drinking,and smoking. Bring him back to God,not to lose his faith in God and to go back to school. Desperately I asked God through your intercession.Amen.

  39. I prayed during this novena that God would help my teenage son to have the sense and courage to see that two of his friends are heading down the wrong path and twice last week he declined to join activities that the two were going to be participating in. I have also prayed that God would help to improve my relationship with my son which has been strained since his father and I divorced and this past week, he has been more respectful and loving. Thanks be to God!

    I also prayed that my two friends who are battling cancer would be blessed according to God’s will and even though their diseases are progressing, they were both able to enjoy short family vacations last week. Praise Jesus!

    I prayed for the ability to forgive my ex-husband and during the homily at church yesterday, I felt encouraged to go to confession, which is very long overdue.

    Thank you for your intercession, St. Philomena! May the Lord who knows all our needs, in His infinite mercy, protect us and guide us. Amen.

  40. I have followed every novena and prayed the St. Philomeno every day since it appeared in my in box. I moved last month without a job, back to the city I grew up in…bills are due in August and I worried I wouldn’t be able to find a job, especially after putting in over 75 applications at various places and only getting two interviews, which I did not get the positions. Last week I prayed to St. Philomena that something would change…and it did! I received a job offer on Friday that I have accepted and will start this week! Thank you so much St. Philomena for answering my prayers!!

  41. St. Philomena, my prayers have not been answered but I have faith and I know they will be answered in due time….thank you in advance…..

  42. Thank you St. Phelomena for answered prayer. My sister has been out of job for a month. Her patient was in the hospital and he not due to come home any time soon. Her agency is not finding jobs close to her and she doesn’t have a car. So I told her about Novena of St. Anne and Phelomena and she prayed both. On Monday last week, she cried asking St Phelomena to come to her aid because she’s running out of fund to pay her bills. Tuesday, they called her that her patient is home and to start work on Wednesday . God bless this prayer group. Amen.

  43. My friend Isaac got bail and got out of Prison.

    Thank you st. Philomena for praying for me. I am confident that my other prayers will be answered too.Of getting a husband and a good job.

  44. I am still waiting and praying…..but I am not without hope. It’s God’s timing and I’m okay with that–that’s a miracle in itself….

  45. We received the news on Friday, day 6 of this novena, that my son finally has a job. He has been out of work since January. That you God and St. Philomena.

  46. Dear Prayer partners
    As we come to a close of our Novena, please join your faith to mine as I have to find suitable accommodation before the end of this month. In the natural it is impossible, prices have risen three times due to high demand, but I am confident, for with God nothing is impossible, He will make a way where there seems to be no way, He creates out of nothing, He has a suitable place for us. I join this intention with the intentions of all those who are need of physical and spiritual healing, looking for jobs and suitable accommodation. The homeless especially the young who have left home and are sleeping rough on the streets, I pray God will provide suitable homes for them too and those who are able to go back to their families, they will be guided home in peace and love. Matthew 18:19 promises that “Again, truly I tell you that if two of you on earth agree about anything they ask for, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven ” Amen. Thank you for standing with me in agreement and may all your prayers be answered quickly in the name of the Lord. St Philomena, powerful with God and saint of miracles pray for us.

  47. I have been praying for healing in my family – spiritual, emotional and physical. During this novena, my dad returned to church- he had stopped going 3 months ago when he began treatment for cancer- his physical healing has continued and he was able to attend his church service. Two other family members have experienced some healing both physical and emotional during this novena. I’m continuing to pray for conversions. God’s healing hand is visible in my family. Thank you to all who prayed this novena with me.

  48. our God is a merciful Father,He is so full of grace and He is generous too,His love is amazing, iam so happy and grateful beyond words,i have just received a miracle call i have been waiting for,all i have to say is God hears our prayers always,thank you all for your prayers,never lose hope or give up for our Father’s timing is always perfect,never late or early, so if you did not get what you were praying for yet,please hold on to the name of Jesus,He is faithful, you will get your answer.He loves us all.Amen

  49. Blessings full of peace, confidence, and love and your will for my sons and husband , my brother and his family, my parents and brother in laws and all our health. For Patricia Rose who is needing healing. For answers and direction with my appt today and my health.

