Answered Prayers from the St. Peregrine Novena, 2019

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Thank you for joining us in praying for all cancer patients and others who suffer daily.

If you experienced an answered prayer during this novena, please share it with us all here.

We will continue to pray for you and your intentions!

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  1. My mum successfully came out of a breast cancer surgery and is healed in Jesus name. My faith in our Lord and St Peregrine’s intercession on her behalf has healed her in Jesus name. Amen.

  2. Thank you Jesus for all the blessings you have bestowed upon me, my family and friends. I am gracious and thankful for the recent outcome of no cancer in my brain or other parts of my body. We can now proceed to surgery. St Perigrine has guided our prayers and Jesus has answered.

  3. My nephew Ryan’s diagnosis was not cancer but a serious fungal infection of his lungs, neck, back and gland. Very thankful for a no cancer diagnosis and praying for a complete recovery of his infection. God is good and merciful. Thanks for the prayers!❤️

  4. Thank you for all your prayers. My sister’s pathology test came back clean. Thank you St Peregrine for your intercession. God is good!

  5. My Dad has colon cancer. During the novena we received results of his recent CAT scan since he started chemo 3 and 1/2 months ago…. Chemo is working and tumors are shrinking in size! Keep the prayers coming. My Dad should be complete with Chemo Therapy on March 26. Thank you!

  6. This novena, which is usually done in April / May, was God sent to me. It ends on the day before my surgery for double mastectomy. The breast cancer has come back after 18 years. Thank you for this novena! 👼❣️

  7. Although many were praying for a friend of ours, a young man with stage 4 cancer progressed despite multiple chemo regimens and bone marrow eradication. Three weeks ago a scan revealed the cancer had spread throughout his body and the prognosis was very grim. He began another round of chemo and this week prior to a treatment another scan was ordered. There was no sign of the cancer he suffered and for many years! Praise be to our loving God and thanks for the intercession of our Holy Mother and the Saints, especially St. Peregrine!

  8. 101 total healing thank you in codependecy fear and food Bondage love all including self be a blessing to everyone I thank you I love you I praise you I need you

  9. Initial tests proved benign after my daughter’s surgery. Praying final test results will come back benign. Thanks to St. Peregrine and many other saints.

  10. Robbye passed away peacefully in her sleep early this morning. She has achieved the ultimate healing. Her suffering is over.

  11. I prayed for 3 friends with cancer. One fighting pancreatic cancer for 4 years and 80 years old. He passed away. Obviously God’s will. Second I prayed for a 22 year old single mother of 3 year old twins fighting leukemia. She died. Obviously God’s will. Perhaps St Peregrine interceded for them to be removed from their suffering. Lastly, I prayed for a young child with brain cancer. I have not gotten an update on him so I ask you to please pray for he and his family. If he has a miracle I will let you know.

  12. PET and MRI did not find cancer anywhere else in Larissa’s body, only tumor in breast.
    Thank you St Peregrine for your intercession. Thank you to all who prayed this Novena. Please continue to pray for one another.
    The Great Physician hears and answers our pleas.

  13. After 22 years cancer free I was diagnosed very unexpectedly 11/2018 with stage IV breast cancer. I was praying that my blood cell counts would rise enough so I can start my second cycle of chemo pills last Friday, and they did. I ask for prayers that God will help me and my family continue to look to him during this difficult time. And thanking God for giving me rib pain that got me into the doctor so this could be found.

  14. I have been praying this Novena for a friend with cancer in his hip. He has been in treatment for several months. On the 7th day of the St. Peregrine Novena we received a message from his Mother. The doctor just told them he is cancer free!!!

    How does one not believe?

  15. Two years after surgery to remove cancer in thyroid, a biopsy was scheduled after two ultrasounds at the doctor’s office saw remnant tissue /nodule which had grown. Two doctors performing the biopsy could not find the nodule. I was referred to a diagnostic ultrasound to verify doctor’s findings.

  16. I love praying the Novenas with so many people. I ask Blessings on all who pray with me/us. Have a blessed day! Tina:0)

  17. God is good. He did answer my prayers… a million people can say no but one yes from God is all you need. When Jesus says yes nobody can say no. Believe & Prsy unceasingly!!

