Answered Prayers from the St. Monica Novena, 2018

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Thank you so much for praying the St. Monica Novena with us!

St. Monica is a great intercessor for prayer requests that you’ve had on your heart for years…

If you have had any of your prayers answered during this novena, please share those with us all below! To God be the glory!

St. Monica, pray for us!

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  1. Answered prayer during the St. Monica prayer. Thank you Lord that I was able to pray with my niece and get things organized. Thank you for another level in trust that your timing is perfect. Amen.

  2. Dear precious Saint Monica, you were so faithful to continue for many years to pray for your family. I thank you for hearing my prayers for my family and friends. Thank you for praying for my grandson, Travis, I know there is an improvement in his actions and for all the people in his life right now. I continue to pray for him to be fully recovered from additions and mental illness. May he turn to God for all his needs and may he give God praise and honor in his healing. And for each person praying this novena that their prayers may be answered through Saint Monica and the Holy Spirit.

  3. I thank the Lord for the vehicle that he just gave us yesterday afternoon I thank thank the Lord from the bottom of our hearts with sencire devotion amen

  4. My granddaughter who I have been praying for has went to the Doctor and been cleared to get pregnant. The Doctor told her it was possible. God is answering our prayers “Thanks be to you or great and merciful God “

  5. Dear St. Monica,
    Thank you for helping my son feel better and look forward to a successful new school year! His healing is our gift and his joy is our salvation. Thank you to the Blessed Mother of God and the Son, the Father and the Holy Spirit…
    Amen Amen

  6. St. Monica please keep praying for my family to return to the Holy Mass and the sacraments. I ask this request in Jesus Name Amen.
    Thank you. Jesus I Trust in You.

  7. Please continue to help my son. Please put good people, places and things in his life. Please bring him closer to God and to a life with contentment and peace.

  8. I had interview for better job – psycho-educational assistance position. I was very well prepared and it went very well. I did not experience stress during the interview despite that 3 day earlier expectations of the interview caused big stress in me. I do not know if I will receive this job but I am great-full for this experience, hope and for help in my spiritual straggles.

  9. I’ve been praying for my husbands faith for several years. He still goes to Sunday Mass with us but doesn’t really live his faith. Our marriage has been struggling as well. Today at church several people, including a nun, were praying over people after Mass. The sister has the gift of healing. Anyway, my went to get prayed over for his frequent headaches. The sister knows our situation and added prayers for our family. I’m grateful to God and St. Monica for this step forward and as I continue to pray I will look forward to God’s blessings in our lives and marriage.

  10. I thank God for adding another year to my life and my daughter ‘s life,I also thank God for not allowing the ranging storm to destroy my life and also for fighting my battles and taking shame away from me.Blessed be God for his goodness in my life.

  11. Thank you St Monica for answering my prayers for my son finding his first ideal job after graduating and continual guidance in his conversion.

  12. My prayers have been for the healing of breast cancer and the next steps of treatment. This past week I saw a new oncologist who was so open, positive and supportive. I had plans fall into place this week for tumor testing in California (I will be staying in St. Monica where my son lives) that is being funded by a grant. The testing is what I had been hoping and praying for as it will help target specific therapy for me with hopefully the least side effects. So grateful for all the prayers.
    I have also been praying through several novenas for the healing and reconciliation of my 43 yr marriage. I have been devastated that he chose to leave during this difficult time with my health. This will take a miracle to heal and I am still praying…he is at least helping me with some of the financial burdens of this. Thank you St Monica for these intercessory prayers and answers that continue to reveal themselves.

  13. I ask you Lord, please reunite my children and grandchildren into my life. I want them too know that I love them all unconditionally. I ask Lord you protect them all, and keep them out of harm’s way. Protect them from all demons and deliver them from temptations. Guide them lord, give them strength to live their life to fullest with you in there hearts.
    Cure them Lord, from the pain that illnesses have brought upon them.
    I ask this through Christ our Lord.

  14. Peace be with you all.
    As i prayed this novena, i continuously asked st Monica that I too will be brought back to the church so i can help bring others back. I must testify i feel a new me in me already and the novena is not done yet. Today on Sunday i was able to go church after I sacrificed going clubbing with my mates last night.
    I thank you all for your prayers and I pray all your prayers be answered as well.