    Thank you for all the gifts we’ve received in your name.

  50. I thank God i completed my university studies on 7th. Thank you Jesus my Lord, I love you for all the blessings you bestowed upon me.

  51. Dearest st Philomena I have been asking for a job, since praying the novena I have received a temporary one after been out for 7 months i give thanks and praise to the father almighty for hearing me and I know he will send me and my family a permanent one in due time in Jesus name I pray Amen .

  52. Thank you for your prayers and Philomena prayer I really needed to get back into the job market and needed to pass the final exams well I did and I’m truly grateful thank you

  53. I have prayed that I would find a place to live and now I am in attorney review on a beautiful affordable home for us. I continue to pray that this works out and we can move in before we have to leave our home on September 30.

  54. I can read and write without glass now,started over the weekend and equally have not taken my PB medication. One of my prayer request. Am grateful to God Almighty and appreciate St. Philomena.

  55. With other intentions I also prayed for my granddaughter’s potty training, success! Praise Gid and His goodness .

  56. I prayed that my daughters test results would come back as ‘normal’ and they have! Thank you prayer community and Praise Jesus!!!

  57. Dearest St. Philomena, Thank you so much for the wonderful weekend & marriage of our daughter & new son-in-law. Everything went great!

  58. I am humbled to be part of this prayer chain. God is good and faithful. Thanks to St Philomena and all the saints for answered prayers. I got job offers from all the agencies I applied to. I pray to God to use me and let me be the light to others so they see your goodness. In Jesus’s name Amen!

  59. Thank you Lord,
    …for praying the novena to St. Philomena, I had found Peace and reconcile with my own self. To see God working to cast anger out. To free myself for those things I been hurt by others, and my own decisions.

  60. I was fired for an attitude problem last Friday, while praying the novena to St. Philomena. I kept my ground and prayed the novena and today I was given a second chance.

  61. I have been saying these novenas with the group for some time. I have recently come into some funds to keep me afloat as I continue pray to and work . This came in the nick of time. I am eternally grateful to be a part of the group.

  62. This is my first St. Philomena novena and I asked her for two important favors; to find a missing document that was so important and for new revenue generating businesses. She came through for me on both counts and I’ll forever be grateful for joining in praying this novena.

  63. Glory be to Jesus. My husband was locked up for what I don’t know the true story n now he was released two days ago. God is faithful and I trust he will do much more in my life and my family

  64. Loving Mother and St Philomena,
    I pray for Gods Will to be
    done in my business and income and future direction. I pray
    to be open to receiving Gods Guidance regards my work.
    ThankYou Lord for the wonderful answers to so many of my
    prayers that You have given. Glory to God.

  65. Dearest St. Philomena thank you for interceding for me and my family. I’m still believing and trusting Jesus to transform us into His love and light for others to see His love. Need healing in our bodies and minds free of worry and anxiety. Thank you.

  66. Thank you, St. Philomena for answering my prayer. Please continue to intercede for me and all the people who are praying this novena. May you grant our prayer requests and increase our faith. I pray for good health and safety of everyone. I pray for those who are in need that they may be blessed and be generous to share their blessings with others. I pray for the healing of those who are sick, dying, lonely, depressed and broken hearted, that they may not lose faith and hope to face their lives everyday. Amen.

  67. I have been asking God for a permanent job close to hm with all the benefits and on the 3rd day of this novena I received a call for an interview. On the 5th day I received a call that I was offered the position but for only part time hours. I continued with the novena asking God to some how get me a 2nd job to make up the hrs but by the 6th day of the novena the same job called and asked if I can do full time hours a position has just opened. I fell to my knees and cried out to god and said thank u father and accepted the job today the 9th day I start my new job. Thank you so much for me being part of this prayer chain and saying these novena with everyone. I’m truly blessed.

