Answered Prayers from the St. Peregrine Novena, 2016

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Saint Peregrine NovenaThank you so much for joining us in praying the St. Peregrine Novena for Cancer Patients!

If you have experienced an answered prayer during this novena, please share that with us below!

Thanks be to God for answered prayers.

If your prayers have seemingly gone unanswered, we urge you to not give up hope. We’ve written the following post in hopes that it may help you continue praying during these times:

Unanswered Prayers

God bless you!

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  1. My mom had a very strange sickness in her leg. Her leg was producing lumps as if she was burnt, and when these lumps burst there was very stinky water coming out of them. She was taken to hospital not knowing whether her leg will be amputated. As i was praying this Novena for her, her leg is healing.
    Yes, i thank St Peregrine, and God for hearing and answering my prayers. Glory be to His wonderful Name!

  2. My mother has been unwell for the last one and a half years. After the novena of St. Peregrine, she has regained her health and is back to her normal self. This is nothing else but a pure miracle.

  3. I prayed for a lady who does not know me..i am away from my country Kenya.she is a news anchor in one of the most viewed television station(citizen tv).3days of mentioning her name in my prayers,i opened my Facebook account and actually posted that she is healed of cancer.she is back on the screen…Praise be to the most high and the favour of the holy saint.

  4. I thank my God for His love, care and protection over me and my family. I appreciate His real love for me. Every time I call he answer. I pray during my Journey and He grant me safety. Thank you Lord for being there for me.

  5. Hi,
    I was praying for someone who was coughing for days and i also was suffering from waist pain for some weeks. And before i ended the novena of St Peregrine the pain i had was gone and friend was healed from the cough. I am very grateful and everyone to take all the novenas we do serious because it helps a lot. A big thanks to John -paul & Annie.

  6. 1. My mother has cancer of the lungs in fourth stage. She was started on medication. This drug was to show improvement in the next 6 months of treatment,She has taken her medication for 3 months now. Last week we went for review after three months she was found out the the cancer swelling has reduced by 50% miraculously and the doctors were so surprised.
    My lord all the glory goes back to you.
    2. My health was worrying me. I used to get discomfort/pain during and after meeting my Husband. I was getting worried. I prayed about it and now am no longer feeling pain, no more fear to meet with my husband. Thank you lord. You who washed over us on the alter of your church during the wedding. Thank you St. Paragrine for all you the pleadings you have done for me and all others. Thank you in Jesus name. Amen.

  7. I had a miscarriage and I ve been praying to God for my system to be back to normal and when we began the novena my prayers were answered. Our God is good and great indeed.

  8. I have been praying for my bro and niece who had been admitted in hospital and they were all illed. Thanks be to God. Thanks too for praying for me and with me. Be blessed. Thanks also to St. Perigrine for his intercession.

  9. Since joining the Praymore group, I have inner peace and my family life is improving daily. Thank you John Paul and Anne, and to the whole Praymore family.

  10. I have been praying for my bro and nephew who had been admitted in hospital and the were all illed. Thanks be to God. Thanks too for praying for me and with me. Be blessed.

  11. Last year 26th September 2015 I was tested of HIV and found positive. At first I lost hope and could not understand all this. After keeping God first in my troubles, I composed my mind and convinced myself that God can heal any disease. He is a healer and is able to do anything. During two weeks after test I was frustrated lost weight and hope too live I would even wish for a vehicle to hit me and die. I ave been praying every Novena as it come but after the St. Peregrine Novena Im pleased to say that it has put me new strength, all the symptoms that were showing are no more, and ave gained weight again. I trust God has healed me and as I wait for Our Lady of Lourdes Novena, I will testify that God heals. I believe and have no doubt that I am healed in Jesus name.

  12. My sister was dignosed with cancer in early December and started her first Chemo late December, on the 2nd chemo session she was given the good news that her bloods from the previous day revealed that her tumor under the arm had disappeared and the breast tumor down by 4cm, i myself was praying this novena for her and others and am so in awe of Gods amazing love, God is good all the time bless u St Peregrine

  13. I have just finished the St Peregrine novena last week and a week later my brother in law went to hospital for his post operation check up and he doesnt need to have chemo. Praise God for his wonderful and merciful deeds in our life. Amen

  14. St Peregrine greetings from MBM Dxb and thy child Lydia Sunil for answering to our prayer & intention for the good health of our Boss H.E. AAM. We are grateful and thankful to you dear Saint Peregrine. Amen

    We await with great interest for his arrival to the UAE alongwith all his well wishes. Keep them all in good health and safe travel back home. AMEN

  15. Praise the Lord for He is good all th time!
    I prayed the St Peregrine Novena for my mother in law’s healing. She has been suffering from diabetes, had a stroke and other kidney complications. She’s on dialysis every 48 hours. I prayed for my personal healing from an acute pain in my column area and a healing from some unexplained growths on my body. I have noticed that the excruciating pain has disppeared and I have faith the other ailments I prayed for are on their way as well.