  15. Thank you for your prayers. Since the beginning of this novena
    my daughter has made a commitment to address her alcohol consumption and has had one week of sobriety.
    Thank you all for your continued prayers.
    I’ll be praying for your intentions as well.
    God bless.

  16. I prayed for the strength to not drink alcohol. I prayed for Fod to take my urges away so I can live a productive and Godly life. I have not touched a drop since I started this novena. Thank you for all who prayed for my intention

  17. God kept Hawaii safe as Hurricane Lane approached so close to us. The meteorologists are still perplexed at how it just broke apart so suddenly.

  18. Thanks be to God through the intercession of St Monica God has answered my prayer. My business debts which were due have been rescheduled and I have unexpectedly been given more time to start the payments. I further request her prayers for my business so that I dont default again. I will attend a thsnksgiving Mass today her Feast Day in her honour. God is good, All the time. Amen.

  19. Help me Jesus. Please. I need your love. Esp wrap your arms around me. 101.8. I need your healing touch from,my husband. Let me be a light. For all those. To see u through me. I believe I trust. I beg

  20. Thank you St Monica as you continue to intercede for my so Michael and nephew T for their alcoholic problems and voilence.
    Help us to thank you and God for the many blessings you give us daily in ourr lives.
    Thank you all for your prayers

  21. Thank God through the intersession of St Monica my children who were,unemployed are now employed. Thank you Jesus

  22. Our marriage has been blessed . I am no longer threatened by an inner voice that told me I was to worry about women my husband works with. The demonic chain of feeling inadequate is gone. Our Lord had told me over and over I was fearfully and wonderfully made but I always listened to the wrong voice that caused me and my husband so much pain. Thank you St. Monica.

  23. Being sofa surfing for the last two months after my daughter and I became homeless after fleeing my marital from domestic violence. Three days ago we have been offered temporary shelter all glory to God and intercession of st. Monica

  24. I’ ve been praying that my youngest daughter and boyfriend return to the church. They attended Mass with me this morning. It’s a start!!😙 Thank you St. Monica. I know you are listening!!

  25. Thank you Lord for healing me completely and setting me free into a wonderful new life of great mercy and grace and joy and abundant love and blessings for myself and my family and the world

  26. Thank you Jesus for answering my prayer and make my brother to win the election for a post of councillor that he contest. Thank you st.Monica for interceding for me. I pray that other of my intentions will be granted Amen.

  27. TESTIMONY! TESTIMONY!! God has done a lot in my life, my husband and my marriage. Since I joined this great commission pray more novena, He has been faithful. Our marriage has not been blessed with children and I have been the One worried about it but as God may have it, my husband agreed to visit a fertility specialist to start fully treatment after being found his problem which he wasn’t able to do before. I am believing God to perfect what He has started as we took the bold step in Jesus Name Amen. My brothes and sisters join me to thank God that St Monica’s prayer has done the impossible healing our reproductive systems. Please continue to pray for us aways that when I finally Carry my children, I will testify His wonderful deeds to the world.

  28. I was praying this novena for our son and his wife to have a normal healthy baby and it happened.Thank you St. Monica for interceding.

  29. Hi Everyone,

    Please pray for my son Joseph, so that his job will be safe, and also a legal battle that’s being brought against me, that God will hear our prayers and justice will prevail.

    Thank you and God’s blessings,


  30. I have been praying that my daughter will be able to cope with her anxiety as she starts college…We saw her yesterday and she is doing great…am so thankful!

  31. Thank you for providing this site for people to offer their personal petitions for family and friends to get well. It is a collective effort in prayer and humbleness to present problems in a public manner believing that all things are possible with God. i am humbly asking for my son Ian to have pain relief in his right leg, nerve damage from a bullet wound 2 years ago and to be clean of all substances in order to have a healthy life.
    In Jesus name, Amen.