  18. I started the Novena when he got his first treatment of Chemotherapy for colon cancer and has not had any bad symptoms from it.
    Praying for healing and no soffering from the chemotherapy.

  19. my son was to have surgery to have a portacath fitted as his ferritin levels were over 3500 this was due to cancer treatments, I prayed that this surgery might be avoided as he has had enough after 5 years of treatments, I asked as a last resort the other day that they have one last check of his levels, they a 1200 and no one can explain why, they are going to postpone surgery to give them a chance to fall to normal levels of 200, a true miricle my prayers have been answered, praise the Lord and St Peregrine

  20. Thank you Jesus and thank you St. Peregrine that my daughter Gabby ‘s migraine headache that she suffered with for almost 2 weeks is finally gone. Praise God!

  21. Pam’s biopsy was free of cancer and Michelle has received a new path to healing. Thanks to everyone for their prayers. God’s blessings to all.

  22. My daughter lost her job right after Thanksgiving. With a new baby, the news was devastating. I prayed your novena to St Joseph. My daughter was blessed with a job offer last week and she will start to work next week!! Definitely an answer to prayer. Thanks for your ministry.

  23. Thank You GOD and St. Peregrine and all of HIS angels and saints in heaven that I always pray to. I am am still praying for my family members: R.H. & A.H.
    Special prayers still on going and requested for my friend, Brian Mc K. He is waiting on good news about his malignant melanoma skin cancer prognosis. It’s been a serious battle for the last 2 years of surgeries and chemo and radiation for him. He lives by the mantra of :
    “ Your vibe attracts your tribe.” And he’s got the best vibes around! Praying for everyone living with and over powering cancer … 🙏

  24. My husband was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in September 2018. I have been praying the novenas to St. Peregrine and St. Jude and he is responding to treatment. Praise God and the Saints!

  25. A treatment plan has been proposed for my very rare cancer. I praise Jesus that by the intercession of St Peregrine I now have hope. Thank you St Peregrine for working on my behalf.

  26. I prayed for a friend who had 2 suspicious spots (small tumors) on her lungs and midway through the novena after a cat scan, there was no trace of the same. I had also placed her name twice in the St. Jude petitions and asked a prayerful devout friend to pray for her. Thank you St. Peregrine and St. Jude. My friend is also not Baptised and i pray that someday soon she will be led to be Baptised in the Catholic Faith. Thank you and God Bless you all for all you do. Love Karen

  27. An infant with a brain tumor was given a grim prognosis, yet a brave surgeon through Divine guidance was able to remove a large portion of it and discovered that the tumor is benign. The future is hopeful for this baby and his family. All thanks be to God and the intercessory prayers of St. Peregrine and our faith family!

  28. I have become more aware of the suffering of people around me.
    I can pray for those who suffer, and also offer my own pain for the salvation of those who don’t know the Lord.
    Already looking forward to the next novena ❤️

  29. My friend Theresa received good news. Only one out of 40 lymph nodes we’re abnormal. Thank you St. Peregrine for your intercession and thank you dear Lord.

  30. I want to thank all those who are praying. I am not experiencing the fear of my disease. I am praying for God’s will and for peace for my family. Thank you St. Peregrine. Thank you Mother Mary. Thank you Padre Pio. Thank you St. Therese. Thank you Jesus!

  31. Thank you, St. Peregrine, for your intercession. Thanks be to God! Yesterday, I received the report of the biopsy of the very suspicious lesion on my leg. It was benign!

  32. My sister Sharon has lung and breast cancer. Her breast was removed and her lymph nodes were NEGATIVE for metastasis! Thank you St. Peregrin and to all church members,who are praying for her.

  33. i have been praying for a healing from my cancer. This past week I had a PET scan done in Boston and it showed the cancer is gone, I’m in remission, praise the lord!
    Thank Lord Jesus and everyone who prayed for me as well.
    Yours in God
    Dot Cabral

  34. My friend Holly received her post breast cancer surgery results and they are clear of cancer. She still has four weeks of radiation but appears healed. Praying that God continues to keep her cancer free l!