  68. Please pray for physical and emotional healing for my daughter who has suffered from brain injuries, dysautonomias,,and a host of other physical disorders stemming from those and the subsequent mental stress and social isolation. These have been ongoing for years with very little medical promise. Thank you for your prayers and St. Philomena’s intercession.

  69. Your novena prayers are an answer to my first prayer and that is to start a novena and finish it. Good things keep happening but life is never perfect so always the intercession of another Saint is necessary.

    May God bless you for all you do for the world.

    Margaret of Souls For Jesus,
    603 986 5718

  70. Dearest St. Philomena , thanks for interceding for me and family. Am still believing God will answer our prayer soon for my daughter and son seeking for job employment. Also praying complete healing of us from Emotional, physical, spiritual and mental. Thanking God for the gift of life. Praying all family to have the spirit of attend mass regularly and using God gift for friends and neighbours in need. St Philemena thank you. Jesus I trust in you. Praying to find all spiritual and temporary needs and divine graces,mercy / compassion and favour in Jesus name Amen.May our hear continue to hear good news in Jesus name Amen

  71. Dear St. Philomena,
    Thanks so much for all blessings that you have showered me and my whole family! Blessings of perfect health, strength, wisdom, Php12,000,000.00 sales from Mr.Kevin Chow, and more sales to come! ANd so it is!

  72. My prayers were answered was praying for my daughter to succeed in her studies but through the novena this mid year she managed to pass the biology subject which she was complaining of low marks.Am now sure her finals in November she will make good A level results and be able to go to University.Thank you Lord be praised.

  73. Glory be to God,i have been praying for a good and well praying job,during this Novena i have signed a contract which almost doubles my current salary.

  74. O St. Philomena…today i pray that Gods purpose in our loves will be fulfilled to His glory…pray for a life partner for i and my sister, for God’s healing grace upon my parents..for a good and favorable job for myself and brother…Nicholas…for exam success of my brother..collins who seeks admission into the university…and for all our private intentions. ST. Philomena…intercede for us all…Amen.

  75. Thank you St Philomena i have been praying for my team members to wake up again as they were all down,but yesterday(Sunday 9/8/2015) we had our first new meeting with the team and everyone was excited to start again.And those who missed called and asked to be informed about the meetings agenda and way forward.

    Thank you so much St Philomena

  76. please let this week we hear good news for my son rocky that he got a new job keep him and my husband mother and myself healthy safe and happy and at peace with each other keep us close to god as we continue to pray help my son inter cede for him he is desperate now

  77. 7 days into this novena,my prayers for my husband’s proposed business fell through and with a favorable location and terms too. We thank God through the intercession of St. Philomena for this wonderful breakthrough and pray that the good work God has started in his life, He will see to completion. To God be all praise and thanksgiving.

  78. At the start of St Philomena novena, I was uncertain about my relevance in a new governance dispensation which I was part of establishing. I asked for a sign to assure me that I was not being forgotten. On the 3rd day of praying, I was selected into an advisory committee to work for the success of the leadership. Through her prayers, may I have the wisdom to make positive contributions

  79. Thank you St. Philomena,
    I had been praying for a dear family friend who is 17 that was critically injured in a horrible truck accident and left unconscious with head injuries 2 weeks ago, it was not expected that she would do well or possibly not survive, but our prayers are answered she is home and doing well!! Give praise and thanks to God and all your intervention. You are truly special thank you so much.????????

  80. i am still believing for an answered prayer too,and i am so grateful to God for answering our prayers together with saint. Philomena .thank you JESUS.AMEN

  81. I was praying for a job for me and for substinence for my family. I’m on probation since Day 2 of the Novena and, though dribs and drabs, we now have something to eat. God bless.