  32. Prayed for my niece that she would turn to God again and start to rebuild her life. She went to mass for the Assumption with me, got a job, found a place to live, is taking her medication, went to mass on Sunday on her own and went to confession! I’m so proud of her. She is on the right path. I continue to pray that she stays on this path and grows closer to God everyday, because He loves her and only He can fix her.

  33. God answered my prayer. He guided me in every step of the way. I had surgery this past Thursday and he fix my problem. I always say I may not have much material but I sure do have LOVE FROM GOD. I can feel his hand on my shoulder when I need him the most. I tell everyone keep the FAITH. God bless everyone

  34. I’d like prayers for my dad, who is suffering with nerve back pain. He has an appt on Tuesday with neurologist, he has to decide whether to have surgery on his back or not. Prayers are needed for his pain to go away, a clear decision and comfort/peace after making a decision. Thank you for your prayers.

  35. I want to give thanks and glory to God, our Blessed Virgin Mary, and St Monica for the prayers that continue to be answered for our small family business. We needed so much help and guidance and have received so mucb!!!

    Thank you for GOD IS GREAT!!!!

  36. Thank you very much for your novena.
    St Monica thank you very much for your prayers regarding my request. I am praying for long long years for a house. Finally last Friday my offer is accepted. Great news.
    I am also praying for whoever doing this wonderful job, sending this novena to people. Happy wedding anniversary and great God may bless you in your life.
    Thank you again my Lord Jesus Christ through St Monica.

  37. Thank You Lord God Almighty for You have NEVER failed to come to my aid. My eyes are ever constantly on You.
    On You do l patiently wait . In You l trust and hope. On You l depend
    I exalt You. I praise You. I glorify You. Your praises will never cease from my lips. I will testify to the whole world of Your wonderful deed to me. I will strive to do Your Holy will to glorify You. Thank You Lord Jesus for always being by my side. Please bless me, my son Christopher, mother Margaret, Siblings and all my loved ones with good health and longevity. Please permit Your Holy Angels, Archangels and Saints Protect and defend us from the malicious enemies. Wash us in Your Precious Blood and sheild us with Your Holy Ghost Fire. Thank You All Saints and Angels, Blessed St. Monica for coming to my aid. Amen 🙏

  38. When the Novena to St Monica started, we were told that our loved one had to be checked for cancer, her tumor count was four times normal. She had an MRC and biopsy and for the whole week we were on pins and needles. I started praying the novena since day one praying for positive results. We found the results yesterday and were told that the tumor was benign
    Thank you St Monica

  39. My daughter called this week telling me how she has been praying a novena to St Jude and her prayers are being answered. My prayers were answered as I was praying for her to have a better relationship with God and renew her faith. Her attitude is so much better. Thank you st Monica. God bless

  40. Thanking St. Monica for interceding on my son’s behalf as I prayed for his return to the church. I thank St Monica answering my prayers. Amen.

  41. My prayers are answered daily when I’m about to get up and help others. I am thankful for God’s providence in my life and how he shows up daily in different ways to help me stay focused.

  42. Please pray with me for my son’s return to the Catholic faith and for my grandchildren to make their First Communion.

    I am praying for God’s Will to answer your petitions.

    God’s peace be with you.

  43. My daughter finally got a job. Thank you st Monica for praying for her. Taught by the Augustinians so maybe a connection

  44. Our son has been joining us at church the last 3 Sunday’s for the 1st time in 40 years. Thank you, Jesus, for prayers answered. We pray that he will make it permanent by confession. Praise the Lord!

  45. Dear St Monica I thank you for all the prayers and I thank our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for the many prayers answered in the past few months and weeks. I know that without Jesus my by side I would not have been able to go through the many things that I have and I continue to face in my life . Thank you Jesus for always having mercy on me a sinner, for healing me and giving me the strenght when every thing seems impossible. Thank you St Monica, Thank you Jesus please continue to be with me heal me, strength me, protect me and help me find myself and meaning in my life. AMEN

  46. my mom was admitted into the hospital Monday she was not able to speak she was not conscious we thought maybe she was having a stroke or the hospital thought maybe meningitis. She 71 years old has MS and diabetes so the complications of all that made diagnosis very hard. They diagnosed her with west Nile which gave her meningoenchepalitis Last night they decided to put in a feeding tube a less invasive one in through the nose just to give her some nutriment since she had not eating for six days to see if that would help. After the sacrament of healing,many prayers from family and friends and going to adoration this morning especially for her and I’ve been praying this novena with her intentions all week, this morning she pulled out the tube in her nose herself sat up is talking and is able to eat. Thank you God for all the tools you give us in our times of need 🙏🏻

  47. Dear Saint Monica
    Thank you so much for my answerd prayers. I am truly grateful… And also thanking all the people who joined to help and prayed for each and everyone. Amen.