  16. Praise be to God,

    I was trusting God to restore my relationship with my husband and put a check on his habits including alcoholism and other which i cant name.

    I started saying the prayers from late last year and this new year all these bad habits in him are going down. I really thank God and look forward for his complete deliverance.

    I have other Personal Issues which im trusting God for and im Certain He will affirm His Faith fullness.

  17. I was praying for two people during this Novena. A friend’s father suffering from Cancer and my son who was admitted in the hospital(ICU) and who even went to a Coma at some point (I wish I could send the pictures). As we are talking now, he has been discharged recuperating in the house. I thank God who made this possible through the intercession of St. Peregrine. The Cancer patient is still undergoing treatment and I believe he will be healed.

    Thank you Lord.

  18. St Peregrine helped one of my known family who recently met with an accident. Helped everyone recover slowly . Thank you for your prayers

  19. My sister in law is on her 4th type of chemo after other treatments have failed to help with her ovarian cancer. Last Friday she was told that her tests are showing marked improvement. Her oncologist is happy with these initial results. I have been praying this novena for her. Thank you God.

  20. I had persistent stomach pains before praying this novena but now there is relief. The pain is lessening. I know the Lord is healing me.

    May His name be glorified always. He is the God I can never be ashamed of.


  21. For this novena I prayed that my grandson receive a work visa so that he can sccept a new job in Hongkong. The day after the end of the novena, he called us to say that he got it. Praise be to God and to St peregrine’s intercession.

  22. As I prayed the St Peregrine novena ,I included one of my colleagues ,Theresa Schoeman who had cancer and was treated previously so was awaiting results to conclude if the cancer is back.

    After the novena she told me ,No they said she is clear.Praise God and thank you St Peregrine.

  23. Praise God. Through the st Peregrine novena, my sister who had a c-section is healing tremendously well. Even if the pregnancy was announced an emergency at point of operation, both her and the baby are safe. Thank God for his mercy.

  24. I have suffered with Rheumatiod Arthritis for 25 years. I have been given many different meds with no relief. It is a illness with very much pain. I first prayed for all people suffering with cancer. Then I prayed for my illness. I have prayed many novenas but as I was praying the the one for St Peregrine, that week I woke up with no pain. I could not believe it. I know St Peregrine heard my prayer and plea and I thank St Pergrine with all my heart. I will continue to pray to him. . Thank you, thank you!!

  25. I prayed for my husband who has been in the hospital for 3 mos. and was supposed to go into long term care but now he is so good he can eventually come home. Praise be to God and Blessed St. Peregrine thank you.

  26. On the first say of the Novena, was the same day when I heard that my dad has been in the hospital for two days due to non-stop nosebleeding. At first, I thought it was not serious, however, I still prayed this novena for his health. I learned from our family that it could have been something critical and it could had lead to intracranial hemorrhage. Before the end of 9th day, he is healed. It was a miracle. I do believe that God healed him and was given another chance. With my strong faith, I know I am heard, my prayer was answered.

  27. One of our neighbors had requested for prayers for his mother who had gone down with cancer. It seemed not much could be done for her.

    When a sister introduced me to the novena praying group, I became interested and joined in the 3rd day. All intentions were for her recovery and relief from her pain.

    With gratitude to God, the brother has shared with us that his mother is feeling better.

    I am really pleased to be part of this praying group. And thanks to you all for your prayers.
    God bless.

  28. I started praying this novena for a friend of mind who was diagnosed with cancer in December. She passed away before the novena was finished. It was a merciful death and she didn’t suffer for long. I’m grateful that she was spared a prolonged illness filled wth pain.

  29. Shalom friends. I was praying for a young lady who was suffering from cancer. She peacefully passed on immediately after our final prayers. I am happy she’s now resting in the Lord’s arms.
    God bless you brethren, the novena was timely. All glory and honour to God our father.

  30. I have not been able to walk normal for over a year due to a bad case of Othro Arthr on the 6th day of the Novena I started walking a lot better. At least now I can put my left foot down flat instead of walking on my tip toes.