  35. Thank You Lord Jesus for answered prayer. Thank you St Peregrine for interceding for me. I prayed for my sister and mother that are sick especially my sister who is seriously sick in the hospital, am believing God that she will be healed soon so she can leave the hospital. I also prayed for success in my exam and I also believe that God will answer my prayer and help me to pass the exam Amen.

  36. God always answers my prayers with graces and blessings and the gift of life to praise Him and serve Him until I can be with Him in heaven for all eternity.

  37. Thank you jesus I have a job interview this coming week. I’ve been out of work for almost two years on and the 7th day of the Nevada god answered my prayer I got an email regarding the job I had apply for. 5hank you jesus halelujah please everyone pray that the interview will go well

  38. Little Emily (4 months old with trisomy 18) came through her trach surgery successfully and smiles daily now! What a blessing! Thank you St. Peregrine!

  39. My cousin Carrie received good news during this Novena. She found out that Cancer was no where else in her body. She was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer!! Praise and thanking The Devine Healer🙏❤️

  40. Thank Lord Jesus and St Peregrine and all of you who prayed with me! My brother’s results came back and the cancer is gone! Amen 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

  41. I am thankful that my child has the courage to rebuke ED and commit to have self care and have the faith to trust His Almighty, in Jesus’ name.

  42. My Sister who had a stroke, we thought she was going to be a lot worse off, since I have been praying for her, she has made huge improvements. Thank you Saint Peregrine for helping us with this and dear Lord for listening to us in our time of need.

  43. I pray in thanksgiving for my father, Vincent as he successfully completed the first part of his 2 part liver procedure to remove cancer cells. He is experiencing little side effects and feels energetic.

  44. My very dear and sweet friend Elaine has been fighting cancer for many years. Tuesday she had surgery for a cancer on her brain. When I received notification of the novena I felt it could not have been more timely. She got through the surgery well and is doing great. I was also praying for my uncle who has cancer in so many places and was in hospice. I way praying that he would have a peaceful passing and last night he passed away peacefully. Thank you for the novena and the prayers.

  45. For the abundant blessing of complete success of back surgery for debilitating pain both physically & emotionally for my 81 year old mother. God is so good.

  46. My husband got such great news from his doctors this week. The area in his brain where he had radiation on a tumor is completely healed no rough scar no signs there was once a tumor there. All other scans were great as well. He sees 3 different oncologists and all three told him he’s doing very very well and they are all Very pleased.

  47. Oh Lord, our Lady and Saint Peregrine, thank You so much for all the petitions you have answered to me and to all people who prayed this Novena as well! May God continue blessing them very much!

  48. As we prayed this novena, I received news that biopsy results of what the doctor was sure was a cancerous polyp were negative for cancer. Thank you Lord! Thank you all who prayed this novena, and others. The polyp still must be removed and be biopsied as well, so please keep me in your prayers.

    All Praise to our Lord Jesus Christ!

  49. Please pray for my husband Bob he is in need of a kidney he is type “O” if you know anyone that can help us please let me know.

  50. My daughter is healing slowly from her phsical and mental illness. Thank you Peregrene for your intercession. Give glory and honor to God

  51. A friends leukemia we’ve been praying for actually moved to his neck and near other nerves. It was found Thursday/Friday. This is the seventh time it’s returned in seven months. It’s a miracle David has survived all the trial treatments firvhis very rare leukemia. His wife Heather said that it is working as he could sit up and move his right leg. That is a miracle in itself as they haven’t expected David to survive the chemo.

    We continue to pray for full remission and a long, God filled life for he and Heather. We believe in miracles.

  52. I have a blood cancer, Waldenstrom Macrogloblinemia, that I have been struggling to manage, physically and mentally, the past few years. My symptoms and treatment side effects are in such a good place right now that I was able to take my two young children sledding for the past two days. I am forever grateful. Thank you all and I wish and pray the best for you.❤️

  53. My daughter’s future mother-in-law who is a cancer survivor got a good report that she was cancer-free following a biopsy of a mass following her colonoscopy. Praise the Lord!

