Answered Prayers from the St. Monica Novena, 2022

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Thank you so much for joining us in praying the St. Monica Novena!

If you’ve had any of your prayers answered throughout this novena, you can share those with us all below.

We’re praying for you every day!

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  1. During the praying of this Novena, I noticed a much more open and willing attitude appear in my son. Thank you Saint Monica for your intercession. Please continue to pray for his wholeness and for the healing of my family.

  2. My daughter is shifting next month and I was concerned as there was no catholic church nearby . I prayed to St. Monica and I was actually shocked when my daughter informed me that there is a catholic church near her place and the name of the church is …. Church of St. MONICA !! ALL PRAISE AND THANKS TO MY SWEET JESUS WHO MADE THIS POSSIBLE .

  3. I and my husband have recently experienced an increase feely of peace.
    Im constantly more grateful everyday.
    I turn my prayer intentions tovothers around me..

  4. Out of the blue, I was contacted by a group wanting to buy a property I wasn’t even aware I could at this stage, which would really help my financial situation. In addition, I was contacted by a public adjuster licensed by our State who inspected our house and is helping us filing insurance claim. Finally, a new business opportunity is evolving toward materializing. Praise God!

  5. Thank God I found a place to stay. Even though I’m going to rent it for 12 months hopefully I will be able to move to my own property when lease expired. Thank you for all your prayers. I’m moving in on the 1st September. Hallelujah!

  6. I was praying for my daughter to come back to church. For three weeks now she’s been going to Mass every Sunday. Thank you, Lord, for a prayer answered.

  7. I’ve been praying this Novena for my 2 sons, as they both start their senior years- one in high school, the other in college.

    The HS son has had a rough 2 years. This week he auditioned to be part of an Improv Group. It will help build his confidence and give him some structure after school. I prayed he would make it and he did. I’m so happy for him. He was so excited to tell me he made it.🙏🏻❤️

  8. We have been praying for our daughter Amy for healing. She no longer has a feeding tube. She is doing great. Today she is at an Acts retreat. Her 3rd attempt. Thank all of you.and our Lord.

  9. My husband had a success survey and his foot and leg is getting better everyday, my grandson got a job and hopefully this will help to have confidence in his self and may fine peace, love and happiness.
    Thankful for my air condition that is still working.

  10. During this novena I was praying for financial aid and on the 7th day, I had multiple sales on my online shop amounting to 3 months worth of living expenses! Thank you Saint Monica and the whole community. All glory be to God. Amen

  11. I’ve been praying for my husbands conversion for 35 years. He had no faith growing up and I think there’s a lot of fear as well as a little pride where he is concerned. Anyway, during this Novena to St. Monica, my husband has talked about “prayer” three times. There is hope!

  12. Archbishop Lucas of Omaha has issued a statement of clarity on the teachings of the Church, as it relates to marriage, gender and transitioning. All Archdiocesan schools must include this in their student and parent handbooks. Bless him for his courage. No word salad, just love. The cafeteria catholics are staggered. I pray they repent and find true Faith. Truly a learning opportunity.

  13. My daughter called and has moved home! She is battered emotionally and spirituality but she is out of the darkness she was living in. Please continue to pray for her healing and returning to the arms of Jesus.

  14. Hi thank you so much for these novenas!

    Shortly before praying the Saint Monica novena I was reconnected with a high school friend. She told me all about what’s happened in her life since I last saw her. Stories about an abusive husband and divorce, the problems she’s having with her teenage daughter, and the new fiancé who’s inspired her to look into the Catholic Church and reconnect with old friends! I’ve been sharing the novena with her and asked her if they were helping yesterday. She said since she’s been praying them she’s been more calm both at home and work. Glory be to God! Who lined her and my life in such away that we would see each other and be a blessing to each other!

  15. Prayer and Faith in Jesus and Mary that our prayer and petitions will be heard and answered. They Will. Believe in the one who can do the Impossible, Amen. My prayers for better Health have been answered, Thank You!

  16. I thank God for this novena of St Monica… My dotas case in school was dismissed… Glory to God…
    Let’s pray for her that the devil that keeps following her to be removed by the spirit of the Holy Ghost… Thanks again St monicah.

  17. Had surgery for cancerous leg sore. Cancer removed by dermatologist on first attempt and I was grateful a second graft not necessary. Now praying (St Peregrine)for open wound too heal properly.

  18. April, I relate to you. I’ve been praying for over a decade for my son to meet someone that will bring him closer to God and to choose a suitable mate. He is now 36 and recently engaged to a wonderful Catholic girl! They do not currently practice the faith; however, she also was activly raised with it. My prayers continue for them to return to their roots and include God in their daily lives. Prayers do get answered!