  31. I had a very big problem with my husband till I send him away applied for a separation but something came to mi in December when I was praying that he came and reconciled God brought him back and he has decided to leave behind how he used to handle mi and change the whole him since then my hause is quiet and everything is moving slowly by slowly we are giving it a chance .St Peregrine I thank you so much for this novena .I’ve faith that all will be ok in Jesus name amen

  32. The last day of the novena was two years since the date of surgery my son had to remove lymph nodes from his abdominal area due to Stage 3 testicular cancer. We found out that day that he is now 2 years cancer-free! Thank you for your intercession, St.Peregrine! Thank you to all who pray novenas together!

  33. While I was praying this novena for a friend who has cancer, my sister became quite ill with pneumonia and was hospitalized. Her condition worsened and she was transferred to ICU. She was one step away from being placed on a ventilator. I added her healing to the my novena intentions. Within 30 hours of being agressively treated, she was released from ICU, and ultimately recovered enough for some rehab in short order. She is home now, and best of all, she is committed to never smoking again!!! Answered prayers!

  34. During all the Novenas posted kn this site I use to pray for my daughter’s success in her very challenging exam Final Chartered Accounting (CA) with alll your prayers she cleared her exam.
    Thank you Jesus . Praise you Jesus.


  36. I was praying this novena for my sister-in-law & a dear friend who were facing cancer surgery. The week after the novena, both of them had surgery & the surgeries went very
    well. Good news- the cancer did not spread!
    I put them in God’s hand! God loves us!
    Thank you God!

  37. I have been praying for a cure from the pain that I have had in my knees for a long time, and after praying these novenas with you ,my knee pain is so much better now and I know in God’s own time ,He will give me back the strength I once had, I used to be very nervous to get about but now love to do so. God is great!

  38. I finished school back in July 2015 and have been seriously job hunting for local jobs. So far I have had some interviews and testing for a potential job. I’m hoping to soon have a job so that I can buy a car.
    Thank you

  39. I prayed for the intercession of St. Peregrine for my friend who is suffering from breast cancer and last January 22, we met and I was so happy to see her because I could hardly recognize her because she look so energetic and she is so happy to tell me that she is feeling much better already coz the last time I saw her in her house last November, she looked so frail and had difficulty walking. I did not tell her though that I’ ve been praying for her. Praise the Lord for he is truly good and merciful and thank you also to St. Peregrine for her intercessions.

  40. I have offered this Novena for my friend diagnosed with Breast Cancer. I have prayed not only for her but for all those who are suffering from cancer and had surgery and had to do chemotherapy. Through the intercession of St. Peregrine my friend didn’t suffer too much this time during her last session of chemotherapy. Earlier she couldn’t eat nor do any work and was in great pain and wasn’t even able to sleep and was on pain killers. She is doing much better in health and is able to cook and is able to do all routine household chores and care for her children while her husband goes to work. Praise God through the intercession of St Peregrine and our Blessed Mother Mary she is doing much better and is more positive and has increased her faith and trust in prayers and the healing power of God.

  41. God is good , have been praying for a jobless friend but yesterday evening she called telling me she god one and a good position .

  42. My brother Reuben Liner had a PSA number of 115, which indicated cancer. He is undergoing treatment right now. On December 29, his PSA number was 0.11, which is an amazing miracle. Thank you Jesus and St Perigrine and thank you for sharing all these wonderful novenas.

  43. I prayed the novena to St. Peregrine for a friend
    who was diagnosed with breast cancer. When she next visited her doctor and had the appropriate tests completed she was diagnosed as cancer free.
    Thank you God and thank you St. Peregrine for your intercession.

  44. I have been praying with you since 2014 for a job, on January 7, 2016 I received a phone call that I got a job. Thanks

  45. I have been praying for my adult daughter who suffers from chronic migraines and has had them since she was 12 years old. She’s 36 now. She has been so much worse since her divorce and has made some awful decisions in her life since then. After the St. Peregrine Novena, I have seen some changes in her. She is more peaceful, taking less medications, and seems happy for the first time in many, many years. Thank you so much for praying with me, and for sharing these novenas. God bless you always.

  46. A friend has received good news about pain he’s been going through… actually is a pain that is a good sign. Blessings and thank fullness.