  48. My prayers were answered in my son getting a permanent contract with his work . Thank you for helping him St Monica.

  49. Thank you for answering my prayers. My house was sold and I could immediately feel the stress get better. Thank you God

  50. Although the answers have not happened yet,I know they will in accordance with the will of God. Thank you God. I love you.

  51. I had asked St, Monica to intercede for my granddaughter who has mental health issues, that she would be admitted to a program to help her. When the novena started they were informed there would be an opening in 2-3 weeks. But last Friday they were informed that she could start this Monday. I thank St. Monica for her intercession, Our Lord, Mother Mary, the angels and saints for getting her into the program before she completely spirals out of control. I am most grateful for the community prayers and for this answered prayer.

  52. Thank God for answered prayers. My relationship with my husband improved 2 days after starting the prayers. Thank you lord

  53. I began praying this novena for my 20 year old son who was contemplating dropping out of college. Within 3 days he completely changed his mindset and is back in school. I will continue to pray for him and his studies as well as praying for him to come back to the church.
    St Monica pray for us!

  54. Hi,

    My son wanted to proceed to Holland for pursuing his further education. However, since I do not have a job in hand my concern were how to pay up the fees. Although my wife was working, I still needed some support from somewhere with regard to the fees.

    After these prayers I happen to check with my Mom whether she had extra funds to pay up for my son’s fees and she readily agree to pay up the fees. Thank you st.Monica for the favour granted to me and also to my Mom for her timely assistance to me. My son has flown to Holland today…I. e. 26 September,2018 which was possible only after my prayers to St. MONICA.

  55. In Jesús Almighty name please hear our prayers St.Monica please hear answer our prayers help Luis & Jacob Ayala bring them back with their family Amen..

  56. My daughter returned to the Church today for the first time since she was seventeen years old. She went to confession on Friday and came to mass this morning. St Monica has answered that prayer after many years of praying. Praise Jesus!!

  57. Dear St. Monica,
    I pray for my daughter who has been suffering from anxiety for many years. She has also fallen away from the church and I don’t know she believes in God. She has been looking for a job, but struggles with the thoughts of interviewing. May she find the Lord, peace and healing!

  58. My son has separated from his wife and his beautiful children, has been without a job for months, and has been away from the Church for years. I’ve been praying for him daily for so long but just this week he expressed a desire the go to Confession and he is actually longing for it. A job description popped up on the computer that exactly fits his experience and expertise. He is eagerly applying for it and has a great deal of confidence that he will get this position. The difficulties in the marriage will surely be helped by him getting a good job. I’ll continue my prayers but I want to especially thank St. Monica for the blessings she has already obtained for him. PTL!

  59. Prayers have been that my son would open his heart to Christ. … be less
    defensive and more open also to the love of his family.
    He is becoming much more responsive to us….his parents and his wife. He has also recently welcomed a newborn son.
    Prayers continue with gratitude for this new family.

    Thank you St. Monica for Inspiration..
    and Perseverance in Prayer.

  60. Please prayed for my 10-year-old granddaughter who has a mass in her ankle we are praying that it is not malignant and will be benign and can be taken care of. Thank you so much for all of your prayers. They are needed for my granddaughter

  61. One of my son’s job situations seems to be improving. My other son who I have been praying for is a recovering alcoholic and he is experiencing lack of motivation. I was very worried one night thinking he seemed quite distant and was not doing well. As I came to the part of the novena where I ask to put my needs, worries and anxieties on the mercy and providence of God, as St Monica did, my son called. He seems much better and seems to be handling things well. Both situations with my sons are answers to my prayers! To God is the glory!