  19. I prayed for a financial breakthrough and things are starting to look bright. Thank you saint Monica for interceding on our behalf

  20. Dear heavenly father I come to you today to pray for my son Alfonso t he did a boot camp and now they won’t hire him I asked did you find a job for him have any father in the field that he went through school for in the field that he did the boot camp for have any father I asked did you help my grandson overcome some of his anger issues heavenly father I come to you today to pray for my granddaughter she has club feet so I asked did you help her feet get corrected find a doctor to fix it so that she is able to walk how many father I pray to you today to help me pass this crcs exam and stop having so many issues with getting the installation on my computer and laptop and also for me to pass the exam and not have to have any more issues with this exam how many farther come to you today to pray for you to be help me become debt-free stress-free help me get my car repairs complete heavenly father I come to you today to ask you for help to get me a home next year so I can stop paying rent to this rental company how many father I come to you today to help me with my weight loss Journey help me with so many medications I take and help me to get off of those medications and Jesus name I pray amen

  21. Prayers of Thanksgiving for blessings received 🙏❤️🙏
    Prayers for all the Special intentions deep
    with in my heart 🙏❤️🙏
    My cousins: Paula, Tessie, Darlyn, Gloria, and Dick🙏❤️🙏
    Persons with kidney problems, Parkinson’s, Covid, the elderly with health issues🙏❤️🙏
    Mother in law and Father in law🙏❤️🙏
    Persons with diabetes and lung issues🙏❤️🙏
    Persons with prostate cancer and auto immune disease🙏❤️🙏
    For the kingdom and the power and glory are yours dear Heavenly Father and Lord Jesus, Amen 🙏❤️🙏

  22. One of my sins came back to the church and is raising his three children as Catholic. The oldest just received the Eucharist ! Praise God ! I am so thankful !!

  23. My autistic grandson is making incredible strides in speech every day and has been blessed with an amazing aid and a very accommodating Catholic preschool. THANKS BE TO GOD!

  24. Thank you St Monica for answering the prayers of those that prayed this move a with me. I continue to ask for patience as I wait for God to answer my request. I trust that he is already doing so.

  25. I have a great nephew (3 yrs. old) who has been battling with a brain tumor since he was one. He got to ring the bell three times at St. John’s this week. There are miracles everyday.

  26. our youngest child, 17, is smart but struggled last year in school due to the lost learning during remote school and the illogical grading policies that the school implemented to be considered equitable. The year was a disaster for almost all of the students. This week my prayer was answered when he came in after the 2nd day back in school and said “I think this is going to be a good year, Mom. They are trying to go back to being normal.” It felt like St. Monica had directly answered my prayer from earlier that day! Thank you St. Monica and PMNovenas for helping fortify my beliefs. We are blessed and grateful.

  27. We have been praying for mental health for both our daughters (who are in their forties). Both have recently changed doctors who have questioned their diagnosis. Both daughters have changed or added diagnosis and thus medications are beimg changed or tweaked. They are both feeling better and say they can tell a difference in their anxiety and zest for life. Prayers are being answered – not just from this novena, but from those in the past that we have asked for the same.
    Thank you!

  28. Good Morning,
    Yes, with every Novena I pray that the treatment I am taking for my arthritic knees is successful!

    I am so blessed to tell you that I am doing well thanks to the Novena to St Anne and to St Monica.

    I pray daily. I feel so blessed.

    May God bless all of you and may all your prayers be answered.

  29. A little glimmer of hope. I have been praying for both of my kids for a long time. My daughter after me not hearing from her for 3 years has answered a text, be it brief and vague but……
    My son who has been violent and abusive towards me and had left for like 3 months has returned, granted out of necessity but seems to be making an effort. I continue to pray that they look towards God and that their hearts open with love, compassion and repentance.

  30. Thanks be to God! My daughter will go to confession for the first time after many years. She went to Adoration and was moved by the Holy Spirit and wanted confession. God is so awesome. I ask for continued conversion of Rachel and her siblings. Praise be to Jesus!

  31. My 16 year old daughter has been living with brain cancer since March of 2020. This past summer her scans showed an increase of inflammation which doctors believed cancer was growing. She has lost peripheral vision in her left eye and needs assistance walking.
    Prayers are being answered, we as a family believe God will heal Elise. She is get stronger, more alert and speaking better and walking strong without falling.
    We praise God each day for another day to live and serve Him. Thank you to all prayer warriors and for this amazing group ✝️

  32. I have said this novena for my best friend who was diagnosed with Lymphoma stage 4 in March. She took chemotherapy and is in complete remission! Thanks be to God!!!!