  54. Hi I just want to say thank you for your prayer my daugther Ashley was having a hard time with her school work now she on thy honor roll grades have improve she is doing so good. I would to thank you I read this novea everyday I pray for everyone. Please pray for me and my health . I’m looking for place to live for me and my daugther we been moving from place to place and I’m at my sister home and she wants to put me out I’m never home I work . My daugther doing track she never there please pray for us that I will find a place that we can call home and that God will bless us .and may God touch her heart not to put me out until I find a place. Thank you God bless you and your family
    Yvonne Leggett

  55. One of those for whom I was praying is the about 2-year-old niece of a neighbor. She was diagnosed with cancer a year ago. Midway through, I learned that the latest tests showed she was cancer free. After that, I prayed thanks and for ongoing good health for her.

  56. My friends Chris and Johnny are holding there own in their fight with cancer – much longer then was expected and my friend Nance as a very rare disease and right now it is completely gone

  57. I have been doing these Novenas with you for several years but have never given you input. This time it was too crazy not to tell! I was praying for three people. My niece who was getting ready to have a baby way too early. My daughter who is due in a month and having contractions and other signs. My grandson who is 15 months but not walking or talking. Well, my niece is miraculously holding her own. My daughter has not had her baby yet and is looking much better. My grandson started walking yesterday! Praise God!!!

  58. My son has been free of his addiction for 2 weeks now. I pray that the power of prayer continues his healing and all that need our prayers.

  59. Thank you dear Lord for bringing us back together. Thank you for divine healing, for peace, for guidance and protection, great things you have done. We praise and glorify your name. Amen and Amen.

  60. My Dads invasive heart test was normal. After 3 times via ambulance to the ER they finally heart cathed him & no blockages. Perhaps anxiety and loneliness issues. Will pray for that since none of us live close.

  61. When this novena started our friend had been living with a pretty awful diagnosis, since when she has had treatment – and prayers – which have resulted in an amazing improvement. No coincidence even though medical science is well advanced today. We hope for further improvement.

  62. A powerful prayer said for my aunt who was admitted to hospital for suspected kidney failure. She is home after 6 days and doctors can’t explain the recovery. Thank you again

  63. Dear Lord Jesus Christ and Mother Mary; thank you for keeping away all people who have a bad intentions in my work; my private life and how my health was improved the day I left medication and I put everything between God hands . Once again I am experiencing right now the permanent presence of God in my daily life . All that with prayers ; the Rosary and especially the Communion and the Mass. Peace be with you.
    Amen ;
    Praise the Lord . HALLELUYAH

  64. Dear Lord in heaven,I thank you for doing the impossible in my life.God has looosened satans grip on my work,my finances and my relationships.In taking all my burdens in prayer God has removed every single burden and healed every infirmity.Above all my relationship with God improved in the three months of prayer and fasting and taking a pilgrimage to Fátima.Thank you God for this time.I praise you,I bless you,I love you,I thank you,I honor and glorify God.There is no one like you,Amen.

  65. Dear St. Peregrine,
    Thank you for your prayers for Hannah. Her latest MRI indicates that her tumor has shrunk significantly.
    All glory and praise to our Lord Jesus Christ, now and forever. Amen

  66. My dear friend Lou has his follow up at Sloan Kettering and was told that he is now cancer free! Thank you Saint Peregrine and please stay by Lou’s side as he rebuilds his strength. May he remain cancer free through that all important 5 year mark. AMEN!!

  67. I have cancer and felt this was a big help. I know this is God’s plan for me, so I wanted to get closer to him. Let him know that he controls everything and I will always pray to him. Loved your Novena. God Bless. Thank my family and friends for also praying with us. John

  68. Thank you Jesus, my sister received her test results and it is negative for cancer. My prayers to St Peregrine have been answered.

  69. Lord Jesus I am still waiting for your answer for the past 6 years asking again and again Lord and trusting you will hear me cry pl pl unite me with my love Michael Hill as husband and wife and help me to go to US Amen

  70. 6 months ago, my PET scan showed a spot on my lung.
    While praying this novena, I had another PET scan to see if this spot grew.
    It was completely gone! I don’t have to see my pulmonologist now for a year.
    Praise Jesus! Thank you St. Peregrine for your intercession.