  47. God is so Good All The Time!!! I ‘ve been reciting this Novena to St.Peregrine since October, 2015. I’ve been diagnosed of Lymphoma on my neck and 2 lymphnodes on my right chest . Started the treatment last November, 2015 and will be done by February , 2016 a total of 6 sessions Chemo.. Thanks God He is the Best Doctor who Guided my Oncologist all the time. After the Fourth Session of my treatment in which I can share was the worst Stage , I stayed on bed for two weeks without any appetite, nausea , weak n went to the hospital for IV due to dehydration..
    Three days before my Fifth Session I was adviced to do the PETSCAN… and Praise The Lord He Is So GrEAT!!! Last Tuesday, Jan 26 my Oncologist congratulated me for the development!! No more lympnode in my neck (3), other part of my body(1) all are GONE!!! but please I am requesting to continue praying for the remaining lymphnode(1) on my chest close to my port. Thanks God for this Great Gift!!I am now resting on my bed to regain my energy and be ready for my last session
    on February 16 and the Petscan on April 2016 to check if I am Cancer Free … My Faith is With Our God I am Holding in Him and surrender everything unto Him .. He is Our Saviour Our Lord.. AMEN!!!!!

  48. I have been praying for my husband who has a lymphoma. His recent test has shown better news. Thanks and praise to our merciful God!

  49. I asked God for a miracle. I told him I know it may sound impossible but I am claiming that I would be healed from my lifetime disease while praying to St. Peregrine. I asked St. Peregrine and other saints like Padre Pio & St. Jude Thaddeus that I need something that would ease my pain. On the 6th day of my novena, I discovered an all natural medicine and it lessened my pain. I am on my 13th day of medication and my pain has improved a lot. I am not dependent on the painkillers and pills anymore. I am continously praying for healing. I know it was a way God answering my prayer. He sent me a miracle medicine that would help me with my symptoms.

    Thank you God and all the Saints who are continously guiding me and helping me with my disease.


  50. My friend was diagnosed with breast cancer. I prayed St. Peregrine novena especially for her. She found out the left side was clear so she had her mastectomy on the right. When doctors got in, they found NO cancer in lymph nodes under her arm which is making the healing much faster. Thank you, Lord, for answering this prayer through the intercession of St. Peregrine! God bless all of you also. PLL

  51. The intermedulary procedure with follow up radiation treatment is healing my wife’s right femor through prayers and God’s healing hands.

  52. I prayed for a friend who had to undergo a Whipple procedure with a few potential outcomes. Her news was fairly good and she left the hospital earlier than expected! Thank you St Peregrine!

  53. Throughout the St. Peregrine Novena I prayed for a family confronted with many medical issues, especially the father who was awaiting news regarding a biopsy which was feared to be malignant. God answered those prayers with a diagnosis of benign. How thankful and grateful to God for the gift of this wonderful news for this very special family!

  54. Well, I don’t know if I got any actual physical healing, but what I did get was deliverance from the fear occasioned by random pains in the areas of both cancers.

  55. My mammogram last week was normal. I have been cancer free now for 16 years, thanks be to God amd the intercession of St peregrine. Now I am praying for my niece who recently had an abnormal mammogram.

  56. I went to the Dentist 2weeks ago while she was examing my mouth she found something that didn.t look right so she send a piece of my tooth and a sample off my gum. she wasn.t sure why my tooth was eaten through and I was worry it mite be cancerous, As it turn out it was a infectious sist , Iwas also praying the novena with all. My prayers were answer. I always believe in prayers and they sure do come answered.

  57. Thank God for good news when my cousin went to have a procedure done today after doctors saw something a few weeks ago. When she went today nothing was done because they saw nothing and even took photos as proof of what they saw or did not see. Also contact was made with another cousin who is healing from a procedure she had a few months ago that went all wrong. She is now ready and willing to be healed and get better and even wants her older sibling to look after her when she goes home. God is good all the time and looking forward to his continuous favours and blessings in the future. In Jesus’ name, Amen

  58. I am sad to report that the young boyRL , that I asked to pray for healing, passed away on Jan 20th. I believe The Lord have him the Ultimate Healing. I pray for his family . I also wanted to share other answers to prayer from this and other novenas. I didn’t ask for prayers of healing for myself but the Zlord have me an answer to some financial worries. One of the other novenas, my daughter and John talked to Father about a wedding! I pray they continue this path, ESP for the sale of their 3 children. Thank you do much, Lord!!

  59. I prayed for my two older sons. They are more at peace with themselves and focused on the importance of family. God is surely leading them back to Him by His grace and mercy. Thanks to the powerful intercession of St. Peregrine.