  82. I’ve had sales drought since march this year which has been a cause of worry for me in my office. St Philomena just broke it for me and I sold on the 7th of August. Thank God through her intercession He showed his power and manifestation in my life.

    Praise The Lord! !!! Alleluia!

  83. I am very thankful for my child who is getter better at eating her meals. was very worried that she will become a mal nourished child.

    Thank you all praying with me.

    I now have another prayer. I have got into a situation which I feel like I failed my dead parents. Please pray that a good solution come out and may God handled this one .

  84. Thanks to you all on pray for participating to this novena of St Philomena. My nephew passed a highly competitive entrance exams to become a national treasure of my country. This was miracle by it self on day 5.
    ????Thank you St. Philomena. May God bless you all.

  85. With St Filomena novena coming to the end I have received abundant graces form Our Heavenly Father:
    my elder son “conquered himself” and went to confession and church after a long time!
    my younger son “conquered his own mental weakness” and rose with our Lord, regained his mental health!
    my old Mum who used to grumble all the time is nowe much more cheerful!
    I, at the age of 57, got a wonderful professional chance of doing a project which is the answer of my personal dreams and a way of evangelization in university circles! God in not dead! God is alive and does miracles in the XXI c. He wants to reveal Himself to contemporary man! Also through science!
    My realtionship with my husband is much better and we are also friends now!
    Our Father is good, loving, caring and wants His children lead abundant lives!
    Thank you St Philomena and all the Saints, thank you Mother Mary, thank you Jesus, our lord, thank you Abba.
    My prayers have been answered so clearly!
    Thank you all the brothers and sisters who have been praying for my intentions. A community prayer is so powerful!

  86. I pray for my sister to be able to get a job cause I know she needs it and she is a hard worker.
    I pray for my relationship to be satisfactory and for me to be happy by these he needs to be blessed will the spirit of discernment and he ca be able to choose soon what he wants. I pray for my happiness too cause i Know i deserve it.

  87. I am Leena, from Bangalore. I am 32 years old
    pls do pray for my marriage with the person whom I love.
    he is in Dubai is name is dharmesh.
    currently we are not in touch and he is not ready to marry me.
    so pls do pray, let some miracles happen in my life.
    I am waiting from past 7 months but no positive response
    I am helpless.

  88. Thank you, thank you. I prayed for a partner and Lord I met my dream. I received communication from a prospective client after 2 months of waiting. I literally had no money, and out of the blue I received payment from somebody who owes me. Thank you St. Philemona for these miracles. Lord you are faithful all the time. And thank you all for the prayers!

  89. I had a promising promotional interview last friday. I am waiting for the word. My son is about to get a promotion by way of a new company.

  90. God is wonderful…all the time. As Annie wrote in her blog at one point He “does not allow something to happen for nothing.” I had one long-term substitution job in a non-verbal autistic classroom. In my heart, I did not want it because I had no special education background. Yet, after four years of subbing and working as a paraprofessional, this was the only position where I was hired to be the main teacher. I told Jesus that “I did not want this position because I did not feel confident that I can do the job. But that if it was His will, I will follow through.” But you know when you pray hoping Jesus will answer your prayer with something other than His Will? That’s how I felt. But about the 3rd day into the St. Philomena novena, I picked up myself up and was determined to do the best I can: I went to the school and picked up the curriculum to write lesson plans, talk to the asst. principal, etc. I was 100% genuine in giving into God’s Will. And felt good about it. Two days ago, I was asked to come in for an interview for a general elementary class. I got the job!!!. It’s hard to give in to God’s Will without privately wishing for something else. I learned, what we all know, is that when you give in to God’s Will, it MUST BE GENUINE to the core of your soul. You can’t fake giving into His Will by words. Glory to God in the highest, Glory to our Holy Mother, Glory to our Lord, Jesus, Glory to the Holy Spirit, Glory to the Holy Angels, and Glory to all the saints, especially St. Philomena for praying for me.