  33. Thank you God for everything, I can’t begin to explain all you have done for me and my family. I love you Lord 🙏

  34. I would like to offer a specil prayer of gratitude for John-Paul and nnie who started these online novenas… they have kept many people “alive” and praying during these hard times. God bless you!

  35. St. Monica always come through for me in prayers for my children. Last year it was a job for one son, and this year it is a relationship for another son. Thank you St. Monica!

  36. I became mentally stable, no depressive breakdowns, I was able to nurture my son, both of us are happy. Thanks to God and St Monica!

  37. My husband received great news! Does not need additional treatment for his melanoma. Thank you! I know St. Monica is going to help my son too. Amen

  38. My adult son has lost his way and is in a bad place For 5 months we had no contact at all Did not know if he was dead or alive. On Day 7 of the Novena I found out where he was. Knowing that he is alive has brought me comfort. I continue to thank St Monica and continue to pray to her that my son will change his ways and come back to God

  39. Prayers for my friend, Marti, for relief from pain. Also burial today for 32 yr. old brain cancer victim and his family. Kelly K. who is dying of cancer and her family. Dan, cancer. Jeff and Chandler, relief from illnesses.

  40. Prayed for husband to “return” to active faith life. He had sort of “dropped out”, since Covid started, from attending mass to other faith practices that were customary for him. This week he received an invitation to participate in a new faith project for men at our parish… and he has accepted to start this 12 week program. I see it as a new “spark” relighting the embers of his faith life.

  41. My son who has been estranged and not heeding Jesus, my intention for this Novena to St Monica was for him to be daily connecting with God. Yesterday he texted me, “Spiritus santo jesus christo, mi papa”


  42. My 89 year old father’s severe neck pain is diminished. As a result, he has now joined me in praying novenas! My mother, who died in 2000, is smiling from heaven, as she was devoted to novenas.

  43. Our son was born nearly a year ago at 28 weeks after a struggle with unexplained infertility. After a very rough start and longer than expected NICU stay, he finally came home on oxygen and a NG feeding tube. We have been praying for him to take all his bottles by mouth so we can be done with the feeding tube and not need a g-tube. In April, he stopped all oral intake of his bottles and was 100% dependent on his feeding tube. We started a tube weaning program and were losing hope that the program would work. Finally, 35 days into the wean and 2 days into the St. Monica Novena we started to see a small amount of oral intake! Now, on day 9 we’re seeing large amounts of oral intake and talking about pulling the NG tube!!! We pray our son continues to progress with his oral intake. THANK YOU, ST. MONICA!!!

  44. I’ve been soooo worried and unwell about a new chapter in my life. My youngest is off to kindergarten and with that I am starting a new job that I felt pulled to do but is out of my comfort zone. I’ve been praying and praying about this. Asking for comfort, for God to take my worries. The other day a video popped up on my Instagram and was exactly about this!! He talked about new chapters and how to let God help you. How this is more shaping God is using me for, because if we all felt totally comfortable in our lives, what would we learn!? Anyway, it was EXACTLY what I needed to hear, I felt it was an answer to my worries and my prayers. I sobbed watching the video because in my heart I knew this was the answer to all my praying!

    I’ve loved this journey, it was my first novena with you and look forward to more

  45. Praying our Children would come back to God. Last Friday our Daughter asked for a rosary. I gave her mine immediately. Then she asked for a Bible and I bought her one. Not sure how long or where she will go with this. But I Praise God and thank Him for opening this heart to Him.

  46. I cannot but continue to thank God for His goodness to me. I got my 10 years visa to US after being denied 3 times during the Novena to St. Anthony & St. Monica. I am forever grateful. The efficacy of these Novenas cannot be explained. They are miraculous. Thank you Lord Jesus, thank you Mother Mary & thank you heavenly Saints & Angels of God.

  47. One of my prayers was for my daughter to find a job, she applied for government funding to start a business, she has been shortlisted and will be attending training from 5 – 9 September 2022. I’m thankful and praying she will get through. Thank you St Monica🙏

  48. My intention was for the new treatment for my granddaughter’s depression would work. It is wonderful the glory of hearing her say that she had a good day. Thank you St Monica for small favors that will turn into a big miracle for her and us who love her.

  49. Thank you to everyone for your prayers and a special thank you to St. Monica and all of heaven for being with my daughter at the birth of her second baby. The delivery was many times better than the first and the doctors were more attentive. Mother and child are doing well though the baby is still spitting out phlegm.
    Thank you once again.