  60. My daughter was diagnosed with Anorexia three months ago. For the first time in three months she has started to gain weight. Thank you for sharing the novena to Saint Peregrine. I know God is working to answer our prayers through Saint Peregrine, and the many prayers from friends and family.

  61. My Mother has been having difficulties in her eighth pregnancy. She was having some trouble keeping her blood pressure down and was in the hospital not long ago. Right when I needed it this novena started. I felt so in touch with everyone who was praying it with me and I felt my prayer being answered.
    My Mother is now getting much better everyday. I strongly believe that this novena helped heal her. It not only gave my Mom strength but it gave me strength to go on each day and comfort that she would get better.
    I would like to thank John Paul and Annie for sending out all of these prayers and connecting us all!

  62. On Friday before the novena, I found out my aunt would have surgery to remove a mass. I didn’t think about the novena til it started. On the Wednesday (only two days after praying the novena) she got the results that it was benign!!!! :)))) thank you for this ministry and all your prayers!!!

  63. Dear Jesus
    I pray that my diagnosis about sarcoidosis is all negative and that I won’t need any treatment. I believe in you .you will make it disappear.


  64. I prayed the novena for my niece who has been having complications from cemo and radiation. Today she was facing a 10 hr surgery but by the grace of GOD it only took 3 hrs and not as evasive. We all know it was Gods grace that made this happen. We give him all the glory.

  65. Thank you so much St. Peregrine for your intercession. My prayers for my sister were answered. She’s cancer free!

  66. I prayed for teens and children with cancer I volunteer with along with 2 adult friends with cancer. I also prayed I would recover from injuries from a car accident I was in in April on the day of my moms funeral. After praying the Novena the pain and numbness in my neck and shoulder are barely noticeable, after suffering with moderate to extreme pain and numbness since April.
    I am blessed!

  67. I prayed the novena for my sister-in-law who had her cancer surgery during the novena . She experienced very little pain and her pathology report was negative . Thanks be to God.

  68. I am presently praying to St. Peregrine for a small cancer on my face which the doctor will just watch for now. Plus the dr. removed a large one on my temple which was not cancer. I have been blessing myself with a St. Peregrine relic daily. I am so grateful.

  69. In 2013, my husband was diagnosed with Stage 4 inoperable cancer not responsive to radiation or conventional chemotherapy. Was put on a targeted therapy regime and after 16 mo. On it he was declared in remission and taken off his med. in September. During the St Peregrine Novena, he had another checkup and is still in remission. Thank you St. Peregrine and God for prayers answered.

  70. God is good all the time, and all the time God is good. I prayed for a job during the Novena and on the 7th day I was offered a job. Thank you Jesus.

  71. Our beautiful friend who underwent a double mascectomy does not need further radiation or chemotherapy. Praise God.

  72. On the last day of the novena to St. Peregrine we got very good news about my nieces biopsies they were negative meaning the cancer had not spread. She is still undergoing treatment and we continue to pray every day that God will restore her health.

  73. I started the Novena praying for my son who is seeking an annulment. I added prayers for
    his friend, Becca, who started RCIA to join our Catholic faith. She will be baptized, receive the Eucharist, and be confirmed at the Easter
    Vigil this year! Thank you St Peregrine!

    We are still waiting on the results of the annulment procedure–but know if it is God’s will, it will be granted.

  74. Just saw the cancer doctor. I will be starting chemotherapy next week. I am fortunate to have gotten in prior to needing the most toxic chemotherapy. I am strong and I haven’t lost too much weight yet.

  75. Thank you lord and St. Peregrine!!
    I fell a couple of years ago and have been in pain ever since. My pain is gone almost completely.

  76. I was praying that the cancerous tumor they found in my dad’s bladder would be in very early stages and not spread anywhere; and that it was very curable. We found out on the 9th day of the Novena that it wasn’t even to stage 1, not spread anywhere at all, and easily treatable – he will be fine! Praise God!

  77. My nephew’s Doctor thought his cancer came back but surgery proved it was just inflammation which the treatment was supposed to do. Thank you, St Peregrine!

  78. On the sixth day of praying the St. Peregrine novena, I learned that mother had uterine cancer. The devastating news brought hope when I received the reminder email the next day to continue praying the novena. I also shared the novena with my Protestant mom and it has brought her a lot of comfort. thank you!