  71. Most humbly I submit my thanks for all mercy and grace that I get by saying these novena.I say them daily and it’s the reason of my life it helps me in all problems of my life.Amen
    Please pray my son gets cured of bipolar disorder he is able to regain his confidence most please pray he goes back to serve his almighty God and father and his faith is restored.

  72. Please pray for my mother who’s suffering from oral cancer and let her get healed completely by the blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ and St Peregrine please intercede to the Lord with your powerful prayers so that even my mom will be healed. Shes done with 3 cycles of chemotherapy she’s doing better please pray for her healing by the blessing of the Lord Jesus Christ Amen 🙏

  73. While praying this novena, I had a 2nd mammogram, ultrasound, and biopsy. The biopsy results came back and were benign! I learned I am at high risk for breast cancer and will have a follow up appointment to discuss more frequent imaging and other options. I am so thankful to St. Peregrine for interceding on my behalf. I will continue to pray for those suffering as a result of cancer, and I will also pray for St. Peregrine to continue to intercede for me.

  74. My daughter was having symptoms of chickenkuniya virus. We were praying to god for the cure and yesterday we came to know that this is an ordinary viral fever and it is not chickenkuniya. Thank God for the miracle.

  75. My wife’s biopsy showed Hodgkins Lymphoma which is generally curable. We were told She likely had some form of cancer and were paying that it would be some type that could be treated. Our prayers were answered! Now we continue to pray for her cure as we pray in thanksgiving for this diagnosis

  76. I have been praying with the for many, may novenas and always praying for a friend suffering from bipolar disorder; she has suffered deeply. She wrote me today to say she is feeling the best she’s felt in a long time – this is such a great prayer answered and I thank everyone for all their prayers! Always and everything in Jesus name. Amen!!

  77. I had a friend that I included in my prayers that had cancer. Around the 3rd or 4th day of the novena I received news that he was cancer free Thank you, Lord.

  78. I would like to thank God and St Peregrine for answered prayers. I was praying for all cancer patients as well as my sister’s husband and son who were unwell. I’m happy to say that my sister’s son is out of hospital and doing well. I believe that the husband will also be cured of the kidney issues. I thank God for giving her the grace, patience and peace to get through this trying moments.

  79. I began praying this on the first day as a request that our sister-in-law (age 55) find comfort and peace. She had just been diagnosed in mid-December ‘18 with aggressive stage 4 uterine, liver and bone cancer. I didn’t want her to suffer and she passed early this morning as she most likely passed the blood clot that was in her lung. We were just trying to deal with the fact that she had cancer. She is at peace. God, through the intercession of St. Perigrene heard my prayers. Kelly is at peace🙏💕😢. Amen

  80. Praise GOD for I am a cancer survivor for 2 years now 🙏🙏🙏☝
    Through the intercession of Mama Mary and all the Saints we prayed here in PrayMoreNovena in Jesus Holy Name in GOD’s will and time are prayers are answered 🙏🙏🙏☝
    Thank You Jesus and Mama Mary ❤❤❤

  81. Dear Jesus,
    I am praying for the people who cares the sick as well as someone who suffers from cancer and other desease. I found it is quite tough and need great patience caring my aged mum suffering from blood desease. Please pray for me to be stronger in any sufferings and be kindly helpful to my mum.
    My mum also hurt her back but it is healed during this novena pray. Thanks St Peregrine and God.

  82. Good morning.
    I have been praying for employment the whole if 2018 and God blessed me November 2018 with a Job and I started on the 2nd of January 2019.

    Please keep me and my family in prayers. I was involved in an accident on Friday. Someone hit me from the back. I don’t have insurance. I am asking for God’s grace and mercy to see us through. Amen

  83. Dear Jesus and Mary, please heal my family and I. Please heal us Spiritually, mentally, physically and emotionally.

    Please heal us of fibromyalgia, arthritis, colon problems, heart disease, anxiety, depression, asthma, allergies and diabetes.

    Thank you Jesus and Mary.