  50. My nephew got a job!! He graduated in December and has been interviewing non-stop and got a job offer yesterday!!!
    He was 13 yrs. old when my sister died and I’ve been his right hand person! He had a lot of behavior and boundary issues but he’s worked through all of them and is a great kid- well, always a kid to me, but he’s now 23!!! I am so proud, happy and relieved! Praying for a great next chapter in his life! God is good!

  51. I’m happy to be able to pray for my family in these troubling times, Thks St. Monica n all other novenas that I’ve said.

  52. My daughter has has a couple of miscarriages, I prayed this pregnancy (she has lost the others in the 5th week or so) – she is still pregnant! Thank you for the prayers.

  53. Peace be with you all,
    Have been praying novenas with you since mid 2020 for God to bless me with better paying job & today I testify here that I got my dream job in July this year.Am happy & thankful.
    God bless you all.

    Rich junior-kenya

  54. My flu is better and I’ve been to a holistic nurse that ran tests and found that because of all the flu vaccines and many other vaccines over the years of traveling, I have a bacteria that has affected my serotonin which can lead to lethargy and depression. I’m on a heap of supplements and feeling better. Praise God, Holy Mother Mary and St Monica for their intercession. Now I continue to ask that my son return to Church!

  55. Thank you St. Monica for your fervent prayers for me. I asked you to pray that my family would have safe flights home from the other side of Canada and that none of us would get COVID. So far, everything is great and I have all my children under one roof, and my grandchildren, for the first time in many years. To God be the Glory. Love in Christ, Jean

  56. We were praying for a Doctorate scholarship for our daughter and our prayer has been answered. Thank you very much for your prayers.

  57. My son contacted his father and I to talk and work on rebuilding our family relationship. Thank you all for your prayers!! and St. Monica!!
    This will take time.

  58. My son was incarcerated for almost 2 months, first time ever.. I could not find any money or ways to bond him out. He struggled living the street life and did not want to change. But after almost 2 months in jail, the novena of St Monica and asking God to open the doors with a answered prayer. My son finally came home and so far ready to live right. Thank you dear God for sending my son back home to us..
    St. Monica novena ❤️🙏💪

  59. I have to thank St Monica for some prayers answered!! I went to a group in my church who has given me much hope for the future!! That God loves all human beings!! That Jesus came to save all the people of the world and that we must try to love 💕 them as He loved us!!!

  60. I was faced with an impossible situations and a big threat of losing a doctorate degree because if non payment of school fees.Today on the last day of the novena I secured the money due to St Monica’s intervention and pleading.
    I praise and thank God for your mercy.Amen

  61. I have been specifically praying this novena for my step daughter who disappears for months at a time and battles mental illness. My prayer was she comes back in contact with us and she has! Thank you St. Monica!

  62. Marilyn had a mammogram two weeks ago and was called back because they suspected something was wrong. We prayed for results to come back negative for cancer and the Lord heard our prayers. Praise be to God. Thank you Jesus.

  63. Prayers for my son’s life is on the novena this time but honestly it’s in all of my novena’s :-) he has struggled in his life with many things and is alone. However, he has been talking to a Catholic girl and that is my prayer for him that he will meet the perfect spouse for him. This was a part of my novena and although he is only been talking to her a few days there is hope ❤️🙏 St Monica pray for us!

  64. Thank you PMN, and St. Monica. During this novena to St. Monica, I prayed for healing and renewal ~ my relationships with two of my 4 daughters had disintegrated ~ I was enormous pain. I prayed we could forgive each other and renew our relationship. Progress is being made. I am so happy. Thank you Saint Monica for healing my relationships. Jesus, I Trust in You.

  65. Thank you St. Monica,
    My mother has recently developed low grade uterine cancer that was causing considerable amount of pain and sleepless nights.
    As I began the novena, She had a procedure to remove the cancer. Yesterday her doctor declared her free and clear of cancer, and painful sleepless nights have gone.
    I truly believe in the power of prayer.

  66. Thank you st. Monica.
    I have been praying to get tution in time and I’ve been able to acquire a loan from a SACCO. My exams are two days away but am glad i will have paid.
    Glory back to God 🙏

  67. My child will be able to attend college for the Fall 2022 semester. Pure Financial Miracle!!! The intercession of the Holy Saints showers us with Graces galore. Thanks, praise, glory and honor to Saint Monica, Our Lady, and Heavenly Father.
    GOD WILL PROVIDE!!! Jesus, I trust in you. Jesus, I trust in you, Jesus, I trust in you.