  62. Thank you St. Monica for answering my prayers for my sister-in-law woke up from her coma of one week. She is awake, her blood pressure is normal and may be sent to a regular room. On the other request it didn’t happened but it came to an end. It has been resolved the best possible way. Thank you.

  63. I’ve been praying for my son to get a job since he graduated in December. During this novena he has been given a 2nd interview for this Tuesday. I’ve been praying and believing God has a plan for him. St. Monica please offer him strength and wisdom during this next interview.
    St. Monica pray for all of us! 🙏🏻

  64. Thank you St Monica for your intercession concerning my health. All tests have come back clear of cancer. Please continue to pray my sons and family return to the church.

  65. Thank you St Monica thank you Jesus Christ for saving our country ,from the horrible 6.9 earthquake Trinidad &Tobago casualty ‘s or deaths. 🙏🏼🙏🏼

  66. My sister-in-law was suffering from unbearable pain in her legs and feet. I spoke with her yesterday and the pain is now minimal and manageable allowing her to resume her daily activities!!! Thank you St. Monica for the answered prayers

  67. St. Monica thank you for interceding for me. My children are deeply devoted to their faith life. We are all praying for dad’s transformation. We don’t know what our Lord has in store for us, but we Trust that our prayers are being heard and my husband will be the husband God planned him to be. Please St. Monica and St. Augustine continue to pray for my husband our marriage and family.

  68. That God lead and direct the conclusion of my professional career , including sale of my company – so that I and the company can continue to go on to honor and serve the Lord however
    He leads us .

  69. Thank you for letting my blood pressure go down to a normal reading. Please let my blood pressure stay normal.

  70. Thank you Jesus for helping us sell our home and purchase our new home all within hours of each other.
    Thank you for your continued blessings on us.

  71. While praying the St. Monica novena for my son and his job, I learned that he was moved to another location and received a full time position replacing the limited hours he was given for the past year. Thank you, Saint Monica.

  72. Thank you for granting my prayers. Keeping my family safe and my job secure.

    Please continue to bless my family and myself during this time.

  73. AUGUST 23, 2018





  74. After praying for over a year my husband is finally scheduled for a lumbar spinal tap which we are continuing to pray for complete healing so he will be able to walk normally again. Thank you Jesus

  75. Thank you St. Monica for interceding for us. For opening my eyes and heart to know and see better. From lifting me from my trust issues and helping me focus on God than mere human. I was lost in my tracks of satisfying people instead of God. Thank you for helping me get back on God’s track. Thank you for helping me notice my faults and repent. Thank you for interceding for me and all those who prayed these prayers. Amen

  76. I am offering thanksgiving that one of my grandsons was admitted to the parish school. Another will be admitted in January. Please continue praying that our autistic grandson will be placed in a setting that enables him to grow and that he will have friends. Thank you

  77. God has blessed me with 2 interviews this week and I have one for tomorrow. Please keep me in your prayers for God to please bless me with the job he has for, excellent health and knowledge to do a PHENOMENAL job for him, me and my new employer so I can pay off all debts and keep my home if it’s his will. In Jesus name I pray, AMEN!

  78. Thankful for my son’s life. Bad car accident – someone hit him – front and rear. Vehical is not drivable. He got 5 staples in his head and pain, but he is alive.

  79. Many prayers to all. I have received a new job just down the street from my home and I’m truly grateful for all your prayers. I will still be patient in waiting like Saint Monica did for my 3 out of 4 children to make it back to our Catholic church. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

  80. For the last several years I have been attending Mass alone. My prayers have been for my son, daughter and husband to all seek Jesus first and God’s will in their lives. Yesterday my husband told me he wanted to go to Mass with me today. Then this morning my son told me the same thing. Both unbeknownst to the other. Thank you Jesus and Saint Monica, my heart is overflowing.

  81. We were in a weeklong struggle with respect as a married couple and on the day for family he left for work without making thjngs right between us. I gave it to theLord and our mother and on the third day he was back and we talked and dicussed the meaning of the need for families to be respdctful and cateful during this time. I know it was the prayers of this novena that interceedef