  79. I asked prayers for the unborn grandson of one of my friends.
    He had a heart valve that was closing and it was possible that he may die in the womb or shortly after birth. This precious little baby weighed 8’8″ and is 20 ” long. He was born crying and had a stint placed in the valve shortly after birth and on day 3 of his little life he had open heart surgery and has been flourishing every since. He will soon be off oxygen and parents should be able to hold him in their arms the weekend or early next week. Praise be to GOD and to St. Peregrine and all those who prayed the novena.

  80. I was praying with some other family mmemer of a best friend of mine since 7th grade. we are in our late 50s now, and she had a hysterectomy in December and tested positive for uterine cancer. and was schedule for some chemo. all the family praying rosaries and some joined me in praying to St. Peregrine. she had tests done and they came back negative on those particular tests, almost to last day of the Novena . Praise God, but we still need prayer prior to scheduled lymph node surgery in February, for complete healing as well. Thank you GOD, through the intercession of your Saint.

  81. I have been praying these Novenas for some sessions now. I thank God for answered prayers. My daughter feels much better, my neck pain is gone and my husband is reinstated to where he was cruelly withdrawn over a year ago. To God be the glory. I am still believing Him for intervention in my family.

  82. Please everyone pray for the saving grace of our catholic School St. Gabriel School Milford, CT that all the parents, children, parishioners and followers are able to save our school. We have been told by our parish and the Archbishop of Hartford that they are closing our family at the end of the school year. Please pray for the parent to do more than Gods gracious hands to save us all. We will not go down without our living Gid help to save us! Parise be to Gid that the real Godly people of our community can uphold your wishes to keep your teaching alive.

  83. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayer for my family through St. Peregrine. My daughter has found a job though its temp., for now I have great faith that she will be confirmed. Also for calming the mental status of my sister-in-law she is much better and I continue to pray for peace in their home.

  84. My sister-in-law recently had a cancer diagnosis but it appears to be early stage and therapy is very hopeful! Thank you St. Peregrine! Blessed be God in His angels and in His saints!

  85. I prayed this novena for my cousin’s wife. She was diagnosed with leukemia 2 years ago and thought she had beat it. Just before Christmas she started to feel sick and was told the leukemia had returned. She entered to hospital for several weeks of intensive chemo. The doctors told her it wasn’t working and sent her home with hospice. We were all devastated. We live several hours apart now so kept it touch on Facebook. In the past few weeks the pictures she posted look so healthy. Finally her doctor did another blood test and she is in remission. She’s now getting ready for a bone marrow transplant. God is good!!!

  86. I was actually given a sign in the fall from the St Therese novena. I have been praying for my son to receive a particular scholarship and she sent me a rose not to worry. Even though I continued to pray for this intention-I was comforted by St Therese and trusted in God and His will. We just found out he received it on Friday!

  87. I really thank our God and St Peregrine for saving my nephew. He was having episodes of bad spiritual beings threatening to kill him, while riding on a bike they almost stabbed him to death but through prayers and novena to St Peregrine for spiritual healing, he is saved and is no more seeing evil spirits. He is back to school. Praise the Lord with me my brothers and sisters.

  88. I was praying for a friend who is seriously ill with cancer and the prognosis is not good and I was praying for him to have some relief from pain. I heard that at the end of the Novena he was in less pain and it is our belief that the Novena to St. Peregrine has helped him.

    Thank you.

  89. I was recently diagnosed with Invasive Duct Carcinoma, Breast Cancer. Had surgery to remove tumor & tissues. Came back positive for cancer. 2nd surgery done to remove lymph node & more tissue. Came back negative. All cancer was remove. God is good. Said Novena last week to St. Peregrine, so yes prayers are answered.

  90. I thank you with all of my heart for answered prayers.
    My fiancée received news of a very clean CT scan of his lungs, after having a cancerous mass removed last year.
    A co-worker with breast cancer had her mass removed and her lymph nodes came back clean…radiation only.

  91. Just returned from a trip to Sloan Kettering after months of chemo to learn that my husbands cancer is gone. He must remain cancer free for two kyears but for now our prayers have been answered. Amen

  92. Praise to the Lord for answering my prayers. My new born Grandson was born to a mother who had been taking pain medication, unknowing that this may harm the baby. Baby Leo had do endure 21 days of probing morphine tests and it scared his parents and everyone! Through prayers by myself and everyone I knew I am happy to report that a Baby Leo is home and Healthy
    It has been stressful for my son as he did not know, I keep telling him to keep the faith, well it was waivering but our prayers have been answered. Praise to our Lord and Savior

  93. I was praying for Gloria and last week I found out that at her last appointment, doctors COULD NOT FIND HER TUMOR! Wow! All praise be to God!