  68. Hi. Jesus has been there for us. It hasn’t been easy but he keeps on sending us financial situations. Just enough to get buy. But he has been there for us. Thank you!!

  69. Thank you St. Monica and Jesus and Mary! My prayers for employment for my spouse and my 20 year old daughter and I have been heard!
    Since starting this novena, my spouse has had two interviews for two different jobs, and has scheduled a second interview for one job, so meaningful employment looks close at hand.
    Also, my daughter has an interview for a job she wants and is very excited about it.
    And for me, I have the opportunity to increase my hours at my part time job. I have also had some positive responses for my search for another part time job.

    I continue to pray for the discernment to the priesthood for the young man M in my parish.

    God is so good!

  70. Thank you St. Monica, for your intercession. I prayed for my daughter’s medical test results and they came back normal. She has other results pending and I have faith that those too will be normal. I place her in God’s hands, always. I also had a prayer answered for my daughter in law. She received a transfer at work which she so desperately desired. I also got good news that my son’s employment issue will soon be resolved and he will be in a better place, financially. I pray that he will take this opportunity and do exceptionally well.
    Thank you St. Monica and thank you Jesus!

  71. I was praying for a financial breakthrough and i got . Thanks you jesus. I am going to continue to pray for more financial breakthroughs. Thank you jesus for answering my prayers. I continue to put my trust in you.To god be the glory.

  72. Thankful for the intercession of St Monica. After a lot of anxiety, I received a positive response for an application that I submitted. Praise be to God for providing.

  73. I prayed the St. Monica prayer and asked for her intercession for a delayed promotion opportunity to be made available before the end of the novena. Three days after it begun, the job offer was posted. I’m so excited, it may not be the offer but I’m trusting and believing in God that his promised will be fulfilled. Amen. Thank you St. Monica

  74. My daughter’s prayers were answered. My family has received many blessings during these novenas. I continue to pray for my children to return to church.

  75. A dear friend’s husband who was facing a malignant diagnosis received a very different one: no malignancies!

    He’s once again at home with family recuperating with a very thankful outlook on life.

  76. Please continue praying that my husband can turn to God. He does not attend mass . We have been married for 48 years and he has gone to mass with me maybe about 3 or 4 times. Pray for him. His name is Noel.

  77. God is so good❣️ Through your prayers and the intercession of St Monica and St Joseph, my grandson found/started a job on Day 2 of this novena. Be persistent in prayer, God will answer. ✝️🙏🏻💜

  78. I have received a profound healing in my marriage and peace and clarity that have been missing for a long time. Thank you St. Monica for your constant intercession! Praise God!

  79. In thanks for aa successful meeting regarding an abuse issue that has existed for over fifty years with a friend of mine.

  80. Through this novena there have many answered prayers and unexpected fruits. I prayed for help in my marriage and that my husband have a ‘conversion of heart’. Keeping it vague because God’s plan is bigger and better than I’ll ever know. I am seeing movement. My husband is very open to our lady. And she is calling him. Thank you saint Monica for your intercession for all
    Of us, but especially for wives and mothers.
    Praise God..

  81. Thank you St Monica for your intercessions. One of my prayers was for my son to find a good home. After over a year of looking and getting out bid, he just received word last night an offer was accepted. God is good and we are so thankful for His blessings.

  82. Thank you most Holy Trinity for prayers answered, and unanswered. Prayers answered that my husband would stop drinking. He once told me that nothing, absolutely nothing, would come between him and his beer. He drank daily and consumed much. Two years ago he abruptly quit and has not drank since. I asked him why he quit and he said that he didn’t know. I know though. ;)
    Prayers unanswered for our home. I wanted a home that was move in ready, no renovations needed and I wanted to live in a certain area. My husband led us to our current home which is nowhere near where we were originally looking, needed a ton of renovations in and out and the yard was a disaster. He was firm that this was our home so I agreed reluctantly (understatement!). Since we’ve moved I have seen so many signs that this is where God wanted me! My prayers have become deeper, my trust in God more profound, and the peace in my heart is so incredible! These are only 2 of the countless blessings in my and my husband’s lives since I’ve started praying. Now I pay attention to what God wants of me and not what I want.

  83. Thank you Jesus, my place of work is experiencing problems at the moment and nobody knows what the future holds. I applied for 2 jobs and have received positive results from them. I pray that I get the one that will give me access to the nhs. I am also praying for financial help and support to pay my tuition fees and all the people I owe 🙏🏽